/* * Copyright (c) 2017 TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include "window_manager.hpp" #include "json_helper.hpp" #include "applist.hpp" extern "C" { #include } using std::string; using std::vector; namespace wm { static const uint64_t kTimeOut = 3ULL; /* 3s */ /* DrawingArea name used by "{layout}.{area}" */ const char kNameLayoutNormal[] = "normal"; const char kNameLayoutSplit[] = "split"; const char kNameAreaFull[] = "full"; const char kNameAreaMain[] = "main"; const char kNameAreaSub[] = "sub"; /* Key for json obejct */ const char kKeyDrawingName[] = "drawing_name"; const char kKeyDrawingArea[] = "drawing_area"; const char kKeyDrawingRect[] = "drawing_rect"; const char kKeyX[] = "x"; const char kKeyY[] = "y"; const char kKeyWidth[] = "width"; const char kKeyHeight[] = "height"; const char kKeyWidthPixel[] = "width_pixel"; const char kKeyHeightPixel[] = "height_pixel"; const char kKeyWidthMm[] = "width_mm"; const char kKeyHeightMm[] = "height_mm"; const char kKeyScale[] = "scale"; const char kKeyIds[] = "ids"; static sd_event_source *g_timer_ev_src = nullptr; static AppList g_app_list; static WindowManager *g_context; struct AfbClosure { public: AfbClosure(unsigned pid, unsigned ppid, unsigned surface) : pid(pid), ppid(ppid), surface(surface) {} ~AfbClosure() = default; unsigned pid; unsigned ppid; unsigned surface; }; namespace { static int processTimerHandler(sd_event_source *s, uint64_t usec, void *userdata) { HMI_NOTICE("Time out occurs because the client replys endDraw slow, so revert the request"); reinterpret_cast(userdata)->timerHandler(); return 0; } static void onStateTransitioned(vector actions) { g_context->startTransitionWrapper(actions); } static void onError() { g_context->processError(WMError::LAYOUT_CHANGE_FAIL); } } // namespace /** * WindowManager Impl */ WindowManager::WindowManager() : id_alloc{} { const char *path = getenv("AFM_APP_INSTALL_DIR"); if (!path) { HMI_ERROR("AFM_APP_INSTALL_DIR is not defined"); } string root = path; this->lc = std::make_shared(root); HMI_DEBUG("Layer Controller initialized"); } int WindowManager::init() { // TODO: application requests by old role, // so create role map (old, new) // Load old_role.db LayerControlCallbacks lmcb; lmcb.surfaceCreated = [&](unsigned pid, unsigned surface){ this->surface_created(pid, surface); }; lmcb.surfaceDestroyed = [&](unsigned surface){ this->surface_removed(surface); }; this->lc->init(lmcb); this->loadOldRoleDb(); // Store my context for calling callback from PolicyManager g_context = this; // Initialize PMWrapper this->pmw.initialize(); // Register callback to PolicyManager this->pmw.registerCallback(onStateTransitioned, onError); // Make afb event for (int i = Event_Val_Min; i <= Event_Val_Max; i++) { map_afb_event[kListEventName[i]] = afb_daemon_make_event(kListEventName[i]); } const struct rect css_bg = this->lc->getAreaSize("fullscreen"); Screen screen = this->lc->getScreenInfo(); rectangle dp_bg(screen.width(), screen.height()); dp_bg.set_aspect(static_cast(css_bg.w) / css_bg.h); dp_bg.fit(screen.width(), screen.height()); dp_bg.center(screen.width(), screen.height()); HMI_DEBUG("SCALING: CSS BG(%dx%d) -> DDP %dx%d,(%dx%d)", css_bg.w, css_bg.h, dp_bg.left(), dp_bg.top(), dp_bg.width(), dp_bg.height()); double scale = static_cast(dp_bg.height()) / css_bg.h; this->lc->setupArea(dp_bg, scale); return 0; //init_layers(); } result WindowManager::api_request_surface(char const *appid, char const *drawing_name) { // TODO: application requests by old role, // so convert role old to new const char *role = this->convertRoleOldToNew(drawing_name); string l_name; string s_appid = appid; string s_role = role; if(!g_app_list.contains(s_appid)) { // auto lid = this->layers.get_layer_id(string(role)); unsigned l_id = this->lc->getNewLayerID(s_role, &l_name); if (l_id == 0) { /** * register drawing_name as fallback and make it displayed. */ l_id = this->lc->getNewLayerID("fallback", &l_name); HMI_DEBUG("%s is not registered in layers.json, then fallback as normal app", role); if (l_id == 0) { return Err("Designated role does not match any role, fallback is disabled"); } } this->lc->createNewLayer(l_id); // add client into the db g_app_list.addClient(s_appid, l_id, s_role); } // generate surface ID for ivi-shell application auto rname = this->id_alloc.lookup(string(role)); if (!rname) { // name does not exist yet, allocate surface id... auto id = int(this->id_alloc.generate_id(role)); this->tmp_surface2app[id] = {s_appid, 0}; // Set role map of (new, old) this->rolenew2old[role] = string(drawing_name); return Ok(id); } // Check currently registered drawing names if it is already there. return Err("Surface already present"); } char const *WindowManager::api_request_surface(char const *appid, char const *drawing_name, char const *ivi_id) { unsigned sid = std::stol(ivi_id); HMI_DEBUG("This API(requestSurfaceXDG) is for XDG Application using runXDG"); /* * IVI-shell doesn't send surface_size event via ivi-wm protocol * if the application is using XDG surface. * So WM has to set surface size with original size here */ WMError ret = this->lc->setXDGSurfaceOriginSize(sid); if(ret != SUCCESS) { HMI_ERROR("%s", errorDescription(ret)); HMI_WARNING("The main user of this API is runXDG"); return "fail"; } // TODO: application requests by old role, // so convert role old to new const char *role = this->convertRoleOldToNew(drawing_name); string s_role = role; string s_appid = appid; string l_name; if(!g_app_list.contains(s_appid)) { // auto lid = this->layers.get_layer_id(string(role)); unsigned l_id = this->lc->getNewLayerID(s_role, &l_name); if (l_id == 0) { /** * register drawing_name as fallback and make it displayed. */ l_id = this->lc->getNewLayerID("fallback", &l_name); HMI_DEBUG("%s is not registered in layers.json, then fallback as normal app", role); if (l_id == 0) { return "Designated role does not match any role, fallback is disabled"; } } this->lc->createNewLayer(l_id); // add client into the db g_app_list.addClient(s_appid, l_id, s_role); } auto rname = this->id_alloc.lookup(s_role); if (rname) { return "Surface already present"; } // register pair drawing_name and ivi_id this->id_alloc.register_name_id(role, sid); auto client = g_app_list.lookUpClient(s_appid); client->addSurface(sid); // Set role map of (new, old) this->rolenew2old[role] = string(drawing_name); return nullptr; } bool WindowManager::api_set_role(char const *appid, char const *drawing_name) { bool ret = false; // TODO: application requests by old role, // so convert role old to new const char *role = this->convertRoleOldToNew(drawing_name); string s_role = role; string s_appid = appid; string l_name; // Create WMClient if(!g_app_list.contains(s_appid)) { // auto lid = this->layers.get_layer_id(string(role)); unsigned l_id = this->lc->getNewLayerID(s_role, &l_name); if (l_id == 0) { /** * register drawing_name as fallback and make it displayed. */ l_id = this->lc->getNewLayerID("fallback", &l_name); HMI_DEBUG("%s is not registered in layers.json, then fallback as normal app", role); if (l_id == 0) { HMI_ERROR("Designated role does not match any role, fallback is disabled"); return ret; } } this->lc->createNewLayer(l_id); // add client into the db g_app_list.addClient(s_appid, l_id, s_role); // Set role map of (new, old) this->rolenew2old[role] = string(drawing_name); } // for(auto itr = this->tmp_surface2app.begin(); // itr != this->tmp_surface2app.end() ; ++itr) // { for(auto& x : this->tmp_surface2app) { if(x.second.appid == s_appid) { unsigned surface = x.first; auto client = g_app_list.lookUpClient(s_appid); client->addSurface(surface); this->tmp_surface2app.erase(surface); this->id_alloc.register_name_id(s_role, surface); break; } } /* if(0 != pid){ // search floating surfaceID from pid if pid is designated. wm_err = g_app_list.popFloatingSurface(pid, &surface); } else{ // get floating surface with appid. If WM queries appid from pid, // WM can bind surface and role with appid(not implemented yet) //wm_err = g_app_list.popFloatingSurface(id); } if(wm_err != WMError::SUCCESS){ HMI_ERROR("No floating surface for app: %s", id.c_str()); g_app_list.addFloatingClient(id, lid, role); HMI_NOTICE("%s : Waiting for surface creation", id.c_str()); return ret; } ret = true; if (g_app_list.contains(id)) { HMI_INFO("Add role: %s with surface: %d. Client %s has multi surfaces.", role.c_str(), surface, id.c_str()); auto client = g_app_list.lookUpClient(id); client->appendRole(role); } else{ HMI_INFO("Create new client: %s, surface: %d into layer: %d with role: %s", id.c_str(), surface, lid, role.c_str()); g_app_list.addClient(id, lid, role); } */ // register pair drawing_name and ivi_id return true; } void WindowManager::api_activate_surface(char const *appid, char const *drawing_name, char const *drawing_area, const reply_func &reply) { // TODO: application requests by old role, // so convert role old to new const char *c_role = this->convertRoleOldToNew(drawing_name); string id = appid; string role = c_role; string area = drawing_area; if(!g_app_list.contains(id)) { reply("app doesn't request 'requestSurface' or 'setRole' yet"); return; } auto client = g_app_list.lookUpClient(id); // unsigned srfc = client->surfaceID(role); // unsigned layer = client->layerID(); // g_app_list.removeFloatingSurface(client->surfaceID()); // g_app_list.removeFloatingSurface(client); Task task = Task::TASK_ALLOCATE; unsigned req_num = 0; WMError ret = WMError::UNKNOWN; ret = this->setRequest(id, role, area, task, &req_num); //vector current_states = this->lc->getCurrentStates(); // ret = this->setRequest(id, role, area, task, current_states, &req_num); if(ret != WMError::SUCCESS) { HMI_ERROR(errorDescription(ret)); reply("Failed to set request"); return; } reply(nullptr); if (req_num != g_app_list.currentRequestNumber()) { // Add request, then invoked after the previous task is finished HMI_SEQ_DEBUG(req_num, "request is accepted"); return; } /* * Do allocate tasks */ ret = this->checkPolicy(req_num); if (ret != WMError::SUCCESS) { //this->emit_error() HMI_SEQ_ERROR(req_num, errorDescription(ret)); g_app_list.removeRequest(req_num); this->processNextRequest(); } } void WindowManager::api_deactivate_surface(char const *appid, char const *drawing_name, const reply_func &reply) { // TODO: application requests by old role, // so convert role old to new const char *c_role = this->convertRoleOldToNew(drawing_name); /* * Check Phase */ string id = appid; string role = c_role; string area = ""; //drawing_area; Task task = Task::TASK_RELEASE; unsigned req_num = 0; WMError ret = WMError::UNKNOWN; ret = this->setRequest(id, role, area, task, &req_num); if (ret != WMError::SUCCESS) { HMI_ERROR(errorDescription(ret)); reply("Failed to set request"); return; } reply(nullptr); if (req_num != g_app_list.currentRequestNumber()) { // Add request, then invoked after the previous task is finished HMI_SEQ_DEBUG(req_num, "request is accepted"); return; } /* * Do allocate tasks */ ret = this->checkPolicy(req_num); if (ret != WMError::SUCCESS) { //this->emit_error() HMI_SEQ_ERROR(req_num, errorDescription(ret)); g_app_list.removeRequest(req_num); this->processNextRequest(); } } void WindowManager::api_enddraw(char const *appid, char const *drawing_name) { // TODO: application requests by old role, // so convert role old to new const char *c_role = this->convertRoleOldToNew(drawing_name); string id = appid; string role = c_role; unsigned current_req = g_app_list.currentRequestNumber(); bool result = g_app_list.setEndDrawFinished(current_req, id, role); if (!result) { HMI_ERROR("%s is not in transition state", id.c_str()); return; } if (g_app_list.endDrawFullfilled(current_req)) { // do task for endDraw this->stopTimer(); WMError ret = this->doEndDraw(current_req); if(ret != WMError::SUCCESS) { //this->emit_error(); // Undo state of PolicyManager this->pmw.undoState(); this->lc->undoUpdate(); } this->emitScreenUpdated(current_req); HMI_SEQ_INFO(current_req, "Finish request status: %s", errorDescription(ret)); g_app_list.removeRequest(current_req); this->processNextRequest(); } else { HMI_SEQ_INFO(current_req, "Wait other App call endDraw"); return; } } bool WindowManager::api_client_set_render_order(char const* appid, const vector& render_order) { bool ret = false; string id = appid; auto client = g_app_list.lookUpClient(id); if(client) { client->setRenderOrder(render_order); } return ret; } string WindowManager::api_client_attach_service_surface (const char* appid, const char* dest, const char* service_surface) { string uuid, s_dest = dest; auto client = g_app_list.lookUpClient(s_dest); if(!client) { HMI_ERROR("Failed to look up destination [%s]", dest); return uuid; } uuid = client->attachTmpServiceSurface(appid, service_surface); this->tmp_services.emplace_back(TmpService{appid, dest, service_surface, uuid}); return uuid; } result WindowManager::api_get_display_info() { Screen screen = this->lc->getScreenInfo(); json_object *object = json_object_new_object(); json_object_object_add(object, kKeyWidthPixel, json_object_new_int(screen.width())); json_object_object_add(object, kKeyHeightPixel, json_object_new_int(screen.height())); // TODO: set size json_object_object_add(object, kKeyWidthMm, json_object_new_int(0)); json_object_object_add(object, kKeyHeightMm, json_object_new_int(0)); json_object_object_add(object, kKeyScale, json_object_new_double(this->lc->scale())); return Ok(object); } result WindowManager::api_get_area_info(char const *drawing_name) { HMI_DEBUG("called"); // TODO: application requests by old role, // so convert role old to new const char *role = this->convertRoleOldToNew(drawing_name); // Check drawing name, surface/layer id auto const &surface_id = this->id_alloc.lookup(string(role)); if (!surface_id) { return Err("Surface does not exist"); } // Set area rectangle rect area_info = this->area_info[*surface_id]; json_object *object = json_object_new_object(); json_object_object_add(object, kKeyX, json_object_new_int(area_info.x)); json_object_object_add(object, kKeyY, json_object_new_int(area_info.y)); json_object_object_add(object, kKeyWidth, json_object_new_int(area_info.w)); json_object_object_add(object, kKeyHeight, json_object_new_int(area_info.h)); return Ok(object); } void WindowManager::send_event(char const *evname, char const *label) { HMI_DEBUG("%s: %s(%s)", __func__, evname, label); json_object *j = json_object_new_object(); json_object_object_add(j, kKeyDrawingName, json_object_new_string(label)); int ret = afb_event_push(this->map_afb_event[evname], j); if (ret != 0) { HMI_DEBUG("afb_event_push failed: %m"); } } void WindowManager::send_event(char const *evname, char const *label, char const *area, int x, int y, int w, int h) { HMI_DEBUG("%s: %s(%s, %s) x:%d y:%d w:%d h:%d", __func__, evname, label, area, x, y, w, h); json_object *j_rect = json_object_new_object(); json_object_object_add(j_rect, kKeyX, json_object_new_int(x)); json_object_object_add(j_rect, kKeyY, json_object_new_int(y)); json_object_object_add(j_rect, kKeyWidth, json_object_new_int(w)); json_object_object_add(j_rect, kKeyHeight, json_object_new_int(h)); json_object *j = json_object_new_object(); json_object_object_add(j, kKeyDrawingName, json_object_new_string(label)); json_object_object_add(j, kKeyDrawingArea, json_object_new_string(area)); json_object_object_add(j, kKeyDrawingRect, j_rect); int ret = afb_event_push(this->map_afb_event[evname], j); if (ret != 0) { HMI_DEBUG("afb_event_push failed: %m"); } } string WindowManager::searchApp(unsigned pid, unsigned ppid, unsigned surface, json_object* resp) { // retrieve appid from pid from application manager string appid; // check appid then add it to the client HMI_INFO("Runners:%s", json_object_get_string(resp)); int size = json_object_array_length(resp); HMI_INFO("pid %d, ppid %d, surface %d",pid, ppid, surface); for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) { json_object *j = json_object_array_get_idx(resp, i); int runid = jh::getIntFromJson(j, "runid"); const char* id = jh::getStringFromJson(j, "id"); HMI_DEBUG("Appid %s, runid %d", id, runid); if(id && (runid == ppid)) { string s_id = id; s_id.erase(s_id.find('@')); appid = s_id; HMI_INFO("App found %s", appid.c_str()); break; } } if(appid.empty()) { HMI_WARNING("Failed to retrieve id"); } return appid; } void WindowManager::storeSurface(const string& appid, unsigned ppid, unsigned surface) { auto elem = std::find_if(this->tmp_services.begin(), this->tmp_services.end(), [&appid](TmpService& ts){ return (ts.dest == appid ); }); this->lc->setXDGSurfaceOriginSize(surface); if(elem != this->tmp_services.end()) { // attachApp auto client = g_app_list.lookUpClient(elem->dest); if(client == nullptr) { return; } HMI_INFO("Attach surface %d (service %s) to app %s", surface, elem->service.c_str(), elem->dest.c_str()); client->attachServiceSurface(elem->service, surface); } else { // setRole auto client = g_app_list.lookUpClient(appid); if(client != nullptr) { client->addSurface(surface); this->id_alloc.register_name_id(client->role(), surface); } else { // Store tmp surface and appid for application // who requests setRole after creating shell surface this->tmp_surface2app.emplace(surface, TmpClient{appid, ppid}); } } } /** * proxied events */ void WindowManager::surface_created(unsigned pid, unsigned surface_id) { // requestSurface if(this->tmp_surface2app.count(surface_id) != 0) { string appid = this->tmp_surface2app[surface_id].appid; auto client = g_app_list.lookUpClient(appid); if(client != nullptr) { WMError ret = client->addSurface(surface_id); HMI_INFO("Add surface %d to \"%s\"", surface_id, appid.c_str()); if(ret != WMError::SUCCESS) { HMI_ERROR("Failed to add surface to client %s", client->appID().c_str()); } } this->tmp_surface2app.erase(surface_id); } else { HMI_NOTICE("Unknown surface %d", surface_id); // retrieve ppid std::ostringstream os; os << pid ; string path = "/proc/" + os.str() + "/stat"; std::ifstream ifs(path.c_str()); string str; unsigned ppid = 0; if(!ifs.fail() && std::getline(ifs, str)) { std::sscanf(str.data(), "%*d %*s %*c %d", &ppid); HMI_INFO("Retrieve ppid %d", ppid); } else { HMI_ERROR("Failed to open /proc/%d/stat", pid); HMI_ERROR("File system may be different"); return; } struct AfbClosure* c = new struct AfbClosure(pid, ppid, surface_id); // search pid from surfaceID afb_service_call("afm-main", "runners", json_object_new_object(), [](void* closure, int stat, json_object* resp){ HMI_DEBUG("check %s", json_object_get_string(resp)); struct AfbClosure* c = static_cast(closure); HMI_DEBUG("check"); if(stat != 0) { HMI_ERROR("Failed to call runners"); } else { json_object* j; json_object_object_get_ex(resp, "response", &j); string appid = g_context->searchApp(c->pid, c->ppid, c->surface, j); if(!appid.empty()) { g_context->storeSurface(appid, c->ppid, c->surface); } } json_object_put(resp); delete c; }, c); } } void WindowManager::surface_removed(unsigned surface_id) { HMI_DEBUG("Delete surface_id %u", surface_id); this->id_alloc.remove_id(surface_id); // this->layers.remove_surface(surface_id); g_app_list.removeSurface(surface_id); } void WindowManager::removeClient(const string &appid) { HMI_DEBUG("Remove clinet %s from list", appid.c_str()); auto client = g_app_list.lookUpClient(appid); this->lc->terminateApp(client); g_app_list.removeClient(appid); } void WindowManager::exceptionProcessForTransition() { unsigned req_num = g_app_list.currentRequestNumber(); HMI_SEQ_NOTICE(req_num, "Process exception handling for request. Remove current request %d", req_num); g_app_list.removeRequest(req_num); HMI_SEQ_NOTICE(g_app_list.currentRequestNumber(), "Process next request if exists"); this->processNextRequest(); } void WindowManager::timerHandler() { unsigned req_num = g_app_list.currentRequestNumber(); HMI_SEQ_DEBUG(req_num, "Timer expired remove Request"); g_app_list.reqDump(); g_app_list.removeRequest(req_num); this->processNextRequest(); } void WindowManager::startTransitionWrapper(vector &actions) { WMError ret; // req_num is guaranteed by Window Manager unsigned req_num = g_app_list.currentRequestNumber(); if (actions.empty()) { if (g_app_list.haveRequest()) { HMI_SEQ_DEBUG(req_num, "There is no WMAction for this request"); goto proc_remove_request; } else { HMI_SEQ_DEBUG(req_num, "There is no request"); return; } } for (auto &act : actions) { if ("" != act.role) { bool found; auto const &surface_id = this->id_alloc.lookup(act.role.c_str()); if(surface_id == nullopt) { goto proc_remove_request; } std::string appid = g_app_list.getAppID(*surface_id, &found); if (!found) { if (TaskVisible::INVISIBLE == act.visible) { // App is killed, so do not set this action continue; } else { HMI_SEQ_ERROR(req_num, "appid which is visible is not found"); ret = WMError::FAIL; goto error; } } auto client = g_app_list.lookUpClient(appid); act.req_num = req_num; act.client = client; } ret = g_app_list.setAction(req_num, act); if (ret != WMError::SUCCESS) { HMI_SEQ_ERROR(req_num, "Setting action is failed"); goto error; } } HMI_SEQ_DEBUG(req_num, "Start transition."); ret = this->startTransition(req_num); if (ret != WMError::SUCCESS) { if (ret == WMError::NO_LAYOUT_CHANGE) { goto proc_remove_request; } else { HMI_SEQ_ERROR(req_num, "Transition state is failed"); goto error; } } return; error: //this->emit_error() HMI_SEQ_ERROR(req_num, errorDescription(ret)); this->pmw.undoState(); proc_remove_request: g_app_list.removeRequest(req_num); this->processNextRequest(); } void WindowManager::processError(WMError error) { unsigned req_num = g_app_list.currentRequestNumber(); //this->emit_error() HMI_SEQ_ERROR(req_num, errorDescription(error)); g_app_list.removeRequest(req_num); this->processNextRequest(); } /* ******* Private Functions ******* */ void WindowManager::emit_activated(char const *label) { this->send_event(kListEventName[Event_Active], label); } void WindowManager::emit_deactivated(char const *label) { this->send_event(kListEventName[Event_Inactive], label); } void WindowManager::emit_syncdraw(char const *label, char const *area, int x, int y, int w, int h) { this->send_event(kListEventName[Event_SyncDraw], label, area, x, y, w, h); } void WindowManager::emit_syncdraw(const string &role, const string &area) { rect rect = this->lc->getAreaSize(area); this->send_event(kListEventName[Event_SyncDraw], role.c_str(), area.c_str(), rect.x, rect.y, rect.w, rect.h); } void WindowManager::emit_flushdraw(char const *label) { this->send_event(kListEventName[Event_FlushDraw], label); } void WindowManager::emit_visible(char const *label, bool is_visible) { this->send_event(is_visible ? kListEventName[Event_Visible] : kListEventName[Event_Invisible], label); } void WindowManager::emit_invisible(char const *label) { return emit_visible(label, false); } void WindowManager::emit_visible(char const *label) { return emit_visible(label, true); } void WindowManager::activate(int id) { // TODO: application requests by old role, // so convert role new to old for emitting event /* const char* old_role = this->rolenew2old[label].c_str(); this->emit_visible(old_role); this->emit_activated(old_role); */ } void WindowManager::deactivate(int id) { // TODO: application requests by old role, // so convert role new to old for emitting event /* const char* old_role = this->rolenew2old[label].c_str(); this->emit_deactivated(old_role); this->emit_invisible(old_role); */ } WMError WindowManager::setRequest(const string& appid, const string &role, const string &area, Task task, unsigned* req_num) { if (!g_app_list.contains(appid)) { return WMError::NOT_REGISTERED; } auto client = g_app_list.lookUpClient(appid); /* * Queueing Phase */ unsigned current = g_app_list.currentRequestNumber(); unsigned requested_num = g_app_list.getRequestNumber(appid); if (requested_num != 0) { HMI_SEQ_INFO(requested_num, "%s %s %s request is already queued", appid.c_str(), role.c_str(), area.c_str()); return REQ_REJECTED; } WMRequest req = WMRequest(appid, role, area, task); unsigned new_req = g_app_list.addRequest(req); *req_num = new_req; g_app_list.reqDump(); HMI_SEQ_DEBUG(current, "%s start sequence with %s, %s", appid.c_str(), role.c_str(), area.c_str()); return WMError::SUCCESS; } WMError WindowManager::checkPolicy(unsigned req_num) { /* * Check Policy */ // get current trigger bool found = false; WMError ret = WMError::LAYOUT_CHANGE_FAIL; auto trigger = g_app_list.getRequest(req_num, &found); if (!found) { ret = WMError::NO_ENTRY; return ret; } string req_area = trigger.area; if (trigger.task == Task::TASK_ALLOCATE) { const char *msg = this->check_surface_exist(trigger.role.c_str()); if (msg) { HMI_SEQ_ERROR(req_num, msg); return ret; } } // Input event data to PolicyManager if (0 > this->pmw.setInputEventData(trigger.task, trigger.role, trigger.area)) { HMI_SEQ_ERROR(req_num, "Failed to set input event data to PolicyManager"); return ret; } // Execute state transition of PolicyManager if (0 > this->pmw.executeStateTransition()) { HMI_SEQ_ERROR(req_num, "Failed to execute state transition of PolicyManager"); return ret; } ret = WMError::SUCCESS; g_app_list.reqDump(); return ret; } WMError WindowManager::startTransition(unsigned req_num) { bool sync_draw_happen = false; bool found = false; WMError ret = WMError::SUCCESS; auto actions = g_app_list.getActions(req_num, &found); if (!found) { ret = WMError::NO_ENTRY; HMI_SEQ_ERROR(req_num, "Window Manager bug :%s : Action is not set", errorDescription(ret)); return ret; } g_app_list.reqDump(); for (const auto &action : actions) { if (action.visible == TaskVisible::VISIBLE) { sync_draw_happen = true; // TODO: application requests by old role, // so convert role new to old for emitting event string old_role = this->rolenew2old[action.role]; this->emit_syncdraw(old_role, action.area); /* TODO: emit event for app not subscriber if(g_app_list.contains(y.appid)) g_app_list.lookUpClient(y.appid)->emit_syncdraw(y.role, y.area); */ } } if (sync_draw_happen) { this->setTimer(); } else { // deactivate only, no syncDraw // Make it deactivate here for (const auto &x : actions) { this->lc->visibilityChange(x); string old_role = this->rolenew2old[x.role]; emit_deactivated(old_role.c_str()); /* if (g_app_list.contains(x.appid)) { auto client = g_app_list.lookUpClient(x.appid); //this->deactivate(client->surfaceID(x.role)); } */ } this->lc->renderLayers(); ret = WMError::NO_LAYOUT_CHANGE; } return ret; } WMError WindowManager::doEndDraw(unsigned req_num) { // get actions bool found; auto actions = g_app_list.getActions(req_num, &found); WMError ret = WMError::SUCCESS; if (!found) { ret = WMError::NO_ENTRY; return ret; } HMI_SEQ_INFO(req_num, "do endDraw"); // layout change and make it visible for (const auto &act : actions) { if(act.visible != TaskVisible::NO_CHANGE) { // layout change ret = this->lc->layoutChange(act); if(ret != WMError::SUCCESS) { HMI_SEQ_WARNING(req_num, "Failed to manipulate surfaces while state change : %s", errorDescription(ret)); return ret; } ret = this->lc->visibilityChange(act); // Emit active/deactive event string old_role = this->rolenew2old[act.role]; if(act.visible == VISIBLE) { emit_activated(old_role.c_str()); } else { emit_deactivated(old_role.c_str()); } if (ret != WMError::SUCCESS) { HMI_SEQ_WARNING(req_num, "Failed to manipulate surfaces while state change : %s", errorDescription(ret)); return ret; } HMI_SEQ_DEBUG(req_num, "visible %s", act.role.c_str()); } } this->lc->renderLayers(); HMI_SEQ_INFO(req_num, "emit flushDraw"); for(const auto &act_flush : actions) { if(act_flush.visible == TaskVisible::VISIBLE) { // TODO: application requests by old role, // so convert role new to old for emitting event string old_role = this->rolenew2old[act_flush.role]; this->emit_flushdraw(old_role.c_str()); } } return ret; } void WindowManager::emitScreenUpdated(unsigned req_num) { // Get visible apps HMI_SEQ_DEBUG(req_num, "emit screen updated"); bool found = false; auto actions = g_app_list.getActions(req_num, &found); // create json object json_object *j = json_object_new_object(); json_object *jarray = json_object_new_array(); for(const auto& action: actions) { if(action.visible != TaskVisible::INVISIBLE) { json_object_array_add(jarray, json_object_new_string(action.client->appID().c_str())); } } json_object_object_add(j, kKeyIds, jarray); HMI_SEQ_INFO(req_num, "Visible app: %s", json_object_get_string(j)); int ret = afb_event_push( this->map_afb_event[kListEventName[Event_ScreenUpdated]], j); if (ret != 0) { HMI_DEBUG("afb_event_push failed: %m"); } } void WindowManager::setTimer() { struct timespec ts; if (clock_gettime(CLOCK_BOOTTIME, &ts) != 0) { HMI_ERROR("Could't set time (clock_gettime() returns with error"); return; } HMI_SEQ_DEBUG(g_app_list.currentRequestNumber(), "Timer set activate"); if (g_timer_ev_src == nullptr) { // firsttime set into sd_event int ret = sd_event_add_time(afb_daemon_get_event_loop(), &g_timer_ev_src, CLOCK_BOOTTIME, (uint64_t)(ts.tv_sec + kTimeOut) * 1000000ULL, 1, processTimerHandler, this); if (ret < 0) { HMI_ERROR("Could't set timer"); } } else { // update timer limitation after second time sd_event_source_set_time(g_timer_ev_src, (uint64_t)(ts.tv_sec + kTimeOut) * 1000000ULL); sd_event_source_set_enabled(g_timer_ev_src, SD_EVENT_ONESHOT); } } void WindowManager::stopTimer() { unsigned req_num = g_app_list.currentRequestNumber(); HMI_SEQ_DEBUG(req_num, "Timer stop"); int rc = sd_event_source_set_enabled(g_timer_ev_src, SD_EVENT_OFF); if (rc < 0) { HMI_SEQ_ERROR(req_num, "Timer stop failed"); } } void WindowManager::processNextRequest() { g_app_list.next(); g_app_list.reqDump(); unsigned req_num = g_app_list.currentRequestNumber(); if (g_app_list.haveRequest()) { HMI_SEQ_DEBUG(req_num, "Process next request"); WMError rc = checkPolicy(req_num); if (rc != WMError::SUCCESS) { HMI_SEQ_ERROR(req_num, errorDescription(rc)); } } else { HMI_SEQ_DEBUG(req_num, "Nothing Request. Waiting Request"); } } const char* WindowManager::convertRoleOldToNew(char const *old_role) { const char *new_role = nullptr; for (auto const &on : this->roleold2new) { std::regex regex = std::regex(on.first); if (std::regex_match(old_role, regex)) { // role is old. So convert to new. new_role = on.second.c_str(); break; } } if (nullptr == new_role) { // role is new or fallback. new_role = old_role; } HMI_DEBUG("old:%s -> new:%s", old_role, new_role); return new_role; } int WindowManager::loadOldRoleDb() { // Get afm application installed dir char const *afm_app_install_dir = getenv("AFM_APP_INSTALL_DIR"); HMI_DEBUG("afm_app_install_dir:%s", afm_app_install_dir); string file_name; if (!afm_app_install_dir) { HMI_ERROR("AFM_APP_INSTALL_DIR is not defined"); } else { file_name = string(afm_app_install_dir) + string("/etc/old_roles.db"); } // Load old_role.db json_object* json_obj; int ret = jh::inputJsonFilie(file_name.c_str(), &json_obj); if (0 > ret) { HMI_ERROR("Could not open old_role.db, so use default old_role information"); json_obj = json_tokener_parse(kDefaultOldRoleDb); } HMI_DEBUG("json_obj dump:%s", json_object_get_string(json_obj)); // Perse apps json_object* json_cfg; if (!json_object_object_get_ex(json_obj, "old_roles", &json_cfg)) { HMI_ERROR("Parse Error!!"); return -1; } int len = json_object_array_length(json_cfg); HMI_DEBUG("json_cfg len:%d", len); HMI_DEBUG("json_cfg dump:%s", json_object_get_string(json_cfg)); for (int i=0; iroleold2new[old_role] = string(new_role); } // Check for(auto itr = this->roleold2new.begin(); itr != this->roleold2new.end(); ++itr) { HMI_DEBUG(">>> role old:%s new:%s", itr->first.c_str(), itr->second.c_str()); } // Release json_object json_object_put(json_obj); return 0; } const char *WindowManager::check_surface_exist(const char *drawing_name) { auto const &surface_id = this->id_alloc.lookup(string(drawing_name)); if (!surface_id) { return "Surface does not exist"; } /* if (!this->controller->surface_exists(*surface_id)) { return "Surface does not exist in controller!"; } */ /* auto layer_id = this->layers.get_layer_id(*surface_id); if (!layer_id) { return "Surface is not on any layer!"; } */ HMI_DEBUG("surface %d is detected", *surface_id); return nullptr; } const char* WindowManager::kDefaultOldRoleDb = "{ \ \"old_roles\": [ \ { \ \"name\": \"HomeScreen\", \ \"new\": \"homescreen\" \ }, \ { \ \"name\": \"Music\", \ \"new\": \"music\" \ }, \ { \ \"name\": \"MediaPlayer\", \ \"new\": \"music\" \ }, \ { \ \"name\": \"Video\", \ \"new\": \"video\" \ }, \ { \ \"name\": \"VideoPlayer\", \ \"new\": \"video\" \ }, \ { \ \"name\": \"WebBrowser\", \ \"new\": \"browser\" \ }, \ { \ \"name\": \"Radio\", \ \"new\": \"radio\" \ }, \ { \ \"name\": \"Phone\", \ \"new\": \"phone\" \ }, \ { \ \"name\": \"Navigation\", \ \"new\": \"map\" \ }, \ { \ \"name\": \"HVAC\", \ \"new\": \"hvac\" \ }, \ { \ \"name\": \"Settings\", \ \"new\": \"settings\" \ }, \ { \ \"name\": \"Dashboard\", \ \"new\": \"dashboard\" \ }, \ { \ \"name\": \"POI\", \ \"new\": \"poi\" \ }, \ { \ \"name\": \"Mixer\", \ \"new\": \"mixer\" \ }, \ { \ \"name\": \"Restriction\", \ \"new\": \"restriction\" \ }, \ { \ \"name\": \"^OnScreen.*\", \ \"new\": \"on_screen\" \ } \ ] \ }"; } // namespace wm