/*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* UNICENS V2.1.0-3491 */ /* Copyright (c) 2017 Microchip Technology Germany II GmbH & Co. KG. */ /* */ /* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify */ /* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */ /* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or */ /* (at your option) any later version. */ /* */ /* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */ /* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */ /* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the */ /* GNU General Public License for more details. */ /* */ /* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */ /* along with this program. If not, see . */ /* */ /* You may also obtain this software under a propriety license from Microchip. */ /* Please contact Microchip for further information. */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! * \file * \brief Internal header file of the Remote Sync Manager. * * \cond UCS_INTERNAL_DOC * \addtogroup G_RSM * @{ */ #ifndef UCS_RSM_H #define UCS_RSM_H /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Includes */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "ucs_net.h" #include "ucs_base.h" #include "ucs_inic.h" #include "ucs_ret_pb.h" #include "ucs_obs.h" #include "ucs_rsm_pv.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Enumerations */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! \brief RSM internal state transitions */ typedef enum Rsm_StateTransition_ { RSM_ST_IDLE, /*!< \brief Transition to "Idle" state */ RSM_ST_SYNC_REQ, /*!< \brief Transition to "Sync Request" state */ RSM_ST_NTF_REQ, /*!< \brief Transition to "Notification Request" state */ RSM_ST_NTF_CLEAR, /*!< \brief Transition to "Notification Clear" state */ RSM_ST_NTF_ALL, /*!< \brief Transition to "All Notification" state */ RSM_ST_NTF_GPIO, /*!< \brief Transition to "Gpio Notification" state */ RSM_ST_SYNC_SUCC, /*!< \brief Transition to "Sync Success" state */ RSM_ST_SYNC_ERR /*!< \brief Transition to "Sync Error" state */ } Rsm_StateTransition_t; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Structures */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! \brief Stores data required by RSM during initialization. */ typedef struct Rsm_InitData_ { CBase *base_ptr; /*!< \brief Reference to base instance */ CInic *inic_ptr; /*!< \brief Reference to INIC instance */ CNetworkManagement *net_ptr; /*!< \brief Reference to Network instance */ } Rsm_InitData_t; /*! \brief Stores information required for a RSM device. */ typedef struct Rsm_DeviceInfos_ { /*! \brief State of the device */ Rsm_DevSyncState_t sync_state; /*! \brief next state transition */ Rsm_StateTransition_t next_st; /*! \brief stores the current result */ Rsm_Result_t curr_result; /*! \brief stores the current user data that'll be passes to curr_res_cb_fptr */ void * curr_user_data; /*! \brief current result callback function ptr */ Rsm_ResultCb_t curr_res_cb_fptr; } Rsm_DeviceInfos_t; /*! \brief Stores parameter used for signaling RSM event. */ typedef struct Rsm_EventParam_ { /*! \brief own current device address */ uint16_t own_device_address; /*! \brief max node position */ uint8_t max_node_pos; /*! \brief Result observer used for sockets, ports and connections */ CSingleObserver stdresult_observer; /*! \brief Observer used to monitor ICM or MCM Tx Message objects availability */ CObserver txavailability_observer; /*! \brief Observer used to monitor MNS initialization result */ CMaskedObserver ucsinit_observer; /*! \brief Observe MOST Network status in Net module */ CMaskedObserver nwstatus_observer; /*! \brief Own subject to notify the SyncLost event */ CSubject subject; } Rsm_EventParam_t; /*! \brief Class structure of the Remote Sync Management. */ typedef struct CRemoteSyncManagement_ { /*! \brief Reference to an INIC instance */ CInic *inic_ptr; /*! \brief Reference to a base instance */ CBase *base_ptr; /*! \brief Reference to a network instance */ CNetworkManagement *net_ptr; /*! \brief RSM DeviceInfos list */ Rsm_DeviceInfos_t dev_infos; /*! \brief stores the last synclost cause */ Rsm_SyncLostCause_t last_synclost_cause; /*! \brief Parameter object for the RSM Event */ Rsm_EventParam_t event_param; /*! \brief Service instance for the scheduler */ CService rsm_srv; } CRemoteSyncManagement; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Prototypes of class CRemoteSyncManagement */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ extern void Rsm_Ctor(CRemoteSyncManagement * self, Rsm_InitData_t * init_ptr); extern void Rsm_AddObserver(CRemoteSyncManagement * self, CObserver * obs); extern void Rsm_DelObserver(CRemoteSyncManagement * self, CObserver * obs_ptr); extern Ucs_Return_t Rsm_SyncDev(CRemoteSyncManagement * self, void* user_data, Rsm_ResultCb_t sync_complete_fptr); extern Rsm_DevSyncState_t Rsm_GetDevState(CRemoteSyncManagement * self); extern void Rsm_ReportSyncLost (CRemoteSyncManagement * self); #ifdef __cplusplus } /* extern "C" */ #endif #endif /* #ifndef UCS_RSM_H */ /*! * @} * \endcond */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* End of file */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/