/* * Copyright 2018-2019 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * A copy of the License is located at * * http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0/ * * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either * express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. */ AMAZON = function() { var afb; var alexaWs; var base = { base: "api", token: "HELLO", }; // GUID generator for generating device serial number. function guid() { function s4() { return Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000) .toString(16) .substring(1); } return s4() + s4() + '-' + s4() + '-' + s4() + '-' + s4() + '-' + s4() + s4() + s4(); } /*********************************************/ /**** ****/ /**** AMAZON_cbl ****/ /**** ****/ /*********************************************/ var AMAZON_Cbl; { const amazonHostUrl = "https://api.amazon.com"; const amazonCodePairUrl = amazonHostUrl + "/auth/O2/create/codepair"; const amazonTokenUrl = amazonHostUrl + "/auth/O2/token"; const deviceSerialNumber = guid(); var clientID = localStorage.getItem("client_id"); var productID = localStorage.getItem("product_id"); var alexaVAAddress = localStorage.getItem("alexa_va_address"); var alexaVAConnected = false; var alexaVAAddressInput; var clientIDInput; var productIDInput; AMAZON_Cbl = function() { // Alexa VA Address const alexaVAAddressInput = document.getElementById('alexa-va-address'); alexaVAAddress = alexaVAAddressInput.value; connectToAlexaVA(alexaVAAddress); alexaVAAddressInput.addEventListener("change",(evt) => { var newAlexaVAAddress = alexaVAAddressInput.value; if (alexaVAAddress != newAlexaVAAddress) { connectToAlexaVA(newAlexaVAAddress); localStorage.setItem("alexa_va_address", newAlexaVAAddress); } }); // Client ID const clientIDInput = document.getElementById('client-id'); clientIDInput.addEventListener("change",(evt) => { var newClientID = clientIDInput.value; if (clientID != newClientID) { clientID = newClientID; localStorage.setItem("client_id", newClientID); } }); // Product ID const productIDInput = document.getElementById('product-id'); productIDInput.addEventListener("change",(evt) => { var newProductID = productIDInput.value; if (productID != newProductID) { productID = newProductID; localStorage.setItem("product_id", newProductID); } }); } function connectToAlexaVA(address) { base.host = address; afb = new AFB(base, "secret"); function onopen() { console.log("Connected to Alexa VA"); alexaVAConnected = true; } function onabort() { console.log("Alexa VA connection aborted."); alexaVAConnected = false; } alexaWs = new afb.ws(onopen, onabort); } function sendRequest(httpReq, paramsJson, url, responseCb) { httpReq.onreadystatechange = responseCb; var paramsQueryString = Object.keys(paramsJson).map(key => key + '=' + paramsJson[key]).join('&'); httpReq.open("POST", url, true); httpReq.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); httpReq.send(paramsQueryString); } //********************************************** // Generic function to call VA binder //*********************************************** function callVABinder(voiceAgent, verb, query) { console.log(voiceAgent.api, verb, query); // ws.call return a Promise return alexaWs.call(voiceAgent.api + '/' + verb, query) .then(function (res) { log.reply(res); count++; return res; }) .catch(function (err) { log.reply(err); count++; throw err; }); }; function updateAccessToken(voiceAgent, tokenResponseJson) { if (alexaVAAddress === undefined || alexaVAAddress === null) { console.log("No Alexa VA. So not updating the access token."); return; } // store the access and refresh tokens. if (typeof(Storage) !== "undefined") { localStorage.setItem("access_token", tokenResponseJson["access_token"]); localStorage.setItem("refresh_token", tokenResponseJson["refresh_token"]); } // Set the auth token if (alexaVAConnected) { // Set new token const query = {"token": tokenResponseJson["access_token"]}; callVABinder(voiceAgent, 'setAuthToken', query); } // Refresh the token as soon as it expires. setTimeout(refreshToken, tokenResponseJson["expires_in"] * 1000); } function refreshToken(voiceAgent) { if (voiceAgent == "undefined") { console.log("Error: VoiceAgent undefined"); return; } var refreshToken = localStorage.getItem("refresh_token"); if (refreshToken == null) { console.log("Error: No refresh token"); return; } var paramsJson = { "grant_type":"refresh_token", "refresh_token":refreshToken, "client_id":clientID, }; const tokenRefreshReq = new XMLHttpRequest(); sendRequest(tokenRefreshReq, paramsJson, amazonTokenUrl, function() { if (tokenRefreshReq.readyState == 4) { if (tokenRefreshReq.status == 200) { console.log("Got access token " + tokenRefreshReq.responseText); var tokenResponseJson = JSON.parse(tokenRefreshReq.responseText); updateAccessToken(voiceAgent, tokenResponseJson); } else { console.log("Failed to refresh access token: " + tokenRefreshReq.responseText); } } }); } function displayUserCodeAndURI(authResponseJson) { const modal = document.getElementById('login-with-amazon'); const cblStatusDiv = document.createElement("div"); const cblStatusMsg = document.createElement("p"); const blank = "_blank"; var cblPage = authResponseJson["verification_uri"] + "?cbl-code=" + authResponseJson["user_code"] var msg = "To use Alexa,you must sign in to Amazon.<br> Go to " + "<a href=" + cblPage + " target="+ blank+ " >" + cblPage + "</a>"; cblStatusMsg.innerHTML = msg; cblStatusDiv.appendChild(cblStatusMsg); modal.appendChild(cblStatusDiv); const closeBtn = document.createElement("button"); closeBtn.addEventListener('click', (evt) => { modal.close(); }); closeBtn.style = "margin: 10px"; closeBtn.innerHTML = "Close"; modal.appendChild(closeBtn); } function hideLoginUI() { const loginDiv = document.getElementById('login-area'); loginDiv.style.display = "none"; } function login(voiceAgent) { if (voiceAgent == undefined) { console.log("Error: VoiceAgent undefined"); return; } const modal = document.getElementById('login-with-amazon'); const submitBtn = document.getElementById('submit-btn'); const cancelBtn = document.getElementById('cancel-btn'); submitBtn.addEventListener('click', (evt) => { console.log("Alexa Destination address set to: " + alexaVAAddress); startLoginProcess(voiceAgent); }); cancelBtn.addEventListener('click', (evt) => { modal.close(); }); const alexaVAAddressInput = document.getElementById('alexa-va-address'); alexaVAAddressInput.value = alexaVAAddress; const clientIDInput = document.getElementById('client-id'); clientIDInput.value = clientID; const productIDInput = document.getElementById('product-id'); productIDInput.value = productID; modal.showModal(); } function startLoginProcess(voiceAgent) { if (clientID == null || productID == null || alexaVAAddress == null) { console.log("Required information missing to start login process."); return; } var reqJson = { "response_type": "device_code", "client_id": clientID, "scope":"alexa:all", "scope_data": JSON.stringify({ "alexa:all": { "productID":productID, "productInstanceAttributes" : { "deviceSerialNumber": deviceSerialNumber } } }) }; const authReq = new XMLHttpRequest(); var tokenUrl = amazonTokenUrl; sendRequest(authReq, reqJson, amazonCodePairUrl, function() { if (authReq.readyState == 4) { if (authReq.status == 200) { var authResponse = JSON.parse(authReq.responseText); console.log("Got auth codepair " + authReq.responseText); hideLoginUI(); displayUserCodeAndURI(authResponse); var maxTokenReqCnt = authResponse["expires_in"] / authResponse["interval"]; var tokenReqFuncId = setTimeout(function tokenReqFunc() { var reqJson = { "grant_type":"device_code", "device_code":authResponse["device_code"], "user_code":authResponse["user_code"] }; const tokenReq = new XMLHttpRequest(); sendRequest(tokenReq, reqJson, tokenUrl, function() { if (tokenReq.readyState == 4) { if (tokenReq.status == 200) { console.log("Got access token " + tokenReq.responseText); var tokenResponseJson = JSON.parse(tokenReq.responseText); updateAccessToken(voiceAgent, tokenResponseJson); } else { maxTokenReqCnt--; console.log("Retrying... " + tokenReq.responseText); setTimeout(tokenReqFunc, authResponse["interval"] * 1000); } } }); }, authResponse["interval"] * 1000); // Cancel if max token request attempts are reached. if (maxTokenReqCnt == 0) { console.log("Reached max token request attemps limit."); } } else { console.log(authReq.status); } } }); } AMAZON_Cbl.prototype = { login: login, refreshToken: refreshToken, }; } /*********************************************/ /**** ****/ /**** ****/ /**** ****/ /*********************************************/ return { cbl: AMAZON_Cbl }; };