/* * Copyright (C) 2016, 2017 Mentor Graphics Development (Deutschland) GmbH * Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. * Copyright (c) 2018-2019 TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "appinfo.h" #include <QFileInfo> #include "config.h" #include "hmi-debug.h" class AppInfo::Private : public QSharedData { public: Private(); Private(const Private& other); QString id; QString version; int width; int height; QString name; QString description; QString shortname; QString author; QString iconPath; AppState state; qreal progress; QString serverid; QString wgtpath; QString filename; QString categoryid; QString categoryname; QString deviceid; QString devicename; double createdtime; }; AppInfo::Private::Private() : width(-1), height(-1) {} AppInfo::Private::Private(const Private& other) : QSharedData(other), id(other.id), version(other.version), width(other.width), height(other.height), name(other.name), description(other.description), shortname(other.shortname), author(other.author), iconPath(other.iconPath), state(other.state), progress(other.progress), serverid(other.serverid), wgtpath(other.wgtpath), filename(other.filename), categoryid(other.categoryid), categoryname(other.categoryname), deviceid(other.deviceid), devicename(other.devicename), createdtime(other.createdtime) {} AppInfo::AppInfo() : d(new Private) {} AppInfo::AppInfo(const QString& icon, const QString& name, const QString& id) : d(new Private) { d->iconPath = icon; d->name = name; d->id = id; } AppInfo::AppInfo(const AppInfo& other) : d(other.d) {} AppInfo::~AppInfo() {} AppInfo& AppInfo::operator=(const AppInfo& other) { d = other.d; return *this; } bool AppInfo::operator==(const AppInfo& other) { return d->id == other.id(); } QString AppInfo::id() const { return d->id; } QString AppInfo::version() const { return d->version; } int AppInfo::width() const { return d->width; } int AppInfo::height() const { return d->height; } QString AppInfo::name() const { return d->name; } QString AppInfo::description() const { return d->description; } QString AppInfo::shortname() const { return d->shortname; } QString AppInfo::author() const { return d->author; } QString AppInfo::iconPath() const { return d->iconPath; } AppInfo::AppState AppInfo::state() const { return d->state; } qreal AppInfo::progress() const { return d->progress; } QString AppInfo::serverId() const { return d->serverid; } QString AppInfo::wgtPath() const { return d->wgtpath; } QString AppInfo::fileName() const { return d->filename; } QString AppInfo::categoryId() const { return d->categoryid; } QString AppInfo::categoryName() const { return d->categoryname; } QString AppInfo::deviceId() const { return d->deviceid; } QString AppInfo::deviceName() const { return d->devicename; } double AppInfo::createdTime() const { return d->createdtime; } void AppInfo::setState(const AppState state) { d->state = state; } void AppInfo::setState(const int state) { d->state = (enum AppState)state; } void AppInfo::setProgress(const qreal progress) { d->progress = progress; } void AppInfo::read(const QJsonObject& json) { d->id = json["id"].toString(); d->version = json["version"].toString(); d->width = json["width"].toInt(); d->height = json["height"].toInt(); d->name = json["name"].toString(); d->description = json["description"].toString(); d->shortname = json["shortname"].toString(); d->author = json["author"].toString(); d->iconPath = json["icon"].toString(); QFileInfo fi(d->iconPath); if (!fi.isFile()) { d->iconPath = ""; } d->state = Launch; } void AppInfo::readFromServer(const QJsonObject& json) { d->name = json["appName"].toString(); d->description = json["appAbstract"].toString(); d->version = json["versionName"].toString(); d->id = json["appIdCustom"].toString() + "@" + d->version; d->serverid = json["appId"].toString(); d->wgtpath = json["verFilePath"].toString(); d->filename = json["verFilePath"].toString().section('/', -1); d->author = json["developerName"].toString(); d->categoryid = json["typeId"].toString(); d->categoryname = json["typeName"].toString(); d->deviceid = json["appDeviceTypeId"].toString(); d->devicename = json["appDeviceTypeName"].toString(); d->createdtime = json["updateDate"].toDouble(); d->iconPath = json["imagePath"].toString(); if (json["imagePath"].toString().isEmpty()) { d->iconPath = ""; } else { d->iconPath = getIconUrl(json["imagePath"].toString()); } d->state = Install; d->progress = 0.0; }