static const char _afb_description_UNICENS[] =
	"s://{host}:{port}/api/monitor\",\"description\":\"Unicens2 API.\",\""
	"c response.\",\"type\":\"object\",\"required\":[\"jtype\",\"request\""
	"onses\":{\"200\":{\"description\":\"A complex object array response\""
	"ion\":\"List Config Files\",\"get\":{\"x-permissions\":{\"$ref\":\"#"
	"0\"}}}},\"/initialise\":{\"description\":\"configure Unicens2 lib fr"
	"om NetworkConfig.XML.\",\"get\":{\"x-permissions\":{\"$ref\":\"#/com"
	"}}},\"/subscribe\":{\"description\":\"Subscribe to network events.\""
	"200\"}}}},\"/subscriberx\":{\"description\":\"Subscribe to Rx contro"
	"l message events.\",\"get\":{\"x-permissions\":{\"$ref\":\"#/compone"
	" I2C command to remote node.\",\"get\":{\"x-permissions\":{\"$ref\":"
	"s a control message to a node.\",\"get\":{\"x-permissions\":{\"$ref\""

static const struct afb_auth _afb_auths_UNICENS[] = {
	{ .type = afb_auth_Permission, .text = "urn:AGL:permission:UNICENS:public:initialise" },
	{ .type = afb_auth_Permission, .text = "urn:AGL:permission:UNICENS:public:monitor" },
	{ .type = afb_auth_Permission, .text = "urn:AGL:permission:UNICENS:public:controller" }

void ucs2_listconfig(afb_req_t req);
void ucs2_initialise(afb_req_t req);
void ucs2_subscribe(afb_req_t req);
void ucs2_subscriberx(afb_req_t req);
void ucs2_writei2c(afb_req_t req);
void ucs2_sendmessage(afb_req_t req);

static const struct afb_verb_v3 _afb_verbs_UNICENS[] = {
        .verb = "listconfig",
        .callback = ucs2_listconfig,
        .auth = &_afb_auths_UNICENS[0],
        .info = "List Config Files",
        .vcbdata = NULL,
        .session = AFB_SESSION_NONE,
        .glob = 0
        .verb = "initialise",
        .callback = ucs2_initialise,
        .auth = &_afb_auths_UNICENS[0],
        .info = "configure Unicens2 lib from NetworkConfig.XML.",
        .vcbdata = NULL,
        .session = AFB_SESSION_NONE,
        .glob = 0
        .verb = "subscribe",
        .callback = ucs2_subscribe,
        .auth = &_afb_auths_UNICENS[1],
        .info = "Subscribe to network events.",
        .vcbdata = NULL,
        .session = AFB_SESSION_NONE,
        .glob = 0
        .verb = "subscriberx",
        .callback = ucs2_subscriberx,
        .auth = &_afb_auths_UNICENS[1],
        .info = "Subscribe to Rx control message events.",
        .vcbdata = NULL,
        .session = AFB_SESSION_NONE,
        .glob = 0
        .verb = "writei2c",
        .callback = ucs2_writei2c,
        .auth = &_afb_auths_UNICENS[1],
        .info = "Writes I2C command to remote node.",
        .vcbdata = NULL,
        .session = AFB_SESSION_NONE,
        .glob = 0
        .verb = "sendmessage",
        .callback = ucs2_sendmessage,
        .auth = &_afb_auths_UNICENS[2],
        .info = "Transmits a control message to a node.",
        .vcbdata = NULL,
        .session = AFB_SESSION_NONE,
        .glob = 0
        .verb = NULL,
        .callback = NULL,
        .auth = NULL,
        .info = NULL,
        .vcbdata = NULL,
        .session = 0,
        .glob = 0

int ucs2_initbinding(afb_api_t api);

const struct afb_binding_v3 afbBindingV3 = {
    .api = "UNICENS",
    .specification = _afb_description_UNICENS,
    .info = "",
    .verbs = _afb_verbs_UNICENS,
    .preinit = NULL,
    .init = ucs2_initbinding,
    .onevent = NULL,
    .userdata = NULL,
    .provide_class = NULL,
    .require_class = NULL,
    .require_api = NULL,
    .noconcurrency = 0