How to build 1. make build directory $ mkdir build $ cd build 2. do cmake $ cmake -D TARGET_APP_ID='""' -D RUNXDG_NAME='""' .. is id by appfw is id by window manager Example) Launching weston-simple-egl@0.1 with Navigaiton's layout $ cmake -D TARGET_APP_ID='"weston-simple-egl@0.1"' -D RUNXDG_NAME='"Navigation"' .. If you want own app name for layout, modify layout.json in windo manager and rebuild it. You can confirm ids which you set by log like following: Dec 08 01:33:59 qemux86-64 afbd-navigation@0.1[775]: DEBUG: runxdg: name(Navigation), target("weston-simple-egl@0.1") 3. make $ make && make widget The following wgt would be made. - runxdg.wgt XDG Launcher - navi.wgt for test, XDG Launcher installed as Navigation - hvac.wgt for test, XDG Lanncher installed as HVAC You can confirm by log like following: Dec 08 01:33:59 qemux86-64 afbd-navigation@0.1[775]: DEBUG: runxdg: name(Navigation), target("weston-simple-egl@0.1")