/* * Copyright 2019 Microchip Technology Inc. and its subsidiaries * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define _GNU_SOURCE #ifndef AFB_BINDING_VERSION # define AFB_BINDING_VERSION 3 #endif #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <wrap-json.h> #include <afb/afb-binding.h> #include "wrap-unicens.h" #include "slimamp.h" #include "amplifier.h" #include "microphone.h" /* callback at load of the binding */ static int preinit(afb_api_t api) { AFB_API_NOTICE(afbBindingRoot, "UNICENS-CONTROLLER: PREINIT"); return 0; } /* callback for starting the service */ static int init(afb_api_t api) { AFB_API_NOTICE(afbBindingRoot, "UNICENS-CONTROLLER: INIT"); wrap_ucs_init(api); wrap_ucs_subscribe_sync(); wrap_ucs_subscriberx_sync(); return 0; } static void on_availability_cb(uint16_t node, bool available) { amplifier_availablility_changed(node, available); slimamp_availablility_changed(node, available); microphone_availablility_changed(node, available); } static void on_message_rx_cb(uint16_t node, uint16_t msg_id, uint16_t data_sz, uint8_t *data_ptr) { microphone_message_received(node, msg_id, data_sz, data_ptr); } /* callback for handling events */ static void onevent(afb_api_t api, const char *event, struct json_object *object) { AFB_API_NOTICE(afbBindingRoot, "UNICENS-CONTROLLER: Event: %s object: %s", event, json_object_get_string(object)); wrap_ucs_interpret_event(event, object, &on_availability_cb); wrap_ucs_interpretrx_event(event, object, &on_message_rx_cb); } static void ping(afb_req_t request) { AFB_API_NOTICE(afbBindingRoot, "UNICENS-CONTROLLER: Ping successful"); afb_req_success(request, 0, NULL); } static const afb_verb_t verbs[] = { {.verb = "ping", .session = AFB_SESSION_NONE, .callback = ping, .auth = NULL}, {.verb = "slimamp_master_volume_set", .session = AFB_SESSION_NONE, .callback = slimamp_master_vol_set_api, .auth = NULL}, {.verb = "amplifier_master_volume_set", .session = AFB_SESSION_NONE, .callback = amplifier_master_vol_set_api, .auth = NULL}, {.verb = "microphone_mode_set", .session = AFB_SESSION_NONE, .callback = microphone_mode_set_api, .auth = NULL}, {.verb = "microphone_doa_get", .session = AFB_SESSION_NONE, .callback = microphone_doa_get_api, .auth = NULL}, {.verb = "microphone_doa_set", .session = AFB_SESSION_NONE, .callback = microphone_led_dir_set_api, .auth = NULL}, {.verb = "microphone_static_color_set", .session = AFB_SESSION_NONE, .callback = microphone_static_ledcolor_set_api, .auth = NULL}, {.verb = "microphone_is_available", .session = AFB_SESSION_NONE, .callback = microphone_is_available_api, .auth = NULL}, {NULL} }; const afb_binding_t afbBindingExport = { .api = "unicens-controller", .specification = NULL, .verbs = verbs, .preinit = preinit, .init = init, .onevent = onevent, .userdata = NULL, .provide_class = NULL, .require_class = NULL, .require_api = NULL, .noconcurrency = 0 };