/* * Copyright (c) 2017 TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION * Copyright (c) 2018 Konsulko Group * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include <assert.h> #include <unistd.h> #include "wm_layer_control.hpp" #include "wm_layer.hpp" #include "wm_client.hpp" #include "request.hpp" #include "json_helper.hpp" #define LC_AREA_FILE "areas.json" #define LC_LAYER_SETTING_FILE "layers.json" #define LC_DEFAULT_AREA "fullscreen" #define BACK_GROUND_LAYER "BackGroundLayer" using std::string; using std::vector; using std::shared_ptr; namespace wm { LayerControl* g_lc_ctxt; static void createCallback_static(ilmObjectType object, t_ilm_uint id, t_ilm_bool created, void* data) { static_cast<LayerControl*>(data)->dispatchCreateEvent(object, id, created); } static void surfaceCallback_static(t_ilm_surface surface, struct ilmSurfaceProperties* surface_prop, t_ilm_notification_mask mask) { g_lc_ctxt->dispatchSurfacePropChangeEvent(surface, surface_prop, mask); } static void layerCallback_static(t_ilm_layer layer, struct ilmLayerProperties* layer_prop, t_ilm_notification_mask mask) { g_lc_ctxt->dispatchLayerPropChangeEvent(layer, layer_prop, mask); } LayerControl::LayerControl(const std::string& root) { string area_path(get_file_path(LC_AREA_FILE, root.c_str())); string layer_path(get_file_path(LC_LAYER_SETTING_FILE, root.c_str())); // load layers.setting.json WMError ret = this->loadLayerSetting(layer_path); assert(ret == WMError::SUCCESS); // load areas.json ret = this->loadAreaDb(area_path); assert(ret == WMError::SUCCESS); } WMError LayerControl::init(const LayerControlCallbacks& cb) { HMI_DEBUG("Initialize of ilm library and display"); t_ilm_uint num = 0; t_ilm_uint *ids; int cnt = 0; ilmErrorTypes rc = ilm_init(); while (rc != ILM_SUCCESS) { cnt++; if (20 <= cnt) { HMI_ERROR("Could not connect to compositor"); goto lc_init_error; } HMI_ERROR("Wait to start weston ..."); sleep(1); rc = ilm_init(); } if(rc != ILM_SUCCESS) goto lc_init_error; // Get current screen setting rc = ilm_getScreenIDs(&num, &ids); if(rc != ILM_SUCCESS) goto lc_init_error; for(unsigned i = 0; i < num; i++) { HMI_INFO("get screen: %d", ids[i]); } // Currently, 0 is only available this->screenID = ids[0]; rc = ilm_getPropertiesOfScreen(this->screenID, &this->screen_prop); if(rc != ILM_SUCCESS) goto lc_init_error; // Register Callback to Window Manager and from ILM this->cb = cb; ilm_registerNotification(createCallback_static, this); return WMError::SUCCESS; lc_init_error: HMI_ERROR("Failed to initialize. Terminate WM"); return WMError::FAIL; } void LayerControl::createNewLayer(unsigned id) { HMI_INFO("create new ID :%d", id); struct rect rct = this->area2size[LC_DEFAULT_AREA]; ilm_layerCreateWithDimension(&id, rct.w, rct.h); //ilm_layerSetSourceRectangle(id, rct.x, rct.y, rct.w, rct.h); ilm_layerSetDestinationRectangle(id, this->offset_x, this->offset_y, rct.w, rct.h); ilm_layerSetOpacity(id, 1.0); ilm_layerSetVisibility(id, ILM_FALSE); ilm_commitChanges(); auto wm_layer = getWMLayer(id); wm_layer->addLayerToState(id); this->renderLayers(); } unsigned LayerControl::getNewLayerID(const string& role) { unsigned ret = 0; for(const auto& l: this->wm_layers) { ret = l->getNewLayerID(role); if(ret != 0) { unsigned wmlid = l->getWMLayerID(); this->lid2wmlid[ret] = wmlid; break; } } return ret; } shared_ptr<WMLayer> LayerControl::getWMLayer(unsigned layer) { unsigned wm_lid = this->lid2wmlid[layer]; return this->wm_layers[wm_lid]; } std::shared_ptr<WMLayer> LayerControl::getWMLayer(std::string layer_name) { for(auto &l : this->wm_layers) { if(l->layerName() == layer_name) { return l; } } return nullptr; } struct rect LayerControl::getAreaSize(const std::string& area) { return area2size[area]; } void LayerControl::setupArea(const rectangle& base_rct, double scaling) { this->scaling = scaling; this->offset_x = base_rct.left(); this->offset_y = base_rct.top(); for (auto &i : this->area2size) { i.second.x = static_cast<int>(scaling * i.second.x + 0.5); i.second.y = static_cast<int>(scaling * i.second.y + 0.5); i.second.w = static_cast<int>(scaling * i.second.w + 0.5); i.second.h = static_cast<int>(scaling * i.second.h + 0.5); HMI_DEBUG("area:%s size(after) : x:%d y:%d w:%d h:%d", i.first.c_str(), i.second.x, i.second.y, i.second.w, i.second.h); } } Screen LayerControl::getScreenInfo() { return Screen(this->screen_prop.screenWidth, this->screen_prop.screenHeight); } double LayerControl::scale() { return this->scaling; } WMError LayerControl::renderLayers() { HMI_INFO("Commit change"); WMError rc = WMError::SUCCESS; // Check the number of layers vector<unsigned> ivi_l_ids; for(auto& l : this->wm_layers) { auto state = l->getLayerState(); HMI_DEBUG("layer %s", l->layerName().c_str()); for(const auto& id : state.getIviIdList()) { HMI_DEBUG("Add %d", id); ivi_l_ids.push_back(id); } } // Create render order t_ilm_layer* id_array = new t_ilm_layer[ivi_l_ids.size()]; if(id_array == nullptr) { HMI_WARNING("short memory"); this->undoUpdate(); return WMError::FAIL; } int count = 0; for(const auto& i : ivi_l_ids) { id_array[count] = i; ++count; } // Display ilmErrorTypes ret = ilm_displaySetRenderOrder(this->screenID, id_array, ivi_l_ids.size()); if(ret != ILM_SUCCESS) { this->undoUpdate(); rc = WMError::FAIL; } else { for(auto& l : this->wm_layers) { l->update(); } } ilm_commitChanges(); delete id_array; return rc; } WMError LayerControl::setXDGSurfaceOriginSize(unsigned surface) { WMError ret = WMError::NOT_REGISTERED; ilmSurfaceProperties prop; ilmErrorTypes rc = ilm_getPropertiesOfSurface(surface, &prop); if(rc == ILM_SUCCESS) { HMI_INFO("xdg surface info %d, %d", prop.origSourceWidth, prop.origSourceHeight); ilm_surfaceSetSourceRectangle(surface, 0, 0, prop.origSourceWidth, prop.origSourceHeight); ret = WMError::SUCCESS; } return ret; } void LayerControl::undoUpdate() { for(auto& l : this->wm_layers) { l->undo(); } } WMError LayerControl::loadLayerSetting(const string &path) { HMI_DEBUG("loading WMLayer(Application Containers) Setting from %s", path.c_str()); json_object *json_obj, *json_cfg; int ret = jh::inputJsonFilie(path.c_str(), &json_obj); if (0 > ret) { HMI_ERROR("Could not open %s", path.c_str()); return WMError::FAIL; } HMI_INFO("json_obj dump:%s", json_object_get_string(json_obj)); if (!json_object_object_get_ex(json_obj, "mappings", &json_cfg)) { HMI_ERROR("Parse Error!!"); return WMError::FAIL; } int len = json_object_array_length(json_cfg); HMI_DEBUG("json_cfg len:%d", len); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { json_object *json_tmp = json_object_array_get_idx(json_cfg, i); HMI_DEBUG("> json_tmp dump:%s", json_object_get_string(json_tmp)); this->wm_layers.emplace_back(std::make_shared<WMLayer>(json_tmp, i)); } json_object_put(json_obj); return WMError::SUCCESS; } WMError LayerControl::loadAreaDb(const std::string& path) { // Load area.db json_object *json_obj; int ret = jh::inputJsonFilie(path.c_str(), &json_obj); if (0 > ret) { HMI_ERROR("Could not open %s", path.c_str()); return WMError::FAIL; } HMI_INFO("json_obj dump:%s", json_object_get_string(json_obj)); // Perse areas json_object *json_cfg; if (!json_object_object_get_ex(json_obj, "areas", &json_cfg)) { HMI_ERROR("Parse Error!!"); return WMError::FAIL; } int len = json_object_array_length(json_cfg); HMI_DEBUG("json_cfg len:%d", len); const char *area; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { json_object *json_tmp = json_object_array_get_idx(json_cfg, i); HMI_DEBUG("> json_tmp dump:%s", json_object_get_string(json_tmp)); area = jh::getStringFromJson(json_tmp, "name"); if (nullptr == area) { HMI_ERROR("Parse Error!!"); return WMError::FAIL; } HMI_DEBUG("> area:%s", area); json_object *json_rect; if (!json_object_object_get_ex(json_tmp, "rect", &json_rect)) { HMI_ERROR("Parse Error!!"); return WMError::FAIL; } HMI_DEBUG("> json_rect dump:%s", json_object_get_string(json_rect)); struct rect area_size; area_size.x = jh::getIntFromJson(json_rect, "x"); area_size.y = jh::getIntFromJson(json_rect, "y"); area_size.w = jh::getIntFromJson(json_rect, "w"); area_size.h = jh::getIntFromJson(json_rect, "h"); this->area2size[area] = area_size; } // Check for (const auto& itr : this->area2size) { HMI_DEBUG("area:%s x:%d y:%d w:%d h:%d", itr.first.c_str(), itr.second.x, itr.second.y, itr.second.w, itr.second.h); } // Release json_object json_object_put(json_obj); return WMError::SUCCESS; } WMError LayerControl::layoutChange(const WMAction& action) { if (action.visible == TaskVisible::INVISIBLE) { // Visibility is not change -> no redraw is required return WMError::SUCCESS; } if(action.client == nullptr) { HMI_SEQ_ERROR(action.req_num, "client may vanish"); return WMError::NOT_REGISTERED; } unsigned layer = action.client->layerID(); unsigned surface = action.client->surfaceID(); auto rect = this->getAreaSize(action.area); HMI_SEQ_INFO(action.req_num, "Set layout %d, %d, %d, %d",rect.x, rect.y, rect.w, rect.h); // Sometimes, ivi_wm_surface_size signal doesn't reach window manager, // then, Window Manager set set source size = 0. if(!action.client->isSourceSizeSet()) { ilmSurfaceProperties sp; ilm_getPropertiesOfSurface(surface, &sp); if((sp.origSourceHeight != sp.sourceHeight) || (sp.origSourceWidth != sp.sourceWidth)) { HMI_SEQ_NOTICE(action.req_num, "set source size w:%d h%d", sp.origSourceWidth, sp.origSourceHeight); ilm_surfaceSetSourceRectangle(surface, 0, 0, sp.origSourceWidth, sp.origSourceHeight); ilm_commitChanges(); action.client->setSurfaceSizeCorrectly(); } } ilm_surfaceSetDestinationRectangle(surface, rect.x, rect.y, rect.w, rect.h); ilm_commitChanges(); action.client->setArea(action.area); for(auto &wm_layer: this->wm_layers) { // Store the state who is assigned to the area if(wm_layer->hasLayerID(layer)) { wm_layer->attachAppToArea(action.client->appID(), action.area); /* TODO: manipulate state directly LayerState ls = wm_layer->getLayerState(); ls.seattachAppToAreatArea(action.client->appID(), action.area); wm_layer->dump(); */ } } return WMError::SUCCESS; } WMError LayerControl::visibilityChange(const WMAction& action) { WMError ret = WMError::FAIL; if(action.client == nullptr) { HMI_SEQ_ERROR(action.req_num, "client may vanish"); return WMError::NOT_REGISTERED; } if (action.visible == TaskVisible::VISIBLE) { ret = this->makeVisible(action.client); } else if (action.visible == TaskVisible::INVISIBLE) { ret = this->makeInvisible(action.client); } ilm_commitChanges(); return ret; } WMError LayerControl::updateAreaList(const ChangeAreaReq& req) { // error check for(const auto& elem : req.area_req) { if(this->area2size.find(elem.first) == this->area2size.end()) { HMI_ERROR("requested area %s is not registered in area list", elem.first.c_str()); return WMError::NOT_REGISTERED; } } // update list for(const auto& elem : req.area_req) { this->area2size[elem.first] = elem.second; } if(req.save) { HMI_NOTICE("Not implemented"); // TODO } return WMError::SUCCESS; } WMError LayerControl::getUpdateAreaList(ChangeAreaReq *req) { for(const auto& wm_layer : this->wm_layers) { // get area name and compare it with elem for(const auto& area : req->area_req) { string app = wm_layer->attachedApp(area.first); if(!app.empty()) { HMI_INFO("app %s changes area %s", app.c_str(), area.first.c_str()); req->update_app2area[app] = area.first; } } } return WMError::SUCCESS; } void LayerControl::appTerminated(const shared_ptr<WMClient> client) { for(auto& l : this->wm_layers) { if(l->hasLayerID(client->layerID())) { l->appTerminated(client->layerID()); } } } void LayerControl::dispatchCreateEvent(ilmObjectType object, unsigned id, bool created) { if (ILM_SURFACE == object) { if (created) { ilmSurfaceProperties sp; ilmErrorTypes rc; rc = ilm_getPropertiesOfSurface(id, &sp); if(rc != ILM_SUCCESS) { HMI_ERROR("Failed to get surface %d property due to %d", id, ilm_getError()); return; } this->cb.surfaceCreated(sp.creatorPid, id); ilm_surfaceAddNotification(id, surfaceCallback_static); ilm_surfaceSetVisibility(id, ILM_TRUE); ilm_surfaceSetType(id, ILM_SURFACETYPE_DESKTOP); } else { this->cb.surfaceDestroyed(id); } } if (ILM_LAYER == object) { if(created) { ilm_layerAddNotification(id, layerCallback_static); } else { // Ignore here. Nothing to do currently. // Process of application dead is handled by Window Manager // from binder notification } } } void LayerControl::dispatchSurfacePropChangeEvent(unsigned id, struct ilmSurfaceProperties* sprop, t_ilm_notification_mask mask) { /* ILM_NOTIFICATION_CONTENT_AVAILABLE & ILM_NOTIFICATION_CONTENT_REMOVED are not handled here, handled in create/destroy event */ if (ILM_NOTIFICATION_VISIBILITY & mask) { HMI_DEBUG("surface %d turns visibility %d", id, sprop->visibility); } if (ILM_NOTIFICATION_OPACITY & mask) { HMI_DEBUG("surface %d turns opacity %f", id, sprop->opacity); } if (ILM_NOTIFICATION_SOURCE_RECT & mask) { HMI_DEBUG("surface %d source rect changes", id); } if (ILM_NOTIFICATION_DEST_RECT & mask) { HMI_DEBUG("surface %d dest rect changes", id); } if (ILM_NOTIFICATION_CONFIGURED & mask) { HMI_DEBUG("surface %d size %d, %d, %d, %d", id, sprop->sourceX, sprop->sourceY, sprop->origSourceWidth, sprop->origSourceHeight); ilm_surfaceSetSourceRectangle(id, 0, 0, sprop->origSourceWidth, sprop->origSourceHeight); } } void LayerControl::dispatchLayerPropChangeEvent(unsigned id, struct ilmLayerProperties* lprop, t_ilm_notification_mask mask) { if (ILM_NOTIFICATION_VISIBILITY & mask) { HMI_DEBUG("layer %d turns visibility %d", id, lprop->visibility); } if (ILM_NOTIFICATION_OPACITY & mask) { HMI_DEBUG("layer %d turns opacity %f", id, lprop->opacity); } if (ILM_NOTIFICATION_SOURCE_RECT & mask) { HMI_DEBUG("layer %d source rect changes", id); } if (ILM_NOTIFICATION_DEST_RECT & mask) { HMI_DEBUG("layer %d dest rect changes", id); } } WMError LayerControl::makeVisible(const shared_ptr<WMClient> client) { WMError ret = WMError::SUCCESS; // Don't check here wheher client is nullptr or not unsigned layer = client->layerID(); this->moveForeGround(client); ilm_layerSetVisibility(layer, ILM_TRUE); return ret; } WMError LayerControl::makeInvisible(const shared_ptr<WMClient> client) { WMError ret = WMError::SUCCESS; // Don't check here the client is not nullptr unsigned layer = client->layerID(); bool mv_ok = this->moveBackGround(client); if(!mv_ok) { HMI_INFO("make invisible client %s", client->appID().c_str()); ilm_layerSetVisibility(layer, ILM_FALSE); } return ret; } bool LayerControl::moveBackGround(const shared_ptr<WMClient> client) { bool ret = false; // Move background from foreground layer auto bg = this->getWMLayer(BACK_GROUND_LAYER); if(bg != nullptr) { HMI_DEBUG("client %s role %s", client->appID().c_str(), client->role().c_str()); unsigned layer = client->layerID(); if(bg->hasRole(client->role())) { HMI_INFO("%s go to background", client->appID().c_str()); bg->addLayerToState(layer); auto wm_layer = this->getWMLayer(layer); wm_layer->removeLayerFromState(layer); /* TODO: manipulate state directly LayerState bg_ls = bg->getLayerState(); bg_ls.addLayer(layer); LayerState ls = wm_layer->getLayerState(); ls.removeLayer(layer); */ bg->dump(); wm_layer->dump(); ret = true; } } return ret; } bool LayerControl::moveForeGround(const shared_ptr<WMClient> client) { bool ret = false; // Move foreground from foreground layer auto bg = this->getWMLayer(BACK_GROUND_LAYER); if(bg != nullptr) { if(bg->hasRole(client->role())) { unsigned layer = client->layerID(); HMI_INFO("%s go to foreground", client->appID().c_str()); bg->removeLayerFromState(layer); auto wm_layer = this->getWMLayer(layer); wm_layer->addLayerToState(layer); /* TODO: manipulate state directly LayerState bg_ls = bg->getLayerState(); bg_ls.removeLayer(layer); LayerState ls = wm_layer->getLayerState(); ls.addLayer(layer); */ bg->dump(); wm_layer->dump(); ret = true; } } return ret; } } // namespace wm