/* * Copyright (c) 2018 TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include "policy_manager.hpp" #if 0 extern "C" { #include "dummy_stm.h" } #endif #include "hmi-debug.h" PolicyManager::PolicyManager() : eventname2no_(), categoryname2no_(), areaname2no_(), role2category_(), category2role_(), role2defaultarea_(), current_state_() { HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", "Call"); } int PolicyManager::initialize() { HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", "Call"); int ret = 0; // Create convert map for (unsigned int i=0; ieventname2no_[stm::gStmEventName[i]] = stm::gStmEventNo[i]; } for (unsigned int i=0; icategoryname2no_[stm::gStmCategoryName[i]] = stm::gStmCategoryNo[i]; } for (unsigned int i=0; iareaname2no_[stm::gStmAreaName[i]] = stm::gStmAreaNo[i]; } // Load role.db ret = loadRoleDb(); if (0 > ret) { HMI_ERROR("wm:pm", "Load role.db Error!!"); return ret; } // Initialize StateTransitioner stm::stmInitialize(); return ret; } int PolicyManager::checkPolicy(json_object* json_in, json_object** json_out) { HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", "Call"); // Check arguments if ((nullptr == json_in) || (nullptr == json_out)) { HMI_ERROR("wm:pm", "Argument is NULL!!"); return -1; } // Get event from json_object const char* event = getStringFromJson(json_in, "event"); int event_no = 0; if (nullptr != event) { // Convert name to number event_no = this->eventname2no_[event]; HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", "event(%s:%d)", event, event_no); } // Get role from json_object const char* role = getStringFromJson(json_in, "role"); int category_no = 0; if (nullptr != role) { HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", "role(%s)", role); // Convert role to category const char* category = this->role2category_[role].c_str(); if (0 == strcmp("", category)) { HMI_ERROR("wm:pm", "Error!!"); return -1; } HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", "category(%s)", category); // Convert name to number category_no = categoryname2no_[category]; HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", "role(%s), category(%s:%d)", role, category, category_no); } // Get areat from json_object const char* area = getStringFromJson(json_in, "area"); int area_no = 0; if (nullptr != area) { // Convert name to number area_no = areaname2no_[area]; HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", "area(%s:%d)", area, area_no); } // Transition state HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", "set event:0x%x", (event_no | category_no | area_no)); int ret = stm::stmTransitionState((event_no | category_no | area_no), &(this->current_state_)); if (0 > ret) { HMI_ERROR("wm:pm", "Error!!"); return -1; } // Create result // { // "parking_brake": { // "is_changed": , // "state": // }, HMI_DEBUG("wm", "parking brake state (is_changed:%d state:%d:%s)", this->current_state_.parking_brake.is_changed, this->current_state_.parking_brake.state, stm::gStmParkingBrakeStateNo2Name[this->current_state_.parking_brake.state]); this->addStateToJson("parking_brake", this->current_state_.parking_brake.is_changed, stm::gStmParkingBrakeStateNo2Name[this->current_state_.parking_brake.state], json_out); // "car": { // "is_changed": , // "state": // }, HMI_DEBUG("wm", "car state (is_changed:%d state:%d:%s)", this->current_state_.car.is_changed, this->current_state_.car.state, stm::gStmCarStateNo2Name[this->current_state_.car.state]); this->addStateToJson("car", this->current_state_.car.is_changed, stm::gStmCarStateNo2Name[this->current_state_.car.state], json_out); // "lamp": { // "is_changed": , // "state": // }, HMI_DEBUG("wm", "lamp state (is_changed:%d state:%d:%s)", this->current_state_.lamp.is_changed, this->current_state_.lamp.state, stm::gStmLampStateNo2Name[this->current_state_.lamp.state]); this->addStateToJson("lamp", this->current_state_.lamp.is_changed, stm::gStmLampStateNo2Name[this->current_state_.lamp.state], json_out); // "layers": [ // { // "on_screen": { // "is_changed": , // "state": // } // }, json_object* json_layer = json_object_new_array(); json_object* json_tmp = json_object_new_object(); this->addStateToJson("on_screen", this->current_state_.layer.on_screen.is_changed, stm::gStmLayoutNo2Name[this->current_state_.layer.on_screen.state], &json_tmp); json_object_array_add(json_layer, json_tmp); // { // "restriction": { // "is_changed": , // "state": // } // }, json_tmp = json_object_new_object(); this->addStateToJson("restriction", this->current_state_.layer.restriction.is_changed, stm::gStmLayoutNo2Name[this->current_state_.layer.restriction.state], &json_tmp); json_object_array_add(json_layer, json_tmp); // { // "apps": { // "is_changed": , // "state": // } // }, json_tmp = json_object_new_object(); this->addStateToJson("apps", this->current_state_.layer.apps.is_changed, stm::gStmLayoutNo2Name[this->current_state_.layer.apps.state], &json_tmp); json_object_array_add(json_layer, json_tmp); // { // "homescreen": { // "is_changed": , // "state": // } // }, // ] // } json_tmp = json_object_new_object(); this->addStateToJson("homescreen", this->current_state_.layer.homescreen.is_changed, stm::gStmLayoutNo2Name[this->current_state_.layer.homescreen.state], &json_tmp); json_object_array_add(json_layer, json_tmp); // Add json array of layer json_object_object_add(*json_out, "layers", json_layer); return 0; } std::string PolicyManager::roleToCategory(const char* role) { return this->role2category_[role]; } extern const char* kDefaultRoleDb; int PolicyManager::loadRoleDb() { HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", "Call"); std::string file_name; // Get afm application installed dir char const *afm_app_install_dir = getenv("AFM_APP_INSTALL_DIR"); HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", "afm_app_install_dir:%s", afm_app_install_dir); if (!afm_app_install_dir) { HMI_ERROR("wm:pm", "AFM_APP_INSTALL_DIR is not defined"); } else { file_name = std::string(afm_app_install_dir) + std::string("/etc/role.db"); } // Load role.db HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", "file_name:%s", file_name.c_str()); json_object* json_obj = json_object_from_file(file_name.c_str()); if (nullptr == json_obj) { HMI_ERROR("wm:pm", "Could not open role.db, so use default role information"); json_obj = json_tokener_parse(kDefaultRoleDb); } HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", "json_obj dump:%s", json_object_get_string(json_obj)); json_object* json_roles; if (!json_object_object_get_ex(json_obj, "roles", &json_roles)) { HMI_ERROR("wm:pm", "Parse Error!!"); return -1; } int len = json_object_array_length(json_roles); HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", "json_cfg len:%d", len); HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", "json_cfg dump:%s", json_object_get_string(json_roles)); json_object* json_tmp; const char* category; const char* roles; const char* areas; for (int i=0; igetStringFromJson(json_tmp, "category"); roles = this->getStringFromJson(json_tmp, "role"); areas = this->getStringFromJson(json_tmp, "area"); if ((nullptr == category) || (nullptr == roles) || (nullptr == areas)) { HMI_ERROR("wm:pm", "Parse Error!!"); return -1; } // Parse roles by '|' std::vector vct_roles; vct_roles = this->parseString(std::string(roles), '|'); // Parse areas by '|' std::vector vct_areas; vct_areas = this->parseString(std::string(areas), '|'); // Set role, category, default area for (auto itr = vct_roles.begin(); itr != vct_roles.end(); ++itr) { // Delete space from role and area name std::string role = this->deleteSpace(*itr); std::string area = this->deleteSpace(vct_areas[0]); this->role2category_[role] = std::string(category); this->role2defaultarea_[role] = area; } this->category2role_[std::string(category)] = std::string(roles); } // Check HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", "Check role2category_"); for (auto& x:this->role2category_){ HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", "key:%s, val:%s", x.first.c_str(), x.second.c_str()); } HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", "Check role2defaultarea_"); for (auto& x:this->role2defaultarea_){ HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", "key:%s, val:%s", x.first.c_str(), x.second.c_str()); } HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", "Check category2role_"); for (auto& x:this->category2role_){ HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", "key:%s, val:%s", x.first.c_str(), x.second.c_str()); } return 0; } const char* PolicyManager::getStringFromJson(json_object* obj, const char* key) { if ((nullptr == obj) || (nullptr == key)) { HMI_ERROR("wm:pm", "Argument is nullptr!!!"); return nullptr; } json_object* tmp; if (!json_object_object_get_ex(obj, key, &tmp)) { HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", "Not found key \"%s\"", key); return nullptr; } return json_object_get_string(tmp); } int PolicyManager::getIntFromJson(json_object* obj, const char* key) { if ((nullptr == obj) || (nullptr == key)) { HMI_ERROR("wm:pm", "Argument is nullptr!!!"); return 0; } json_object* tmp; if (!json_object_object_get_ex(obj, key, &tmp)) { HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", "Not found key \"%s\"", key); return 0; } return json_object_get_int(tmp); } void PolicyManager::addStateToJson( const char* key, int is_changed, const char* state, json_object** json_out) { if ((nullptr == key) || (nullptr == state) || (nullptr == json_out)) { HMI_ERROR("wm:pm", "Argument is nullptr!!!"); return; } json_object* json_obj = json_object_new_object(); json_object_object_add(json_obj, "is_changed", json_object_new_boolean(is_changed)); if (is_changed) { HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", "%s: state changed (%s)", key, state); json_object_object_add(json_obj, "state", json_object_new_string(state)); } json_object_object_add(*json_out, key, json_obj); } std::vector PolicyManager::parseString(std::string str, char delimiter) { // Parse string by delimiter std::vector vct; std::stringstream ss{str}; std::string buf; while (std::getline(ss, buf, delimiter)) { if (!buf.empty()) { vct.push_back(buf); } } return vct; } std::string PolicyManager::deleteSpace(std::string str) { std::string ret = str; size_t pos; while ((pos = ret.find_first_of(" ")) != std::string::npos) { ret.erase(pos, 1); } return ret; } const char* kDefaultRoleDb = "{ \ \"roles\":[ \ { \ \"category\": \"homescreen\", \ \"role\": \"homescreen\", \ \"area\": \"full\", \ }, \ { \ \"category\": \"map\", \ \"role\": \"map\", \ \"area\": \"full | normal | split.main\", \ }, \ { \ \"category\": \"general\", \ \"role\": \"poi | music | video | browser | sdl | settings | mixer | radio | hvac | dashboard | debug\", \ \"area\": \"normal\", \ }, \ { \ \"category\": \"phone\", \ \"role\": \"phone\", \ \"area\": \"normal\", \ }, \ { \ \"category\": \"splitable\", \ \"role\": \"splitable1 | splitable2\", \ \"area\": \"normal | split.main | split.sub\", \ }, \ { \ \"category\": \"popup\", \ \"role\": \"popup\", \ \"area\": \"on_screen\", \ }, \ { \ \"category\": \"system_alert\", \ \"role\": \"system_alert\", \ \"area\": \"on_screen\", \ }, \ { \ \"category\": \"tbt\", \ \"role\": \"tbt\", \ \"area\": \"hud\", \ } \ ] \ }";