--[[ Copyright (C) 2018 "IoT.bzh" Author Romain Forlot <romain.forlot@iot.bzh> Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. NOTE: strict mode: every global variables should be prefixed by '_' --]] local lu = require('luaunit') lu.LuaUnit:setOutputType('JUNIT') lu.LuaUnit.fname = "var/jUnitResults.xml" -- Use our own print function to redirect it to a file the standard output _standard_print = print print = function(...) io.write(... .. '\n') _standard_print(...) end _AFT = { exit = {0, code}, context = _ctx, tests_list = {}, event_history = false, monitored_events = {}, beforeEach = nil, afterEach = nil, beforeAll = nil, afterAll = nil, } function _AFT.enableEventHistory() _AFT.event_history = true end function _AFT.setJunitFile(filePath) lu.LuaUnit.fname = filePath end function _AFT.setOutputFile(filePath) local file = assert(io.open(filePath, "w+")) io.output(file) end function _AFT.exitAtEnd(code) _AFT.exit = {1, code} end --[[ Events listener and assertion functions to test correctness of received event data. Check are in 2 times. First you need to register the event that you want to monitor then you test that it has been correctly received. Notice that there is a difference between log and event. Logs are daemon messages normally handled by the host log system (journald, syslog...) and events are generated by the apis to communicate and send informations to the subscribed listeners. ]] function _AFT.addEventToMonitor(eventName, callback) _AFT.monitored_events[eventName] = { cb = callback, receivedCount = 0 } end function _AFT.incrementCount(dict) if dict.receivedCount then dict.receivedCount = dict.receivedCount + 1 else dict.receivedCount = 1 end end function _AFT.registerData(dict, eventData) if dict.data and type(dict.data) == 'table' then if _AFT.event_history == true then table.insert(dict.data, eventData, 1) else dict.data[1] = eventData end else dict.data = {} table.insert(dict.data, eventData) end end function _AFT.requestDaemonEventHandler(eventObj) local eventName = eventObj.data.message local log = _AFT.monitored_events[eventName] local api = nil if eventObj.daemon then api = eventObj.daemon.api elseif eventObj.request then api = eventObj.request.api end if log and log.api == api and log.type == eventObj.data.type then _AFT.incrementCount(_AFT.monitored_events[eventName]) _AFT.registerData(_AFT.monitored_events[eventName], eventObj.data) end end function _AFT.bindingEventHandler(eventObj) local eventName = eventObj.event.name local eventListeners = eventObj.data.result -- Remove from event to hold the bare event data and be able to assert it eventObj.data.result = nil if type(_AFT.monitored_events[eventName]) == 'table' then _AFT.monitored_events[eventName].eventListeners = eventListeners _AFT.incrementCount(_AFT.monitored_events[eventName]) _AFT.registerData(_AFT.monitored_events[eventName], eventObj.data) end end function _evt_catcher_ (source, action, eventObj) if eventObj.type == "event" then _AFT.bindingEventHandler(eventObj) elseif eventObj.type == "daemon" or eventObj.type == "request" then _AFT.requestDaemonEventHandler(eventObj) end end --[[ Assert and test functions about the event part. ]] function _AFT.lockwait(eventName, timeout) local count = 0 if _AFT.monitored_events[eventName].receivedCount then if timeout then count = _AFT.monitored_events[eventName].receivedCount end end while timeout > 0 do timeout = AFB:lockwait(_AFT.context, timeout) if _AFT.monitored_events[eventName].receivedCount == count + 1 then return 1 end end return 0 end function _AFT.assertEvtNotReceived(eventName, timeout) local count = _AFT.lockwait(eventName, timeout) _AFT.assertIsTrue(count == 0, "Event '".. eventName .."' received but it shouldn't") if _AFT.monitored_events[eventName].cb then local data_n = #_AFT.monitored_events[eventName].data _AFT.monitored_events[eventName].cb(eventName, _AFT.monitored_events[eventName].data[data_n]) end end function _AFT.assertEvtReceived(eventName, timeout) local count = _AFT.lockwait(eventName, timeout) _AFT.assertIsTrue(count > 0, "No event '".. eventName .."' received") if _AFT.monitored_events[eventName].cb then local data_n = #_AFT.monitored_events[eventName].data _AFT.monitored_events[eventName].cb(eventName, _AFT.monitored_events[eventName].data[data_n]) end end function _AFT.testEvtNotReceived(testName, eventName, timeout, setUp, tearDown) table.insert(_AFT.tests_list, {testName, function() if _AFT.beforeEach then _AFT.beforeEach() end _AFT.assertEvtNotReceived(eventName, timeout) if _AFT.afterEach then _AFT.afterEach() end end}) end function _AFT.testEvtReceived(testName, eventName, timeout, setUp, tearDown) table.insert(_AFT.tests_list, {testName, function() if _AFT.beforeEach then _AFT.beforeEach() end _AFT.assertEvtReceived(eventName, timeout) if _AFT.afterEach then _AFT.afterEach() end end}) end --[[ Assert function meant to tests API Verbs calls ]] local function assertVerbCallParameters(src, api, verb, args) _AFT.assertIsUserdata(src, "Source must be an opaque userdata pointer which will be passed to the binder") _AFT.assertIsString(api, "API and Verb must be string") _AFT.assertIsString(verb, "API and Verb must be string") _AFT.assertIsTable(args, "Arguments must use LUA Table (event empty)") end function _AFT.assertVerb(api, verb, args, cb) assertVerbCallParameters(_AFT.context, api, verb, args) local err,responseJ = AFB:servsync(_AFT.context, api, verb, args) _AFT.assertIsFalse(err) _AFT.assertStrContains(responseJ.request.status, "success", nil, nil, "Call for API/Verb failed.") local tcb = type(cb) if cb then if tcb == 'function' then cb(responseJ) elseif tcb == 'table' then _AFT.assertEquals(responseJ.response, cb) elseif tcb == 'string' or tcb == 'number' then _AFT.assertEquals(responseJ.response, cb) else _AFT.assertIsTrue(false, "Wrong parameter passed to assertion. Last parameter should be function, table representing a JSON object or nil") end end end function _AFT.assertVerbError(api, verb, args, cb) assertVerbCallParameters(_AFT.context, api, verb, args) local err,responseJ = AFB:servsync(_AFT.context, api, verb, args) _AFT.assertIsTrue(err) _AFT.assertNotStrContains(responseJ.request.status, "success", nil, nil, "Call for API/Verb succeed but it shouldn't.") local tcb = type(cb) if cb then if tcb == 'function' then cb(responseJ) elseif tcb == 'string' then _AFT.assertNotEquals(responseJ.request.info, cb) else _AFT.assertIsFalse(false, "Wrong parameter passed to assertion. Last parameter should be a string representing the failure informations") end end end function _AFT.testVerb(testName, api, verb, args, cb, setUp, tearDown) _AFT.describe(testName, function() _AFT.assertVerb(api, verb, args, cb) end, setUp, tearDown) end function _AFT.testVerbError(testName, api, verb, args, cb, setUp, tearDown) _AFT.describe(testName, function() _AFT.assertVerbError(api, verb, args, cb) end, setUp, tearDown) end function _AFT.describe(testName, testFunction, setUp, tearDown) if _AFT.beforeEach then local b = _AFT.beforeEach() end if _AFT.afterEach then local a = _AFT.afterEach() end local aTest = {} if type(testFunction) == 'function' then function aTest:testFunction() testFunction() end else print('ERROR: #2 argument isn\'t of type function. Aborting...') os.exit(1) end function aTest:setUp() if type(setUp) == 'function' then setUp() end if b then b() end end function aTest:tearDown() if a then a() end if type(tearDown) == 'function' then tearDown() end end table.insert(_AFT.tests_list, {testName, aTest}) end function _AFT.setBefore(testName, beforeTestFunction) if type(beforeTestFunction) == "function" then for _,item in pairs(_AFT.test_list) do if item[0] == testName then item[1].setUp = function() beforeTestFunction() item[1].setUp() end end end else print("Wrong 'before' function defined. It isn't detected as a function type") end end function _AFT.setAfter(testName, afterTestFunction) if type(afterTestFunction) == "function" then for _,item in pairs(_AFT.test_list) do if item[0] == testName then item[1].setUp = function() item[1].tearDown() afterTestFunction() end end end else print("Wrong 'after' function defined. It isn't detected as a function type") end end function _AFT.setBeforeEach(beforeEachTestFunction) if type(beforeEachTestFunction) == "function" then _AFT.beforeEach = beforeEachTestFunction else print("Wrong beforeEach function defined. It isn't detected as a function type") end end function _AFT.setAfterEach(afterEachTestFunction) if type(afterEachTestFunction) == "function" then _AFT.afterEach = afterEachTestFunction else print("Wrong afterEach function defined. It isn't detected as a function type") end end function _AFT.setBeforeAll(beforeAllTestsFunctions) if type(beforeAllTestsFunctions) == "function" then _AFT.beforeAll = beforeAllTestsFunctions else print("Wrong beforeAll function defined. It isn't detected as a function type") end end function _AFT.setAfterAll(afterAllTestsFunctions) if type(afterAllTestsFunctions) == "function" then _AFT.afterAll = afterAllTestsFunctions else print("Wrong afterAll function defined. It isn't detected as a function type") end end --[[ Make all assertions accessible using _AFT and declare some convenients aliases. ]] local luaunit_list_of_assert = { -- official function name from luaunit test framework -- general assertions 'assertEquals', 'assertItemsEquals', 'assertNotEquals', 'assertAlmostEquals', 'assertNotAlmostEquals', 'assertEvalToTrue', 'assertEvalToFalse', 'assertStrContains', 'assertStrIContains', 'assertNotStrContains', 'assertNotStrIContains', 'assertStrMatches', 'assertError', 'assertErrorMsgEquals', 'assertErrorMsgContains', 'assertErrorMsgMatches', 'assertIs', 'assertNotIs', -- type assertions: assertIsXXX -> assert_is_xxx 'assertIsNumber', 'assertIsString', 'assertIsTable', 'assertIsBoolean', 'assertIsNil', 'assertIsTrue', 'assertIsFalse', 'assertIsNaN', 'assertIsInf', 'assertIsPlusInf', 'assertIsMinusInf', 'assertIsPlusZero', 'assertIsMinusZero', 'assertIsFunction', 'assertIsThread', 'assertIsUserdata', -- type assertions: assertNotIsXXX -> assert_not_is_xxx 'assertNotIsNumber', 'assertNotIsString', 'assertNotIsTable', 'assertNotIsBoolean', 'assertNotIsNil', 'assertNotIsTrue', 'assertNotIsFalse', 'assertNotIsNaN', 'assertNotIsInf', 'assertNotIsPlusInf', 'assertNotIsMinusInf', 'assertNotIsPlusZero', 'assertNotIsMinusZero', 'assertNotIsFunction', 'assertNotIsThread', 'assertNotIsUserdata', } local luaunit_list_of_functions = { "setOutputType", } local _AFT_list_of_funcs = { -- AF Binder generic assertions { 'addEventToMonitor', 'resetEventReceivedCount' }, { 'assertVerb', 'assertVerbStatusSuccess' }, { 'assertVerb', 'assertVerbResponseEquals' }, { 'assertVerb', 'assertVerbCb' }, { 'assertVerbError', 'assertVerbStatusError' }, { 'assertVerbError', 'assertVerbResponseEqualsError' }, { 'assertVerbError', 'assertVerbCbError' }, { 'testVerb', 'testVerbStatusSuccess' }, { 'testVerb', 'testVerbResponseEquals' }, { 'testVerb', 'testVerbCb' }, { 'testVerbError', 'testVerbStatusError' }, { 'testVerbError', 'testVerbResponseEqualsError' }, { 'testVerbError', 'testVerbCbError' }, } -- Import all luaunit assertion function to _AFT object for _, v in pairs( luaunit_list_of_assert ) do local funcname = v _AFT[funcname] = lu[funcname] end -- Import specific luaunit configuration functions to _AFT object for _, v in pairs( luaunit_list_of_functions ) do local funcname = v _AFT[funcname] = lu.LuaUnit[funcname] end -- Create all aliases in _AFT for _, v in pairs( _AFT_list_of_funcs ) do local funcname, alias = v[1], v[2] _AFT[alias] = _AFT[funcname] end local function call_tests() AFB:success(_AFT.context, { info = "Launching tests"}) lu.LuaUnit:runSuiteByInstances(_AFT.tests_list) local success ="Success : "..tostring(lu.LuaUnit.result.passedCount) local failures="Failures : "..tostring(lu.LuaUnit.result.testCount-lu.LuaUnit.result.passedCount) local evtHandle = AFB:evtmake(_AFT.context, 'results') AFB:subscribe(_AFT.context,evtHandle) AFB:evtpush(_AFT.context,evtHandle,{info = success.." "..failures}) end function _launch_test(context, args) _AFT.context = context -- Prepare the tests execution configuring the monitoring and loading -- lua test files to execute in the Framework. _AFT.setOutputFile("var/test_results.log") AFB:servsync(_AFT.context, "monitor", "set", { verbosity = "debug" }) AFB:servsync(_AFT.context, "monitor", "trace", { add = { api = args.trace, request = "vverbose", event = "push_after" }}) if args.files and type(args.files) == 'table' then for _,f in pairs(args.files) do dofile('var/'..f) end elseif type(args.files) == 'string' then dofile('var/'..args.files) end -- Execute the test within a context if given. We assume that the before -- function success returning '0' else we abort the whole test procedure if _AFT.beforeAll then if _AFT.beforeAll() == 0 then call_tests() else AFB:fail(_AFT.context, { info = "Can't set the context to execute the tests correctly. Look at the log and retry."}) end else call_tests() end -- Keep the context unset function to be executed after all no matter if -- tests have been executed or not. if _AFT.afterAll then if _AFT.afterAll() ~= 0 then print('Unsetting the tests context failed.') end end if _AFT.exit[1] == 1 then os.exit(_AFT.exit[2]) end end