/* * Copyright (C) 2015, 2016 "IoT.bzh" * Author "Fulup Ar Foll" <fulup@iot.bzh> * Author José Bollo <jose.bollo@iot.bzh> * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define _GNU_SOURCE #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <errno.h> #include <systemd/sd-event.h> #include <afb/afb-wsj1.h> #include <afb/afb-ws-client.h> /* declaration of functions */ static void on_hangup(void *closure, struct afb_wsj1 *wsj1); static void on_call(void *closure, const char *api, const char *verb, struct afb_wsj1_msg *msg); static void on_event(void *closure, const char *event, struct afb_wsj1_msg *msg); static int io_event_callback(sd_event_source *src, int fd, uint32_t revents, void *closure); static void emit(const char *api, const char *verb, const char *object); /* the callback interface for wsj1 */ static struct afb_wsj1_itf itf = { .on_hangup = on_hangup, .on_call = on_call, .on_event = on_event }; /* global variables */ static struct afb_wsj1 *wsj1; static int exonrep; static int callcount; static sd_event_source *evsrc; /* print usage of the program */ static void usage(int status, char *arg0) { char *name = strrchr(arg0, '/'); name = name ? name + 1 : arg0; fprintf(status ? stderr : stdout, "usage: %s uri [api verb [data]]\n", name); exit(status); } /* entry function */ int main(int ac, char **av, char **env) { int rc; sd_event *loop; /* check the argument count */ if (ac != 2 && ac != 4 && ac != 5) usage(1, av[0]); /* emit error and exit if requested */ if (!strcmp(av[1], "-h") || !strcmp(av[1], "--help")) usage(0, av[0]); /* get the default event loop */ rc = sd_event_default(&loop); if (rc < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "connection to default event loop failed: %s\n", strerror(-rc)); return 1; } /* connect the websocket wsj1 to the uri given by the first argument */ wsj1 = afb_ws_client_connect_wsj1(loop,av[1], &itf, NULL); if (wsj1 == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "connection to %s failed: %m\n", av[1]); return 1; } /* test the behaviour */ if (ac == 2) { /* get requests from stdin */ fcntl(0, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK); sd_event_add_io(loop, &evsrc, 0, EPOLLIN, io_event_callback, NULL); } else { /* the request is defined by the arguments */ exonrep = 1; emit(av[2], av[3], av[4]); } /* loop until end */ for(;;) sd_event_run(loop, 30000000); return 0; } /* called when wsj1 hangsup */ static void on_hangup(void *closure, struct afb_wsj1 *wsj1) { printf("ON-HANGUP\n"); exit(0); } /* called when wsj1 receives a method invocation */ static void on_call(void *closure, const char *api, const char *verb, struct afb_wsj1_msg *msg) { int rc; printf("ON-CALL %s/%s(%s)\n", api, verb, afb_wsj1_msg_object_s(msg)); rc = afb_wsj1_reply_error_s(msg, "\"unimplemented\"", NULL); if (rc < 0) fprintf(stderr, "replying failed: %m\n"); } /* called when wsj1 receives an event */ static void on_event(void *closure, const char *event, struct afb_wsj1_msg *msg) { printf("ON-EVENT %s(%s)\n", event, afb_wsj1_msg_object_s(msg)); } /* called when wsj1 receives a reply */ static void on_reply(void *closure, struct afb_wsj1_msg *msg) { printf("ON-REPLY %s: %s\n", (char*)closure, afb_wsj1_msg_object_s(msg)); free(closure); callcount--; if (exonrep && !callcount) //afb_wsj1_hangup(afb_wsj1_msg_wsj1(msg)); exit(0); } /* makes a call */ static void call(const char *api, const char *verb, const char *object) { static int num = 0; char *key; int rc; /* allocates an id for the request */ rc = asprintf(&key, "%d:%s/%s", ++num, api, verb); /* send the request */ callcount++; rc = afb_wsj1_call_s(wsj1, api, verb, object, on_reply, key); if (rc < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "calling %s/%s(%s) failed: %m\n", api, verb, object); callcount--; } } /* sends an event */ static void event(const char *event, const char *object) { int rc; rc = afb_wsj1_send_event_s(wsj1, event, object); if (rc < 0) fprintf(stderr, "sending !%s(%s) failed: %m\n", event, object); } /* emits either a call (when api!='!') or an event */ static void emit(const char *api, const char *verb, const char *object) { if (object == NULL || object[0] == 0) object = "null"; if (api[0] == '!' && api[1] == 0) event(verb, object); else call(api, verb, object); } /* called when something happens on stdin */ static int io_event_callback(sd_event_source *src, int fd, uint32_t revents, void *closure) { static size_t count = 0; static char line[16384]; static char sep[] = " \t"; static char sepnl[] = " \t\n"; ssize_t rc; size_t pos; /* read the buffer */ do { rc = read(0, line + count, sizeof line - count); } while (rc < 0 && errno == EINTR); if (rc < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "read error: %m\n"); exit(1); } if (rc == 0) { if (!callcount) exit(0); exonrep = 1; sd_event_source_unref(evsrc); } count += (size_t)rc; /* normalise the buffer content */ /* TODO: handle backspace \x7f ? */ /* process the lines */ pos = 0; for(;;) { size_t i, api[2], verb[2], rest[2]; i = pos; while(i < count && strchr(sep, line[i])) i++; api[0] = i; while(i < count && !strchr(sepnl, line[i])) i++; api[1] = i; while(i < count && strchr(sep, line[i])) i++; verb[0] = i; while(i < count && !strchr(sepnl, line[i])) i++; verb[1] = i; while(i < count && strchr(sep, line[i])) i++; rest[0] = i; while(i < count && line[i] != '\n') i++; rest[1] = i; if (i == count) break; line[i++] = 0; if (api[0] == api[1] || verb[0] == verb[1]) fprintf(stderr, "bad line: %s\n", line+pos); else { line[api[1]] = line[verb[1]] = 0; emit(line + api[0], line + verb[0], line + rest[0]); } pos = i; } count -= pos; if (count == sizeof line) { fprintf(stderr, "overflow\n"); exit(1); } if (count) memmove(line, line + pos, count); return 1; }