import 'package:flutter_ics_homescreen/export.dart'; import 'dart:math' as math; class AnimatedColorPainter extends CustomPainter { final AnimationController animationController; final double progress; final Color progressColor; // New parameter for progress color final Color backgroundColor; final double strokeWidth; AnimatedColorPainter(this.animationController, this.progress, this.progressColor, this.backgroundColor, this.strokeWidth); @override void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) { // const strokeWidth = 25.0; // Divide the arc into equal parts based on the number of colors const arcAngle = math.pi; const arcPart = arcAngle / 3; const gapAngle = arcAngle / 150; // Define drop shadow properties const shadowOffset = Offset(0, 0); const shadowBlur = 12.0; const shadowColor = AGLDemoColors.jordyBlueColor; // Calculate the current color index based on animation progress and progress value final double normalizedProgress = progress * 3; int currentColorIndex = (animationController.value * normalizedProgress).floor(); if (progress == 0.0) { currentColorIndex = -1; // Force background color when progress is 0 } // Draw each part with a border and inner color double startAngle = -math.pi; // Start from left for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { Color? currentColor = backgroundColor; if (i <= currentColorIndex) { // Use progress color if within progress range currentColor = progressColor; } else { // Use background color if outside progress range currentColor = backgroundColor; } // Create paths for drop shadow and actual color final shadowPath = Path() ..addArc( Rect.fromCircle( center: Offset(size.width / 2, size.height / 2) + shadowOffset, radius: size.width / 2, ), startAngle, arcPart - 2 * gapAngle, // Draw clockwise ); final colorPath = Path() ..addArc( Rect.fromCircle( center: Offset(size.width / 2, size.height / 2), radius: size.width / 2, ), startAngle, arcPart - 2 * gapAngle, // Draw clockwise ); // Draw drop shadow using offset and blur final shadowPaint = Paint() ..color = shadowColor = PaintingStyle.fill ..maskFilter = const MaskFilter.blur(BlurStyle.normal, shadowBlur); if (currentColor == progressColor) { canvas.drawPath(shadowPath, shadowPaint); } // Draw border final borderPaint = Paint() ..strokeWidth = strokeWidth + 2.0 // Add border width = PaintingStyle.stroke ..color = Colors.white12; canvas.drawPath(colorPath, borderPaint); // Draw inner color final colorPaint = Paint() ..strokeWidth = strokeWidth = PaintingStyle.stroke ..shader = _createColorShader(currentColor, size, i); canvas.drawPath(colorPath, colorPaint); startAngle += arcPart + gapAngle; } } @override bool shouldRepaint(covariant CustomPainter oldDelegate) => true; Shader _createColorShader(Color color, Size size, int index) { Alignment alignment = index == 0 ? const Alignment(-0.78, -0.38) : index == 1 ? const Alignment(0, -1) : const Alignment(0.78, -0.38); if (color == progressColor) { return RadialGradient( center: alignment, radius: 0.35, focal: alignment, focalRadius: 0.02, colors: const [ AGLDemoColors.blueGlowFillColor, AGLDemoColors.jordyBlueColor, AGLDemoColors.neonBlueColor ], ).createShader( Rect.fromCircle( center: Offset(size.width / 2, size.height / 2), radius: size.width / 2, ), ); } return LinearGradient(colors: [color, color]).createShader( Rect.fromCircle( center: Offset(size.width / 2, size.height / 2), radius: size.width / 2, ), ); } }