# Template Hybrid HTML5 Application for Application Framework Binder ## Setup Install HTML5 development toolchain on your host ``` $ curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_6.x | sudo -E bash - $ sudo apt-get install nodejs $ sudo npm install --global gulp ``` Then install NodeJS dependencies ``` $ cd html5 # or the project directory $ npm install ``` ## Overload ./app/etc/AppDefaults.js with '.noderc.js' ``` var config= { APPNAME : 'xxxxxx-hybrid-html5', // AppName is use as main Angular Module name FRONTEND: "Frontend", // HTML5 frontend [no leading ./] BACKEND : "Backend", // NodeJS Rest API [no leading ./] URLBASE : '/opa/', // HTML basedir when running in production [should end with a /] APIBASE : '/api/', // Api url base dir [should end with a /] }; module.exports = config; ``` WARNING: in current development version Frontend/services/AppConfig.js is not updated automatically you should manually assert that backend config is in sync with frontend config. ## Build widget ``` $ mkdir build && cd build $ cmake .. $ make ``` This should give a .wgt file ready to be deployed on the target. ## Deploy application package Run: ``` $ scp *.wgt root@$BOARDIP:~/ $ ssh root@$BOARDIP # afm-util install xxxxxx-hybrid-html5.wgt # afm-util start xxxxxx-hybrid-html5@0.1 ```