UNICENS V2.1.0-3491
User Manual and API Reference
Ucs_AmsTx_Msg_t* Ucs_AmsTx_AllocMsg ( Ucs_Inst_t self,
uint16_t  data_size 

Allocates an application message object for transmission.

This function retrieves a Tx message object with a payload buffer of the given size. The application must take care that Ucs_AmsTx_Msg_t::data_size of the resulting message object does not exceed the amount of provided payload.
The application is also allowed to provide own payload to the message object. In this case the application is allowed to call this function and pass data_size "0". The application can set Ucs_AmsTx_Msg_t::data_ptr and Ucs_AmsTx_Msg_t::data_size of the returned message object to the application provided payload.

selfThe instance
data_sizeRequired payload size which needs to be allocated. Valid values: 0..65535.
The allocated Tx message object or NULL if no Tx message object is available. If the function returns NULL the application can use ams.tx.message_freed_fptr as trigger to request a message object again.
The application may also allocate a certain number of message objects without transmitting in one go. In this case the message object is handed over to the application which is now responsible to transmit or free the object. When UNICENS terminates it is possible that user allocated memory is still dedicated to such a message buffer. In this case the application must do the following steps for every retained Tx message object:
  • Free application provided payload
  • Call Ucs_AmsTx_FreeUnusedMsg() to release the message to UNICENS
  • Guarantee to access the Tx message object never again
After performing these steps the application is allowed to call Ucs_Init() again.