/*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* UNICENS V2.1.0-3491 */ /* Copyright (c) 2017 Microchip Technology Germany II GmbH & Co. KG. */ /* */ /* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify */ /* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */ /* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or */ /* (at your option) any later version. */ /* */ /* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */ /* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */ /* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the */ /* GNU General Public License for more details. */ /* */ /* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */ /* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ /* */ /* You may also obtain this software under a propriety license from Microchip. */ /* Please contact Microchip for further information. */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! * \file * \brief Implementation of AMS Segmentation Class * * \cond UCS_INTERNAL_DOC * \addtogroup G_AMSSEGM * @{ */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Includes */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "ucs_segmentation.h" #include "ucs_ams.h" #include "ucs_misc.h" /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Internal constants */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*!\brief Timeout for garbage collector */ static const uint16_t SEGM_GC_TIMEOUT = 5000U; /* parasoft-suppress MISRA2004-8_7 "intended usage as configuration parameter" */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Internal typedefs */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Internal prototypes */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static Ucs_AmsRx_Msg_t *Segm_RxRetrieveProcessingHandle(CSegmentation *self, Msg_MostTel_t *tel_ptr); static void Segm_RxStoreProcessingHandle(CSegmentation *self, Ucs_AmsRx_Msg_t *msg_ptr); static bool Segm_RxSearchProcessingHandle(void *current_data, void *search_data); static bool Segm_RxGcSetLabel(void *current_data, void *search_data); static Ucs_AmsRx_Msg_t* Segm_RxProcessTelId0(CSegmentation *self, Msg_MostTel_t *tel_ptr, Segm_Result_t *result_ptr); static void Segm_RxProcessTelId1(CSegmentation *self, Msg_MostTel_t *tel_ptr, Segm_Result_t *result_ptr); static void Segm_RxProcessTelId2(CSegmentation *self, Msg_MostTel_t *tel_ptr); static Ucs_AmsRx_Msg_t* Segm_RxProcessTelId3(CSegmentation *self, Msg_MostTel_t *tel_ptr); static void Segm_RxProcessTelId4(CSegmentation *self, Msg_MostTel_t *tel_ptr, Segm_Result_t *result_ptr); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Initialization methods */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! \brief Constructor of class CSegmentation * \param self The instance * \param base_ptr Reference to base services * \param pool_ptr Reference to the (Rx) message pool * \param rx_def_payload_sz Default memory size that is allocated when receiving segmented messages * without size prefix */ void Segm_Ctor(CSegmentation *self, CBase *base_ptr, CAmsMsgPool *pool_ptr, uint16_t rx_def_payload_sz) { MISC_MEM_SET(self, 0, sizeof(*self)); self->base_ptr = base_ptr; /* initialize members */ self->pool_ptr = pool_ptr; self->rx_default_payload_sz = rx_def_payload_sz; Dl_Ctor(&self->processing_list, self->base_ptr->ucs_user_ptr); T_Ctor(&self->gc_timer); Tm_SetTimer(&self->base_ptr->tm, /* start garbage collector timer */ &self->gc_timer, &Segm_RxGcScanProcessingHandles, self, SEGM_GC_TIMEOUT, SEGM_GC_TIMEOUT ); } /*! \brief Constructor of class CSegmentation * \param self The instance * \param error_fptr Reference to segmentation error callback function * \param error_inst Reference to segmentation error instance */ void Segm_AssignRxErrorHandler(CSegmentation *self, Segm_OnError_t error_fptr, void *error_inst) { self->error_fptr = error_fptr; self->error_inst = error_inst; } /*! \brief Performs cleanup of pending messages * \param self The instance */ void Segm_Cleanup(CSegmentation *self) { CDlNode *node_ptr = NULL; /* cleanup Tx queue */ for (node_ptr = Dl_PopHead(&self->processing_list); node_ptr != NULL; node_ptr = Dl_PopHead(&self->processing_list)) { Ucs_AmsRx_Msg_t *rx_ptr = (Ucs_AmsRx_Msg_t*)Dln_GetData(node_ptr); Amsp_FreeRxPayload(self->pool_ptr, rx_ptr); Amsp_FreeRxObj(self->pool_ptr, rx_ptr); } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Tx segmentation */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! \brief Builds next MOST telegram according to given Application Messages * \param self The instance * \param msg_ptr Reference to the Application Message Tx handle * \param tel_ptr Reference to the MOST Telegram handle * \return Returns \c True if segmentation was completed for the Application Message. Otherwise \c false. */ bool Segm_TxBuildSegment(CSegmentation *self, Ucs_AmsTx_Msg_t* msg_ptr, Msg_MostTel_t *tel_ptr) { bool finished = false; MISC_UNUSED(self); tel_ptr->destination_addr = msg_ptr->destination_address; Msg_SetAltMsgId((CMessage*)(void*)tel_ptr, msg_ptr->msg_id); tel_ptr->opts.llrbc = msg_ptr->llrbc; tel_ptr->info_ptr = msg_ptr; /* info_ptr must carry the reference to AMS Tx message object */ tel_ptr->opts.cancel_id = Amsg_TxGetFollowerId(msg_ptr); if (msg_ptr->data_size <= SEGM_MAX_SIZE_TEL) /* is single transfer? */ { Msg_SetExtPayload((CMessage*)(void*)tel_ptr, msg_ptr->data_ptr, (uint8_t)msg_ptr->data_size, NULL); finished = true; } else /* is segmented transfer? */ { uint16_t next_segm_cnt = Amsg_TxGetNextSegmCnt(msg_ptr); if (next_segm_cnt == 0xFFFFU) /* first segment: size prefixed segmented message TelId = "4" */ { tel_ptr->tel.tel_id = 4U; tel_ptr->tel.tel_data_ptr[0] = MISC_HB(msg_ptr->data_size); tel_ptr->tel.tel_data_ptr[1] = MISC_LB(msg_ptr->data_size); tel_ptr->tel.tel_len = 2U; } else /* further segments: TelId = "1,2,3" */ { uint16_t index = next_segm_cnt * ((uint16_t)SEGM_MAX_SIZE_TEL - 1U); uint16_t remaining_sz = msg_ptr->data_size - index; uint8_t tel_sz = SEGM_MAX_SIZE_TEL - 1U; if (remaining_sz < SEGM_MAX_SIZE_TEL) { tel_ptr->tel.tel_id = 3U; /* is last segment */ tel_sz = (uint8_t)remaining_sz; finished = true; } else { if (index == 0U) { tel_ptr->tel.tel_id = 1U; /* is first segment */ } else { tel_ptr->tel.tel_id = 2U; /* is subsequent segment */ } } tel_ptr->tel.tel_cnt = (uint8_t)next_segm_cnt; Msg_SetExtPayload((CMessage*)(void*)tel_ptr, &msg_ptr->data_ptr[index], tel_sz, NULL); } Amsg_TxIncrementNextSegmCnt(msg_ptr); } return finished; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Rx pools */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! \brief Retrieves a processing Rx Application message object to a corresponding MOST telegram * \param self The instance * \param tel_ptr Reference to the MOST telegram * \return The reference to the corresponding Rx Application Message or \c NULL if no appropriate * Rx Application Message is available. */ static Ucs_AmsRx_Msg_t* Segm_RxRetrieveProcessingHandle(CSegmentation *self, Msg_MostTel_t *tel_ptr) { Ucs_AmsRx_Msg_t *msg_ptr = NULL; CDlNode *result_node_ptr = Dl_Foreach(&self->processing_list, &Segm_RxSearchProcessingHandle, tel_ptr); if (result_node_ptr != NULL) { Dl_Ret_t ret = Dl_Remove(&self->processing_list, result_node_ptr); TR_ASSERT(self->base_ptr->ucs_user_ptr, "[SEGM]", (ret == DL_OK)); msg_ptr = (Ucs_AmsRx_Msg_t*)Dln_GetData(result_node_ptr); MISC_UNUSED(ret); } return msg_ptr; } /*! \brief Stores a processing Rx Application message object into a dedicated list * \param self The instance * \param msg_ptr Reference to the Rx Application Message */ static void Segm_RxStoreProcessingHandle(CSegmentation *self, Ucs_AmsRx_Msg_t *msg_ptr) { Amsg_RxSetGcMarker(msg_ptr, false); Amsg_RxEnqueue(msg_ptr, &self->processing_list); /* insert at tail, since garbage collector starts at head */ } /*! \brief Performs garbage collection of outdated message objects * \param self The instance */ void Segm_RxGcScanProcessingHandles(void *self) { CSegmentation *self_ = (CSegmentation*)self; /* first remove outdated messages */ CDlNode *node_ptr = Dl_PeekHead(&self_->processing_list); /* get first candidate from head */ while (node_ptr != NULL) { Ucs_AmsRx_Msg_t *msg_ptr = (Ucs_AmsRx_Msg_t*)Dln_GetData(node_ptr); if (Amsg_RxGetGcMarker(msg_ptr) != false) { Msg_MostTel_t tel; Amsg_RxCopySignatureToTel(msg_ptr, &tel); self_->error_fptr(self_->error_inst, &tel, SEGM_ERR_5); (void)Dl_Remove(&self_->processing_list, node_ptr); Amsp_FreeRxPayload(self_->pool_ptr, msg_ptr); Amsp_FreeRxObj(self_->pool_ptr, msg_ptr); node_ptr = Dl_PeekHead(&self_->processing_list); /* get next candidate from head */ } else { break; } } (void)Dl_Foreach(&self_->processing_list, &Segm_RxGcSetLabel, NULL); /* set label of all remaining messages */ } /*! \brief Sets garbage collector flags for all list members * \param current_data The Application message object present in list * \param search_data unused (\c NULL) * \return Returns always false in order to handle all list members */ static bool Segm_RxGcSetLabel(void *current_data, void *search_data) { Ucs_AmsRx_Msg_t *msg_ptr = (Ucs_AmsRx_Msg_t*)current_data; Amsg_RxSetGcMarker(msg_ptr, true); MISC_UNUSED(search_data); return false; } /*! \brief Search routine to identify message objects with the same signature * than a given MOST telegram * \param current_data The Application message object present in list * \param search_data The MOST Telegram object * \return Returns \c true if both handles have the same functional signature, * otherwise \c false. */ static bool Segm_RxSearchProcessingHandle(void *current_data, void *search_data) { Ucs_AmsRx_Msg_t *msg_ptr = (Ucs_AmsRx_Msg_t*)current_data; Msg_MostTel_t *tel_ptr = (Msg_MostTel_t*)search_data; return Amsg_RxHandleIsIdentical(msg_ptr, tel_ptr); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Rx segmentation */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! \brief Processes segmentation for a received MOST telegram * \param self The instance * \param tel_ptr The received MOST telegram * \param result_ptr The result of the segmentation process * \return The completed Rx Application Message or \c NULL if segmentation process is still * ongoing. */ Ucs_AmsRx_Msg_t* Segm_RxExecuteSegmentation(CSegmentation *self, Msg_MostTel_t *tel_ptr, Segm_Result_t *result_ptr) { Ucs_AmsRx_Msg_t *msg_ptr = NULL; *result_ptr = SEGM_RES_OK; switch (tel_ptr->tel.tel_id) /* parasoft-suppress MISRA2004-15_3 "ignore unexpected TelIds" */ { case 0U: msg_ptr = Segm_RxProcessTelId0(self, tel_ptr, result_ptr); break; case 1U: Segm_RxProcessTelId1(self, tel_ptr, result_ptr); break; case 2U: Segm_RxProcessTelId2(self, tel_ptr); break; case 3U: msg_ptr = Segm_RxProcessTelId3(self, tel_ptr); break; case 4U: Segm_RxProcessTelId4(self, tel_ptr, result_ptr); break; default: break; } return msg_ptr; /* return completed message */ } /*! \brief Processes segmentation for a received MOST telegram with \c TelId="0" * \param self The instance * \param tel_ptr The received MOST telegram * \param result_ptr Result of segmentation process * \return The completed Rx Application Message or \c NULL if segmentation process * does not finish successfully. */ static Ucs_AmsRx_Msg_t* Segm_RxProcessTelId0(CSegmentation *self, Msg_MostTel_t *tel_ptr, Segm_Result_t *result_ptr) { Ucs_AmsRx_Msg_t *msg_ptr = Segm_RxRetrieveProcessingHandle(self, tel_ptr); *result_ptr = SEGM_RES_OK; if (msg_ptr != NULL) /* treat error: segmentation process is ongoing */ { self->error_fptr(self->error_inst, tel_ptr, SEGM_ERR_7); Amsp_FreeRxPayload(self->pool_ptr, msg_ptr);/* free assigned user payload and throw segmentation error */ Amsp_FreeRxObj(self->pool_ptr, msg_ptr); msg_ptr = NULL; } /* try to allocate handle, memory is NetServices provided (payload <= 45 bytes) */ msg_ptr = Amsp_AllocRxObj(self->pool_ptr, (uint16_t)tel_ptr->tel.tel_len); if (msg_ptr == NULL) { msg_ptr = Amsp_AllocRxRsvd(self->pool_ptr); } if (msg_ptr != NULL) /* handle available: setup Rx Application Message */ { Amsg_RxCopySignatureFromTel(msg_ptr, tel_ptr); if (tel_ptr->tel.tel_len > 0U) { /* copy payload to message */ Amsg_RxCopyToPayload(msg_ptr, tel_ptr->tel.tel_data_ptr, tel_ptr->tel.tel_len); } else { /* set payload length to zero */ msg_ptr->data_ptr = NULL; msg_ptr->data_size = 0U; } } else { *result_ptr = SEGM_RES_RETRY; /* retry when next Rx object is released */ } return msg_ptr; } /*! \brief Processes segmentation for a received MOST telegram with \c TelId="1" * \param self The instance * \param tel_ptr The received MOST telegram * \param result_ptr Result of segmentation process */ static void Segm_RxProcessTelId1(CSegmentation *self, Msg_MostTel_t *tel_ptr, Segm_Result_t *result_ptr) { *result_ptr = SEGM_RES_OK; if (tel_ptr->tel.tel_cnt != 0U) /* handle incorrect tel_cnt */ { self->error_fptr(self->error_inst, tel_ptr, SEGM_ERR_3); } else /* tel_cnt is correct -> continue segmentation */ { Ucs_AmsRx_Msg_t *msg_ptr = Segm_RxRetrieveProcessingHandle(self, tel_ptr); bool is_size_prefixed = false; if (msg_ptr != NULL) /* has previous message */ { if ((Amsg_RxGetExpTelCnt(msg_ptr) != 0U) || (msg_ptr->data_size > 0U)) { /* error: previous message already contains segments */ self->error_fptr(self->error_inst, tel_ptr, SEGM_ERR_7); Amsp_FreeRxPayload(self->pool_ptr, msg_ptr); Amsg_RxHandleSetup(msg_ptr); /* initialize message for re-use */ } else /* message and payload had been allocated by TelId '4' */ { is_size_prefixed = true; } } else /* allocate message object if pre-allocation was not initiated by TelId "4" */ { msg_ptr = Amsp_AllocRxObj(self->pool_ptr, 0U); } if (msg_ptr != NULL) /* now allocate payload */ { if (is_size_prefixed == false) { Amsg_RxCopySignatureFromTel(msg_ptr, tel_ptr); /* save signature and try to allocate */ (void)Amsp_AllocRxPayload(self->pool_ptr, self->rx_default_payload_sz, msg_ptr); } if (!Amsg_RxHasExternalPayload(msg_ptr)) /* allocation of payload failed */ { self->error_fptr(self->error_inst, tel_ptr, SEGM_ERR_2); Amsp_FreeRxObj(self->pool_ptr, msg_ptr); msg_ptr = NULL; } else /* allocation of payload succeeded */ { (void)Amsg_RxAppendPayload(msg_ptr, tel_ptr); Segm_RxStoreProcessingHandle(self, msg_ptr); msg_ptr = NULL; } } else /* no message object allocated */ { /* send segmentation error */ self->error_fptr(self->error_inst, tel_ptr, SEGM_ERR_4); } } } /*! \brief Processes segmentation for a received MOST telegram with \c TelId="2" * \param self The instance * \param tel_ptr The received MOST telegram */ static void Segm_RxProcessTelId2(CSegmentation *self, Msg_MostTel_t *tel_ptr) { Ucs_AmsRx_Msg_t *msg_ptr = Segm_RxProcessTelId3(self, tel_ptr); /* pretend having TelId '2' but store the */ /* assembled message again */ if (msg_ptr != NULL) { Segm_RxStoreProcessingHandle(self, msg_ptr); } } /*! \brief Processes segmentation for a received MOST telegram with \c TelId="3" * \param self The instance * \param tel_ptr The received MOST telegram * \return The assembled Rx Application Message or \c NULL if segmentation process * did not process successfully. */ static Ucs_AmsRx_Msg_t* Segm_RxProcessTelId3(CSegmentation *self, Msg_MostTel_t *tel_ptr) { Ucs_AmsRx_Msg_t *msg_ptr = Segm_RxRetrieveProcessingHandle(self, tel_ptr); if (msg_ptr == NULL) /* is first segment missing */ { self->error_fptr(self->error_inst, tel_ptr, SEGM_ERR_1); } else { uint8_t exp_tel_cnt = Amsg_RxGetExpTelCnt(msg_ptr); if ((exp_tel_cnt == 0U) && (msg_ptr->data_size == 0U)) { /* error: did not receive first segment */ self->error_fptr(self->error_inst, tel_ptr, SEGM_ERR_1); Segm_RxStoreProcessingHandle(self, msg_ptr); msg_ptr = NULL; } else if (exp_tel_cnt != tel_ptr->tel.tel_cnt) { /* has wrong TelCnt */ self->error_fptr(self->error_inst, tel_ptr, SEGM_ERR_3); Segm_RxStoreProcessingHandle(self, msg_ptr); msg_ptr = NULL; } if (msg_ptr != NULL) { bool succ = Amsg_RxAppendPayload(msg_ptr, tel_ptr); if (succ == false) { self->error_fptr(self->error_inst, tel_ptr, SEGM_ERR_2); Amsp_FreeRxPayload(self->pool_ptr, msg_ptr); Amsp_FreeRxObj(self->pool_ptr, msg_ptr); msg_ptr = NULL; } } } return msg_ptr; } /*! \brief Processes segmentation for a received MOST telegram with \c TelId="4" * \param self The instance * \param tel_ptr The received MOST telegram * \param result_ptr Result of segmentation process */ static void Segm_RxProcessTelId4(CSegmentation *self, Msg_MostTel_t *tel_ptr, Segm_Result_t *result_ptr) { *result_ptr = SEGM_RES_OK; if (tel_ptr->tel.tel_len >= 2U) /* telegrams has necessary length */ { uint16_t msg_size; MISC_DECODE_WORD(&msg_size, tel_ptr->tel.tel_data_ptr); if (msg_size > SEGM_MAX_SIZE_TEL) /* application message has correct size */ { Ucs_AmsRx_Msg_t *msg_ptr = Segm_RxRetrieveProcessingHandle(self, tel_ptr); if (msg_ptr != NULL) /* treat error: segmentation process is ongoing */ { Amsp_FreeRxPayload(self->pool_ptr, msg_ptr); self->error_fptr(self->error_inst, tel_ptr, SEGM_ERR_7); Amsg_RxHandleSetup(msg_ptr); /* initialize message for re-use */ } else { /* try to allocate handle, memory is NetServices provided (payload <= 45 bytes) */ msg_ptr = Amsp_AllocRxObj(self->pool_ptr, 0U); } if (msg_ptr != NULL) /* allocation succeeded: decode length and allocate payload */ { Amsg_RxCopySignatureFromTel(msg_ptr, tel_ptr); (void)Amsp_AllocRxPayload(self->pool_ptr, msg_size, msg_ptr); Segm_RxStoreProcessingHandle(self, msg_ptr);/* store handle and don't care if payload was allocated or not */ msg_ptr = NULL; /* segmentation error 2 is treated by TelId 1 */ } else { self->error_fptr(self->error_inst, tel_ptr, SEGM_ERR_4); } } } } /*! * @} * \endcond */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* End of file */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/