# Binding configuration The file `aft-test.json` contains the controller binding configuration. Here, you have to change or define the *files* key in the *args* object of the *testVerb* section, *testVerb* is an array of verb definition which are meant to launch different LUA test files. Also you MUST specify which *api* you need to trace to perform your tests. Specify which api to trace using a pattern. Edit the JSON array to point to your tests files. Here is an example: ```json { "id": "http://iot.bzh/download/public/schema/json/ctl-schema.json#", "$schema": "http://iot.bzh/download/public/schema/json/ctl-schema.json#", "metadata": { "uid": "Test", "version": "1.0", "api": "afTest", "info": "Binding made to test other bindings", "require": [ "hello" ] }, "testVerb": { "uid": "launch_all_tests", "info": "Launch all the tests", "action": "lua://AFT#_launch_test", "args": { "trace": "hello", "files": ["aftTest.lua","helloworld.lua"] } } } ``` and another example which tests the low-can api: ```json { "id": "http://iot.bzh/download/public/schema/json/ctl-schema.json#", "$schema": "http://iot.bzh/download/public/schema/json/ctl-schema.json#", "metadata": { "uid": "Test", "version": "1.0", "api": "aft-aftest", "info": "Binding made to test other bindings", "require": [ "low-can" ] }, "testVerb": { "uid": "launch_all_tests", "info": "Launch all the tests", "action": "lua://AFT#_launch_test", "args": { "trace": "low-can", "files": [ "aftTest.lua", "mapis-tests.lua" ] } }, "mapis": [{ "uid": "low-can", "info": "Faked low-can API", "libs": "mapi_low-can.lua", "verbs": [ { "uid": "subscribe", "info": "Subscribe to CAN signals events", "action": "lua://low-can#_subscribe" }, { "uid": "unsubscribe", "info": "Unsubscribe previously suscribed signals.", "action": "lua://low-can#_unsubscribe" }, { "uid": "get", "info": "get a current value of CAN message", "action": "lua://low-can#_get" }, { "uid": "list", "info": "get a supported CAN message list", "action": "lua://low-can#_list" }, { "uid": "auth", "info": "Authenticate session to be raise Level Of Assurance.", "action": "lua://low-can#_auth" }, { "uid": "write", "info": "Write a CAN messages to the CAN bus.", "action": "lua://low-can#_write" } ], "events": [{ "uid": "low-can/diagnostic_messages", "action": "lua://AFT#_evt_catcher_" },{ "uid": "low-can/messages_engine_speed", "action": "lua://AFT#_evt_catcher_" },{ "uid": "low-can/messages_vehicle_speed", "action": "lua://AFT#_evt_catcher_" }] }] } ```