/* alsa-gateway -- provide a REST/HTTP interface to ALSA-Mixer Copyright (C) 2015, Fulup Ar Foll This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with scope program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. References: */ (function () { 'use strict'; var template = '<div class="afb-monitor" ng-click="getping()">' + '<span class="afb-refresh-token" >afb://{{hostname}}:{{httpdport}}</span>' + '<i class="{{icon}}"></i>' + '</div>'; // scope module is load statically before any route is cativated angular.module('TokenRefresh', ['AppConfig', 'ModalNotification']) .directive ('tokenRefresh', function($log, $window, $timeout, $location, Notification, AppConfig, AppCall) { function mymethods(scope, elem, attrs) { scope.logged=undefined; // neither thu neither false $window.onbeforeunload = function () { AppCall.get (scope.plugin, "logout", {/*query*/}, function () { $log.log("OPA exit"); }); }; scope.online = function () { elem.addClass ("online"); elem.removeClass ("offline"); scope.logged=true; }; scope.offline = function(){ elem.addClass ("offline"); elem.removeClass ("online"); scope.logged=false; }; scope.onerror = function() { if (scope.logged !== false) { Notification.warning ({message: "AppFramework Binder Lost", delay: 5000}); scope.offline(); } scope.status = 0; }; scope.onsuccess = function(jresp, errcode) { if (errcode !== 200 || jresp.request.status !== "success") { Notification.warning ({message: "auto-connect :" + jresp.request.info, delay: 10000}); scope.offline(); return false; } if (scope.logged !== true) { Notification.success ({message: "AppFramework Binder Connected", delay: 3000}); scope.online(); if (scope.callback) scope.callback(jresp); } scope.status = 1; return true; }; // Check Binder status scope.getping = function() { AppCall.get (scope.plugin, "ping", {/*query*/},function(jresp, errcode) { if (errcode !== 200 || jresp.request.status !== "success") { Notification.warning ({message: jresp.request.info, delay: 5000}); scope.offline(); return; } // restart a new timer for next ping $timeout (scope.getping, AppConfig.session.pingrate*1000); }, scope.onerror); }; // Check Binder status scope.refresh = function() { AppCall.get (scope.plugin, "refresh", {/*query*/}, function(jresp, errcode) { scope.onsuccess (jresp, errcode); // restart a new timer for next refresh $timeout (scope.refresh, AppConfig.session.timeout *250); }, scope.onerror); }; // Initial connection scope.loggin = function() { AppCall.get (scope.plugin, "connect", {token: AppConfig.session.initial}, function(jresp, errcode) { if (!scope.onsuccess (jresp, errcode)) return; // Intial token was accepted let's start ping & refresh $timeout (scope.getping, AppConfig.session.pingrate*1000); $timeout (scope.refresh, AppConfig.session.timeout *250); }, scope.onerror); }; // Parse Widget Parameters scope.plugin = attrs.plugin || "auth"; scope.icon = attrs.icon || "fi-lightbulb"; scope.hostname = $location.host(); scope.httpdport = $location.port(); scope.autolog = JSON.parse(attrs.autolog || false); // autostart log if requested if (scope.autolog) scope.loggin(); } return { template: template, scope: { callback : "=" }, restrict: 'E', link: mymethods }; }); })(); console.log ("Token Refresh Loaded");