/* UNICENS V2.1.0-3491                                                                            */
/* Copyright (c) 2017 Microchip Technology Germany II GmbH & Co. KG.                              */
/*                                                                                                */
/* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify                           */
/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by                           */
/* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or                              */
/* (at your option) any later version.                                                            */
/*                                                                                                */
/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                                */
/* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of                                 */
/* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the                                  */
/* GNU General Public License for more details.                                                   */
/*                                                                                                */
/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License                              */
/* along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.                          */
/*                                                                                                */
/* You may also obtain this software under a propriety license from Microchip.                    */
/* Please contact Microchip for further information.                                              */

 * \file
 * \brief Implementation of the Node Discovery.
 * \addtogroup G_NODE_DIS
 * @{


/* Includes                                                                                       */
#include "ucs_inic_pb.h"
#include "ucs_nodedis.h"
#include "ucs_misc.h"

/* Internal constants                                                                             */
#define ND_NUM_STATES             5U    /*!< \brief Number of state machine states */
#define ND_NUM_EVENTS            14U    /*!< \brief Number of state machine events */

#define ND_TIMEOUT_PERIODIC     5000U   /*!< \brief 5s timeout */
#define ND_TIMEOUT_COMMAND       300U   /*!< \brief supervise EXC commands */

#define ND_SIGNATURE_VERSION       1U   /*!< \brief signature version used for Node Discovery */

/* Service parameters                                                                             */
/*! Priority of the Node Discovery service used by scheduler */
static const uint8_t ND_SRV_PRIO = 248U;   /* parasoft-suppress  MISRA2004-8_7 "Value shall be part of the module, not part of a function." */
/*! Main event for the Node Discovery service */
static const Srv_Event_t ND_EVENT_SERVICE = 1U;

/* Internal enumerators                                                                           */
/*! \brief Possible events of the Node Discovery state machine */
typedef enum Nd_Events_
    ND_E_NIL                = 0U,      /*!< \brief NIL Event */
    ND_E_START              = 1U,      /*!< \brief API start command was called. */
    ND_E_STOP               = 2U,      /*!< \brief Stop request occurred. */
    ND_E_CHECK              = 3U,      /*!< \brief Check conditions in CHECK_HELLO state. */ 
    ND_E_NET_OFF            = 4U,      /*!< \brief NetOff occurred. */
    ND_E_HELLO_STATUS       = 5U,      /*!< \brief Hello.Status message available to be processed. */
    ND_E_RES_NODE_OK        = 6U,      /*!< \brief Evaluation result of node: ok. */
    ND_E_RES_UNKNOWN        = 7U,      /*!< \brief Evaluation result of node: unknown node. */
    ND_E_RES_CHECK_UNIQUE   = 8U,      /*!< \brief Evaluation result of node: check if node is unique. */
    ND_E_WELCOME_SUCCESS    = 9U,      /*!< \brief Welcome command was successful. */
    ND_E_WELCOME_NOSUCCESS  = 10U,     /*!< \brief Welcome command was not successful. */
    ND_E_SIGNATURE_SUCCESS  = 11U,     /*!< \brief Signature command was successful. */
    ND_E_TIMEOUT            = 12U,     /*!< \brief Timeout occurred. */
    ND_E_ERROR              = 13U      /*!< \brief An unexpected error occurred. */ 

} Nd_Events_t;

/*! \brief States of the Node Discovery state machine */
typedef enum Nd_State_
    ND_S_IDLE            =  0U,     /*!< \brief Idle state */
    ND_S_CHECK_HELLO     =  1U,     /*!< \brief Node Discovery started */
    ND_S_WAIT_EVAL       =  2U,     /*!< \brief Evaluate next Hello.Status message */
    ND_S_WAIT_WELCOME    =  3U,     /*!< \brief Wait for Welcome.Status */
    ND_S_WAIT_PING       =  4U      /*!< \brief Wait for Signature.Status */
} Nd_State_t;

/* Internal prototypes                                                                            */
static void Nd_Service(void *self);

static void Nd_HelloStatusCb(void *self, void *result_ptr);
static void Nd_WelcomeResultCb(void *self, void *result_ptr);
static void Nd_SignatureStatusCb(void *self, void *result_ptr);
static void Nd_InitCb(void *self, void *result_ptr);
static void Nd_TimerCb(void *self);
static void Nd_OnTerminateEventCb(void *self, void *result_ptr);
static void Nd_NetworkStatusCb(void *self, void *result_ptr);

static void Nd_Reset_Lists(void *self);

static void Nd_A_Start(void *self);
static void Nd_A_Stop(void *self);
static void Nd_A_CheckConditions(void *self);
static void Nd_A_Eval_Hello(void *self);
static void Nd_A_Welcome(void *self);
static void Nd_A_Unknown(void *self);
static void Nd_A_CheckUnique(void *self);
static void Nd_A_WelcomeSuccess(void *self);
static void Nd_A_WelcomeNoSuccess(void *self);
static void Nd_A_WelcomeTimeout(void *self);
static void Nd_A_Timeout_Hello(void *self);
static void Nd_A_NetOff(void *self);
static void Nd_A_Signature_Timeout(void *self);
static void Nd_A_Signature_Success(void *self);
static void Nd_A_Error(void *self);

static void Nd_Send_Hello_Get(void *self);
static void Nd_Start_Periodic_Timer(void *self);
static void Nd_Send_Welcome_SR(void *self, Ucs_Signature_t *signature);
static void Nd_Send_Signature_Get(void *self, uint16_t target_address);

/* State transition table (used by finite state machine)                                          */
/*! \brief State transition table */
static const Fsm_StateElem_t nd_trans_tab[ND_NUM_STATES][ND_NUM_EVENTS] =    /* parasoft-suppress  MISRA2004-8_7 "Value shall be part of the module, not part of a function." */
    { /* State ND_S_IDLE */
        /* ND_E_NIL                */ {NULL,                          ND_S_IDLE            },
        /* ND_E_START              */ {&Nd_A_Start,                   ND_S_CHECK_HELLO     },
        /* ND_E_STOP               */ {NULL,                          ND_S_IDLE            },
        /* ND_E_CHECK              */ {NULL,                          ND_S_IDLE            },
        /* ND_E_NET_OFF            */ {NULL,                          ND_S_IDLE            },
        /* ND_E_HELLO_STATUS       */ {NULL,                          ND_S_IDLE            },
        /* ND_E_RES_NODE_OK        */ {NULL,                          ND_S_IDLE            },
        /* ND_E_RES_UNKNOWN        */ {NULL,                          ND_S_IDLE            },
        /* ND_E_RES_CHECK_UNIQUE   */ {NULL,                          ND_S_IDLE            },
        /* ND_E_WELCOME_SUCCESS    */ {NULL,                          ND_S_IDLE            },
        /* ND_E_WELCOME_NOSUCCESS  */ {NULL,                          ND_S_IDLE            },
        /* ND_E_SIGNATURE_SUCCESS  */ {NULL,                          ND_S_IDLE            },
        /* ND_E_TIMEOUT            */ {NULL,                          ND_S_IDLE            },
        /* ND_E_ERROR              */ {NULL,                          ND_S_IDLE            }

    { /* State ND_S_CHECK_HELLO */
        /* ND_E_NIL                */ {NULL,                          ND_S_CHECK_HELLO     },
        /* ND_E_START              */ {NULL,                          ND_S_CHECK_HELLO     },
        /* ND_E_STOP               */ {&Nd_A_Stop,                    ND_S_IDLE            },
        /* ND_E_CHECK              */ {&Nd_A_CheckConditions,         ND_S_CHECK_HELLO     },
        /* ND_E_NET_OFF            */ {&Nd_A_NetOff,                  ND_S_CHECK_HELLO     },
        /* ND_E_HELLO_STATUS       */ {&Nd_A_Eval_Hello,              ND_S_WAIT_EVAL       },
        /* ND_E_RES_NODE_OK        */ {NULL,                          ND_S_CHECK_HELLO     },
        /* ND_E_RES_UNKNOWN        */ {NULL,                          ND_S_CHECK_HELLO     },
        /* ND_E_RES_CHECK_UNIQUE   */ {NULL,                          ND_S_CHECK_HELLO     },
        /* ND_E_WELCOME_SUCCESS    */ {NULL,                          ND_S_CHECK_HELLO     },
        /* ND_E_WELCOME_NOSUCCESS  */ {NULL,                          ND_S_CHECK_HELLO     },
        /* ND_E_SIGNATURE_SUCCESS  */ {NULL,                          ND_S_CHECK_HELLO     },
        /* ND_E_TIMEOUT            */ {&Nd_A_Timeout_Hello,           ND_S_CHECK_HELLO     },
        /* ND_E_ERROR              */ {&Nd_A_Error,                   ND_S_IDLE            }
    { /* State ND_S_WAIT_EVAL */
        /* ND_E_NIL                */ {NULL,                          ND_S_WAIT_EVAL       },
        /* ND_E_START              */ {NULL,                          ND_S_WAIT_EVAL       },
        /* ND_E_STOP               */ {NULL,                          ND_S_WAIT_EVAL       },
        /* ND_E_CHECK              */ {NULL,                          ND_S_WAIT_EVAL       },
        /* ND_E_NET_OFF            */ {&Nd_A_NetOff,                  ND_S_CHECK_HELLO     },
        /* ND_E_HELLO_STATUS       */ {NULL,                          ND_S_WAIT_EVAL       },
        /* ND_E_RES_NODE_OK        */ {&Nd_A_Welcome,                 ND_S_WAIT_WELCOME    },
        /* ND_E_RES_UNKNOWN        */ {&Nd_A_Unknown,                 ND_S_CHECK_HELLO     },
        /* ND_E_RES_CHECK_UNIQUE   */ {&Nd_A_CheckUnique,             ND_S_WAIT_PING       },
        /* ND_E_WELCOME_SUCCESS    */ {NULL,                          ND_S_WAIT_EVAL       },
        /* ND_E_WELCOME_NOSUCCESS  */ {NULL,                          ND_S_WAIT_EVAL       },
        /* ND_E_SIGNATURE_SUCCESS  */ {NULL,                          ND_S_WAIT_EVAL       },
        /* ND_E_TIMEOUT            */ {NULL,                          ND_S_WAIT_EVAL       },
        /* ND_E_ERROR              */ {&Nd_A_Error,                   ND_S_IDLE            }

    {/* ND_S_WAIT_WELCOME */       
        /* ND_E_NIL                */ {NULL,                          ND_S_WAIT_WELCOME    },
        /* ND_E_START              */ {NULL,                          ND_S_WAIT_WELCOME    },
        /* ND_E_STOP               */ {NULL,                          ND_S_WAIT_WELCOME    },
        /* ND_E_CHECK              */ {NULL,                          ND_S_WAIT_WELCOME    },
        /* ND_E_NET_OFF            */ {&Nd_A_NetOff,                  ND_S_CHECK_HELLO     },
        /* ND_E_HELLO_STATUS       */ {NULL,                          ND_S_WAIT_WELCOME    },
        /* ND_E_RES_NODE_OK        */ {NULL,                          ND_S_WAIT_WELCOME    },
        /* ND_E_RES_UNKNOWN        */ {NULL,                          ND_S_WAIT_WELCOME    },
        /* ND_E_RES_CHECK_UNIQUE   */ {NULL,                          ND_S_WAIT_WELCOME    },
        /* ND_E_WELCOME_SUCCESS    */ {&Nd_A_WelcomeSuccess,          ND_S_CHECK_HELLO     },
        /* ND_E_WELCOME_NOSUCCESS  */ {&Nd_A_WelcomeNoSuccess,        ND_S_CHECK_HELLO     },
        /* ND_E_SIGNATURE_SUCCESS  */ {NULL,                          ND_S_WAIT_WELCOME    },
        /* ND_E_TIMEOUT            */ {&Nd_A_WelcomeTimeout,          ND_S_CHECK_HELLO    },
        /* ND_E_ERROR              */ {&Nd_A_Error,                   ND_S_IDLE            }
    {/* ND_S_WAIT_PING */          
        /* ND_E_NIL                */ {NULL,                          ND_S_WAIT_PING       },
        /* ND_E_START              */ {NULL,                          ND_S_WAIT_PING       },
        /* ND_E_STOP               */ {NULL,                          ND_S_WAIT_PING       },
        /* ND_E_CHECK              */ {NULL,                          ND_S_WAIT_PING       },
        /* ND_E_NET_OFF            */ {&Nd_A_NetOff,                  ND_S_CHECK_HELLO     },
        /* ND_E_HELLO_STATUS       */ {NULL,                          ND_S_WAIT_PING       },
        /* ND_E_RES_NODE_OK        */ {NULL,                          ND_S_WAIT_PING       },
        /* ND_E_RES_UNKNOWN        */ {NULL,                          ND_S_WAIT_PING       },
        /* ND_E_RES_CHECK_UNIQUE   */ {NULL,                          ND_S_WAIT_PING       },
        /* ND_E_WELCOME_SUCCESS    */ {NULL,                          ND_S_WAIT_PING       },
        /* ND_E_WELCOME_NOSUCCESS  */ {NULL,                          ND_S_WAIT_PING       },
        /* ND_E_SIGNATURE_SUCCESS  */ {&Nd_A_Signature_Success,       ND_S_CHECK_HELLO     },
        /* ND_E_TIMEOUT            */ {&Nd_A_Signature_Timeout,       ND_S_WAIT_WELCOME    },
        /* ND_E_ERROR              */ {&Nd_A_Error,                   ND_S_IDLE            }

/* Implementation                                                                                 */

/*! \brief Constructor of class CNodeDiscovery.
 *  \param self         Reference to CNodeDiscovery instance
 *  \param inic         Reference to CInic instance
 *  \param base         Reference to CBase instance
 *  \param exc          Reference to CExc instance
 *  \param init_ptr    Report callback function
void Nd_Ctor(CNodeDiscovery *self, CInic *inic, CBase *base, CExc *exc, Nd_InitData_t *init_ptr)
    MISC_MEM_SET((void *)self, 0, sizeof(*self));

    self->inic       = inic;
    self->exc        = exc;
    self->base       = base;
    self->cb_inst_ptr = init_ptr->inst_ptr;
    self->report_fptr = init_ptr->report_fptr;
    self->eval_fptr   = init_ptr->eval_fptr;

    Fsm_Ctor(&self->fsm, self, &(nd_trans_tab[0][0]), ND_NUM_EVENTS, ND_E_NIL);


    Sobs_Ctor(&self->nd_hello,          self, &Nd_HelloStatusCb);
    Sobs_Ctor(&self->nd_welcome,        self, &Nd_WelcomeResultCb);
    Sobs_Ctor(&self->nd_signature,      self, &Nd_SignatureStatusCb);
    Sobs_Ctor(&self->nd_init,           self, &Nd_InitCb);

    /* register termination events */
    Mobs_Ctor(&self->nd_terminate, self, EH_M_TERMINATION_EVENTS, &Nd_OnTerminateEventCb);
    Eh_AddObsrvInternalEvent(&self->base->eh, &self->nd_terminate);

    /* Register NetOn and MPR events */
    Obs_Ctor(&self->nd_nwstatus, self, &Nd_NetworkStatusCb);
    Inic_AddObsrvNwStatus(self->inic,  &self->nd_nwstatus);
    self->neton = false;

    /* Initialize Node Discovery service */
    Srv_Ctor(&self->service, ND_SRV_PRIO, self, &Nd_Service);
    /* Add Node Discovery service to scheduler */
    (void)Scd_AddService(&self->base->scd, &self->service);


/*! \brief Service function of the Node Discovery service.
 *  \param self    Reference to Node Discovery object
static void Nd_Service(void *self)
    CNodeDiscovery *self_ = (CNodeDiscovery *)self;
    Srv_Event_t event_mask;
    Srv_GetEvent(&self_->service, &event_mask);
    if(ND_EVENT_SERVICE == (event_mask & ND_EVENT_SERVICE))   /* Is event pending? */
        Fsm_State_t result;
        Srv_ClearEvent(&self_->service, ND_EVENT_SERVICE);
        TR_INFO((self_->base->ucs_user_ptr, "[ND]", "FSM __ %d %d", 2U, self_->fsm.current_state, self_->fsm.event_occured));
        result = Fsm_Service(&self_->fsm);
        TR_ASSERT(self_->base->ucs_user_ptr, "[ND]", (result != FSM_STATE_ERROR));
        TR_INFO((self_->base->ucs_user_ptr, "[ND]", "FSM -> %d", 1U, self_->fsm.current_state));

/* API functions                                                                                  */
/*! \brief Start the Node Discovery
 * \param  *self    Reference to Node Discovery object
 * \return UCS_RET_SUCCESS              Operation successful
 * \return UCS_RET_ERR_API_LOCKED       Node Discovery was already started
Ucs_Return_t Nd_Start(CNodeDiscovery *self)
    Ucs_Return_t ret_val = UCS_RET_SUCCESS;

    if (self->running == false)
        Fsm_SetEvent(&self->fsm, ND_E_START);
        Srv_SetEvent(&self->service, ND_EVENT_SERVICE);
        self->running = true;
        TR_INFO((self->base->ucs_user_ptr, "[ND]", "Nd_Start", 0U));
        ret_val = UCS_RET_ERR_API_LOCKED;
        TR_INFO((self->base->ucs_user_ptr, "[ND]", "Nd_Start failed", 0U));

    return ret_val;


/*! \brief Stops the Node Discovery
 * \param *self Reference to Node Discovery object
 * \return UCS_RET_SUCCESS              Operation successful
 * \return UCS_RET_ERR_NOT_AVAILABLE    Node Discovery not running
Ucs_Return_t Nd_Stop(CNodeDiscovery *self)
    Ucs_Return_t ret_val = UCS_RET_SUCCESS;

    if (self->running == true)       /* check if Node Discovery was started */
        self->stop_request = true;
        Fsm_SetEvent(&self->fsm, ND_E_CHECK);
        Srv_SetEvent(&self->service, ND_EVENT_SERVICE);

        TR_INFO((self->base->ucs_user_ptr, "[ND]", "Nd_Stop", 0U));
        ret_val = UCS_RET_ERR_NOT_AVAILABLE;
        TR_INFO((self->base->ucs_user_ptr, "[ND]", "Nd_Stop failed", 0U));

    return ret_val;

/*! \brief Sends the Init command to all nodes 
 * \param *self Reference to Node Discovery object
void Nd_InitAll(CNodeDiscovery *self)
    Ucs_Return_t result;

    result = Exc_DeviceInit_Start(self->exc, UCS_ADDR_BROADCAST_BLOCKING, NULL);
    if (result == UCS_RET_SUCCESS)
        TR_INFO((self->base->ucs_user_ptr, "[ND]", "Nd_InitAll", 0U));
        TR_INFO((self->base->ucs_user_ptr, "[ND]", "Nd_InitAll failed", 0U));


/*  FSM Actions                                                                                   */
/*! \brief Action on start event
 * \param *self Reference to Node Discovery object
static void Nd_A_Start(void *self)
    CNodeDiscovery *self_ = (CNodeDiscovery *)self;

    /* empty new_list*/



    self_->stop_request  = false;
    self_->hello_mpr_request   = false;
    self_->hello_neton_request = false;

/*! \brief Action on stop event
 * \param *self Reference to Node Discovery object
static void Nd_A_Stop(void *self)
    CNodeDiscovery *self_ = (CNodeDiscovery *)self;
    Ucs_Signature_t *dummy = NULL;

    if (self_->report_fptr != NULL)
        self_->report_fptr(self_->cb_inst_ptr, UCS_ND_RES_STOPPED, dummy);
    self_->running = false;

/*! \brief Check conditions 
 * \param *self Reference to Node Discovery object
static void Nd_A_CheckConditions(void *self)
    CNodeDiscovery *self_ = (CNodeDiscovery *)self;

    if (self_->stop_request == true)
        Fsm_SetEvent(&self_->fsm, ND_E_STOP);
        Srv_SetEvent(&self_->service, ND_EVENT_SERVICE);
    else if (self_->hello_mpr_request == true)
        self_->hello_mpr_request   = false;
        self_->hello_neton_request = false;
    else if (self_->hello_neton_request == true)
        self_->hello_neton_request = false;
    else if (Dl_GetSize(&(self_->new_list)) > 0U)
        Fsm_SetEvent(&self_->fsm, ND_E_HELLO_STATUS);
        Srv_SetEvent(&self_->service, ND_EVENT_SERVICE);


/*! \brief Evaluate the signature of the next node
 * \param *self Reference to Node Discovery object
static void Nd_A_Eval_Hello(void *self)
    CNodeDiscovery *self_ = (CNodeDiscovery *)self;
    CDlNode *node;
    Ucs_Nd_CheckResult_t result;
    bool service_flag = false;
    Ucs_Signature_t temp_sig;

    if (Dl_GetSize(&(self_->new_list)) > 0U)
        node = Dl_PopHead(&(self_->new_list));
        self_->current_sig = *((Ucs_Signature_t *)(node->data_ptr));

        if (self_->eval_fptr != NULL)
            temp_sig = self_->current_sig;             /* provide only a copy to the application */
            result = self_->eval_fptr(self_->cb_inst_ptr, &temp_sig);

            switch (result)
            case UCS_ND_CHK_UNKNOWN:
                Fsm_SetEvent(&self_->fsm, ND_E_RES_UNKNOWN);
                service_flag = true;

            case UCS_ND_CHK_WELCOME:
                Fsm_SetEvent(&self_->fsm, ND_E_RES_NODE_OK);
                service_flag = true;

            case UCS_ND_CHK_UNIQUE:
                Fsm_SetEvent(&self_->fsm, ND_E_RES_CHECK_UNIQUE);
                service_flag = true;

                Fsm_SetEvent(&self_->fsm, ND_E_ERROR);
                service_flag = true;

    if (service_flag == true)
        Srv_SetEvent(&self_->service, ND_EVENT_SERVICE);

/*! \brief Sends a Welcome message to the current node
 * \param *self Reference to Node Discovery object
static void Nd_A_Welcome(void *self)
    CNodeDiscovery *self_ = (CNodeDiscovery *)self;

    Nd_Send_Welcome_SR(self, &self_->current_sig);

/*! \brief Report the current node as unknown
 * \param *self Reference to Node Discovery object
static void Nd_A_Unknown(void *self)
    CNodeDiscovery *self_ = (CNodeDiscovery *)self;
    Ucs_Signature_t temp_sig;

    if (self_->report_fptr != NULL)
        temp_sig = self_->current_sig;                 /* provide only a copy to the application */
        self_->report_fptr(self_->cb_inst_ptr, UCS_ND_RES_UNKNOWN, &temp_sig);

    Fsm_SetEvent(&self_->fsm, ND_E_CHECK);
    Srv_SetEvent(&self_->service, ND_EVENT_SERVICE);

/*! \brief Check if the current node has already got a Welcome message
 * \param *self Reference to Node Discovery object
static void Nd_A_CheckUnique(void *self)
    CNodeDiscovery *self_ = (CNodeDiscovery *)self;

    Nd_Send_Signature_Get(self, self_->current_sig.node_address);


/*! \brief Report a successful Welcome.Result
 * \param *self Reference to Node Discovery object
static void Nd_A_WelcomeSuccess(void *self)
    CNodeDiscovery *self_ = (CNodeDiscovery *)self;
    Ucs_Signature_t temp_sig;

    if (self_->report_fptr != NULL)
        temp_sig = self_->current_sig;                 /* provide only a copy to the application */
        self_->report_fptr(self_->cb_inst_ptr, UCS_ND_RES_WELCOME_SUCCESS, &temp_sig);

    /* initiate a Hello.Get if the current node is the local INIC */
    if (self_->current_sig.node_pos_addr == 0x0400U)

    Fsm_SetEvent(&self_->fsm, ND_E_CHECK);
    Srv_SetEvent(&self_->service, ND_EVENT_SERVICE);

/*! \brief Report an unsuccessful Welcome.Result
 * \param *self Reference to Node Discovery object
static void Nd_A_WelcomeNoSuccess(void *self)
    CNodeDiscovery *self_ = (CNodeDiscovery *)self;

    /* same reaction as for MPR event */
    self_->hello_mpr_request = true;

    Fsm_SetEvent(&self_->fsm, ND_E_CHECK);
    Srv_SetEvent(&self_->service, ND_EVENT_SERVICE);

/*! \brief Reaction on a timeout for the Welcome messsage
 * \param *self Reference to Node Discovery object
static void Nd_A_WelcomeTimeout(void *self)
    CNodeDiscovery *self_ = (CNodeDiscovery *)self;

    /* same reaction as for MPR event */
    self_->hello_mpr_request = true;

    Fsm_SetEvent(&self_->fsm, ND_E_CHECK);
    Srv_SetEvent(&self_->service, ND_EVENT_SERVICE);

/*! \brief The periodic timer elapsed
 * \param *self Reference to Node Discovery object
static void Nd_A_Timeout_Hello(void *self)
    CNodeDiscovery *self_ = (CNodeDiscovery *)self;


/*! \brief  Reaction on a NetOff event
 * \param *self Reference to Node Discovery object
static void Nd_A_NetOff(void *self)
    CNodeDiscovery *self_ = (CNodeDiscovery *)self;
    Ucs_Signature_t *dummy = NULL;

    if (self_->report_fptr != NULL)
        self_->report_fptr(self_->cb_inst_ptr, UCS_ND_RES_NETOFF, dummy);



/*! \brief Reaction on a timeout of the Signature command
 * \param *self Reference to Node Discovery object
static void Nd_A_Signature_Timeout(void *self)
    CNodeDiscovery *self_ = (CNodeDiscovery *)self;

    Nd_Send_Welcome_SR(self, &self_->current_sig);

/*! \brief Reaction on a successful Signature answer
 * \param *self Reference to Node Discovery object
static void Nd_A_Signature_Success(void *self)
    CNodeDiscovery *self_ = (CNodeDiscovery *)self;
    Ucs_Signature_t temp_sig;

    if (self_->report_fptr != NULL)
        temp_sig = self_->current_sig;                 /* provide only a copy to the application */
        self_->report_fptr(self_->cb_inst_ptr, UCS_ND_RES_MULTI, &temp_sig);

/*! \brief An unecpected error occurred
 * \param *self Reference to Node Discovery object
static void Nd_A_Error(void *self)
    CNodeDiscovery *self_ = (CNodeDiscovery *)self;
    Ucs_Signature_t *dummy = NULL;

    if (self_->report_fptr != NULL)
        self_->report_fptr(self_->cb_inst_ptr, UCS_ND_RES_ERROR, dummy);
    self_->running = false;

/*  Callback functions                                                                            */

/*! Callback function for the Exc.Hello.Status message
 * \param *self         Reference to Node Discovery object
 * \param *result_ptr   Result of the Exc_Hello_Get() command
static void Nd_HelloStatusCb(void *self, void *result_ptr)
    CNodeDiscovery *self_        = (CNodeDiscovery *)self;
    Exc_StdResult_t *result_ptr_ = (Exc_StdResult_t *)result_ptr;
    CDlNode *node;

    if (result_ptr_->result.code == UCS_RES_SUCCESS)
        /* read signature and store it in the new_list */
        node = Dl_PopHead(&(self_->unused_list)); /* get an unused list element */
        if (node != NULL)
            ((Nd_Node *)(node->data_ptr))->signature = (*(Exc_HelloStatus_t *)(result_ptr_->data_info)).signature;
            Dl_InsertTail(&(self_->new_list), node);

            Fsm_SetEvent(&self_->fsm, ND_E_HELLO_STATUS);
            TR_INFO((self_->base->ucs_user_ptr, "[ND]", "Nd_HelloStatusCb UCS_RES_SUCCESS", 0U));
            TR_INFO((self_->base->ucs_user_ptr, "[ND]", "Nd_HelloStatusCb No list entry av.", 0U));
        Fsm_SetEvent(&self_->fsm, ND_E_ERROR); 
        TR_INFO((self_->base->ucs_user_ptr, "[ND]", "Nd_HelloStatusCb ND_E_ERROR", 0U));

    Srv_SetEvent(&self_->service, ND_EVENT_SERVICE);

/*! \brief  Function is called on reception of the Welcome.Result messsage
 *  \param  self        Reference to Node Discovery object
 *  \param  result_ptr  Pointer to the result of the Welcome message
static void Nd_WelcomeResultCb(void *self, void *result_ptr)
    CNodeDiscovery *self_        = (CNodeDiscovery *)self;
    Exc_StdResult_t *result_ptr_ = (Exc_StdResult_t *)result_ptr;

    Tm_ClearTimer(&self_->base->tm, &self_->timer);

    if (result_ptr_->result.code == UCS_RES_SUCCESS)
        /* read signature and store it */
        self_->welcome_result = *(Exc_WelcomeResult_t *)(result_ptr_->data_info);
        if (self_->welcome_result.res == EXC_WELCOME_SUCCESS)
            Fsm_SetEvent(&self_->fsm, ND_E_WELCOME_SUCCESS);
            TR_INFO((self_->base->ucs_user_ptr, "[ND]", "Nd_WelcomeResultCb ND_E_WELCOME_SUCCESS", 0U));
            Fsm_SetEvent(&self_->fsm, ND_E_WELCOME_NOSUCCESS);
            TR_INFO((self_->base->ucs_user_ptr, "[ND]", "Nd_WelcomeResultCb ND_E_WELCOME_NOSUCCESS", 0U));
        uint8_t i;

        if (    (result_ptr_->result.info_size   == 3U)
             && (result_ptr_->result.info_ptr[0] == 0x20U)
             && (result_ptr_->result.info_ptr[1] == 0x03U)
             && (result_ptr_->result.info_ptr[2] == 0x31U))
        {   /* Device has not yet received an ExtendedNetworkControl.Hello.Get() message. */
            Fsm_SetEvent(&self_->fsm, ND_E_WELCOME_NOSUCCESS);
            Fsm_SetEvent(&self_->fsm, ND_E_ERROR);
            TR_INFO((self_->base->ucs_user_ptr, "[ND]", "Nd_WelcomeResultCb Error (code) 0x%x", 1U, result_ptr_->result.code));
            for (i=0U; i< result_ptr_->result.info_size; ++i)
                TR_INFO((self_->base->ucs_user_ptr, "[ND]", "Nd_WelcomeResultCb Error (info) 0x%x", 1U, result_ptr_->result.info_ptr[i]));

    Srv_SetEvent(&self_->service, ND_EVENT_SERVICE);

/*! \brief Callback function for Signature status and error messages
 * \param *self         Reference to Node Discovery object
 * \param *result_ptr   Pointer to the result of the Signature message
static void Nd_SignatureStatusCb(void *self, void *result_ptr)
    CNodeDiscovery *self_        = (CNodeDiscovery *)self;
    Exc_StdResult_t *result_ptr_ = (Exc_StdResult_t *)result_ptr;

    Tm_ClearTimer(&self_->base->tm, &self_->timer);

    if (result_ptr_->result.code == UCS_RES_SUCCESS)
        self_->signature_status = *(Exc_SignatureStatus_t *)(result_ptr_->data_info);
        Fsm_SetEvent(&self_->fsm, ND_E_SIGNATURE_SUCCESS);
        TR_INFO((self_->base->ucs_user_ptr, "[ND]", "Nd_SignatureStatusCb ND_E_SIGNATURE_SUCCESS", 0U));
        Fsm_SetEvent(&self_->fsm, ND_E_ERROR);
        TR_INFO((self_->base->ucs_user_ptr, "[ND]", "Nd_SignatureStatusCb Error  0x%x", 1U, result_ptr_->result.code));

    Srv_SetEvent(&self_->service, ND_EVENT_SERVICE);

/*! \brief Callback function for Init error messages
 * \param *self         Reference to Node Discovery object
 * \param *result_ptr   Pointer to the result of the Init message
static void Nd_InitCb(void *self, void *result_ptr)
    CNodeDiscovery *self_        = (CNodeDiscovery *)self;
    Exc_StdResult_t *result_ptr_ = (Exc_StdResult_t *)result_ptr;



/*! \brief Timer callback used for supervising INIC command timeouts.
 *  \param self    Reference to Node Discovery object
static void Nd_TimerCb(void *self)
    CNodeDiscovery *self_ = (CNodeDiscovery *)self;

    Fsm_SetEvent(&self_->fsm, ND_E_TIMEOUT);
    TR_INFO((self_->base->ucs_user_ptr, "[ND]", "Nd_TimerCb ND_E_TIMEOUT", 0U));

    Srv_SetEvent(&self_->service, ND_EVENT_SERVICE);

/*!  Function is called on severe internal errors
 * \param *self         Reference to Node Discovery object
 * \param *result_ptr   Reference to data
static void Nd_OnTerminateEventCb(void *self, void *result_ptr)
    CNodeDiscovery *self_ = (CNodeDiscovery *)self;
    Ucs_Signature_t *dummy = NULL;


    if (self_->fsm.current_state != ND_S_IDLE)
        Tm_ClearTimer(&self_->base->tm, &self_->timer);
        if (self_->report_fptr != NULL)
            self_->report_fptr(self_->cb_inst_ptr, UCS_ND_RES_ERROR, dummy);

/*! \brief Callback function for the INIC.NetworkStatus status and error messages
 * \param *self         Reference to Node Discovery object
 * \param *result_ptr   Pointer to the result of the INIC.NetworkStatus message
static void Nd_NetworkStatusCb(void *self, void *result_ptr)
    CNodeDiscovery *self_ = (CNodeDiscovery *)self;
    Inic_StdResult_t *result_ptr_ = (Inic_StdResult_t *)result_ptr;

    if (result_ptr_->result.code == UCS_RES_SUCCESS)
        TR_INFO((self_->base->ucs_user_ptr, "[ND]", "Nd_NetworkStatusCb  0x%x", 1U, result_ptr_->result.code));
        /* check for NetOn/NetOff events */
        if (    (self_->neton == true)
             && ((((Inic_NetworkStatus_t *)(result_ptr_->data_info))->availability) == UCS_NW_NOT_AVAILABLE) )
            self_->neton = false;
            Fsm_SetEvent(&self_->fsm, ND_E_NET_OFF);
        /* check for NetOn/NetOff events */
        else if (    (self_->neton == false)
             && ((((Inic_NetworkStatus_t *)(result_ptr_->data_info))->availability) == UCS_NW_AVAILABLE) )
            self_->neton = true;
            self_->hello_neton_request = true;
            Fsm_SetEvent(&self_->fsm, ND_E_CHECK);
        /* check for MPR event */
        else if (   (((Inic_NetworkStatus_t *)(result_ptr_->data_info))->events & UCS_NETWORK_EVENT_NCE)
            == UCS_NETWORK_EVENT_NCE)
            self_->hello_mpr_request = true;
            Fsm_SetEvent(&self_->fsm, ND_E_CHECK);

    Srv_SetEvent(&self_->service, ND_EVENT_SERVICE);

/*  Helper functions                                                                              */
/*! \brief Reset the list of new detected nodes
 * \param *self Reference to Node Discovery object
static void Nd_Reset_Lists(void *self)
    CNodeDiscovery *self_ = (CNodeDiscovery *)self;
    uint16_t i;

    Dl_Ctor(&self_->new_list, self_->base->ucs_user_ptr);
    Dl_Ctor(&self_->unused_list, self_->base->ucs_user_ptr);

    for(i=0U; i < ND_NUM_NODES; ++i)
        Dln_Ctor(&(self_->nodes[i]).node, &(self_->nodes[i]));
        Dl_InsertTail(&(self_->unused_list), &(self_->nodes[i]).node);

/*! \brief Send the Hello.Get message
 * \param *self Reference to Node Discovery object
static void Nd_Send_Hello_Get(void *self)
    Ucs_Return_t ret_val;
    CNodeDiscovery *self_ = (CNodeDiscovery *)self;

    ret_val = Exc_Hello_Get(self_->exc, UCS_ADDR_BROADCAST_BLOCKING, 
                            ND_SIGNATURE_VERSION, &self_->nd_hello);

    TR_ASSERT(self_->base->ucs_user_ptr, "[ND]", ret_val == UCS_RET_SUCCESS);

/*! \brief Send the Welcome.StartResult message
 * \param *self Reference to Node Discovery object
 * \param *signature signature parameter
static void Nd_Send_Welcome_SR(void *self, Ucs_Signature_t *signature)
    Ucs_Return_t    ret_val;
    CNodeDiscovery  *self_ = (CNodeDiscovery *)self;
    uint16_t        target_address;

    if (signature->node_pos_addr == 0x0400U)
        target_address = 0x0001U;
        target_address = signature->node_pos_addr;

    ret_val = Exc_Welcome_Sr(self_->exc,
    TR_ASSERT(self_->base->ucs_user_ptr, "[ND]", ret_val == UCS_RET_SUCCESS);

/*! \brief Send the Signature.Get message
 * \param *self          Reference to Node Discovery object
 * \param target_address target address for the command
static void Nd_Send_Signature_Get(void *self, uint16_t target_address)
    Ucs_Return_t   ret_val;
    CNodeDiscovery *self_ = (CNodeDiscovery *)self;

    ret_val = Exc_Signature_Get(self_->exc, target_address, ND_SIGNATURE_VERSION, &self_->nd_signature);
    TR_ASSERT(self_->base->ucs_user_ptr, "[ND]", ret_val == UCS_RET_SUCCESS);

/*! \brief  Starts the periodic timer
 * \param *self Reference to Node Discovery object
static void Nd_Start_Periodic_Timer(void *self)
    CNodeDiscovery *self_ = (CNodeDiscovery *)self;


 * @}
 * \endcond

/* End of file                                                                                    */