/* * Copyright (C) 2016 "IoT.bzh" * Author Fulup Ar Foll <fulup@iot.bzh> * Author Romain Forlot <romain@iot.bzh> * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define _GNU_SOURCE #include <pthread.h> #include <string.h> #include <systemd/sd-event.h> #include "aft.h" #include "mapis.h" #define CONTROL_PREFIX "aft" static CtlConfigT *CtrlLoadConfigJson(afb_api_t apiHandle, json_object *configJ); static CtlConfigT *CtrlLoadConfigFile(afb_api_t apiHandle, const char *configPath); static int CtrlCreateApi(afb_api_t apiHandle, CtlConfigT *ctrlConfig); static pthread_mutex_t memo_lock; static afb_req_t memo_sync = NULL; static struct sd_event_source *timersrc = NULL; static void onTraceEvent(void *closure, const char *event, json_object *data, afb_api_t api) { /* If LUA evt Handler return 0 then stop the waiting sync request else * do nothing and continue to wait for every requested event to arrive. */ pthread_mutex_lock(&memo_lock); if(memo_sync) { afb_req_reply(memo_sync, json_object_get(data), NULL, event);afb_req_unref(memo_sync); memo_sync = NULL; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&memo_lock); } // Config Section definition static CtlSectionT ctrlSections[] = { {.key = "resources", .loadCB = PluginConfig}, {.key = "testVerb", .loadCB = ControlConfig}, {.key = "events", .loadCB = EventConfig}, {.key = "mapis", .loadCB = MapiConfig}, {.key = NULL} }; static void ctrlapi_ping(afb_req_t request) { static int count = 0; count++; AFB_REQ_NOTICE(request, "Controller:ping count=%d", count); afb_req_success(request, json_object_new_int(count), NULL); } static void ctrlapi_load(afb_req_t request) { const char *configPath = NULL; json_object *reqArgs = afb_req_json(request), *configuration = NULL ; afb_api_t apiHandle = afb_req_get_api(request); if(!json_object_object_get_ex(reqArgs, "configuration", &configuration)) { afb_req_fail_f(request, "Error", "No 'configuration' key found in request arguments: %s", json_object_get_string(reqArgs)); return; } switch(json_object_get_type(configuration)) { case json_type_string: configPath = json_object_get_string(configuration); if(CtrlCreateApi(apiHandle, CtrlLoadConfigFile(apiHandle, configPath))) afb_req_fail_f(request, "Error", "Not able to load test API with the file: %s", configPath); else afb_req_success(request, NULL, NULL); break; case json_type_object: if(CtrlCreateApi(apiHandle, CtrlLoadConfigJson(apiHandle, configuration))) afb_req_fail_f(request, "Error", "Not able to load test API with the JSON: %s", json_object_get_string(configuration)); else afb_req_success(request, NULL, NULL); break; default: afb_req_fail_f(request, "Error", "the found JSON isn't valid type, it should be a string indicating a filepath to the JSON to load or an object representing the configuration. We got: %s", json_object_get_string(configuration)); break; } } static void ctrlapi_exit(afb_req_t request) { AFB_REQ_NOTICE(request, "Exiting..."); pthread_mutex_destroy(&memo_lock); afb_req_success(request, NULL, NULL); exit(0); } static int timeoutCB(struct sd_event_source *s, uint64_t us, void *ud) { afb_req_t req; pthread_mutex_lock(&memo_lock); req = memo_sync; memo_sync = NULL; sd_event_source_unref(timersrc); timersrc = NULL; pthread_mutex_unlock(&memo_lock); if(req) { afb_req_reply(req, NULL, "timeout", NULL); afb_req_unref(req); } return 0; } /** * @brief A verb to call synchronously that will end when a timeout expires or * when a call with a 'stop' order given in the arguments. * * @param request: the AFB request object */ static void ctrlapi_sync(afb_req_t request) { struct json_object *obj, *val; uint64_t timeout, usec; AFB_REQ_DEBUG(request, "Syncing..."); obj = afb_req_json(request); pthread_mutex_lock(&memo_lock); if(json_object_object_get_ex(obj, "start", &val) && (timeout = json_object_get_int(val)) && ! memo_sync) { sd_event_now(afb_api_get_event_loop(afb_req_get_api(request)), CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &usec); usec = timeout + usec; sd_event_add_time(afb_api_get_event_loop(afb_req_get_api(request)), &timersrc, CLOCK_MONOTONIC, usec, 0, timeoutCB, NULL); memo_sync = afb_req_addref(request); } else if(json_object_object_get_ex(obj, "continue", &val) && ! memo_sync) { memo_sync = afb_req_addref(request); } else if(json_object_object_get_ex(obj, "stop", &val) && timersrc) { if(memo_sync) { afb_req_reply(request, NULL, NULL, "Unfinished start request ended"); afb_req_unref(memo_sync); memo_sync = NULL; } sd_event_source_set_enabled(timersrc, SD_EVENT_OFF); sd_event_source_unref(timersrc); afb_req_reply(request, NULL, NULL, "stopped"); timersrc = NULL; } else { if(memo_sync) { afb_req_reply(request, NULL, "Bad State", "Unfinished start request ended"); afb_req_unref(memo_sync); memo_sync = NULL; } afb_req_reply(request, NULL, "Bad state", NULL); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&memo_lock); } static afb_verb_t CtrlApiVerbs[] = { /* VERB'S NAME FUNCTION TO CALL SHORT DESCRIPTION */ {.verb = "ping", .callback = ctrlapi_ping, .info = "ping test for API"}, {.verb = "load", .callback = ctrlapi_load, .info = "load a API meant to launch test for a binding"}, {.verb = "exit", .callback = ctrlapi_exit, .info = "Exit test"}, {.verb = "sync", .callback = ctrlapi_sync, .info = "Manually make a sync for something using a synchronous subcall"}, {.verb = NULL} /* marker for end of the array */ }; static int CtrlLoadStaticVerbs(afb_api_t apiHandle, afb_verb_t *verbs) { int errcount = 0; for(int idx = 0; verbs[idx].verb; idx++) { errcount += afb_api_add_verb( apiHandle, CtrlApiVerbs[idx].verb, NULL, CtrlApiVerbs[idx].callback, (void *)&CtrlApiVerbs[idx], CtrlApiVerbs[idx].auth, 0, 0); } return errcount; }; static int CtrlInitOneApi(afb_api_t apiHandle) { CtlConfigT *ctrlConfig = afb_api_get_userdata(apiHandle); return CtlConfigExec(apiHandle, ctrlConfig); } static int CtrlLoadOneApi(void *cbdata, afb_api_t apiHandle) { CtlConfigT *ctrlConfig = (CtlConfigT *)cbdata; if(pthread_mutex_init(&memo_lock, NULL)) { AFB_API_ERROR(apiHandle, "Fail to initialize"); return -1; } // save closure as api's data context afb_api_set_userdata(apiHandle, ctrlConfig); // add static controls verbs int err = CtrlLoadStaticVerbs(apiHandle, CtrlApiVerbs); if(err) { AFB_API_ERROR(apiHandle, "CtrlLoadSection fail to register static V2 verbs"); return ERROR; } // load section for corresponding API err = CtlLoadSections(apiHandle, ctrlConfig, ctrlSections); // declare an event event manager for this API; afb_api_event_handler_add(apiHandle, "monitor/trace", onTraceEvent, NULL); // init API function (does not receive user closure ??? afb_api_on_init(apiHandle, CtrlInitOneApi); afb_api_seal(apiHandle); return err; } static CtlConfigT *CtrlLoadConfigJson(afb_api_t apiHandle, json_object *configJ) { return CtlLoadMetaDataJson(apiHandle, configJ, CONTROL_PREFIX); } static CtlConfigT *CtrlLoadConfigFile(afb_api_t apiHandle, const char *configPath) { return CtlLoadMetaDataUsingPrefix(apiHandle, configPath, CONTROL_PREFIX); } static int CtrlCreateApi(afb_api_t apiHandle, CtlConfigT *ctrlConfig) { int err = 0; json_object *resourcesJ = NULL; if(!ctrlConfig) { AFB_API_ERROR(apiHandle, "CtrlBindingDyn No valid control config file loaded."); return ERROR; } if(!ctrlConfig->api) { AFB_API_ERROR(apiHandle, "CtrlBindingDyn API Missing from metadata in:\n-- %s", json_object_get_string(ctrlConfig->configJ)); return ERROR; } AFB_API_NOTICE(apiHandle, "Controller API='%s' info='%s'", ctrlConfig->api, ctrlConfig->info); err = wrap_json_pack(&resourcesJ, "{s[{ss, ss, ss}]}", "resources", "uid", "AFT", "info", "LUA Binder test framework", "libs", "aft.lua" ); if(err) { AFB_API_ERROR(apiHandle, "Error at Controller configuration editing."); return err; } wrap_json_object_add(ctrlConfig->configJ, resourcesJ); if(! afb_api_new_api(apiHandle, ctrlConfig->api, ctrlConfig->info, 0, CtrlLoadOneApi, ctrlConfig)) return ERROR; return 0; } int afbBindingEntry(afb_api_t apiHandle) { size_t len = 0, bindingRootDirLen = 0; char *dirList, *afTestRootDir, *path; const char *envDirList = NULL, *configPath = NULL, *bindingRootDir = NULL; json_object *settings = afb_api_settings(apiHandle), *bpath = NULL; CtlConfigT *ctrlConfig = NULL; AFB_API_DEBUG(apiHandle, "Controller in afbBindingEntry"); if(json_object_object_get_ex(settings, "binding-path", &bpath)) { afTestRootDir = strdup(json_object_get_string(bpath)); path = rindex(afTestRootDir, '/'); if(strlen(path) < 3) return ERROR; *++path = '.'; *++path = '.'; *++path = '\0'; } else { afTestRootDir = malloc(1); strcpy(afTestRootDir, ""); } envDirList = getEnvDirList(CONTROL_PREFIX, "CONFIG_PATH"); bindingRootDir = GetBindingDirPath(apiHandle); bindingRootDirLen = strlen(bindingRootDir); if(envDirList) { len = strlen(CONTROL_CONFIG_PATH) + strlen(envDirList) + bindingRootDirLen + 3; dirList = malloc(len + 1); snprintf(dirList, len +1, "%s:%s:%s:%s", envDirList, afTestRootDir, bindingRootDir, CONTROL_CONFIG_PATH); } else { len = strlen(CONTROL_CONFIG_PATH) + bindingRootDirLen + 2; dirList = malloc(len + 1); snprintf(dirList, len + 1, "%s:%s:%s", bindingRootDir, afTestRootDir, CONTROL_CONFIG_PATH); } configPath = CtlConfigSearch(apiHandle, dirList, CONTROL_PREFIX); if(!configPath) { AFB_API_ERROR(apiHandle, "CtlPreInit: No %s-%s* config found in %s ", CONTROL_PREFIX, GetBinderName(), dirList); return ERROR; } ctrlConfig = CtrlLoadConfigFile(apiHandle, configPath); free(afTestRootDir); free(dirList); return CtrlCreateApi(apiHandle, ctrlConfig); }