// ignore_for_file: prefer_const_constructors, prefer_const_literals_to_create_immutables import 'package:gradient_borders/gradient_borders.dart'; import '../../../../export.dart'; class CarStatus extends ConsumerWidget { const CarStatus({super.key}); @override Widget build(BuildContext context, WidgetRef ref) { return Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(0, 0, 0, 84), child: SizedBox( height: 440, width: 652, child: Row( mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center, children: [ const LeftCarStatus(), Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric( horizontal: 47.0), // Adding horizontal padding child: SvgPicture.asset( 'assets/Car Illustration.svg', width: 625, height: 440, fit: BoxFit.fitHeight, ), ), const RightCarStatus(), ], ), ), ); } } class LeftCarStatus extends ConsumerWidget { const LeftCarStatus({ super.key, }); @override Widget build(BuildContext context, WidgetRef ref) { final frontLeftTire = ref.watch(vehicleProvider.select((vehicle) => vehicle.frontLeftTire)); final rearLeftTire = ref.watch(vehicleProvider.select((vehicle) => vehicle.rearLeftTire)); final unit = ref.watch(unitStateProvider.select((unit) => unit.pressureUnit)); String frontLeftTireString = ""; String rearLeftTireString = ""; if (unit == PressureUnit.psi) { frontLeftTireString = (frontLeftTire * 0.145038).toStringAsFixed(1); rearLeftTireString = (rearLeftTire * 0.145038).toStringAsFixed(1); } else { frontLeftTireString = frontLeftTire.toString(); rearLeftTireString = rearLeftTire.toString(); } return Column( mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceAround, crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.end, children: [ Column( crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.end, children: [ TirePressureProgressIndicator(value: frontLeftTire.toDouble()), Row( crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.end, mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.end, children: [ Text( frontLeftTireString, style: GoogleFonts.brunoAce( textStyle: TextStyle(color: Colors.white, fontSize: 44), ), ), SizedBox( width: 5, ), TirePressureUnitWidget(), ], ), ], ), ChildLockLeft(), Column( crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.end, children: [ TirePressureProgressIndicator(value: rearLeftTire.toDouble()), Row( crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.end, mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.end, children: [ Text( rearLeftTireString, style: GoogleFonts.brunoAce( textStyle: TextStyle(color: Colors.white, fontSize: 44), ), ), SizedBox( width: 5, ), TirePressureUnitWidget(), ], ), ], ), ], ); } } class RightCarStatus extends ConsumerWidget { const RightCarStatus({ super.key, }); @override Widget build(BuildContext context, WidgetRef ref) { final frontRightTire = ref.watch(vehicleProvider.select((vehicle) => vehicle.frontRightTire)); final rearRightTire = ref.watch(vehicleProvider.select((vehicle) => vehicle.rearRightTire)); final unit = ref.watch(unitStateProvider.select((unit) => unit.pressureUnit)); String frontRightTireString = ""; String rearRightTireString = ""; if (unit == PressureUnit.psi) { frontRightTireString = (frontRightTire * 0.145038).toStringAsFixed(1); rearRightTireString = (rearRightTire * 0.145038).toStringAsFixed(1); } else { frontRightTireString = frontRightTire.toString(); rearRightTireString = rearRightTire.toString(); } return Column( mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceAround, crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, children: [ Column( crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, children: [ TirePressureProgressIndicator(value: frontRightTire.toDouble()), Row( crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.end, children: [ Text( frontRightTireString, style: GoogleFonts.brunoAce( textStyle: TextStyle(color: Colors.white, fontSize: 44), ), ), SizedBox( width: 5, ), TirePressureUnitWidget(), ], ), ], ), const ChildLockRight(), Column( crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, children: [ TirePressureProgressIndicator(value: rearRightTire.toDouble()), Row( crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.end, mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start, children: [ Text( rearRightTireString, style: GoogleFonts.brunoAce( textStyle: TextStyle(color: Colors.white, fontSize: 44), ), ), SizedBox( width: 5, ), TirePressureUnitWidget(), ], ), ], ), ], ); } } class TirePressureProgressIndicator extends StatelessWidget { final double value; const TirePressureProgressIndicator({ super.key, required this.value, // Require the value to be passed }); @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { // Calculate the width as a percentage of the full width (74 in this case) final double fillWidth = (value / 35) * 74; return Stack( alignment: AlignmentDirectional.centerStart, children: [ Container( width: 100, height: 24, decoration: BoxDecoration( border: GradientBoxBorder( gradient: LinearGradient(colors: const [Colors.white30, Colors.white]), ), ), ), Positioned( left: 3, child: Container( width: fillWidth, // Use the calculated width here height: 18, // Match the height of the progress bar decoration: BoxDecoration( gradient: LinearGradient( colors: const [AGLDemoColors.periwinkleColor, Colors.white], stops: [ 0.8, 1, ], ), ), ), ), ], ); } } class TirePressureUnitWidget extends ConsumerWidget { const TirePressureUnitWidget({ super.key, }); @override Widget build(BuildContext context, WidgetRef ref) { final unit = ref.watch(unitStateProvider.select((unit) => unit.pressureUnit)); return Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.only(left: 4.0, right: 1.0, bottom: 2.0), child: Text( unit == PressureUnit.kilopascals ? 'kPa' : 'PSI', style: TextStyle( fontSize: 26, ), ), ); } }