import 'dart:io'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; import 'package:flutter_homescreen/config.dart'; import 'package:grpc/grpc.dart'; import 'package:flutter_homescreen/generated/applauncher.pbgrpc.dart'; import 'package:flutter_homescreen/page_apps.dart'; import 'package:flutter_homescreen/widget_clock.dart'; import 'package:flutter_homescreen/bottom_panel.dart'; enum PageIndex { home, dashboard, hvac, media } class Homescreen extends StatefulWidget { Homescreen({Key? key, required this.client}) : super(key: key); final HttpClient client; @override _HomescreenState createState() => _HomescreenState(); } class _HomescreenState extends State with TickerProviderStateMixin { int _selectedIndex = 0; int _previousIndex = 0; late ClientChannel channel; late AppLauncherClient stub; List apps_stack = []; static const agl_shell_channel = MethodChannel('flutter/agl_shell'); Future> getAppList() async { var response = await stub.listApplications(ListRequest()); for (AppInfo info in response.apps) { debugPrint("Got app:"); debugPrint("$info"); } return response.apps; } addAppToStack(String id) { if (!apps_stack.contains(id)) { apps_stack.add(id); } else { int current_pos = apps_stack.indexOf(id); if (current_pos != (apps_stack.length - 1)) { apps_stack.removeAt(current_pos); apps_stack.add(id); } } } activateApp(String id) async { try { agl_shell_channel .invokeMethod('activate_app', {'app_id': id, 'index': 0}); } catch (e) { print('Could not invoke flutter/agl_shell/activate_app: $e'); } addAppToStack(id); } deactivateApp(String id) async { if (apps_stack.contains(id)) { apps_stack.remove(id); if (apps_stack.isNotEmpty) { activateApp(apps_stack.last); } } } handleAppStatusEvents() async { try { var response = stub.getStatusEvents(StatusRequest()); await for (var event in response) { if (event.hasApp()) { AppStatus app_status =; debugPrint("Got app status:"); debugPrint("$app_status"); if (app_status.hasId() && app_status.hasStatus()) { if (app_status.status == "started") { activateApp(; } else if (app_status.status == "terminated") { deactivateApp(; } } } } } catch (e) { print(e); } } initState() { debugPrint("_HomescreenState.initState!"); channel = ClientChannel('localhost', port: 50052, options: ChannelOptions(credentials: ChannelCredentials.insecure())); stub = AppLauncherClient(channel); handleAppStatusEvents(); super.initState(); } void startApp(String id) async { await stub.startApplication(StartRequest(id: id)); } setNavigationIndex(int index) { switch (PageIndex.values[index]) { case PageIndex.dashboard: startApp("dashboard_app"); return; case PageIndex.hvac: startApp("flutter_hvac"); return; case startApp("mediaplayer"); return; default: setState(() { _previousIndex = _selectedIndex; _selectedIndex = index; }); activateApp("homescreen"); } } Widget _childForIndex(int selectedIndex) { switch (PageIndex.values[selectedIndex]) { case PageIndex.home: return AppsPage( key: ValueKey(selectedIndex), getApps: getAppList, startApp: startApp); default: return Text('Undefined'); } } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Container( child: Center( child: LayoutBuilder( builder: _buildLayout, ))); } Widget _buildLayout(BuildContext context, BoxConstraints constraints) { var railSize = 160.0; var iconSize = railSize / 2; var foregroundColor = Theme.of(context) .navigationBarTheme .iconTheme! .resolve({MaterialState.pressed})!.color!; return Scaffold( body: Column( children: [ IntrinsicHeight( child: Row(children: [ Theme( data: Theme.of(context).copyWith( // Disable indicator (for now?) navigationBarTheme: NavigationBarTheme.of(context) .copyWith(indicatorColor: Colors.transparent), // Disable splash animations splashFactory: NoSplash.splashFactory, hoverColor: Colors.transparent, ), child: Expanded( child: NavigationBar( onDestinationSelected: (int index) { setState(() { setNavigationIndex(index); }); }, selectedIndex: _selectedIndex, height: railSize, animationDuration: Duration(seconds: 0), destinations: [ NavigationDestination( icon: Icon(Icons.home, size: iconSize), label: 'Home', ), NavigationDestination( icon: Icon(Icons.drive_eta, size: iconSize), label: 'Dashboard', ), NavigationDestination( icon: Icon(Icons.thermostat, size: iconSize), label: 'HVAC', ), NavigationDestination( icon: Icon(Icons.music_note, size: iconSize), label: 'Media', ), ]), ), ), SizedBox( width: 128, child: Container( color: NavigationBarTheme.of(context).backgroundColor)), Container( color: NavigationBarTheme.of(context).backgroundColor, child: VerticalDivider( width: 32, thickness: 1, color: foregroundColor, indent: railSize / 16, endIndent: railSize / 16)), Container( color: NavigationBarTheme.of(context).backgroundColor, child: ClockWidget(textColor: foregroundColor, size: railSize)), Container( color: NavigationBarTheme.of(context).backgroundColor, child: VerticalDivider( width: 32, thickness: 1, color: foregroundColor, indent: railSize / 16, endIndent: railSize / 16)), Container( color: NavigationBarTheme.of(context).backgroundColor, child: Column( crossAxisAlignment:, mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceAround, children: [ Icon(Icons.bluetooth, color: foregroundColor, size: 32), Icon(Icons.wifi, color: foregroundColor, size: 32), Icon(Icons.signal_cellular_4_bar, color: foregroundColor, size: 32), ])), SizedBox( width: 16, child: Container( color: Theme.of(context) .navigationBarTheme .backgroundColor)), ]), ), // This is the main content. Expanded( child: AnimatedSwitcher( duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 500), reverseDuration: const Duration(milliseconds: 500), switchInCurve: Curves.easeInOut, switchOutCurve: Curves.easeInOut, transitionBuilder: (Widget child, Animation animation) { if (child.key != ValueKey(_selectedIndex)) { return FadeTransition( opacity: Tween(begin: 1.0, end: 1.0).animate(animation), child: child, ); } Offset beginOffset = new Offset( 0.0, (_selectedIndex > _previousIndex ? 1.0 : -1.0)); return SlideTransition( position: Tween(begin: beginOffset, end: .animate(animation), child: FadeTransition( opacity: Tween(begin: 0.0, end: 1.0).animate( CurvedAnimation( parent: animation, curve: Interval(0.5, 1.0), ), ), child: child, ), ); }, child: _childForIndex(_selectedIndex), ), ), Stack(children: [ BottomPanelWidget( height: railSize, color: NavigationBarTheme.of(context).backgroundColor), Align( alignment: Alignment.bottomLeft, child: GetConfig(client: widget.client)) ]), ], ), ); } }