/* UNICENS V2.1.0-3491                                                                            */
/* Copyright (c) 2017 Microchip Technology Germany II GmbH & Co. KG.                              */
/*                                                                                                */
/* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify                           */
/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by                           */
/* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or                              */
/* (at your option) any later version.                                                            */
/*                                                                                                */
/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                                */
/* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of                                 */
/* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the                                  */
/* GNU General Public License for more details.                                                   */
/*                                                                                                */
/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License                              */
/* along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.                          */
/*                                                                                                */
/* You may also obtain this software under a propriety license from Microchip.                    */
/* Please contact Microchip for further information.                                              */

 * \file
 * \brief Implementation of class message
 * \addtogroup  G_MESSAGE
 * @{

/* Includes                                                                                       */
#include "ucs_message.h"
#include "ucs_misc.h"

/* Internal constants                                                                             */

/* Implementation                                                                                 */
/*! \brief  Constructor of common MOST message class
 *  \param      self      The instance
void Msg_Ctor(CMessage *self)
    MISC_MEM_SET(self, 0, sizeof(*self));

    Dln_Ctor(&self->node, self);

    self->rsvd_memory.allocator_ptr = NULL;
    self->rsvd_memory.mem_info_ptr  = NULL;
    self->rsvd_memory.public_buffer.next_buffer_ptr = NULL;
    self->rsvd_memory.public_buffer.data_ptr = &self->rsvd_buffer[0];
    self->rsvd_memory.public_buffer.data_size  = MSG_SIZE_RSVD_BUFFER;
    self->rsvd_memory.public_buffer.total_size = MSG_SIZE_RSVD_BUFFER;

    self->start_ptr                = &self->rsvd_buffer[0];
    self->pb_msg.tel.tel_data_ptr  = &self->rsvd_buffer[0];
/*  self->pb_msg.tel.tel_id        = 0U;
    self->pb_msg.tel.tel_cnt       = 0U;
    self->pb_msg.tel.tel_len       = 0U; */

    self->pb_msg.opts.llrbc     = MSG_LLRBC_DEFAULT;

/*  self->header_rsvd_sz           = 0U;
    self->header_curr_idx          = 0U;
    self->header_curr_sz           = 0U;
    self->ref_ptr                  = NULL; */

/*! \brief      Prepares the message for re-usage 
 *  \details    In future this function has to take care that external memory
 *              has to be reinitialize properly.
 *  \param      self    The instance
void Msg_Cleanup(CMessage *self)
    void *handle = self->lld_handle_ptr;       /* restore associated LLD message object */
    void *pool_ptr = self->pool_ptr;           /* restore associated pool reference */

    Msg_Ctor(self);                            /* simply call constructor now */

    self->lld_handle_ptr = handle;
    self->pool_ptr = pool_ptr;

/*! \brief      Adds external message payload to the message
 *  \details    The internally reserved message payload is no longer in in use.
 *  \param      self            The instance
 *  \param      payload_ptr     Pointer to externally allocated payload
 *  \param      payload_sz      Size of externally allocated payload
 *  \param      mem_info_ptr    Reference to additional memory information
void Msg_SetExtPayload(CMessage *self, uint8_t *payload_ptr, uint8_t payload_sz, void* mem_info_ptr)
    self->pb_msg.tel.tel_data_ptr = payload_ptr;
    self->pb_msg.tel.tel_len = payload_sz;

    self->ext_memory.allocator_ptr = NULL;
    self->ext_memory.mem_info_ptr  = mem_info_ptr;
    self->ext_memory.public_buffer.data_ptr = payload_ptr;
    self->ext_memory.public_buffer.data_size  = payload_sz;
    self->ext_memory.public_buffer.total_size = payload_sz;
    self->ext_memory.public_buffer.next_buffer_ptr = NULL;

/*! \brief      Initially defines a header space in front of the data body
 *  \details    Ensure that \c start_ptr is assigned correctly before calling 
 *              this functions.
 *  \param      self        The instance
 *  \param      header_sz   Size of the header
void Msg_ReserveHeader(CMessage *self, uint8_t header_sz)
 /* self->start_ptr stays */
    self->header_rsvd_sz  = header_sz;
    self->header_curr_idx = header_sz;
    self->header_curr_sz  = 0U;

    self->pb_msg.tel.tel_data_ptr = &self->start_ptr[header_sz];

/*! \brief      Adds a defined header space in front of the current header
 *  \param      self        The instance
 *  \param      header_sz   Size of the header
void Msg_PullHeader(CMessage *self, uint8_t header_sz)
/*  UCS_ASSERT(header_sz <= self->curr_header_sz); */

/*  self->pb_msg.tel.tel_data_ptr  = &self->rsvd_buffer[MSG_SIZE_RSVD_HEADER];*/
    self->header_curr_idx -= header_sz;
    self->header_curr_sz  += header_sz;

/*! \brief      Undoes a message header of a defined size
 *  \param      self        The instance
 *  \param      header_sz   Size of the header
void Msg_PushHeader(CMessage *self, uint8_t header_sz)
    self->header_curr_idx += header_sz;
    self->header_curr_sz  -= header_sz;

/* Class Properties (get/set)                                                                     */
/*! \brief  Retrieves the reference to the containing MOST Telegrams structure 
 *  \param  self    The instance
 *  \return Pointer to the internal MOST Telegram structure
Msg_MostTel_t* Msg_GetMostTel(CMessage *self)
    return &self->pb_msg;

/*! \brief  Retrieves the start of the current message header
 *  \param  self    The instance
 *  \return Pointer to the current header start 
uint8_t* Msg_GetHeader(CMessage *self)
    return &(self->rsvd_buffer[self->header_curr_idx]);

/*! \brief  Retrieves the size of the current message header
 *  \param  self    The instance
 *  \return Size of the current header in bytes 
uint8_t Msg_GetHeaderSize(CMessage * self)
    return (self->header_curr_sz);

/*! \brief  Retrieves the message buffer as memory structure
 *  \param  self    The instance
 *  \return Reference to the message memory structure
Ucs_Mem_Buffer_t* Msg_GetMemTx(CMessage *self)
    self->rsvd_memory.public_buffer.data_ptr = &(self->rsvd_buffer[self->header_curr_idx]);

    if (self->ext_memory.public_buffer.data_size == 0U)
        self->rsvd_memory.public_buffer.next_buffer_ptr = NULL;
        self->rsvd_memory.public_buffer.data_size = (uint16_t)self->header_curr_sz + (uint16_t)self->pb_msg.tel.tel_len;
        self->rsvd_memory.public_buffer.total_size = (uint16_t)self->header_curr_sz + (uint16_t)self->pb_msg.tel.tel_len;
        self->rsvd_memory.public_buffer.next_buffer_ptr = &self->ext_memory.public_buffer;
        self->rsvd_memory.public_buffer.data_size = (uint16_t)self->header_curr_sz;             /* only header is enclosed */
        self->rsvd_memory.public_buffer.total_size = self->rsvd_memory.public_buffer.data_size 
                                                    + self->ext_memory.public_buffer.data_size;

    return &self->rsvd_memory.public_buffer;

/*! \brief  Assigns a message status handler which is called as soon as the message is processed
 *  \param  self            The instance
 *  \param  callback_fptr   Reference to the status callback function
 *  \param  inst_ptr        The instance which implements the status callback
void Msg_SetTxStatusHandler(CMessage *self, Msg_TxStatusCb_t callback_fptr, void *inst_ptr)
    self->tx_status_inst = inst_ptr;
    self->tx_status_fptr = callback_fptr;

/*! \brief  Marks the message as occupied by the LLD
 *  \param  self       The instance
 *  \param  active     Set to \c true if the message is occupied by the LLD, otherwise \c false.
void Msg_SetTxActive(CMessage *self, bool active)
    self->tx_active = active;

/*! \brief  Checks if the message as occupied by the LLD
 *  \param  self       The instance
 *  \return Returns \c true if the message is occupied by the LLD, otherwise \c false.
bool Msg_IsTxActive(CMessage *self)
    return self->tx_active;

/*! \brief  Marks the message as bypass message
 *  \param  self       The instance
 *  \param  bypass     Set to \c true if the message is supposed to be a bypass message, otherwise \c false.
void Msg_SetTxBypass(CMessage *self, bool bypass)
    self->tx_bypass = bypass;

/*! \brief  Checks if the message is marked as bypass message
 *  \param  self       The instance
 *  \return Returns \c true if the message is marked as bypass message, otherwise \c false.
bool Msg_IsTxBypass(CMessage *self)
    return self->tx_bypass;

/*! \brief  Fires a status notification for the message object
 *  \param  self    The instance
 *  \param  status  The transmission status
void Msg_NotifyTxStatus(CMessage *self, Ucs_MsgTxStatus_t status)
    if (self->tx_status_fptr != NULL)
        self->tx_status_fptr(self->tx_status_inst, &self->pb_msg, status); 

/*! \brief  Assigns a low-level driver message
 *  \param  self    The instance
 *  \param  handle  The reference to a low-level driver message object (Tx or Rx)
void Msg_SetLldHandle(CMessage *self, void *handle)
    self->lld_handle_ptr = handle;

/*! \brief  Retrieves the reference to a low-level driver message
 *  \param  self    The instance
 *  \return The reference to a low-level driver message object or \c NULL
 *          if no message is assigned.
void *Msg_GetLldHandle(CMessage *self)
    return self->lld_handle_ptr;

/*! \brief  Assigns a reference for the owning pool
 *  \param  self      The instance
 *  \param  pool_ptr  The reference to the owning pool
void Msg_SetPoolReference(CMessage *self, void *pool_ptr)
    self->pool_ptr = pool_ptr;

/*! \brief  Retrieves a reference for the owning pool
 *  \param  self      The instance
 *  \return The reference to the owning pool or \c NULL
 *          if no pool is assigned.
void *Msg_GetPoolReference(CMessage *self)
    return self->pool_ptr;

/*! \brief  Retrieves the reference to the internal node member
 *  \param  self    The instance
 *  \return The reference the internal list node 
CDlNode *Msg_GetNode(CMessage *self)
    return &self->node;

/*! \brief  Performs checks on length payload length 
 *  \param  self    The instance
 *  \return Returns \c true if the verification succeeded. Otherwise \c false.
bool Msg_VerifyContent(CMessage *self)
    bool success = (self->pb_msg.tel.tel_len <= MSG_MAX_SIZE_PAYLOAD) ? true : false;

    return success;

/*! \brief  Merges the alternate message id into a the most message id
 *  \param  self     The instance
 *  \return The alternate message id
uint16_t Msg_GetAltMsgId(CMessage *self)
    uint16_t msg_id;
    msg_id = (uint16_t)(self->pb_msg.id.function_id >> 4);
    msg_id = (uint16_t)((uint16_t)self->pb_msg.id.instance_id << 8) | msg_id;
    return msg_id;

/*! \brief  Extracts the alternate message id from a the most message id
 *  \param  self     The instance
 *  \param  alt_id   The alternate message id
void Msg_SetAltMsgId(CMessage *self, uint16_t alt_id)
    self->pb_msg.id.fblock_id = MSG_DEF_FBLOCK_ID;
    self->pb_msg.id.instance_id = MISC_HB(alt_id);
    self->pb_msg.id.function_id = (uint16_t)((((alt_id) & (uint16_t)0xFF)) << 4) | (uint16_t)MSG_DEF_FUNC_ID_LSN;
    self->pb_msg.id.op_type = MSG_DEF_OP_TYPE;

 * @}
 * \endcond

/* End of file                                                                                    */