/* Copyright (C) 2016, 2017, 2018 "IoT.bzh" author: José Bollo Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ #include #include "wrap-json.h" #define STACKCOUNT 32 #define STRCOUNT 8 enum { wrap_json_error_none, wrap_json_error_null_object, wrap_json_error_truncated, wrap_json_error_internal_error, wrap_json_error_out_of_memory, wrap_json_error_invalid_character, wrap_json_error_too_long, wrap_json_error_too_deep, wrap_json_error_null_spec, wrap_json_error_null_key, wrap_json_error_null_string, wrap_json_error_out_of_range, wrap_json_error_incomplete, wrap_json_error_missfit_type, wrap_json_error_key_not_found, wrap_json_error_bad_base64, _wrap_json_error_count_ }; static const char ignore_all[] = " \t\n\r,:"; static const char pack_accept_arr[] = "][{snbiIfoOyY"; static const char pack_accept_key[] = "s}"; #define pack_accept_any (&pack_accept_arr[1]) static const char unpack_accept_arr[] = "*!][{snbiIfFoOyY"; static const char unpack_accept_key[] = "*!s}"; #define unpack_accept_any (&unpack_accept_arr[3]) static const char *pack_errors[_wrap_json_error_count_] = { [wrap_json_error_none] = "unknown error", [wrap_json_error_null_object] = "null object", [wrap_json_error_truncated] = "truncated", [wrap_json_error_internal_error] = "internal error", [wrap_json_error_out_of_memory] = "out of memory", [wrap_json_error_invalid_character] = "invalid character", [wrap_json_error_too_long] = "too long", [wrap_json_error_too_deep] = "too deep", [wrap_json_error_null_spec] = "spec is NULL", [wrap_json_error_null_key] = "key is NULL", [wrap_json_error_null_string] = "string is NULL", [wrap_json_error_out_of_range] = "array too small", [wrap_json_error_incomplete] = "incomplete container", [wrap_json_error_missfit_type] = "missfit of type", [wrap_json_error_key_not_found] = "key not found", [wrap_json_error_bad_base64] = "bad base64 encoding" }; int wrap_json_get_error_position(int rc) { if (rc < 0) rc = -rc; return (rc >> 4) + 1; } int wrap_json_get_error_code(int rc) { if (rc < 0) rc = -rc; return rc & 15; } const char *wrap_json_get_error_string(int rc) { rc = wrap_json_get_error_code(rc); if (rc >= sizeof pack_errors / sizeof *pack_errors) rc = 0; return pack_errors[rc]; } static int encode_base64( const uint8_t *data, size_t datalen, char **encoded, size_t *encodedlen, int width, int pad, int url) { uint16_t u16 = 0; uint8_t u8 = 0; size_t in, out, rlen, n3, r3, iout, nout; int iw; char *result, c; /* compute unformatted output length */ n3 = datalen / 3; r3 = datalen % 3; nout = 4 * n3 + r3 + !!r3; /* deduce formatted output length */ rlen = nout; if (pad) rlen += ((~rlen) + 1) & 3; if (width) rlen += rlen / width; /* allocate the output */ result = malloc(rlen + 1); if (result == NULL) return wrap_json_error_out_of_memory; /* compute the formatted output */ iw = width; for (in = out = iout = 0 ; iout < nout ; iout++) { /* get in 'u8' the 6 bits value to add */ switch (iout & 3) { case 0: u16 = (uint16_t)data[in++]; u8 = (uint8_t)(u16 >> 2); break; case 1: u16 = (uint16_t)(u16 << 8); if (in < datalen) u16 = (uint16_t)(u16 | data[in++]); u8 = (uint8_t)(u16 >> 4); break; case 2: u16 = (uint16_t)(u16 << 8); if (in < datalen) u16 = (uint16_t)(u16 | data[in++]); u8 = (uint8_t)(u16 >> 6); break; case 3: u8 = (uint8_t)u16; break; } u8 &= 63; /* encode 'u8' to the char 'c' */ if (u8 < 52) { if (u8 < 26) c = (char)('A' + u8); else c = (char)('a' + u8 - 26); } else { if (u8 < 62) c = (char)('0' + u8 - 52); else if (u8 == 62) c = url ? '-' : '+'; else c = url ? '_' : '/'; } /* put to output with format */ result[out++] = c; if (iw && !--iw) { result[out++] = '\n'; iw = width; } } /* pad the output */ while (out < rlen) { result[out++] = '='; if (iw && !--iw) { result[out++] = '\n'; iw = width; } } /* terminate */ result[out] = 0; *encoded = result; *encodedlen = rlen; return 0; } static int decode_base64( const char *data, size_t datalen, uint8_t **decoded, size_t *decodedlen, int url) { uint16_t u16; uint8_t u8, *result; size_t in, out, iin; char c; /* allocate enougth output */ result = malloc(datalen); if (result == NULL) return wrap_json_error_out_of_memory; /* decode the input */ for (iin = in = out = 0 ; in < datalen ; in++) { c = data[in]; if (c != '\n' && c != '\r' && c != '=') { if ('A' <= c && c <= 'Z') u8 = (uint8_t)(c - 'A'); else if ('a' <= c && c <= 'z') u8 = (uint8_t)(c - 'a' + 26); else if ('0' <= c && c <= '9') u8 = (uint8_t)(c - '0' + 52); else if (c == '+' || c == '-') u8 = (uint8_t)62; else if (c == '/' || c == '_') u8 = (uint8_t)63; else { free(result); return wrap_json_error_bad_base64; } if (!iin) { u16 = (uint16_t)u8; iin = 6; } else { u16 = (uint16_t)((u16 << 6) | u8); iin -= 2; u8 = (uint8_t)(u16 >> iin); result[out++] = u8; } } } /* terminate */ *decoded = realloc(result, out); if (out && *decoded == NULL) { free(result); return wrap_json_error_out_of_memory; } *decodedlen = out; return 0; } static inline const char *skip(const char *d) { while (*d && strchr(ignore_all, *d)) d++; return d; } int wrap_json_vpack(struct json_object **result, const char *desc, va_list args) { /* TODO: the case of structs with key being single char should be optimized */ int nstr, notnull, nullable, rc; size_t sz, dsz, ssz; char *s; char c; const char *d; char buffer[256]; struct { const uint8_t *in; size_t insz; char *out; size_t outsz; } bytes; struct { const char *str; size_t sz; } strs[STRCOUNT]; struct { struct json_object *cont, *key; const char *acc; char type; } stack[STACKCOUNT], *top; struct json_object *obj; ssz = sizeof buffer; s = buffer; top = stack; top->key = NULL; top->cont = NULL; top->acc = pack_accept_any; top->type = 0; d = desc; if (!d) goto null_spec; d = skip(d); for(;;) { c = *d; if (!c) goto truncated; if (!strchr(top->acc, c)) goto invalid_character; d = skip(++d); switch(c) { case 's': nullable = 0; notnull = 0; nstr = 0; sz = 0; for (;;) { strs[nstr].str = va_arg(args, const char*); if (strs[nstr].str) notnull = 1; if (*d == '?') { d = skip(++d); nullable = 1; } switch(*d) { case '%': strs[nstr].sz = va_arg(args, size_t); d = skip(++d); break; case '#': strs[nstr].sz = (size_t)va_arg(args, int); d = skip(++d); break; default: strs[nstr].sz = strs[nstr].str ? strlen(strs[nstr].str) : 0; break; } sz += strs[nstr++].sz; if (*d == '?') { d = skip(++d); nullable = 1; } if (*d != '+') break; if (nstr >= STRCOUNT) goto too_long; d = skip(++d); } if (*d == '*') nullable = 1; if (notnull) { if (sz > ssz) { ssz += ssz; if (ssz < sz) ssz = sz; s = alloca(sz); } dsz = sz; while (nstr) { nstr--; dsz -= strs[nstr].sz; memcpy(&s[dsz], strs[nstr].str, strs[nstr].sz); } obj = json_object_new_string_len(s, (int)sz); if (!obj) goto out_of_memory; } else if (nullable) obj = NULL; else goto null_string; break; case 'n': obj = NULL; break; case 'b': obj = json_object_new_boolean(va_arg(args, int)); if (!obj) goto out_of_memory; break; case 'i': obj = json_object_new_int(va_arg(args, int)); if (!obj) goto out_of_memory; break; case 'I': obj = json_object_new_int64(va_arg(args, int64_t)); if (!obj) goto out_of_memory; break; case 'f': obj = json_object_new_double(va_arg(args, double)); if (!obj) goto out_of_memory; break; case 'o': case 'O': obj = va_arg(args, struct json_object*); if (*d == '?') d = skip(++d); else if (*d != '*' && !obj) goto null_object; if (c == 'O') json_object_get(obj); break; case 'y': case 'Y': bytes.in = va_arg(args, const uint8_t*); bytes.insz = va_arg(args, size_t); if (bytes.in == NULL || bytes.insz == 0) obj = NULL; else { rc = encode_base64(bytes.in, bytes.insz, &bytes.out, &bytes.outsz, 0, 0, c == 'y'); if (rc) goto error; obj = json_object_new_string_len(bytes.out, (int)bytes.outsz); free(bytes.out); if (!obj) goto out_of_memory; } if (*d == '?') d = skip(++d); else if (*d != '*' && !obj) { obj = json_object_new_string_len(d, 0); if (!obj) goto out_of_memory; } break; case '[': case '{': if (++top >= &stack[STACKCOUNT]) goto too_deep; top->key = NULL; if (c == '[') { top->type = ']'; top->acc = pack_accept_arr; top->cont = json_object_new_array(); } else { top->type = '}'; top->acc = pack_accept_key; top->cont = json_object_new_object(); } if (!top->cont) goto out_of_memory; continue; case '}': case ']': if (c != top->type || top <= stack) goto internal_error; obj = (top--)->cont; if (*d == '*' && !(c == '}' ? json_object_object_length(obj) : json_object_array_length(obj))) { json_object_put(obj); obj = NULL; } break; default: goto internal_error; } switch (top->type) { case 0: if (top != stack) goto internal_error; if (*d) goto invalid_character; *result = obj; return 0; case ']': if (obj || *d != '*') json_object_array_add(top->cont, obj); if (*d == '*') d = skip(++d); break; case '}': if (!obj) goto null_key; top->key = obj; top->acc = pack_accept_any; top->type = ':'; break; case ':': if (obj || *d != '*') json_object_object_add(top->cont, json_object_get_string(top->key), obj); if (*d == '*') d = skip(++d); json_object_put(top->key); top->key = NULL; top->acc = pack_accept_key; top->type = '}'; break; default: goto internal_error; } } null_object: rc = wrap_json_error_null_object; goto error; truncated: rc = wrap_json_error_truncated; goto error; internal_error: rc = wrap_json_error_internal_error; goto error; out_of_memory: rc = wrap_json_error_out_of_memory; goto error; invalid_character: rc = wrap_json_error_invalid_character; goto error; too_long: rc = wrap_json_error_too_long; goto error; too_deep: rc = wrap_json_error_too_deep; goto error; null_spec: rc = wrap_json_error_null_spec; goto error; null_key: rc = wrap_json_error_null_key; goto error; null_string: rc = wrap_json_error_null_string; goto error; error: do { json_object_put(top->key); json_object_put(top->cont); } while (--top >= stack); *result = NULL; rc = rc | (int)((d - desc) << 4); return -rc; } int wrap_json_pack(struct json_object **result, const char *desc, ...) { int rc; va_list args; va_start(args, desc); rc = wrap_json_vpack(result, desc, args); va_end(args); return rc; } static int vunpack(struct json_object *object, const char *desc, va_list args, int store) { int rc = 0, optionnal, ignore; char c, xacc[2] = { 0, 0 }; const char *acc; const char *d, *fit = NULL; const char *key = NULL; const char **ps = NULL; double *pf = NULL; int *pi = NULL; int64_t *pI = NULL; size_t *pz = NULL; uint8_t **py = NULL; struct { struct json_object *parent; const char *acc; int index; size_t count; char type; } stack[STACKCOUNT], *top; struct json_object *obj; struct json_object **po; xacc[0] = 0; ignore = 0; top = NULL; acc = unpack_accept_any; d = desc; if (!d) goto null_spec; d = skip(d); obj = object; for(;;) { fit = d; c = *d; if (!c) goto truncated; if (!strchr(acc, c)) goto invalid_character; d = skip(++d); switch(c) { case 's': if (xacc[0] == '}') { /* expects a key */ key = va_arg(args, const char *); if (!key) goto null_key; if (*d != '?') optionnal = 0; else { optionnal = 1; d = skip(++d); } if (ignore) ignore++; else { if (json_object_object_get_ex(top->parent, key, &obj)) { /* found */ top->index++; } else { /* not found */ if (!optionnal) goto key_not_found; ignore = 1; obj = NULL; } } xacc[0] = ':'; acc = unpack_accept_any; continue; } /* get a string */ if (store) ps = va_arg(args, const char **); if (!ignore) { if (!json_object_is_type(obj, json_type_string)) goto missfit; if (store && ps) *ps = json_object_get_string(obj); } if (*d == '%') { d = skip(++d); if (store) { pz = va_arg(args, size_t *); if (!ignore && pz) *pz = (size_t)json_object_get_string_len(obj); } } break; case 'n': if (!ignore && !json_object_is_type(obj, json_type_null)) goto missfit; break; case 'b': if (store) pi = va_arg(args, int *); if (!ignore) { if (!json_object_is_type(obj, json_type_boolean)) goto missfit; if (store && pi) *pi = json_object_get_boolean(obj); } break; case 'i': if (store) pi = va_arg(args, int *); if (!ignore) { if (!json_object_is_type(obj, json_type_int)) goto missfit; if (store && pi) *pi = json_object_get_int(obj); } break; case 'I': if (store) pI = va_arg(args, int64_t *); if (!ignore) { if (!json_object_is_type(obj, json_type_int)) goto missfit; if (store && pI) *pI = json_object_get_int64(obj); } break; case 'f': case 'F': if (store) pf = va_arg(args, double *); if (!ignore) { if (!(json_object_is_type(obj, json_type_double) || (c == 'F' && json_object_is_type(obj, json_type_int)))) goto missfit; if (store && pf) *pf = json_object_get_double(obj); } break; case 'o': case 'O': if (store) { po = va_arg(args, struct json_object **); if (!ignore && po) { if (c == 'O') obj = json_object_get(obj); *po = obj; } } break; case 'y': case 'Y': if (store) { py = va_arg(args, uint8_t **); pz = va_arg(args, size_t *); } if (!ignore) { if (obj == NULL) { if (store && py && pz) { *py = NULL; *pz = 0; } } else { if (!json_object_is_type(obj, json_type_string)) goto missfit; if (store && py && pz) { rc = decode_base64( json_object_get_string(obj), (size_t)json_object_get_string_len(obj), py, pz, c == 'y'); if (rc) goto error; } } } break; case '[': case '{': if (!top) top = stack; else if (++top >= &stack[STACKCOUNT]) goto too_deep; top->acc = acc; top->type = xacc[0]; top->index = 0; top->parent = obj; if (ignore) ignore++; if (c == '[') { if (!ignore) { if (!json_object_is_type(obj, json_type_array)) goto missfit; top->count = json_object_array_length(obj); } xacc[0] = ']'; acc = unpack_accept_arr; } else { if (!ignore) { if (!json_object_is_type(obj, json_type_object)) goto missfit; top->count = json_object_object_length(obj); } xacc[0] = '}'; acc = unpack_accept_key; continue; } break; case '}': case ']': if (!top || c != xacc[0]) goto internal_error; acc = top->acc; xacc[0] = top->type; top = top == stack ? NULL : top - 1; if (ignore) ignore--; break; case '!': if (*d != xacc[0]) goto invalid_character; if (!ignore && top->index != top->count) goto incomplete; /*@fallthrough@*/ case '*': acc = xacc; continue; default: goto internal_error; } switch (xacc[0]) { case 0: if (top) goto internal_error; if (*d) goto invalid_character; return 0; case ']': if (!ignore) { key = strchr(unpack_accept_arr, *d); if (key && key >= unpack_accept_any) { if (top->index >= top->count) goto out_of_range; obj = json_object_array_get_idx(top->parent, top->index++); } } break; case ':': acc = unpack_accept_key; xacc[0] = '}'; if (ignore) ignore--; break; default: goto internal_error; } } truncated: rc = wrap_json_error_truncated; goto error; internal_error: rc = wrap_json_error_internal_error; goto error; invalid_character: rc = wrap_json_error_invalid_character; goto error; too_deep: rc = wrap_json_error_too_deep; goto error; null_spec: rc = wrap_json_error_null_spec; goto error; null_key: rc = wrap_json_error_null_key; goto error; out_of_range: rc = wrap_json_error_out_of_range; goto error; incomplete: rc = wrap_json_error_incomplete; goto error; missfit: rc = wrap_json_error_missfit_type; goto errorfit; key_not_found: rc = wrap_json_error_key_not_found; goto error; errorfit: d = fit; error: rc = rc | (int)((d - desc) << 4); return -rc; } int wrap_json_vcheck(struct json_object *object, const char *desc, va_list args) { return vunpack(object, desc, args, 0); } int wrap_json_check(struct json_object *object, const char *desc, ...) { int rc; va_list args; va_start(args, desc); rc = vunpack(object, desc, args, 0); va_end(args); return rc; } int wrap_json_vmatch(struct json_object *object, const char *desc, va_list args) { return !vunpack(object, desc, args, 0); } int wrap_json_match(struct json_object *object, const char *desc, ...) { int rc; va_list args; va_start(args, desc); rc = vunpack(object, desc, args, 0); va_end(args); return !rc; } int wrap_json_vunpack(struct json_object *object, const char *desc, va_list args) { return vunpack(object, desc, args, 1); } int wrap_json_unpack(struct json_object *object, const char *desc, ...) { int rc; va_list args; va_start(args, desc); rc = vunpack(object, desc, args, 1); va_end(args); return rc; } static void object_for_all(struct json_object *object, void (*callback)(void*,struct json_object*,const char*), void *closure) { struct json_object_iterator it = json_object_iter_begin(object); struct json_object_iterator end = json_object_iter_end(object); while (!json_object_iter_equal(&it, &end)) { callback(closure, json_object_iter_peek_value(&it), json_object_iter_peek_name(&it)); json_object_iter_next(&it); } } static void array_for_all(struct json_object *object, void (*callback)(void*,struct json_object*), void *closure) { size_t n = json_object_array_length(object); int i = 0; while(i < n) callback(closure, json_object_array_get_idx(object, i++)); } void wrap_json_optarray_for_all(struct json_object *object, void (*callback)(void*,struct json_object*), void *closure) { if (json_object_is_type(object, json_type_array)) array_for_all(object, callback, closure); else callback(closure, object); } void wrap_json_array_for_all(struct json_object *object, void (*callback)(void*,struct json_object*), void *closure) { if (json_object_is_type(object, json_type_array)) array_for_all(object, callback, closure); } void wrap_json_object_for_all(struct json_object *object, void (*callback)(void*,struct json_object*,const char*), void *closure) { if (json_object_is_type(object, json_type_object)) object_for_all(object, callback, closure); } void wrap_json_optobject_for_all(struct json_object *object, void (*callback)(void*,struct json_object*,const char*), void *closure) { if (json_object_is_type(object, json_type_object)) object_for_all(object, callback, closure); else callback(closure, object, NULL); } void wrap_json_for_all(struct json_object *object, void (*callback)(void*,struct json_object*,const char*), void *closure) { if (!object) /* do nothing */; else if (json_object_is_type(object, json_type_object)) object_for_all(object, callback, closure); else if (!json_object_is_type(object, json_type_array)) callback(closure, object, NULL); else { size_t n = json_object_array_length(object); int i = 0; while(i < n) callback(closure, json_object_array_get_idx(object, i++), NULL); } } #if defined(WRAP_JSON_TEST) #include void p(const char *desc, ...) { int rc; va_list args; struct json_object *result; va_start(args, desc); rc = wrap_json_vpack(&result, desc, args); va_end(args); if (!rc) printf(" SUCCESS %s\n\n", json_object_to_json_string(result)); else printf(" ERROR[char %d err %d] %s\n\n", wrap_json_get_error_position(rc), wrap_json_get_error_code(rc), wrap_json_get_error_string(rc)); json_object_put(result); } const char *xs[10]; int *xi[10]; int64_t *xI[10]; double *xf[10]; struct json_object *xo[10]; size_t xz[10]; uint8_t *xy[10]; void u(const char *value, const char *desc, ...) { unsigned m, k; int rc; va_list args; struct json_object *obj, *o; memset(xs, 0, sizeof xs); memset(xi, 0, sizeof xi); memset(xI, 0, sizeof xI); memset(xf, 0, sizeof xf); memset(xo, 0, sizeof xo); memset(xy, 0, sizeof xy); memset(xz, 0, sizeof xz); obj = json_tokener_parse(value); va_start(args, desc); rc = wrap_json_vunpack(obj, desc, args); va_end(args); if (rc) printf(" ERROR[char %d err %d] %s\n\n", wrap_json_get_error_position(rc), wrap_json_get_error_code(rc), wrap_json_get_error_string(rc)); else { value = NULL; printf(" SUCCESS"); va_start(args, desc); k = m = 0; while(*desc) { switch(*desc) { case '{': m = (m << 1) | 1; k = 1; break; case '}': m = m >> 1; k = m&1; break; case '[': m = m << 1; k = 0; break; case ']': m = m >> 1; k = m&1; break; case 's': printf(" s:%s", k ? va_arg(args, const char*) : *(va_arg(args, const char**)?:&value)); k ^= m&1; break; case '%': printf(" %%:%zu", *va_arg(args, size_t*)); k = m&1; break; case 'n': printf(" n"); k = m&1; break; case 'b': printf(" b:%d", *va_arg(args, int*)); k = m&1; break; case 'i': printf(" i:%d", *va_arg(args, int*)); k = m&1; break; case 'I': printf(" I:%lld", *va_arg(args, int64_t*)); k = m&1; break; case 'f': printf(" f:%f", *va_arg(args, double*)); k = m&1; break; case 'F': printf(" F:%f", *va_arg(args, double*)); k = m&1; break; case 'o': printf(" o:%s", json_object_to_json_string(*va_arg(args, struct json_object**))); k = m&1; break; case 'O': o = *va_arg(args, struct json_object**); printf(" O:%s", json_object_to_json_string(o)); json_object_put(o); k = m&1; break; case 'y': case 'Y': { uint8_t *p = *va_arg(args, uint8_t**); size_t s = *va_arg(args, size_t*); printf(" y/%d:%.*s", (int)s, (int)s, (char*)p); k ^= m&1; break; } default: break; } desc++; } va_end(args); printf("\n\n"); } json_object_put(obj); } #define P(...) do{ printf("pack(%s)\n",#__VA_ARGS__); p(__VA_ARGS__); } while(0) #define U(...) do{ printf("unpack(%s)\n",#__VA_ARGS__); u(__VA_ARGS__); } while(0) int main() { char buffer[4] = {'t', 'e', 's', 't'}; P("n"); P("b", 1); P("b", 0); P("i", 1); P("I", (uint64_t)0x123456789abcdef); P("f", 3.14); P("s", "test"); P("s?", "test"); P("s?", NULL); P("s#", "test asdf", 4); P("s%", "test asdf", (size_t)4); P("s#", buffer, 4); P("s%", buffer, (size_t)4); P("s++", "te", "st", "ing"); P("s#+#+", "test", 1, "test", 2, "test"); P("s%+%+", "test", (size_t)1, "test", (size_t)2, "test"); P("{}", 1.0); P("[]", 1.0); P("o", json_object_new_int(1)); P("o?", json_object_new_int(1)); P("o?", NULL); P("O", json_object_new_int(1)); P("O?", json_object_new_int(1)); P("O?", NULL); P("{s:[]}", "foo"); P("{s+#+: []}", "foo", "barbar", 3, "baz"); P("{s:s,s:o,s:O}", "a", NULL, "b", NULL, "c", NULL); P("{s:**}", "a", NULL); P("{s:s*,s:o*,s:O*}", "a", NULL, "b", NULL, "c", NULL); P("[i,i,i]", 0, 1, 2); P("[s,o,O]", NULL, NULL, NULL); P("[**]", NULL); P("[s*,o*,O*]", NULL, NULL, NULL); P(" s ", "test"); P("[ ]"); P("[ i , i, i ] ", 1, 2, 3); P("{\n\n1"); P("[}"); P("{]"); P("["); P("{"); P("[i]a", 42); P("ia", 42); P("s", NULL); P("+", NULL); P(NULL); P("{s:i}", NULL, 1); P("{ {}: s }", "foo"); P("{ s: {}, s:[ii{} }", "foo", "bar", 12, 13); P("[[[[[ [[[[[ [[[[ }]]]] ]]]] ]]]]]"); P("y", "???????hello>>>>>>>", (size_t)19); P("Y", "???????hello>>>>>>>", (size_t)19); P("{sy?}", "foo", "hi", (size_t)2); P("{sy?}", "foo", NULL, 0); P("{sy*}", "foo", "hi", (size_t)2); P("{sy*}", "foo", NULL, 0); U("true", "b", &xi[0]); U("false", "b", &xi[0]); U("null", "n"); U("42", "i", &xi[0]); U("123456789", "I", &xI[0]); U("3.14", "f", &xf[0]); U("12345", "F", &xf[0]); U("3.14", "F", &xf[0]); U("\"foo\"", "s", &xs[0]); U("\"foo\"", "s%", &xs[0], &xz[0]); U("{}", "{}"); U("[]", "[]"); U("{}", "o", &xo[0]); U("{}", "O", &xo[0]); U("{\"foo\":42}", "{si}", "foo", &xi[0]); U("[1,2,3]", "[i,i,i]", &xi[0], &xi[1], &xi[2]); U("{\"a\":1,\"b\":2,\"c\":3}", "{s:i, s:i, s:i}", "a", &xi[0], "b", &xi[1], "c", &xi[2]); U("42", "z"); U("null", "[i]"); U("[]", "[}"); U("{}", "{]"); U("[]", "["); U("{}", "{"); U("[42]", "[i]a", &xi[0]); U("42", "ia", &xi[0]); U("[]", NULL); U("\"foo\"", "s", NULL); U("42", "s", NULL); U("42", "n"); U("42", "b", NULL); U("42", "f", NULL); U("42", "[i]", NULL); U("42", "{si}", "foo", NULL); U("\"foo\"", "n"); U("\"foo\"", "b", NULL); U("\"foo\"", "i", NULL); U("\"foo\"", "I", NULL); U("\"foo\"", "f", NULL); U("\"foo\"", "F", NULL); U("true", "s", NULL); U("true", "n"); U("true", "i", NULL); U("true", "I", NULL); U("true", "f", NULL); U("true", "F", NULL); U("[42]", "[ii]", &xi[0], &xi[1]); U("{\"foo\":42}", "{si}", NULL, &xi[0]); U("{\"foo\":42}", "{si}", "baz", &xi[0]); U("[1,2,3]", "[iii!]", &xi[0], &xi[1], &xi[2]); U("[1,2,3]", "[ii!]", &xi[0], &xi[1]); U("[1,2,3]", "[ii]", &xi[0], &xi[1]); U("[1,2,3]", "[ii*]", &xi[0], &xi[1]); U("{\"foo\":42,\"baz\":45}", "{sisi}", "baz", &xi[0], "foo", &xi[1]); U("{\"foo\":42,\"baz\":45}", "{sisi*}", "baz", &xi[0], "foo", &xi[1]); U("{\"foo\":42,\"baz\":45}", "{sisi!}", "baz", &xi[0], "foo", &xi[1]); U("{\"foo\":42,\"baz\":45}", "{si}", "baz", &xi[0], "foo", &xi[1]); U("{\"foo\":42,\"baz\":45}", "{si*}", "baz", &xi[0], "foo", &xi[1]); U("{\"foo\":42,\"baz\":45}", "{si!}", "baz", &xi[0], "foo", &xi[1]); U("[1,{\"foo\":2,\"bar\":null},[3,4]]", "[i{sisn}[ii]]", &xi[0], "foo", &xi[1], "bar", &xi[2], &xi[3]); U("[1,2,3]", "[ii!i]", &xi[0], &xi[1], &xi[2]); U("[1,2,3]", "[ii*i]", &xi[0], &xi[1], &xi[2]); U("{\"foo\":1,\"bar\":2}", "{si!si}", "foo", &xi[1], "bar", &xi[2]); U("{\"foo\":1,\"bar\":2}", "{si*si}", "foo", &xi[1], "bar", &xi[2]); U("{\"foo\":{\"baz\":null,\"bar\":null}}", "{s{sn!}}", "foo", "bar"); U("[[1,2,3]]", "[[ii!]]", &xi[0], &xi[1]); U("{}", "{s?i}", "foo", &xi[0]); U("{\"foo\":1}", "{s?i}", "foo", &xi[0]); U("{}", "{s?[ii]s?{s{si!}}}", "foo", &xi[0], &xi[1], "bar", "baz", "quux", &xi[2]); U("{\"foo\":[1,2]}", "{s?[ii]s?{s{si!}}}", "foo", &xi[0], &xi[1], "bar", "baz", "quux", &xi[2]); U("{\"bar\":{\"baz\":{\"quux\":15}}}", "{s?[ii]s?{s{si!}}}", "foo", &xi[0], &xi[1], "bar", "baz", "quux", &xi[2]); U("{\"foo\":{\"bar\":4}}", "{s?{s?i}}", "foo", "bar", &xi[0]); U("{\"foo\":{}}", "{s?{s?i}}", "foo", "bar", &xi[0]); U("{}", "{s?{s?i}}", "foo", "bar", &xi[0]); U("{\"foo\":42,\"baz\":45}", "{s?isi!}", "baz", &xi[0], "foo", &xi[1]); U("{\"foo\":42}", "{s?isi!}", "baz", &xi[0], "foo", &xi[1]); U("\"Pz8_Pz8_P2hlbGxvPj4-Pj4-Pg\"", "y", &xy[0], &xz[0]); U("\"\"", "y", &xy[0], &xz[0]); U("null", "y", &xy[0], &xz[0]); U("{\"foo\":\"Pz8_Pz8_P2hlbGxvPj4-Pj4-Pg\"}", "{s?y}", "foo", &xy[0], &xz[0]); U("{\"foo\":\"\"}", "{s?y}", "foo", &xy[0], &xz[0]); U("{}", "{s?y}", "foo", &xy[0], &xz[0]); return 0; } #endif #if 0 /* Unpack the same item twice */ j = json_pack("{s:s, s:i, s:b}", "foo", "bar", "baz", 42, "quux", 1); if(!json_unpack_ex(j, &error, 0, "{s:s,s:s!}", "foo", &s, "foo", &s)) fail("json_unpack object with strict validation failed"); { const char *possible_errors[] = { "2 object item(s) left unpacked: baz, quux", "2 object item(s) left unpacked: quux, baz" }; check_errors(possible_errors, 2, "", 1, 10, 10); } json_decref(j); #endif