--[[ Copyright (C) 2018 "IoT.bzh" Author Sebastien Douheret <sebastien@iot.bzh> Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. NOTE: strict mode: every global variables should be prefixed by '_' --]] -- return serialised version of printable table function ToJson(o) if type(o) == "table" then local s = "{" local i = 0 for k, v in pairs(o) do if (i > 0) then s = s .. "," end i = i + 1 if type(k) ~= "number" then k = '"' .. k .. '"' end s = s .. k .. ":" .. ToJson(v) end return s .. "}" else return '"' .. tostring(o) .. '"' end end function _trace_hello_events_(source, args, event) -- TODO nothing for now end function _trace_Async_CB(source, response, context) --AFB:debug(source, "--InLua-- _trace_Async_CB response=%s context=%s\n", Dump_Table(response), Dump_Table(context)) if (response["request"]["status"] ~= "success") then AFB:error(source, "--InLua-- _trace_Async_CB response=%s context=%s", Dump_Table(response), Dump_Table(context)) return end end function _trace_events_(source, args, event) --AFB:notice(source, "--InLua-- ENTER _trace_events_ event=%s\n", Dump_Table(event)) local query = { ["host"] = "localhost", ["port"] = 8086, ["metric"] = { { ["name"] = "xds/supervisor/trace", ["metadata"] = { ["identity"] = "xds_supervisor", ["tag"] = event["tag"] }, ["values"] = { ["id"] = event["id"] }, ["timestamp"] = event["time"] } } } if event.request then local request = event.request -- Filter out some traces -- if (request.action == "begin" and request.action == "end" and request.action == "json") then -- AFB:debug(source, "--InLua-- _trace_events_ IGNORED event=%s\n", Dump_Table(event)) -- return -- end AFB:notice(source, ">>> PROCESS request %s", request) query.metric[1].metadata.type = "request" query.metric[1].metadata.api = request.api query.metric[1].metadata.verb = request.verb query.metric[1].metadata.action = request.action query.metric[1].metadata.session = request.session query.metric[1].metadata.req_index = tostring(request.index) if event.data then local dd = ToJson(event.data) query.metric[1].values.data = dd query.metric[1].values.data_bytes = string.len(dd) end elseif event.event then local evt = event.event AFB:notice(source, ">>> PROCESS event %s", evt) query.metric[1].metadata.type = "event" query.metric[1].metadata.id = evt.id query.metric[1].metadata.name = evt.name query.metric[1].metadata.action = evt.action if event.data then local dd = ToJson(event.data) query.metric[1].values.data = dd query.metric[1].values.data_bytes = string.len(dd) end else AFB:warning(source, "--InLua-- UNKNOWN _trace_events_ event type: %s\n", Dump_Table(event)) return end AFB:debug(source, "CALL harvester write query=%s", Dump_Table(query)) local err, response = AFB:service(source, "harvester", "write", query, "_trace_Async_CB", query) -- FIXME SEB : still true ? -- Note: in current version controls only return a status. Also we may safely ignore API response if (err) then AFB:error(source, "--LUA:_trace_events_ harvester write refuse response=%s", response) return 1 end return 0 end