/* UNICENS V2.1.0-3491                                                                            */
/* Copyright (c) 2017 Microchip Technology Germany II GmbH & Co. KG.                              */
/*                                                                                                */
/* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify                           */
/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by                           */
/* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or                              */
/* (at your option) any later version.                                                            */
/*                                                                                                */
/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                                */
/* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of                                 */
/* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the                                  */
/* GNU General Public License for more details.                                                   */
/*                                                                                                */
/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License                              */
/* along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.                          */
/*                                                                                                */
/* You may also obtain this software under a propriety license from Microchip.                    */
/* Please contact Microchip for further information.                                              */

 * \file
 * \brief Implementation of the Node Scripting Management.
 * \addtogroup G_NSM
 * @{

/* Includes                                                                                       */
#include "ucs_nsm.h"

/* Service parameters                                                                             */
/*! \brief API locking Bitmask for Nsm_SendCurrScriptToTrcv() method. */
#define NSM_RCMTX_API_LOCK             0x0001U

/*! \brief Priority of the RSM service used by scheduler */
static const uint8_t NSM_SRV_PRIO = 250U;   /* parasoft-suppress  MISRA2004-8_7 "Value shall be part of the module, not part of a function." */
/*! \brief Event for handling the next script */
static const Srv_Event_t NSM_EVENT_HANDLE_NEXTSCRIPT = 0x01U;
/*! \brief Event for handling error in scripting */
static const Srv_Event_t NSM_EVENT_HANDLE_ERROR      = 0x02U;

/* Internal prototypes                                                                            */
static void Nsm_Service(void *self);
static Ucs_Return_t Nsm_Start(CNodeScriptManagement * self);
static void Nsm_HandleApiTimeout(void *self, void *method_mask_ptr);
static void Nsm_UcsInitSucceededCb(void *self, void *event_ptr);
static void Nsm_UninitializeService(void *self, void *error_code_ptr);
static Ucs_Return_t Nsm_HandleNextScript(CNodeScriptManagement * self);
static Ucs_Return_t Nsm_DeviceSync(CNodeScriptManagement * self);
static Ucs_Return_t Nsm_SendCurrScriptToTrcv(CNodeScriptManagement * self);
static void Nsm_HandleError(CNodeScriptManagement * self);
static void Nsm_Finished(CNodeScriptManagement * self);
static bool Nsm_IsNextScriptAvailable(CNodeScriptManagement * self);
static void Nsm_IncrCurrScriptPtr (CNodeScriptManagement * self);
static void Nsm_MsgTxStatusCb(void *self, Msg_MostTel_t *tel_ptr, Ucs_MsgTxStatus_t status);
static bool Nsm_IsCurrDeviceSynced(CNodeScriptManagement *self);
static void Nsm_RmtDevSyncResultCb(void *self, Rsm_Result_t result);
static Ucs_Return_t Nsm_PauseScript(CNodeScriptManagement * self);
static void Nsm_ResumeScriptHandling(void* self);
static void Nsm_ApiLocking(CNodeScriptManagement *self, bool status);
static bool Nsm_IsApiFree(CNodeScriptManagement *self);
static void Nsm_SendScriptResult(CNodeScriptManagement *self);

/* Implementation of class CNodeScriptManagement                                                  */
/* Initialization Methods                                                                         */
/*! \brief Constructor of the Node Script Manager class.
 *  \param self        Instance pointer
 *  \param init_ptr    init data_ptr
void Nsm_Ctor(CNodeScriptManagement *self, Nsm_InitData_t *init_ptr)
    MISC_MEM_SET(self, 0, sizeof(CNodeScriptManagement));

    /* Init all reference instances */
    self->base_ptr = init_ptr->base_ptr;
    self->rcm_ptr  = init_ptr->rcm_ptr;
    self->rsm_ptr  = init_ptr->rsm_ptr;
    self->tm_ptr   = &init_ptr->base_ptr->tm;
    self->target_address = Inic_GetTargetAddress(self->rsm_ptr->inic_ptr);

    /* Initialize NSM service */
    Srv_Ctor(&self->nsm_srv, NSM_SRV_PRIO, self, &Nsm_Service);

    /* Initialize API locking mechanism */
    Sobs_Ctor(&self->lock.observer, self, &Nsm_HandleApiTimeout);
    Al_Ctor(&self->lock.rcm_api, &self->lock.observer, self->base_ptr->ucs_user_ptr);
    Alm_RegisterApi(&self->base_ptr->alm, &self->lock.rcm_api);

    /* Add NSM service to scheduler */
    (void)Scd_AddService(&self->base_ptr->scd, &self->nsm_srv);

    /* Inits observer for UCS termination */
    Mobs_Ctor(&self->ucstermination_observer, self, EH_M_TERMINATION_EVENTS, &Nsm_UninitializeService);
    Eh_AddObsrvInternalEvent(&self->base_ptr->eh, &self->ucstermination_observer);

    /* Inits observer for UCS initialization */
    Mobs_Ctor(&self->ucsinit_observer, self, EH_E_INIT_SUCCEEDED, &Nsm_UcsInitSucceededCb);
    Eh_AddObsrvInternalEvent(&self->base_ptr->eh, &self->ucsinit_observer);

/* Service                                                                                        */
/*! \brief Executes the script(s) in the given Node.
 *  \param self             Instance pointer of the CNodeScriptManagement
 *  \param node_ptr         Reference to the node instance.
 *  \param pb_result_fptr   Reference to the result function pointer
 *  \return Possible return values are:
 *          - \c UCS_RET_ERR_API_LOCKED the API is locked. 
 *          - \c UCS_RET_SUCCESS if the execution was started successfully
 *          - \c UCS_RET_ERR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW if no TxHandles available
 *          - \c UCS_RET_ERR_PARAM At least one parameter is NULL
 *          - \c UCS_RET_ERR_NOT_AVAILABLE Timer is not available for pausing the script process
Ucs_Return_t Nsm_Run_Pb(CNodeScriptManagement * self, Ucs_Rm_Node_t * node_ptr, Ucs_Ns_ResultCb_t pb_result_fptr)
    Ucs_Return_t result = UCS_RET_ERR_API_LOCKED;

    if(Nsm_IsApiFree(self) != false)
        result = UCS_RET_ERR_PARAM;
        if ((node_ptr != NULL) && (node_ptr->script_list_ptr != NULL) && (node_ptr->script_list_size > 0U))
            /* Locked API */
            Nsm_ApiLocking(self, true);
            /* Private API is not used */
            self->is_private_api_used = false;

            /* Sets internal scripts references */
            self->curr_pb_result_fptr = pb_result_fptr;
            self->curr_node_ptr       = node_ptr;
            self->curr_sript_ptr      = self->curr_node_ptr->script_list_ptr;
            self->curr_sript_size     = self->curr_node_ptr->script_list_size;
            self->curr_rxfilter_fptr  = NULL;

            /* Runs script(s) */
            result = Nsm_Start(self);

        /* Release Locking if synchronous result is not successful */
        if (result != UCS_RET_SUCCESS)
            Nsm_ApiLocking(self, false);

    return result;

/*! \brief Executes the given script(s).
 *  \param self             Instance pointer of the CNodeScriptManagement
 *  \param script           Reference to the scripts table to be executed
 *  \param size             Size of the scripts table
 *  \param user_ptr         Reference to the caller instance
 *  \param rx_filter_fptr   Reference to the optional RX filter callback function pointer
 *  \param result_fptr      Reference to the optional result callback function pointer
 *  \return Possible return values are:
 *         - \c UCS_RET_ERR_API_LOCKED the API is locked. 
 *         - \c UCS_RET_SUCCESS if the execution was started successfully
 *         - \c UCS_RET_ERR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW if no TxHandles available
 *         - \c UCS_RET_ERR_PARAM At least one parameter is NULL
 *         - \c UCS_RET_ERR_NOT_AVAILABLE Timer is not available for pausing the script process
Ucs_Return_t Nsm_Run_Pv(CNodeScriptManagement * self, Ucs_Ns_Script_t * script, uint8_t size, void * user_ptr, Nsm_RxFilterCb_t rx_filter_fptr, Nsm_ResultCb_t result_fptr)
    Ucs_Return_t result = UCS_RET_ERR_API_LOCKED;

    if(Nsm_IsApiFree(self) != false)
        result = UCS_RET_ERR_PARAM;
        if ((script != NULL) && (size > 0U))
            /* Locked API */
            Nsm_ApiLocking(self, true);

            /* Private API is not used */
            self->is_private_api_used = true;

            /* Sets internal scripts references */
            self->curr_sript_ptr       = script;
            self->curr_sript_size      = size;
            self->curr_user_ptr        = user_ptr;
            self->curr_rxfilter_fptr   = rx_filter_fptr;
            self->curr_pv_result_fptr  = result_fptr;

            /* Runs script(s) */
            result = Nsm_Start(self);

        /* Release Locking if synchronous result is not successful */
        if (result != UCS_RET_SUCCESS)
            Nsm_ApiLocking(self, false);

    return result;

/*! \brief Filters RCM Rx messages allotted to NSM.
 *  \details The filter function shall not release the message object
 *  \param self      Instance pointer of the CNodeScriptManagement
 *  \param tel_ptr   Reference to the RCM Rx message object
 *  \return \c true if message is allotted to NSM, otherwise \c false.
bool Nsm_OnRcmRxFilter(void *self, Msg_MostTel_t *tel_ptr)
    bool ret_val = false;
    CNodeScriptManagement *self_ = (CNodeScriptManagement *)self;

    if (self_ != NULL)
        if (self_->curr_rxfilter_fptr != NULL)
            ret_val = self_->curr_rxfilter_fptr(tel_ptr, self_->curr_user_ptr);

        if (!ret_val)
            if ((self_->curr_sript_ptr != NULL) && (self_->curr_sript_ptr->exp_result != NULL))
                Ucs_Ns_ConfigMsg_t * tmp_exp_res = self_->curr_sript_ptr->exp_result;
                if ((tmp_exp_res->FBlockId == tel_ptr->id.fblock_id) &&
                    (tmp_exp_res->FunktId == tel_ptr->id.function_id) &&
                    (tmp_exp_res->OpCode == tel_ptr->id.op_type) &&
                    (tmp_exp_res->InstId == tel_ptr->id.instance_id) && 
                    (tmp_exp_res->DataLen == tel_ptr->tel.tel_len))
                    uint8_t k = 0U;
                    ret_val = true;

                    if ((tmp_exp_res->DataPtr == NULL) && (tmp_exp_res->DataLen > 0U))
                        ret_val = false;

                    for (; ((k < tmp_exp_res->DataLen) && (ret_val == true)); k++)
                        if (tmp_exp_res->DataPtr[k] != tel_ptr->tel.tel_data_ptr[k])
                            ret_val = false;
        if (ret_val)
            TR_INFO((self_->base_ptr->ucs_user_ptr, "[NSM]", "Transfer of script [0x%X] completed", 1U, self_->curr_sript_ptr));
            Al_Release(&self_->lock.rcm_api, NSM_RCMTX_API_LOCK);
            Srv_SetEvent(&self_->nsm_srv, NSM_EVENT_HANDLE_NEXTSCRIPT);

    return ret_val;

/*! \brief Checks if the API is locked.
 *  \param self     Instance pointer
 *  \return \c true if the API is locked, otherwise \c false.
bool Nsm_IsLocked(CNodeScriptManagement * self)
    bool ret_val = false;
    if (self != NULL)
        ret_val = !Nsm_IsApiFree(self);
    return ret_val;

/* Private Methods                                                                                */
/*! \brief Service function of the Node Scripting management.
 *  \param self    Instance pointer
static void Nsm_Service(void *self)
    CNodeScriptManagement *self_ = (CNodeScriptManagement *)self;
    Srv_Event_t event_mask;
    Srv_GetEvent(&self_->nsm_srv, &event_mask);

    /* Event to process list of routes */
        Srv_ClearEvent(&self_->nsm_srv, NSM_EVENT_HANDLE_NEXTSCRIPT);

    /* Event to pause processing of routes list */
        Srv_ClearEvent(&self_->nsm_srv, NSM_EVENT_HANDLE_ERROR);

/*! \brief Executes the script(s).
 *  \param self             Instance pointer of the CNodeScriptManagement
 *  \return Possible return values are:
 *          - \c UCS_RET_SUCCESS if the execution was started successfully
 *          - \c UCS_RET_ERR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW if no TxHandles available
 *          - \c UCS_RET_ERR_NOT_AVAILABLE Timer is not available for pausing the script process
static Ucs_Return_t Nsm_Start(CNodeScriptManagement * self)
    Ucs_Return_t result;

    /* Inits internal result */
    MISC_MEM_SET(&self->curr_internal_result, 0, sizeof(Nsm_Result_t));

    /* Sets the pause for the current script */
    self->curr_pause = self->curr_sript_ptr->pause;

    if (Nsm_IsCurrDeviceSynced(self))
        result = Nsm_HandleNextScript(self);
        result = Nsm_DeviceSync(self);

    return result;

/*! \brief Handles, if available, the next script in the list.
 *  \param self    Instance pointer
 *  \return UCS_RET_SUCCESS               script was transmitted successfully
 *  \return UCS_RET_ERR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW   no message buffer available
 *  \return UCS_RET_ERR_PARAM             Script to be executed is NULL
 *  \return UCS_RET_ERR_NOT_AVAILABLE     Timer is not available for pausing the script process
static Ucs_Return_t Nsm_HandleNextScript(CNodeScriptManagement * self)
    Ucs_Return_t result = UCS_RET_SUCCESS;

    if (Nsm_IsNextScriptAvailable(self))
        if (self->curr_pause > 0U)
            result = Nsm_PauseScript(self);
            result = Nsm_SendCurrScriptToTrcv(self);
            if (result != UCS_RET_SUCCESS)
                Srv_SetEvent(&self->nsm_srv, NSM_EVENT_HANDLE_ERROR);
                TR_ERROR((self->base_ptr->ucs_user_ptr, "[NSM]", "Synchronous error occurred while sending script to Transceiver. ErrorCode:0x%02.", 1U, result));
                TR_INFO((self->base_ptr->ucs_user_ptr, "[NSM]", "Start transfer of script [0x%X] to Trcvr", 1U, self->curr_sript_ptr));
                if ((self->curr_sript_ptr != NULL) && (self->curr_sript_ptr->exp_result == NULL) &&
                    TR_ERROR((self->base_ptr->ucs_user_ptr, "[NSM]", "Expected_Result_Ptr is NULL. No expected result specified in the current script [0x%X].", 1U, self->curr_sript_ptr));

    return result;

/*! \brief Checks whether the next script is available.
 *  \param self    Instance pointer
 *  \return \c true if script still available otherwise \c false.
static bool Nsm_IsNextScriptAvailable(CNodeScriptManagement * self)
    return (self->curr_sript_size > 0U);

/*! \brief Sets the current script_ptr to the next script if available and decrements the size of script table.
 *  \param self    Instance pointer
static void Nsm_IncrCurrScriptPtr(CNodeScriptManagement * self)
    if (self->curr_sript_size > 0U)
        if (self->curr_sript_ptr != NULL)
            self->curr_pause = self->curr_sript_ptr->pause;
            TR_ERROR((self->base_ptr->ucs_user_ptr, "[NSM]", "Corrupted data: Next script is NULL although current script size is greater than 0.", 0U));

/*! \brief  Synchronizes to the remote target device
 *  \param  self            Instance pointer
 *  \return Possible return values are shown in the table below.
 *           Value                       | Description 
 *           -------------------------   | ------------------------------------
 *           UCS_RET_SUCCESS             | No error 
 *           UCS_RET_ERR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW | no message buffer available
static Ucs_Return_t Nsm_DeviceSync(CNodeScriptManagement * self)
    Ucs_Return_t result;

    result = Rsm_SyncDev(self->rsm_ptr, self, &Nsm_RmtDevSyncResultCb);
    if(result == UCS_RET_SUCCESS)
        TR_INFO((self->base_ptr->ucs_user_ptr, "[NSM]", "Start Synchronization of remote device", 0U));

    return result;

/*! \brief Transmits the current script_ptr to the RCM transceiver
 *  \param self    Instance pointer
 *  \return UCS_RET_SUCCESS               script was transmitted successfully
 *  \return UCS_RET_ERR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW   no message buffer available
 *  \return UCS_RET_ERR_PARAM             Script to be executed is NULL
 *  \return UCS_RET_ERR_API_LOCKED        RCM Transceiver is currently locked
static Ucs_Return_t Nsm_SendCurrScriptToTrcv(CNodeScriptManagement * self)
    Ucs_Return_t result = UCS_RET_ERR_API_LOCKED;

    if (Al_Lock(&self->lock.rcm_api, NSM_RCMTX_API_LOCK) != false)
        result = UCS_RET_ERR_PARAM;
        if ((self->curr_sript_ptr != NULL) && (self->curr_sript_ptr->send_cmd != NULL))
            Ucs_Ns_ConfigMsg_t * tmp_snd_cmd = self->curr_sript_ptr->send_cmd;
            Msg_MostTel_t *msg_ptr = Trcv_TxAllocateMsg(self->rcm_ptr, tmp_snd_cmd->DataLen);
            result = UCS_RET_ERR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW;

            if (msg_ptr != NULL)
                uint8_t k = 0U;
                result = UCS_RET_SUCCESS;

                msg_ptr->destination_addr    = self->target_address;
                msg_ptr->id.fblock_id        = tmp_snd_cmd->FBlockId;
                msg_ptr->id.instance_id      = tmp_snd_cmd->InstId;
                msg_ptr->id.function_id      = tmp_snd_cmd->FunktId;
                msg_ptr->id.op_type          = (Ucs_OpType_t)tmp_snd_cmd->OpCode;

                if ((tmp_snd_cmd->DataLen > 0U) && (tmp_snd_cmd->DataPtr == NULL))
                    result = UCS_RET_ERR_PARAM;

                for (; ((k < tmp_snd_cmd->DataLen) && (result == UCS_RET_SUCCESS)); k++)
                    msg_ptr->tel.tel_data_ptr[k] = tmp_snd_cmd->DataPtr[k];
                Trcv_TxSendMsgExt(self->rcm_ptr, msg_ptr, &Nsm_MsgTxStatusCb, self);
                result = UCS_RET_ERR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW;

        if (result != UCS_RET_SUCCESS)
            Al_Release(&self->lock.rcm_api, NSM_RCMTX_API_LOCK);

    return result;

/*! \brief  Check if the current device is already attached respectively sync'ed.
 *  \param  self    Instance pointer
 *  \return \c true if no error occurred, otherwise \c false.
static bool Nsm_IsCurrDeviceSynced(CNodeScriptManagement *self)
    bool ret_val = true;

    if (Rsm_GetDevState(self->rsm_ptr) == RSM_DEV_UNSYNCED)
        ret_val = false;

    return ret_val;

/*! \brief Handles the error event
 *  \param self    Instance pointer
static void Nsm_HandleError(CNodeScriptManagement * self)
    self->curr_internal_result.code = UCS_NS_RES_ERROR;

/*! \brief  Informs user that the transfer of the current script is completed.
 *  \param  self    Instance pointer
static void Nsm_Finished(CNodeScriptManagement * self)
    self->curr_internal_result.code = UCS_NS_RES_SUCCESS;

/*! \brief  Transmits the script result to the user callback.
 *  \param  self    Instance pointer
static void Nsm_SendScriptResult(CNodeScriptManagement *self)
    Nsm_ApiLocking(self, false);
    self->curr_rxfilter_fptr = NULL;
    self->curr_sript_ptr     = NULL;
    if (self->is_private_api_used)
        if (self->curr_pv_result_fptr != NULL)
            self->curr_pv_result_fptr(self->curr_user_ptr, self->curr_internal_result);
        if (self->curr_pb_result_fptr != NULL)
            self->curr_pb_result_fptr(self->curr_node_ptr, self->curr_internal_result.code, self->base_ptr->ucs_user_ptr);

/*! \brief Starts the timer for pausing the script.
 *  \param self    Instance pointer
 *  \return UCS_RET_SUCCESS             Timer was started successfully
 *  \return UCS_RET_ERR_NOT_AVAILABLE   Timer is not available for pausing the script process
static Ucs_Return_t Nsm_PauseScript(CNodeScriptManagement * self)
    Ucs_Return_t ret_val = UCS_RET_ERR_NOT_AVAILABLE;

    if(T_IsTimerInUse(&self->script_pause) == false)
        ret_val = UCS_RET_SUCCESS;

        TR_INFO((self->base_ptr->ucs_user_ptr, "[NSM]", "Start pause for %d ms", 1U, self->curr_pause));

    return ret_val;

/*! \brief Locks/Unlocks the RTM API.
 *  \param self     Instance pointer
 *  \param status   Locking status. \c true = Lock, \c false = Unlock
static void Nsm_ApiLocking(CNodeScriptManagement *self, bool status)
    self->lock.api = status;

/*! \brief Checks if the API is locked.
 *  \param self     Instance pointer
 *  \return \c true if the API is not locked, otherwise \c false.
static bool Nsm_IsApiFree(CNodeScriptManagement *self)
    return (self->lock.api == false);

/* Callback Functions                                                                             */
/*! \brief  Called if UCS initialization has been succeeded.
 *  \param  self        Instance pointer
 *  \param  event_ptr   Reference to reported event
static void Nsm_UcsInitSucceededCb(void *self, void *event_ptr)
    CNodeScriptManagement *self_ = (CNodeScriptManagement *)self;

    /* Remove ucsinit_observer */
    Eh_DelObsrvInternalEvent(&self_->base_ptr->eh, &self_->ucsinit_observer);

/*! \brief  Handles an API timeout
 *  \param  self             Instance pointer
 *  \param  method_mask_ptr  Bitmask to signal which API method has caused the timeout
static void Nsm_HandleApiTimeout(void *self, void *method_mask_ptr)
    CNodeScriptManagement *self_ = (CNodeScriptManagement *)self;
    Alm_ModuleMask_t method_mask = *((Alm_ModuleMask_t *)method_mask_ptr);

    if ((method_mask & NSM_RCMTX_API_LOCK) == NSM_RCMTX_API_LOCK)
        Srv_SetEvent(&self_->nsm_srv, NSM_EVENT_HANDLE_ERROR);
        TR_ERROR((self_->base_ptr->ucs_user_ptr, "[NSM]", "API locking timeout occurred for Nsm_Start() method.", 0U));

/*! \brief  Handle internal errors and un-initialize NSM service.
 *  \param  self            Instance pointer
 *  \param  error_code_ptr  Reference to internal error code
static void Nsm_UninitializeService(void *self, void *error_code_ptr)
    CNodeScriptManagement *self_ = (CNodeScriptManagement *)self;

    /* Remove NSM service from schedulers list */
    (void)Scd_RemoveService(&self_->base_ptr->scd, &self_->nsm_srv);
    /* Remove error/event observers */
    Eh_DelObsrvInternalEvent(&self_->base_ptr->eh, &self_->ucstermination_observer);

/*! \brief Handle message Tx status, Unlock the API and free the message objects
 *  \param self     The instance
 *  \param tel_ptr  Reference to transmitted message
 *  \param status   Status of the transmitted message
static void Nsm_MsgTxStatusCb(void *self, Msg_MostTel_t *tel_ptr, Ucs_MsgTxStatus_t status)
    CNodeScriptManagement *self_ = (CNodeScriptManagement *)self;

    if (status != UCS_MSG_STAT_OK)
        /* Set detailed result */
        self_->curr_internal_result.details.result_type = NS_RESULT_TYPE_TX;
        self_->curr_internal_result.details.tx_result   = status;

        Al_Release(&self_->lock.rcm_api, NSM_RCMTX_API_LOCK);
        /* Set Handling error */
        Srv_SetEvent(&self_->nsm_srv, NSM_EVENT_HANDLE_ERROR);
        TR_ERROR((self_->base_ptr->ucs_user_ptr, "[NSM]", "Transmission error occurred. ErrorCode:0x%02.", 1U, status));

/*! \brief  Handles the result of "device.sync" operations.
 *  \param  self        Instance pointer
 *  \param  result      RSM result
static void Nsm_RmtDevSyncResultCb(void *self, Rsm_Result_t result)
    CNodeScriptManagement *self_ = (CNodeScriptManagement *)self;
    if (result.code == RSM_RES_SUCCESS)
        Srv_SetEvent(&self_->nsm_srv, NSM_EVENT_HANDLE_NEXTSCRIPT);
        TR_INFO((self_->base_ptr->ucs_user_ptr, "[NSM]", "Remote device has been successfully synchronized.", 0U));
        /* Set internal result for private use */
        self_->curr_internal_result.details.inic_result = result.details.inic_result;
        self_->curr_internal_result.details.tx_result   = result.details.tx_result;
        if (result.details.tx_result != UCS_MSG_STAT_OK)
            self_->curr_internal_result.details.result_type = NS_RESULT_TYPE_TX;
            self_->curr_internal_result.details.result_type = NS_RESULT_TYPE_TGT_SYNC;

        Srv_SetEvent(&self_->nsm_srv, NSM_EVENT_HANDLE_ERROR);
        if (result.details.inic_result.code == UCS_RES_ERR_TRANSMISSION)
            TR_ERROR((self_->base_ptr->ucs_user_ptr, "[NSM]", "Synchronization to the remote device failed due to transmission error. ErrorCode: 0x%02X", 1U, result.details.inic_result.code));
            TR_ERROR((self_->base_ptr->ucs_user_ptr, "[NSM]", "Synchronization to the remote device failed due to error on target device. ErrorCode: 0x%02X", 1U, result.details.inic_result.code));

/*! \brief  Resumes the handling of script. This method is the callback function of the NSM timer.
 *  \param  self    Instance pointer
static void Nsm_ResumeScriptHandling(void* self)
    CNodeScriptManagement *self_ = (CNodeScriptManagement *)self;
    self_->curr_pause = 0U;
    Srv_SetEvent(&self_->nsm_srv, NSM_EVENT_HANDLE_NEXTSCRIPT);
    TR_INFO((self_->base_ptr->ucs_user_ptr, "[NSM]", "Pause completed. Resume handling of scripts", 0U));

 * @}
 * \endcond
/* End of file                                                                                    */