--[[ Copyright (C) 2016 "IoT.bzh" Author Fulup Ar Foll <fulup@iot.bzh> Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. Provide sample policy function for AGL Advance Audio Agent --]] -- Global HAL registry _Audio_Hal_Registry={} -- Callback when receiving HAL registry function _Alsa_Get_Hal_CB (error, result, context) -- Initialise an empty table local registry={} -- Only process when response is valid if (error) then AFB_ErrOr ("[Audio_Init_CB] ErrOr result=%s", result) return end -- Extract response from result local response=result["response"] -- Index HAL Bindings APIs by shortname for key,value in pairs(response) do registry[value["shortname"]]=value["api"] end -- store Exiting HAL for further use printf ("-- [Audio_Init_CB] -- Audio_register_Hal=%s", Dump_Table(registry)) _Audio_Hal_Registry=registry end -- Function call at binding load time function _Alsa_Get_Hal(args) printf ("[-- Audio_Get_Hal --] args=%s", Dump_Table(argsT)) -- Query AlsaCore for Active HALs (no query, no context) AFB:service ('alsacore', 'hallist', {}, "_Alsa_Get_Hal_CB", {}) end -- In sample configuration Query/Args parsing is common to all audio control local function Audio_Parse_Request (source, args, query) local apihal={} -- In this test we expect targeted device to be given from query (could come for args as well) if (query == nil ) then AFB:error ("--LUA:Audio_Set_Navigation query should contain and args with targeted apihal|device") return -- refuse control end -- Alsa Hook plugin asound sample config provides target sound card by name if (query["device"] ~= nil) then apihal=_Audio_Hal_Registry[query["device"]] end -- HTML5 test page provides directly HAL api. if (query["apihal"] ~= nil) then apihal= query["apihal"] end -- if requested HAL is not found then deny the control if (apihal == nil) then AFB:error ("--LUA:Audio_Set_Navigation No Active HAL Found") return -- refuse control end -- return api or nil when not found return apihal end -- Set Navigation lower sound when play function _Audio_Set_Navigation(source, args, query) -- in strict mode every variables should be declared local err=0 local ctlhal={} local response={} local apihal={} AFB:notice ("LUA:Audio_Set_Use_Case source=%d args=%s query=%s", source, args, query); -- Parse Query/Args and if HAL not found then refuse access apihal= Audio_Parse_Request (source, args, query) if (apihal == nil) then return 1 end -- if source < 0 then Alsa HookPlugin is closing PCM if (source < 0) then -- Ramp Up Multimedia channel synchronously ctlhal={['label']='Master_Playback_Volume', ['val']=100} err, response= AFB:servsync (apihal, 'ctlset',ctlhal) else -- Ramp Down Multimedia channel synchronously ctlhal={['label']='Master_Playback_Volume', ['val']=50} err, response= AFB:servsync (apihal, 'ctlset',ctlhal) end if (err) then AFB:error("--LUA:Audio_Set_Navigation halapi=%s refuse ctl=%s", apihal, ctlhal) return 1 -- control refused end return 0 -- control accepted end -- Select Multimedia mode function _Audio_Set_Multimedia (source, args, query) -- in strict mode every variables should be declared local err=0 local ctlhal={} local response={} local apihal={} AFB:notice ("LUA:Audio_Set_Use_Case source=%d args=%s query=%s", source, args, query); -- Parse Query/Args and if HAL not found then refuse access apihal= Audio_Parse_Request (source, args, query) if (apihal == nil) then return 1 end -- if Mumtimedia control only increase volume on open if (source >= 0) then -- Ramp Down Multimedia channel synchronously ctlhal={['label']='Master_Playback_Volume', ['val']=100} err, response= AFB:servsync (apihal, 'ctlset',ctlhal) end if (err) then AFB:error("--LUA:Audio_Set_Navigation halapi=%s refuse ctl=%s", apihal, ctlhal) return 1 -- control refused end return 0 -- control accepted end -- Select Emergency Mode function _Audio_Set_Emergency(source, args, query) return 1 -- Always refuse in this test end