/*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* UNICENS V2.1.0-3491 */ /* Copyright (c) 2017 Microchip Technology Germany II GmbH & Co. KG. */ /* */ /* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify */ /* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */ /* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or */ /* (at your option) any later version. */ /* */ /* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */ /* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */ /* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the */ /* GNU General Public License for more details. */ /* */ /* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */ /* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ /* */ /* You may also obtain this software under a propriety license from Microchip. */ /* Please contact Microchip for further information. */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! * \file * \brief Internal header file of the MNS Factory. * * \cond UCS_INTERNAL_DOC * \addtogroup G_FAC * @{ */ #ifndef UCS_FAC_H #define UCS_FAC_H /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Includes */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "ucs_net.h" #include "ucs_base.h" #include "ucs_inic.h" #include "ucs_ret_pb.h" #include "ucs_rsm.h" #include "ucs_xrm.h" #include "ucs_i2c.h" #include "ucs_gpio.h" #include "ucs_nsm.h" #include "ucs_xrmpool.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Definitions */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! \def FAC_NUM_DEVICES * \brief Defines the number of remote devices. * \details The number of remote devices required by the application for remote jobs. The * default value is 0 in MNS configuration file ucs_cfg.h. The user can adjust this * value by defining the macro \ref UCS_NUM_REMOTE_DEVICES. Valid values are in * the range from 0 to 63. * \ingroup G_FAC */ #define FAC_NUM_DEVICES ((uint8_t)UCS_NUM_REMOTE_DEVICES + 1U) /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Enumerations */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! \brief Factory Instances type. */ typedef enum Fac_Inst_ { FAC_INST_INIC, /*!< \brief Corresponds to the INIC Instance type */ FAC_INST_RSM, /*!< \brief Corresponds to the RSM Instance type */ FAC_INST_XRM, /*!< \brief Corresponds to the XRM Instance type */ FAC_INST_GPIO, /*!< \brief Corresponds to the GPIO Instance type */ FAC_INST_I2C, /*!< \brief Corresponds to the I2C Instance type */ FAC_INST_NSM /*!< \brief Corresponds to the NSM Instance type */ } Fac_Inst_t; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Type definitions */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! \brief Callback signature used by the foreach-function of the factory class. * \param inst_type The instance type to be looked for. * \param inst_ptr Reference to the current instance. * \param ud_ptr Reference to the user data * \return true: Stop the for-each-loop * \return false: Continue the for-each-loop */ typedef bool (*Fac_ForeachFunc_t)(Fac_Inst_t inst_type, void *inst_ptr, void *ud_ptr); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Structures */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! \brief Stores data required by the Factory during initialization. */ typedef struct Fac_InitData_ { CBase *base_ptr; /*!< \brief Reference to base instance */ CNetworkManagement *net_ptr; /*!< \brief Reference to Network instance */ CXrmPool * xrmp_ptr; /*!< \brief Reference to the XRM Pool instance */ CTransceiver * icm_transceiver; /*!< \brief Reference to ICM transceiver */ CTransceiver * rcm_transceiver; /*!< \brief Reference to MCM transceiver */ } Fac_InitData_t; /*! \brief Class structure of the MNS Factory. */ typedef struct CFactory_ { /*! \brief FBlock INIC list */ CInic fbi_list[FAC_NUM_DEVICES]; /*! \brief XRM list */ CExtendedResourceManager xrm_list[FAC_NUM_DEVICES]; /*! \brief RSM list */ CRemoteSyncManagement rsm_list[FAC_NUM_DEVICES]; /*! \brief GPIO list */ CGpio gpio_list[FAC_NUM_DEVICES]; /*! \brief I2C list */ CI2c i2c_list[FAC_NUM_DEVICES]; /*! \brief Node Scripting list */ CNodeScriptManagement nsm_list[FAC_NUM_DEVICES]; /*! \brief Reference to a base instance */ CBase *base_ptr; /*! \brief Reference to a network instance */ CNetworkManagement *net_ptr; /*!< \brief Reference to the XRM Pool instance */ CXrmPool * xrmp_ptr; /*! \brief The ICM transceiver */ CTransceiver * icm_transceiver; /*! \brief The RCM transceiver */ CTransceiver * rcm_transceiver; } CFactory; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Prototypes of class CFactory */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ extern void Fac_Ctor(CFactory * self, Fac_InitData_t * init_ptr); extern CExtendedResourceManager * Fac_GetXrm(CFactory * self, uint16_t address, Ucs_Xrm_ResourceDebugCb_t res_debugging_fptr, Ucs_Xrm_CheckUnmuteCb_t check_unmute_fptr); extern CExtendedResourceManager * Fac_GetXrmByJobList(CFactory * self, UCS_XRM_CONST Ucs_Xrm_ResObject_t *resource_object_list[]); extern CExtendedResourceManager * Fac_GetXrmLegacy(CFactory * self, uint16_t address, Ucs_Xrm_CheckUnmuteCb_t check_unmute_fptr); extern CInic * Fac_GetInic(CFactory * self, uint16_t address); extern CInic * Fac_FindInic(CFactory * self, uint16_t address); extern CNodeScriptManagement * Fac_GetNsm(CFactory * self, uint16_t address); extern CNodeScriptManagement * Fac_FindNsm(CFactory * self, uint16_t address); extern CRemoteSyncManagement * Fac_GetRsm(CFactory * self, uint16_t address); extern CRemoteSyncManagement * Fac_FindRsm(CFactory * self, uint16_t address); extern CGpio * Fac_GetGpio(CFactory * self, uint16_t address, Ucs_Gpio_TriggerEventResultCb_t trigger_event_status_fptr); extern CI2c * Fac_GetI2c(CFactory * self, uint16_t address, Ucs_I2c_IntEventReportCb_t i2c_interrupt_report_fptr); extern void Fac_Foreach(CFactory * self, Fac_Inst_t inst_type, Fac_ForeachFunc_t func_ptr, void *user_data_ptr); #ifdef __cplusplus } /* extern "C" */ #endif #endif /* #ifndef UCS_RSM_H */ /*! * @} * \endcond */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* End of file */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/