// ignore_for_file: unused_local_variable import 'dart:async'; import 'package:flutter_ics_homescreen/export.dart'; import 'package:protos/val_api.dart'; class VehicleNotifier extends Notifier<Vehicle> { @override Vehicle build() { return const Vehicle.initial(); } void updateSpeed(double newValue) { state = state.copyWith(speed: newValue); } bool handleSignalUpdate(DataEntry entry) { bool handled = true; switch (entry.path) { case VSSPath.vehicleSpeed: if (entry.value.hasFloat()) { state = state.copyWith(speed: entry.value.float); } break; case VSSPath.vehicleInsideTemperature: if (entry.value.hasFloat()) { state = state.copyWith(insideTemperature: entry.value.float); } break; case VSSPath.vehicleOutsideTemperature: if (entry.value.hasFloat()) { state = state.copyWith(outsideTemperature: entry.value.float); } break; case VSSPath.vehicleRange: if (entry.value.hasUint32()) { state = state.copyWith(range: entry.value.uint32); } break; case VSSPath.vehicleFuelLevel: if (entry.value.hasUint32()) { state = state.copyWith(fuelLevel: entry.value.uint32); } break; case VSSPath.vehicleIsChildLockActiveLeft: if (entry.value.hasBool_12()) { state = state.copyWith(isChildLockActiveLeft: entry.value.bool_12); } break; case VSSPath.vehicleIsChildLockActiveRight: if (entry.value.hasBool_12()) { state = state.copyWith(isChildLockActiveRight: entry.value.bool_12); } break; case VSSPath.vehicleEngineSpeed: if (entry.value.hasUint32()) { state = state.copyWith(engineSpeed: entry.value.uint32); } break; case VSSPath.vehicleFrontLeftTire: if (entry.value.hasUint32()) { state = state.copyWith(frontLeftTire: entry.value.uint32); } break; case VSSPath.vehicleFrontRightTire: if (entry.value.hasUint32()) { state = state.copyWith(frontRightTire: entry.value.uint32); } break; case VSSPath.vehicleRearLeftTire: if (entry.value.hasUint32()) { state = state.copyWith(rearLeftTire: entry.value.uint32); } break; case VSSPath.vehicleRearRightTire: if (entry.value.hasUint32()) { state = state.copyWith(rearRightTire: entry.value.uint32); } break; case VSSPath.vehicleIsAirConditioningActive: if (entry.value.hasBool_12()) { state = state.copyWith(isAirConditioningActive: entry.value.bool_12); } break; case VSSPath.vehicleIsFrontDefrosterActive: if (entry.value.hasBool_12()) { state = state.copyWith(isFrontDefrosterActive: entry.value.bool_12); } break; case VSSPath.vehicleIsRearDefrosterActive: if (entry.value.hasBool_12()) { state = state.copyWith(isRearDefrosterActive: entry.value.bool_12); } break; case VSSPath.vehicleIsRecirculationActive: if (entry.value.hasBool_12()) { state = state.copyWith(isRecirculationActive: entry.value.bool_12); } break; case VSSPath.vehicleFanSpeed: if (entry.value.hasUint32()) { // Convert 0-100 to local 0-3 setting var value = entry.value.uint32; var fanSpeed = 0; if (value > 66) { fanSpeed = 3; } else if (value > 33) { fanSpeed = 2; } else if (value > 0) { fanSpeed = 1; } state = state.copyWith(fanSpeed: fanSpeed); } break; case VSSPath.vehicleDriverTemperature: if (entry.value.hasInt32()) { state = state.copyWith(driverTemperature: entry.value.int32); } break; case VSSPath.vehiclePassengerTemperature: if (entry.value.hasInt32()) { state = state.copyWith(passengerTemperature: entry.value.int32); } break; default: handled = false; } return handled; } void setChildLock({required String side}) async { var valClient = ref.read(valClientProvider); try { switch (side) { case 'left': valClient.setBool( VSSPath.vehicleIsChildLockActiveLeft, !state.isChildLockActiveLeft, false, ); state = state.copyWith( isChildLockActiveLeft: !state.isChildLockActiveLeft); break; case 'right': valClient.setBool( VSSPath.vehicleIsChildLockActiveRight, !state.isChildLockActiveRight, false, ); state = state.copyWith( isChildLockActiveRight: !state.isChildLockActiveRight); break; default: debugPrint("ERROR: Unexpected side value ${side}"); break; } } catch (e) { debugPrint(e.toString()); } } void setTemperature({required Side side, required int value}) { var valClient = ref.read(valClientProvider); try { switch (side) { case Side.left: valClient.setInt32( VSSPath.vehicleDriverTemperature, value, true, ); state = state.copyWith(driverTemperature: value); break; case Side.right: valClient.setInt32( VSSPath.vehiclePassengerTemperature, value, true, ); state = state.copyWith(passengerTemperature: value); break; default: debugPrint("ERROR: Unexpected side value ${side}"); break; } } catch (e) { debugPrint(e.toString()); } } void setTemperatureSynced(bool newValue) { state = state.copyWith(temperatureSynced: newValue); } void updateFanSpeed(int newValue) { // Convert local 0-3 setting to the 0-100 the VSS signal expects var targetFanSpeed = 0; switch (newValue) { case 1: targetFanSpeed = 33; break; case 2: targetFanSpeed = 66; break; case 3: targetFanSpeed = 100; case 0: default: break; } var valClient = ref.read(valClientProvider); valClient.setUint32( VSSPath.vehicleFanSpeed, targetFanSpeed, true, ); state = state.copyWith(fanSpeed: newValue); } void setHVACMode({required String mode}) { var valClient = ref.read(valClientProvider); try { switch (mode) { case 'airCondition': valClient.setBool( VSSPath.vehicleIsAirConditioningActive, !state.isAirConditioningActive, true, ); state = state.copyWith( isAirConditioningActive: !state.isAirConditioningActive); break; case 'frontDefrost': valClient.setBool( VSSPath.vehicleIsFrontDefrosterActive, !state.isFrontDefrosterActive, true, ); state = state.copyWith( isFrontDefrosterActive: !state.isFrontDefrosterActive); break; case 'rearDefrost': valClient.setBool( VSSPath.vehicleIsRearDefrosterActive, !state.isRearDefrosterActive, true, ); state = state.copyWith( isRearDefrosterActive: !state.isRearDefrosterActive); break; case 'recirculation': valClient.setBool( VSSPath.vehicleIsRecirculationActive, !state.isRecirculationActive, true, ); state = state.copyWith( isRecirculationActive: !state.isRecirculationActive); break; default: debugPrint("ERROR: Unexpected mode value ${mode}"); break; } } catch (e) { debugPrint(e.toString()); } } void setInitialState() { var speed = state.speed; var rpm = state.engineSpeed; var fuelLevel = state.fuelLevel; var insideTemp = state.insideTemperature; var outsideTemp = state.outsideTemperature; var range = state.range; var psi = state.frontLeftTire; var actualSpeed = 0.0; var actualRpm = 0; var actualFuelLevel = 0.0; var actualInsideTemp = 0.0; var actualOutsideTemp = 0.0; var actualRange = 0; var actualPsi = 0; state = const Vehicle.initial(); Timer speedTimer = Timer.periodic(const Duration(milliseconds: 600), (timer) { actualSpeed = actualSpeed + 10; if (actualSpeed > speed) { actualSpeed = speed; timer.cancel(); } state = state.copyWith(speed: actualSpeed); }); Timer rpmTimer = Timer.periodic(const Duration(milliseconds: 400), (timer) { actualRpm = actualRpm + 150; if (actualRpm > rpm) { actualRpm = rpm; timer.cancel(); } state = state.copyWith(engineSpeed: actualRpm); }); Timer fuelLevelTimer = Timer.periodic(const Duration(milliseconds: 400), (timer) { actualFuelLevel = actualFuelLevel + 1; if (actualFuelLevel > fuelLevel) { actualFuelLevel = fuelLevel.toDouble(); timer.cancel(); } state = state.copyWith(fuelLevel: actualFuelLevel.toInt()); }); Timer outsideTemperatureTimer = Timer.periodic(const Duration(milliseconds: 300), (timer) { actualOutsideTemp = actualOutsideTemp + 0.5; if (actualOutsideTemp > outsideTemp) { actualOutsideTemp = outsideTemp; timer.cancel(); } state = state.copyWith(outsideTemperature: actualOutsideTemp); }); Timer insideTemperatureTimer = Timer.periodic(const Duration(milliseconds: 300), (timer) { actualInsideTemp = actualInsideTemp + 0.5; if (actualInsideTemp > insideTemp) { actualInsideTemp = insideTemp; timer.cancel(); } state = state.copyWith(insideTemperature: actualInsideTemp); }); Timer rangeTimer = Timer.periodic(const Duration(milliseconds: 300), (timer) { actualRange = actualRange + 5; if (actualRange > range) { actualRange = range; timer.cancel(); } state = state.copyWith(range: actualRange); }); Timer psiTimer = Timer.periodic(const Duration(milliseconds: 1200), (timer) { actualPsi = actualPsi + 5; if (actualPsi > psi) { actualPsi = psi; timer.cancel(); } state = state.copyWith( frontLeftTire: actualPsi, rearLeftTire: actualPsi, frontRightTire: actualPsi, rearRightTire: actualPsi, ); }); } }