import 'package:flutter_ics_homescreen/presentation/custom_icons/custom_icons.dart'; import '../../export.dart'; class VolumeBar extends ConsumerStatefulWidget { const VolumeBar({super.key}); @override VolumeBarState createState() => VolumeBarState(); } class VolumeBarState extends ConsumerState { double val = 0; @override void initState() { super.initState(); // "ref" can be used in all life-cycles of a StatefulWidget. //; } void increaseVolume() { setState(() { if (val < 20) { val++;; } }); } void decreaseVolume() { setState(() { if (val > 0) { val--;; } }); } void setVolume(double newWalue) { setState(() { val = newWalue;; }); } void pause() {} @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { final volumeValue = => audio.volume)); val = volumeValue; return Column( // mainAxisAlignment:, // crossAxisAlignment:, children: [ Container( width: 80, height: 418, //padding: const EdgeInsets.all(16), decoration: const ShapeDecoration( // gradient: RadialGradient( // colors: [Color.fromARGB(255, 19, 24, 75),], // stops: [0, 0.9], // radius: 1, // ), color: AGLDemoColors.buttonFillEnabledColor, shape: StadiumBorder( side: BorderSide( color: Color(0xFF5477D4), width: 1, )), ), //alignment: Alignment.topLeft, child: Column( children: [ SizedBox( height: 68.0, width: 56.0, child: IconButton( padding:, color: AGLDemoColors.periwinkleColor, onPressed: () { increaseVolume(); }, icon: const Icon( CustomIcons.vol_max, size: 56, ), ), ), Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.only( top: 4, bottom: 4), // Top and bottom padding child: SizedBox( height: 274.0, child: RotatedBox( quarterTurns: 3, child: SliderTheme( data: SliderTheme.of(context).copyWith( activeTrackColor: AGLDemoColors.periwinkleColor, inactiveTrackColor: const Color(0xFF0D113F), trackShape: const GradinetRectangularSliderTrackShape(), //trackShape: CustomTrackShape(), trackHeight: 56.0, //thumbColor: Colors.blueAccent, thumbShape: const RectSliderThumbShape( enabledThumbRadius: 0, disabledThumbRadius: 0), //overlayColor:, overlayShape: //RoundSliderOverlayShape(overlayRadius: 33.0), //RoundSliderOverlayShape(overlayRadius: 0.0), SliderComponentShape.noOverlay, ), child: Slider( min: 0, max: 20, value: volumeValue, divisions: 20, onChanged: (newValue) { setVolume(newValue); }, ), ), ), ), ), SizedBox( height: 56.0, width: 56.0, child: IconButton( padding:, color: AGLDemoColors.periwinkleColor, onPressed: () { decreaseVolume(); }, icon: const Icon( CustomIcons.vol_min, size: 56, ), ), ), ], ), ), const SizedBox(height: 10), Container( width: 80, height: 80, //padding: const EdgeInsets.all(16), decoration: const ShapeDecoration( // gradient: RadialGradient( // colors: [Color.fromARGB(255, 19, 24, 75),], // stops: [0, 0.9], // radius: 1, // ), color: AGLDemoColors.buttonFillEnabledColor, shape: StadiumBorder( side: BorderSide( color: Color(0xFF5477D4), width: 1, )), ), //alignment: Alignment.topLeft, child: IconButton( padding:, color: AGLDemoColors.periwinkleColor, onPressed: () { pause(); }, icon: const Icon( Icons.pause, size: 30, )), ), ], ); } } class RectSliderThumbShape extends SliderComponentShape { /// Create a slider thumb that draws a Rect. const RectSliderThumbShape({ this.enabledThumbRadius = 10.0, this.disabledThumbRadius, this.elevation = 1.0, this.pressedElevation = 6.0, }); final double enabledThumbRadius; final double? disabledThumbRadius; double get _disabledThumbRadius => disabledThumbRadius ?? enabledThumbRadius; final double elevation; final double pressedElevation; @override Size getPreferredSize(bool isEnabled, bool isDiscrete) { return Size.fromRadius( isEnabled == true ? enabledThumbRadius : _disabledThumbRadius); } @override void paint( PaintingContext context, Offset center, { required Animation activationAnimation, required Animation enableAnimation, required bool isDiscrete, required TextPainter labelPainter, required RenderBox parentBox, required SliderThemeData sliderTheme, required TextDirection textDirection, required double value, required double textScaleFactor, required Size sizeWithOverflow, }) { final Canvas canvas = context.canvas; const Color color = Colors.white; //const double radius = 0; final Tween elevationTween = Tween( begin: elevation, end: pressedElevation, ); final double evaluatedElevation = elevationTween.evaluate(activationAnimation); final Path path = Path() ..addRect( Rect.fromCenter( center: Offset(center.dx - 3, center.dy + 2), width: 3, height: 54), ); // canvas.drawRect( // Rect.fromCenter(center: center, width: 4, height: 25), // Paint()..color = color, // ); canvas.drawRect( Rect.fromCenter(center: center, width: 4, height: 54), Paint()..color = color, ); canvas.drawShadow(path,, evaluatedElevation, true); } } class GradinetRectangularSliderTrackShape extends SliderTrackShape with BaseSliderTrackShape { /// Creates a slider track that draws 2 rectangles. const GradinetRectangularSliderTrackShape(); @override void paint( PaintingContext context, Offset offset, { required RenderBox parentBox, required SliderThemeData sliderTheme, required Animation enableAnimation, required TextDirection textDirection, required Offset thumbCenter, Offset? secondaryOffset, bool isDiscrete = false, bool isEnabled = false, }) { assert(sliderTheme.disabledActiveTrackColor != null); assert(sliderTheme.disabledInactiveTrackColor != null); assert(sliderTheme.activeTrackColor != null); assert(sliderTheme.inactiveTrackColor != null); assert(sliderTheme.thumbShape != null); // If the slider [SliderThemeData.trackHeight] is less than or equal to 0, // then it makes no difference whether the track is painted or not, // therefore the painting can be a no-op. if (sliderTheme.trackHeight! <= 0) { return; } LinearGradient gradient = const LinearGradient( colors: [ //AGLDemoColors.periwinkleColor, Color(0xff81A9ED), Colors.white, ], ); final Rect trackRect = getPreferredRect( parentBox: parentBox, offset: offset, sliderTheme: sliderTheme, isEnabled: isEnabled, isDiscrete: isDiscrete, ); // Assign the track segment paints, which are left: active, right: inactive, // but reversed for right to left text. final ColorTween activeTrackColorTween = ColorTween( begin: sliderTheme.disabledActiveTrackColor, end: sliderTheme.activeTrackColor); final ColorTween inactiveTrackColorTween = ColorTween( begin: sliderTheme.disabledInactiveTrackColor, end: sliderTheme.inactiveTrackColor); final Paint activePaint = Paint() ..shader = gradient.createShader(trackRect) ..color = activeTrackColorTween.evaluate(enableAnimation)!; final Paint inactivePaint = Paint() ..color = inactiveTrackColorTween.evaluate(enableAnimation)!; final Paint leftTrackPaint; final Paint rightTrackPaint; switch (textDirection) { case TextDirection.ltr: leftTrackPaint = activePaint; rightTrackPaint = inactivePaint; case TextDirection.rtl: leftTrackPaint = inactivePaint; rightTrackPaint = activePaint; } final Rect leftTrackSegment = Rect.fromLTRB( trackRect.left,, thumbCenter.dx, trackRect.bottom); if (!leftTrackSegment.isEmpty) { context.canvas.drawRect(leftTrackSegment, leftTrackPaint); } final Rect rightTrackSegment = Rect.fromLTRB( thumbCenter.dx,, trackRect.right, trackRect.bottom); if (!rightTrackSegment.isEmpty) { context.canvas.drawRect(rightTrackSegment, rightTrackPaint); } final bool showSecondaryTrack = (secondaryOffset != null) && ((textDirection == TextDirection.ltr) ? (secondaryOffset.dx > thumbCenter.dx) : (secondaryOffset.dx < thumbCenter.dx)); if (showSecondaryTrack) { final ColorTween secondaryTrackColorTween = ColorTween( begin: sliderTheme.disabledSecondaryActiveTrackColor, end: sliderTheme.secondaryActiveTrackColor); final Paint secondaryTrackPaint = Paint() ..color = secondaryTrackColorTween.evaluate(enableAnimation)!; final Rect secondaryTrackSegment = Rect.fromLTRB( (textDirection == TextDirection.ltr) ? thumbCenter.dx : secondaryOffset.dx,, (textDirection == TextDirection.ltr) ? secondaryOffset.dx : thumbCenter.dx, trackRect.bottom, ); if (!secondaryTrackSegment.isEmpty) { context.canvas.drawRect(secondaryTrackSegment, secondaryTrackPaint); } } } }