# Telephony Service ## Overview Telephony service allows respective clients access to the Handsfree Profile via the oFono package ## Verbs | Name | Description | JSON Response | |---------------------|-------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------| | subscribe | subscribe to telephony events | *Request:* {"value": "callStateChanged"} | | unsubscribe | unsubscribe to telephony events | *Request:* {"value": "callStateChanged"} | | dial | dial respective number | *Request:* {"value": "15035551212"} | | last_dial | dial last dialed number | | | send_tones | send tone through the active call | *Request:* {"value": "1"} | | hangup | hangup an active call or reject incoming call | | | answer | answer incoming call | | | get_battery_level | getting battery level of connected phone device | | | get_network_registration | getting network registration of connected phone device | *Response:* {"Status": "registered","Mode": "auto-only","Name": "Irancell","Strength": 20} | ## Events | Name | Description | JSON Event Data | |---------------------|-----------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------| | callStateChanged | Call status change event | see callStateChanged event | | dialingCall | Outgoing call events | {"colp": "3305551212"} | | incomingCall | Incoming call events | {"clip": "3305551212"} | | terminatedCall | Terminated call event | *empty JSON response* | | online | Connected status of Handsfree Profile | {"connected": true} | | battery | Connected status of Handsfree Profile | {"battery level": 2} | | signal | Connected status of Handsfree Profile | {"signal level": 20} | ### callStateChanged Event This event has one field called *parameter* with one of the following states (see **doc/voicecall-api.txt** in oFono for further reference): | Name | Description | |----------------|-----------------------------------| | active | Call is active | | held | Call is on hold | | dialing | Call is being dialed | | alerting | Remote party is being alerted | | incoming | Incoming call in progress | | waiting | Call is waiting | | disconnected | Call is disconnected |