# agl-service-xds An AGL binding used to control collected data. Those data may come from `agl-low-collector` or from AGL `supervision`. **UNDER DEVELOPMENT - this binding is not fully functional, it's a proof of concept for now** ## Setup ```bash git clone --recursive https://github.com/iotbzh/agl-server-xds cd agl-server-xds ``` ## Build for AGL ```bash #setup your build environment . /xdt/sdk/environment-setup-aarch64-agl-linux #build your application ./conf.d/autobuild/agl/autobuild package ``` ## Build for 'native' Linux distros (Fedora, openSUSE, Debian, Ubuntu, ...) ```bash ./conf.d/autobuild/linux/autobuild package ``` You can also use binary package from OBS: [opensuse.org/LinuxAutomotive][opensuse.org/LinuxAutomotive] ## Test ### Native setup Here are commands used to build and setup some AGL services/bindings in order to test on `xds` service natively on a Linux host. #### Build ```bash cd $ROOT_DIR/agl-service-xds ./conf.d/autobuild/linux/autobuild build ``` #### Run services/bindings ```bash # Setup supervisor to supervise AGL system afs-supervisor --port 1712 --token HELLO --ws-server=unix:/tmp/supervisor -vv # Start harverster to save data in a TSDB cd $ROOT_DIR/agl-service-harvester afb-daemon --port=1234 --name=afb-harvester --workdir=./build/package --ldpaths=lib --roothttp=htdocs --token= --tracereq=common --ws-server unix:/tmp/harvester -vv # Start XDS collector to control supervisor cd $ROOT_DIR/agl-service-xds afb-daemon --port=5678 --name=afb-xds --workdir=./build/package --ldpaths=lib --roothttp=htdocs --token= --ws-client=unix:/tmp/supervisor --ws-client=unix:/tmp/harvester -vvv ``` **Example 1** : Demo based on simple helloworld AGL service ``` bash cd $ROOT_DIR/app-framework-binder afb-daemon -t '' -p 5555 -M --roothttp test --ws-server unix:ave --name test_server -vvv afb-daemon -t '' -p 4444 -M --roothttp test --no-ldpaths --ws-client unix:ave --name test_client -vvv # Get bindings list afb-client-demo --raw 'localhost:5678/api?token=1977&uuid=magic' xds list | jq .response[].pid # Request monitoring of socket "unix:ave" afb-client-demo 'localhost:5678/api?token=HELLO&uuid=c' xds trace '{"ws":"unix:ave"}' # Call ping verb of hello api (should be spy by supervision/monitoring) afb-client-demo 'localhost:5555/api?token=toto&uuid=magic' hello ping # Same call some other verbs of hello api afb-client-demo 'localhost:5555/api?token=toto&uuid=magic' hello eventadd '{"tag":"x","name":"event"}' afb-client-demo 'localhost:5555/api?token=toto&uuid=magic' hello eventsub '{"tag":"x"}' afb-client-demo 'localhost:5555/api?token=toto&uuid=magic' hello eventpush '{"tag":"x","data":true}' # Dump data from TSDB influx -database 'agl-garner' -execute 'show series' influx -database 'agl-garner' -execute 'select * from "xds/supervisor/trace"' ``` **Example 2**: Demo based on AGL mockup services ```bash # Monitor AGL mockup services cd $ROOT_DIR/agl-services-mockup && start_agl_mockup.sh 1 # ... at this point script stop and wait user... # In another shell, execute following commands to request monitoring of can_emul and gps_emul sockets afb-client-demo 'localhost:5678/api?token=HELLO&uuid=c' xds trace '{"ws":"can_emul"}' afb-client-demo 'localhost:5678/api?token=HELLO&uuid=c' xds trace '{"ws":"gps_emul"}' # Press any key in 1 shell to continue start_agl_mockup.sh script # Dump data from TSDB influx -database 'agl-garner' -execute 'select * from "xds/supervisor/trace"' # Drop data # influx -database 'agl-garner' -execute 'drop measurement "xds/supervisor/trace"' ``` ## Deploy ### AGL TBD