/* * Copyright (c) 2018 TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include <fstream> #include <sstream> #include <istream> #include <thread> #include <map> #include <algorithm> #include <systemd/sd-event.h> #include <json-c/json.h> #include "policy_manager.hpp" #include "hmi-debug.h" extern "C" { #define AFB_BINDING_VERSION 2 #include <afb/afb-binding.h> #include "stm.h" } namespace pm { static PolicyManager *g_context; static int transitionStateWrapper(sd_event_source *source, void *data) { int ret = g_context->transitionState(source, data); return ret; } static int timerEventWrapper(sd_event_source *source, uint64_t usec, void *data) { int ret = g_context->timerEvent(source, usec, data); return ret; } } // namespace pm PolicyManager::PolicyManager() : eventname2no(), categoryname2no(), areaname2no(), role2category(), category2role(), role2defaultarea() {} int PolicyManager::initialize() { int ret = 0; // Create convert map for (int i = StmEvtNoMin; i <= StmEvtNoMax; i++) { HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", "event name:%s no:%d", kStmEventName[i], i); this->eventname2no[kStmEventName[i]] = i; } for (int i = StmCtgNoMin; i <= StmCtgNoMax; i++) { HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", "category name:%s no:%d", kStmCategoryName[i], i); this->categoryname2no[kStmCategoryName[i]] = i; } for (int i = StmAreaNoMin; i <= StmAreaNoMax; i++) { HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", "area name:%s no:%d", kStmAreaName[i], i); this->areaname2no[kStmAreaName[i]] = i; } // Load roles.db ret = this->loadRoleDb(); if (0 > ret) { HMI_ERROR("wm:pm", "Load roles.db Error!!"); return ret; } // Load layouts.db ret = this->loadLayoutDb(); if (0 > ret) { HMI_ERROR("wm:pm", "Load layouts.db Error!!"); return ret; } // Initialize state which is managed by PolicyManager this->initializeState(); // Initialize StateTransitioner stmInitialize(); // Store instance pm::g_context = this; return ret; } void PolicyManager::registerCallback(CallbackTable callback) { this->callback.onStateTransitioned = callback.onStateTransitioned; this->callback.onError = callback.onError; } int PolicyManager::setInputEventData(json_object *json_in) { // Check arguments if (nullptr == json_in) { HMI_ERROR("wm:pm", "Argument is NULL!!"); return -1; } // Get event from json_object const char *event = this->getStringFromJson(json_in, "event"); int event_no = StmEvtNoNone; if (nullptr != event) { // Convert name to number auto itr = this->eventname2no.find(event); if (this->eventname2no.end() != itr) { event_no = this->eventname2no[event]; HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", "event(%s:%d)", event, event_no); } else { HMI_ERROR("wm:pm", "Invalid event name!!"); return -1; } } else { HMI_ERROR("wm:pm", "Event is not set!!"); return -1; } // Get role from json_object const char *role = this->getStringFromJson(json_in, "role"); int category_no = StmCtgNoNone; if (nullptr != role) { HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", "role(%s)", role); // Convert role to category std::string category = ""; auto itr = this->role2category.find(role); if (this->role2category.end() != itr) { category = this->role2category[role]; } else { itr = this->role2category.find("fallback"); if (this->role2category.end() != itr) { HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", "Role:%s is not registered in roles.db, fallback as normal app", role); category = this->role2category["fallback"]; } } if ("" != category) { // Convert name to number category_no = categoryname2no[category]; HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", "category(%s:%d)", category.c_str(), category_no); } } if (StmCtgNoNone == category_no) { role = ""; } // Get areat from json_object const char *area = this->getStringFromJson(json_in, "area"); int area_no = StmAreaNoNone; if (nullptr != area) { auto itr = this->areaname2no.find(area); if (this->areaname2no.end() != itr) { area_no = this->areaname2no[area]; HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", "area(%s:%d)", area, area_no); } } // If role is set and area is not set, use default area if ((StmAreaNoNone == area_no) && (StmCtgNoNone != category_no)) { std::string def_area = this->role2defaultarea[role]; area_no = this->areaname2no[def_area]; HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", "area(%s:%d)", def_area.c_str(), area_no); } // Set event info to the queue EventInfo event_info; int event_id = STM_CREATE_EVENT_ID(event_no, category_no, area_no); event_info.event = event_id; event_info.role = std::string(role); event_info.delay = 0; this->event_info_queue.push(event_info); return 0; } int PolicyManager::executeStateTransition() { int ret; EventInfo event_info; while (!this->event_info_queue.empty()) { // Get event info from queue and delete event_info = this->event_info_queue.front(); this->event_info_queue.pop(); // Set event info for checking policy ret = this->setStateTransitionProcessToSystemd(event_info.event, event_info.delay, event_info.role); } return ret; } void PolicyManager::undoState() { HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", "Undo State !!!"); // Undo state of STM stmUndoState(); HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", ">>>>>>>>>> BEFORE UNDO"); this->dumpLayerState(this->crr_layers); this->crr_layers = this->prv_layers; HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", ">>>>>>>>>> AFTER UNDO"); this->dumpLayerState(this->crr_layers); } void PolicyManager::initializeState() { this->initializeLayerState(); } void PolicyManager::initializeLayerState() { AreaState init_area; LayoutState init_layout; init_area.name = kStmAreaName[StmAreaNoNone]; init_area.category = kStmCategoryName[StmCtgNoNone]; init_area.role = ""; init_layout.name = kStmLayoutName[StmLayoutNoNone]; init_layout.area_list.push_back(init_area); for (int i = StmLayerNoMin; i <= StmLayerNoMax; i++) { const char *layer_name = kStmLayerName[i]; this->crr_layers[layer_name].name = layer_name; this->crr_layers[layer_name].layout_state = init_layout; this->crr_layers[layer_name].changed = false; } this->prv_layers = this->crr_layers; } void PolicyManager::addStateToJson(const char *name, bool changed, std::string state, json_object **json_out) { if ((nullptr == name) || (nullptr == json_out)) { HMI_ERROR("wm:pm", "Invalid argument!!!"); return; } json_object_object_add(*json_out, "name", json_object_new_string(name)); json_object_object_add(*json_out, "state", json_object_new_string(state.c_str())); json_object_object_add(*json_out, "changed", json_object_new_boolean(changed)); } void PolicyManager::addStateToJson(const char *layer_name, bool changed, AreaList area_list, json_object **json_out) { if ((nullptr == layer_name) || (nullptr == json_out)) { HMI_ERROR("wm:pm", "Invalid argument!!!"); return; } json_object *json_areas = json_object_new_array(); json_object *json_tmp; for (const auto &as : area_list) { json_tmp = json_object_new_object(); json_object_object_add(json_tmp, "name", json_object_new_string(as.name.c_str())); json_object_object_add(json_tmp, "role", json_object_new_string(as.role.c_str())); json_object_array_add(json_areas, json_tmp); } json_object_object_add(*json_out, "name", json_object_new_string(layer_name)); json_object_object_add(*json_out, "changed", json_object_new_boolean(changed)); json_object_object_add(*json_out, "areas", json_areas); } void PolicyManager::updateState(int event_id, StmState crr_state) { this->updateLayerState(event_id, crr_state); } void PolicyManager::updateLayerState(int event_id, StmState crr_state) { int event_no, category_no, area_no; for (int layer_no = StmLayerNoMin; layer_no <= StmLayerNoMax; layer_no++) { HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", ">>> LAYER:%s CHANGED:%d LAYOUT:%s", kStmLayerName[layer_no], crr_state.layer[layer_no].changed, kStmLayoutName[crr_state.layer[layer_no].state]); } event_no = STM_GET_EVENT_FROM_ID(event_id); category_no = STM_GET_CATEGORY_FROM_ID(event_id); area_no = STM_GET_AREA_FROM_ID(event_id); std::string req_evt = kStmEventName[event_no]; std::string req_ctg = kStmCategoryName[category_no]; std::string req_area = kStmAreaName[area_no]; std::string req_role = this->req_role_list[event_id]; // Store previous layers this->prv_layers = this->crr_layers; // Update layers for (int layer_no = StmLayerNoMin; layer_no <= StmLayerNoMax; layer_no++) { const char *layer_name = kStmLayerName[layer_no]; // This layer is changed? int changed = crr_state.layer[layer_no].changed; if (changed) { HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", ">>>>>>>>>> Update layer:%s", layer_name); // Get previous layout name of this layer LayoutState prv_layout_state = this->prv_layers[layer_name].layout_state; std::string prv_layout_name = prv_layout_state.name; // Get current layout name of this layer int crr_layout_state_no = crr_state.layer[layer_no].state; std::string crr_layout_name = std::string(kStmLayoutName[crr_layout_state_no]); LayoutState crr_layout_state; if ((prv_layout_name == crr_layout_name) && (kStmAreaName[StmAreaNoNone] == crr_layout_name)) { // Copy previous layout state for current crr_layout_state = prv_layout_state; changed = 0; } else { // Copy previous layout state for current crr_layout_state = prv_layout_state; HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", "-- layout name previous:%s current:%s", prv_layout_name.c_str(), crr_layout_name.c_str()); if (prv_layout_name == crr_layout_name) { HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", "---- Previous layout is same with current"); } else { // If previous layout is NOT same with current, // current areas is set with default value HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", "---- Previous layout is NOT same with current"); crr_layout_state.name = this->default_layouts[crr_layout_name].name; crr_layout_state.category_num = this->default_layouts[crr_layout_name].category_num; crr_layout_state.area_list = this->default_layouts[crr_layout_name].area_list; } // Create candidate list std::map<std::string, AreaList> cand_list; for (int ctg_no = StmCtgNoMin; ctg_no <= StmCtgNoMax; ctg_no++) { if (ctg_no == StmCtgNoNone) { continue; } const char *ctg = kStmCategoryName[ctg_no]; HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", "-- Create candidate list for ctg:%s", ctg); AreaList tmp_cand_list; int candidate_num = 0; int blank_num = crr_layout_state.category_num[ctg]; // If requested event is "activate" // and there are requested category and area, // update area with requested role in current layout. bool request_for_this_layer = false; std::string used_role = ""; if ((ctg == req_ctg) && ("activate" == req_evt)) { HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", "---- Requested event is activate"); for (AreaState &as : crr_layout_state.area_list) { if (as.category == req_ctg) { request_for_this_layer = true; if (as.name == req_area) { as.role = req_role; used_role = req_role; blank_num--; HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", "------ Update current layout: area:%s category:%s role:%s", as.name.c_str(), as.category.c_str(), as.role.c_str()); break; } } } } // Create candidate list for category from the previous displayed categories for (AreaState area_state : prv_layout_state.area_list) { if ((std::string(ctg) == area_state.category) && (used_role != area_state.role)) { // If there is the category // which is same with new category and not used for updating yet, // push it to list HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", "---- Push previous(category:%s role:%s) to candidate list", area_state.category.c_str(), area_state.role.c_str()); tmp_cand_list.push_back(area_state); candidate_num++; } } // If NOT updated by requested area: // there is not requested area in new layout, // so push requested role to candidate list if (request_for_this_layer && ("" == used_role)) { HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", "---- Push request(area:%s category:%s role:%s) to candidate list", req_area.c_str(), req_ctg.c_str(), req_role.c_str()); AreaState area_state; area_state.name = req_area; area_state.category = req_ctg; area_state.role = req_role; tmp_cand_list.push_back(area_state); candidate_num++; } HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", "---- blank_num:%d candidate_num:%d", blank_num, candidate_num); // Compare number of candidate/blank, // And remove role in order of the oldest as necessary if (candidate_num < blank_num) { // Refer history stack // and add to the top of tmp_cand_list in order to the newest while (candidate_num != blank_num) { AreaState area_state; area_state.name = kStmAreaName[StmAreaNoNone]; area_state.category = ctg; area_state.role = this->popRoleHistory(ctg); if ("" == area_state.role) { HMI_ERROR("wm:pm", "There is no role in history stack!!"); } tmp_cand_list.push_back(area_state); HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", "------ Add role:%s to candidate list", area_state.role.c_str()); candidate_num++; } } else if (candidate_num > blank_num) { // Remove the oldest role from candidate list while (candidate_num != blank_num) { std::string removed_role = tmp_cand_list.begin()->role; HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", "------ Remove the oldest role:%s from candidate list", removed_role.c_str()); tmp_cand_list.erase(tmp_cand_list.begin()); candidate_num--; // Push removed data to history stack this->pushRoleHistory(ctg, removed_role); // Remove from current layout for (AreaState &as : crr_layout_state.area_list) { if (as.role == removed_role) { as.role = ""; } } } } else { // (candidate_num == blank_num) // nop } cand_list[ctg] = tmp_cand_list; } // Update areas HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", "-- Update areas by using candidate list"); for (AreaState &as : crr_layout_state.area_list) { HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", "---- Check area:%s category:%s role:%s", as.name.c_str(), as.category.c_str(), as.role.c_str()); if ("" == as.role) { HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", "------ Update this area with role:%s", cand_list[as.category].begin()->role.c_str()); as.role = cand_list[as.category].begin()->role; cand_list[as.category].erase(cand_list[as.category].begin()); } } } // Update current layout of this layer this->crr_layers[layer_name].layout_state = crr_layout_state; } // Update changed flag this->crr_layers[layer_name].changed = (changed) ? true : false; } // Erase role for the event_id from list this->req_role_list.erase(event_id); HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", ">>>>>>>>>> DUMP LAYERS (BEFORE)"); this->dumpLayerState(this->prv_layers); HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", ">>>>>>>>>> DUMP LAYERS (AFTER)"); this->dumpLayerState(this->crr_layers); this->dumpRoleHistory(); } void PolicyManager::createOutputInformation(StmState crr_state, json_object **json_out) { json_object *json_tmp; // Create layout information // // "layers": [ // { // "homescreen": { // "changed": <bool>, // "areas": [ // { // "name":<const char*>, // "role":<const char*> // }. // ... // ] // } // }, // ... json_object *json_layer = json_object_new_array(); const char *layer_name; for (int layer_no = StmLayerNoMin; layer_no <= StmLayerNoMax; layer_no++) { layer_name = kStmLayerName[layer_no]; json_tmp = json_object_new_object(); this->addStateToJson(layer_name, this->crr_layers[layer_name].changed, this->crr_layers[layer_name].layout_state.area_list, &json_tmp); json_object_array_add(json_layer, json_tmp); } json_object_object_add(*json_out, "layers", json_layer); } int PolicyManager::transitionState(sd_event_source *source, void *data) { HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", ">>>>>>>>>> START STATE TRANSITION"); int event_id = *((int *)data); int event_no, category_no, area_no; event_no = STM_GET_EVENT_FROM_ID(event_id); category_no = STM_GET_CATEGORY_FROM_ID(event_id); area_no = STM_GET_AREA_FROM_ID(event_id); HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", ">>>>>>>>>> EVENT:%s CATEGORY:%s AREA:%s", kStmEventName[event_no], kStmCategoryName[category_no], kStmAreaName[area_no]); // Transition state StmState crr_state; int ret = stmTransitionState(event_id, &crr_state); if (0 > ret) { HMI_ERROR("wm:pm", "Failed transition state"); if (nullptr != this->callback.onError) { json_object *json_out = json_object_new_object(); json_object_object_add(json_out, "message", json_object_new_string("Failed to transition state")); json_object_object_add(json_out, "event", json_object_new_string(kStmEventName[event_no])); json_object_object_add(json_out, "role", json_object_new_string(this->req_role_list[event_id].c_str())); json_object_object_add(json_out, "area", json_object_new_string(kStmAreaName[area_no])); this->callback.onError(json_out); json_object_put(json_out); } return -1; } // Update state which is managed by PolicyManager this->updateState(event_id, crr_state); // Create output information for ResourceManager json_object *json_out = json_object_new_object(); this->createOutputInformation(crr_state, &json_out); // Notify changed state if (nullptr != this->callback.onStateTransitioned) { this->callback.onStateTransitioned(json_out); } // Release json_object json_object_put(json_out); // Release data delete (int *)data; // Destroy sd_event_source object sd_event_source_unref(source); // Remove event source from list if (this->event_source_list.find(event_id) != this->event_source_list.end()) { this->event_source_list.erase(event_id); } HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", ">>>>>>>>>> FINISH STATE TRANSITION"); return 0; } int PolicyManager::timerEvent(sd_event_source *source, uint64_t usec, void *data) { HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", "Call"); int ret = this->transitionState(source, data); return ret; } int PolicyManager::setStateTransitionProcessToSystemd(int event_id, uint64_t delay_ms, std::string role) { HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", "event_id:0x%x delay:%d role:%s", event_id, delay_ms, role.c_str()); // Store requested role this->req_role_list[event_id] = role; if (0 == delay_ms) { int ret = sd_event_add_defer(afb_daemon_get_event_loop(), NULL, &pm::transitionStateWrapper, new int(event_id)); if (0 > ret) { HMI_ERROR("wm:pm", "Faild to sd_event_add_defer: errno:%d", ret); this->req_role_list.erase(event_id); return -1; } } else { // Get current time struct timespec time_spec; clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &time_spec); // Calculate timer fired time uint64_t usec = (time_spec.tv_sec * 1000000) + (time_spec.tv_nsec / 1000) + (delay_ms * 1000); // Set timer struct sd_event_source *event_source; int ret = sd_event_add_time(afb_daemon_get_event_loop(), &event_source, CLOCK_MONOTONIC, usec, 1, &pm::timerEventWrapper, new int(event_id)); if (0 > ret) { HMI_ERROR("wm:pm", "Faild to sd_event_add_time: errno:%d", ret); this->req_role_list.erase(event_id); return -1; } // Store event source this->event_source_list[event_id] = event_source; } return 0; } int PolicyManager::loadRoleDb() { std::string file_name; // Get afm application installed dir char const *afm_app_install_dir = getenv("AFM_APP_INSTALL_DIR"); HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", "afm_app_install_dir:%s", afm_app_install_dir); if (!afm_app_install_dir) { HMI_ERROR("wm:pm", "AFM_APP_INSTALL_DIR is not defined"); } else { file_name = std::string(afm_app_install_dir) + std::string("/etc/roles.db"); } // Load roles.db json_object *json_obj; int ret = this->inputJsonFilie(file_name.c_str(), &json_obj); if (0 > ret) { HMI_ERROR("wm:pm", "Could not open roles.db, so use default role information"); json_obj = json_tokener_parse(kDefaultRoleDb); } HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", "json_obj dump:%s", json_object_get_string(json_obj)); json_object *json_roles; if (!json_object_object_get_ex(json_obj, "roles", &json_roles)) { HMI_ERROR("wm:pm", "Parse Error!!"); return -1; } int len = json_object_array_length(json_roles); HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", "json_cfg len:%d", len); HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", "json_cfg dump:%s", json_object_get_string(json_roles)); json_object *json_tmp; const char *category; const char *roles; const char *areas; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { json_tmp = json_object_array_get_idx(json_roles, i); category = this->getStringFromJson(json_tmp, "category"); roles = this->getStringFromJson(json_tmp, "role"); areas = this->getStringFromJson(json_tmp, "area"); if ((nullptr == category) || (nullptr == roles) || (nullptr == areas)) { HMI_ERROR("wm:pm", "Parse Error!!"); return -1; } // Parse roles by '|' std::vector<std::string> vct_roles; vct_roles = this->parseString(std::string(roles), '|'); // Parse areas by '|' std::vector<std::string> vct_areas; vct_areas = this->parseString(std::string(areas), '|'); // Set role, category, default area for (auto itr = vct_roles.begin(); itr != vct_roles.end(); ++itr) { // Delete space from role and area name std::string role = this->deleteSpace(*itr); std::string area = this->deleteSpace(vct_areas[0]); this->role2category[role] = std::string(category); this->role2defaultarea[role] = area; } this->category2role[std::string(category)] = std::string(roles); } // Check HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", "Check role2category"); for (const auto &x : this->role2category) { HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", "key:%s, val:%s", x.first.c_str(), x.second.c_str()); } HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", "Check role2defaultarea"); for (const auto &x : this->role2defaultarea) { HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", "key:%s, val:%s", x.first.c_str(), x.second.c_str()); } HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", "Check category2role"); for (const auto &x : this->category2role) { HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", "key:%s, val:%s", x.first.c_str(), x.second.c_str()); } return 0; } int PolicyManager::loadLayoutDb() { HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", "Call"); // Get afm application installed dir char const *afm_app_install_dir = getenv("AFM_APP_INSTALL_DIR"); HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", "afm_app_install_dir:%s", afm_app_install_dir); std::string file_name; if (!afm_app_install_dir) { HMI_ERROR("wm:pm", "AFM_APP_INSTALL_DIR is not defined"); } else { file_name = std::string(afm_app_install_dir) + std::string("/etc/layouts.db"); } // Load layouts.db json_object *json_obj; int ret = this->inputJsonFilie(file_name.c_str(), &json_obj); if (0 > ret) { HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", "Could not open layouts.db, so use default layout information"); json_obj = json_tokener_parse(kDefaultLayoutDb); } HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", "json_obj dump:%s", json_object_get_string(json_obj)); // Perse layouts HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", "Perse layouts"); json_object *json_cfg; if (!json_object_object_get_ex(json_obj, "layouts", &json_cfg)) { HMI_ERROR("wm:pm", "Parse Error!!"); return -1; } int len = json_object_array_length(json_cfg); HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", "json_cfg len:%d", len); HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", "json_cfg dump:%s", json_object_get_string(json_cfg)); const char *layout; const char *role; const char *category; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { json_object *json_tmp = json_object_array_get_idx(json_cfg, i); layout = this->getStringFromJson(json_tmp, "name"); if (nullptr == layout) { HMI_ERROR("wm:pm", "Parse Error!!"); return -1; } HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", "> layout:%s", layout); json_object *json_area_array; if (!json_object_object_get_ex(json_tmp, "areas", &json_area_array)) { HMI_ERROR("wm:pm", "Parse Error!!"); return -1; } int len_area = json_object_array_length(json_area_array); HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", "json_area_array len:%d", len_area); HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", "json_area_array dump:%s", json_object_get_string(json_area_array)); LayoutState layout_state; AreaState area_state; std::map<std::string, int> category_num; for (int ctg_no = StmCtgNoMin; ctg_no <= StmCtgNoMax; ctg_no++) { const char *ctg_name = kStmCategoryName[ctg_no]; category_num[ctg_name] = 0; } for (int j = 0; j < len_area; j++) { json_object *json_area = json_object_array_get_idx(json_area_array, j); // Get area name const char *area = this->getStringFromJson(json_area, "name"); if (nullptr == area) { HMI_ERROR("wm:pm", "Parse Error!!"); return -1; } area_state.name = std::string(area); HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", ">> area:%s", area); // Get app attribute of the area category = this->getStringFromJson(json_area, "category"); if (nullptr == category) { HMI_ERROR("wm:pm", "Parse Error!!"); return -1; } area_state.category = std::string(category); category_num[category]++; HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", ">>> category:%s", category); role = this->getStringFromJson(json_area, "role"); if (nullptr != role) { // Role is NOT essential here area_state.role = std::string(role); } else { area_state.role = std::string(""); } HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", ">>> role:%s", role); layout_state.area_list.push_back(area_state); } layout_state.name = layout; layout_state.category_num = category_num; this->default_layouts[layout] = layout_state; } // initialize for none layout LayoutState none_layout_state; memset(&none_layout_state, 0, sizeof(none_layout_state)); none_layout_state.name = "none"; this->default_layouts["none"] = none_layout_state; // Check for (auto itr_layout = this->default_layouts.begin(); itr_layout != this->default_layouts.end(); ++itr_layout) { HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", ">>> layout:%s", itr_layout->first.c_str()); for (auto itr_area = itr_layout->second.area_list.begin(); itr_area != itr_layout->second.area_list.end(); ++itr_area) { HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", ">>> >>> area :%s", itr_area->name.c_str()); HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", ">>> >>> category:%s", itr_area->category.c_str()); HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", ">>> >>> role :%s", itr_area->role.c_str()); } } // Release json_object json_object_put(json_obj); return 0; } static const int kHistoryNum = 5; void PolicyManager::pushRoleHistory(std::string category, std::string role) { auto i = std::remove_if(this->role_history[category].begin(), this->role_history[category].end(), [role](std::string x) { return (role == x); }); if (this->role_history[category].end() != i) { this->role_history[category].erase(i); } this->role_history[category].push_back(role); if (kHistoryNum < role_history[category].size()) { this->role_history[category].erase( this->role_history[category].begin()); } } std::string PolicyManager::popRoleHistory(std::string category) { std::string role; if (role_history[category].empty()) { role = ""; } else { role = this->role_history[category].back(); this->role_history[category].pop_back(); } return role; } const char *PolicyManager::getStringFromJson(json_object *obj, const char *key) { json_object *tmp; if (!json_object_object_get_ex(obj, key, &tmp)) { HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", "Not found key \"%s\"", key); return nullptr; } return json_object_get_string(tmp); } int PolicyManager::inputJsonFilie(const char *file, json_object **obj) { const int input_size = 128; int ret = -1; HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", "Input file: %s", file); // Open json file FILE *fp = fopen(file, "rb"); if (nullptr == fp) { HMI_ERROR("wm:pm", "Could not open file"); return ret; } // Parse file data struct json_tokener *tokener = json_tokener_new(); enum json_tokener_error json_error; char buffer[input_size]; int block_cnt = 1; while (1) { size_t len = fread(buffer, sizeof(char), input_size, fp); *obj = json_tokener_parse_ex(tokener, buffer, len); if (nullptr != *obj) { HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", "File input is success"); ret = 0; break; } json_error = json_tokener_get_error(tokener); if ((json_tokener_continue != json_error) || (input_size > len)) { HMI_ERROR("wm:pm", "Failed to parse file (byte:%d err:%s)", (input_size * block_cnt), json_tokener_error_desc(json_error)); HMI_ERROR("wm:pm", "\n%s", buffer); *obj = nullptr; break; } block_cnt++; } // Close json file fclose(fp); // Free json_tokener json_tokener_free(tokener); return ret; } void PolicyManager::dumpLayerState(std::unordered_map<std::string, LayerState> &layers) { HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", "|%-15s|%s|%-20s|%-20s|%-20s|%-20s|", "LAYER", "C", "LAYOUT", "AREA", "CATEGORY", "ROLE"); for (const auto &itr : layers) { LayerState ls = itr.second; const char* layer = ls.name.c_str(); const char* changed = (ls.changed) ? "T" : "f"; const char* layout = ls.layout_state.name.c_str(); bool first = true; for (const auto &as : ls.layout_state.area_list) { if (first) { first = false; HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", "|%-15s|%1s|%-20s|%-20s|%-20s|%-20s|", layer, changed, layout, as.name.c_str(), as.category.c_str(), as.role.c_str()); } else HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", "|%-15s|%1s|%-20s|%-20s|%-20s|%-20s|", "", "", "", as.name.c_str(), as.category.c_str(), as.role.c_str()); } } HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); } void PolicyManager::dumpRoleHistory() { HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", ">>>>>>>>>> DUMP ROLE HISTORY ( category [older > newer] )"); for (int ctg_no = StmCtgNoMin; ctg_no <= StmCtgNoMax; ctg_no++) { if (ctg_no == StmCtgNoNone) continue; std::string category = std::string(kStmCategoryName[ctg_no]); std::string str = category + " [ "; for (const auto &i : this->role_history[category]) str += (i + " > "); str += "]"; HMI_DEBUG("wm:pm", "%s", str.c_str()); } } std::vector<std::string> PolicyManager::parseString(std::string str, char delimiter) { // Parse string by delimiter std::vector<std::string> vct; std::stringstream ss{str}; std::string buf; while (std::getline(ss, buf, delimiter)) { if (!buf.empty()) { vct.push_back(buf); } } return vct; } std::string PolicyManager::deleteSpace(std::string str) { std::string ret = str; size_t pos; while ((pos = ret.find_first_of(" ")) != std::string::npos) { ret.erase(pos, 1); } return ret; } const char *PolicyManager::kDefaultRoleDb = "{ \ \"roles\":[ \ { \ \"category\": \"homescreen\", \ \"role\": \"homescreen\", \ \"area\": \"fullscreen\", \ }, \ { \ \"category\": \"map\", \ \"role\": \"map\", \ \"area\": \"normal.full | split.main\", \ }, \ { \ \"category\": \"general\", \ \"role\": \"launcher | poi | browser | sdl | mixer | radio | hvac | debug | phone | video | music\", \ \"area\": \"normal.full\", \ }, \ { \ \"category\": \"system\", \ \"role\": \"settings | dashboard\", \ \"area\": \"normal.full\", \ }, \ { \ \"category\": \"software_keyboard\", \ \"role\": \"software_keyboard\", \ \"area\": \"software_keyboard\", \ }, \ { \ \"category\": \"restriction\", \ \"role\": \"restriction\", \ \"area\": \"restriction.normal | restriction.split.main | restriction.split.sub\", \ }, \ { \ \"category\": \"pop_up\", \ \"role\": \"pop_up\", \ \"area\": \"on_screen\", \ }, \ { \ \"category\": \"system_alert\", \ \"role\": \"system_alert\", \ \"area\": \"on_screen\", \ } \ ] \ }"; const char *PolicyManager::kDefaultLayoutDb = "{ \ \"layouts\": [ \ { \ \"name\": \"homescreen\", \ \"layer\": \"far_homescreen\", \ \"areas\": [ \ { \ \"name\": \"fullscreen\", \ \"category\": \"homescreen\" \ } \ ] \ }, \ { \ \"name\": \"map.normal\", \ \"layer\": \"apps\", \ \"areas\": [ \ { \ \"name\": \"normal.full\", \ \"category\": \"map\" \ } \ ] \ }, \ { \ \"name\": \"map.split\", \ \"layer\": \"apps\", \ \"areas\": [ \ { \ \"name\": \"split.main\", \ \"category\": \"map\" \ }, \ { \ \"name\": \"split.sub\", \ \"category\": \"splitable\" \ } \ ] \ }, \ { \ \"name\": \"map.fullscreen\", \ \"layer\": \"apps\", \ \"areas\": [ \ { \ \"name\": \"fullscreen\", \ \"category\": \"map\" \ } \ ] \ }, \ { \ \"name\": \"splitable.normal\", \ \"layer\": \"apps\", \ \"areas\": [ \ { \ \"name\": \"normal.full\", \ \"category\": \"splitable\" \ } \ ] \ }, \ { \ \"name\": \"splitable.split\", \ \"layer\": \"apps\", \ \"areas\": [ \ { \ \"name\": \"split.main\", \ \"category\": \"splitable\" \ }, \ { \ \"name\": \"split.sub\", \ \"category\": \"splitable\" \ } \ ] \ }, \ { \ \"name\": \"general.normal\", \ \"layer\": \"apps\", \ \"areas\": [ \ { \ \"name\": \"normal.full\", \ \"category\": \"general\" \ } \ ] \ }, \ { \ \"name\": \"system.normal\", \ \"layer\": \"apps\", \ \"areas\": [ \ { \ \"name\": \"normal.full\", \ \"category\": \"system\" \ } \ ] \ }, \ { \ \"name\": \"software_keyboard\", \ \"layer\": \"near_homescreen\", \ \"areas\": [ \ { \ \"name\": \"software_keyboard\", \ \"category\": \"software_keyboard\" \ } \ ] \ }, \ { \ \"name\": \"restriction.normal\", \ \"layer\": \"restriction\", \ \"areas\": [ \ { \ \"name\": \"restriction.normal\", \ \"category\": \"restriction\" \ } \ ] \ }, \ { \ \"name\": \"restriction.split.main\", \ \"layer\": \"restriction\", \ \"areas\": [ \ { \ \"name\": \"restriction.split.main\", \ \"category\": \"restriction\" \ } \ ] \ }, \ { \ \"name\": \"restriction.split.sub\", \ \"layer\": \"restriction\", \ \"areas\": [ \ { \ \"name\": \"restriction.split.sub\", \ \"category\": \"restriction\" \ } \ ] \ }, \ { \ \"name\": \"pop_up\", \ \"layer\": \"on_screen\", \ \"areas\": [ \ { \ \"name\": \"on_screen\", \ \"category\": \"pop_up\" \ } \ ] \ }, \ { \ \"name\": \"system_alert\", \ \"layer\": \"on_screen\", \ \"areas\": [ \ { \ \"name\": \"on_screen\", \ \"category\": \"system_alert\" \ } \ ] \ } \ ] \ }";