/* * Copyright (c) 2017 TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include <unistd.h> #include <algorithm> #include <mutex> #include <json.h> #include "window_manager.hpp" #include "json_helper.hpp" extern "C" { #include <afb/afb-binding.h> #include <systemd/sd-event.h> } typedef struct WMClientCtxt { std::string name; std::string role; WMClientCtxt(const char *appName, const char* appRole) { name = appName; role = appRole; } } WMClientCtxt; struct afb_instance { wm::WindowManager wmgr; afb_instance() : wmgr() {} ~afb_instance() = default; int init(); }; struct afb_instance *g_afb_instance; std::mutex binding_m; int afb_instance::init() { return this->wmgr.init(); } int _binding_init() { HMI_NOTICE("WinMan ver. %s", WINMAN_VERSION_STRING); g_afb_instance = new afb_instance; if (g_afb_instance->init() == -1) { HMI_ERROR("Could not connect to compositor"); goto error; } atexit([] { delete g_afb_instance; }); return 0; error: delete g_afb_instance; g_afb_instance = nullptr; return -1; } int binding_init() noexcept { try { return _binding_init(); } catch (std::exception &e) { HMI_ERROR("Uncaught exception in binding_init(): %s", e.what()); } return -1; } static void cbRemoveClientCtxt(void *data) { WMClientCtxt *ctxt = (WMClientCtxt *)data; if (ctxt == nullptr) { return; } HMI_DEBUG("remove app %s", ctxt->name.c_str()); // Policy Manager does not know this app was killed, // so notify it by deactivate request. g_afb_instance->wmgr.api_deactivate_surface( ctxt->name.c_str(), ctxt->role.c_str(), [](const char *) {}); g_afb_instance->wmgr.removeClient(ctxt->name); delete ctxt; } static void createSecurityContext(afb_req req, const char* appid, const char* role) { WMClientCtxt *ctxt = (WMClientCtxt *)afb_req_context_get(req); if (!ctxt) { // Create Security Context at first time const char *new_role = g_afb_instance->wmgr.convertRoleOldToNew(role); WMClientCtxt *ctxt = new WMClientCtxt(appid, new_role); HMI_DEBUG("create session for %s", ctxt->name.c_str()); afb_req_session_set_LOA(req, 1); afb_req_context_set(req, ctxt, cbRemoveClientCtxt); } } void windowmanager_requestsurface(afb_req req) noexcept { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(binding_m); if (g_afb_instance == nullptr) { afb_req_fail(req, "failed", "Binding not initialized, did the compositor die?"); return; } try { const char *a_drawing_name = afb_req_value(req, "drawing_name"); if (!a_drawing_name) { afb_req_fail(req, "failed", "Need char const* argument drawing_name"); return; } char *appid = afb_req_get_application_id(req); if(appid) { auto ret = g_afb_instance->wmgr.api_request_surface( appid, a_drawing_name); if (ret.is_err()) { afb_req_fail(req, "failed", ret.unwrap_err()); } else { createSecurityContext(req, appid, a_drawing_name); afb_req_success(req, json_object_new_int(ret.unwrap()), "success"); } free(appid); } else { afb_req_fail(req, "failed", nullptr); } } catch (std::exception &e) { afb_req_fail_f(req, "failed", "Uncaught exception while calling requestsurface: %s", e.what()); return; } } void windowmanager_requestsurfacexdg(afb_req req) noexcept { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(binding_m); if (g_afb_instance == nullptr) { afb_req_fail(req, "failed", "Binding not initialized, did the compositor die?"); return; } try { json_object *jreq = afb_req_json(req); json_object *j_drawing_name = nullptr; if (!json_object_object_get_ex(jreq, "drawing_name", &j_drawing_name)) { afb_req_fail(req, "failed", "Need char const* argument drawing_name"); return; } char const *a_drawing_name = json_object_get_string(j_drawing_name); json_object *j_ivi_id = nullptr; if (!json_object_object_get_ex(jreq, "ivi_id", &j_ivi_id)) { afb_req_fail(req, "failed", "Need char const* argument ivi_id"); return; } char const *a_ivi_id = json_object_get_string(j_ivi_id); char *appid = afb_req_get_application_id(req); if(appid) { auto ret = g_afb_instance->wmgr.api_request_surface( appid, a_drawing_name, a_ivi_id); if (ret != nullptr) { afb_req_fail(req, "failed", ret); } else { createSecurityContext(req, appid, a_drawing_name); afb_req_success(req, NULL, "success"); } free(appid); } } catch (std::exception &e) { afb_req_fail_f(req, "failed", "Uncaught exception while calling requestsurfacexdg: %s", e.what()); return; } } void windowmanager_activatewindow(afb_req req) noexcept { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(binding_m); if (g_afb_instance == nullptr) { afb_req_fail(req, "failed", "Binding not initialized, did the compositor die?"); return; } try { const char *a_drawing_name = afb_req_value(req, "drawing_name"); if (!a_drawing_name) { afb_req_fail(req, "failed", "Need char const* argument drawing_name"); return; } const char *a_drawing_area = afb_req_value(req, "drawing_area"); if (!a_drawing_area) { afb_req_fail(req, "failed", "Need char const* argument drawing_area"); return; } char* appid = afb_req_get_application_id(req); if(appid) { g_afb_instance->wmgr.api_activate_surface( appid, a_drawing_name, a_drawing_area, [&req](const char *errmsg) { if (errmsg != nullptr) { HMI_ERROR(errmsg); afb_req_fail(req, "failed", errmsg); return; } afb_req_success(req, NULL, "success"); }); free(appid); } } catch (std::exception &e) { HMI_WARNING("failed: Uncaught exception while calling activatesurface: %s", e.what()); g_afb_instance->wmgr.exceptionProcessForTransition(); return; } } void windowmanager_deactivatewindow(afb_req req) noexcept { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(binding_m); if (g_afb_instance == nullptr) { afb_req_fail(req, "failed", "Binding not initialized, did the compositor die?"); return; } try { const char *a_drawing_name = afb_req_value(req, "drawing_name"); if (!a_drawing_name) { afb_req_fail(req, "failed", "Need char const* argument drawing_name"); return; } char* appid = afb_req_get_application_id(req); if(appid) { g_afb_instance->wmgr.api_deactivate_surface( appid, a_drawing_name, [&req](const char *errmsg) { if (errmsg != nullptr) { HMI_ERROR(errmsg); afb_req_fail(req, "failed", errmsg); return; } afb_req_success(req, NULL, "success"); }); free(appid); } } catch (std::exception &e) { HMI_WARNING("failed: Uncaught exception while calling deactivatesurface: %s", e.what()); g_afb_instance->wmgr.exceptionProcessForTransition(); return; } } void windowmanager_enddraw(afb_req req) noexcept { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(binding_m); if (g_afb_instance == nullptr) { afb_req_fail(req, "failed", "Binding not initialized, did the compositor die?"); return; } try { const char *a_drawing_name = afb_req_value(req, "drawing_name"); if (!a_drawing_name) { afb_req_fail(req, "failed", "Need char const* argument drawing_name"); return; } afb_req_success(req, NULL, "success"); char* appid = afb_req_get_application_id(req); if(appid) { g_afb_instance->wmgr.api_enddraw(appid, a_drawing_name); free(appid); } } catch (std::exception &e) { HMI_WARNING("failed: Uncaught exception while calling enddraw: %s", e.what()); g_afb_instance->wmgr.exceptionProcessForTransition(); return; } } void windowmanager_getdisplayinfo_thunk(afb_req req) noexcept { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(binding_m); if (g_afb_instance == nullptr) { afb_req_fail(req, "failed", "Binding not initialized, did the compositor die?"); return; } try { auto ret = g_afb_instance->wmgr.api_get_display_info(); if (ret.is_err()) { afb_req_fail(req, "failed", ret.unwrap_err()); return; } afb_req_success(req, ret.unwrap(), "success"); } catch (std::exception &e) { afb_req_fail_f(req, "failed", "Uncaught exception while calling getdisplayinfo: %s", e.what()); return; } } void windowmanager_getareainfo_thunk(afb_req req) noexcept { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(binding_m); if (g_afb_instance == nullptr) { afb_req_fail(req, "failed", "Binding not initialized, did the compositor die?"); return; } try { json_object *jreq = afb_req_json(req); json_object *j_drawing_name = nullptr; if (!json_object_object_get_ex(jreq, "drawing_name", &j_drawing_name)) { afb_req_fail(req, "failed", "Need char const* argument drawing_name"); return; } char const *a_drawing_name = json_object_get_string(j_drawing_name); auto ret = g_afb_instance->wmgr.api_get_area_info(a_drawing_name); if (ret.is_err()) { afb_req_fail(req, "failed", ret.unwrap_err()); return; } afb_req_success(req, ret.unwrap(), "success"); } catch (std::exception &e) { afb_req_fail_f(req, "failed", "Uncaught exception while calling getareainfo: %s", e.what()); return; } } void windowmanager_wm_subscribe(afb_req req) noexcept { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(binding_m); if (g_afb_instance == nullptr) { afb_req_fail(req, "failed", "Binding not initialized, did the compositor die?"); return; } try { json_object *jreq = afb_req_json(req); json_object *j = nullptr; if (!json_object_object_get_ex(jreq, "event", &j)) { afb_req_fail(req, "failed", "Need char const* argument event"); return; } int event_id = json_object_get_int(j); int ret = g_afb_instance->wmgr.api_subscribe(req, event_id); if (ret) { afb_req_fail(req, "failed", "Error: afb_req_subscribe()"); return; } afb_req_success(req, NULL, "success"); } catch (std::exception &e) { afb_req_fail_f(req, "failed", "Uncaught exception while calling wm_subscribe: %s", e.what()); return; } } void windowmanager_list_drawing_names(afb_req req) noexcept { /* std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(binding_m); if (g_afb_instance == nullptr) { afb_req_fail(req, "failed", "Binding not initialized, did the compositor die?"); return; } try { nlohmann::json j = g_afb_instance->wmgr.id_alloc.name2id; auto ret = wm::Ok(json_tokener_parse(j.dump().c_str())); if (ret.is_err()) { afb_req_fail(req, "failed", ret.unwrap_err()); return; } afb_req_success(req, ret.unwrap(), "success"); } catch (std::exception &e) { afb_req_fail_f(req, "failed", "Uncaught exception while calling list_drawing_names: %s", e.what()); return; } */ afb_req_success(req, NULL, "not-implemented"); } void windowmanager_ping(afb_req req) noexcept { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(binding_m); if (g_afb_instance == nullptr) { afb_req_fail(req, "failed", "Binding not initialized, did the compositor die?"); return; } else { afb_req_success(req, NULL, "success"); } } void windowmanager_debug_status(afb_req req) noexcept { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(binding_m); /* if (g_afb_instance == nullptr) { afb_req_fail(req, "failed", "Binding not initialized, did the compositor die?"); return; } try { json_object *jr = json_object_new_object(); json_object_object_add(jr, "surfaces", to_json(g_afb_instance->wmgr.controller->sprops)); json_object_object_add(jr, "layers", to_json(g_afb_instance->wmgr.controller->lprops)); afb_req_success(req, jr, "success"); } catch (std::exception &e) { afb_req_fail_f(req, "failed", "Uncaught exception while calling debug_status: %s", e.what()); return; } */ afb_req_fail(req, NULL, "not-implemented"); } void windowmanager_debug_layers(afb_req req) noexcept { /* std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(binding_m); if (g_afb_instance == nullptr) { afb_req_fail(req, "failed", "Binding not initialized, did the compositor die?"); return; } try { auto ret = wm::Ok(json_tokener_parse(g_afb_instance->wmgr.layers.to_json().dump().c_str())); afb_req_success(req, ret, "success"); } catch (std::exception &e) { afb_req_fail_f(req, "failed", "Uncaught exception while calling debug_layers: %s", e.what()); return; } */ afb_req_fail(req, NULL, "not-implemented"); } void windowmanager_debug_surfaces(afb_req req) noexcept { /* std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(binding_m); if (g_afb_instance == nullptr) { afb_req_fail(req, "failed", "Binding not initialized, did the compositor die?"); return; } try { auto ret = wm::Ok(to_json(g_afb_instance->wmgr.controller->sprops)); if (ret.is_err()) { afb_req_fail(req, "failed", ret.unwrap_err()); return; } afb_req_success(req, ret.unwrap(), "success"); } catch (std::exception &e) { afb_req_fail_f(req, "failed", "Uncaught exception while calling debug_surfaces: %s", e.what()); return; } */ afb_req_fail(req, NULL, "not-implemented"); } void windowmanager_debug_terminate(afb_req req) noexcept { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(binding_m); if (g_afb_instance == nullptr) { afb_req_fail(req, "failed", "Binding not initialized, did the compositor die?"); return; } try { if (getenv("WINMAN_DEBUG_TERMINATE") != nullptr) { raise(SIGKILL); // afb-daemon kills it's pgroup using TERM, which // doesn't play well with perf } afb_req_success(req, NULL, "success"); } catch (std::exception &e) { afb_req_fail_f(req, "failed", "Uncaught exception while calling debug_terminate: %s", e.what()); return; } } const struct afb_verb_v2 windowmanager_verbs[] = { {"requestSurface", windowmanager_requestsurface, nullptr, nullptr, AFB_SESSION_NONE}, {"requestSurfaceXDG", windowmanager_requestsurfacexdg, nullptr, nullptr, AFB_SESSION_NONE}, {"activateWindow", windowmanager_activatewindow, nullptr, nullptr, AFB_SESSION_NONE}, {"deactivateWindow", windowmanager_deactivatewindow, nullptr, nullptr, AFB_SESSION_NONE}, {"endDraw", windowmanager_enddraw, nullptr, nullptr, AFB_SESSION_NONE}, {"getDisplayInfo", windowmanager_getdisplayinfo_thunk, nullptr, nullptr, AFB_SESSION_NONE}, {"getAreaInfo", windowmanager_getareainfo_thunk, nullptr, nullptr, AFB_SESSION_NONE}, {"wm_subscribe", windowmanager_wm_subscribe, nullptr, nullptr, AFB_SESSION_NONE}, {"list_drawing_names", windowmanager_list_drawing_names, nullptr, nullptr, AFB_SESSION_NONE}, {"ping", windowmanager_ping, nullptr, nullptr, AFB_SESSION_NONE}, {"debug_status", windowmanager_debug_status, nullptr, nullptr, AFB_SESSION_NONE}, {"debug_layers", windowmanager_debug_layers, nullptr, nullptr, AFB_SESSION_NONE}, {"debug_surfaces", windowmanager_debug_surfaces, nullptr, nullptr, AFB_SESSION_NONE}, {"debug_terminate", windowmanager_debug_terminate, nullptr, nullptr, AFB_SESSION_NONE}, {}}; extern "C" const struct afb_binding_v2 afbBindingV2 = { "windowmanager", nullptr, nullptr, windowmanager_verbs, nullptr, binding_init, nullptr, 0};