UNICENS V2.1.0-3491
User Manual and API Reference
Command Interpreter


The Command Interpreter provides structures and functions for parsing incoming messages.


  • allows dynamic adding and removing of MessageId Table
  • calls the belonging handler function

The application provides a MessageId Table which contains all supported MessageIds together with their belonging handler functions. The MessageId Table is an array of Ucs_Cmd_MsgId_t elements. Each element contains a MessageId (0x0000 .. 0xFFFE) and a pointer to the belonging handler function. The table ends with the termination entry {UCS_CMD_MSGID_TERMINATION, NULL}.


The application announces the MessageId Table with the function Ucs_Cmd_AddMsgIdTable(). The connection to the MessageId Table can be removed with the function Ucs_Cmd_RemoveMsgIdTable().

A received message is given to Ucs_Cmd_DecodeMsg(). This function retrieves the MessageId from the message and calls the belonging handler function. The handler function can return three values:

Value Description
UCS_CMD_RET_SUCCESS The handler function succeeded.
UCS_CMD_RET_ERR_TX_BUSY The handler function could not send an answer because no free Tx Buffer was available.
UCS_CMD_RET_ERR_APPL An error happened in handler function.


The following code example shows how the Command Interpreter API function can be used:

Ucs_Cmd_MsgId_t App_MsgIdTable[] =
{ 0x1234U, App_Handler_1234},
{ 0x1238U, App_Handler_1238},
void main(uint8_t argc, char *argv[])
Ucs_Cmd_AddMsgIdTable(ucs_inst_ptr, &App_MsgIdTable[0]);
Ucs_AmsRx_Msg_t *msg_rx_ptr = Ucs_AmsRx_PeekMsg(ucs_inst_ptr);
if (msg_rx_ptr != NULL)
cmd_ret = Ucs_Cmd_DecodeMsg(ucs_inst_ptr, msg_rx_ptr);
if (cmd_ret == UCS_CMD_RET_SUCCESS)
/* appropriate error handling */
Ucs_Cmd_Return_t App_Handler_1234(Ucs_AmsRx_Msg_t *msg_rx_ptr, void *user_ptr)
uint16_t cnt;
/* print source address */
(void)printf("App_Handler_1234() called from 0x%04X.\n", msg_rx_ptr->source_address);
/* print payload */
(void)printf(" Payload: ");
for (cnt = 0U; cnt < msg_rx_ptr->data_size; cnt++)
(void)printf("%02X ", msg_rx_ptr->data_ptr[cnt]);
Ucs_Cmd_Return_t App_Handler_1238(Ucs_AmsRx_Msg_t *msg_rx_ptr, void *user_ptr)
uint16_t cnt;
/* print source address */
(void)printf("App_Handler_1238() called from 0x%04X.\n", msg_rx_ptr->source_address);
/* print payload */
(void)printf(" Payload: ");
for (cnt = 0U; cnt < msg_rx_ptr->data_size; cnt++)
(void)printf("%02X ", msg_rx_ptr->data_ptr[cnt]);