From 98fa6bf0cd70f8fa200e3a31b28c03a8c587bfea Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: dsouzahansenfrancis Date: Tue, 27 Oct 2015 12:15:35 -0400 Subject: Added Message Pack to payload format --- gen/python/ | 74 +++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------- 1 file changed, 39 insertions(+), 35 deletions(-) (limited to 'gen/python/') diff --git a/gen/python/ b/gen/python/ index b63c713..ae13d47 100644 --- a/gen/python/ +++ b/gen/python/ @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ from google.protobuf import descriptor_pb2 DESCRIPTOR = descriptor.FileDescriptor( name='openxc.proto', package='openxc', - serialized_pb='\n\x0copenxc.proto\x12\x06openxc\"\x98\x03\n\x0eVehicleMessage\x12)\n\x04type\x18\x01 \x01(\x0e\x32\x1b.openxc.VehicleMessage.Type\x12\'\n\x0b\x63\x61n_message\x18\x02 \x01(\x0b\x32\x12.openxc.CanMessage\x12-\n\x0esimple_message\x18\x03 \x01(\x0b\x32\x15.openxc.SimpleMessage\x12\x37\n\x13\x64iagnostic_response\x18\x04 \x01(\x0b\x32\x1a.openxc.DiagnosticResponse\x12/\n\x0f\x63ontrol_command\x18\x05 \x01(\x0b\x32\x16.openxc.ControlCommand\x12\x31\n\x10\x63ommand_response\x18\x06 \x01(\x0b\x32\x17.openxc.CommandResponse\x12\x0e\n\x06uptime\x18\x07 \x01(\r\"V\n\x04Type\x12\x07\n\x03\x43\x41N\x10\x01\x12\n\n\x06SIMPLE\x10\x02\x12\x0e\n\nDIAGNOSTIC\x10\x03\x12\x13\n\x0f\x43ONTROL_COMMAND\x10\x04\x12\x14\n\x10\x43OMMAND_RESPONSE\x10\x05\"\x94\x01\n\nCanMessage\x12\x0b\n\x03\x62us\x18\x01 \x01(\x05\x12\n\n\x02id\x18\x02 \x01(\r\x12\x0c\n\x04\x64\x61ta\x18\x03 \x01(\x0c\x12\x34\n\x0c\x66rame_format\x18\x04 \x01(\x0e\x32\x1e.openxc.CanMessage.FrameFormat\")\n\x0b\x46rameFormat\x12\x0c\n\x08STANDARD\x10\x01\x12\x0c\n\x08\x45XTENDED\x10\x02\"\x99\x05\n\x0e\x43ontrolCommand\x12)\n\x04type\x18\x01 \x01(\x0e\x32\x1b.openxc.ControlCommand.Type\x12<\n\x12\x64iagnostic_request\x18\x02 \x01(\x0b\x32 .openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand\x12G\n\x18passthrough_mode_request\x18\x03 \x01(\x0b\x32%.openxc.PassthroughModeControlCommand\x12O\n acceptance_filter_bypass_command\x18\x04 \x01(\x0b\x32%.openxc.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand\x12<\n\x16payload_format_command\x18\x05 \x01(\x0b\x32\x1c.openxc.PayloadFormatCommand\x12O\n predefined_obd2_requests_command\x18\x06 \x01(\x0b\x32%.openxc.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand\x12\x46\n\x1bmodem_configuration_command\x18\x07 \x01(\x0b\x32!.openxc.ModemConfigurationCommand\"\xac\x01\n\x04Type\x12\x0b\n\x07VERSION\x10\x01\x12\r\n\tDEVICE_ID\x10\x02\x12\x0e\n\nDIAGNOSTIC\x10\x03\x12\x0f\n\x0bPASSTHROUGH\x10\x04\x12\x1c\n\x18\x41\x43\x43\x45PTANCE_FILTER_BYPASS\x10\x05\x12\x12\n\x0ePAYLOAD_FORMAT\x10\x06\x12\x1c\n\x18PREDEFINED_OBD2_REQUESTS\x10\x07\x12\x17\n\x13MODEM_CONFIGURATION\x10\x08\"\x9e\x01\n\x18\x44iagnosticControlCommand\x12*\n\x07request\x18\x01 \x01(\x0b\x32\x19.openxc.DiagnosticRequest\x12\x37\n\x06\x61\x63tion\x18\x02 \x01(\x0e\x32\'.openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand.Action\"\x1d\n\x06\x41\x63tion\x12\x07\n\x03\x41\x44\x44\x10\x01\x12\n\n\x06\x43\x41NCEL\x10\x02\"=\n\x1dPassthroughModeControlCommand\x12\x0b\n\x03\x62us\x18\x01 \x01(\x05\x12\x0f\n\x07\x65nabled\x18\x02 \x01(\x08\"<\n\x1d\x41\x63\x63\x65ptanceFilterBypassCommand\x12\x0b\n\x03\x62us\x18\x01 \x01(\x05\x12\x0e\n\x06\x62ypass\x18\x02 \x01(\x08\"{\n\x14PayloadFormatCommand\x12:\n\x06\x66ormat\x18\x01 \x01(\x0e\x32*.openxc.PayloadFormatCommand.PayloadFormat\"\'\n\rPayloadFormat\x12\x08\n\x04JSON\x10\x01\x12\x0c\n\x08PROTOBUF\x10\x02\"0\n\x1dPredefinedObd2RequestsCommand\x12\x0f\n\x07\x65nabled\x18\x01 \x01(\x08\"\xd1\x03\n\x17NetworkOperatorSettings\x12\x18\n\x10\x61llowDataRoaming\x18\x01 \x01(\x08\x12N\n\x12operatorSelectMode\x18\x02 \x01(\x0e\x32\x32.openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.OperatorSelectMode\x12L\n\x11networkDescriptor\x18\x03 \x01(\x0b\x32\x31.openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor\x1a\x98\x01\n\x11NetworkDescriptor\x12\x0c\n\x04PLMN\x18\x01 \x01(\r\x12R\n\x0bnetworkType\x18\x02 \x01(\x0e\x32=.openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.NetworkType\"!\n\x0bNetworkType\x12\x07\n\x03GSM\x10\x00\x12\t\n\x05UTRAN\x10\x02\"c\n\x12OperatorSelectMode\x12\r\n\tAUTOMATIC\x10\x00\x12\n\n\x06MANUAL\x10\x01\x12\x0e\n\nDEREGISTER\x10\x02\x12\x0c\n\x08SET_ONLY\x10\x03\x12\x14\n\x10MANUAL_AUTOMATIC\x10\x04\"\"\n\x13NetworkDataSettings\x12\x0b\n\x03\x41PN\x18\x01 \x01(\t\"3\n\x15ServerConnectSettings\x12\x0c\n\x04host\x18\x01 \x01(\t\x12\x0c\n\x04port\x18\x02 \x01(\r\"\xd5\x01\n\x19ModemConfigurationCommand\x12@\n\x17networkOperatorSettings\x18\x01 \x01(\x0b\x32\x1f.openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings\x12\x38\n\x13networkDataSettings\x18\x02 \x01(\x0b\x32\x1b.openxc.NetworkDataSettings\x12<\n\x15serverConnectSettings\x18\x03 \x01(\x0b\x32\x1d.openxc.ServerConnectSettings\"]\n\x0f\x43ommandResponse\x12)\n\x04type\x18\x01 \x01(\x0e\x32\x1b.openxc.ControlCommand.Type\x12\x0f\n\x07message\x18\x02 \x01(\t\x12\x0e\n\x06status\x18\x03 \x01(\x08\"\xfd\x01\n\x11\x44iagnosticRequest\x12\x0b\n\x03\x62us\x18\x01 \x01(\x05\x12\x12\n\nmessage_id\x18\x02 \x01(\r\x12\x0c\n\x04mode\x18\x03 \x01(\r\x12\x0b\n\x03pid\x18\x04 \x01(\r\x12\x0f\n\x07payload\x18\x05 \x01(\x0c\x12\x1a\n\x12multiple_responses\x18\x06 \x01(\x08\x12\x11\n\tfrequency\x18\x07 \x01(\x01\x12\x0c\n\x04name\x18\x08 \x01(\t\x12;\n\x0c\x64\x65\x63oded_type\x18\t \x01(\x0e\x32%.openxc.DiagnosticRequest.DecodedType\"!\n\x0b\x44\x65\x63odedType\x12\x08\n\x04NONE\x10\x01\x12\x08\n\x04OBD2\x10\x02\"\xa1\x01\n\x12\x44iagnosticResponse\x12\x0b\n\x03\x62us\x18\x01 \x01(\x05\x12\x12\n\nmessage_id\x18\x02 \x01(\r\x12\x0c\n\x04mode\x18\x03 \x01(\r\x12\x0b\n\x03pid\x18\x04 \x01(\r\x12\x0f\n\x07success\x18\x05 \x01(\x08\x12\x1e\n\x16negative_response_code\x18\x06 \x01(\r\x12\x0f\n\x07payload\x18\x07 \x01(\x0c\x12\r\n\x05value\x18\x08 \x01(\x01\"\xa2\x01\n\x0c\x44ynamicField\x12\'\n\x04type\x18\x01 \x01(\x0e\x32\x19.openxc.DynamicField.Type\x12\x14\n\x0cstring_value\x18\x02 \x01(\t\x12\x15\n\rnumeric_value\x18\x03 \x01(\x01\x12\x15\n\rboolean_value\x18\x04 \x01(\x08\"%\n\x04Type\x12\n\n\x06STRING\x10\x01\x12\x07\n\x03NUM\x10\x02\x12\x08\n\x04\x42OOL\x10\x03\"g\n\rSimpleMessage\x12\x0c\n\x04name\x18\x01 \x01(\t\x12#\n\x05value\x18\x02 \x01(\x0b\x32\x14.openxc.DynamicField\x12#\n\x05\x65vent\x18\x03 \x01(\x0b\x32\x14.openxc.DynamicFieldB\x1c\n\ncom.openxcB\x0e\x42inaryMessages') + serialized_pb='\n\x0copenxc.proto\x12\x06openxc\"\x98\x03\n\x0eVehicleMessage\x12)\n\x04type\x18\x01 \x01(\x0e\x32\x1b.openxc.VehicleMessage.Type\x12\'\n\x0b\x63\x61n_message\x18\x02 \x01(\x0b\x32\x12.openxc.CanMessage\x12-\n\x0esimple_message\x18\x03 \x01(\x0b\x32\x15.openxc.SimpleMessage\x12\x37\n\x13\x64iagnostic_response\x18\x04 \x01(\x0b\x32\x1a.openxc.DiagnosticResponse\x12/\n\x0f\x63ontrol_command\x18\x05 \x01(\x0b\x32\x16.openxc.ControlCommand\x12\x31\n\x10\x63ommand_response\x18\x06 \x01(\x0b\x32\x17.openxc.CommandResponse\x12\x0e\n\x06uptime\x18\x07 \x01(\r\"V\n\x04Type\x12\x07\n\x03\x43\x41N\x10\x01\x12\n\n\x06SIMPLE\x10\x02\x12\x0e\n\nDIAGNOSTIC\x10\x03\x12\x13\n\x0f\x43ONTROL_COMMAND\x10\x04\x12\x14\n\x10\x43OMMAND_RESPONSE\x10\x05\"\x94\x01\n\nCanMessage\x12\x0b\n\x03\x62us\x18\x01 \x01(\x05\x12\n\n\x02id\x18\x02 \x01(\r\x12\x0c\n\x04\x64\x61ta\x18\x03 \x01(\x0c\x12\x34\n\x0c\x66rame_format\x18\x04 \x01(\x0e\x32\x1e.openxc.CanMessage.FrameFormat\")\n\x0b\x46rameFormat\x12\x0c\n\x08STANDARD\x10\x01\x12\x0c\n\x08\x45XTENDED\x10\x02\"\x99\x05\n\x0e\x43ontrolCommand\x12)\n\x04type\x18\x01 \x01(\x0e\x32\x1b.openxc.ControlCommand.Type\x12<\n\x12\x64iagnostic_request\x18\x02 \x01(\x0b\x32 .openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand\x12G\n\x18passthrough_mode_request\x18\x03 \x01(\x0b\x32%.openxc.PassthroughModeControlCommand\x12O\n acceptance_filter_bypass_command\x18\x04 \x01(\x0b\x32%.openxc.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand\x12<\n\x16payload_format_command\x18\x05 \x01(\x0b\x32\x1c.openxc.PayloadFormatCommand\x12O\n predefined_obd2_requests_command\x18\x06 \x01(\x0b\x32%.openxc.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand\x12\x46\n\x1bmodem_configuration_command\x18\x07 \x01(\x0b\x32!.openxc.ModemConfigurationCommand\"\xac\x01\n\x04Type\x12\x0b\n\x07VERSION\x10\x01\x12\r\n\tDEVICE_ID\x10\x02\x12\x0e\n\nDIAGNOSTIC\x10\x03\x12\x0f\n\x0bPASSTHROUGH\x10\x04\x12\x1c\n\x18\x41\x43\x43\x45PTANCE_FILTER_BYPASS\x10\x05\x12\x12\n\x0ePAYLOAD_FORMAT\x10\x06\x12\x1c\n\x18PREDEFINED_OBD2_REQUESTS\x10\x07\x12\x17\n\x13MODEM_CONFIGURATION\x10\x08\"\x9e\x01\n\x18\x44iagnosticControlCommand\x12*\n\x07request\x18\x01 \x01(\x0b\x32\x19.openxc.DiagnosticRequest\x12\x37\n\x06\x61\x63tion\x18\x02 \x01(\x0e\x32\'.openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand.Action\"\x1d\n\x06\x41\x63tion\x12\x07\n\x03\x41\x44\x44\x10\x01\x12\n\n\x06\x43\x41NCEL\x10\x02\"=\n\x1dPassthroughModeControlCommand\x12\x0b\n\x03\x62us\x18\x01 \x01(\x05\x12\x0f\n\x07\x65nabled\x18\x02 \x01(\x08\"<\n\x1d\x41\x63\x63\x65ptanceFilterBypassCommand\x12\x0b\n\x03\x62us\x18\x01 \x01(\x05\x12\x0e\n\x06\x62ypass\x18\x02 \x01(\x08\"\x8c\x01\n\x14PayloadFormatCommand\x12:\n\x06\x66ormat\x18\x01 \x01(\x0e\x32*.openxc.PayloadFormatCommand.PayloadFormat\"8\n\rPayloadFormat\x12\x08\n\x04JSON\x10\x01\x12\x0c\n\x08PROTOBUF\x10\x02\x12\x0f\n\x0bMESSAGEPACK\x10\x03\"0\n\x1dPredefinedObd2RequestsCommand\x12\x0f\n\x07\x65nabled\x18\x01 \x01(\x08\"\xd1\x03\n\x17NetworkOperatorSettings\x12\x18\n\x10\x61llowDataRoaming\x18\x01 \x01(\x08\x12N\n\x12operatorSelectMode\x18\x02 \x01(\x0e\x32\x32.openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.OperatorSelectMode\x12L\n\x11networkDescriptor\x18\x03 \x01(\x0b\x32\x31.openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor\x1a\x98\x01\n\x11NetworkDescriptor\x12\x0c\n\x04PLMN\x18\x01 \x01(\r\x12R\n\x0bnetworkType\x18\x02 \x01(\x0e\x32=.openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.NetworkType\"!\n\x0bNetworkType\x12\x07\n\x03GSM\x10\x00\x12\t\n\x05UTRAN\x10\x02\"c\n\x12OperatorSelectMode\x12\r\n\tAUTOMATIC\x10\x00\x12\n\n\x06MANUAL\x10\x01\x12\x0e\n\nDEREGISTER\x10\x02\x12\x0c\n\x08SET_ONLY\x10\x03\x12\x14\n\x10MANUAL_AUTOMATIC\x10\x04\"\"\n\x13NetworkDataSettings\x12\x0b\n\x03\x41PN\x18\x01 \x01(\t\"3\n\x15ServerConnectSettings\x12\x0c\n\x04host\x18\x01 \x01(\t\x12\x0c\n\x04port\x18\x02 \x01(\r\"\xd5\x01\n\x19ModemConfigurationCommand\x12@\n\x17networkOperatorSettings\x18\x01 \x01(\x0b\x32\x1f.openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings\x12\x38\n\x13networkDataSettings\x18\x02 \x01(\x0b\x32\x1b.openxc.NetworkDataSettings\x12<\n\x15serverConnectSettings\x18\x03 \x01(\x0b\x32\x1d.openxc.ServerConnectSettings\"]\n\x0f\x43ommandResponse\x12)\n\x04type\x18\x01 \x01(\x0e\x32\x1b.openxc.ControlCommand.Type\x12\x0f\n\x07message\x18\x02 \x01(\t\x12\x0e\n\x06status\x18\x03 \x01(\x08\"\xfd\x01\n\x11\x44iagnosticRequest\x12\x0b\n\x03\x62us\x18\x01 \x01(\x05\x12\x12\n\nmessage_id\x18\x02 \x01(\r\x12\x0c\n\x04mode\x18\x03 \x01(\r\x12\x0b\n\x03pid\x18\x04 \x01(\r\x12\x0f\n\x07payload\x18\x05 \x01(\x0c\x12\x1a\n\x12multiple_responses\x18\x06 \x01(\x08\x12\x11\n\tfrequency\x18\x07 \x01(\x01\x12\x0c\n\x04name\x18\x08 \x01(\t\x12;\n\x0c\x64\x65\x63oded_type\x18\t \x01(\x0e\x32%.openxc.DiagnosticRequest.DecodedType\"!\n\x0b\x44\x65\x63odedType\x12\x08\n\x04NONE\x10\x01\x12\x08\n\x04OBD2\x10\x02\"\xa1\x01\n\x12\x44iagnosticResponse\x12\x0b\n\x03\x62us\x18\x01 \x01(\x05\x12\x12\n\nmessage_id\x18\x02 \x01(\r\x12\x0c\n\x04mode\x18\x03 \x01(\r\x12\x0b\n\x03pid\x18\x04 \x01(\r\x12\x0f\n\x07success\x18\x05 \x01(\x08\x12\x1e\n\x16negative_response_code\x18\x06 \x01(\r\x12\x0f\n\x07payload\x18\x07 \x01(\x0c\x12\r\n\x05value\x18\x08 \x01(\x01\"\xa2\x01\n\x0c\x44ynamicField\x12\'\n\x04type\x18\x01 \x01(\x0e\x32\x19.openxc.DynamicField.Type\x12\x14\n\x0cstring_value\x18\x02 \x01(\t\x12\x15\n\rnumeric_value\x18\x03 \x01(\x01\x12\x15\n\rboolean_value\x18\x04 \x01(\x08\"%\n\x04Type\x12\n\n\x06STRING\x10\x01\x12\x07\n\x03NUM\x10\x02\x12\x08\n\x04\x42OOL\x10\x03\"g\n\rSimpleMessage\x12\x0c\n\x04name\x18\x01 \x01(\t\x12#\n\x05value\x18\x02 \x01(\x0b\x32\x14.openxc.DynamicField\x12#\n\x05\x65vent\x18\x03 \x01(\x0b\x32\x14.openxc.DynamicFieldB\x1c\n\ncom.openxcB\x0e\x42inaryMessages') @@ -149,11 +149,15 @@ _PAYLOADFORMATCOMMAND_PAYLOADFORMAT = descriptor.EnumDescriptor( name='PROTOBUF', index=1, number=2, options=None, type=None), + descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( + name='MESSAGEPACK', index=2, number=3, + options=None, + type=None), ], containing_type=None, options=None, - serialized_start=1624, - serialized_end=1663, + serialized_start=1625, + serialized_end=1681, ) _NETWORKOPERATORSETTINGS_NETWORKDESCRIPTOR_NETWORKTYPE = descriptor.EnumDescriptor( @@ -173,8 +177,8 @@ _NETWORKOPERATORSETTINGS_NETWORKDESCRIPTOR_NETWORKTYPE = descriptor.EnumDescript ], containing_type=None, options=None, - serialized_start=2047, - serialized_end=2080, + serialized_start=2065, + serialized_end=2098, ) _NETWORKOPERATORSETTINGS_OPERATORSELECTMODE = descriptor.EnumDescriptor( @@ -206,8 +210,8 @@ _NETWORKOPERATORSETTINGS_OPERATORSELECTMODE = descriptor.EnumDescriptor( ], containing_type=None, options=None, - serialized_start=2082, - serialized_end=2181, + serialized_start=2100, + serialized_end=2199, ) _DIAGNOSTICREQUEST_DECODEDTYPE = descriptor.EnumDescriptor( @@ -227,8 +231,8 @@ _DIAGNOSTICREQUEST_DECODEDTYPE = descriptor.EnumDescriptor( ], containing_type=None, options=None, - serialized_start=2804, - serialized_end=2837, + serialized_start=2822, + serialized_end=2855, ) _DYNAMICFIELD_TYPE = descriptor.EnumDescriptor( @@ -252,8 +256,8 @@ _DYNAMICFIELD_TYPE = descriptor.EnumDescriptor( ], containing_type=None, options=None, - serialized_start=3129, - serialized_end=3166, + serialized_start=3147, + serialized_end=3184, ) @@ -579,8 +583,8 @@ _PAYLOADFORMATCOMMAND = descriptor.Descriptor( options=None, is_extendable=False, extension_ranges=[], - serialized_start=1540, - serialized_end=1663, + serialized_start=1541, + serialized_end=1681, ) @@ -607,8 +611,8 @@ _PREDEFINEDOBD2REQUESTSCOMMAND = descriptor.Descriptor( options=None, is_extendable=False, extension_ranges=[], - serialized_start=1665, - serialized_end=1713, + serialized_start=1683, + serialized_end=1731, ) @@ -643,8 +647,8 @@ _NETWORKOPERATORSETTINGS_NETWORKDESCRIPTOR = descriptor.Descriptor( options=None, is_extendable=False, extension_ranges=[], - serialized_start=1928, - serialized_end=2080, + serialized_start=1946, + serialized_end=2098, ) _NETWORKOPERATORSETTINGS = descriptor.Descriptor( @@ -685,8 +689,8 @@ _NETWORKOPERATORSETTINGS = descriptor.Descriptor( options=None, is_extendable=False, extension_ranges=[], - serialized_start=1716, - serialized_end=2181, + serialized_start=1734, + serialized_end=2199, ) @@ -713,8 +717,8 @@ _NETWORKDATASETTINGS = descriptor.Descriptor( options=None, is_extendable=False, extension_ranges=[], - serialized_start=2183, - serialized_end=2217, + serialized_start=2201, + serialized_end=2235, ) @@ -748,8 +752,8 @@ _SERVERCONNECTSETTINGS = descriptor.Descriptor( options=None, is_extendable=False, extension_ranges=[], - serialized_start=2219, - serialized_end=2270, + serialized_start=2237, + serialized_end=2288, ) @@ -790,8 +794,8 @@ _MODEMCONFIGURATIONCOMMAND = descriptor.Descriptor( options=None, is_extendable=False, extension_ranges=[], - serialized_start=2273, - serialized_end=2486, + serialized_start=2291, + serialized_end=2504, ) @@ -832,8 +836,8 @@ _COMMANDRESPONSE = descriptor.Descriptor( options=None, is_extendable=False, extension_ranges=[], - serialized_start=2488, - serialized_end=2581, + serialized_start=2506, + serialized_end=2599, ) @@ -917,8 +921,8 @@ _DIAGNOSTICREQUEST = descriptor.Descriptor( options=None, is_extendable=False, extension_ranges=[], - serialized_start=2584, - serialized_end=2837, + serialized_start=2602, + serialized_end=2855, ) @@ -994,8 +998,8 @@ _DIAGNOSTICRESPONSE = descriptor.Descriptor( options=None, is_extendable=False, extension_ranges=[], - serialized_start=2840, - serialized_end=3001, + serialized_start=2858, + serialized_end=3019, ) @@ -1044,8 +1048,8 @@ _DYNAMICFIELD = descriptor.Descriptor( options=None, is_extendable=False, extension_ranges=[], - serialized_start=3004, - serialized_end=3166, + serialized_start=3022, + serialized_end=3184, ) @@ -1086,8 +1090,8 @@ _SIMPLEMESSAGE = descriptor.Descriptor( options=None, is_extendable=False, extension_ranges=[], - serialized_start=3168, - serialized_end=3271, + serialized_start=3186, + serialized_end=3289, ) _VEHICLEMESSAGE.fields_by_name['type'].enum_type = _VEHICLEMESSAGE_TYPE -- cgit 1.2.3-korg From 33fa90a198a01427777a0e600270fa80f5bf7828 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: dsouzahansenfrancis Date: Thu, 19 Nov 2015 13:36:52 -0500 Subject: Added RTC configuration command --- gen/cpp/openxc.pb | Bin 3322 -> 3459 bytes gen/cpp/openxc.pb.c | 14 +- gen/cpp/openxc.pb.h | 24 +- gen/java/com/openxc/ | 631 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---- gen/python/ | 139 ++++--- openxc.proto | 6 + 6 files changed, 694 insertions(+), 120 deletions(-) (limited to 'gen/python/') diff --git a/gen/cpp/openxc.pb b/gen/cpp/openxc.pb index ff526e1..d0fb4fe 100644 Binary files a/gen/cpp/openxc.pb and b/gen/cpp/openxc.pb differ diff --git a/gen/cpp/openxc.pb.c b/gen/cpp/openxc.pb.c index db740c0..45ae65b 100644 --- a/gen/cpp/openxc.pb.c +++ b/gen/cpp/openxc.pb.c @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* Automatically generated nanopb constant definitions */ -/* Generated by nanopb-0.3.1 at Tue Oct 27 16:15:02 2015. */ +/* Generated by nanopb-0.3.1 at Thu Nov 19 16:37:50 2015. */ #include "openxc.pb.h" @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ const pb_field_t openxc_CanMessage_fields[5] = { PB_LAST_FIELD }; -const pb_field_t openxc_ControlCommand_fields[8] = { +const pb_field_t openxc_ControlCommand_fields[9] = { PB_FIELD( 1, ENUM , OPTIONAL, STATIC , FIRST, openxc_ControlCommand, type, type, 0), PB_FIELD( 2, MESSAGE , OPTIONAL, STATIC , OTHER, openxc_ControlCommand, diagnostic_request, type, &openxc_DiagnosticControlCommand_fields), PB_FIELD( 3, MESSAGE , OPTIONAL, STATIC , OTHER, openxc_ControlCommand, passthrough_mode_request, diagnostic_request, &openxc_PassthroughModeControlCommand_fields), @@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ const pb_field_t openxc_ControlCommand_fields[8] = { PB_FIELD( 5, MESSAGE , OPTIONAL, STATIC , OTHER, openxc_ControlCommand, payload_format_command, acceptance_filter_bypass_command, &openxc_PayloadFormatCommand_fields), PB_FIELD( 6, MESSAGE , OPTIONAL, STATIC , OTHER, openxc_ControlCommand, predefined_obd2_requests_command, payload_format_command, &openxc_PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand_fields), PB_FIELD( 7, MESSAGE , OPTIONAL, STATIC , OTHER, openxc_ControlCommand, modem_configuration_command, predefined_obd2_requests_command, &openxc_ModemConfigurationCommand_fields), + PB_FIELD( 8, MESSAGE , OPTIONAL, STATIC , OTHER, openxc_ControlCommand, rtc_configuration_command, modem_configuration_command, &openxc_RTCConfigurationCommand_fields), PB_LAST_FIELD }; @@ -98,6 +99,11 @@ const pb_field_t openxc_ModemConfigurationCommand_fields[4] = { PB_LAST_FIELD }; +const pb_field_t openxc_RTCConfigurationCommand_fields[2] = { + PB_FIELD( 1, UINT32 , OPTIONAL, STATIC , FIRST, openxc_RTCConfigurationCommand, unix_time, unix_time, 0), + PB_LAST_FIELD +}; + const pb_field_t openxc_CommandResponse_fields[4] = { PB_FIELD( 1, ENUM , OPTIONAL, STATIC , FIRST, openxc_CommandResponse, type, type, 0), PB_FIELD( 2, STRING , OPTIONAL, STATIC , OTHER, openxc_CommandResponse, message, type, 0), @@ -155,7 +161,7 @@ const pb_field_t openxc_SimpleMessage_fields[4] = { * numbers or field sizes that are larger than what can fit in 8 or 16 bit * field descriptors. */ -PB_STATIC_ASSERT((pb_membersize(openxc_VehicleMessage, can_message) < 65536 && pb_membersize(openxc_VehicleMessage, simple_message) < 65536 && pb_membersize(openxc_VehicleMessage, diagnostic_response) < 65536 && pb_membersize(openxc_VehicleMessage, control_command) < 65536 && pb_membersize(openxc_VehicleMessage, command_response) < 65536 && pb_membersize(openxc_ControlCommand, diagnostic_request) < 65536 && pb_membersize(openxc_ControlCommand, passthrough_mode_request) < 65536 && pb_membersize(openxc_ControlCommand, acceptance_filter_bypass_command) < 65536 && pb_membersize(openxc_ControlCommand, payload_format_command) < 65536 && pb_membersize(openxc_ControlCommand, predefined_obd2_requests_command) < 65536 && pb_membersize(openxc_ControlCommand, modem_configuration_command) < 65536 && pb_membersize(openxc_DiagnosticControlCommand, request) < 65536 && pb_membersize(openxc_NetworkOperatorSettings, networkDescriptor) < 65536 && pb_membersize(openxc_ModemConfigurationCommand, networkOperatorSettings) < 65536 && pb_membersize(openxc_ModemConfigurationCommand, networkDataSettings) < 65536 && pb_membersize(openxc_ModemConfigurationCommand, serverConnectSettings) < 65536 && pb_membersize(openxc_SimpleMessage, value) < 65536 && pb_membersize(openxc_SimpleMessage, event) < 65536), YOU_MUST_DEFINE_PB_FIELD_32BIT_FOR_MESSAGES_openxc_VehicleMessage_openxc_CanMessage_openxc_ControlCommand_openxc_DiagnosticControlCommand_openxc_PassthroughModeControlCommand_openxc_AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand_openxc_PayloadFormatCommand_openxc_PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand_openxc_NetworkOperatorSettings_openxc_NetworkOperatorSettings_NetworkDescriptor_openxc_NetworkDataSettings_openxc_ServerConnectSettings_openxc_ModemConfigurationCommand_openxc_CommandResponse_openxc_DiagnosticRequest_openxc_DiagnosticResponse_openxc_DynamicField_openxc_SimpleMessage) +PB_STATIC_ASSERT((pb_membersize(openxc_VehicleMessage, can_message) < 65536 && pb_membersize(openxc_VehicleMessage, simple_message) < 65536 && pb_membersize(openxc_VehicleMessage, diagnostic_response) < 65536 && pb_membersize(openxc_VehicleMessage, control_command) < 65536 && pb_membersize(openxc_VehicleMessage, command_response) < 65536 && pb_membersize(openxc_ControlCommand, diagnostic_request) < 65536 && pb_membersize(openxc_ControlCommand, passthrough_mode_request) < 65536 && pb_membersize(openxc_ControlCommand, acceptance_filter_bypass_command) < 65536 && pb_membersize(openxc_ControlCommand, payload_format_command) < 65536 && pb_membersize(openxc_ControlCommand, predefined_obd2_requests_command) < 65536 && pb_membersize(openxc_ControlCommand, modem_configuration_command) < 65536 && pb_membersize(openxc_ControlCommand, rtc_configuration_command) < 65536 && pb_membersize(openxc_DiagnosticControlCommand, request) < 65536 && pb_membersize(openxc_NetworkOperatorSettings, networkDescriptor) < 65536 && pb_membersize(openxc_ModemConfigurationCommand, networkOperatorSettings) < 65536 && pb_membersize(openxc_ModemConfigurationCommand, networkDataSettings) < 65536 && pb_membersize(openxc_ModemConfigurationCommand, serverConnectSettings) < 65536 && pb_membersize(openxc_SimpleMessage, value) < 65536 && pb_membersize(openxc_SimpleMessage, event) < 65536), YOU_MUST_DEFINE_PB_FIELD_32BIT_FOR_MESSAGES_openxc_VehicleMessage_openxc_CanMessage_openxc_ControlCommand_openxc_DiagnosticControlCommand_openxc_PassthroughModeControlCommand_openxc_AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand_openxc_PayloadFormatCommand_openxc_PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand_openxc_NetworkOperatorSettings_openxc_NetworkOperatorSettings_NetworkDescriptor_openxc_NetworkDataSettings_openxc_ServerConnectSettings_openxc_ModemConfigurationCommand_openxc_RTCConfigurationCommand_openxc_CommandResponse_openxc_DiagnosticRequest_openxc_DiagnosticResponse_openxc_DynamicField_openxc_SimpleMessage) #endif #if !defined(PB_FIELD_16BIT) && !defined(PB_FIELD_32BIT) @@ -166,7 +172,7 @@ PB_STATIC_ASSERT((pb_membersize(openxc_VehicleMessage, can_message) < 65536 && p * numbers or field sizes that are larger than what can fit in the default * 8 bit descriptors. */ -PB_STATIC_ASSERT((pb_membersize(openxc_VehicleMessage, can_message) < 256 && pb_membersize(openxc_VehicleMessage, simple_message) < 256 && pb_membersize(openxc_VehicleMessage, diagnostic_response) < 256 && pb_membersize(openxc_VehicleMessage, control_command) < 256 && pb_membersize(openxc_VehicleMessage, command_response) < 256 && pb_membersize(openxc_ControlCommand, diagnostic_request) < 256 && pb_membersize(openxc_ControlCommand, passthrough_mode_request) < 256 && pb_membersize(openxc_ControlCommand, acceptance_filter_bypass_command) < 256 && pb_membersize(openxc_ControlCommand, payload_format_command) < 256 && pb_membersize(openxc_ControlCommand, predefined_obd2_requests_command) < 256 && pb_membersize(openxc_ControlCommand, modem_configuration_command) < 256 && pb_membersize(openxc_DiagnosticControlCommand, request) < 256 && pb_membersize(openxc_NetworkOperatorSettings, networkDescriptor) < 256 && pb_membersize(openxc_ModemConfigurationCommand, networkOperatorSettings) < 256 && pb_membersize(openxc_ModemConfigurationCommand, networkDataSettings) < 256 && pb_membersize(openxc_ModemConfigurationCommand, serverConnectSettings) < 256 && pb_membersize(openxc_SimpleMessage, value) < 256 && pb_membersize(openxc_SimpleMessage, event) < 256), YOU_MUST_DEFINE_PB_FIELD_16BIT_FOR_MESSAGES_openxc_VehicleMessage_openxc_CanMessage_openxc_ControlCommand_openxc_DiagnosticControlCommand_openxc_PassthroughModeControlCommand_openxc_AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand_openxc_PayloadFormatCommand_openxc_PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand_openxc_NetworkOperatorSettings_openxc_NetworkOperatorSettings_NetworkDescriptor_openxc_NetworkDataSettings_openxc_ServerConnectSettings_openxc_ModemConfigurationCommand_openxc_CommandResponse_openxc_DiagnosticRequest_openxc_DiagnosticResponse_openxc_DynamicField_openxc_SimpleMessage) +PB_STATIC_ASSERT((pb_membersize(openxc_VehicleMessage, can_message) < 256 && pb_membersize(openxc_VehicleMessage, simple_message) < 256 && pb_membersize(openxc_VehicleMessage, diagnostic_response) < 256 && pb_membersize(openxc_VehicleMessage, control_command) < 256 && pb_membersize(openxc_VehicleMessage, command_response) < 256 && pb_membersize(openxc_ControlCommand, diagnostic_request) < 256 && pb_membersize(openxc_ControlCommand, passthrough_mode_request) < 256 && pb_membersize(openxc_ControlCommand, acceptance_filter_bypass_command) < 256 && pb_membersize(openxc_ControlCommand, payload_format_command) < 256 && pb_membersize(openxc_ControlCommand, predefined_obd2_requests_command) < 256 && pb_membersize(openxc_ControlCommand, modem_configuration_command) < 256 && pb_membersize(openxc_ControlCommand, rtc_configuration_command) < 256 && pb_membersize(openxc_DiagnosticControlCommand, request) < 256 && pb_membersize(openxc_NetworkOperatorSettings, networkDescriptor) < 256 && pb_membersize(openxc_ModemConfigurationCommand, networkOperatorSettings) < 256 && pb_membersize(openxc_ModemConfigurationCommand, networkDataSettings) < 256 && pb_membersize(openxc_ModemConfigurationCommand, serverConnectSettings) < 256 && pb_membersize(openxc_SimpleMessage, value) < 256 && pb_membersize(openxc_SimpleMessage, event) < 256), YOU_MUST_DEFINE_PB_FIELD_16BIT_FOR_MESSAGES_openxc_VehicleMessage_openxc_CanMessage_openxc_ControlCommand_openxc_DiagnosticControlCommand_openxc_PassthroughModeControlCommand_openxc_AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand_openxc_PayloadFormatCommand_openxc_PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand_openxc_NetworkOperatorSettings_openxc_NetworkOperatorSettings_NetworkDescriptor_openxc_NetworkDataSettings_openxc_ServerConnectSettings_openxc_ModemConfigurationCommand_openxc_RTCConfigurationCommand_openxc_CommandResponse_openxc_DiagnosticRequest_openxc_DiagnosticResponse_openxc_DynamicField_openxc_SimpleMessage) #endif diff --git a/gen/cpp/openxc.pb.h b/gen/cpp/openxc.pb.h index df7c312..cee3345 100644 --- a/gen/cpp/openxc.pb.h +++ b/gen/cpp/openxc.pb.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* Automatically generated nanopb header */ -/* Generated by nanopb-0.3.1 at Tue Oct 27 16:15:02 2015. */ +/* Generated by nanopb-0.3.1 at Thu Nov 19 16:37:50 2015. */ #ifndef PB_OPENXC_PB_H_INCLUDED #define PB_OPENXC_PB_H_INCLUDED @@ -35,7 +35,8 @@ typedef enum _openxc_ControlCommand_Type { openxc_ControlCommand_Type_ACCEPTANCE_FILTER_BYPASS = 5, openxc_ControlCommand_Type_PAYLOAD_FORMAT = 6, openxc_ControlCommand_Type_PREDEFINED_OBD2_REQUESTS = 7, - openxc_ControlCommand_Type_MODEM_CONFIGURATION = 8 + openxc_ControlCommand_Type_MODEM_CONFIGURATION = 8, + openxc_ControlCommand_Type_RTC_CONFIGURATION = 9 } openxc_ControlCommand_Type; typedef enum _openxc_DiagnosticControlCommand_Action { @@ -186,6 +187,11 @@ typedef struct _openxc_PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand { bool enabled; } openxc_PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand; +typedef struct _openxc_RTCConfigurationCommand { + bool has_unix_time; + uint32_t unix_time; +} openxc_RTCConfigurationCommand; + typedef struct _openxc_ServerConnectSettings { bool has_host; char host[128]; @@ -242,6 +248,8 @@ typedef struct _openxc_ControlCommand { openxc_PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand predefined_obd2_requests_command; bool has_modem_configuration_command; openxc_ModemConfigurationCommand modem_configuration_command; + bool has_rtc_configuration_command; + openxc_RTCConfigurationCommand rtc_configuration_command; } openxc_ControlCommand; typedef struct _openxc_VehicleMessage { @@ -266,7 +274,7 @@ typedef struct _openxc_VehicleMessage { /* Initializer values for message structs */ #define openxc_VehicleMessage_init_default {false, (openxc_VehicleMessage_Type)0, false, openxc_CanMessage_init_default, false, openxc_SimpleMessage_init_default, false, openxc_DiagnosticResponse_init_default, false, openxc_ControlCommand_init_default, false, openxc_CommandResponse_init_default, false, 0} #define openxc_CanMessage_init_default {false, 0, false, 0, false, {0, {0}}, false, (openxc_CanMessage_FrameFormat)0} -#define openxc_ControlCommand_init_default {false, (openxc_ControlCommand_Type)0, false, openxc_DiagnosticControlCommand_init_default, false, openxc_PassthroughModeControlCommand_init_default, false, openxc_AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand_init_default, false, openxc_PayloadFormatCommand_init_default, false, openxc_PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand_init_default, false, openxc_ModemConfigurationCommand_init_default} +#define openxc_ControlCommand_init_default {false, (openxc_ControlCommand_Type)0, false, openxc_DiagnosticControlCommand_init_default, false, openxc_PassthroughModeControlCommand_init_default, false, openxc_AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand_init_default, false, openxc_PayloadFormatCommand_init_default, false, openxc_PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand_init_default, false, openxc_ModemConfigurationCommand_init_default, false, openxc_RTCConfigurationCommand_init_default} #define openxc_DiagnosticControlCommand_init_default {false, openxc_DiagnosticRequest_init_default, false, (openxc_DiagnosticControlCommand_Action)0} #define openxc_PassthroughModeControlCommand_init_default {false, 0, false, 0} #define openxc_AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand_init_default {false, 0, false, 0} @@ -277,6 +285,7 @@ typedef struct _openxc_VehicleMessage { #define openxc_NetworkDataSettings_init_default {{{NULL}, NULL}} #define openxc_ServerConnectSettings_init_default {false, "", false, 0} #define openxc_ModemConfigurationCommand_init_default {false, openxc_NetworkOperatorSettings_init_default, false, openxc_NetworkDataSettings_init_default, false, openxc_ServerConnectSettings_init_default} +#define openxc_RTCConfigurationCommand_init_default {false, 0} #define openxc_CommandResponse_init_default {false, (openxc_ControlCommand_Type)0, false, "", false, 0} #define openxc_DiagnosticRequest_init_default {false, 0, false, 0, false, 0, false, 0, false, {0, {0}}, false, 0, false, 0, false, "", false, (openxc_DiagnosticRequest_DecodedType)0} #define openxc_DiagnosticResponse_init_default {false, 0, false, 0, false, 0, false, 0, false, 0, false, 0, false, {0, {0}}, false, 0} @@ -284,7 +293,7 @@ typedef struct _openxc_VehicleMessage { #define openxc_SimpleMessage_init_default {false, "", false, openxc_DynamicField_init_default, false, openxc_DynamicField_init_default} #define openxc_VehicleMessage_init_zero {false, (openxc_VehicleMessage_Type)0, false, openxc_CanMessage_init_zero, false, openxc_SimpleMessage_init_zero, false, openxc_DiagnosticResponse_init_zero, false, openxc_ControlCommand_init_zero, false, openxc_CommandResponse_init_zero, false, 0} #define openxc_CanMessage_init_zero {false, 0, false, 0, false, {0, {0}}, false, (openxc_CanMessage_FrameFormat)0} -#define openxc_ControlCommand_init_zero {false, (openxc_ControlCommand_Type)0, false, openxc_DiagnosticControlCommand_init_zero, false, openxc_PassthroughModeControlCommand_init_zero, false, openxc_AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand_init_zero, false, openxc_PayloadFormatCommand_init_zero, false, openxc_PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand_init_zero, false, openxc_ModemConfigurationCommand_init_zero} +#define openxc_ControlCommand_init_zero {false, (openxc_ControlCommand_Type)0, false, openxc_DiagnosticControlCommand_init_zero, false, openxc_PassthroughModeControlCommand_init_zero, false, openxc_AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand_init_zero, false, openxc_PayloadFormatCommand_init_zero, false, openxc_PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand_init_zero, false, openxc_ModemConfigurationCommand_init_zero, false, openxc_RTCConfigurationCommand_init_zero} #define openxc_DiagnosticControlCommand_init_zero {false, openxc_DiagnosticRequest_init_zero, false, (openxc_DiagnosticControlCommand_Action)0} #define openxc_PassthroughModeControlCommand_init_zero {false, 0, false, 0} #define openxc_AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand_init_zero {false, 0, false, 0} @@ -295,6 +304,7 @@ typedef struct _openxc_VehicleMessage { #define openxc_NetworkDataSettings_init_zero {{{NULL}, NULL}} #define openxc_ServerConnectSettings_init_zero {false, "", false, 0} #define openxc_ModemConfigurationCommand_init_zero {false, openxc_NetworkOperatorSettings_init_zero, false, openxc_NetworkDataSettings_init_zero, false, openxc_ServerConnectSettings_init_zero} +#define openxc_RTCConfigurationCommand_init_zero {false, 0} #define openxc_CommandResponse_init_zero {false, (openxc_ControlCommand_Type)0, false, "", false, 0} #define openxc_DiagnosticRequest_init_zero {false, 0, false, 0, false, 0, false, 0, false, {0, {0}}, false, 0, false, 0, false, "", false, (openxc_DiagnosticRequest_DecodedType)0} #define openxc_DiagnosticResponse_init_zero {false, 0, false, 0, false, 0, false, 0, false, 0, false, 0, false, {0, {0}}, false, 0} @@ -339,6 +349,7 @@ typedef struct _openxc_VehicleMessage { #define openxc_PassthroughModeControlCommand_enabled_tag 2 #define openxc_PayloadFormatCommand_format_tag 1 #define openxc_PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand_enabled_tag 1 +#define openxc_RTCConfigurationCommand_unix_time_tag 1 #define openxc_ServerConnectSettings_host_tag 1 #define openxc_ServerConnectSettings_port_tag 2 #define openxc_DiagnosticControlCommand_request_tag 1 @@ -359,6 +370,7 @@ typedef struct _openxc_VehicleMessage { #define openxc_ControlCommand_payload_format_command_tag 5 #define openxc_ControlCommand_predefined_obd2_requests_command_tag 6 #define openxc_ControlCommand_modem_configuration_command_tag 7 +#define openxc_ControlCommand_rtc_configuration_command_tag 8 #define openxc_VehicleMessage_type_tag 1 #define openxc_VehicleMessage_can_message_tag 2 #define openxc_VehicleMessage_simple_message_tag 3 @@ -370,7 +382,7 @@ typedef struct _openxc_VehicleMessage { /* Struct field encoding specification for nanopb */ extern const pb_field_t openxc_VehicleMessage_fields[8]; extern const pb_field_t openxc_CanMessage_fields[5]; -extern const pb_field_t openxc_ControlCommand_fields[8]; +extern const pb_field_t openxc_ControlCommand_fields[9]; extern const pb_field_t openxc_DiagnosticControlCommand_fields[3]; extern const pb_field_t openxc_PassthroughModeControlCommand_fields[3]; extern const pb_field_t openxc_AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand_fields[3]; @@ -381,6 +393,7 @@ extern const pb_field_t openxc_NetworkOperatorSettings_NetworkDescriptor_fields[ extern const pb_field_t openxc_NetworkDataSettings_fields[2]; extern const pb_field_t openxc_ServerConnectSettings_fields[3]; extern const pb_field_t openxc_ModemConfigurationCommand_fields[4]; +extern const pb_field_t openxc_RTCConfigurationCommand_fields[2]; extern const pb_field_t openxc_CommandResponse_fields[4]; extern const pb_field_t openxc_DiagnosticRequest_fields[10]; extern const pb_field_t openxc_DiagnosticResponse_fields[9]; @@ -397,6 +410,7 @@ extern const pb_field_t openxc_SimpleMessage_fields[4]; #define openxc_NetworkOperatorSettings_size 22 #define openxc_NetworkOperatorSettings_NetworkDescriptor_size 12 #define openxc_ServerConnectSettings_size 137 +#define openxc_RTCConfigurationCommand_size 6 #define openxc_CommandResponse_size 139 #define openxc_DiagnosticRequest_size 68 #define openxc_DiagnosticResponse_size 56 diff --git a/gen/java/com/openxc/ b/gen/java/com/openxc/ index 3d3b50b..c1851f7 100644 --- a/gen/java/com/openxc/ +++ b/gen/java/com/openxc/ @@ -1831,6 +1831,11 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { boolean hasModemConfigurationCommand(); com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand getModemConfigurationCommand(); com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommandOrBuilder getModemConfigurationCommandOrBuilder(); + + // optional .openxc.RTCConfigurationCommand rtc_configuration_command = 8; + boolean hasRtcConfigurationCommand(); + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand getRtcConfigurationCommand(); + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommandOrBuilder getRtcConfigurationCommandOrBuilder(); } public static final class ControlCommand extends @@ -1870,6 +1875,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { PAYLOAD_FORMAT(5, 6), PREDEFINED_OBD2_REQUESTS(6, 7), MODEM_CONFIGURATION(7, 8), + RTC_CONFIGURATION(8, 9), ; public static final int VERSION_VALUE = 1; @@ -1880,6 +1886,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { public static final int PAYLOAD_FORMAT_VALUE = 6; public static final int PREDEFINED_OBD2_REQUESTS_VALUE = 7; public static final int MODEM_CONFIGURATION_VALUE = 8; + public static final int RTC_CONFIGURATION_VALUE = 9; public final int getNumber() { return value; } @@ -1894,6 +1901,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { case 6: return PAYLOAD_FORMAT; case 7: return PREDEFINED_OBD2_REQUESTS; case 8: return MODEM_CONFIGURATION; + case 9: return RTC_CONFIGURATION; default: return null; } } @@ -1924,7 +1932,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } private static final Type[] VALUES = { - VERSION, DEVICE_ID, DIAGNOSTIC, PASSTHROUGH, ACCEPTANCE_FILTER_BYPASS, PAYLOAD_FORMAT, PREDEFINED_OBD2_REQUESTS, MODEM_CONFIGURATION, + VERSION, DEVICE_ID, DIAGNOSTIC, PASSTHROUGH, ACCEPTANCE_FILTER_BYPASS, PAYLOAD_FORMAT, PREDEFINED_OBD2_REQUESTS, MODEM_CONFIGURATION, RTC_CONFIGURATION, }; public static Type valueOf( @@ -2036,6 +2044,19 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return modemConfigurationCommand_; } + // optional .openxc.RTCConfigurationCommand rtc_configuration_command = 8; + public static final int RTC_CONFIGURATION_COMMAND_FIELD_NUMBER = 8; + private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand rtcConfigurationCommand_; + public boolean hasRtcConfigurationCommand() { + return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000080) == 0x00000080); + } + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand getRtcConfigurationCommand() { + return rtcConfigurationCommand_; + } + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommandOrBuilder getRtcConfigurationCommandOrBuilder() { + return rtcConfigurationCommand_; + } + private void initFields() { type_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.Type.VERSION; diagnosticRequest_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand.getDefaultInstance(); @@ -2044,6 +2065,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { payloadFormatCommand_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand.getDefaultInstance(); predefinedObd2RequestsCommand_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand.getDefaultInstance(); modemConfigurationCommand_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand.getDefaultInstance(); + rtcConfigurationCommand_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand.getDefaultInstance(); } private byte memoizedIsInitialized = -1; public final boolean isInitialized() { @@ -2078,6 +2100,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000040) == 0x00000040)) { output.writeMessage(7, modemConfigurationCommand_); } + if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000080) == 0x00000080)) { + output.writeMessage(8, rtcConfigurationCommand_); + } getUnknownFields().writeTo(output); } @@ -2115,6 +2140,10 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { size += .computeMessageSize(7, modemConfigurationCommand_); } + if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000080) == 0x00000080)) { + size += + .computeMessageSize(8, rtcConfigurationCommand_); + } size += getUnknownFields().getSerializedSize(); memoizedSerializedSize = size; return size; @@ -2237,6 +2266,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { getPayloadFormatCommandFieldBuilder(); getPredefinedObd2RequestsCommandFieldBuilder(); getModemConfigurationCommandFieldBuilder(); + getRtcConfigurationCommandFieldBuilder(); } } private static Builder create() { @@ -2283,6 +2313,12 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { modemConfigurationCommandBuilder_.clear(); } bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000040); + if (rtcConfigurationCommandBuilder_ == null) { + rtcConfigurationCommand_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand.getDefaultInstance(); + } else { + rtcConfigurationCommandBuilder_.clear(); + } + bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000080); return this; } @@ -2373,6 +2409,14 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } else { result.modemConfigurationCommand_ =; } + if (((from_bitField0_ & 0x00000080) == 0x00000080)) { + to_bitField0_ |= 0x00000080; + } + if (rtcConfigurationCommandBuilder_ == null) { + result.rtcConfigurationCommand_ = rtcConfigurationCommand_; + } else { + result.rtcConfigurationCommand_ =; + } result.bitField0_ = to_bitField0_; onBuilt(); return result; @@ -2410,6 +2454,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { if (other.hasModemConfigurationCommand()) { mergeModemConfigurationCommand(other.getModemConfigurationCommand()); } + if (other.hasRtcConfigurationCommand()) { + mergeRtcConfigurationCommand(other.getRtcConfigurationCommand()); + } this.mergeUnknownFields(other.getUnknownFields()); return this; } @@ -2506,6 +2553,15 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { setModemConfigurationCommand(subBuilder.buildPartial()); break; } + case 66: { + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand.Builder subBuilder = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand.newBuilder(); + if (hasRtcConfigurationCommand()) { + subBuilder.mergeFrom(getRtcConfigurationCommand()); + } + input.readMessage(subBuilder, extensionRegistry); + setRtcConfigurationCommand(subBuilder.buildPartial()); + break; + } } } } @@ -3076,6 +3132,96 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return modemConfigurationCommandBuilder_; } + // optional .openxc.RTCConfigurationCommand rtc_configuration_command = 8; + private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand rtcConfigurationCommand_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand.getDefaultInstance(); + private< + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand.Builder, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommandOrBuilder> rtcConfigurationCommandBuilder_; + public boolean hasRtcConfigurationCommand() { + return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000080) == 0x00000080); + } + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand getRtcConfigurationCommand() { + if (rtcConfigurationCommandBuilder_ == null) { + return rtcConfigurationCommand_; + } else { + return rtcConfigurationCommandBuilder_.getMessage(); + } + } + public Builder setRtcConfigurationCommand(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand value) { + if (rtcConfigurationCommandBuilder_ == null) { + if (value == null) { + throw new NullPointerException(); + } + rtcConfigurationCommand_ = value; + onChanged(); + } else { + rtcConfigurationCommandBuilder_.setMessage(value); + } + bitField0_ |= 0x00000080; + return this; + } + public Builder setRtcConfigurationCommand( + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand.Builder builderForValue) { + if (rtcConfigurationCommandBuilder_ == null) { + rtcConfigurationCommand_ =; + onChanged(); + } else { + rtcConfigurationCommandBuilder_.setMessage(; + } + bitField0_ |= 0x00000080; + return this; + } + public Builder mergeRtcConfigurationCommand(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand value) { + if (rtcConfigurationCommandBuilder_ == null) { + if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000080) == 0x00000080) && + rtcConfigurationCommand_ != com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand.getDefaultInstance()) { + rtcConfigurationCommand_ = + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand.newBuilder(rtcConfigurationCommand_).mergeFrom(value).buildPartial(); + } else { + rtcConfigurationCommand_ = value; + } + onChanged(); + } else { + rtcConfigurationCommandBuilder_.mergeFrom(value); + } + bitField0_ |= 0x00000080; + return this; + } + public Builder clearRtcConfigurationCommand() { + if (rtcConfigurationCommandBuilder_ == null) { + rtcConfigurationCommand_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand.getDefaultInstance(); + onChanged(); + } else { + rtcConfigurationCommandBuilder_.clear(); + } + bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000080); + return this; + } + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand.Builder getRtcConfigurationCommandBuilder() { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000080; + onChanged(); + return getRtcConfigurationCommandFieldBuilder().getBuilder(); + } + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommandOrBuilder getRtcConfigurationCommandOrBuilder() { + if (rtcConfigurationCommandBuilder_ != null) { + return rtcConfigurationCommandBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder(); + } else { + return rtcConfigurationCommand_; + } + } + private< + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand.Builder, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommandOrBuilder> + getRtcConfigurationCommandFieldBuilder() { + if (rtcConfigurationCommandBuilder_ == null) { + rtcConfigurationCommandBuilder_ = new< + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand.Builder, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommandOrBuilder>( + rtcConfigurationCommand_, + getParentForChildren(), + isClean()); + rtcConfigurationCommand_ = null; + } + return rtcConfigurationCommandBuilder_; + } + // @@protoc_insertion_point(builder_scope:openxc.ControlCommand) } @@ -7808,6 +7954,344 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { // @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:openxc.ModemConfigurationCommand) } + public interface RTCConfigurationCommandOrBuilder + extends { + + // optional uint32 unix_time = 1; + boolean hasUnixTime(); + int getUnixTime(); + } + public static final class RTCConfigurationCommand extends + + implements RTCConfigurationCommandOrBuilder { + // Use RTCConfigurationCommand.newBuilder() to construct. + private RTCConfigurationCommand(Builder builder) { + super(builder); + } + private RTCConfigurationCommand(boolean noInit) {} + + private static final RTCConfigurationCommand defaultInstance; + public static RTCConfigurationCommand getDefaultInstance() { + return defaultInstance; + } + + public RTCConfigurationCommand getDefaultInstanceForType() { + return defaultInstance; + } + + public static final + getDescriptor() { + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_RTCConfigurationCommand_descriptor; + } + + protected + internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_RTCConfigurationCommand_fieldAccessorTable; + } + + private int bitField0_; + // optional uint32 unix_time = 1; + public static final int UNIX_TIME_FIELD_NUMBER = 1; + private int unixTime_; + public boolean hasUnixTime() { + return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); + } + public int getUnixTime() { + return unixTime_; + } + + private void initFields() { + unixTime_ = 0; + } + private byte memoizedIsInitialized = -1; + public final boolean isInitialized() { + byte isInitialized = memoizedIsInitialized; + if (isInitialized != -1) return isInitialized == 1; + + memoizedIsInitialized = 1; + return true; + } + + public void writeTo( output) + throws { + getSerializedSize(); + if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { + output.writeUInt32(1, unixTime_); + } + getUnknownFields().writeTo(output); + } + + private int memoizedSerializedSize = -1; + public int getSerializedSize() { + int size = memoizedSerializedSize; + if (size != -1) return size; + + size = 0; + if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { + size += + .computeUInt32Size(1, unixTime_); + } + size += getUnknownFields().getSerializedSize(); + memoizedSerializedSize = size; + return size; + } + + private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L; + @java.lang.Override + protected java.lang.Object writeReplace() + throws { + return super.writeReplace(); + } + + public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand parseFrom( + data) + throws { + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data).buildParsed(); + } + public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand parseFrom( + data, + extensionRegistry) + throws { + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry) + .buildParsed(); + } + public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand parseFrom(byte[] data) + throws { + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data).buildParsed(); + } + public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand parseFrom( + byte[] data, + extensionRegistry) + throws { + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry) + .buildParsed(); + } + public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand parseFrom( input) + throws { + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input).buildParsed(); + } + public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand parseFrom( + input, + extensionRegistry) + throws { + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry) + .buildParsed(); + } + public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand parseDelimitedFrom( input) + throws { + Builder builder = newBuilder(); + if (builder.mergeDelimitedFrom(input)) { + return builder.buildParsed(); + } else { + return null; + } + } + public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand parseDelimitedFrom( + input, + extensionRegistry) + throws { + Builder builder = newBuilder(); + if (builder.mergeDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry)) { + return builder.buildParsed(); + } else { + return null; + } + } + public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand parseFrom( + input) + throws { + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input).buildParsed(); + } + public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand parseFrom( + input, + extensionRegistry) + throws { + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry) + .buildParsed(); + } + + public static Builder newBuilder() { return Builder.create(); } + public Builder newBuilderForType() { return newBuilder(); } + public static Builder newBuilder(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand prototype) { + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(prototype); + } + public Builder toBuilder() { return newBuilder(this); } + + @java.lang.Override + protected Builder newBuilderForType( + parent) { + Builder builder = new Builder(parent); + return builder; + } + public static final class Builder extends + + implements com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommandOrBuilder { + public static final + getDescriptor() { + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_RTCConfigurationCommand_descriptor; + } + + protected + internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_RTCConfigurationCommand_fieldAccessorTable; + } + + // Construct using com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand.newBuilder() + private Builder() { + maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); + } + + private Builder(BuilderParent parent) { + super(parent); + maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); + } + private void maybeForceBuilderInitialization() { + if ( { + } + } + private static Builder create() { + return new Builder(); + } + + public Builder clear() { + super.clear(); + unixTime_ = 0; + bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); + return this; + } + + public Builder clone() { + return create().mergeFrom(buildPartial()); + } + + public + getDescriptorForType() { + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand.getDescriptor(); + } + + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand getDefaultInstanceForType() { + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand.getDefaultInstance(); + } + + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand build() { + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand result = buildPartial(); + if (!result.isInitialized()) { + throw newUninitializedMessageException(result); + } + return result; + } + + private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand buildParsed() + throws { + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand result = buildPartial(); + if (!result.isInitialized()) { + throw newUninitializedMessageException( + result).asInvalidProtocolBufferException(); + } + return result; + } + + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand buildPartial() { + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand result = new com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand(this); + int from_bitField0_ = bitField0_; + int to_bitField0_ = 0; + if (((from_bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { + to_bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; + } + result.unixTime_ = unixTime_; + result.bitField0_ = to_bitField0_; + onBuilt(); + return result; + } + + public Builder mergeFrom( other) { + if (other instanceof com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand) { + return mergeFrom((com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand)other); + } else { + super.mergeFrom(other); + return this; + } + } + + public Builder mergeFrom(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand other) { + if (other == com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand.getDefaultInstance()) return this; + if (other.hasUnixTime()) { + setUnixTime(other.getUnixTime()); + } + this.mergeUnknownFields(other.getUnknownFields()); + return this; + } + + public final boolean isInitialized() { + return true; + } + + public Builder mergeFrom( + input, + extensionRegistry) + throws { + unknownFields = + + this.getUnknownFields()); + while (true) { + int tag = input.readTag(); + switch (tag) { + case 0: + this.setUnknownFields(; + onChanged(); + return this; + default: { + if (!parseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, + extensionRegistry, tag)) { + this.setUnknownFields(; + onChanged(); + return this; + } + break; + } + case 8: { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; + unixTime_ = input.readUInt32(); + break; + } + } + } + } + + private int bitField0_; + + // optional uint32 unix_time = 1; + private int unixTime_ ; + public boolean hasUnixTime() { + return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); + } + public int getUnixTime() { + return unixTime_; + } + public Builder setUnixTime(int value) { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; + unixTime_ = value; + onChanged(); + return this; + } + public Builder clearUnixTime() { + bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); + unixTime_ = 0; + onChanged(); + return this; + } + + // @@protoc_insertion_point(builder_scope:openxc.RTCConfigurationCommand) + } + + static { + defaultInstance = new RTCConfigurationCommand(true); + defaultInstance.initFields(); + } + + // @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:openxc.RTCConfigurationCommand) + } + public interface CommandResponseOrBuilder extends { @@ -11311,6 +11795,11 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { private static internal_static_openxc_ModemConfigurationCommand_fieldAccessorTable; + private static + internal_static_openxc_RTCConfigurationCommand_descriptor; + private static + + internal_static_openxc_RTCConfigurationCommand_fieldAccessorTable; private static internal_static_openxc_CommandResponse_descriptor; private static @@ -11359,7 +11848,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { "nMessage\022\013\n\003bus\030\001 \001(\005\022\n\n\002id\030\002 \001(\r\022\014\n\004dat" + "a\030\003 \001(\014\0224\n\014frame_format\030\004 \001(\0162\036.openxc.C" + "anMessage.FrameFormat\")\n\013FrameFormat\022\014\n\010" + - "STANDARD\020\001\022\014\n\010EXTENDED\020\002\"\231\005\n\016ControlComm" + + "STANDARD\020\001\022\014\n\010EXTENDED\020\002\"\364\005\n\016ControlComm" + "and\022)\n\004type\030\001 \001(\0162\033.openxc.ControlComman" + "d.Type\022<\n\022diagnostic_request\030\002 \001(\0132 .ope" + "nxc.DiagnosticControlCommand\022G\n\030passthro" + @@ -11371,63 +11860,67 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { "mand\022O\n predefined_obd2_requests_command" + "\030\006 \001(\0132%.openxc.PredefinedObd2RequestsCo" + "mmand\022F\n\033modem_configuration_command\030\007 \001" + - "(\0132!.openxc.ModemConfigurationCommand\"\254\001" + - "\n\004Type\022\013\n\007VERSION\020\001\022\r\n\tDEVICE_ID\020\002\022\016\n\nDI" + - "AGNOSTIC\020\003\022\017\n\013PASSTHROUGH\020\004\022\034\n\030ACCEPTANC" + - "E_FILTER_BYPASS\020\005\022\022\n\016PAYLOAD_FORMAT\020\006\022\034\n", - "\030PREDEFINED_OBD2_REQUESTS\020\007\022\027\n\023MODEM_CON" + - "FIGURATION\020\010\"\236\001\n\030DiagnosticControlComman" + - "d\022*\n\007request\030\001 \001(\0132\031.openxc.DiagnosticRe" + - "quest\0227\n\006action\030\002 \001(\0162\'.openxc.Diagnosti" + - "cControlCommand.Action\"\035\n\006Action\022\007\n\003ADD\020" + - "\001\022\n\n\006CANCEL\020\002\"=\n\035PassthroughModeControlC" + - "ommand\022\013\n\003bus\030\001 \001(\005\022\017\n\007enabled\030\002 \001(\010\"<\n\035" + - "AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand\022\013\n\003bus\030\001 \001" + - "(\005\022\016\n\006bypass\030\002 \001(\010\"\214\001\n\024PayloadFormatComm" + - "and\022:\n\006format\030\001 \001(\0162*.openxc.PayloadForm", - "atCommand.PayloadFormat\"8\n\rPayloadFormat" + - "\022\010\n\004JSON\020\001\022\014\n\010PROTOBUF\020\002\022\017\n\013MESSAGEPACK\020" + - "\003\"0\n\035PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand\022\017\n\007en" + - "abled\030\001 \001(\010\"\321\003\n\027NetworkOperatorSettings\022" + - "\030\n\020allowDataRoaming\030\001 \001(\010\022N\n\022operatorSel" + - "ectMode\030\002 \001(\01622.openxc.NetworkOperatorSe" + - "ttings.OperatorSelectMode\022L\n\021networkDesc" + - "riptor\030\003 \001(\01321.openxc.NetworkOperatorSet" + - "tings.NetworkDescriptor\032\230\001\n\021NetworkDescr" + - "iptor\022\014\n\004PLMN\030\001 \001(\r\022R\n\013networkType\030\002 \001(\016", - "2=.openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.Networ" + - "kDescriptor.NetworkType\"!\n\013NetworkType\022\007" + - "\n\003GSM\020\000\022\t\n\005UTRAN\020\002\"c\n\022OperatorSelectMode" + - "\022\r\n\tAUTOMATIC\020\000\022\n\n\006MANUAL\020\001\022\016\n\nDEREGISTE" + - "R\020\002\022\014\n\010SET_ONLY\020\003\022\024\n\020MANUAL_AUTOMATIC\020\004\"" + - "\"\n\023NetworkDataSettings\022\013\n\003APN\030\001 \001(\t\"3\n\025S" + - "erverConnectSettings\022\014\n\004host\030\001 \001(\t\022\014\n\004po" + - "rt\030\002 \001(\r\"\325\001\n\031ModemConfigurationCommand\022@" + - "\n\027networkOperatorSettings\030\001 \001(\0132\037.openxc" + - ".NetworkOperatorSettings\0228\n\023networkDataS", - "ettings\030\002 \001(\0132\033.openxc.NetworkDataSettin" + - "gs\022<\n\025serverConnectSettings\030\003 \001(\0132\" + - "xc.ServerConnectSettings\"]\n\017CommandRespo" + - "nse\022)\n\004type\030\001 \001(\0162\033.openxc.ControlComman" + - "d.Type\022\017\n\007message\030\002 \001(\t\022\016\n\006status\030\003 \001(\010\"" + - "\375\001\n\021DiagnosticRequest\022\013\n\003bus\030\001 \001(\005\022\022\n\nme" + - "ssage_id\030\002 \001(\r\022\014\n\004mode\030\003 \001(\r\022\013\n\003pid\030\004 \001(" + - "\r\022\017\n\007payload\030\005 \001(\014\022\032\n\022multiple_responses" + - "\030\006 \001(\010\022\021\n\tfrequency\030\007 \001(\001\022\014\n\004name\030\010 \001(\t\022" + - ";\n\014decoded_type\030\t \001(\0162%.openxc.Diagnosti", - "cRequest.DecodedType\"!\n\013DecodedType\022\010\n\004N" + - "ONE\020\001\022\010\n\004OBD2\020\002\"\241\001\n\022DiagnosticResponse\022\013" + - "\n\003bus\030\001 \001(\005\022\022\n\nmessage_id\030\002 \001(\r\022\014\n\004mode\030" + - "\003 \001(\r\022\013\n\003pid\030\004 \001(\r\022\017\n\007success\030\005 \001(\010\022\036\n\026n" + - "egative_response_code\030\006 \001(\r\022\017\n\007payload\030\007" + - " \001(\014\022\r\n\005value\030\010 \001(\001\"\242\001\n\014DynamicField\022\'\n\004" + - "type\030\001 \001(\0162\031.openxc.DynamicField.Type\022\024\n" + - "\014string_value\030\002 \001(\t\022\025\n\rnumeric_value\030\003 \001" + - "(\001\022\025\n\rboolean_value\030\004 \001(\010\"%\n\004Type\022\n\n\006STR" + - "ING\020\001\022\007\n\003NUM\020\002\022\010\n\004BOOL\020\003\"g\n\rSimpleMessag", - "e\022\014\n\004name\030\001 \001(\t\022#\n\005value\030\002 \001(\0132\024.openxc." + - "DynamicField\022#\n\005event\030\003 \001(\0132\024.openxc.Dyn" + - "amicFieldB\034\n\ncom.openxcB\016BinaryMessages" + "(\0132!.openxc.ModemConfigurationCommand\022B\n" + + "\031rtc_configuration_command\030\010 \001(\0132\037.openx" + + "c.RTCConfigurationCommand\"\303\001\n\004Type\022\013\n\007VE" + + "RSION\020\001\022\r\n\tDEVICE_ID\020\002\022\016\n\nDIAGNOSTIC\020\003\022\017", + "\n\013PASSTHROUGH\020\004\022\034\n\030ACCEPTANCE_FILTER_BYP" + + "ASS\020\005\022\022\n\016PAYLOAD_FORMAT\020\006\022\034\n\030PREDEFINED_" + + "OBD2_REQUESTS\020\007\022\027\n\023MODEM_CONFIGURATION\020\010" + + "\022\025\n\021RTC_CONFIGURATION\020\t\"\236\001\n\030DiagnosticCo" + + "ntrolCommand\022*\n\007request\030\001 \001(\0132\031.openxc.D" + + "iagnosticRequest\0227\n\006action\030\002 \001(\0162\'.openx" + + "c.DiagnosticControlCommand.Action\"\035\n\006Act" + + "ion\022\007\n\003ADD\020\001\022\n\n\006CANCEL\020\002\"=\n\035PassthroughM" + + "odeControlCommand\022\013\n\003bus\030\001 \001(\005\022\017\n\007enable" + + "d\030\002 \001(\010\"<\n\035AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand", + "\022\013\n\003bus\030\001 \001(\005\022\016\n\006bypass\030\002 \001(\010\"\214\001\n\024Payloa" + + "dFormatCommand\022:\n\006format\030\001 \001(\0162*.openxc." + + "PayloadFormatCommand.PayloadFormat\"8\n\rPa" + + "yloadFormat\022\010\n\004JSON\020\001\022\014\n\010PROTOBUF\020\002\022\017\n\013M" + + "ESSAGEPACK\020\003\"0\n\035PredefinedObd2RequestsCo" + + "mmand\022\017\n\007enabled\030\001 \001(\010\"\321\003\n\027NetworkOperat" + + "orSettings\022\030\n\020allowDataRoaming\030\001 \001(\010\022N\n\022" + + "operatorSelectMode\030\002 \001(\01622.openxc.Networ" + + "kOperatorSettings.OperatorSelectMode\022L\n\021" + + "networkDescriptor\030\003 \001(\01321.openxc.Network", + "OperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor\032\230\001\n\021N" + + "etworkDescriptor\022\014\n\004PLMN\030\001 \001(\r\022R\n\013networ" + + "kType\030\002 \001(\0162=.openxc.NetworkOperatorSett" + + "ings.NetworkDescriptor.NetworkType\"!\n\013Ne" + + "tworkType\022\007\n\003GSM\020\000\022\t\n\005UTRAN\020\002\"c\n\022Operato" + + "rSelectMode\022\r\n\tAUTOMATIC\020\000\022\n\n\006MANUAL\020\001\022\016" + + "\n\nDEREGISTER\020\002\022\014\n\010SET_ONLY\020\003\022\024\n\020MANUAL_A" + + "UTOMATIC\020\004\"\"\n\023NetworkDataSettings\022\013\n\003APN" + + "\030\001 \001(\t\"3\n\025ServerConnectSettings\022\014\n\004host\030" + + "\001 \001(\t\022\014\n\004port\030\002 \001(\r\"\325\001\n\031ModemConfigurati", + "onCommand\022@\n\027networkOperatorSettings\030\001 \001" + + "(\0132\037.openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings\0228\n\023n" + + "etworkDataSettings\030\002 \001(\0132\033.openxc.Networ" + + "kDataSettings\022<\n\025serverConnectSettings\030\003" + + " \001(\0132\035.openxc.ServerConnectSettings\",\n\027R" + + "TCConfigurationCommand\022\021\n\tunix_time\030\001 \001(" + + "\r\"]\n\017CommandResponse\022)\n\004type\030\001 \001(\0162\033.ope" + + "nxc.ControlCommand.Type\022\017\n\007message\030\002 \001(\t" + + "\022\016\n\006status\030\003 \001(\010\"\375\001\n\021DiagnosticRequest\022\013" + + "\n\003bus\030\001 \001(\005\022\022\n\nmessage_id\030\002 \001(\r\022\014\n\004mode\030", + "\003 \001(\r\022\013\n\003pid\030\004 \001(\r\022\017\n\007payload\030\005 \001(\014\022\032\n\022m" + + "ultiple_responses\030\006 \001(\010\022\021\n\tfrequency\030\007 \001" + + "(\001\022\014\n\004name\030\010 \001(\t\022;\n\014decoded_type\030\t \001(\0162%" + + ".openxc.DiagnosticRequest.DecodedType\"!\n" + + "\013DecodedType\022\010\n\004NONE\020\001\022\010\n\004OBD2\020\002\"\241\001\n\022Dia" + + "gnosticResponse\022\013\n\003bus\030\001 \001(\005\022\022\n\nmessage_" + + "id\030\002 \001(\r\022\014\n\004mode\030\003 \001(\r\022\013\n\003pid\030\004 \001(\r\022\017\n\007s" + + "uccess\030\005 \001(\010\022\036\n\026negative_response_code\030\006" + + " \001(\r\022\017\n\007payload\030\007 \001(\014\022\r\n\005value\030\010 \001(\001\"\242\001\n" + + "\014DynamicField\022\'\n\004type\030\001 \001(\0162\031.openxc.Dyn", + "amicField.Type\022\024\n\014string_value\030\002 \001(\t\022\025\n\r" + + "numeric_value\030\003 \001(\001\022\025\n\rboolean_value\030\004 \001" + + "(\010\"%\n\004Type\022\n\n\006STRING\020\001\022\007\n\003NUM\020\002\022\010\n\004BOOL\020" + + "\003\"g\n\rSimpleMessage\022\014\n\004name\030\001 \001(\t\022#\n\005valu" + + "e\030\002 \001(\0132\024.openxc.DynamicField\022#\n\005event\030\003" + + " \001(\0132\024.openxc.DynamicFieldB\034\n\ncom.openxc" + + "B\016BinaryMessages" }; assigner = new { @@ -11455,7 +11948,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { internal_static_openxc_ControlCommand_fieldAccessorTable = new internal_static_openxc_ControlCommand_descriptor, - new java.lang.String[] { "Type", "DiagnosticRequest", "PassthroughModeRequest", "AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand", "PayloadFormatCommand", "PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand", "ModemConfigurationCommand", }, + new java.lang.String[] { "Type", "DiagnosticRequest", "PassthroughModeRequest", "AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand", "PayloadFormatCommand", "PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand", "ModemConfigurationCommand", "RtcConfigurationCommand", }, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.class, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.Builder.class); internal_static_openxc_DiagnosticControlCommand_descriptor = @@ -11538,8 +12031,16 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { new java.lang.String[] { "NetworkOperatorSettings", "NetworkDataSettings", "ServerConnectSettings", }, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand.class, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand.Builder.class); - internal_static_openxc_CommandResponse_descriptor = + internal_static_openxc_RTCConfigurationCommand_descriptor = getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(12); + internal_static_openxc_RTCConfigurationCommand_fieldAccessorTable = new + + internal_static_openxc_RTCConfigurationCommand_descriptor, + new java.lang.String[] { "UnixTime", }, + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand.class, + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand.Builder.class); + internal_static_openxc_CommandResponse_descriptor = + getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(13); internal_static_openxc_CommandResponse_fieldAccessorTable = new internal_static_openxc_CommandResponse_descriptor, @@ -11547,7 +12048,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse.class, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse.Builder.class); internal_static_openxc_DiagnosticRequest_descriptor = - getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(13); + getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(14); internal_static_openxc_DiagnosticRequest_fieldAccessorTable = new internal_static_openxc_DiagnosticRequest_descriptor, @@ -11555,7 +12056,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest.class, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest.Builder.class); internal_static_openxc_DiagnosticResponse_descriptor = - getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(14); + getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(15); internal_static_openxc_DiagnosticResponse_fieldAccessorTable = new internal_static_openxc_DiagnosticResponse_descriptor, @@ -11563,7 +12064,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse.class, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse.Builder.class); internal_static_openxc_DynamicField_descriptor = - getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(15); + getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(16); internal_static_openxc_DynamicField_fieldAccessorTable = new internal_static_openxc_DynamicField_descriptor, @@ -11571,7 +12072,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.class, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.Builder.class); internal_static_openxc_SimpleMessage_descriptor = - getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(16); + getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(17); internal_static_openxc_SimpleMessage_fieldAccessorTable = new internal_static_openxc_SimpleMessage_descriptor, diff --git a/gen/python/ b/gen/python/ index ae13d47..218e1ab 100644 --- a/gen/python/ +++ b/gen/python/ @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ from google.protobuf import descriptor_pb2 DESCRIPTOR = descriptor.FileDescriptor( name='openxc.proto', package='openxc', - serialized_pb='\n\x0copenxc.proto\x12\x06openxc\"\x98\x03\n\x0eVehicleMessage\x12)\n\x04type\x18\x01 \x01(\x0e\x32\x1b.openxc.VehicleMessage.Type\x12\'\n\x0b\x63\x61n_message\x18\x02 \x01(\x0b\x32\x12.openxc.CanMessage\x12-\n\x0esimple_message\x18\x03 \x01(\x0b\x32\x15.openxc.SimpleMessage\x12\x37\n\x13\x64iagnostic_response\x18\x04 \x01(\x0b\x32\x1a.openxc.DiagnosticResponse\x12/\n\x0f\x63ontrol_command\x18\x05 \x01(\x0b\x32\x16.openxc.ControlCommand\x12\x31\n\x10\x63ommand_response\x18\x06 \x01(\x0b\x32\x17.openxc.CommandResponse\x12\x0e\n\x06uptime\x18\x07 \x01(\r\"V\n\x04Type\x12\x07\n\x03\x43\x41N\x10\x01\x12\n\n\x06SIMPLE\x10\x02\x12\x0e\n\nDIAGNOSTIC\x10\x03\x12\x13\n\x0f\x43ONTROL_COMMAND\x10\x04\x12\x14\n\x10\x43OMMAND_RESPONSE\x10\x05\"\x94\x01\n\nCanMessage\x12\x0b\n\x03\x62us\x18\x01 \x01(\x05\x12\n\n\x02id\x18\x02 \x01(\r\x12\x0c\n\x04\x64\x61ta\x18\x03 \x01(\x0c\x12\x34\n\x0c\x66rame_format\x18\x04 \x01(\x0e\x32\x1e.openxc.CanMessage.FrameFormat\")\n\x0b\x46rameFormat\x12\x0c\n\x08STANDARD\x10\x01\x12\x0c\n\x08\x45XTENDED\x10\x02\"\x99\x05\n\x0e\x43ontrolCommand\x12)\n\x04type\x18\x01 \x01(\x0e\x32\x1b.openxc.ControlCommand.Type\x12<\n\x12\x64iagnostic_request\x18\x02 \x01(\x0b\x32 .openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand\x12G\n\x18passthrough_mode_request\x18\x03 \x01(\x0b\x32%.openxc.PassthroughModeControlCommand\x12O\n acceptance_filter_bypass_command\x18\x04 \x01(\x0b\x32%.openxc.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand\x12<\n\x16payload_format_command\x18\x05 \x01(\x0b\x32\x1c.openxc.PayloadFormatCommand\x12O\n predefined_obd2_requests_command\x18\x06 \x01(\x0b\x32%.openxc.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand\x12\x46\n\x1bmodem_configuration_command\x18\x07 \x01(\x0b\x32!.openxc.ModemConfigurationCommand\"\xac\x01\n\x04Type\x12\x0b\n\x07VERSION\x10\x01\x12\r\n\tDEVICE_ID\x10\x02\x12\x0e\n\nDIAGNOSTIC\x10\x03\x12\x0f\n\x0bPASSTHROUGH\x10\x04\x12\x1c\n\x18\x41\x43\x43\x45PTANCE_FILTER_BYPASS\x10\x05\x12\x12\n\x0ePAYLOAD_FORMAT\x10\x06\x12\x1c\n\x18PREDEFINED_OBD2_REQUESTS\x10\x07\x12\x17\n\x13MODEM_CONFIGURATION\x10\x08\"\x9e\x01\n\x18\x44iagnosticControlCommand\x12*\n\x07request\x18\x01 \x01(\x0b\x32\x19.openxc.DiagnosticRequest\x12\x37\n\x06\x61\x63tion\x18\x02 \x01(\x0e\x32\'.openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand.Action\"\x1d\n\x06\x41\x63tion\x12\x07\n\x03\x41\x44\x44\x10\x01\x12\n\n\x06\x43\x41NCEL\x10\x02\"=\n\x1dPassthroughModeControlCommand\x12\x0b\n\x03\x62us\x18\x01 \x01(\x05\x12\x0f\n\x07\x65nabled\x18\x02 \x01(\x08\"<\n\x1d\x41\x63\x63\x65ptanceFilterBypassCommand\x12\x0b\n\x03\x62us\x18\x01 \x01(\x05\x12\x0e\n\x06\x62ypass\x18\x02 \x01(\x08\"\x8c\x01\n\x14PayloadFormatCommand\x12:\n\x06\x66ormat\x18\x01 \x01(\x0e\x32*.openxc.PayloadFormatCommand.PayloadFormat\"8\n\rPayloadFormat\x12\x08\n\x04JSON\x10\x01\x12\x0c\n\x08PROTOBUF\x10\x02\x12\x0f\n\x0bMESSAGEPACK\x10\x03\"0\n\x1dPredefinedObd2RequestsCommand\x12\x0f\n\x07\x65nabled\x18\x01 \x01(\x08\"\xd1\x03\n\x17NetworkOperatorSettings\x12\x18\n\x10\x61llowDataRoaming\x18\x01 \x01(\x08\x12N\n\x12operatorSelectMode\x18\x02 \x01(\x0e\x32\x32.openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.OperatorSelectMode\x12L\n\x11networkDescriptor\x18\x03 \x01(\x0b\x32\x31.openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor\x1a\x98\x01\n\x11NetworkDescriptor\x12\x0c\n\x04PLMN\x18\x01 \x01(\r\x12R\n\x0bnetworkType\x18\x02 \x01(\x0e\x32=.openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.NetworkType\"!\n\x0bNetworkType\x12\x07\n\x03GSM\x10\x00\x12\t\n\x05UTRAN\x10\x02\"c\n\x12OperatorSelectMode\x12\r\n\tAUTOMATIC\x10\x00\x12\n\n\x06MANUAL\x10\x01\x12\x0e\n\nDEREGISTER\x10\x02\x12\x0c\n\x08SET_ONLY\x10\x03\x12\x14\n\x10MANUAL_AUTOMATIC\x10\x04\"\"\n\x13NetworkDataSettings\x12\x0b\n\x03\x41PN\x18\x01 \x01(\t\"3\n\x15ServerConnectSettings\x12\x0c\n\x04host\x18\x01 \x01(\t\x12\x0c\n\x04port\x18\x02 \x01(\r\"\xd5\x01\n\x19ModemConfigurationCommand\x12@\n\x17networkOperatorSettings\x18\x01 \x01(\x0b\x32\x1f.openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings\x12\x38\n\x13networkDataSettings\x18\x02 \x01(\x0b\x32\x1b.openxc.NetworkDataSettings\x12<\n\x15serverConnectSettings\x18\x03 \x01(\x0b\x32\x1d.openxc.ServerConnectSettings\"]\n\x0f\x43ommandResponse\x12)\n\x04type\x18\x01 \x01(\x0e\x32\x1b.openxc.ControlCommand.Type\x12\x0f\n\x07message\x18\x02 \x01(\t\x12\x0e\n\x06status\x18\x03 \x01(\x08\"\xfd\x01\n\x11\x44iagnosticRequest\x12\x0b\n\x03\x62us\x18\x01 \x01(\x05\x12\x12\n\nmessage_id\x18\x02 \x01(\r\x12\x0c\n\x04mode\x18\x03 \x01(\r\x12\x0b\n\x03pid\x18\x04 \x01(\r\x12\x0f\n\x07payload\x18\x05 \x01(\x0c\x12\x1a\n\x12multiple_responses\x18\x06 \x01(\x08\x12\x11\n\tfrequency\x18\x07 \x01(\x01\x12\x0c\n\x04name\x18\x08 \x01(\t\x12;\n\x0c\x64\x65\x63oded_type\x18\t \x01(\x0e\x32%.openxc.DiagnosticRequest.DecodedType\"!\n\x0b\x44\x65\x63odedType\x12\x08\n\x04NONE\x10\x01\x12\x08\n\x04OBD2\x10\x02\"\xa1\x01\n\x12\x44iagnosticResponse\x12\x0b\n\x03\x62us\x18\x01 \x01(\x05\x12\x12\n\nmessage_id\x18\x02 \x01(\r\x12\x0c\n\x04mode\x18\x03 \x01(\r\x12\x0b\n\x03pid\x18\x04 \x01(\r\x12\x0f\n\x07success\x18\x05 \x01(\x08\x12\x1e\n\x16negative_response_code\x18\x06 \x01(\r\x12\x0f\n\x07payload\x18\x07 \x01(\x0c\x12\r\n\x05value\x18\x08 \x01(\x01\"\xa2\x01\n\x0c\x44ynamicField\x12\'\n\x04type\x18\x01 \x01(\x0e\x32\x19.openxc.DynamicField.Type\x12\x14\n\x0cstring_value\x18\x02 \x01(\t\x12\x15\n\rnumeric_value\x18\x03 \x01(\x01\x12\x15\n\rboolean_value\x18\x04 \x01(\x08\"%\n\x04Type\x12\n\n\x06STRING\x10\x01\x12\x07\n\x03NUM\x10\x02\x12\x08\n\x04\x42OOL\x10\x03\"g\n\rSimpleMessage\x12\x0c\n\x04name\x18\x01 \x01(\t\x12#\n\x05value\x18\x02 \x01(\x0b\x32\x14.openxc.DynamicField\x12#\n\x05\x65vent\x18\x03 \x01(\x0b\x32\x14.openxc.DynamicFieldB\x1c\n\ncom.openxcB\x0e\x42inaryMessages') + serialized_pb='\n\x0copenxc.proto\x12\x06openxc\"\x98\x03\n\x0eVehicleMessage\x12)\n\x04type\x18\x01 \x01(\x0e\x32\x1b.openxc.VehicleMessage.Type\x12\'\n\x0b\x63\x61n_message\x18\x02 \x01(\x0b\x32\x12.openxc.CanMessage\x12-\n\x0esimple_message\x18\x03 \x01(\x0b\x32\x15.openxc.SimpleMessage\x12\x37\n\x13\x64iagnostic_response\x18\x04 \x01(\x0b\x32\x1a.openxc.DiagnosticResponse\x12/\n\x0f\x63ontrol_command\x18\x05 \x01(\x0b\x32\x16.openxc.ControlCommand\x12\x31\n\x10\x63ommand_response\x18\x06 \x01(\x0b\x32\x17.openxc.CommandResponse\x12\x0e\n\x06uptime\x18\x07 \x01(\r\"V\n\x04Type\x12\x07\n\x03\x43\x41N\x10\x01\x12\n\n\x06SIMPLE\x10\x02\x12\x0e\n\nDIAGNOSTIC\x10\x03\x12\x13\n\x0f\x43ONTROL_COMMAND\x10\x04\x12\x14\n\x10\x43OMMAND_RESPONSE\x10\x05\"\x94\x01\n\nCanMessage\x12\x0b\n\x03\x62us\x18\x01 \x01(\x05\x12\n\n\x02id\x18\x02 \x01(\r\x12\x0c\n\x04\x64\x61ta\x18\x03 \x01(\x0c\x12\x34\n\x0c\x66rame_format\x18\x04 \x01(\x0e\x32\x1e.openxc.CanMessage.FrameFormat\")\n\x0b\x46rameFormat\x12\x0c\n\x08STANDARD\x10\x01\x12\x0c\n\x08\x45XTENDED\x10\x02\"\xf4\x05\n\x0e\x43ontrolCommand\x12)\n\x04type\x18\x01 \x01(\x0e\x32\x1b.openxc.ControlCommand.Type\x12<\n\x12\x64iagnostic_request\x18\x02 \x01(\x0b\x32 .openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand\x12G\n\x18passthrough_mode_request\x18\x03 \x01(\x0b\x32%.openxc.PassthroughModeControlCommand\x12O\n acceptance_filter_bypass_command\x18\x04 \x01(\x0b\x32%.openxc.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand\x12<\n\x16payload_format_command\x18\x05 \x01(\x0b\x32\x1c.openxc.PayloadFormatCommand\x12O\n predefined_obd2_requests_command\x18\x06 \x01(\x0b\x32%.openxc.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand\x12\x46\n\x1bmodem_configuration_command\x18\x07 \x01(\x0b\x32!.openxc.ModemConfigurationCommand\x12\x42\n\x19rtc_configuration_command\x18\x08 \x01(\x0b\x32\x1f.openxc.RTCConfigurationCommand\"\xc3\x01\n\x04Type\x12\x0b\n\x07VERSION\x10\x01\x12\r\n\tDEVICE_ID\x10\x02\x12\x0e\n\nDIAGNOSTIC\x10\x03\x12\x0f\n\x0bPASSTHROUGH\x10\x04\x12\x1c\n\x18\x41\x43\x43\x45PTANCE_FILTER_BYPASS\x10\x05\x12\x12\n\x0ePAYLOAD_FORMAT\x10\x06\x12\x1c\n\x18PREDEFINED_OBD2_REQUESTS\x10\x07\x12\x17\n\x13MODEM_CONFIGURATION\x10\x08\x12\x15\n\x11RTC_CONFIGURATION\x10\t\"\x9e\x01\n\x18\x44iagnosticControlCommand\x12*\n\x07request\x18\x01 \x01(\x0b\x32\x19.openxc.DiagnosticRequest\x12\x37\n\x06\x61\x63tion\x18\x02 \x01(\x0e\x32\'.openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand.Action\"\x1d\n\x06\x41\x63tion\x12\x07\n\x03\x41\x44\x44\x10\x01\x12\n\n\x06\x43\x41NCEL\x10\x02\"=\n\x1dPassthroughModeControlCommand\x12\x0b\n\x03\x62us\x18\x01 \x01(\x05\x12\x0f\n\x07\x65nabled\x18\x02 \x01(\x08\"<\n\x1d\x41\x63\x63\x65ptanceFilterBypassCommand\x12\x0b\n\x03\x62us\x18\x01 \x01(\x05\x12\x0e\n\x06\x62ypass\x18\x02 \x01(\x08\"\x8c\x01\n\x14PayloadFormatCommand\x12:\n\x06\x66ormat\x18\x01 \x01(\x0e\x32*.openxc.PayloadFormatCommand.PayloadFormat\"8\n\rPayloadFormat\x12\x08\n\x04JSON\x10\x01\x12\x0c\n\x08PROTOBUF\x10\x02\x12\x0f\n\x0bMESSAGEPACK\x10\x03\"0\n\x1dPredefinedObd2RequestsCommand\x12\x0f\n\x07\x65nabled\x18\x01 \x01(\x08\"\xd1\x03\n\x17NetworkOperatorSettings\x12\x18\n\x10\x61llowDataRoaming\x18\x01 \x01(\x08\x12N\n\x12operatorSelectMode\x18\x02 \x01(\x0e\x32\x32.openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.OperatorSelectMode\x12L\n\x11networkDescriptor\x18\x03 \x01(\x0b\x32\x31.openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor\x1a\x98\x01\n\x11NetworkDescriptor\x12\x0c\n\x04PLMN\x18\x01 \x01(\r\x12R\n\x0bnetworkType\x18\x02 \x01(\x0e\x32=.openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.NetworkType\"!\n\x0bNetworkType\x12\x07\n\x03GSM\x10\x00\x12\t\n\x05UTRAN\x10\x02\"c\n\x12OperatorSelectMode\x12\r\n\tAUTOMATIC\x10\x00\x12\n\n\x06MANUAL\x10\x01\x12\x0e\n\nDEREGISTER\x10\x02\x12\x0c\n\x08SET_ONLY\x10\x03\x12\x14\n\x10MANUAL_AUTOMATIC\x10\x04\"\"\n\x13NetworkDataSettings\x12\x0b\n\x03\x41PN\x18\x01 \x01(\t\"3\n\x15ServerConnectSettings\x12\x0c\n\x04host\x18\x01 \x01(\t\x12\x0c\n\x04port\x18\x02 \x01(\r\"\xd5\x01\n\x19ModemConfigurationCommand\x12@\n\x17networkOperatorSettings\x18\x01 \x01(\x0b\x32\x1f.openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings\x12\x38\n\x13networkDataSettings\x18\x02 \x01(\x0b\x32\x1b.openxc.NetworkDataSettings\x12<\n\x15serverConnectSettings\x18\x03 \x01(\x0b\x32\x1d.openxc.ServerConnectSettings\",\n\x17RTCConfigurationCommand\x12\x11\n\tunix_time\x18\x01 \x01(\r\"]\n\x0f\x43ommandResponse\x12)\n\x04type\x18\x01 \x01(\x0e\x32\x1b.openxc.ControlCommand.Type\x12\x0f\n\x07message\x18\x02 \x01(\t\x12\x0e\n\x06status\x18\x03 \x01(\x08\"\xfd\x01\n\x11\x44iagnosticRequest\x12\x0b\n\x03\x62us\x18\x01 \x01(\x05\x12\x12\n\nmessage_id\x18\x02 \x01(\r\x12\x0c\n\x04mode\x18\x03 \x01(\r\x12\x0b\n\x03pid\x18\x04 \x01(\r\x12\x0f\n\x07payload\x18\x05 \x01(\x0c\x12\x1a\n\x12multiple_responses\x18\x06 \x01(\x08\x12\x11\n\tfrequency\x18\x07 \x01(\x01\x12\x0c\n\x04name\x18\x08 \x01(\t\x12;\n\x0c\x64\x65\x63oded_type\x18\t \x01(\x0e\x32%.openxc.DiagnosticRequest.DecodedType\"!\n\x0b\x44\x65\x63odedType\x12\x08\n\x04NONE\x10\x01\x12\x08\n\x04OBD2\x10\x02\"\xa1\x01\n\x12\x44iagnosticResponse\x12\x0b\n\x03\x62us\x18\x01 \x01(\x05\x12\x12\n\nmessage_id\x18\x02 \x01(\r\x12\x0c\n\x04mode\x18\x03 \x01(\r\x12\x0b\n\x03pid\x18\x04 \x01(\r\x12\x0f\n\x07success\x18\x05 \x01(\x08\x12\x1e\n\x16negative_response_code\x18\x06 \x01(\r\x12\x0f\n\x07payload\x18\x07 \x01(\x0c\x12\r\n\x05value\x18\x08 \x01(\x01\"\xa2\x01\n\x0c\x44ynamicField\x12\'\n\x04type\x18\x01 \x01(\x0e\x32\x19.openxc.DynamicField.Type\x12\x14\n\x0cstring_value\x18\x02 \x01(\t\x12\x15\n\rnumeric_value\x18\x03 \x01(\x01\x12\x15\n\rboolean_value\x18\x04 \x01(\x08\"%\n\x04Type\x12\n\n\x06STRING\x10\x01\x12\x07\n\x03NUM\x10\x02\x12\x08\n\x04\x42OOL\x10\x03\"g\n\rSimpleMessage\x12\x0c\n\x04name\x18\x01 \x01(\t\x12#\n\x05value\x18\x02 \x01(\x0b\x32\x14.openxc.DynamicField\x12#\n\x05\x65vent\x18\x03 \x01(\x0b\x32\x14.openxc.DynamicFieldB\x1c\n\ncom.openxcB\x0e\x42inaryMessages') @@ -107,11 +107,15 @@ _CONTROLCOMMAND_TYPE = descriptor.EnumDescriptor( name='MODEM_CONFIGURATION', index=7, number=8, options=None, type=None), + descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( + name='RTC_CONFIGURATION', index=8, number=9, + options=None, + type=None), ], containing_type=None, options=None, - serialized_start=1080, - serialized_end=1252, + serialized_start=1148, + serialized_end=1343, ) _DIAGNOSTICCONTROLCOMMAND_ACTION = descriptor.EnumDescriptor( @@ -131,8 +135,8 @@ _DIAGNOSTICCONTROLCOMMAND_ACTION = descriptor.EnumDescriptor( ], containing_type=None, options=None, - serialized_start=1384, - serialized_end=1413, + serialized_start=1475, + serialized_end=1504, ) _PAYLOADFORMATCOMMAND_PAYLOADFORMAT = descriptor.EnumDescriptor( @@ -156,8 +160,8 @@ _PAYLOADFORMATCOMMAND_PAYLOADFORMAT = descriptor.EnumDescriptor( ], containing_type=None, options=None, - serialized_start=1625, - serialized_end=1681, + serialized_start=1716, + serialized_end=1772, ) _NETWORKOPERATORSETTINGS_NETWORKDESCRIPTOR_NETWORKTYPE = descriptor.EnumDescriptor( @@ -177,8 +181,8 @@ _NETWORKOPERATORSETTINGS_NETWORKDESCRIPTOR_NETWORKTYPE = descriptor.EnumDescript ], containing_type=None, options=None, - serialized_start=2065, - serialized_end=2098, + serialized_start=2156, + serialized_end=2189, ) _NETWORKOPERATORSETTINGS_OPERATORSELECTMODE = descriptor.EnumDescriptor( @@ -210,8 +214,8 @@ _NETWORKOPERATORSETTINGS_OPERATORSELECTMODE = descriptor.EnumDescriptor( ], containing_type=None, options=None, - serialized_start=2100, - serialized_end=2199, + serialized_start=2191, + serialized_end=2290, ) _DIAGNOSTICREQUEST_DECODEDTYPE = descriptor.EnumDescriptor( @@ -231,8 +235,8 @@ _DIAGNOSTICREQUEST_DECODEDTYPE = descriptor.EnumDescriptor( ], containing_type=None, options=None, - serialized_start=2822, - serialized_end=2855, + serialized_start=2959, + serialized_end=2992, ) _DYNAMICFIELD_TYPE = descriptor.EnumDescriptor( @@ -256,8 +260,8 @@ _DYNAMICFIELD_TYPE = descriptor.EnumDescriptor( ], containing_type=None, options=None, - serialized_start=3147, - serialized_end=3184, + serialized_start=3284, + serialized_end=3321, ) @@ -438,6 +442,13 @@ _CONTROLCOMMAND = descriptor.Descriptor( message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), + descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + name='rtc_configuration_command', full_name='openxc.ControlCommand.rtc_configuration_command', index=7, + number=8, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1, + has_default_value=False, default_value=None, + message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, + is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, + options=None), ], extensions=[ ], @@ -449,7 +460,7 @@ _CONTROLCOMMAND = descriptor.Descriptor( is_extendable=False, extension_ranges=[], serialized_start=587, - serialized_end=1252, + serialized_end=1343, ) @@ -484,8 +495,8 @@ _DIAGNOSTICCONTROLCOMMAND = descriptor.Descriptor( options=None, is_extendable=False, extension_ranges=[], - serialized_start=1255, - serialized_end=1413, + serialized_start=1346, + serialized_end=1504, ) @@ -519,8 +530,8 @@ _PASSTHROUGHMODECONTROLCOMMAND = descriptor.Descriptor( options=None, is_extendable=False, extension_ranges=[], - serialized_start=1415, - serialized_end=1476, + serialized_start=1506, + serialized_end=1567, ) @@ -554,8 +565,8 @@ _ACCEPTANCEFILTERBYPASSCOMMAND = descriptor.Descriptor( options=None, is_extendable=False, extension_ranges=[], - serialized_start=1478, - serialized_end=1538, + serialized_start=1569, + serialized_end=1629, ) @@ -583,8 +594,8 @@ _PAYLOADFORMATCOMMAND = descriptor.Descriptor( options=None, is_extendable=False, extension_ranges=[], - serialized_start=1541, - serialized_end=1681, + serialized_start=1632, + serialized_end=1772, ) @@ -611,8 +622,8 @@ _PREDEFINEDOBD2REQUESTSCOMMAND = descriptor.Descriptor( options=None, is_extendable=False, extension_ranges=[], - serialized_start=1683, - serialized_end=1731, + serialized_start=1774, + serialized_end=1822, ) @@ -647,8 +658,8 @@ _NETWORKOPERATORSETTINGS_NETWORKDESCRIPTOR = descriptor.Descriptor( options=None, is_extendable=False, extension_ranges=[], - serialized_start=1946, - serialized_end=2098, + serialized_start=2037, + serialized_end=2189, ) _NETWORKOPERATORSETTINGS = descriptor.Descriptor( @@ -689,8 +700,8 @@ _NETWORKOPERATORSETTINGS = descriptor.Descriptor( options=None, is_extendable=False, extension_ranges=[], - serialized_start=1734, - serialized_end=2199, + serialized_start=1825, + serialized_end=2290, ) @@ -717,8 +728,8 @@ _NETWORKDATASETTINGS = descriptor.Descriptor( options=None, is_extendable=False, extension_ranges=[], - serialized_start=2201, - serialized_end=2235, + serialized_start=2292, + serialized_end=2326, ) @@ -752,8 +763,8 @@ _SERVERCONNECTSETTINGS = descriptor.Descriptor( options=None, is_extendable=False, extension_ranges=[], - serialized_start=2237, - serialized_end=2288, + serialized_start=2328, + serialized_end=2379, ) @@ -794,8 +805,36 @@ _MODEMCONFIGURATIONCOMMAND = descriptor.Descriptor( options=None, is_extendable=False, extension_ranges=[], - serialized_start=2291, - serialized_end=2504, + serialized_start=2382, + serialized_end=2595, +) + + +_RTCCONFIGURATIONCOMMAND = descriptor.Descriptor( + name='RTCConfigurationCommand', + full_name='openxc.RTCConfigurationCommand', + filename=None, + file=DESCRIPTOR, + containing_type=None, + fields=[ + descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + name='unix_time', full_name='openxc.RTCConfigurationCommand.unix_time', index=0, + number=1, type=13, cpp_type=3, label=1, + has_default_value=False, default_value=0, + message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, + is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, + options=None), + ], + extensions=[ + ], + nested_types=[], + enum_types=[ + ], + options=None, + is_extendable=False, + extension_ranges=[], + serialized_start=2597, + serialized_end=2641, ) @@ -836,8 +875,8 @@ _COMMANDRESPONSE = descriptor.Descriptor( options=None, is_extendable=False, extension_ranges=[], - serialized_start=2506, - serialized_end=2599, + serialized_start=2643, + serialized_end=2736, ) @@ -921,8 +960,8 @@ _DIAGNOSTICREQUEST = descriptor.Descriptor( options=None, is_extendable=False, extension_ranges=[], - serialized_start=2602, - serialized_end=2855, + serialized_start=2739, + serialized_end=2992, ) @@ -998,8 +1037,8 @@ _DIAGNOSTICRESPONSE = descriptor.Descriptor( options=None, is_extendable=False, extension_ranges=[], - serialized_start=2858, - serialized_end=3019, + serialized_start=2995, + serialized_end=3156, ) @@ -1048,8 +1087,8 @@ _DYNAMICFIELD = descriptor.Descriptor( options=None, is_extendable=False, extension_ranges=[], - serialized_start=3022, - serialized_end=3184, + serialized_start=3159, + serialized_end=3321, ) @@ -1090,8 +1129,8 @@ _SIMPLEMESSAGE = descriptor.Descriptor( options=None, is_extendable=False, extension_ranges=[], - serialized_start=3186, - serialized_end=3289, + serialized_start=3323, + serialized_end=3426, ) _VEHICLEMESSAGE.fields_by_name['type'].enum_type = _VEHICLEMESSAGE_TYPE @@ -1110,6 +1149,7 @@ _CONTROLCOMMAND.fields_by_name['acceptance_filter_bypass_command'].message_type _CONTROLCOMMAND.fields_by_name['payload_format_command'].message_type = _PAYLOADFORMATCOMMAND _CONTROLCOMMAND.fields_by_name['predefined_obd2_requests_command'].message_type = _PREDEFINEDOBD2REQUESTSCOMMAND _CONTROLCOMMAND.fields_by_name['modem_configuration_command'].message_type = _MODEMCONFIGURATIONCOMMAND +_CONTROLCOMMAND.fields_by_name['rtc_configuration_command'].message_type = _RTCCONFIGURATIONCOMMAND _CONTROLCOMMAND_TYPE.containing_type = _CONTROLCOMMAND; _DIAGNOSTICCONTROLCOMMAND.fields_by_name['request'].message_type = _DIAGNOSTICREQUEST _DIAGNOSTICCONTROLCOMMAND.fields_by_name['action'].enum_type = _DIAGNOSTICCONTROLCOMMAND_ACTION @@ -1144,6 +1184,7 @@ DESCRIPTOR.message_types_by_name['NetworkOperatorSettings'] = _NETWORKOPERATORSE DESCRIPTOR.message_types_by_name['NetworkDataSettings'] = _NETWORKDATASETTINGS DESCRIPTOR.message_types_by_name['ServerConnectSettings'] = _SERVERCONNECTSETTINGS DESCRIPTOR.message_types_by_name['ModemConfigurationCommand'] = _MODEMCONFIGURATIONCOMMAND +DESCRIPTOR.message_types_by_name['RTCConfigurationCommand'] = _RTCCONFIGURATIONCOMMAND DESCRIPTOR.message_types_by_name['CommandResponse'] = _COMMANDRESPONSE DESCRIPTOR.message_types_by_name['DiagnosticRequest'] = _DIAGNOSTICREQUEST DESCRIPTOR.message_types_by_name['DiagnosticResponse'] = _DIAGNOSTICRESPONSE @@ -1228,6 +1269,12 @@ class ModemConfigurationCommand(message.Message): # @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:openxc.ModemConfigurationCommand) +class RTCConfigurationCommand(message.Message): + __metaclass__ = reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType + DESCRIPTOR = _RTCCONFIGURATIONCOMMAND + + # @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:openxc.RTCConfigurationCommand) + class CommandResponse(message.Message): __metaclass__ = reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType DESCRIPTOR = _COMMANDRESPONSE diff --git a/openxc.proto b/openxc.proto index 3734362..ec355e9 100644 --- a/openxc.proto +++ b/openxc.proto @@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ message ControlCommand { PAYLOAD_FORMAT = 6; PREDEFINED_OBD2_REQUESTS = 7; MODEM_CONFIGURATION = 8; + RTC_CONFIGURATION = 9; } optional Type type = 1; @@ -46,6 +47,7 @@ message ControlCommand { optional PayloadFormatCommand payload_format_command = 5; optional PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand predefined_obd2_requests_command = 6; optional ModemConfigurationCommand modem_configuration_command = 7; + optional RTCConfigurationCommand rtc_configuration_command = 8; } message DiagnosticControlCommand { @@ -115,6 +117,10 @@ message ModemConfigurationCommand { optional ServerConnectSettings serverConnectSettings = 3; } +message RTCConfigurationCommand { + optional uint32 unix_time = 1; +} + message CommandResponse { optional ControlCommand.Type type = 1; optional string message = 2; -- cgit 1.2.3-korg From c40cf500680b4907d74c2a1c0705a3dbf99569fe Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: dsouzahansenfrancis Date: Thu, 26 Nov 2015 16:37:21 -0500 Subject: Added SD_MOUNT_STATUS command --- gen/cpp/openxc.pb | Bin 3459 -> 3480 bytes gen/cpp/openxc.pb.c | 2 +- gen/cpp/openxc.pb.h | 5 +- gen/java/com/openxc/ | 117 ++++++++++++++++---------------- gen/python/ | 98 +++++++++++++------------- openxc.proto | 1 + 6 files changed, 116 insertions(+), 107 deletions(-) (limited to 'gen/python/') diff --git a/gen/cpp/openxc.pb b/gen/cpp/openxc.pb index d0fb4fe..90099e8 100644 Binary files a/gen/cpp/openxc.pb and b/gen/cpp/openxc.pb differ diff --git a/gen/cpp/openxc.pb.c b/gen/cpp/openxc.pb.c index 45ae65b..1507a90 100644 --- a/gen/cpp/openxc.pb.c +++ b/gen/cpp/openxc.pb.c @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* Automatically generated nanopb constant definitions */ -/* Generated by nanopb-0.3.1 at Thu Nov 19 16:37:50 2015. */ +/* Generated by nanopb-0.3.1 at Thu Nov 26 21:21:48 2015. */ #include "openxc.pb.h" diff --git a/gen/cpp/openxc.pb.h b/gen/cpp/openxc.pb.h index cee3345..c15a32b 100644 --- a/gen/cpp/openxc.pb.h +++ b/gen/cpp/openxc.pb.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* Automatically generated nanopb header */ -/* Generated by nanopb-0.3.1 at Thu Nov 19 16:37:50 2015. */ +/* Generated by nanopb-0.3.1 at Thu Nov 26 21:21:48 2015. */ #ifndef PB_OPENXC_PB_H_INCLUDED #define PB_OPENXC_PB_H_INCLUDED @@ -36,7 +36,8 @@ typedef enum _openxc_ControlCommand_Type { openxc_ControlCommand_Type_PAYLOAD_FORMAT = 6, openxc_ControlCommand_Type_PREDEFINED_OBD2_REQUESTS = 7, openxc_ControlCommand_Type_MODEM_CONFIGURATION = 8, - openxc_ControlCommand_Type_RTC_CONFIGURATION = 9 + openxc_ControlCommand_Type_RTC_CONFIGURATION = 9, + openxc_ControlCommand_Type_SD_MOUNT_STATUS = 10 } openxc_ControlCommand_Type; typedef enum _openxc_DiagnosticControlCommand_Action { diff --git a/gen/java/com/openxc/ b/gen/java/com/openxc/ index c1851f7..c94cf4a 100644 --- a/gen/java/com/openxc/ +++ b/gen/java/com/openxc/ @@ -1876,6 +1876,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { PREDEFINED_OBD2_REQUESTS(6, 7), MODEM_CONFIGURATION(7, 8), RTC_CONFIGURATION(8, 9), + SD_MOUNT_STATUS(9, 10), ; public static final int VERSION_VALUE = 1; @@ -1887,6 +1888,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { public static final int PREDEFINED_OBD2_REQUESTS_VALUE = 7; public static final int MODEM_CONFIGURATION_VALUE = 8; public static final int RTC_CONFIGURATION_VALUE = 9; + public static final int SD_MOUNT_STATUS_VALUE = 10; public final int getNumber() { return value; } @@ -1902,6 +1904,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { case 7: return PREDEFINED_OBD2_REQUESTS; case 8: return MODEM_CONFIGURATION; case 9: return RTC_CONFIGURATION; + case 10: return SD_MOUNT_STATUS; default: return null; } } @@ -1932,7 +1935,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } private static final Type[] VALUES = { - VERSION, DEVICE_ID, DIAGNOSTIC, PASSTHROUGH, ACCEPTANCE_FILTER_BYPASS, PAYLOAD_FORMAT, PREDEFINED_OBD2_REQUESTS, MODEM_CONFIGURATION, RTC_CONFIGURATION, + VERSION, DEVICE_ID, DIAGNOSTIC, PASSTHROUGH, ACCEPTANCE_FILTER_BYPASS, PAYLOAD_FORMAT, PREDEFINED_OBD2_REQUESTS, MODEM_CONFIGURATION, RTC_CONFIGURATION, SD_MOUNT_STATUS, }; public static Type valueOf( @@ -11848,7 +11851,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { "nMessage\022\013\n\003bus\030\001 \001(\005\022\n\n\002id\030\002 \001(\r\022\014\n\004dat" + "a\030\003 \001(\014\0224\n\014frame_format\030\004 \001(\0162\036.openxc.C" + "anMessage.FrameFormat\")\n\013FrameFormat\022\014\n\010" + - "STANDARD\020\001\022\014\n\010EXTENDED\020\002\"\364\005\n\016ControlComm" + + "STANDARD\020\001\022\014\n\010EXTENDED\020\002\"\211\006\n\016ControlComm" + "and\022)\n\004type\030\001 \001(\0162\033.openxc.ControlComman" + "d.Type\022<\n\022diagnostic_request\030\002 \001(\0132 .ope" + "nxc.DiagnosticControlCommand\022G\n\030passthro" + @@ -11862,65 +11865,65 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { "mmand\022F\n\033modem_configuration_command\030\007 \001" + "(\0132!.openxc.ModemConfigurationCommand\022B\n" + "\031rtc_configuration_command\030\010 \001(\0132\037.openx" + - "c.RTCConfigurationCommand\"\303\001\n\004Type\022\013\n\007VE" + + "c.RTCConfigurationCommand\"\330\001\n\004Type\022\013\n\007VE" + "RSION\020\001\022\r\n\tDEVICE_ID\020\002\022\016\n\nDIAGNOSTIC\020\003\022\017", "\n\013PASSTHROUGH\020\004\022\034\n\030ACCEPTANCE_FILTER_BYP" + "ASS\020\005\022\022\n\016PAYLOAD_FORMAT\020\006\022\034\n\030PREDEFINED_" + "OBD2_REQUESTS\020\007\022\027\n\023MODEM_CONFIGURATION\020\010" + - "\022\025\n\021RTC_CONFIGURATION\020\t\"\236\001\n\030DiagnosticCo" + - "ntrolCommand\022*\n\007request\030\001 \001(\0132\031.openxc.D" + - "iagnosticRequest\0227\n\006action\030\002 \001(\0162\'.openx" + - "c.DiagnosticControlCommand.Action\"\035\n\006Act" + - "ion\022\007\n\003ADD\020\001\022\n\n\006CANCEL\020\002\"=\n\035PassthroughM" + - "odeControlCommand\022\013\n\003bus\030\001 \001(\005\022\017\n\007enable" + - "d\030\002 \001(\010\"<\n\035AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand", - "\022\013\n\003bus\030\001 \001(\005\022\016\n\006bypass\030\002 \001(\010\"\214\001\n\024Payloa" + - "dFormatCommand\022:\n\006format\030\001 \001(\0162*.openxc." + - "PayloadFormatCommand.PayloadFormat\"8\n\rPa" + - "yloadFormat\022\010\n\004JSON\020\001\022\014\n\010PROTOBUF\020\002\022\017\n\013M" + - "ESSAGEPACK\020\003\"0\n\035PredefinedObd2RequestsCo" + - "mmand\022\017\n\007enabled\030\001 \001(\010\"\321\003\n\027NetworkOperat" + - "orSettings\022\030\n\020allowDataRoaming\030\001 \001(\010\022N\n\022" + - "operatorSelectMode\030\002 \001(\01622.openxc.Networ" + - "kOperatorSettings.OperatorSelectMode\022L\n\021" + - "networkDescriptor\030\003 \001(\01321.openxc.Network", - "OperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor\032\230\001\n\021N" + - "etworkDescriptor\022\014\n\004PLMN\030\001 \001(\r\022R\n\013networ" + - "kType\030\002 \001(\0162=.openxc.NetworkOperatorSett" + - "ings.NetworkDescriptor.NetworkType\"!\n\013Ne" + - "tworkType\022\007\n\003GSM\020\000\022\t\n\005UTRAN\020\002\"c\n\022Operato" + - "rSelectMode\022\r\n\tAUTOMATIC\020\000\022\n\n\006MANUAL\020\001\022\016" + - "\n\nDEREGISTER\020\002\022\014\n\010SET_ONLY\020\003\022\024\n\020MANUAL_A" + - "UTOMATIC\020\004\"\"\n\023NetworkDataSettings\022\013\n\003APN" + - "\030\001 \001(\t\"3\n\025ServerConnectSettings\022\014\n\004host\030" + - "\001 \001(\t\022\014\n\004port\030\002 \001(\r\"\325\001\n\031ModemConfigurati", - "onCommand\022@\n\027networkOperatorSettings\030\001 \001" + - "(\0132\037.openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings\0228\n\023n" + - "etworkDataSettings\030\002 \001(\0132\033.openxc.Networ" + - "kDataSettings\022<\n\025serverConnectSettings\030\003" + - " \001(\0132\035.openxc.ServerConnectSettings\",\n\027R" + - "TCConfigurationCommand\022\021\n\tunix_time\030\001 \001(" + - "\r\"]\n\017CommandResponse\022)\n\004type\030\001 \001(\0162\033.ope" + - "nxc.ControlCommand.Type\022\017\n\007message\030\002 \001(\t" + - "\022\016\n\006status\030\003 \001(\010\"\375\001\n\021DiagnosticRequest\022\013" + - "\n\003bus\030\001 \001(\005\022\022\n\nmessage_id\030\002 \001(\r\022\014\n\004mode\030", - "\003 \001(\r\022\013\n\003pid\030\004 \001(\r\022\017\n\007payload\030\005 \001(\014\022\032\n\022m" + - "ultiple_responses\030\006 \001(\010\022\021\n\tfrequency\030\007 \001" + - "(\001\022\014\n\004name\030\010 \001(\t\022;\n\014decoded_type\030\t \001(\0162%" + - ".openxc.DiagnosticRequest.DecodedType\"!\n" + - "\013DecodedType\022\010\n\004NONE\020\001\022\010\n\004OBD2\020\002\"\241\001\n\022Dia" + - "gnosticResponse\022\013\n\003bus\030\001 \001(\005\022\022\n\nmessage_" + - "id\030\002 \001(\r\022\014\n\004mode\030\003 \001(\r\022\013\n\003pid\030\004 \001(\r\022\017\n\007s" + - "uccess\030\005 \001(\010\022\036\n\026negative_response_code\030\006" + - " \001(\r\022\017\n\007payload\030\007 \001(\014\022\r\n\005value\030\010 \001(\001\"\242\001\n" + - "\014DynamicField\022\'\n\004type\030\001 \001(\0162\031.openxc.Dyn", - "amicField.Type\022\024\n\014string_value\030\002 \001(\t\022\025\n\r" + - "numeric_value\030\003 \001(\001\022\025\n\rboolean_value\030\004 \001" + - "(\010\"%\n\004Type\022\n\n\006STRING\020\001\022\007\n\003NUM\020\002\022\010\n\004BOOL\020" + - "\003\"g\n\rSimpleMessage\022\014\n\004name\030\001 \001(\t\022#\n\005valu" + - "e\030\002 \001(\0132\024.openxc.DynamicField\022#\n\005event\030\003" + - " \001(\0132\024.openxc.DynamicFieldB\034\n\ncom.openxc" + - "B\016BinaryMessages" + "\022\025\n\021RTC_CONFIGURATION\020\t\022\023\n\017SD_MOUNT_STAT" + + "US\020\n\"\236\001\n\030DiagnosticControlCommand\022*\n\007req" + + "uest\030\001 \001(\0132\031.openxc.DiagnosticRequest\0227\n" + + "\006action\030\002 \001(\0162\'.openxc.DiagnosticControl" + + "Command.Action\"\035\n\006Action\022\007\n\003ADD\020\001\022\n\n\006CAN" + + "CEL\020\002\"=\n\035PassthroughModeControlCommand\022\013" + + "\n\003bus\030\001 \001(\005\022\017\n\007enabled\030\002 \001(\010\"<\n\035Acceptan", + "ceFilterBypassCommand\022\013\n\003bus\030\001 \001(\005\022\016\n\006by" + + "pass\030\002 \001(\010\"\214\001\n\024PayloadFormatCommand\022:\n\006f" + + "ormat\030\001 \001(\0162*.openxc.PayloadFormatComman" + + "d.PayloadFormat\"8\n\rPayloadFormat\022\010\n\004JSON" + + "\020\001\022\014\n\010PROTOBUF\020\002\022\017\n\013MESSAGEPACK\020\003\"0\n\035Pre" + + "definedObd2RequestsCommand\022\017\n\007enabled\030\001 " + + "\001(\010\"\321\003\n\027NetworkOperatorSettings\022\030\n\020allow" + + "DataRoaming\030\001 \001(\010\022N\n\022operatorSelectMode\030" + + "\002 \001(\01622.openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.O" + + "peratorSelectMode\022L\n\021networkDescriptor\030\003", + " \001(\01321.openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.Ne" + + "tworkDescriptor\032\230\001\n\021NetworkDescriptor\022\014\n" + + "\004PLMN\030\001 \001(\r\022R\n\013networkType\030\002 \001(\0162=.openx" + + "c.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescrip" + + "tor.NetworkType\"!\n\013NetworkType\022\007\n\003GSM\020\000\022" + + "\t\n\005UTRAN\020\002\"c\n\022OperatorSelectMode\022\r\n\tAUTO" + + "MATIC\020\000\022\n\n\006MANUAL\020\001\022\016\n\nDEREGISTER\020\002\022\014\n\010S" + + "ET_ONLY\020\003\022\024\n\020MANUAL_AUTOMATIC\020\004\"\"\n\023Netwo" + + "rkDataSettings\022\013\n\003APN\030\001 \001(\t\"3\n\025ServerCon" + + "nectSettings\022\014\n\004host\030\001 \001(\t\022\014\n\004port\030\002 \001(\r", + "\"\325\001\n\031ModemConfigurationCommand\022@\n\027networ" + + "kOperatorSettings\030\001 \001(\0132\037.openxc.Network" + + "OperatorSettings\0228\n\023networkDataSettings\030" + + "\002 \001(\0132\033.openxc.NetworkDataSettings\022<\n\025se" + + "rverConnectSettings\030\003 \001(\0132\035.openxc.Serve" + + "rConnectSettings\",\n\027RTCConfigurationComm" + + "and\022\021\n\tunix_time\030\001 \001(\r\"]\n\017CommandRespons" + + "e\022)\n\004type\030\001 \001(\0162\033.openxc.ControlCommand." + + "Type\022\017\n\007message\030\002 \001(\t\022\016\n\006status\030\003 \001(\010\"\375\001" + + "\n\021DiagnosticRequest\022\013\n\003bus\030\001 \001(\005\022\022\n\nmess", + "age_id\030\002 \001(\r\022\014\n\004mode\030\003 \001(\r\022\013\n\003pid\030\004 \001(\r\022" + + "\017\n\007payload\030\005 \001(\014\022\032\n\022multiple_responses\030\006" + + " \001(\010\022\021\n\tfrequency\030\007 \001(\001\022\014\n\004name\030\010 \001(\t\022;\n" + + "\014decoded_type\030\t \001(\0162%.openxc.DiagnosticR" + + "equest.DecodedType\"!\n\013DecodedType\022\010\n\004NON" + + "E\020\001\022\010\n\004OBD2\020\002\"\241\001\n\022DiagnosticResponse\022\013\n\003" + + "bus\030\001 \001(\005\022\022\n\nmessage_id\030\002 \001(\r\022\014\n\004mode\030\003 " + + "\001(\r\022\013\n\003pid\030\004 \001(\r\022\017\n\007success\030\005 \001(\010\022\036\n\026neg" + + "ative_response_code\030\006 \001(\r\022\017\n\007payload\030\007 \001" + + "(\014\022\r\n\005value\030\010 \001(\001\"\242\001\n\014DynamicField\022\'\n\004ty", + "pe\030\001 \001(\0162\031.openxc.DynamicField.Type\022\024\n\014s" + + "tring_value\030\002 \001(\t\022\025\n\rnumeric_value\030\003 \001(\001" + + "\022\025\n\rboolean_value\030\004 \001(\010\"%\n\004Type\022\n\n\006STRIN" + + "G\020\001\022\007\n\003NUM\020\002\022\010\n\004BOOL\020\003\"g\n\rSimpleMessage\022" + + "\014\n\004name\030\001 \001(\t\022#\n\005value\030\002 \001(\0132\024.openxc.Dy" + + "namicField\022#\n\005event\030\003 \001(\0132\024.openxc.Dynam" + + "icFieldB\034\n\ncom.openxcB\016BinaryMessages" }; assigner = new { diff --git a/gen/python/ b/gen/python/ index 218e1ab..ceacf25 100644 --- a/gen/python/ +++ b/gen/python/ @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ from google.protobuf import descriptor_pb2 DESCRIPTOR = descriptor.FileDescriptor( name='openxc.proto', package='openxc', - serialized_pb='\n\x0copenxc.proto\x12\x06openxc\"\x98\x03\n\x0eVehicleMessage\x12)\n\x04type\x18\x01 \x01(\x0e\x32\x1b.openxc.VehicleMessage.Type\x12\'\n\x0b\x63\x61n_message\x18\x02 \x01(\x0b\x32\x12.openxc.CanMessage\x12-\n\x0esimple_message\x18\x03 \x01(\x0b\x32\x15.openxc.SimpleMessage\x12\x37\n\x13\x64iagnostic_response\x18\x04 \x01(\x0b\x32\x1a.openxc.DiagnosticResponse\x12/\n\x0f\x63ontrol_command\x18\x05 \x01(\x0b\x32\x16.openxc.ControlCommand\x12\x31\n\x10\x63ommand_response\x18\x06 \x01(\x0b\x32\x17.openxc.CommandResponse\x12\x0e\n\x06uptime\x18\x07 \x01(\r\"V\n\x04Type\x12\x07\n\x03\x43\x41N\x10\x01\x12\n\n\x06SIMPLE\x10\x02\x12\x0e\n\nDIAGNOSTIC\x10\x03\x12\x13\n\x0f\x43ONTROL_COMMAND\x10\x04\x12\x14\n\x10\x43OMMAND_RESPONSE\x10\x05\"\x94\x01\n\nCanMessage\x12\x0b\n\x03\x62us\x18\x01 \x01(\x05\x12\n\n\x02id\x18\x02 \x01(\r\x12\x0c\n\x04\x64\x61ta\x18\x03 \x01(\x0c\x12\x34\n\x0c\x66rame_format\x18\x04 \x01(\x0e\x32\x1e.openxc.CanMessage.FrameFormat\")\n\x0b\x46rameFormat\x12\x0c\n\x08STANDARD\x10\x01\x12\x0c\n\x08\x45XTENDED\x10\x02\"\xf4\x05\n\x0e\x43ontrolCommand\x12)\n\x04type\x18\x01 \x01(\x0e\x32\x1b.openxc.ControlCommand.Type\x12<\n\x12\x64iagnostic_request\x18\x02 \x01(\x0b\x32 .openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand\x12G\n\x18passthrough_mode_request\x18\x03 \x01(\x0b\x32%.openxc.PassthroughModeControlCommand\x12O\n acceptance_filter_bypass_command\x18\x04 \x01(\x0b\x32%.openxc.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand\x12<\n\x16payload_format_command\x18\x05 \x01(\x0b\x32\x1c.openxc.PayloadFormatCommand\x12O\n predefined_obd2_requests_command\x18\x06 \x01(\x0b\x32%.openxc.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand\x12\x46\n\x1bmodem_configuration_command\x18\x07 \x01(\x0b\x32!.openxc.ModemConfigurationCommand\x12\x42\n\x19rtc_configuration_command\x18\x08 \x01(\x0b\x32\x1f.openxc.RTCConfigurationCommand\"\xc3\x01\n\x04Type\x12\x0b\n\x07VERSION\x10\x01\x12\r\n\tDEVICE_ID\x10\x02\x12\x0e\n\nDIAGNOSTIC\x10\x03\x12\x0f\n\x0bPASSTHROUGH\x10\x04\x12\x1c\n\x18\x41\x43\x43\x45PTANCE_FILTER_BYPASS\x10\x05\x12\x12\n\x0ePAYLOAD_FORMAT\x10\x06\x12\x1c\n\x18PREDEFINED_OBD2_REQUESTS\x10\x07\x12\x17\n\x13MODEM_CONFIGURATION\x10\x08\x12\x15\n\x11RTC_CONFIGURATION\x10\t\"\x9e\x01\n\x18\x44iagnosticControlCommand\x12*\n\x07request\x18\x01 \x01(\x0b\x32\x19.openxc.DiagnosticRequest\x12\x37\n\x06\x61\x63tion\x18\x02 \x01(\x0e\x32\'.openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand.Action\"\x1d\n\x06\x41\x63tion\x12\x07\n\x03\x41\x44\x44\x10\x01\x12\n\n\x06\x43\x41NCEL\x10\x02\"=\n\x1dPassthroughModeControlCommand\x12\x0b\n\x03\x62us\x18\x01 \x01(\x05\x12\x0f\n\x07\x65nabled\x18\x02 \x01(\x08\"<\n\x1d\x41\x63\x63\x65ptanceFilterBypassCommand\x12\x0b\n\x03\x62us\x18\x01 \x01(\x05\x12\x0e\n\x06\x62ypass\x18\x02 \x01(\x08\"\x8c\x01\n\x14PayloadFormatCommand\x12:\n\x06\x66ormat\x18\x01 \x01(\x0e\x32*.openxc.PayloadFormatCommand.PayloadFormat\"8\n\rPayloadFormat\x12\x08\n\x04JSON\x10\x01\x12\x0c\n\x08PROTOBUF\x10\x02\x12\x0f\n\x0bMESSAGEPACK\x10\x03\"0\n\x1dPredefinedObd2RequestsCommand\x12\x0f\n\x07\x65nabled\x18\x01 \x01(\x08\"\xd1\x03\n\x17NetworkOperatorSettings\x12\x18\n\x10\x61llowDataRoaming\x18\x01 \x01(\x08\x12N\n\x12operatorSelectMode\x18\x02 \x01(\x0e\x32\x32.openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.OperatorSelectMode\x12L\n\x11networkDescriptor\x18\x03 \x01(\x0b\x32\x31.openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor\x1a\x98\x01\n\x11NetworkDescriptor\x12\x0c\n\x04PLMN\x18\x01 \x01(\r\x12R\n\x0bnetworkType\x18\x02 \x01(\x0e\x32=.openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.NetworkType\"!\n\x0bNetworkType\x12\x07\n\x03GSM\x10\x00\x12\t\n\x05UTRAN\x10\x02\"c\n\x12OperatorSelectMode\x12\r\n\tAUTOMATIC\x10\x00\x12\n\n\x06MANUAL\x10\x01\x12\x0e\n\nDEREGISTER\x10\x02\x12\x0c\n\x08SET_ONLY\x10\x03\x12\x14\n\x10MANUAL_AUTOMATIC\x10\x04\"\"\n\x13NetworkDataSettings\x12\x0b\n\x03\x41PN\x18\x01 \x01(\t\"3\n\x15ServerConnectSettings\x12\x0c\n\x04host\x18\x01 \x01(\t\x12\x0c\n\x04port\x18\x02 \x01(\r\"\xd5\x01\n\x19ModemConfigurationCommand\x12@\n\x17networkOperatorSettings\x18\x01 \x01(\x0b\x32\x1f.openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings\x12\x38\n\x13networkDataSettings\x18\x02 \x01(\x0b\x32\x1b.openxc.NetworkDataSettings\x12<\n\x15serverConnectSettings\x18\x03 \x01(\x0b\x32\x1d.openxc.ServerConnectSettings\",\n\x17RTCConfigurationCommand\x12\x11\n\tunix_time\x18\x01 \x01(\r\"]\n\x0f\x43ommandResponse\x12)\n\x04type\x18\x01 \x01(\x0e\x32\x1b.openxc.ControlCommand.Type\x12\x0f\n\x07message\x18\x02 \x01(\t\x12\x0e\n\x06status\x18\x03 \x01(\x08\"\xfd\x01\n\x11\x44iagnosticRequest\x12\x0b\n\x03\x62us\x18\x01 \x01(\x05\x12\x12\n\nmessage_id\x18\x02 \x01(\r\x12\x0c\n\x04mode\x18\x03 \x01(\r\x12\x0b\n\x03pid\x18\x04 \x01(\r\x12\x0f\n\x07payload\x18\x05 \x01(\x0c\x12\x1a\n\x12multiple_responses\x18\x06 \x01(\x08\x12\x11\n\tfrequency\x18\x07 \x01(\x01\x12\x0c\n\x04name\x18\x08 \x01(\t\x12;\n\x0c\x64\x65\x63oded_type\x18\t \x01(\x0e\x32%.openxc.DiagnosticRequest.DecodedType\"!\n\x0b\x44\x65\x63odedType\x12\x08\n\x04NONE\x10\x01\x12\x08\n\x04OBD2\x10\x02\"\xa1\x01\n\x12\x44iagnosticResponse\x12\x0b\n\x03\x62us\x18\x01 \x01(\x05\x12\x12\n\nmessage_id\x18\x02 \x01(\r\x12\x0c\n\x04mode\x18\x03 \x01(\r\x12\x0b\n\x03pid\x18\x04 \x01(\r\x12\x0f\n\x07success\x18\x05 \x01(\x08\x12\x1e\n\x16negative_response_code\x18\x06 \x01(\r\x12\x0f\n\x07payload\x18\x07 \x01(\x0c\x12\r\n\x05value\x18\x08 \x01(\x01\"\xa2\x01\n\x0c\x44ynamicField\x12\'\n\x04type\x18\x01 \x01(\x0e\x32\x19.openxc.DynamicField.Type\x12\x14\n\x0cstring_value\x18\x02 \x01(\t\x12\x15\n\rnumeric_value\x18\x03 \x01(\x01\x12\x15\n\rboolean_value\x18\x04 \x01(\x08\"%\n\x04Type\x12\n\n\x06STRING\x10\x01\x12\x07\n\x03NUM\x10\x02\x12\x08\n\x04\x42OOL\x10\x03\"g\n\rSimpleMessage\x12\x0c\n\x04name\x18\x01 \x01(\t\x12#\n\x05value\x18\x02 \x01(\x0b\x32\x14.openxc.DynamicField\x12#\n\x05\x65vent\x18\x03 \x01(\x0b\x32\x14.openxc.DynamicFieldB\x1c\n\ncom.openxcB\x0e\x42inaryMessages') + serialized_pb='\n\x0copenxc.proto\x12\x06openxc\"\x98\x03\n\x0eVehicleMessage\x12)\n\x04type\x18\x01 \x01(\x0e\x32\x1b.openxc.VehicleMessage.Type\x12\'\n\x0b\x63\x61n_message\x18\x02 \x01(\x0b\x32\x12.openxc.CanMessage\x12-\n\x0esimple_message\x18\x03 \x01(\x0b\x32\x15.openxc.SimpleMessage\x12\x37\n\x13\x64iagnostic_response\x18\x04 \x01(\x0b\x32\x1a.openxc.DiagnosticResponse\x12/\n\x0f\x63ontrol_command\x18\x05 \x01(\x0b\x32\x16.openxc.ControlCommand\x12\x31\n\x10\x63ommand_response\x18\x06 \x01(\x0b\x32\x17.openxc.CommandResponse\x12\x0e\n\x06uptime\x18\x07 \x01(\r\"V\n\x04Type\x12\x07\n\x03\x43\x41N\x10\x01\x12\n\n\x06SIMPLE\x10\x02\x12\x0e\n\nDIAGNOSTIC\x10\x03\x12\x13\n\x0f\x43ONTROL_COMMAND\x10\x04\x12\x14\n\x10\x43OMMAND_RESPONSE\x10\x05\"\x94\x01\n\nCanMessage\x12\x0b\n\x03\x62us\x18\x01 \x01(\x05\x12\n\n\x02id\x18\x02 \x01(\r\x12\x0c\n\x04\x64\x61ta\x18\x03 \x01(\x0c\x12\x34\n\x0c\x66rame_format\x18\x04 \x01(\x0e\x32\x1e.openxc.CanMessage.FrameFormat\")\n\x0b\x46rameFormat\x12\x0c\n\x08STANDARD\x10\x01\x12\x0c\n\x08\x45XTENDED\x10\x02\"\x89\x06\n\x0e\x43ontrolCommand\x12)\n\x04type\x18\x01 \x01(\x0e\x32\x1b.openxc.ControlCommand.Type\x12<\n\x12\x64iagnostic_request\x18\x02 \x01(\x0b\x32 .openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand\x12G\n\x18passthrough_mode_request\x18\x03 \x01(\x0b\x32%.openxc.PassthroughModeControlCommand\x12O\n acceptance_filter_bypass_command\x18\x04 \x01(\x0b\x32%.openxc.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand\x12<\n\x16payload_format_command\x18\x05 \x01(\x0b\x32\x1c.openxc.PayloadFormatCommand\x12O\n predefined_obd2_requests_command\x18\x06 \x01(\x0b\x32%.openxc.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand\x12\x46\n\x1bmodem_configuration_command\x18\x07 \x01(\x0b\x32!.openxc.ModemConfigurationCommand\x12\x42\n\x19rtc_configuration_command\x18\x08 \x01(\x0b\x32\x1f.openxc.RTCConfigurationCommand\"\xd8\x01\n\x04Type\x12\x0b\n\x07VERSION\x10\x01\x12\r\n\tDEVICE_ID\x10\x02\x12\x0e\n\nDIAGNOSTIC\x10\x03\x12\x0f\n\x0bPASSTHROUGH\x10\x04\x12\x1c\n\x18\x41\x43\x43\x45PTANCE_FILTER_BYPASS\x10\x05\x12\x12\n\x0ePAYLOAD_FORMAT\x10\x06\x12\x1c\n\x18PREDEFINED_OBD2_REQUESTS\x10\x07\x12\x17\n\x13MODEM_CONFIGURATION\x10\x08\x12\x15\n\x11RTC_CONFIGURATION\x10\t\x12\x13\n\x0fSD_MOUNT_STATUS\x10\n\"\x9e\x01\n\x18\x44iagnosticControlCommand\x12*\n\x07request\x18\x01 \x01(\x0b\x32\x19.openxc.DiagnosticRequest\x12\x37\n\x06\x61\x63tion\x18\x02 \x01(\x0e\x32\'.openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand.Action\"\x1d\n\x06\x41\x63tion\x12\x07\n\x03\x41\x44\x44\x10\x01\x12\n\n\x06\x43\x41NCEL\x10\x02\"=\n\x1dPassthroughModeControlCommand\x12\x0b\n\x03\x62us\x18\x01 \x01(\x05\x12\x0f\n\x07\x65nabled\x18\x02 \x01(\x08\"<\n\x1d\x41\x63\x63\x65ptanceFilterBypassCommand\x12\x0b\n\x03\x62us\x18\x01 \x01(\x05\x12\x0e\n\x06\x62ypass\x18\x02 \x01(\x08\"\x8c\x01\n\x14PayloadFormatCommand\x12:\n\x06\x66ormat\x18\x01 \x01(\x0e\x32*.openxc.PayloadFormatCommand.PayloadFormat\"8\n\rPayloadFormat\x12\x08\n\x04JSON\x10\x01\x12\x0c\n\x08PROTOBUF\x10\x02\x12\x0f\n\x0bMESSAGEPACK\x10\x03\"0\n\x1dPredefinedObd2RequestsCommand\x12\x0f\n\x07\x65nabled\x18\x01 \x01(\x08\"\xd1\x03\n\x17NetworkOperatorSettings\x12\x18\n\x10\x61llowDataRoaming\x18\x01 \x01(\x08\x12N\n\x12operatorSelectMode\x18\x02 \x01(\x0e\x32\x32.openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.OperatorSelectMode\x12L\n\x11networkDescriptor\x18\x03 \x01(\x0b\x32\x31.openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor\x1a\x98\x01\n\x11NetworkDescriptor\x12\x0c\n\x04PLMN\x18\x01 \x01(\r\x12R\n\x0bnetworkType\x18\x02 \x01(\x0e\x32=.openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.NetworkType\"!\n\x0bNetworkType\x12\x07\n\x03GSM\x10\x00\x12\t\n\x05UTRAN\x10\x02\"c\n\x12OperatorSelectMode\x12\r\n\tAUTOMATIC\x10\x00\x12\n\n\x06MANUAL\x10\x01\x12\x0e\n\nDEREGISTER\x10\x02\x12\x0c\n\x08SET_ONLY\x10\x03\x12\x14\n\x10MANUAL_AUTOMATIC\x10\x04\"\"\n\x13NetworkDataSettings\x12\x0b\n\x03\x41PN\x18\x01 \x01(\t\"3\n\x15ServerConnectSettings\x12\x0c\n\x04host\x18\x01 \x01(\t\x12\x0c\n\x04port\x18\x02 \x01(\r\"\xd5\x01\n\x19ModemConfigurationCommand\x12@\n\x17networkOperatorSettings\x18\x01 \x01(\x0b\x32\x1f.openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings\x12\x38\n\x13networkDataSettings\x18\x02 \x01(\x0b\x32\x1b.openxc.NetworkDataSettings\x12<\n\x15serverConnectSettings\x18\x03 \x01(\x0b\x32\x1d.openxc.ServerConnectSettings\",\n\x17RTCConfigurationCommand\x12\x11\n\tunix_time\x18\x01 \x01(\r\"]\n\x0f\x43ommandResponse\x12)\n\x04type\x18\x01 \x01(\x0e\x32\x1b.openxc.ControlCommand.Type\x12\x0f\n\x07message\x18\x02 \x01(\t\x12\x0e\n\x06status\x18\x03 \x01(\x08\"\xfd\x01\n\x11\x44iagnosticRequest\x12\x0b\n\x03\x62us\x18\x01 \x01(\x05\x12\x12\n\nmessage_id\x18\x02 \x01(\r\x12\x0c\n\x04mode\x18\x03 \x01(\r\x12\x0b\n\x03pid\x18\x04 \x01(\r\x12\x0f\n\x07payload\x18\x05 \x01(\x0c\x12\x1a\n\x12multiple_responses\x18\x06 \x01(\x08\x12\x11\n\tfrequency\x18\x07 \x01(\x01\x12\x0c\n\x04name\x18\x08 \x01(\t\x12;\n\x0c\x64\x65\x63oded_type\x18\t \x01(\x0e\x32%.openxc.DiagnosticRequest.DecodedType\"!\n\x0b\x44\x65\x63odedType\x12\x08\n\x04NONE\x10\x01\x12\x08\n\x04OBD2\x10\x02\"\xa1\x01\n\x12\x44iagnosticResponse\x12\x0b\n\x03\x62us\x18\x01 \x01(\x05\x12\x12\n\nmessage_id\x18\x02 \x01(\r\x12\x0c\n\x04mode\x18\x03 \x01(\r\x12\x0b\n\x03pid\x18\x04 \x01(\r\x12\x0f\n\x07success\x18\x05 \x01(\x08\x12\x1e\n\x16negative_response_code\x18\x06 \x01(\r\x12\x0f\n\x07payload\x18\x07 \x01(\x0c\x12\r\n\x05value\x18\x08 \x01(\x01\"\xa2\x01\n\x0c\x44ynamicField\x12\'\n\x04type\x18\x01 \x01(\x0e\x32\x19.openxc.DynamicField.Type\x12\x14\n\x0cstring_value\x18\x02 \x01(\t\x12\x15\n\rnumeric_value\x18\x03 \x01(\x01\x12\x15\n\rboolean_value\x18\x04 \x01(\x08\"%\n\x04Type\x12\n\n\x06STRING\x10\x01\x12\x07\n\x03NUM\x10\x02\x12\x08\n\x04\x42OOL\x10\x03\"g\n\rSimpleMessage\x12\x0c\n\x04name\x18\x01 \x01(\t\x12#\n\x05value\x18\x02 \x01(\x0b\x32\x14.openxc.DynamicField\x12#\n\x05\x65vent\x18\x03 \x01(\x0b\x32\x14.openxc.DynamicFieldB\x1c\n\ncom.openxcB\x0e\x42inaryMessages') @@ -111,11 +111,15 @@ _CONTROLCOMMAND_TYPE = descriptor.EnumDescriptor( name='RTC_CONFIGURATION', index=8, number=9, options=None, type=None), + descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( + name='SD_MOUNT_STATUS', index=9, number=10, + options=None, + type=None), ], containing_type=None, options=None, serialized_start=1148, - serialized_end=1343, + serialized_end=1364, ) _DIAGNOSTICCONTROLCOMMAND_ACTION = descriptor.EnumDescriptor( @@ -135,8 +139,8 @@ _DIAGNOSTICCONTROLCOMMAND_ACTION = descriptor.EnumDescriptor( ], containing_type=None, options=None, - serialized_start=1475, - serialized_end=1504, + serialized_start=1496, + serialized_end=1525, ) _PAYLOADFORMATCOMMAND_PAYLOADFORMAT = descriptor.EnumDescriptor( @@ -160,8 +164,8 @@ _PAYLOADFORMATCOMMAND_PAYLOADFORMAT = descriptor.EnumDescriptor( ], containing_type=None, options=None, - serialized_start=1716, - serialized_end=1772, + serialized_start=1737, + serialized_end=1793, ) _NETWORKOPERATORSETTINGS_NETWORKDESCRIPTOR_NETWORKTYPE = descriptor.EnumDescriptor( @@ -181,8 +185,8 @@ _NETWORKOPERATORSETTINGS_NETWORKDESCRIPTOR_NETWORKTYPE = descriptor.EnumDescript ], containing_type=None, options=None, - serialized_start=2156, - serialized_end=2189, + serialized_start=2177, + serialized_end=2210, ) _NETWORKOPERATORSETTINGS_OPERATORSELECTMODE = descriptor.EnumDescriptor( @@ -214,8 +218,8 @@ _NETWORKOPERATORSETTINGS_OPERATORSELECTMODE = descriptor.EnumDescriptor( ], containing_type=None, options=None, - serialized_start=2191, - serialized_end=2290, + serialized_start=2212, + serialized_end=2311, ) _DIAGNOSTICREQUEST_DECODEDTYPE = descriptor.EnumDescriptor( @@ -235,8 +239,8 @@ _DIAGNOSTICREQUEST_DECODEDTYPE = descriptor.EnumDescriptor( ], containing_type=None, options=None, - serialized_start=2959, - serialized_end=2992, + serialized_start=2980, + serialized_end=3013, ) _DYNAMICFIELD_TYPE = descriptor.EnumDescriptor( @@ -260,8 +264,8 @@ _DYNAMICFIELD_TYPE = descriptor.EnumDescriptor( ], containing_type=None, options=None, - serialized_start=3284, - serialized_end=3321, + serialized_start=3305, + serialized_end=3342, ) @@ -460,7 +464,7 @@ _CONTROLCOMMAND = descriptor.Descriptor( is_extendable=False, extension_ranges=[], serialized_start=587, - serialized_end=1343, + serialized_end=1364, ) @@ -495,8 +499,8 @@ _DIAGNOSTICCONTROLCOMMAND = descriptor.Descriptor( options=None, is_extendable=False, extension_ranges=[], - serialized_start=1346, - serialized_end=1504, + serialized_start=1367, + serialized_end=1525, ) @@ -530,8 +534,8 @@ _PASSTHROUGHMODECONTROLCOMMAND = descriptor.Descriptor( options=None, is_extendable=False, extension_ranges=[], - serialized_start=1506, - serialized_end=1567, + serialized_start=1527, + serialized_end=1588, ) @@ -565,8 +569,8 @@ _ACCEPTANCEFILTERBYPASSCOMMAND = descriptor.Descriptor( options=None, is_extendable=False, extension_ranges=[], - serialized_start=1569, - serialized_end=1629, + serialized_start=1590, + serialized_end=1650, ) @@ -594,8 +598,8 @@ _PAYLOADFORMATCOMMAND = descriptor.Descriptor( options=None, is_extendable=False, extension_ranges=[], - serialized_start=1632, - serialized_end=1772, + serialized_start=1653, + serialized_end=1793, ) @@ -622,8 +626,8 @@ _PREDEFINEDOBD2REQUESTSCOMMAND = descriptor.Descriptor( options=None, is_extendable=False, extension_ranges=[], - serialized_start=1774, - serialized_end=1822, + serialized_start=1795, + serialized_end=1843, ) @@ -658,8 +662,8 @@ _NETWORKOPERATORSETTINGS_NETWORKDESCRIPTOR = descriptor.Descriptor( options=None, is_extendable=False, extension_ranges=[], - serialized_start=2037, - serialized_end=2189, + serialized_start=2058, + serialized_end=2210, ) _NETWORKOPERATORSETTINGS = descriptor.Descriptor( @@ -700,8 +704,8 @@ _NETWORKOPERATORSETTINGS = descriptor.Descriptor( options=None, is_extendable=False, extension_ranges=[], - serialized_start=1825, - serialized_end=2290, + serialized_start=1846, + serialized_end=2311, ) @@ -728,8 +732,8 @@ _NETWORKDATASETTINGS = descriptor.Descriptor( options=None, is_extendable=False, extension_ranges=[], - serialized_start=2292, - serialized_end=2326, + serialized_start=2313, + serialized_end=2347, ) @@ -763,8 +767,8 @@ _SERVERCONNECTSETTINGS = descriptor.Descriptor( options=None, is_extendable=False, extension_ranges=[], - serialized_start=2328, - serialized_end=2379, + serialized_start=2349, + serialized_end=2400, ) @@ -805,8 +809,8 @@ _MODEMCONFIGURATIONCOMMAND = descriptor.Descriptor( options=None, is_extendable=False, extension_ranges=[], - serialized_start=2382, - serialized_end=2595, + serialized_start=2403, + serialized_end=2616, ) @@ -833,8 +837,8 @@ _RTCCONFIGURATIONCOMMAND = descriptor.Descriptor( options=None, is_extendable=False, extension_ranges=[], - serialized_start=2597, - serialized_end=2641, + serialized_start=2618, + serialized_end=2662, ) @@ -875,8 +879,8 @@ _COMMANDRESPONSE = descriptor.Descriptor( options=None, is_extendable=False, extension_ranges=[], - serialized_start=2643, - serialized_end=2736, + serialized_start=2664, + serialized_end=2757, ) @@ -960,8 +964,8 @@ _DIAGNOSTICREQUEST = descriptor.Descriptor( options=None, is_extendable=False, extension_ranges=[], - serialized_start=2739, - serialized_end=2992, + serialized_start=2760, + serialized_end=3013, ) @@ -1037,8 +1041,8 @@ _DIAGNOSTICRESPONSE = descriptor.Descriptor( options=None, is_extendable=False, extension_ranges=[], - serialized_start=2995, - serialized_end=3156, + serialized_start=3016, + serialized_end=3177, ) @@ -1087,8 +1091,8 @@ _DYNAMICFIELD = descriptor.Descriptor( options=None, is_extendable=False, extension_ranges=[], - serialized_start=3159, - serialized_end=3321, + serialized_start=3180, + serialized_end=3342, ) @@ -1129,8 +1133,8 @@ _SIMPLEMESSAGE = descriptor.Descriptor( options=None, is_extendable=False, extension_ranges=[], - serialized_start=3323, - serialized_end=3426, + serialized_start=3344, + serialized_end=3447, ) _VEHICLEMESSAGE.fields_by_name['type'].enum_type = _VEHICLEMESSAGE_TYPE diff --git a/openxc.proto b/openxc.proto index ec355e9..7653212 100644 --- a/openxc.proto +++ b/openxc.proto @@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ message ControlCommand { PREDEFINED_OBD2_REQUESTS = 7; MODEM_CONFIGURATION = 8; RTC_CONFIGURATION = 9; + SD_MOUNT_STATUS = 10; } optional Type type = 1; -- cgit 1.2.3-korg From 8987262fa7e8510030d11e42edb4128868a6e81c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: dsouzahansenfrancis Date: Fri, 11 Dec 2015 11:01:06 -0500 Subject: added support for timestamp to vehicle messages --- gen/cpp/openxc.pb | Bin 3480 -> 3483 bytes gen/cpp/openxc.pb.c | 4 +- gen/cpp/openxc.pb.h | 8 +- gen/java/com/openxc/ | 8820 +++++++++++++++++++++---------- gen/python/ | 501 +- openxc.proto | 2 +- 6 files changed, 6264 insertions(+), 3071 deletions(-) (limited to 'gen/python/') diff --git a/gen/cpp/openxc.pb b/gen/cpp/openxc.pb index 90099e8..20543fe 100644 Binary files a/gen/cpp/openxc.pb and b/gen/cpp/openxc.pb differ diff --git a/gen/cpp/openxc.pb.c b/gen/cpp/openxc.pb.c index 1507a90..c15a218 100644 --- a/gen/cpp/openxc.pb.c +++ b/gen/cpp/openxc.pb.c @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* Automatically generated nanopb constant definitions */ -/* Generated by nanopb-0.3.1 at Thu Nov 26 21:21:48 2015. */ +/* Generated by nanopb-0.3.1 at Wed Dec 9 21:31:24 2015. */ #include "openxc.pb.h" @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ const pb_field_t openxc_VehicleMessage_fields[8] = { PB_FIELD( 4, MESSAGE , OPTIONAL, STATIC , OTHER, openxc_VehicleMessage, diagnostic_response, simple_message, &openxc_DiagnosticResponse_fields), PB_FIELD( 5, MESSAGE , OPTIONAL, STATIC , OTHER, openxc_VehicleMessage, control_command, diagnostic_response, &openxc_ControlCommand_fields), PB_FIELD( 6, MESSAGE , OPTIONAL, STATIC , OTHER, openxc_VehicleMessage, command_response, control_command, &openxc_CommandResponse_fields), - PB_FIELD( 7, UINT32 , OPTIONAL, STATIC , OTHER, openxc_VehicleMessage, uptime, command_response, 0), + PB_FIELD( 7, UINT64 , OPTIONAL, STATIC , OTHER, openxc_VehicleMessage, timestamp, command_response, 0), PB_LAST_FIELD }; diff --git a/gen/cpp/openxc.pb.h b/gen/cpp/openxc.pb.h index c15a32b..17bb77d 100644 --- a/gen/cpp/openxc.pb.h +++ b/gen/cpp/openxc.pb.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* Automatically generated nanopb header */ -/* Generated by nanopb-0.3.1 at Thu Nov 26 21:21:48 2015. */ +/* Generated by nanopb-0.3.1 at Wed Dec 9 21:31:24 2015. */ #ifndef PB_OPENXC_PB_H_INCLUDED #define PB_OPENXC_PB_H_INCLUDED @@ -266,8 +266,8 @@ typedef struct _openxc_VehicleMessage { openxc_ControlCommand control_command; bool has_command_response; openxc_CommandResponse command_response; - bool has_uptime; - uint32_t uptime; + bool has_timestamp; + uint64_t timestamp; } openxc_VehicleMessage; /* Default values for struct fields */ @@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ typedef struct _openxc_VehicleMessage { #define openxc_VehicleMessage_diagnostic_response_tag 4 #define openxc_VehicleMessage_control_command_tag 5 #define openxc_VehicleMessage_command_response_tag 6 -#define openxc_VehicleMessage_uptime_tag 7 +#define openxc_VehicleMessage_timestamp_tag 7 /* Struct field encoding specification for nanopb */ extern const pb_field_t openxc_VehicleMessage_fields[8]; diff --git a/gen/java/com/openxc/ b/gen/java/com/openxc/ index c94cf4a..bd84bd1 100644 --- a/gen/java/com/openxc/ +++ b/gen/java/com/openxc/ @@ -10,86 +10,319 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } public interface VehicleMessageOrBuilder extends { - + // optional .openxc.VehicleMessage.Type type = 1; + /** + * optional .openxc.VehicleMessage.Type type = 1; + */ boolean hasType(); + /** + * optional .openxc.VehicleMessage.Type type = 1; + */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage.Type getType(); - + // optional .openxc.CanMessage can_message = 2; + /** + * optional .openxc.CanMessage can_message = 2; + */ boolean hasCanMessage(); + /** + * optional .openxc.CanMessage can_message = 2; + */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage getCanMessage(); + /** + * optional .openxc.CanMessage can_message = 2; + */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessageOrBuilder getCanMessageOrBuilder(); - + // optional .openxc.SimpleMessage simple_message = 3; + /** + * optional .openxc.SimpleMessage simple_message = 3; + */ boolean hasSimpleMessage(); + /** + * optional .openxc.SimpleMessage simple_message = 3; + */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage getSimpleMessage(); + /** + * optional .openxc.SimpleMessage simple_message = 3; + */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessageOrBuilder getSimpleMessageOrBuilder(); - + // optional .openxc.DiagnosticResponse diagnostic_response = 4; + /** + * optional .openxc.DiagnosticResponse diagnostic_response = 4; + */ boolean hasDiagnosticResponse(); + /** + * optional .openxc.DiagnosticResponse diagnostic_response = 4; + */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse getDiagnosticResponse(); + /** + * optional .openxc.DiagnosticResponse diagnostic_response = 4; + */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponseOrBuilder getDiagnosticResponseOrBuilder(); - + // optional .openxc.ControlCommand control_command = 5; + /** + * optional .openxc.ControlCommand control_command = 5; + */ boolean hasControlCommand(); + /** + * optional .openxc.ControlCommand control_command = 5; + */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand getControlCommand(); + /** + * optional .openxc.ControlCommand control_command = 5; + */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommandOrBuilder getControlCommandOrBuilder(); - + // optional .openxc.CommandResponse command_response = 6; + /** + * optional .openxc.CommandResponse command_response = 6; + */ boolean hasCommandResponse(); + /** + * optional .openxc.CommandResponse command_response = 6; + */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse getCommandResponse(); + /** + * optional .openxc.CommandResponse command_response = 6; + */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponseOrBuilder getCommandResponseOrBuilder(); - - // optional uint32 uptime = 7; - boolean hasUptime(); - int getUptime(); + + // optional uint64 timestamp = 7; + /** + * optional uint64 timestamp = 7; + */ + boolean hasTimestamp(); + /** + * optional uint64 timestamp = 7; + */ + long getTimestamp(); } + /** + * Protobuf type {@code openxc.VehicleMessage} + */ public static final class VehicleMessage extends implements VehicleMessageOrBuilder { // Use VehicleMessage.newBuilder() to construct. - private VehicleMessage(Builder builder) { + private VehicleMessage( builder) { super(builder); + this.unknownFields = builder.getUnknownFields(); } - private VehicleMessage(boolean noInit) {} - + private VehicleMessage(boolean noInit) { this.unknownFields =; } + private static final VehicleMessage defaultInstance; public static VehicleMessage getDefaultInstance() { return defaultInstance; } - + public VehicleMessage getDefaultInstanceForType() { return defaultInstance; } - + + private final unknownFields; + @java.lang.Override + public final + getUnknownFields() { + return this.unknownFields; + } + private VehicleMessage( + input, + extensionRegistry) + throws { + initFields(); + int mutable_bitField0_ = 0; + unknownFields = +; + try { + boolean done = false; + while (!done) { + int tag = input.readTag(); + switch (tag) { + case 0: + done = true; + break; + default: { + if (!parseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, + extensionRegistry, tag)) { + done = true; + } + break; + } + case 8: { + int rawValue = input.readEnum(); + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage.Type value = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage.Type.valueOf(rawValue); + if (value == null) { + unknownFields.mergeVarintField(1, rawValue); + } else { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; + type_ = value; + } + break; + } + case 18: { + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage.Builder subBuilder = null; + if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002)) { + subBuilder = canMessage_.toBuilder(); + } + canMessage_ = input.readMessage(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage.PARSER, extensionRegistry); + if (subBuilder != null) { + subBuilder.mergeFrom(canMessage_); + canMessage_ = subBuilder.buildPartial(); + } + bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; + break; + } + case 26: { + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage.Builder subBuilder = null; + if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004)) { + subBuilder = simpleMessage_.toBuilder(); + } + simpleMessage_ = input.readMessage(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage.PARSER, extensionRegistry); + if (subBuilder != null) { + subBuilder.mergeFrom(simpleMessage_); + simpleMessage_ = subBuilder.buildPartial(); + } + bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; + break; + } + case 34: { + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse.Builder subBuilder = null; + if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000008) == 0x00000008)) { + subBuilder = diagnosticResponse_.toBuilder(); + } + diagnosticResponse_ = input.readMessage(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse.PARSER, extensionRegistry); + if (subBuilder != null) { + subBuilder.mergeFrom(diagnosticResponse_); + diagnosticResponse_ = subBuilder.buildPartial(); + } + bitField0_ |= 0x00000008; + break; + } + case 42: { + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.Builder subBuilder = null; + if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000010) == 0x00000010)) { + subBuilder = controlCommand_.toBuilder(); + } + controlCommand_ = input.readMessage(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.PARSER, extensionRegistry); + if (subBuilder != null) { + subBuilder.mergeFrom(controlCommand_); + controlCommand_ = subBuilder.buildPartial(); + } + bitField0_ |= 0x00000010; + break; + } + case 50: { + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse.Builder subBuilder = null; + if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000020) == 0x00000020)) { + subBuilder = commandResponse_.toBuilder(); + } + commandResponse_ = input.readMessage(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse.PARSER, extensionRegistry); + if (subBuilder != null) { + subBuilder.mergeFrom(commandResponse_); + commandResponse_ = subBuilder.buildPartial(); + } + bitField0_ |= 0x00000020; + break; + } + case 56: { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000040; + timestamp_ = input.readUInt64(); + break; + } + } + } + } catch ( e) { + throw e.setUnfinishedMessage(this); + } catch ( e) { + throw new + e.getMessage()).setUnfinishedMessage(this); + } finally { + this.unknownFields =; + makeExtensionsImmutable(); + } + } public static final getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_VehicleMessage_descriptor; } - + protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_VehicleMessage_fieldAccessorTable; + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_VehicleMessage_fieldAccessorTable + .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage.class, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage.Builder.class); + } + + public static PARSER = + new { + public VehicleMessage parsePartialFrom( + input, + extensionRegistry) + throws { + return new VehicleMessage(input, extensionRegistry); + } + }; + + @java.lang.Override + public getParserForType() { + return PARSER; } - + + /** + * Protobuf enum {@code openxc.VehicleMessage.Type} + */ public enum Type implements { + /** + * CAN = 1; + */ CAN(0, 1), + /** + * SIMPLE = 2; + */ SIMPLE(1, 2), + /** + * DIAGNOSTIC = 3; + */ DIAGNOSTIC(2, 3), + /** + * CONTROL_COMMAND = 4; + */ CONTROL_COMMAND(3, 4), + /** + * COMMAND_RESPONSE = 5; + */ COMMAND_RESPONSE(4, 5), ; - + + /** + * CAN = 1; + */ public static final int CAN_VALUE = 1; + /** + * SIMPLE = 2; + */ public static final int SIMPLE_VALUE = 2; + /** + * DIAGNOSTIC = 3; + */ public static final int DIAGNOSTIC_VALUE = 3; + /** + * CONTROL_COMMAND = 4; + */ public static final int CONTROL_COMMAND_VALUE = 4; + /** + * COMMAND_RESPONSE = 5; + */ public static final int COMMAND_RESPONSE_VALUE = 5; - - + + public final int getNumber() { return value; } - + public static Type valueOf(int value) { switch (value) { case 1: return CAN; @@ -100,7 +333,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { default: return null; } } - + public static internalGetValueMap() { return internalValueMap; @@ -112,7 +345,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return Type.valueOf(number); } }; - + public final getValueDescriptor() { return getDescriptor().getValues().get(index); @@ -125,11 +358,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage.getDescriptor().getEnumTypes().get(0); } - - private static final Type[] VALUES = { - CAN, SIMPLE, DIAGNOSTIC, CONTROL_COMMAND, COMMAND_RESPONSE, - }; - + + private static final Type[] VALUES = values(); + public static Type valueOf( desc) { if (desc.getType() != getDescriptor()) { @@ -138,104 +369,161 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return VALUES[desc.getIndex()]; } - + private final int index; private final int value; - + private Type(int index, int value) { this.index = index; this.value = value; } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(enum_scope:openxc.VehicleMessage.Type) } - + private int bitField0_; // optional .openxc.VehicleMessage.Type type = 1; public static final int TYPE_FIELD_NUMBER = 1; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage.Type type_; + /** + * optional .openxc.VehicleMessage.Type type = 1; + */ public boolean hasType() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } + /** + * optional .openxc.VehicleMessage.Type type = 1; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage.Type getType() { return type_; } - + // optional .openxc.CanMessage can_message = 2; public static final int CAN_MESSAGE_FIELD_NUMBER = 2; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage canMessage_; + /** + * optional .openxc.CanMessage can_message = 2; + */ public boolean hasCanMessage() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002); } + /** + * optional .openxc.CanMessage can_message = 2; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage getCanMessage() { return canMessage_; } + /** + * optional .openxc.CanMessage can_message = 2; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessageOrBuilder getCanMessageOrBuilder() { return canMessage_; } - + // optional .openxc.SimpleMessage simple_message = 3; public static final int SIMPLE_MESSAGE_FIELD_NUMBER = 3; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage simpleMessage_; + /** + * optional .openxc.SimpleMessage simple_message = 3; + */ public boolean hasSimpleMessage() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004); } + /** + * optional .openxc.SimpleMessage simple_message = 3; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage getSimpleMessage() { return simpleMessage_; } + /** + * optional .openxc.SimpleMessage simple_message = 3; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessageOrBuilder getSimpleMessageOrBuilder() { return simpleMessage_; } - + // optional .openxc.DiagnosticResponse diagnostic_response = 4; public static final int DIAGNOSTIC_RESPONSE_FIELD_NUMBER = 4; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse diagnosticResponse_; + /** + * optional .openxc.DiagnosticResponse diagnostic_response = 4; + */ public boolean hasDiagnosticResponse() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000008) == 0x00000008); } + /** + * optional .openxc.DiagnosticResponse diagnostic_response = 4; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse getDiagnosticResponse() { return diagnosticResponse_; } + /** + * optional .openxc.DiagnosticResponse diagnostic_response = 4; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponseOrBuilder getDiagnosticResponseOrBuilder() { return diagnosticResponse_; } - + // optional .openxc.ControlCommand control_command = 5; public static final int CONTROL_COMMAND_FIELD_NUMBER = 5; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand controlCommand_; + /** + * optional .openxc.ControlCommand control_command = 5; + */ public boolean hasControlCommand() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000010) == 0x00000010); } + /** + * optional .openxc.ControlCommand control_command = 5; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand getControlCommand() { return controlCommand_; } + /** + * optional .openxc.ControlCommand control_command = 5; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommandOrBuilder getControlCommandOrBuilder() { return controlCommand_; } - + // optional .openxc.CommandResponse command_response = 6; public static final int COMMAND_RESPONSE_FIELD_NUMBER = 6; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse commandResponse_; + /** + * optional .openxc.CommandResponse command_response = 6; + */ public boolean hasCommandResponse() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000020) == 0x00000020); } + /** + * optional .openxc.CommandResponse command_response = 6; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse getCommandResponse() { return commandResponse_; } + /** + * optional .openxc.CommandResponse command_response = 6; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponseOrBuilder getCommandResponseOrBuilder() { return commandResponse_; } - - // optional uint32 uptime = 7; - public static final int UPTIME_FIELD_NUMBER = 7; - private int uptime_; - public boolean hasUptime() { + + // optional uint64 timestamp = 7; + public static final int TIMESTAMP_FIELD_NUMBER = 7; + private long timestamp_; + /** + * optional uint64 timestamp = 7; + */ + public boolean hasTimestamp() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000040) == 0x00000040); } - public int getUptime() { - return uptime_; + /** + * optional uint64 timestamp = 7; + */ + public long getTimestamp() { + return timestamp_; } - + private void initFields() { type_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage.Type.CAN; canMessage_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage.getDefaultInstance(); @@ -243,17 +531,17 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { diagnosticResponse_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse.getDefaultInstance(); controlCommand_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.getDefaultInstance(); commandResponse_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse.getDefaultInstance(); - uptime_ = 0; + timestamp_ = 0L; } private byte memoizedIsInitialized = -1; public final boolean isInitialized() { byte isInitialized = memoizedIsInitialized; if (isInitialized != -1) return isInitialized == 1; - + memoizedIsInitialized = 1; return true; } - + public void writeTo( output) throws { getSerializedSize(); @@ -276,16 +564,16 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { output.writeMessage(6, commandResponse_); } if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000040) == 0x00000040)) { - output.writeUInt32(7, uptime_); + output.writeUInt64(7, timestamp_); } getUnknownFields().writeTo(output); } - + private int memoizedSerializedSize = -1; public int getSerializedSize() { int size = memoizedSerializedSize; if (size != -1) return size; - + size = 0; if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { size += @@ -313,100 +601,89 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000040) == 0x00000040)) { size += - .computeUInt32Size(7, uptime_); + .computeUInt64Size(7, timestamp_); } size += getUnknownFields().getSerializedSize(); memoizedSerializedSize = size; return size; } - + private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L; @java.lang.Override protected java.lang.Object writeReplace() throws { return super.writeReplace(); } - + public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage parseFrom( data) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data).buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage parseFrom( data, extensionRegistry) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry) - .buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage parseFrom(byte[] data) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data).buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage parseFrom( byte[] data, extensionRegistry) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry) - .buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage parseFrom( input) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input).buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(input); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry) - .buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage parseDelimitedFrom( input) throws { - Builder builder = newBuilder(); - if (builder.mergeDelimitedFrom(input)) { - return builder.buildParsed(); - } else { - return null; - } + return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage parseDelimitedFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - Builder builder = newBuilder(); - if (builder.mergeDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry)) { - return builder.buildParsed(); - } else { - return null; - } + return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage parseFrom( input) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input).buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(input); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry) - .buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry); } - + public static Builder newBuilder() { return Builder.create(); } public Builder newBuilderForType() { return newBuilder(); } public static Builder newBuilder(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage prototype) { return newBuilder().mergeFrom(prototype); } public Builder toBuilder() { return newBuilder(this); } - + @java.lang.Override protected Builder newBuilderForType( parent) { Builder builder = new Builder(parent); return builder; } + /** + * Protobuf type {@code openxc.VehicleMessage} + */ public static final class Builder extends implements com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessageOrBuilder { @@ -414,18 +691,21 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_VehicleMessage_descriptor; } - + protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_VehicleMessage_fieldAccessorTable; + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_VehicleMessage_fieldAccessorTable + .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage.class, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage.Builder.class); } - + // Construct using com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage.newBuilder() private Builder() { maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } - - private Builder(BuilderParent parent) { + + private Builder( + parent) { super(parent); maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } @@ -441,7 +721,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { private static Builder create() { return new Builder(); } - + public Builder clear() { super.clear(); type_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage.Type.CAN; @@ -476,24 +756,24 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { commandResponseBuilder_.clear(); } bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000020); - uptime_ = 0; + timestamp_ = 0L; bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000040); return this; } - + public Builder clone() { return create().mergeFrom(buildPartial()); } - + public getDescriptorForType() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage.getDescriptor(); + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_VehicleMessage_descriptor; } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage getDefaultInstanceForType() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage.getDefaultInstance(); } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage build() { com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage result = buildPartial(); if (!result.isInitialized()) { @@ -501,17 +781,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return result; } - - private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage buildParsed() - throws { - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage result = buildPartial(); - if (!result.isInitialized()) { - throw newUninitializedMessageException( - result).asInvalidProtocolBufferException(); - } - return result; - } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage buildPartial() { com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage result = new com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage(this); int from_bitField0_ = bitField0_; @@ -563,12 +833,12 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { if (((from_bitField0_ & 0x00000040) == 0x00000040)) { to_bitField0_ |= 0x00000040; } - result.uptime_ = uptime_; + result.timestamp_ = timestamp_; result.bitField0_ = to_bitField0_; onBuilt(); return result; } - + public Builder mergeFrom( other) { if (other instanceof com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage) { return mergeFrom((com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage)other); @@ -577,7 +847,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return this; } } - + public Builder mergeFrom(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage other) { if (other == com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage.getDefaultInstance()) return this; if (other.hasType()) { @@ -598,115 +868,53 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { if (other.hasCommandResponse()) { mergeCommandResponse(other.getCommandResponse()); } - if (other.hasUptime()) { - setUptime(other.getUptime()); + if (other.hasTimestamp()) { + setTimestamp(other.getTimestamp()); } this.mergeUnknownFields(other.getUnknownFields()); return this; } - + public final boolean isInitialized() { return true; } - + public Builder mergeFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - unknownFields = - - this.getUnknownFields()); - while (true) { - int tag = input.readTag(); - switch (tag) { - case 0: - this.setUnknownFields(; - onChanged(); - return this; - default: { - if (!parseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, - extensionRegistry, tag)) { - this.setUnknownFields(; - onChanged(); - return this; - } - break; - } - case 8: { - int rawValue = input.readEnum(); - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage.Type value = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage.Type.valueOf(rawValue); - if (value == null) { - unknownFields.mergeVarintField(1, rawValue); - } else { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; - type_ = value; - } - break; - } - case 18: { - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage.Builder subBuilder = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage.newBuilder(); - if (hasCanMessage()) { - subBuilder.mergeFrom(getCanMessage()); - } - input.readMessage(subBuilder, extensionRegistry); - setCanMessage(subBuilder.buildPartial()); - break; - } - case 26: { - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage.Builder subBuilder = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage.newBuilder(); - if (hasSimpleMessage()) { - subBuilder.mergeFrom(getSimpleMessage()); - } - input.readMessage(subBuilder, extensionRegistry); - setSimpleMessage(subBuilder.buildPartial()); - break; - } - case 34: { - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse.Builder subBuilder = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse.newBuilder(); - if (hasDiagnosticResponse()) { - subBuilder.mergeFrom(getDiagnosticResponse()); - } - input.readMessage(subBuilder, extensionRegistry); - setDiagnosticResponse(subBuilder.buildPartial()); - break; - } - case 42: { - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.Builder subBuilder = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.newBuilder(); - if (hasControlCommand()) { - subBuilder.mergeFrom(getControlCommand()); - } - input.readMessage(subBuilder, extensionRegistry); - setControlCommand(subBuilder.buildPartial()); - break; - } - case 50: { - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse.Builder subBuilder = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse.newBuilder(); - if (hasCommandResponse()) { - subBuilder.mergeFrom(getCommandResponse()); - } - input.readMessage(subBuilder, extensionRegistry); - setCommandResponse(subBuilder.buildPartial()); - break; - } - case 56: { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000040; - uptime_ = input.readUInt32(); - break; - } + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage parsedMessage = null; + try { + parsedMessage = PARSER.parsePartialFrom(input, extensionRegistry); + } catch ( e) { + parsedMessage = (com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage) e.getUnfinishedMessage(); + throw e; + } finally { + if (parsedMessage != null) { + mergeFrom(parsedMessage); } } + return this; } - private int bitField0_; - + // optional .openxc.VehicleMessage.Type type = 1; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage.Type type_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage.Type.CAN; + /** + * optional .openxc.VehicleMessage.Type type = 1; + */ public boolean hasType() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } + /** + * optional .openxc.VehicleMessage.Type type = 1; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage.Type getType() { return type_; } + /** + * optional .openxc.VehicleMessage.Type type = 1; + */ public Builder setType(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage.Type value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); @@ -716,20 +924,29 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { onChanged(); return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.VehicleMessage.Type type = 1; + */ public Builder clearType() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); type_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage.Type.CAN; onChanged(); return this; } - + // optional .openxc.CanMessage can_message = 2; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage canMessage_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage.getDefaultInstance(); private< com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage.Builder, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessageOrBuilder> canMessageBuilder_; + /** + * optional .openxc.CanMessage can_message = 2; + */ public boolean hasCanMessage() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002); } + /** + * optional .openxc.CanMessage can_message = 2; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage getCanMessage() { if (canMessageBuilder_ == null) { return canMessage_; @@ -737,6 +954,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return canMessageBuilder_.getMessage(); } } + /** + * optional .openxc.CanMessage can_message = 2; + */ public Builder setCanMessage(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage value) { if (canMessageBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { @@ -750,6 +970,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.CanMessage can_message = 2; + */ public Builder setCanMessage( com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage.Builder builderForValue) { if (canMessageBuilder_ == null) { @@ -761,6 +984,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.CanMessage can_message = 2; + */ public Builder mergeCanMessage(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage value) { if (canMessageBuilder_ == null) { if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002) && @@ -777,6 +1003,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.CanMessage can_message = 2; + */ public Builder clearCanMessage() { if (canMessageBuilder_ == null) { canMessage_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage.getDefaultInstance(); @@ -787,11 +1016,17 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.CanMessage can_message = 2; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage.Builder getCanMessageBuilder() { bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; onChanged(); return getCanMessageFieldBuilder().getBuilder(); } + /** + * optional .openxc.CanMessage can_message = 2; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessageOrBuilder getCanMessageOrBuilder() { if (canMessageBuilder_ != null) { return canMessageBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder(); @@ -799,6 +1034,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return canMessage_; } } + /** + * optional .openxc.CanMessage can_message = 2; + */ private< com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage.Builder, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessageOrBuilder> getCanMessageFieldBuilder() { @@ -812,14 +1050,20 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return canMessageBuilder_; } - + // optional .openxc.SimpleMessage simple_message = 3; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage simpleMessage_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage.getDefaultInstance(); private< com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage.Builder, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessageOrBuilder> simpleMessageBuilder_; + /** + * optional .openxc.SimpleMessage simple_message = 3; + */ public boolean hasSimpleMessage() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004); } + /** + * optional .openxc.SimpleMessage simple_message = 3; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage getSimpleMessage() { if (simpleMessageBuilder_ == null) { return simpleMessage_; @@ -827,6 +1071,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return simpleMessageBuilder_.getMessage(); } } + /** + * optional .openxc.SimpleMessage simple_message = 3; + */ public Builder setSimpleMessage(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage value) { if (simpleMessageBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { @@ -840,6 +1087,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.SimpleMessage simple_message = 3; + */ public Builder setSimpleMessage( com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage.Builder builderForValue) { if (simpleMessageBuilder_ == null) { @@ -851,6 +1101,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.SimpleMessage simple_message = 3; + */ public Builder mergeSimpleMessage(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage value) { if (simpleMessageBuilder_ == null) { if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004) && @@ -867,6 +1120,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.SimpleMessage simple_message = 3; + */ public Builder clearSimpleMessage() { if (simpleMessageBuilder_ == null) { simpleMessage_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage.getDefaultInstance(); @@ -877,11 +1133,17 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000004); return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.SimpleMessage simple_message = 3; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage.Builder getSimpleMessageBuilder() { bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; onChanged(); return getSimpleMessageFieldBuilder().getBuilder(); } + /** + * optional .openxc.SimpleMessage simple_message = 3; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessageOrBuilder getSimpleMessageOrBuilder() { if (simpleMessageBuilder_ != null) { return simpleMessageBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder(); @@ -889,6 +1151,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return simpleMessage_; } } + /** + * optional .openxc.SimpleMessage simple_message = 3; + */ private< com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage.Builder, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessageOrBuilder> getSimpleMessageFieldBuilder() { @@ -902,14 +1167,20 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return simpleMessageBuilder_; } - + // optional .openxc.DiagnosticResponse diagnostic_response = 4; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse diagnosticResponse_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse.getDefaultInstance(); private< com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse.Builder, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponseOrBuilder> diagnosticResponseBuilder_; + /** + * optional .openxc.DiagnosticResponse diagnostic_response = 4; + */ public boolean hasDiagnosticResponse() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000008) == 0x00000008); } + /** + * optional .openxc.DiagnosticResponse diagnostic_response = 4; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse getDiagnosticResponse() { if (diagnosticResponseBuilder_ == null) { return diagnosticResponse_; @@ -917,6 +1188,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return diagnosticResponseBuilder_.getMessage(); } } + /** + * optional .openxc.DiagnosticResponse diagnostic_response = 4; + */ public Builder setDiagnosticResponse(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse value) { if (diagnosticResponseBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { @@ -930,6 +1204,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000008; return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.DiagnosticResponse diagnostic_response = 4; + */ public Builder setDiagnosticResponse( com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse.Builder builderForValue) { if (diagnosticResponseBuilder_ == null) { @@ -941,6 +1218,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000008; return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.DiagnosticResponse diagnostic_response = 4; + */ public Builder mergeDiagnosticResponse(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse value) { if (diagnosticResponseBuilder_ == null) { if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000008) == 0x00000008) && @@ -957,6 +1237,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000008; return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.DiagnosticResponse diagnostic_response = 4; + */ public Builder clearDiagnosticResponse() { if (diagnosticResponseBuilder_ == null) { diagnosticResponse_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse.getDefaultInstance(); @@ -967,11 +1250,17 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000008); return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.DiagnosticResponse diagnostic_response = 4; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse.Builder getDiagnosticResponseBuilder() { bitField0_ |= 0x00000008; onChanged(); return getDiagnosticResponseFieldBuilder().getBuilder(); } + /** + * optional .openxc.DiagnosticResponse diagnostic_response = 4; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponseOrBuilder getDiagnosticResponseOrBuilder() { if (diagnosticResponseBuilder_ != null) { return diagnosticResponseBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder(); @@ -979,6 +1268,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return diagnosticResponse_; } } + /** + * optional .openxc.DiagnosticResponse diagnostic_response = 4; + */ private< com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse.Builder, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponseOrBuilder> getDiagnosticResponseFieldBuilder() { @@ -992,14 +1284,20 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return diagnosticResponseBuilder_; } - + // optional .openxc.ControlCommand control_command = 5; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand controlCommand_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.getDefaultInstance(); private< com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.Builder, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommandOrBuilder> controlCommandBuilder_; + /** + * optional .openxc.ControlCommand control_command = 5; + */ public boolean hasControlCommand() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000010) == 0x00000010); } + /** + * optional .openxc.ControlCommand control_command = 5; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand getControlCommand() { if (controlCommandBuilder_ == null) { return controlCommand_; @@ -1007,6 +1305,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return controlCommandBuilder_.getMessage(); } } + /** + * optional .openxc.ControlCommand control_command = 5; + */ public Builder setControlCommand(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand value) { if (controlCommandBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { @@ -1020,6 +1321,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000010; return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.ControlCommand control_command = 5; + */ public Builder setControlCommand( com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.Builder builderForValue) { if (controlCommandBuilder_ == null) { @@ -1031,6 +1335,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000010; return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.ControlCommand control_command = 5; + */ public Builder mergeControlCommand(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand value) { if (controlCommandBuilder_ == null) { if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000010) == 0x00000010) && @@ -1047,6 +1354,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000010; return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.ControlCommand control_command = 5; + */ public Builder clearControlCommand() { if (controlCommandBuilder_ == null) { controlCommand_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.getDefaultInstance(); @@ -1057,11 +1367,17 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000010); return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.ControlCommand control_command = 5; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.Builder getControlCommandBuilder() { bitField0_ |= 0x00000010; onChanged(); return getControlCommandFieldBuilder().getBuilder(); } + /** + * optional .openxc.ControlCommand control_command = 5; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommandOrBuilder getControlCommandOrBuilder() { if (controlCommandBuilder_ != null) { return controlCommandBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder(); @@ -1069,6 +1385,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return controlCommand_; } } + /** + * optional .openxc.ControlCommand control_command = 5; + */ private< com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.Builder, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommandOrBuilder> getControlCommandFieldBuilder() { @@ -1082,14 +1401,20 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return controlCommandBuilder_; } - + // optional .openxc.CommandResponse command_response = 6; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse commandResponse_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse.getDefaultInstance(); private< com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse.Builder, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponseOrBuilder> commandResponseBuilder_; + /** + * optional .openxc.CommandResponse command_response = 6; + */ public boolean hasCommandResponse() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000020) == 0x00000020); } + /** + * optional .openxc.CommandResponse command_response = 6; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse getCommandResponse() { if (commandResponseBuilder_ == null) { return commandResponse_; @@ -1097,6 +1422,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return commandResponseBuilder_.getMessage(); } } + /** + * optional .openxc.CommandResponse command_response = 6; + */ public Builder setCommandResponse(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse value) { if (commandResponseBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { @@ -1110,6 +1438,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000020; return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.CommandResponse command_response = 6; + */ public Builder setCommandResponse( com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse.Builder builderForValue) { if (commandResponseBuilder_ == null) { @@ -1121,6 +1452,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000020; return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.CommandResponse command_response = 6; + */ public Builder mergeCommandResponse(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse value) { if (commandResponseBuilder_ == null) { if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000020) == 0x00000020) && @@ -1137,6 +1471,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000020; return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.CommandResponse command_response = 6; + */ public Builder clearCommandResponse() { if (commandResponseBuilder_ == null) { commandResponse_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse.getDefaultInstance(); @@ -1147,11 +1484,17 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000020); return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.CommandResponse command_response = 6; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse.Builder getCommandResponseBuilder() { bitField0_ |= 0x00000020; onChanged(); return getCommandResponseFieldBuilder().getBuilder(); } + /** + * optional .openxc.CommandResponse command_response = 6; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponseOrBuilder getCommandResponseOrBuilder() { if (commandResponseBuilder_ != null) { return commandResponseBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder(); @@ -1159,6 +1502,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return commandResponse_; } } + /** + * optional .openxc.CommandResponse command_response = 6; + */ private< com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse.Builder, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponseOrBuilder> getCommandResponseFieldBuilder() { @@ -1172,98 +1518,237 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return commandResponseBuilder_; } - - // optional uint32 uptime = 7; - private int uptime_ ; - public boolean hasUptime() { + + // optional uint64 timestamp = 7; + private long timestamp_ ; + /** + * optional uint64 timestamp = 7; + */ + public boolean hasTimestamp() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000040) == 0x00000040); } - public int getUptime() { - return uptime_; + /** + * optional uint64 timestamp = 7; + */ + public long getTimestamp() { + return timestamp_; } - public Builder setUptime(int value) { + /** + * optional uint64 timestamp = 7; + */ + public Builder setTimestamp(long value) { bitField0_ |= 0x00000040; - uptime_ = value; + timestamp_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } - public Builder clearUptime() { + /** + * optional uint64 timestamp = 7; + */ + public Builder clearTimestamp() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000040); - uptime_ = 0; + timestamp_ = 0L; onChanged(); return this; } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(builder_scope:openxc.VehicleMessage) } - + static { defaultInstance = new VehicleMessage(true); defaultInstance.initFields(); } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:openxc.VehicleMessage) } - + public interface CanMessageOrBuilder extends { - + // optional int32 bus = 1; + /** + * optional int32 bus = 1; + */ boolean hasBus(); + /** + * optional int32 bus = 1; + */ int getBus(); - + // optional uint32 id = 2; + /** + * optional uint32 id = 2; + */ boolean hasId(); + /** + * optional uint32 id = 2; + */ int getId(); - + // optional bytes data = 3; + /** + * optional bytes data = 3; + */ boolean hasData(); + /** + * optional bytes data = 3; + */ getData(); - + // optional .openxc.CanMessage.FrameFormat frame_format = 4; + /** + * optional .openxc.CanMessage.FrameFormat frame_format = 4; + */ boolean hasFrameFormat(); + /** + * optional .openxc.CanMessage.FrameFormat frame_format = 4; + */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage.FrameFormat getFrameFormat(); } + /** + * Protobuf type {@code openxc.CanMessage} + */ public static final class CanMessage extends implements CanMessageOrBuilder { // Use CanMessage.newBuilder() to construct. - private CanMessage(Builder builder) { + private CanMessage( builder) { super(builder); + this.unknownFields = builder.getUnknownFields(); } - private CanMessage(boolean noInit) {} - + private CanMessage(boolean noInit) { this.unknownFields =; } + private static final CanMessage defaultInstance; public static CanMessage getDefaultInstance() { return defaultInstance; } - + public CanMessage getDefaultInstanceForType() { return defaultInstance; } - + + private final unknownFields; + @java.lang.Override + public final + getUnknownFields() { + return this.unknownFields; + } + private CanMessage( + input, + extensionRegistry) + throws { + initFields(); + int mutable_bitField0_ = 0; + unknownFields = +; + try { + boolean done = false; + while (!done) { + int tag = input.readTag(); + switch (tag) { + case 0: + done = true; + break; + default: { + if (!parseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, + extensionRegistry, tag)) { + done = true; + } + break; + } + case 8: { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; + bus_ = input.readInt32(); + break; + } + case 16: { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; + id_ = input.readUInt32(); + break; + } + case 26: { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; + data_ = input.readBytes(); + break; + } + case 32: { + int rawValue = input.readEnum(); + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage.FrameFormat value = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage.FrameFormat.valueOf(rawValue); + if (value == null) { + unknownFields.mergeVarintField(4, rawValue); + } else { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000008; + frameFormat_ = value; + } + break; + } + } + } + } catch ( e) { + throw e.setUnfinishedMessage(this); + } catch ( e) { + throw new + e.getMessage()).setUnfinishedMessage(this); + } finally { + this.unknownFields =; + makeExtensionsImmutable(); + } + } public static final getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_CanMessage_descriptor; } - + protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_CanMessage_fieldAccessorTable; + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_CanMessage_fieldAccessorTable + .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage.class, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage.Builder.class); } - - public enum FrameFormat - implements { - STANDARD(0, 1), - EXTENDED(1, 2), - ; - - public static final int STANDARD_VALUE = 1; - public static final int EXTENDED_VALUE = 2; - - - public final int getNumber() { return value; } - + + public static PARSER = + new { + public CanMessage parsePartialFrom( + input, + extensionRegistry) + throws { + return new CanMessage(input, extensionRegistry); + } + }; + + @java.lang.Override + public getParserForType() { + return PARSER; + } + + /** + * Protobuf enum {@code openxc.CanMessage.FrameFormat} + */ + public enum FrameFormat + implements { + /** + * STANDARD = 1; + */ + STANDARD(0, 1), + /** + * EXTENDED = 2; + */ + EXTENDED(1, 2), + ; + + /** + * STANDARD = 1; + */ + public static final int STANDARD_VALUE = 1; + /** + * EXTENDED = 2; + */ + public static final int EXTENDED_VALUE = 2; + + + public final int getNumber() { return value; } + public static FrameFormat valueOf(int value) { switch (value) { case 1: return STANDARD; @@ -1271,7 +1756,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { default: return null; } } - + public static internalGetValueMap() { return internalValueMap; @@ -1283,7 +1768,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return FrameFormat.valueOf(number); } }; - + public final getValueDescriptor() { return getDescriptor().getValues().get(index); @@ -1296,11 +1781,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage.getDescriptor().getEnumTypes().get(0); } - - private static final FrameFormat[] VALUES = { - STANDARD, EXTENDED, - }; - + + private static final FrameFormat[] VALUES = values(); + public static FrameFormat valueOf( desc) { if (desc.getType() != getDescriptor()) { @@ -1309,59 +1792,83 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return VALUES[desc.getIndex()]; } - + private final int index; private final int value; - + private FrameFormat(int index, int value) { this.index = index; this.value = value; } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(enum_scope:openxc.CanMessage.FrameFormat) } - + private int bitField0_; // optional int32 bus = 1; public static final int BUS_FIELD_NUMBER = 1; private int bus_; + /** + * optional int32 bus = 1; + */ public boolean hasBus() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } + /** + * optional int32 bus = 1; + */ public int getBus() { return bus_; } - + // optional uint32 id = 2; public static final int ID_FIELD_NUMBER = 2; private int id_; + /** + * optional uint32 id = 2; + */ public boolean hasId() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002); } + /** + * optional uint32 id = 2; + */ public int getId() { return id_; } - + // optional bytes data = 3; public static final int DATA_FIELD_NUMBER = 3; private data_; + /** + * optional bytes data = 3; + */ public boolean hasData() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004); } + /** + * optional bytes data = 3; + */ public getData() { return data_; } - + // optional .openxc.CanMessage.FrameFormat frame_format = 4; public static final int FRAME_FORMAT_FIELD_NUMBER = 4; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage.FrameFormat frameFormat_; + /** + * optional .openxc.CanMessage.FrameFormat frame_format = 4; + */ public boolean hasFrameFormat() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000008) == 0x00000008); } + /** + * optional .openxc.CanMessage.FrameFormat frame_format = 4; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage.FrameFormat getFrameFormat() { return frameFormat_; } - + private void initFields() { bus_ = 0; id_ = 0; @@ -1372,11 +1879,11 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { public final boolean isInitialized() { byte isInitialized = memoizedIsInitialized; if (isInitialized != -1) return isInitialized == 1; - + memoizedIsInitialized = 1; return true; } - + public void writeTo( output) throws { getSerializedSize(); @@ -1394,12 +1901,12 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } getUnknownFields().writeTo(output); } - + private int memoizedSerializedSize = -1; public int getSerializedSize() { int size = memoizedSerializedSize; if (size != -1) return size; - + size = 0; if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { size += @@ -1421,94 +1928,83 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { memoizedSerializedSize = size; return size; } - + private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L; @java.lang.Override protected java.lang.Object writeReplace() throws { return super.writeReplace(); } - + public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage parseFrom( data) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data).buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage parseFrom( data, extensionRegistry) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry) - .buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage parseFrom(byte[] data) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data).buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage parseFrom( byte[] data, extensionRegistry) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry) - .buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage parseFrom( input) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input).buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(input); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry) - .buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage parseDelimitedFrom( input) throws { - Builder builder = newBuilder(); - if (builder.mergeDelimitedFrom(input)) { - return builder.buildParsed(); - } else { - return null; - } + return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage parseDelimitedFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - Builder builder = newBuilder(); - if (builder.mergeDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry)) { - return builder.buildParsed(); - } else { - return null; - } + return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage parseFrom( input) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input).buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(input); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry) - .buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry); } - + public static Builder newBuilder() { return Builder.create(); } public Builder newBuilderForType() { return newBuilder(); } public static Builder newBuilder(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage prototype) { return newBuilder().mergeFrom(prototype); } public Builder toBuilder() { return newBuilder(this); } - + @java.lang.Override protected Builder newBuilderForType( parent) { Builder builder = new Builder(parent); return builder; } + /** + * Protobuf type {@code openxc.CanMessage} + */ public static final class Builder extends implements com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessageOrBuilder { @@ -1516,18 +2012,21 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_CanMessage_descriptor; } - + protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_CanMessage_fieldAccessorTable; + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_CanMessage_fieldAccessorTable + .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage.class, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage.Builder.class); } - + // Construct using com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage.newBuilder() private Builder() { maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } - - private Builder(BuilderParent parent) { + + private Builder( + parent) { super(parent); maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } @@ -1538,7 +2037,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { private static Builder create() { return new Builder(); } - + public Builder clear() { super.clear(); bus_ = 0; @@ -1551,20 +2050,20 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000008); return this; } - + public Builder clone() { return create().mergeFrom(buildPartial()); } - + public getDescriptorForType() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage.getDescriptor(); + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_CanMessage_descriptor; } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage getDefaultInstanceForType() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage.getDefaultInstance(); } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage build() { com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage result = buildPartial(); if (!result.isInitialized()) { @@ -1572,17 +2071,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return result; } - - private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage buildParsed() - throws { - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage result = buildPartial(); - if (!result.isInitialized()) { - throw newUninitializedMessageException( - result).asInvalidProtocolBufferException(); - } - return result; - } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage buildPartial() { com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage result = new com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage(this); int from_bitField0_ = bitField0_; @@ -1607,7 +2096,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { onBuilt(); return result; } - + public Builder mergeFrom( other) { if (other instanceof com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage) { return mergeFrom((com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage)other); @@ -1616,7 +2105,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return this; } } - + public Builder mergeFrom(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage other) { if (other == com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage.getDefaultInstance()) return this; if (other.hasBus()) { @@ -1634,116 +2123,113 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { this.mergeUnknownFields(other.getUnknownFields()); return this; } - + public final boolean isInitialized() { return true; } - + public Builder mergeFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - unknownFields = - - this.getUnknownFields()); - while (true) { - int tag = input.readTag(); - switch (tag) { - case 0: - this.setUnknownFields(; - onChanged(); - return this; - default: { - if (!parseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, - extensionRegistry, tag)) { - this.setUnknownFields(; - onChanged(); - return this; - } - break; - } - case 8: { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; - bus_ = input.readInt32(); - break; - } - case 16: { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; - id_ = input.readUInt32(); - break; - } - case 26: { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; - data_ = input.readBytes(); - break; - } - case 32: { - int rawValue = input.readEnum(); - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage.FrameFormat value = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage.FrameFormat.valueOf(rawValue); - if (value == null) { - unknownFields.mergeVarintField(4, rawValue); - } else { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000008; - frameFormat_ = value; - } - break; - } + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage parsedMessage = null; + try { + parsedMessage = PARSER.parsePartialFrom(input, extensionRegistry); + } catch ( e) { + parsedMessage = (com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage) e.getUnfinishedMessage(); + throw e; + } finally { + if (parsedMessage != null) { + mergeFrom(parsedMessage); } } + return this; } - private int bitField0_; - + // optional int32 bus = 1; private int bus_ ; + /** + * optional int32 bus = 1; + */ public boolean hasBus() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } + /** + * optional int32 bus = 1; + */ public int getBus() { return bus_; } + /** + * optional int32 bus = 1; + */ public Builder setBus(int value) { bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; bus_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } + /** + * optional int32 bus = 1; + */ public Builder clearBus() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); bus_ = 0; onChanged(); return this; } - + // optional uint32 id = 2; private int id_ ; + /** + * optional uint32 id = 2; + */ public boolean hasId() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002); } + /** + * optional uint32 id = 2; + */ public int getId() { return id_; } + /** + * optional uint32 id = 2; + */ public Builder setId(int value) { bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; id_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } + /** + * optional uint32 id = 2; + */ public Builder clearId() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); id_ = 0; onChanged(); return this; } - + // optional bytes data = 3; private data_ =; + /** + * optional bytes data = 3; + */ public boolean hasData() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004); } + /** + * optional bytes data = 3; + */ public getData() { return data_; } + /** + * optional bytes data = 3; + */ public Builder setData( value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); @@ -1753,21 +2239,33 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { onChanged(); return this; } + /** + * optional bytes data = 3; + */ public Builder clearData() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000004); data_ = getDefaultInstance().getData(); onChanged(); return this; } - + // optional .openxc.CanMessage.FrameFormat frame_format = 4; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage.FrameFormat frameFormat_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage.FrameFormat.STANDARD; + /** + * optional .openxc.CanMessage.FrameFormat frame_format = 4; + */ public boolean hasFrameFormat() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000008) == 0x00000008); } + /** + * optional .openxc.CanMessage.FrameFormat frame_format = 4; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage.FrameFormat getFrameFormat() { return frameFormat_; } + /** + * optional .openxc.CanMessage.FrameFormat frame_format = 4; + */ public Builder setFrameFormat(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage.FrameFormat value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); @@ -1777,122 +2275,421 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { onChanged(); return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.CanMessage.FrameFormat frame_format = 4; + */ public Builder clearFrameFormat() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000008); frameFormat_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage.FrameFormat.STANDARD; onChanged(); return this; } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(builder_scope:openxc.CanMessage) } - + static { defaultInstance = new CanMessage(true); defaultInstance.initFields(); } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:openxc.CanMessage) } - + public interface ControlCommandOrBuilder extends { - + // optional .openxc.ControlCommand.Type type = 1; + /** + * optional .openxc.ControlCommand.Type type = 1; + */ boolean hasType(); + /** + * optional .openxc.ControlCommand.Type type = 1; + */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.Type getType(); - + // optional .openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand diagnostic_request = 2; + /** + * optional .openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand diagnostic_request = 2; + */ boolean hasDiagnosticRequest(); + /** + * optional .openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand diagnostic_request = 2; + */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand getDiagnosticRequest(); + /** + * optional .openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand diagnostic_request = 2; + */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommandOrBuilder getDiagnosticRequestOrBuilder(); - + // optional .openxc.PassthroughModeControlCommand passthrough_mode_request = 3; + /** + * optional .openxc.PassthroughModeControlCommand passthrough_mode_request = 3; + */ boolean hasPassthroughModeRequest(); + /** + * optional .openxc.PassthroughModeControlCommand passthrough_mode_request = 3; + */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand getPassthroughModeRequest(); + /** + * optional .openxc.PassthroughModeControlCommand passthrough_mode_request = 3; + */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommandOrBuilder getPassthroughModeRequestOrBuilder(); - + // optional .openxc.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand acceptance_filter_bypass_command = 4; + /** + * optional .openxc.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand acceptance_filter_bypass_command = 4; + */ boolean hasAcceptanceFilterBypassCommand(); + /** + * optional .openxc.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand acceptance_filter_bypass_command = 4; + */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand getAcceptanceFilterBypassCommand(); + /** + * optional .openxc.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand acceptance_filter_bypass_command = 4; + */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommandOrBuilder getAcceptanceFilterBypassCommandOrBuilder(); - + // optional .openxc.PayloadFormatCommand payload_format_command = 5; + /** + * optional .openxc.PayloadFormatCommand payload_format_command = 5; + */ boolean hasPayloadFormatCommand(); + /** + * optional .openxc.PayloadFormatCommand payload_format_command = 5; + */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand getPayloadFormatCommand(); + /** + * optional .openxc.PayloadFormatCommand payload_format_command = 5; + */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommandOrBuilder getPayloadFormatCommandOrBuilder(); - + // optional .openxc.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand predefined_obd2_requests_command = 6; + /** + * optional .openxc.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand predefined_obd2_requests_command = 6; + */ boolean hasPredefinedObd2RequestsCommand(); + /** + * optional .openxc.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand predefined_obd2_requests_command = 6; + */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand getPredefinedObd2RequestsCommand(); + /** + * optional .openxc.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand predefined_obd2_requests_command = 6; + */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommandOrBuilder getPredefinedObd2RequestsCommandOrBuilder(); - + // optional .openxc.ModemConfigurationCommand modem_configuration_command = 7; + /** + * optional .openxc.ModemConfigurationCommand modem_configuration_command = 7; + */ boolean hasModemConfigurationCommand(); + /** + * optional .openxc.ModemConfigurationCommand modem_configuration_command = 7; + */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand getModemConfigurationCommand(); + /** + * optional .openxc.ModemConfigurationCommand modem_configuration_command = 7; + */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommandOrBuilder getModemConfigurationCommandOrBuilder(); - + // optional .openxc.RTCConfigurationCommand rtc_configuration_command = 8; + /** + * optional .openxc.RTCConfigurationCommand rtc_configuration_command = 8; + */ boolean hasRtcConfigurationCommand(); + /** + * optional .openxc.RTCConfigurationCommand rtc_configuration_command = 8; + */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand getRtcConfigurationCommand(); + /** + * optional .openxc.RTCConfigurationCommand rtc_configuration_command = 8; + */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommandOrBuilder getRtcConfigurationCommandOrBuilder(); } + /** + * Protobuf type {@code openxc.ControlCommand} + */ public static final class ControlCommand extends implements ControlCommandOrBuilder { // Use ControlCommand.newBuilder() to construct. - private ControlCommand(Builder builder) { + private ControlCommand( builder) { super(builder); + this.unknownFields = builder.getUnknownFields(); } - private ControlCommand(boolean noInit) {} - + private ControlCommand(boolean noInit) { this.unknownFields =; } + private static final ControlCommand defaultInstance; public static ControlCommand getDefaultInstance() { return defaultInstance; } - + public ControlCommand getDefaultInstanceForType() { return defaultInstance; } - + + private final unknownFields; + @java.lang.Override + public final + getUnknownFields() { + return this.unknownFields; + } + private ControlCommand( + input, + extensionRegistry) + throws { + initFields(); + int mutable_bitField0_ = 0; + unknownFields = +; + try { + boolean done = false; + while (!done) { + int tag = input.readTag(); + switch (tag) { + case 0: + done = true; + break; + default: { + if (!parseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, + extensionRegistry, tag)) { + done = true; + } + break; + } + case 8: { + int rawValue = input.readEnum(); + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.Type value = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.Type.valueOf(rawValue); + if (value == null) { + unknownFields.mergeVarintField(1, rawValue); + } else { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; + type_ = value; + } + break; + } + case 18: { + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand.Builder subBuilder = null; + if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002)) { + subBuilder = diagnosticRequest_.toBuilder(); + } + diagnosticRequest_ = input.readMessage(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand.PARSER, extensionRegistry); + if (subBuilder != null) { + subBuilder.mergeFrom(diagnosticRequest_); + diagnosticRequest_ = subBuilder.buildPartial(); + } + bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; + break; + } + case 26: { + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand.Builder subBuilder = null; + if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004)) { + subBuilder = passthroughModeRequest_.toBuilder(); + } + passthroughModeRequest_ = input.readMessage(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand.PARSER, extensionRegistry); + if (subBuilder != null) { + subBuilder.mergeFrom(passthroughModeRequest_); + passthroughModeRequest_ = subBuilder.buildPartial(); + } + bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; + break; + } + case 34: { + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand.Builder subBuilder = null; + if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000008) == 0x00000008)) { + subBuilder = acceptanceFilterBypassCommand_.toBuilder(); + } + acceptanceFilterBypassCommand_ = input.readMessage(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand.PARSER, extensionRegistry); + if (subBuilder != null) { + subBuilder.mergeFrom(acceptanceFilterBypassCommand_); + acceptanceFilterBypassCommand_ = subBuilder.buildPartial(); + } + bitField0_ |= 0x00000008; + break; + } + case 42: { + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand.Builder subBuilder = null; + if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000010) == 0x00000010)) { + subBuilder = payloadFormatCommand_.toBuilder(); + } + payloadFormatCommand_ = input.readMessage(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand.PARSER, extensionRegistry); + if (subBuilder != null) { + subBuilder.mergeFrom(payloadFormatCommand_); + payloadFormatCommand_ = subBuilder.buildPartial(); + } + bitField0_ |= 0x00000010; + break; + } + case 50: { + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand.Builder subBuilder = null; + if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000020) == 0x00000020)) { + subBuilder = predefinedObd2RequestsCommand_.toBuilder(); + } + predefinedObd2RequestsCommand_ = input.readMessage(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand.PARSER, extensionRegistry); + if (subBuilder != null) { + subBuilder.mergeFrom(predefinedObd2RequestsCommand_); + predefinedObd2RequestsCommand_ = subBuilder.buildPartial(); + } + bitField0_ |= 0x00000020; + break; + } + case 58: { + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand.Builder subBuilder = null; + if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000040) == 0x00000040)) { + subBuilder = modemConfigurationCommand_.toBuilder(); + } + modemConfigurationCommand_ = input.readMessage(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand.PARSER, extensionRegistry); + if (subBuilder != null) { + subBuilder.mergeFrom(modemConfigurationCommand_); + modemConfigurationCommand_ = subBuilder.buildPartial(); + } + bitField0_ |= 0x00000040; + break; + } + case 66: { + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand.Builder subBuilder = null; + if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000080) == 0x00000080)) { + subBuilder = rtcConfigurationCommand_.toBuilder(); + } + rtcConfigurationCommand_ = input.readMessage(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand.PARSER, extensionRegistry); + if (subBuilder != null) { + subBuilder.mergeFrom(rtcConfigurationCommand_); + rtcConfigurationCommand_ = subBuilder.buildPartial(); + } + bitField0_ |= 0x00000080; + break; + } + } + } + } catch ( e) { + throw e.setUnfinishedMessage(this); + } catch ( e) { + throw new + e.getMessage()).setUnfinishedMessage(this); + } finally { + this.unknownFields =; + makeExtensionsImmutable(); + } + } public static final getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_ControlCommand_descriptor; } - + protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_ControlCommand_fieldAccessorTable; + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_ControlCommand_fieldAccessorTable + .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.class, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.Builder.class); + } + + public static PARSER = + new { + public ControlCommand parsePartialFrom( + input, + extensionRegistry) + throws { + return new ControlCommand(input, extensionRegistry); + } + }; + + @java.lang.Override + public getParserForType() { + return PARSER; } - + + /** + * Protobuf enum {@code openxc.ControlCommand.Type} + */ public enum Type implements { + /** + * VERSION = 1; + */ VERSION(0, 1), + /** + * DEVICE_ID = 2; + */ DEVICE_ID(1, 2), + /** + * DIAGNOSTIC = 3; + */ DIAGNOSTIC(2, 3), + /** + * PASSTHROUGH = 4; + */ PASSTHROUGH(3, 4), + /** + * ACCEPTANCE_FILTER_BYPASS = 5; + */ ACCEPTANCE_FILTER_BYPASS(4, 5), + /** + * PAYLOAD_FORMAT = 6; + */ PAYLOAD_FORMAT(5, 6), + /** + * PREDEFINED_OBD2_REQUESTS = 7; + */ PREDEFINED_OBD2_REQUESTS(6, 7), + /** + * MODEM_CONFIGURATION = 8; + */ MODEM_CONFIGURATION(7, 8), + /** + * RTC_CONFIGURATION = 9; + */ RTC_CONFIGURATION(8, 9), + /** + * SD_MOUNT_STATUS = 10; + */ SD_MOUNT_STATUS(9, 10), ; - + + /** + * VERSION = 1; + */ public static final int VERSION_VALUE = 1; + /** + * DEVICE_ID = 2; + */ public static final int DEVICE_ID_VALUE = 2; + /** + * DIAGNOSTIC = 3; + */ public static final int DIAGNOSTIC_VALUE = 3; + /** + * PASSTHROUGH = 4; + */ public static final int PASSTHROUGH_VALUE = 4; + /** + * ACCEPTANCE_FILTER_BYPASS = 5; + */ public static final int ACCEPTANCE_FILTER_BYPASS_VALUE = 5; + /** + * PAYLOAD_FORMAT = 6; + */ public static final int PAYLOAD_FORMAT_VALUE = 6; + /** + * PREDEFINED_OBD2_REQUESTS = 7; + */ public static final int PREDEFINED_OBD2_REQUESTS_VALUE = 7; + /** + * MODEM_CONFIGURATION = 8; + */ public static final int MODEM_CONFIGURATION_VALUE = 8; + /** + * RTC_CONFIGURATION = 9; + */ public static final int RTC_CONFIGURATION_VALUE = 9; + /** + * SD_MOUNT_STATUS = 10; + */ public static final int SD_MOUNT_STATUS_VALUE = 10; - - + + public final int getNumber() { return value; } - + public static Type valueOf(int value) { switch (value) { case 1: return VERSION; @@ -1908,7 +2705,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { default: return null; } } - + public static internalGetValueMap() { return internalValueMap; @@ -1920,7 +2717,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return Type.valueOf(number); } }; - + public final getValueDescriptor() { return getDescriptor().getValues().get(index); @@ -1933,11 +2730,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.getDescriptor().getEnumTypes().get(0); } - - private static final Type[] VALUES = { - VERSION, DEVICE_ID, DIAGNOSTIC, PASSTHROUGH, ACCEPTANCE_FILTER_BYPASS, PAYLOAD_FORMAT, PREDEFINED_OBD2_REQUESTS, MODEM_CONFIGURATION, RTC_CONFIGURATION, SD_MOUNT_STATUS, - }; - + + private static final Type[] VALUES = values(); + public static Type valueOf( desc) { if (desc.getType() != getDescriptor()) { @@ -1946,120 +2741,189 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return VALUES[desc.getIndex()]; } - + private final int index; private final int value; - + private Type(int index, int value) { this.index = index; this.value = value; } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(enum_scope:openxc.ControlCommand.Type) } - + private int bitField0_; // optional .openxc.ControlCommand.Type type = 1; public static final int TYPE_FIELD_NUMBER = 1; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.Type type_; + /** + * optional .openxc.ControlCommand.Type type = 1; + */ public boolean hasType() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } + /** + * optional .openxc.ControlCommand.Type type = 1; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.Type getType() { return type_; } - + // optional .openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand diagnostic_request = 2; public static final int DIAGNOSTIC_REQUEST_FIELD_NUMBER = 2; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand diagnosticRequest_; + /** + * optional .openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand diagnostic_request = 2; + */ public boolean hasDiagnosticRequest() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002); } + /** + * optional .openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand diagnostic_request = 2; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand getDiagnosticRequest() { return diagnosticRequest_; } + /** + * optional .openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand diagnostic_request = 2; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommandOrBuilder getDiagnosticRequestOrBuilder() { return diagnosticRequest_; } - + // optional .openxc.PassthroughModeControlCommand passthrough_mode_request = 3; public static final int PASSTHROUGH_MODE_REQUEST_FIELD_NUMBER = 3; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand passthroughModeRequest_; + /** + * optional .openxc.PassthroughModeControlCommand passthrough_mode_request = 3; + */ public boolean hasPassthroughModeRequest() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004); } + /** + * optional .openxc.PassthroughModeControlCommand passthrough_mode_request = 3; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand getPassthroughModeRequest() { return passthroughModeRequest_; } + /** + * optional .openxc.PassthroughModeControlCommand passthrough_mode_request = 3; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommandOrBuilder getPassthroughModeRequestOrBuilder() { return passthroughModeRequest_; } - + // optional .openxc.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand acceptance_filter_bypass_command = 4; public static final int ACCEPTANCE_FILTER_BYPASS_COMMAND_FIELD_NUMBER = 4; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand acceptanceFilterBypassCommand_; + /** + * optional .openxc.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand acceptance_filter_bypass_command = 4; + */ public boolean hasAcceptanceFilterBypassCommand() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000008) == 0x00000008); } + /** + * optional .openxc.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand acceptance_filter_bypass_command = 4; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand getAcceptanceFilterBypassCommand() { return acceptanceFilterBypassCommand_; } + /** + * optional .openxc.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand acceptance_filter_bypass_command = 4; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommandOrBuilder getAcceptanceFilterBypassCommandOrBuilder() { return acceptanceFilterBypassCommand_; } - + // optional .openxc.PayloadFormatCommand payload_format_command = 5; public static final int PAYLOAD_FORMAT_COMMAND_FIELD_NUMBER = 5; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand payloadFormatCommand_; + /** + * optional .openxc.PayloadFormatCommand payload_format_command = 5; + */ public boolean hasPayloadFormatCommand() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000010) == 0x00000010); } + /** + * optional .openxc.PayloadFormatCommand payload_format_command = 5; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand getPayloadFormatCommand() { return payloadFormatCommand_; } + /** + * optional .openxc.PayloadFormatCommand payload_format_command = 5; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommandOrBuilder getPayloadFormatCommandOrBuilder() { return payloadFormatCommand_; } - + // optional .openxc.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand predefined_obd2_requests_command = 6; public static final int PREDEFINED_OBD2_REQUESTS_COMMAND_FIELD_NUMBER = 6; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand predefinedObd2RequestsCommand_; + /** + * optional .openxc.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand predefined_obd2_requests_command = 6; + */ public boolean hasPredefinedObd2RequestsCommand() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000020) == 0x00000020); } + /** + * optional .openxc.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand predefined_obd2_requests_command = 6; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand getPredefinedObd2RequestsCommand() { return predefinedObd2RequestsCommand_; } + /** + * optional .openxc.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand predefined_obd2_requests_command = 6; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommandOrBuilder getPredefinedObd2RequestsCommandOrBuilder() { return predefinedObd2RequestsCommand_; } - + // optional .openxc.ModemConfigurationCommand modem_configuration_command = 7; public static final int MODEM_CONFIGURATION_COMMAND_FIELD_NUMBER = 7; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand modemConfigurationCommand_; + /** + * optional .openxc.ModemConfigurationCommand modem_configuration_command = 7; + */ public boolean hasModemConfigurationCommand() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000040) == 0x00000040); } + /** + * optional .openxc.ModemConfigurationCommand modem_configuration_command = 7; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand getModemConfigurationCommand() { return modemConfigurationCommand_; } + /** + * optional .openxc.ModemConfigurationCommand modem_configuration_command = 7; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommandOrBuilder getModemConfigurationCommandOrBuilder() { return modemConfigurationCommand_; } - + // optional .openxc.RTCConfigurationCommand rtc_configuration_command = 8; public static final int RTC_CONFIGURATION_COMMAND_FIELD_NUMBER = 8; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand rtcConfigurationCommand_; + /** + * optional .openxc.RTCConfigurationCommand rtc_configuration_command = 8; + */ public boolean hasRtcConfigurationCommand() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000080) == 0x00000080); } + /** + * optional .openxc.RTCConfigurationCommand rtc_configuration_command = 8; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand getRtcConfigurationCommand() { return rtcConfigurationCommand_; } + /** + * optional .openxc.RTCConfigurationCommand rtc_configuration_command = 8; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommandOrBuilder getRtcConfigurationCommandOrBuilder() { return rtcConfigurationCommand_; } - + private void initFields() { type_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.Type.VERSION; diagnosticRequest_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand.getDefaultInstance(); @@ -2074,11 +2938,11 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { public final boolean isInitialized() { byte isInitialized = memoizedIsInitialized; if (isInitialized != -1) return isInitialized == 1; - + memoizedIsInitialized = 1; return true; } - + public void writeTo( output) throws { getSerializedSize(); @@ -2108,12 +2972,12 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } getUnknownFields().writeTo(output); } - + private int memoizedSerializedSize = -1; public int getSerializedSize() { int size = memoizedSerializedSize; if (size != -1) return size; - + size = 0; if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { size += @@ -2151,94 +3015,83 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { memoizedSerializedSize = size; return size; } - + private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L; @java.lang.Override protected java.lang.Object writeReplace() throws { return super.writeReplace(); } - + public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand parseFrom( data) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data).buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand parseFrom( data, extensionRegistry) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry) - .buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand parseFrom(byte[] data) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data).buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand parseFrom( byte[] data, extensionRegistry) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry) - .buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand parseFrom( input) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input).buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(input); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry) - .buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand parseDelimitedFrom( input) throws { - Builder builder = newBuilder(); - if (builder.mergeDelimitedFrom(input)) { - return builder.buildParsed(); - } else { - return null; - } + return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand parseDelimitedFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - Builder builder = newBuilder(); - if (builder.mergeDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry)) { - return builder.buildParsed(); - } else { - return null; - } + return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand parseFrom( input) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input).buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(input); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry) - .buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry); } - + public static Builder newBuilder() { return Builder.create(); } public Builder newBuilderForType() { return newBuilder(); } public static Builder newBuilder(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand prototype) { return newBuilder().mergeFrom(prototype); } public Builder toBuilder() { return newBuilder(this); } - + @java.lang.Override protected Builder newBuilderForType( parent) { Builder builder = new Builder(parent); return builder; } + /** + * Protobuf type {@code openxc.ControlCommand} + */ public static final class Builder extends implements com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommandOrBuilder { @@ -2246,18 +3099,21 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_ControlCommand_descriptor; } - + protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_ControlCommand_fieldAccessorTable; + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_ControlCommand_fieldAccessorTable + .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.class, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.Builder.class); } - + // Construct using com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.newBuilder() private Builder() { maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } - - private Builder(BuilderParent parent) { + + private Builder( + parent) { super(parent); maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } @@ -2275,7 +3131,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { private static Builder create() { return new Builder(); } - + public Builder clear() { super.clear(); type_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.Type.VERSION; @@ -2324,20 +3180,20 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000080); return this; } - + public Builder clone() { return create().mergeFrom(buildPartial()); } - + public getDescriptorForType() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.getDescriptor(); + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_ControlCommand_descriptor; } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand getDefaultInstanceForType() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.getDefaultInstance(); } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand build() { com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand result = buildPartial(); if (!result.isInitialized()) { @@ -2345,17 +3201,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return result; } - - private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand buildParsed() - throws { - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand result = buildPartial(); - if (!result.isInitialized()) { - throw newUninitializedMessageException( - result).asInvalidProtocolBufferException(); - } - return result; - } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand buildPartial() { com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand result = new com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand(this); int from_bitField0_ = bitField0_; @@ -2424,7 +3270,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { onBuilt(); return result; } - + public Builder mergeFrom( other) { if (other instanceof com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand) { return mergeFrom((com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand)other); @@ -2433,7 +3279,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return this; } } - + public Builder mergeFrom(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand other) { if (other == com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.getDefaultInstance()) return this; if (other.hasType()) { @@ -2463,122 +3309,47 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { this.mergeUnknownFields(other.getUnknownFields()); return this; } - + public final boolean isInitialized() { return true; } - + public Builder mergeFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - unknownFields = - - this.getUnknownFields()); - while (true) { - int tag = input.readTag(); - switch (tag) { - case 0: - this.setUnknownFields(; - onChanged(); - return this; - default: { - if (!parseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, - extensionRegistry, tag)) { - this.setUnknownFields(; - onChanged(); - return this; - } - break; - } - case 8: { - int rawValue = input.readEnum(); - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.Type value = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.Type.valueOf(rawValue); - if (value == null) { - unknownFields.mergeVarintField(1, rawValue); - } else { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; - type_ = value; - } - break; - } - case 18: { - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand.Builder subBuilder = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand.newBuilder(); - if (hasDiagnosticRequest()) { - subBuilder.mergeFrom(getDiagnosticRequest()); - } - input.readMessage(subBuilder, extensionRegistry); - setDiagnosticRequest(subBuilder.buildPartial()); - break; - } - case 26: { - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand.Builder subBuilder = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand.newBuilder(); - if (hasPassthroughModeRequest()) { - subBuilder.mergeFrom(getPassthroughModeRequest()); - } - input.readMessage(subBuilder, extensionRegistry); - setPassthroughModeRequest(subBuilder.buildPartial()); - break; - } - case 34: { - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand.Builder subBuilder = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand.newBuilder(); - if (hasAcceptanceFilterBypassCommand()) { - subBuilder.mergeFrom(getAcceptanceFilterBypassCommand()); - } - input.readMessage(subBuilder, extensionRegistry); - setAcceptanceFilterBypassCommand(subBuilder.buildPartial()); - break; - } - case 42: { - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand.Builder subBuilder = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand.newBuilder(); - if (hasPayloadFormatCommand()) { - subBuilder.mergeFrom(getPayloadFormatCommand()); - } - input.readMessage(subBuilder, extensionRegistry); - setPayloadFormatCommand(subBuilder.buildPartial()); - break; - } - case 50: { - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand.Builder subBuilder = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand.newBuilder(); - if (hasPredefinedObd2RequestsCommand()) { - subBuilder.mergeFrom(getPredefinedObd2RequestsCommand()); - } - input.readMessage(subBuilder, extensionRegistry); - setPredefinedObd2RequestsCommand(subBuilder.buildPartial()); - break; - } - case 58: { - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand.Builder subBuilder = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand.newBuilder(); - if (hasModemConfigurationCommand()) { - subBuilder.mergeFrom(getModemConfigurationCommand()); - } - input.readMessage(subBuilder, extensionRegistry); - setModemConfigurationCommand(subBuilder.buildPartial()); - break; - } - case 66: { - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand.Builder subBuilder = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand.newBuilder(); - if (hasRtcConfigurationCommand()) { - subBuilder.mergeFrom(getRtcConfigurationCommand()); - } - input.readMessage(subBuilder, extensionRegistry); - setRtcConfigurationCommand(subBuilder.buildPartial()); - break; - } + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand parsedMessage = null; + try { + parsedMessage = PARSER.parsePartialFrom(input, extensionRegistry); + } catch ( e) { + parsedMessage = (com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand) e.getUnfinishedMessage(); + throw e; + } finally { + if (parsedMessage != null) { + mergeFrom(parsedMessage); } } + return this; } - private int bitField0_; - + // optional .openxc.ControlCommand.Type type = 1; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.Type type_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.Type.VERSION; + /** + * optional .openxc.ControlCommand.Type type = 1; + */ public boolean hasType() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } + /** + * optional .openxc.ControlCommand.Type type = 1; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.Type getType() { return type_; } + /** + * optional .openxc.ControlCommand.Type type = 1; + */ public Builder setType(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.Type value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); @@ -2588,20 +3359,29 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { onChanged(); return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.ControlCommand.Type type = 1; + */ public Builder clearType() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); type_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.Type.VERSION; onChanged(); return this; } - + // optional .openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand diagnostic_request = 2; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand diagnosticRequest_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand.getDefaultInstance(); private< com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand.Builder, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommandOrBuilder> diagnosticRequestBuilder_; + /** + * optional .openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand diagnostic_request = 2; + */ public boolean hasDiagnosticRequest() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002); } + /** + * optional .openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand diagnostic_request = 2; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand getDiagnosticRequest() { if (diagnosticRequestBuilder_ == null) { return diagnosticRequest_; @@ -2609,6 +3389,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return diagnosticRequestBuilder_.getMessage(); } } + /** + * optional .openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand diagnostic_request = 2; + */ public Builder setDiagnosticRequest(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand value) { if (diagnosticRequestBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { @@ -2622,6 +3405,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand diagnostic_request = 2; + */ public Builder setDiagnosticRequest( com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand.Builder builderForValue) { if (diagnosticRequestBuilder_ == null) { @@ -2633,6 +3419,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand diagnostic_request = 2; + */ public Builder mergeDiagnosticRequest(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand value) { if (diagnosticRequestBuilder_ == null) { if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002) && @@ -2649,6 +3438,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand diagnostic_request = 2; + */ public Builder clearDiagnosticRequest() { if (diagnosticRequestBuilder_ == null) { diagnosticRequest_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand.getDefaultInstance(); @@ -2659,11 +3451,17 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand diagnostic_request = 2; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand.Builder getDiagnosticRequestBuilder() { bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; onChanged(); return getDiagnosticRequestFieldBuilder().getBuilder(); } + /** + * optional .openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand diagnostic_request = 2; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommandOrBuilder getDiagnosticRequestOrBuilder() { if (diagnosticRequestBuilder_ != null) { return diagnosticRequestBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder(); @@ -2671,6 +3469,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return diagnosticRequest_; } } + /** + * optional .openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand diagnostic_request = 2; + */ private< com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand.Builder, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommandOrBuilder> getDiagnosticRequestFieldBuilder() { @@ -2684,14 +3485,20 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return diagnosticRequestBuilder_; } - + // optional .openxc.PassthroughModeControlCommand passthrough_mode_request = 3; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand passthroughModeRequest_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand.getDefaultInstance(); private< com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand.Builder, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommandOrBuilder> passthroughModeRequestBuilder_; + /** + * optional .openxc.PassthroughModeControlCommand passthrough_mode_request = 3; + */ public boolean hasPassthroughModeRequest() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004); } + /** + * optional .openxc.PassthroughModeControlCommand passthrough_mode_request = 3; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand getPassthroughModeRequest() { if (passthroughModeRequestBuilder_ == null) { return passthroughModeRequest_; @@ -2699,6 +3506,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return passthroughModeRequestBuilder_.getMessage(); } } + /** + * optional .openxc.PassthroughModeControlCommand passthrough_mode_request = 3; + */ public Builder setPassthroughModeRequest(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand value) { if (passthroughModeRequestBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { @@ -2712,6 +3522,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.PassthroughModeControlCommand passthrough_mode_request = 3; + */ public Builder setPassthroughModeRequest( com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand.Builder builderForValue) { if (passthroughModeRequestBuilder_ == null) { @@ -2723,6 +3536,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.PassthroughModeControlCommand passthrough_mode_request = 3; + */ public Builder mergePassthroughModeRequest(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand value) { if (passthroughModeRequestBuilder_ == null) { if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004) && @@ -2739,6 +3555,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.PassthroughModeControlCommand passthrough_mode_request = 3; + */ public Builder clearPassthroughModeRequest() { if (passthroughModeRequestBuilder_ == null) { passthroughModeRequest_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand.getDefaultInstance(); @@ -2749,11 +3568,17 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000004); return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.PassthroughModeControlCommand passthrough_mode_request = 3; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand.Builder getPassthroughModeRequestBuilder() { bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; onChanged(); return getPassthroughModeRequestFieldBuilder().getBuilder(); } + /** + * optional .openxc.PassthroughModeControlCommand passthrough_mode_request = 3; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommandOrBuilder getPassthroughModeRequestOrBuilder() { if (passthroughModeRequestBuilder_ != null) { return passthroughModeRequestBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder(); @@ -2761,6 +3586,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return passthroughModeRequest_; } } + /** + * optional .openxc.PassthroughModeControlCommand passthrough_mode_request = 3; + */ private< com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand.Builder, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommandOrBuilder> getPassthroughModeRequestFieldBuilder() { @@ -2774,14 +3602,20 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return passthroughModeRequestBuilder_; } - + // optional .openxc.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand acceptance_filter_bypass_command = 4; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand acceptanceFilterBypassCommand_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand.getDefaultInstance(); private< com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand.Builder, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommandOrBuilder> acceptanceFilterBypassCommandBuilder_; + /** + * optional .openxc.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand acceptance_filter_bypass_command = 4; + */ public boolean hasAcceptanceFilterBypassCommand() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000008) == 0x00000008); } + /** + * optional .openxc.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand acceptance_filter_bypass_command = 4; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand getAcceptanceFilterBypassCommand() { if (acceptanceFilterBypassCommandBuilder_ == null) { return acceptanceFilterBypassCommand_; @@ -2789,6 +3623,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return acceptanceFilterBypassCommandBuilder_.getMessage(); } } + /** + * optional .openxc.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand acceptance_filter_bypass_command = 4; + */ public Builder setAcceptanceFilterBypassCommand(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand value) { if (acceptanceFilterBypassCommandBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { @@ -2802,6 +3639,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000008; return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand acceptance_filter_bypass_command = 4; + */ public Builder setAcceptanceFilterBypassCommand( com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand.Builder builderForValue) { if (acceptanceFilterBypassCommandBuilder_ == null) { @@ -2813,6 +3653,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000008; return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand acceptance_filter_bypass_command = 4; + */ public Builder mergeAcceptanceFilterBypassCommand(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand value) { if (acceptanceFilterBypassCommandBuilder_ == null) { if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000008) == 0x00000008) && @@ -2829,6 +3672,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000008; return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand acceptance_filter_bypass_command = 4; + */ public Builder clearAcceptanceFilterBypassCommand() { if (acceptanceFilterBypassCommandBuilder_ == null) { acceptanceFilterBypassCommand_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand.getDefaultInstance(); @@ -2839,11 +3685,17 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000008); return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand acceptance_filter_bypass_command = 4; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand.Builder getAcceptanceFilterBypassCommandBuilder() { bitField0_ |= 0x00000008; onChanged(); return getAcceptanceFilterBypassCommandFieldBuilder().getBuilder(); } + /** + * optional .openxc.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand acceptance_filter_bypass_command = 4; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommandOrBuilder getAcceptanceFilterBypassCommandOrBuilder() { if (acceptanceFilterBypassCommandBuilder_ != null) { return acceptanceFilterBypassCommandBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder(); @@ -2851,6 +3703,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return acceptanceFilterBypassCommand_; } } + /** + * optional .openxc.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand acceptance_filter_bypass_command = 4; + */ private< com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand.Builder, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommandOrBuilder> getAcceptanceFilterBypassCommandFieldBuilder() { @@ -2864,14 +3719,20 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return acceptanceFilterBypassCommandBuilder_; } - + // optional .openxc.PayloadFormatCommand payload_format_command = 5; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand payloadFormatCommand_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand.getDefaultInstance(); private< com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand.Builder, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommandOrBuilder> payloadFormatCommandBuilder_; + /** + * optional .openxc.PayloadFormatCommand payload_format_command = 5; + */ public boolean hasPayloadFormatCommand() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000010) == 0x00000010); } + /** + * optional .openxc.PayloadFormatCommand payload_format_command = 5; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand getPayloadFormatCommand() { if (payloadFormatCommandBuilder_ == null) { return payloadFormatCommand_; @@ -2879,6 +3740,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return payloadFormatCommandBuilder_.getMessage(); } } + /** + * optional .openxc.PayloadFormatCommand payload_format_command = 5; + */ public Builder setPayloadFormatCommand(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand value) { if (payloadFormatCommandBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { @@ -2892,6 +3756,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000010; return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.PayloadFormatCommand payload_format_command = 5; + */ public Builder setPayloadFormatCommand( com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand.Builder builderForValue) { if (payloadFormatCommandBuilder_ == null) { @@ -2903,6 +3770,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000010; return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.PayloadFormatCommand payload_format_command = 5; + */ public Builder mergePayloadFormatCommand(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand value) { if (payloadFormatCommandBuilder_ == null) { if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000010) == 0x00000010) && @@ -2919,6 +3789,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000010; return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.PayloadFormatCommand payload_format_command = 5; + */ public Builder clearPayloadFormatCommand() { if (payloadFormatCommandBuilder_ == null) { payloadFormatCommand_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand.getDefaultInstance(); @@ -2929,11 +3802,17 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000010); return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.PayloadFormatCommand payload_format_command = 5; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand.Builder getPayloadFormatCommandBuilder() { bitField0_ |= 0x00000010; onChanged(); return getPayloadFormatCommandFieldBuilder().getBuilder(); } + /** + * optional .openxc.PayloadFormatCommand payload_format_command = 5; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommandOrBuilder getPayloadFormatCommandOrBuilder() { if (payloadFormatCommandBuilder_ != null) { return payloadFormatCommandBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder(); @@ -2941,6 +3820,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return payloadFormatCommand_; } } + /** + * optional .openxc.PayloadFormatCommand payload_format_command = 5; + */ private< com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand.Builder, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommandOrBuilder> getPayloadFormatCommandFieldBuilder() { @@ -2954,14 +3836,20 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return payloadFormatCommandBuilder_; } - + // optional .openxc.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand predefined_obd2_requests_command = 6; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand predefinedObd2RequestsCommand_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand.getDefaultInstance(); private< com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand.Builder, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommandOrBuilder> predefinedObd2RequestsCommandBuilder_; + /** + * optional .openxc.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand predefined_obd2_requests_command = 6; + */ public boolean hasPredefinedObd2RequestsCommand() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000020) == 0x00000020); } + /** + * optional .openxc.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand predefined_obd2_requests_command = 6; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand getPredefinedObd2RequestsCommand() { if (predefinedObd2RequestsCommandBuilder_ == null) { return predefinedObd2RequestsCommand_; @@ -2969,6 +3857,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return predefinedObd2RequestsCommandBuilder_.getMessage(); } } + /** + * optional .openxc.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand predefined_obd2_requests_command = 6; + */ public Builder setPredefinedObd2RequestsCommand(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand value) { if (predefinedObd2RequestsCommandBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { @@ -2982,6 +3873,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000020; return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand predefined_obd2_requests_command = 6; + */ public Builder setPredefinedObd2RequestsCommand( com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand.Builder builderForValue) { if (predefinedObd2RequestsCommandBuilder_ == null) { @@ -2993,6 +3887,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000020; return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand predefined_obd2_requests_command = 6; + */ public Builder mergePredefinedObd2RequestsCommand(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand value) { if (predefinedObd2RequestsCommandBuilder_ == null) { if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000020) == 0x00000020) && @@ -3009,6 +3906,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000020; return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand predefined_obd2_requests_command = 6; + */ public Builder clearPredefinedObd2RequestsCommand() { if (predefinedObd2RequestsCommandBuilder_ == null) { predefinedObd2RequestsCommand_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand.getDefaultInstance(); @@ -3019,11 +3919,17 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000020); return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand predefined_obd2_requests_command = 6; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand.Builder getPredefinedObd2RequestsCommandBuilder() { bitField0_ |= 0x00000020; onChanged(); return getPredefinedObd2RequestsCommandFieldBuilder().getBuilder(); } + /** + * optional .openxc.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand predefined_obd2_requests_command = 6; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommandOrBuilder getPredefinedObd2RequestsCommandOrBuilder() { if (predefinedObd2RequestsCommandBuilder_ != null) { return predefinedObd2RequestsCommandBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder(); @@ -3031,6 +3937,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return predefinedObd2RequestsCommand_; } } + /** + * optional .openxc.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand predefined_obd2_requests_command = 6; + */ private< com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand.Builder, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommandOrBuilder> getPredefinedObd2RequestsCommandFieldBuilder() { @@ -3044,14 +3953,20 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return predefinedObd2RequestsCommandBuilder_; } - + // optional .openxc.ModemConfigurationCommand modem_configuration_command = 7; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand modemConfigurationCommand_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand.getDefaultInstance(); private< com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand.Builder, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommandOrBuilder> modemConfigurationCommandBuilder_; + /** + * optional .openxc.ModemConfigurationCommand modem_configuration_command = 7; + */ public boolean hasModemConfigurationCommand() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000040) == 0x00000040); } + /** + * optional .openxc.ModemConfigurationCommand modem_configuration_command = 7; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand getModemConfigurationCommand() { if (modemConfigurationCommandBuilder_ == null) { return modemConfigurationCommand_; @@ -3059,6 +3974,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return modemConfigurationCommandBuilder_.getMessage(); } } + /** + * optional .openxc.ModemConfigurationCommand modem_configuration_command = 7; + */ public Builder setModemConfigurationCommand(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand value) { if (modemConfigurationCommandBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { @@ -3072,6 +3990,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000040; return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.ModemConfigurationCommand modem_configuration_command = 7; + */ public Builder setModemConfigurationCommand( com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand.Builder builderForValue) { if (modemConfigurationCommandBuilder_ == null) { @@ -3083,6 +4004,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000040; return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.ModemConfigurationCommand modem_configuration_command = 7; + */ public Builder mergeModemConfigurationCommand(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand value) { if (modemConfigurationCommandBuilder_ == null) { if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000040) == 0x00000040) && @@ -3099,6 +4023,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000040; return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.ModemConfigurationCommand modem_configuration_command = 7; + */ public Builder clearModemConfigurationCommand() { if (modemConfigurationCommandBuilder_ == null) { modemConfigurationCommand_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand.getDefaultInstance(); @@ -3109,11 +4036,17 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000040); return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.ModemConfigurationCommand modem_configuration_command = 7; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand.Builder getModemConfigurationCommandBuilder() { bitField0_ |= 0x00000040; onChanged(); return getModemConfigurationCommandFieldBuilder().getBuilder(); } + /** + * optional .openxc.ModemConfigurationCommand modem_configuration_command = 7; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommandOrBuilder getModemConfigurationCommandOrBuilder() { if (modemConfigurationCommandBuilder_ != null) { return modemConfigurationCommandBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder(); @@ -3121,6 +4054,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return modemConfigurationCommand_; } } + /** + * optional .openxc.ModemConfigurationCommand modem_configuration_command = 7; + */ private< com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand.Builder, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommandOrBuilder> getModemConfigurationCommandFieldBuilder() { @@ -3134,14 +4070,20 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return modemConfigurationCommandBuilder_; } - + // optional .openxc.RTCConfigurationCommand rtc_configuration_command = 8; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand rtcConfigurationCommand_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand.getDefaultInstance(); private< com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand.Builder, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommandOrBuilder> rtcConfigurationCommandBuilder_; + /** + * optional .openxc.RTCConfigurationCommand rtc_configuration_command = 8; + */ public boolean hasRtcConfigurationCommand() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000080) == 0x00000080); } + /** + * optional .openxc.RTCConfigurationCommand rtc_configuration_command = 8; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand getRtcConfigurationCommand() { if (rtcConfigurationCommandBuilder_ == null) { return rtcConfigurationCommand_; @@ -3149,6 +4091,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return rtcConfigurationCommandBuilder_.getMessage(); } } + /** + * optional .openxc.RTCConfigurationCommand rtc_configuration_command = 8; + */ public Builder setRtcConfigurationCommand(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand value) { if (rtcConfigurationCommandBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { @@ -3162,6 +4107,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000080; return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.RTCConfigurationCommand rtc_configuration_command = 8; + */ public Builder setRtcConfigurationCommand( com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand.Builder builderForValue) { if (rtcConfigurationCommandBuilder_ == null) { @@ -3173,6 +4121,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000080; return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.RTCConfigurationCommand rtc_configuration_command = 8; + */ public Builder mergeRtcConfigurationCommand(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand value) { if (rtcConfigurationCommandBuilder_ == null) { if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000080) == 0x00000080) && @@ -3189,6 +4140,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000080; return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.RTCConfigurationCommand rtc_configuration_command = 8; + */ public Builder clearRtcConfigurationCommand() { if (rtcConfigurationCommandBuilder_ == null) { rtcConfigurationCommand_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand.getDefaultInstance(); @@ -3199,11 +4153,17 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000080); return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.RTCConfigurationCommand rtc_configuration_command = 8; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand.Builder getRtcConfigurationCommandBuilder() { bitField0_ |= 0x00000080; onChanged(); return getRtcConfigurationCommandFieldBuilder().getBuilder(); } + /** + * optional .openxc.RTCConfigurationCommand rtc_configuration_command = 8; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommandOrBuilder getRtcConfigurationCommandOrBuilder() { if (rtcConfigurationCommandBuilder_ != null) { return rtcConfigurationCommandBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder(); @@ -3211,6 +4171,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return rtcConfigurationCommand_; } } + /** + * optional .openxc.RTCConfigurationCommand rtc_configuration_command = 8; + */ private< com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand.Builder, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommandOrBuilder> getRtcConfigurationCommandFieldBuilder() { @@ -3224,70 +4187,186 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return rtcConfigurationCommandBuilder_; } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(builder_scope:openxc.ControlCommand) } - + static { defaultInstance = new ControlCommand(true); defaultInstance.initFields(); } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:openxc.ControlCommand) } - + public interface DiagnosticControlCommandOrBuilder extends { - + // optional .openxc.DiagnosticRequest request = 1; + /** + * optional .openxc.DiagnosticRequest request = 1; + */ boolean hasRequest(); + /** + * optional .openxc.DiagnosticRequest request = 1; + */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest getRequest(); + /** + * optional .openxc.DiagnosticRequest request = 1; + */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequestOrBuilder getRequestOrBuilder(); - + // optional .openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand.Action action = 2; + /** + * optional .openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand.Action action = 2; + */ boolean hasAction(); + /** + * optional .openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand.Action action = 2; + */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand.Action getAction(); } + /** + * Protobuf type {@code openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand} + */ public static final class DiagnosticControlCommand extends implements DiagnosticControlCommandOrBuilder { // Use DiagnosticControlCommand.newBuilder() to construct. - private DiagnosticControlCommand(Builder builder) { + private DiagnosticControlCommand( builder) { super(builder); + this.unknownFields = builder.getUnknownFields(); } - private DiagnosticControlCommand(boolean noInit) {} - + private DiagnosticControlCommand(boolean noInit) { this.unknownFields =; } + private static final DiagnosticControlCommand defaultInstance; public static DiagnosticControlCommand getDefaultInstance() { return defaultInstance; } - + public DiagnosticControlCommand getDefaultInstanceForType() { return defaultInstance; } - + + private final unknownFields; + @java.lang.Override + public final + getUnknownFields() { + return this.unknownFields; + } + private DiagnosticControlCommand( + input, + extensionRegistry) + throws { + initFields(); + int mutable_bitField0_ = 0; + unknownFields = +; + try { + boolean done = false; + while (!done) { + int tag = input.readTag(); + switch (tag) { + case 0: + done = true; + break; + default: { + if (!parseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, + extensionRegistry, tag)) { + done = true; + } + break; + } + case 10: { + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest.Builder subBuilder = null; + if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { + subBuilder = request_.toBuilder(); + } + request_ = input.readMessage(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest.PARSER, extensionRegistry); + if (subBuilder != null) { + subBuilder.mergeFrom(request_); + request_ = subBuilder.buildPartial(); + } + bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; + break; + } + case 16: { + int rawValue = input.readEnum(); + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand.Action value = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand.Action.valueOf(rawValue); + if (value == null) { + unknownFields.mergeVarintField(2, rawValue); + } else { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; + action_ = value; + } + break; + } + } + } + } catch ( e) { + throw e.setUnfinishedMessage(this); + } catch ( e) { + throw new + e.getMessage()).setUnfinishedMessage(this); + } finally { + this.unknownFields =; + makeExtensionsImmutable(); + } + } public static final getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_DiagnosticControlCommand_descriptor; } - + protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_DiagnosticControlCommand_fieldAccessorTable; + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_DiagnosticControlCommand_fieldAccessorTable + .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand.class, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand.Builder.class); + } + + public static PARSER = + new { + public DiagnosticControlCommand parsePartialFrom( + input, + extensionRegistry) + throws { + return new DiagnosticControlCommand(input, extensionRegistry); + } + }; + + @java.lang.Override + public getParserForType() { + return PARSER; } - + + /** + * Protobuf enum {@code openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand.Action} + */ public enum Action implements { + /** + * ADD = 1; + */ ADD(0, 1), + /** + * CANCEL = 2; + */ CANCEL(1, 2), ; - + + /** + * ADD = 1; + */ public static final int ADD_VALUE = 1; + /** + * CANCEL = 2; + */ public static final int CANCEL_VALUE = 2; - - + + public final int getNumber() { return value; } - + public static Action valueOf(int value) { switch (value) { case 1: return ADD; @@ -3295,7 +4374,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { default: return null; } } - + public static internalGetValueMap() { return internalValueMap; @@ -3307,7 +4386,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return Action.valueOf(number); } }; - + public final getValueDescriptor() { return getDescriptor().getValues().get(index); @@ -3320,11 +4399,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand.getDescriptor().getEnumTypes().get(0); } - - private static final Action[] VALUES = { - ADD, CANCEL, - }; - + + private static final Action[] VALUES = values(); + public static Action valueOf( desc) { if (desc.getType() != getDescriptor()) { @@ -3333,42 +4410,57 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return VALUES[desc.getIndex()]; } - + private final int index; private final int value; - + private Action(int index, int value) { this.index = index; this.value = value; } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(enum_scope:openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand.Action) } - + private int bitField0_; // optional .openxc.DiagnosticRequest request = 1; public static final int REQUEST_FIELD_NUMBER = 1; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest request_; + /** + * optional .openxc.DiagnosticRequest request = 1; + */ public boolean hasRequest() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } + /** + * optional .openxc.DiagnosticRequest request = 1; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest getRequest() { return request_; } + /** + * optional .openxc.DiagnosticRequest request = 1; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequestOrBuilder getRequestOrBuilder() { return request_; } - + // optional .openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand.Action action = 2; public static final int ACTION_FIELD_NUMBER = 2; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand.Action action_; + /** + * optional .openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand.Action action = 2; + */ public boolean hasAction() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002); } + /** + * optional .openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand.Action action = 2; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand.Action getAction() { return action_; } - + private void initFields() { request_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest.getDefaultInstance(); action_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand.Action.ADD; @@ -3377,11 +4469,11 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { public final boolean isInitialized() { byte isInitialized = memoizedIsInitialized; if (isInitialized != -1) return isInitialized == 1; - + memoizedIsInitialized = 1; return true; } - + public void writeTo( output) throws { getSerializedSize(); @@ -3393,12 +4485,12 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } getUnknownFields().writeTo(output); } - + private int memoizedSerializedSize = -1; public int getSerializedSize() { int size = memoizedSerializedSize; if (size != -1) return size; - + size = 0; if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { size += @@ -3412,94 +4504,83 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { memoizedSerializedSize = size; return size; } - + private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L; @java.lang.Override protected java.lang.Object writeReplace() throws { return super.writeReplace(); } - + public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand parseFrom( data) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data).buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand parseFrom( data, extensionRegistry) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry) - .buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand parseFrom(byte[] data) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data).buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand parseFrom( byte[] data, extensionRegistry) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry) - .buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand parseFrom( input) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input).buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(input); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry) - .buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand parseDelimitedFrom( input) throws { - Builder builder = newBuilder(); - if (builder.mergeDelimitedFrom(input)) { - return builder.buildParsed(); - } else { - return null; - } + return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand parseDelimitedFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - Builder builder = newBuilder(); - if (builder.mergeDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry)) { - return builder.buildParsed(); - } else { - return null; - } + return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand parseFrom( input) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input).buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(input); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry) - .buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry); } - + public static Builder newBuilder() { return Builder.create(); } public Builder newBuilderForType() { return newBuilder(); } public static Builder newBuilder(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand prototype) { return newBuilder().mergeFrom(prototype); } public Builder toBuilder() { return newBuilder(this); } - + @java.lang.Override protected Builder newBuilderForType( parent) { Builder builder = new Builder(parent); return builder; } + /** + * Protobuf type {@code openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand} + */ public static final class Builder extends implements com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommandOrBuilder { @@ -3507,18 +4588,21 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_DiagnosticControlCommand_descriptor; } - + protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_DiagnosticControlCommand_fieldAccessorTable; + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_DiagnosticControlCommand_fieldAccessorTable + .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand.class, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand.Builder.class); } - + // Construct using com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand.newBuilder() private Builder() { maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } - - private Builder(BuilderParent parent) { + + private Builder( + parent) { super(parent); maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } @@ -3530,7 +4614,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { private static Builder create() { return new Builder(); } - + public Builder clear() { super.clear(); if (requestBuilder_ == null) { @@ -3543,20 +4627,20 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); return this; } - + public Builder clone() { return create().mergeFrom(buildPartial()); } - + public getDescriptorForType() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand.getDescriptor(); + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_DiagnosticControlCommand_descriptor; } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand getDefaultInstanceForType() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand.getDefaultInstance(); } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand build() { com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand result = buildPartial(); if (!result.isInitialized()) { @@ -3564,17 +4648,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return result; } - - private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand buildParsed() - throws { - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand result = buildPartial(); - if (!result.isInitialized()) { - throw newUninitializedMessageException( - result).asInvalidProtocolBufferException(); - } - return result; - } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand buildPartial() { com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand result = new com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand(this); int from_bitField0_ = bitField0_; @@ -3595,7 +4669,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { onBuilt(); return result; } - + public Builder mergeFrom( other) { if (other instanceof com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand) { return mergeFrom((com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand)other); @@ -3604,7 +4678,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return this; } } - + public Builder mergeFrom(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand other) { if (other == com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand.getDefaultInstance()) return this; if (other.hasRequest()) { @@ -3616,67 +4690,43 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { this.mergeUnknownFields(other.getUnknownFields()); return this; } - + public final boolean isInitialized() { return true; } - + public Builder mergeFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - unknownFields = - - this.getUnknownFields()); - while (true) { - int tag = input.readTag(); - switch (tag) { - case 0: - this.setUnknownFields(; - onChanged(); - return this; - default: { - if (!parseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, - extensionRegistry, tag)) { - this.setUnknownFields(; - onChanged(); - return this; - } - break; - } - case 10: { - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest.Builder subBuilder = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest.newBuilder(); - if (hasRequest()) { - subBuilder.mergeFrom(getRequest()); - } - input.readMessage(subBuilder, extensionRegistry); - setRequest(subBuilder.buildPartial()); - break; - } - case 16: { - int rawValue = input.readEnum(); - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand.Action value = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand.Action.valueOf(rawValue); - if (value == null) { - unknownFields.mergeVarintField(2, rawValue); - } else { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; - action_ = value; - } - break; - } + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand parsedMessage = null; + try { + parsedMessage = PARSER.parsePartialFrom(input, extensionRegistry); + } catch ( e) { + parsedMessage = (com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand) e.getUnfinishedMessage(); + throw e; + } finally { + if (parsedMessage != null) { + mergeFrom(parsedMessage); } } + return this; } - private int bitField0_; - + // optional .openxc.DiagnosticRequest request = 1; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest request_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest.getDefaultInstance(); private< com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest.Builder, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequestOrBuilder> requestBuilder_; + /** + * optional .openxc.DiagnosticRequest request = 1; + */ public boolean hasRequest() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } + /** + * optional .openxc.DiagnosticRequest request = 1; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest getRequest() { if (requestBuilder_ == null) { return request_; @@ -3684,6 +4734,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return requestBuilder_.getMessage(); } } + /** + * optional .openxc.DiagnosticRequest request = 1; + */ public Builder setRequest(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest value) { if (requestBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { @@ -3697,6 +4750,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.DiagnosticRequest request = 1; + */ public Builder setRequest( com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest.Builder builderForValue) { if (requestBuilder_ == null) { @@ -3708,6 +4764,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.DiagnosticRequest request = 1; + */ public Builder mergeRequest(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest value) { if (requestBuilder_ == null) { if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001) && @@ -3724,6 +4783,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.DiagnosticRequest request = 1; + */ public Builder clearRequest() { if (requestBuilder_ == null) { request_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest.getDefaultInstance(); @@ -3734,11 +4796,17 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.DiagnosticRequest request = 1; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest.Builder getRequestBuilder() { bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; onChanged(); return getRequestFieldBuilder().getBuilder(); } + /** + * optional .openxc.DiagnosticRequest request = 1; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequestOrBuilder getRequestOrBuilder() { if (requestBuilder_ != null) { return requestBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder(); @@ -3746,6 +4814,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return request_; } } + /** + * optional .openxc.DiagnosticRequest request = 1; + */ private< com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest.Builder, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequestOrBuilder> getRequestFieldBuilder() { @@ -3759,15 +4830,24 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return requestBuilder_; } - + // optional .openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand.Action action = 2; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand.Action action_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand.Action.ADD; + /** + * optional .openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand.Action action = 2; + */ public boolean hasAction() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002); } + /** + * optional .openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand.Action action = 2; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand.Action getAction() { return action_; } + /** + * optional .openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand.Action action = 2; + */ public Builder setAction(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand.Action value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); @@ -3777,84 +4857,183 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { onChanged(); return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand.Action action = 2; + */ public Builder clearAction() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); action_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand.Action.ADD; onChanged(); return this; } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(builder_scope:openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand) } - + static { defaultInstance = new DiagnosticControlCommand(true); defaultInstance.initFields(); } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand) } - + public interface PassthroughModeControlCommandOrBuilder extends { - + // optional int32 bus = 1; + /** + * optional int32 bus = 1; + */ boolean hasBus(); + /** + * optional int32 bus = 1; + */ int getBus(); - + // optional bool enabled = 2; + /** + * optional bool enabled = 2; + */ boolean hasEnabled(); + /** + * optional bool enabled = 2; + */ boolean getEnabled(); } + /** + * Protobuf type {@code openxc.PassthroughModeControlCommand} + */ public static final class PassthroughModeControlCommand extends implements PassthroughModeControlCommandOrBuilder { // Use PassthroughModeControlCommand.newBuilder() to construct. - private PassthroughModeControlCommand(Builder builder) { + private PassthroughModeControlCommand( builder) { super(builder); + this.unknownFields = builder.getUnknownFields(); } - private PassthroughModeControlCommand(boolean noInit) {} - + private PassthroughModeControlCommand(boolean noInit) { this.unknownFields =; } + private static final PassthroughModeControlCommand defaultInstance; public static PassthroughModeControlCommand getDefaultInstance() { return defaultInstance; } - + public PassthroughModeControlCommand getDefaultInstanceForType() { return defaultInstance; } - + + private final unknownFields; + @java.lang.Override + public final + getUnknownFields() { + return this.unknownFields; + } + private PassthroughModeControlCommand( + input, + extensionRegistry) + throws { + initFields(); + int mutable_bitField0_ = 0; + unknownFields = +; + try { + boolean done = false; + while (!done) { + int tag = input.readTag(); + switch (tag) { + case 0: + done = true; + break; + default: { + if (!parseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, + extensionRegistry, tag)) { + done = true; + } + break; + } + case 8: { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; + bus_ = input.readInt32(); + break; + } + case 16: { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; + enabled_ = input.readBool(); + break; + } + } + } + } catch ( e) { + throw e.setUnfinishedMessage(this); + } catch ( e) { + throw new + e.getMessage()).setUnfinishedMessage(this); + } finally { + this.unknownFields =; + makeExtensionsImmutable(); + } + } public static final getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_PassthroughModeControlCommand_descriptor; } - + protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_PassthroughModeControlCommand_fieldAccessorTable; + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_PassthroughModeControlCommand_fieldAccessorTable + .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand.class, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand.Builder.class); + } + + public static PARSER = + new { + public PassthroughModeControlCommand parsePartialFrom( + input, + extensionRegistry) + throws { + return new PassthroughModeControlCommand(input, extensionRegistry); + } + }; + + @java.lang.Override + public getParserForType() { + return PARSER; } - + private int bitField0_; // optional int32 bus = 1; public static final int BUS_FIELD_NUMBER = 1; private int bus_; + /** + * optional int32 bus = 1; + */ public boolean hasBus() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } + /** + * optional int32 bus = 1; + */ public int getBus() { return bus_; } - + // optional bool enabled = 2; public static final int ENABLED_FIELD_NUMBER = 2; private boolean enabled_; + /** + * optional bool enabled = 2; + */ public boolean hasEnabled() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002); } + /** + * optional bool enabled = 2; + */ public boolean getEnabled() { return enabled_; } - + private void initFields() { bus_ = 0; enabled_ = false; @@ -3863,11 +5042,11 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { public final boolean isInitialized() { byte isInitialized = memoizedIsInitialized; if (isInitialized != -1) return isInitialized == 1; - + memoizedIsInitialized = 1; return true; } - + public void writeTo( output) throws { getSerializedSize(); @@ -3879,12 +5058,12 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } getUnknownFields().writeTo(output); } - + private int memoizedSerializedSize = -1; public int getSerializedSize() { int size = memoizedSerializedSize; if (size != -1) return size; - + size = 0; if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { size += @@ -3898,94 +5077,83 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { memoizedSerializedSize = size; return size; } - + private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L; @java.lang.Override protected java.lang.Object writeReplace() throws { return super.writeReplace(); } - + public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand parseFrom( data) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data).buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand parseFrom( data, extensionRegistry) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry) - .buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand parseFrom(byte[] data) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data).buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand parseFrom( byte[] data, extensionRegistry) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry) - .buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand parseFrom( input) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input).buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(input); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry) - .buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand parseDelimitedFrom( input) throws { - Builder builder = newBuilder(); - if (builder.mergeDelimitedFrom(input)) { - return builder.buildParsed(); - } else { - return null; - } + return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand parseDelimitedFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - Builder builder = newBuilder(); - if (builder.mergeDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry)) { - return builder.buildParsed(); - } else { - return null; - } + return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand parseFrom( input) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input).buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(input); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry) - .buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry); } - + public static Builder newBuilder() { return Builder.create(); } public Builder newBuilderForType() { return newBuilder(); } public static Builder newBuilder(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand prototype) { return newBuilder().mergeFrom(prototype); } public Builder toBuilder() { return newBuilder(this); } - + @java.lang.Override protected Builder newBuilderForType( parent) { Builder builder = new Builder(parent); return builder; } + /** + * Protobuf type {@code openxc.PassthroughModeControlCommand} + */ public static final class Builder extends implements com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommandOrBuilder { @@ -3993,18 +5161,21 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_PassthroughModeControlCommand_descriptor; } - + protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_PassthroughModeControlCommand_fieldAccessorTable; + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_PassthroughModeControlCommand_fieldAccessorTable + .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand.class, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand.Builder.class); } - + // Construct using com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand.newBuilder() private Builder() { maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } - - private Builder(BuilderParent parent) { + + private Builder( + parent) { super(parent); maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } @@ -4015,7 +5186,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { private static Builder create() { return new Builder(); } - + public Builder clear() { super.clear(); bus_ = 0; @@ -4024,20 +5195,20 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); return this; } - + public Builder clone() { return create().mergeFrom(buildPartial()); } - + public getDescriptorForType() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand.getDescriptor(); + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_PassthroughModeControlCommand_descriptor; } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand getDefaultInstanceForType() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand.getDefaultInstance(); } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand build() { com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand result = buildPartial(); if (!result.isInitialized()) { @@ -4045,17 +5216,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return result; } - - private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand buildParsed() - throws { - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand result = buildPartial(); - if (!result.isInitialized()) { - throw newUninitializedMessageException( - result).asInvalidProtocolBufferException(); - } - return result; - } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand buildPartial() { com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand result = new com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand(this); int from_bitField0_ = bitField0_; @@ -4072,7 +5233,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { onBuilt(); return result; } - + public Builder mergeFrom( other) { if (other instanceof com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand) { return mergeFrom((com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand)other); @@ -4081,7 +5242,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return this; } } - + public Builder mergeFrom(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand other) { if (other == com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand.getDefaultInstance()) return this; if (other.hasBus()) { @@ -4093,163 +5254,263 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { this.mergeUnknownFields(other.getUnknownFields()); return this; } - + public final boolean isInitialized() { return true; } - + public Builder mergeFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - unknownFields = - - this.getUnknownFields()); - while (true) { - int tag = input.readTag(); - switch (tag) { - case 0: - this.setUnknownFields(; - onChanged(); - return this; - default: { - if (!parseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, - extensionRegistry, tag)) { - this.setUnknownFields(; - onChanged(); - return this; - } - break; - } - case 8: { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; - bus_ = input.readInt32(); - break; - } - case 16: { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; - enabled_ = input.readBool(); - break; - } + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand parsedMessage = null; + try { + parsedMessage = PARSER.parsePartialFrom(input, extensionRegistry); + } catch ( e) { + parsedMessage = (com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand) e.getUnfinishedMessage(); + throw e; + } finally { + if (parsedMessage != null) { + mergeFrom(parsedMessage); } } + return this; } - private int bitField0_; - + // optional int32 bus = 1; private int bus_ ; + /** + * optional int32 bus = 1; + */ public boolean hasBus() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } + /** + * optional int32 bus = 1; + */ public int getBus() { return bus_; } + /** + * optional int32 bus = 1; + */ public Builder setBus(int value) { bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; bus_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } + /** + * optional int32 bus = 1; + */ public Builder clearBus() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); bus_ = 0; onChanged(); return this; } - + // optional bool enabled = 2; private boolean enabled_ ; + /** + * optional bool enabled = 2; + */ public boolean hasEnabled() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002); } + /** + * optional bool enabled = 2; + */ public boolean getEnabled() { return enabled_; } + /** + * optional bool enabled = 2; + */ public Builder setEnabled(boolean value) { bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; enabled_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } + /** + * optional bool enabled = 2; + */ public Builder clearEnabled() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); enabled_ = false; onChanged(); return this; } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(builder_scope:openxc.PassthroughModeControlCommand) } - + static { defaultInstance = new PassthroughModeControlCommand(true); defaultInstance.initFields(); } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:openxc.PassthroughModeControlCommand) } - + public interface AcceptanceFilterBypassCommandOrBuilder extends { - + // optional int32 bus = 1; + /** + * optional int32 bus = 1; + */ boolean hasBus(); + /** + * optional int32 bus = 1; + */ int getBus(); - + // optional bool bypass = 2; + /** + * optional bool bypass = 2; + */ boolean hasBypass(); + /** + * optional bool bypass = 2; + */ boolean getBypass(); } + /** + * Protobuf type {@code openxc.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand} + */ public static final class AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand extends implements AcceptanceFilterBypassCommandOrBuilder { // Use AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand.newBuilder() to construct. - private AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand(Builder builder) { + private AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand( builder) { super(builder); + this.unknownFields = builder.getUnknownFields(); } - private AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand(boolean noInit) {} - + private AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand(boolean noInit) { this.unknownFields =; } + private static final AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand defaultInstance; public static AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand getDefaultInstance() { return defaultInstance; } - + public AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand getDefaultInstanceForType() { return defaultInstance; } - + + private final unknownFields; + @java.lang.Override + public final + getUnknownFields() { + return this.unknownFields; + } + private AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand( + input, + extensionRegistry) + throws { + initFields(); + int mutable_bitField0_ = 0; + unknownFields = +; + try { + boolean done = false; + while (!done) { + int tag = input.readTag(); + switch (tag) { + case 0: + done = true; + break; + default: { + if (!parseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, + extensionRegistry, tag)) { + done = true; + } + break; + } + case 8: { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; + bus_ = input.readInt32(); + break; + } + case 16: { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; + bypass_ = input.readBool(); + break; + } + } + } + } catch ( e) { + throw e.setUnfinishedMessage(this); + } catch ( e) { + throw new + e.getMessage()).setUnfinishedMessage(this); + } finally { + this.unknownFields =; + makeExtensionsImmutable(); + } + } public static final getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand_descriptor; } - + protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand_fieldAccessorTable; + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand_fieldAccessorTable + .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand.class, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand.Builder.class); + } + + public static PARSER = + new { + public AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand parsePartialFrom( + input, + extensionRegistry) + throws { + return new AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand(input, extensionRegistry); + } + }; + + @java.lang.Override + public getParserForType() { + return PARSER; } - + private int bitField0_; // optional int32 bus = 1; public static final int BUS_FIELD_NUMBER = 1; private int bus_; + /** + * optional int32 bus = 1; + */ public boolean hasBus() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } + /** + * optional int32 bus = 1; + */ public int getBus() { return bus_; } - + // optional bool bypass = 2; public static final int BYPASS_FIELD_NUMBER = 2; private boolean bypass_; + /** + * optional bool bypass = 2; + */ public boolean hasBypass() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002); } + /** + * optional bool bypass = 2; + */ public boolean getBypass() { return bypass_; } - + private void initFields() { bus_ = 0; bypass_ = false; @@ -4258,11 +5519,11 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { public final boolean isInitialized() { byte isInitialized = memoizedIsInitialized; if (isInitialized != -1) return isInitialized == 1; - + memoizedIsInitialized = 1; return true; } - + public void writeTo( output) throws { getSerializedSize(); @@ -4274,12 +5535,12 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } getUnknownFields().writeTo(output); } - + private int memoizedSerializedSize = -1; public int getSerializedSize() { int size = memoizedSerializedSize; if (size != -1) return size; - + size = 0; if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { size += @@ -4293,94 +5554,83 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { memoizedSerializedSize = size; return size; } - + private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L; @java.lang.Override protected java.lang.Object writeReplace() throws { return super.writeReplace(); } - + public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand parseFrom( data) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data).buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand parseFrom( data, extensionRegistry) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry) - .buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand parseFrom(byte[] data) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data).buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand parseFrom( byte[] data, extensionRegistry) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry) - .buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand parseFrom( input) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input).buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(input); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry) - .buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand parseDelimitedFrom( input) throws { - Builder builder = newBuilder(); - if (builder.mergeDelimitedFrom(input)) { - return builder.buildParsed(); - } else { - return null; - } + return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand parseDelimitedFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - Builder builder = newBuilder(); - if (builder.mergeDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry)) { - return builder.buildParsed(); - } else { - return null; - } + return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand parseFrom( input) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input).buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(input); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry) - .buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry); } - + public static Builder newBuilder() { return Builder.create(); } public Builder newBuilderForType() { return newBuilder(); } public static Builder newBuilder(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand prototype) { return newBuilder().mergeFrom(prototype); } public Builder toBuilder() { return newBuilder(this); } - + @java.lang.Override protected Builder newBuilderForType( parent) { Builder builder = new Builder(parent); return builder; } + /** + * Protobuf type {@code openxc.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand} + */ public static final class Builder extends implements com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommandOrBuilder { @@ -4388,18 +5638,21 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand_descriptor; } - + protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand_fieldAccessorTable; + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand_fieldAccessorTable + .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand.class, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand.Builder.class); } - + // Construct using com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand.newBuilder() private Builder() { maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } - - private Builder(BuilderParent parent) { + + private Builder( + parent) { super(parent); maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } @@ -4410,7 +5663,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { private static Builder create() { return new Builder(); } - + public Builder clear() { super.clear(); bus_ = 0; @@ -4419,20 +5672,20 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); return this; } - + public Builder clone() { return create().mergeFrom(buildPartial()); } - + public getDescriptorForType() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand.getDescriptor(); + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand_descriptor; } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand getDefaultInstanceForType() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand.getDefaultInstance(); } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand build() { com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand result = buildPartial(); if (!result.isInitialized()) { @@ -4440,17 +5693,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return result; } - - private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand buildParsed() - throws { - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand result = buildPartial(); - if (!result.isInitialized()) { - throw newUninitializedMessageException( - result).asInvalidProtocolBufferException(); - } - return result; - } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand buildPartial() { com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand result = new com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand(this); int from_bitField0_ = bitField0_; @@ -4467,7 +5710,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { onBuilt(); return result; } - + public Builder mergeFrom( other) { if (other instanceof com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand) { return mergeFrom((com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand)other); @@ -4476,7 +5719,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return this; } } - + public Builder mergeFrom(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand other) { if (other == com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand.getDefaultInstance()) return this; if (other.hasBus()) { @@ -4488,152 +5731,256 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { this.mergeUnknownFields(other.getUnknownFields()); return this; } - + public final boolean isInitialized() { return true; } - + public Builder mergeFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - unknownFields = - - this.getUnknownFields()); - while (true) { - int tag = input.readTag(); - switch (tag) { - case 0: - this.setUnknownFields(; - onChanged(); - return this; - default: { - if (!parseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, - extensionRegistry, tag)) { - this.setUnknownFields(; - onChanged(); - return this; - } - break; - } - case 8: { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; - bus_ = input.readInt32(); - break; - } - case 16: { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; - bypass_ = input.readBool(); - break; - } + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand parsedMessage = null; + try { + parsedMessage = PARSER.parsePartialFrom(input, extensionRegistry); + } catch ( e) { + parsedMessage = (com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand) e.getUnfinishedMessage(); + throw e; + } finally { + if (parsedMessage != null) { + mergeFrom(parsedMessage); } } + return this; } - private int bitField0_; - + // optional int32 bus = 1; private int bus_ ; + /** + * optional int32 bus = 1; + */ public boolean hasBus() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } + /** + * optional int32 bus = 1; + */ public int getBus() { return bus_; } + /** + * optional int32 bus = 1; + */ public Builder setBus(int value) { bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; bus_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } + /** + * optional int32 bus = 1; + */ public Builder clearBus() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); bus_ = 0; onChanged(); return this; } - + // optional bool bypass = 2; private boolean bypass_ ; + /** + * optional bool bypass = 2; + */ public boolean hasBypass() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002); } + /** + * optional bool bypass = 2; + */ public boolean getBypass() { return bypass_; } + /** + * optional bool bypass = 2; + */ public Builder setBypass(boolean value) { bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; bypass_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } + /** + * optional bool bypass = 2; + */ public Builder clearBypass() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); bypass_ = false; onChanged(); return this; } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(builder_scope:openxc.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand) } - + static { defaultInstance = new AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand(true); defaultInstance.initFields(); } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:openxc.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand) } - + public interface PayloadFormatCommandOrBuilder extends { - + // optional .openxc.PayloadFormatCommand.PayloadFormat format = 1; + /** + * optional .openxc.PayloadFormatCommand.PayloadFormat format = 1; + */ boolean hasFormat(); + /** + * optional .openxc.PayloadFormatCommand.PayloadFormat format = 1; + */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand.PayloadFormat getFormat(); } + /** + * Protobuf type {@code openxc.PayloadFormatCommand} + */ public static final class PayloadFormatCommand extends implements PayloadFormatCommandOrBuilder { // Use PayloadFormatCommand.newBuilder() to construct. - private PayloadFormatCommand(Builder builder) { + private PayloadFormatCommand( builder) { super(builder); + this.unknownFields = builder.getUnknownFields(); } - private PayloadFormatCommand(boolean noInit) {} - + private PayloadFormatCommand(boolean noInit) { this.unknownFields =; } + private static final PayloadFormatCommand defaultInstance; public static PayloadFormatCommand getDefaultInstance() { return defaultInstance; } - + public PayloadFormatCommand getDefaultInstanceForType() { return defaultInstance; } - + + private final unknownFields; + @java.lang.Override + public final + getUnknownFields() { + return this.unknownFields; + } + private PayloadFormatCommand( + input, + extensionRegistry) + throws { + initFields(); + int mutable_bitField0_ = 0; + unknownFields = +; + try { + boolean done = false; + while (!done) { + int tag = input.readTag(); + switch (tag) { + case 0: + done = true; + break; + default: { + if (!parseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, + extensionRegistry, tag)) { + done = true; + } + break; + } + case 8: { + int rawValue = input.readEnum(); + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand.PayloadFormat value = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand.PayloadFormat.valueOf(rawValue); + if (value == null) { + unknownFields.mergeVarintField(1, rawValue); + } else { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; + format_ = value; + } + break; + } + } + } + } catch ( e) { + throw e.setUnfinishedMessage(this); + } catch ( e) { + throw new + e.getMessage()).setUnfinishedMessage(this); + } finally { + this.unknownFields =; + makeExtensionsImmutable(); + } + } public static final getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_PayloadFormatCommand_descriptor; } - + protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_PayloadFormatCommand_fieldAccessorTable; + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_PayloadFormatCommand_fieldAccessorTable + .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand.class, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand.Builder.class); } - + + public static PARSER = + new { + public PayloadFormatCommand parsePartialFrom( + input, + extensionRegistry) + throws { + return new PayloadFormatCommand(input, extensionRegistry); + } + }; + + @java.lang.Override + public getParserForType() { + return PARSER; + } + + /** + * Protobuf enum {@code openxc.PayloadFormatCommand.PayloadFormat} + */ public enum PayloadFormat implements { + /** + * JSON = 1; + */ JSON(0, 1), + /** + * PROTOBUF = 2; + */ PROTOBUF(1, 2), + /** + * MESSAGEPACK = 3; + */ MESSAGEPACK(2, 3), ; - + + /** + * JSON = 1; + */ public static final int JSON_VALUE = 1; + /** + * PROTOBUF = 2; + */ public static final int PROTOBUF_VALUE = 2; + /** + * MESSAGEPACK = 3; + */ public static final int MESSAGEPACK_VALUE = 3; - - + + public final int getNumber() { return value; } - + public static PayloadFormat valueOf(int value) { switch (value) { case 1: return JSON; @@ -4642,7 +5989,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { default: return null; } } - + public static internalGetValueMap() { return internalValueMap; @@ -4654,7 +6001,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return PayloadFormat.valueOf(number); } }; - + public final getValueDescriptor() { return getDescriptor().getValues().get(index); @@ -4667,11 +6014,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand.getDescriptor().getEnumTypes().get(0); } - - private static final PayloadFormat[] VALUES = { - JSON, PROTOBUF, MESSAGEPACK, - }; - + + private static final PayloadFormat[] VALUES = values(); + public static PayloadFormat valueOf( desc) { if (desc.getType() != getDescriptor()) { @@ -4680,29 +6025,35 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return VALUES[desc.getIndex()]; } - + private final int index; private final int value; - + private PayloadFormat(int index, int value) { this.index = index; this.value = value; } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(enum_scope:openxc.PayloadFormatCommand.PayloadFormat) } - + private int bitField0_; // optional .openxc.PayloadFormatCommand.PayloadFormat format = 1; public static final int FORMAT_FIELD_NUMBER = 1; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand.PayloadFormat format_; + /** + * optional .openxc.PayloadFormatCommand.PayloadFormat format = 1; + */ public boolean hasFormat() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } + /** + * optional .openxc.PayloadFormatCommand.PayloadFormat format = 1; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand.PayloadFormat getFormat() { return format_; } - + private void initFields() { format_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand.PayloadFormat.JSON; } @@ -4710,11 +6061,11 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { public final boolean isInitialized() { byte isInitialized = memoizedIsInitialized; if (isInitialized != -1) return isInitialized == 1; - + memoizedIsInitialized = 1; return true; } - + public void writeTo( output) throws { getSerializedSize(); @@ -4723,12 +6074,12 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } getUnknownFields().writeTo(output); } - + private int memoizedSerializedSize = -1; public int getSerializedSize() { int size = memoizedSerializedSize; if (size != -1) return size; - + size = 0; if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { size += @@ -4738,94 +6089,83 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { memoizedSerializedSize = size; return size; } - + private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L; @java.lang.Override protected java.lang.Object writeReplace() throws { return super.writeReplace(); } - + public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand parseFrom( data) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data).buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand parseFrom( data, extensionRegistry) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry) - .buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand parseFrom(byte[] data) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data).buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand parseFrom( byte[] data, extensionRegistry) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry) - .buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand parseFrom( input) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input).buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(input); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry) - .buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand parseDelimitedFrom( input) throws { - Builder builder = newBuilder(); - if (builder.mergeDelimitedFrom(input)) { - return builder.buildParsed(); - } else { - return null; - } + return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand parseDelimitedFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - Builder builder = newBuilder(); - if (builder.mergeDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry)) { - return builder.buildParsed(); - } else { - return null; - } + return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand parseFrom( input) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input).buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(input); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry) - .buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry); } - + public static Builder newBuilder() { return Builder.create(); } public Builder newBuilderForType() { return newBuilder(); } public static Builder newBuilder(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand prototype) { return newBuilder().mergeFrom(prototype); } public Builder toBuilder() { return newBuilder(this); } - + @java.lang.Override protected Builder newBuilderForType( parent) { Builder builder = new Builder(parent); return builder; } + /** + * Protobuf type {@code openxc.PayloadFormatCommand} + */ public static final class Builder extends implements com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommandOrBuilder { @@ -4833,18 +6173,21 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_PayloadFormatCommand_descriptor; } - + protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_PayloadFormatCommand_fieldAccessorTable; + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_PayloadFormatCommand_fieldAccessorTable + .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand.class, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand.Builder.class); } - + // Construct using com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand.newBuilder() private Builder() { maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } - - private Builder(BuilderParent parent) { + + private Builder( + parent) { super(parent); maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } @@ -4855,27 +6198,27 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { private static Builder create() { return new Builder(); } - + public Builder clear() { super.clear(); format_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand.PayloadFormat.JSON; bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); return this; } - + public Builder clone() { return create().mergeFrom(buildPartial()); } - + public getDescriptorForType() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand.getDescriptor(); + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_PayloadFormatCommand_descriptor; } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand getDefaultInstanceForType() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand.getDefaultInstance(); } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand build() { com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand result = buildPartial(); if (!result.isInitialized()) { @@ -4883,17 +6226,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return result; } - - private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand buildParsed() - throws { - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand result = buildPartial(); - if (!result.isInitialized()) { - throw newUninitializedMessageException( - result).asInvalidProtocolBufferException(); - } - return result; - } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand buildPartial() { com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand result = new com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand(this); int from_bitField0_ = bitField0_; @@ -4906,7 +6239,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { onBuilt(); return result; } - + public Builder mergeFrom( other) { if (other instanceof com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand) { return mergeFrom((com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand)other); @@ -4915,7 +6248,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return this; } } - + public Builder mergeFrom(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand other) { if (other == com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand.getDefaultInstance()) return this; if (other.hasFormat()) { @@ -4924,59 +6257,47 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { this.mergeUnknownFields(other.getUnknownFields()); return this; } - + public final boolean isInitialized() { return true; } - + public Builder mergeFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - unknownFields = - - this.getUnknownFields()); - while (true) { - int tag = input.readTag(); - switch (tag) { - case 0: - this.setUnknownFields(; - onChanged(); - return this; - default: { - if (!parseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, - extensionRegistry, tag)) { - this.setUnknownFields(; - onChanged(); - return this; - } - break; - } - case 8: { - int rawValue = input.readEnum(); - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand.PayloadFormat value = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand.PayloadFormat.valueOf(rawValue); - if (value == null) { - unknownFields.mergeVarintField(1, rawValue); - } else { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; - format_ = value; - } - break; - } + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand parsedMessage = null; + try { + parsedMessage = PARSER.parsePartialFrom(input, extensionRegistry); + } catch ( e) { + parsedMessage = (com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand) e.getUnfinishedMessage(); + throw e; + } finally { + if (parsedMessage != null) { + mergeFrom(parsedMessage); } } + return this; } - private int bitField0_; - + // optional .openxc.PayloadFormatCommand.PayloadFormat format = 1; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand.PayloadFormat format_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand.PayloadFormat.JSON; + /** + * optional .openxc.PayloadFormatCommand.PayloadFormat format = 1; + */ public boolean hasFormat() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } + /** + * optional .openxc.PayloadFormatCommand.PayloadFormat format = 1; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand.PayloadFormat getFormat() { return format_; } + /** + * optional .openxc.PayloadFormatCommand.PayloadFormat format = 1; + */ public Builder setFormat(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand.PayloadFormat value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); @@ -4986,70 +6307,152 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { onChanged(); return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.PayloadFormatCommand.PayloadFormat format = 1; + */ public Builder clearFormat() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); format_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand.PayloadFormat.JSON; onChanged(); return this; } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(builder_scope:openxc.PayloadFormatCommand) } - + static { defaultInstance = new PayloadFormatCommand(true); defaultInstance.initFields(); } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:openxc.PayloadFormatCommand) } - + public interface PredefinedObd2RequestsCommandOrBuilder extends { - + // optional bool enabled = 1; + /** + * optional bool enabled = 1; + */ boolean hasEnabled(); + /** + * optional bool enabled = 1; + */ boolean getEnabled(); } + /** + * Protobuf type {@code openxc.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand} + */ public static final class PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand extends implements PredefinedObd2RequestsCommandOrBuilder { // Use PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand.newBuilder() to construct. - private PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand(Builder builder) { + private PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand( builder) { super(builder); + this.unknownFields = builder.getUnknownFields(); } - private PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand(boolean noInit) {} - + private PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand(boolean noInit) { this.unknownFields =; } + private static final PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand defaultInstance; public static PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand getDefaultInstance() { return defaultInstance; } - + public PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand getDefaultInstanceForType() { return defaultInstance; } - + + private final unknownFields; + @java.lang.Override + public final + getUnknownFields() { + return this.unknownFields; + } + private PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand( + input, + extensionRegistry) + throws { + initFields(); + int mutable_bitField0_ = 0; + unknownFields = +; + try { + boolean done = false; + while (!done) { + int tag = input.readTag(); + switch (tag) { + case 0: + done = true; + break; + default: { + if (!parseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, + extensionRegistry, tag)) { + done = true; + } + break; + } + case 8: { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; + enabled_ = input.readBool(); + break; + } + } + } + } catch ( e) { + throw e.setUnfinishedMessage(this); + } catch ( e) { + throw new + e.getMessage()).setUnfinishedMessage(this); + } finally { + this.unknownFields =; + makeExtensionsImmutable(); + } + } public static final getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand_descriptor; } - + protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand_fieldAccessorTable; + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand_fieldAccessorTable + .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand.class, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand.Builder.class); } - + + public static PARSER = + new { + public PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand parsePartialFrom( + input, + extensionRegistry) + throws { + return new PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand(input, extensionRegistry); + } + }; + + @java.lang.Override + public getParserForType() { + return PARSER; + } + private int bitField0_; // optional bool enabled = 1; public static final int ENABLED_FIELD_NUMBER = 1; private boolean enabled_; + /** + * optional bool enabled = 1; + */ public boolean hasEnabled() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } + /** + * optional bool enabled = 1; + */ public boolean getEnabled() { return enabled_; } - + private void initFields() { enabled_ = false; } @@ -5057,11 +6460,11 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { public final boolean isInitialized() { byte isInitialized = memoizedIsInitialized; if (isInitialized != -1) return isInitialized == 1; - + memoizedIsInitialized = 1; return true; } - + public void writeTo( output) throws { getSerializedSize(); @@ -5070,12 +6473,12 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } getUnknownFields().writeTo(output); } - + private int memoizedSerializedSize = -1; public int getSerializedSize() { int size = memoizedSerializedSize; if (size != -1) return size; - + size = 0; if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { size += @@ -5085,94 +6488,83 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { memoizedSerializedSize = size; return size; } - + private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L; @java.lang.Override protected java.lang.Object writeReplace() throws { return super.writeReplace(); } - + public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand parseFrom( data) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data).buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand parseFrom( data, extensionRegistry) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry) - .buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand parseFrom(byte[] data) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data).buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand parseFrom( byte[] data, extensionRegistry) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry) - .buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand parseFrom( input) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input).buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(input); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry) - .buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand parseDelimitedFrom( input) throws { - Builder builder = newBuilder(); - if (builder.mergeDelimitedFrom(input)) { - return builder.buildParsed(); - } else { - return null; - } + return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand parseDelimitedFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - Builder builder = newBuilder(); - if (builder.mergeDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry)) { - return builder.buildParsed(); - } else { - return null; - } + return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand parseFrom( input) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input).buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(input); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry) - .buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry); } - + public static Builder newBuilder() { return Builder.create(); } public Builder newBuilderForType() { return newBuilder(); } public static Builder newBuilder(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand prototype) { return newBuilder().mergeFrom(prototype); } public Builder toBuilder() { return newBuilder(this); } - + @java.lang.Override protected Builder newBuilderForType( parent) { Builder builder = new Builder(parent); return builder; } + /** + * Protobuf type {@code openxc.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand} + */ public static final class Builder extends implements com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommandOrBuilder { @@ -5180,18 +6572,21 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand_descriptor; } - + protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand_fieldAccessorTable; + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand_fieldAccessorTable + .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand.class, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand.Builder.class); } - + // Construct using com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand.newBuilder() private Builder() { maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } - - private Builder(BuilderParent parent) { + + private Builder( + parent) { super(parent); maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } @@ -5202,27 +6597,27 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { private static Builder create() { return new Builder(); } - + public Builder clear() { super.clear(); enabled_ = false; bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); return this; } - + public Builder clone() { return create().mergeFrom(buildPartial()); } - + public getDescriptorForType() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand.getDescriptor(); + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand_descriptor; } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand getDefaultInstanceForType() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand.getDefaultInstance(); } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand build() { com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand result = buildPartial(); if (!result.isInitialized()) { @@ -5230,17 +6625,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return result; } - - private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand buildParsed() - throws { - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand result = buildPartial(); - if (!result.isInitialized()) { - throw newUninitializedMessageException( - result).asInvalidProtocolBufferException(); - } - return result; - } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand buildPartial() { com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand result = new com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand(this); int from_bitField0_ = bitField0_; @@ -5253,7 +6638,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { onBuilt(); return result; } - + public Builder mergeFrom( other) { if (other instanceof com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand) { return mergeFrom((com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand)other); @@ -5262,7 +6647,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return this; } } - + public Builder mergeFrom(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand other) { if (other == com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand.getDefaultInstance()) return this; if (other.hasEnabled()) { @@ -5271,139 +6656,281 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { this.mergeUnknownFields(other.getUnknownFields()); return this; } - + public final boolean isInitialized() { return true; } - + public Builder mergeFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - unknownFields = - - this.getUnknownFields()); - while (true) { - int tag = input.readTag(); - switch (tag) { - case 0: - this.setUnknownFields(; - onChanged(); - return this; - default: { - if (!parseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, - extensionRegistry, tag)) { - this.setUnknownFields(; - onChanged(); - return this; - } - break; - } - case 8: { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; - enabled_ = input.readBool(); - break; - } + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand parsedMessage = null; + try { + parsedMessage = PARSER.parsePartialFrom(input, extensionRegistry); + } catch ( e) { + parsedMessage = (com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand) e.getUnfinishedMessage(); + throw e; + } finally { + if (parsedMessage != null) { + mergeFrom(parsedMessage); } } + return this; } - private int bitField0_; - + // optional bool enabled = 1; private boolean enabled_ ; + /** + * optional bool enabled = 1; + */ public boolean hasEnabled() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } + /** + * optional bool enabled = 1; + */ public boolean getEnabled() { return enabled_; } + /** + * optional bool enabled = 1; + */ public Builder setEnabled(boolean value) { bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; enabled_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } + /** + * optional bool enabled = 1; + */ public Builder clearEnabled() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); enabled_ = false; onChanged(); return this; } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(builder_scope:openxc.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand) } - + static { defaultInstance = new PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand(true); defaultInstance.initFields(); } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:openxc.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand) } - + public interface NetworkOperatorSettingsOrBuilder extends { - + // optional bool allowDataRoaming = 1; + /** + * optional bool allowDataRoaming = 1; + */ boolean hasAllowDataRoaming(); + /** + * optional bool allowDataRoaming = 1; + */ boolean getAllowDataRoaming(); - + // optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.OperatorSelectMode operatorSelectMode = 2; + /** + * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.OperatorSelectMode operatorSelectMode = 2; + */ boolean hasOperatorSelectMode(); + /** + * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.OperatorSelectMode operatorSelectMode = 2; + */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.OperatorSelectMode getOperatorSelectMode(); - + // optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor networkDescriptor = 3; + /** + * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor networkDescriptor = 3; + */ boolean hasNetworkDescriptor(); + /** + * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor networkDescriptor = 3; + */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor getNetworkDescriptor(); + /** + * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor networkDescriptor = 3; + */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptorOrBuilder getNetworkDescriptorOrBuilder(); } + /** + * Protobuf type {@code openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings} + */ public static final class NetworkOperatorSettings extends implements NetworkOperatorSettingsOrBuilder { // Use NetworkOperatorSettings.newBuilder() to construct. - private NetworkOperatorSettings(Builder builder) { + private NetworkOperatorSettings( builder) { super(builder); + this.unknownFields = builder.getUnknownFields(); } - private NetworkOperatorSettings(boolean noInit) {} - + private NetworkOperatorSettings(boolean noInit) { this.unknownFields =; } + private static final NetworkOperatorSettings defaultInstance; public static NetworkOperatorSettings getDefaultInstance() { return defaultInstance; } - + public NetworkOperatorSettings getDefaultInstanceForType() { return defaultInstance; } - + + private final unknownFields; + @java.lang.Override + public final + getUnknownFields() { + return this.unknownFields; + } + private NetworkOperatorSettings( + input, + extensionRegistry) + throws { + initFields(); + int mutable_bitField0_ = 0; + unknownFields = +; + try { + boolean done = false; + while (!done) { + int tag = input.readTag(); + switch (tag) { + case 0: + done = true; + break; + default: { + if (!parseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, + extensionRegistry, tag)) { + done = true; + } + break; + } + case 8: { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; + allowDataRoaming_ = input.readBool(); + break; + } + case 16: { + int rawValue = input.readEnum(); + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.OperatorSelectMode value = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.OperatorSelectMode.valueOf(rawValue); + if (value == null) { + unknownFields.mergeVarintField(2, rawValue); + } else { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; + operatorSelectMode_ = value; + } + break; + } + case 26: { + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.Builder subBuilder = null; + if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004)) { + subBuilder = networkDescriptor_.toBuilder(); + } + networkDescriptor_ = input.readMessage(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.PARSER, extensionRegistry); + if (subBuilder != null) { + subBuilder.mergeFrom(networkDescriptor_); + networkDescriptor_ = subBuilder.buildPartial(); + } + bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; + break; + } + } + } + } catch ( e) { + throw e.setUnfinishedMessage(this); + } catch ( e) { + throw new + e.getMessage()).setUnfinishedMessage(this); + } finally { + this.unknownFields =; + makeExtensionsImmutable(); + } + } public static final getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_NetworkOperatorSettings_descriptor; } - + protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_NetworkOperatorSettings_fieldAccessorTable; + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_NetworkOperatorSettings_fieldAccessorTable + .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.class, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.Builder.class); + } + + public static PARSER = + new { + public NetworkOperatorSettings parsePartialFrom( + input, + extensionRegistry) + throws { + return new NetworkOperatorSettings(input, extensionRegistry); + } + }; + + @java.lang.Override + public getParserForType() { + return PARSER; } - + + /** + * Protobuf enum {@code openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.OperatorSelectMode} + */ public enum OperatorSelectMode implements { + /** + * AUTOMATIC = 0; + */ AUTOMATIC(0, 0), + /** + * MANUAL = 1; + */ MANUAL(1, 1), + /** + * DEREGISTER = 2; + */ DEREGISTER(2, 2), + /** + * SET_ONLY = 3; + */ SET_ONLY(3, 3), + /** + * MANUAL_AUTOMATIC = 4; + */ MANUAL_AUTOMATIC(4, 4), ; - + + /** + * AUTOMATIC = 0; + */ public static final int AUTOMATIC_VALUE = 0; + /** + * MANUAL = 1; + */ public static final int MANUAL_VALUE = 1; + /** + * DEREGISTER = 2; + */ public static final int DEREGISTER_VALUE = 2; + /** + * SET_ONLY = 3; + */ public static final int SET_ONLY_VALUE = 3; + /** + * MANUAL_AUTOMATIC = 4; + */ public static final int MANUAL_AUTOMATIC_VALUE = 4; - - + + public final int getNumber() { return value; } - + public static OperatorSelectMode valueOf(int value) { switch (value) { case 0: return AUTOMATIC; @@ -5414,7 +6941,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { default: return null; } } - + public static internalGetValueMap() { return internalValueMap; @@ -5426,7 +6953,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return OperatorSelectMode.valueOf(number); } }; - + public final getValueDescriptor() { return getDescriptor().getValues().get(index); @@ -5439,11 +6966,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.getDescriptor().getEnumTypes().get(0); } - - private static final OperatorSelectMode[] VALUES = { - AUTOMATIC, MANUAL, DEREGISTER, SET_ONLY, MANUAL_AUTOMATIC, - }; - + + private static final OperatorSelectMode[] VALUES = values(); + public static OperatorSelectMode valueOf( desc) { if (desc.getType() != getDescriptor()) { @@ -5452,69 +6977,174 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return VALUES[desc.getIndex()]; } - + private final int index; private final int value; - + private OperatorSelectMode(int index, int value) { this.index = index; this.value = value; } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(enum_scope:openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.OperatorSelectMode) } - + public interface NetworkDescriptorOrBuilder extends { - + // optional uint32 PLMN = 1; + /** + * optional uint32 PLMN = 1; + */ boolean hasPLMN(); + /** + * optional uint32 PLMN = 1; + */ int getPLMN(); - + // optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.NetworkType networkType = 2; + /** + * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.NetworkType networkType = 2; + */ boolean hasNetworkType(); + /** + * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.NetworkType networkType = 2; + */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.NetworkType getNetworkType(); } + /** + * Protobuf type {@code openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor} + */ public static final class NetworkDescriptor extends implements NetworkDescriptorOrBuilder { // Use NetworkDescriptor.newBuilder() to construct. - private NetworkDescriptor(Builder builder) { + private NetworkDescriptor( builder) { super(builder); + this.unknownFields = builder.getUnknownFields(); } - private NetworkDescriptor(boolean noInit) {} - + private NetworkDescriptor(boolean noInit) { this.unknownFields =; } + private static final NetworkDescriptor defaultInstance; public static NetworkDescriptor getDefaultInstance() { return defaultInstance; } - + public NetworkDescriptor getDefaultInstanceForType() { return defaultInstance; } - + + private final unknownFields; + @java.lang.Override + public final + getUnknownFields() { + return this.unknownFields; + } + private NetworkDescriptor( + input, + extensionRegistry) + throws { + initFields(); + int mutable_bitField0_ = 0; + unknownFields = +; + try { + boolean done = false; + while (!done) { + int tag = input.readTag(); + switch (tag) { + case 0: + done = true; + break; + default: { + if (!parseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, + extensionRegistry, tag)) { + done = true; + } + break; + } + case 8: { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; + pLMN_ = input.readUInt32(); + break; + } + case 16: { + int rawValue = input.readEnum(); + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.NetworkType value = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.NetworkType.valueOf(rawValue); + if (value == null) { + unknownFields.mergeVarintField(2, rawValue); + } else { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; + networkType_ = value; + } + break; + } + } + } + } catch ( e) { + throw e.setUnfinishedMessage(this); + } catch ( e) { + throw new + e.getMessage()).setUnfinishedMessage(this); + } finally { + this.unknownFields =; + makeExtensionsImmutable(); + } + } public static final getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_NetworkOperatorSettings_NetworkDescriptor_descriptor; } - + protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_NetworkOperatorSettings_NetworkDescriptor_fieldAccessorTable; + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_NetworkOperatorSettings_NetworkDescriptor_fieldAccessorTable + .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.class, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.Builder.class); } - + + public static PARSER = + new { + public NetworkDescriptor parsePartialFrom( + input, + extensionRegistry) + throws { + return new NetworkDescriptor(input, extensionRegistry); + } + }; + + @java.lang.Override + public getParserForType() { + return PARSER; + } + + /** + * Protobuf enum {@code openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.NetworkType} + */ public enum NetworkType implements { + /** + * GSM = 0; + */ GSM(0, 0), + /** + * UTRAN = 2; + */ UTRAN(1, 2), ; - + + /** + * GSM = 0; + */ public static final int GSM_VALUE = 0; + /** + * UTRAN = 2; + */ public static final int UTRAN_VALUE = 2; - - + + public final int getNumber() { return value; } - + public static NetworkType valueOf(int value) { switch (value) { case 0: return GSM; @@ -5522,7 +7152,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { default: return null; } } - + public static internalGetValueMap() { return internalValueMap; @@ -5534,7 +7164,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return NetworkType.valueOf(number); } }; - + public final getValueDescriptor() { return getDescriptor().getValues().get(index); @@ -5547,11 +7177,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.getDescriptor().getEnumTypes().get(0); } - - private static final NetworkType[] VALUES = { - GSM, UTRAN, - }; - + + private static final NetworkType[] VALUES = values(); + public static NetworkType valueOf( desc) { if (desc.getType() != getDescriptor()) { @@ -5560,39 +7188,51 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return VALUES[desc.getIndex()]; } - + private final int index; private final int value; - + private NetworkType(int index, int value) { this.index = index; this.value = value; } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(enum_scope:openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.NetworkType) } - + private int bitField0_; // optional uint32 PLMN = 1; public static final int PLMN_FIELD_NUMBER = 1; private int pLMN_; + /** + * optional uint32 PLMN = 1; + */ public boolean hasPLMN() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } + /** + * optional uint32 PLMN = 1; + */ public int getPLMN() { return pLMN_; } - + // optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.NetworkType networkType = 2; public static final int NETWORKTYPE_FIELD_NUMBER = 2; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.NetworkType networkType_; + /** + * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.NetworkType networkType = 2; + */ public boolean hasNetworkType() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002); } + /** + * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.NetworkType networkType = 2; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.NetworkType getNetworkType() { return networkType_; } - + private void initFields() { pLMN_ = 0; networkType_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.NetworkType.GSM; @@ -5601,11 +7241,11 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { public final boolean isInitialized() { byte isInitialized = memoizedIsInitialized; if (isInitialized != -1) return isInitialized == 1; - + memoizedIsInitialized = 1; return true; } - + public void writeTo( output) throws { getSerializedSize(); @@ -5617,12 +7257,12 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } getUnknownFields().writeTo(output); } - + private int memoizedSerializedSize = -1; public int getSerializedSize() { int size = memoizedSerializedSize; if (size != -1) return size; - + size = 0; if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { size += @@ -5636,94 +7276,83 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { memoizedSerializedSize = size; return size; } - + private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L; @java.lang.Override protected java.lang.Object writeReplace() throws { return super.writeReplace(); } - + public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor parseFrom( data) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data).buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor parseFrom( data, extensionRegistry) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry) - .buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor parseFrom(byte[] data) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data).buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor parseFrom( byte[] data, extensionRegistry) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry) - .buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor parseFrom( input) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input).buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(input); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry) - .buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor parseDelimitedFrom( input) throws { - Builder builder = newBuilder(); - if (builder.mergeDelimitedFrom(input)) { - return builder.buildParsed(); - } else { - return null; - } + return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor parseDelimitedFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - Builder builder = newBuilder(); - if (builder.mergeDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry)) { - return builder.buildParsed(); - } else { - return null; - } + return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor parseFrom( input) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input).buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(input); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry) - .buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry); } - + public static Builder newBuilder() { return Builder.create(); } public Builder newBuilderForType() { return newBuilder(); } public static Builder newBuilder(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor prototype) { return newBuilder().mergeFrom(prototype); } public Builder toBuilder() { return newBuilder(this); } - + @java.lang.Override protected Builder newBuilderForType( parent) { Builder builder = new Builder(parent); return builder; } + /** + * Protobuf type {@code openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor} + */ public static final class Builder extends implements com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptorOrBuilder { @@ -5731,18 +7360,21 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_NetworkOperatorSettings_NetworkDescriptor_descriptor; } - + protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_NetworkOperatorSettings_NetworkDescriptor_fieldAccessorTable; + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_NetworkOperatorSettings_NetworkDescriptor_fieldAccessorTable + .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.class, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.Builder.class); } - + // Construct using com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.newBuilder() private Builder() { maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } - - private Builder(BuilderParent parent) { + + private Builder( + parent) { super(parent); maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } @@ -5753,7 +7385,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { private static Builder create() { return new Builder(); } - + public Builder clear() { super.clear(); pLMN_ = 0; @@ -5762,20 +7394,20 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); return this; } - + public Builder clone() { return create().mergeFrom(buildPartial()); } - + public getDescriptorForType() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.getDescriptor(); + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_NetworkOperatorSettings_NetworkDescriptor_descriptor; } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor getDefaultInstanceForType() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.getDefaultInstance(); } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor build() { com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor result = buildPartial(); if (!result.isInitialized()) { @@ -5783,17 +7415,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return result; } - - private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor buildParsed() - throws { - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor result = buildPartial(); - if (!result.isInitialized()) { - throw newUninitializedMessageException( - result).asInvalidProtocolBufferException(); - } - return result; - } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor buildPartial() { com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor result = new com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor(this); int from_bitField0_ = bitField0_; @@ -5810,7 +7432,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { onBuilt(); return result; } - + public Builder mergeFrom( other) { if (other instanceof com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor) { return mergeFrom((com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor)other); @@ -5819,7 +7441,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return this; } } - + public Builder mergeFrom(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor other) { if (other == com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.getDefaultInstance()) return this; if (other.hasPLMN()) { @@ -5831,85 +7453,80 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { this.mergeUnknownFields(other.getUnknownFields()); return this; } - + public final boolean isInitialized() { return true; } - + public Builder mergeFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - unknownFields = - - this.getUnknownFields()); - while (true) { - int tag = input.readTag(); - switch (tag) { - case 0: - this.setUnknownFields(; - onChanged(); - return this; - default: { - if (!parseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, - extensionRegistry, tag)) { - this.setUnknownFields(; - onChanged(); - return this; - } - break; - } - case 8: { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; - pLMN_ = input.readUInt32(); - break; - } - case 16: { - int rawValue = input.readEnum(); - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.NetworkType value = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.NetworkType.valueOf(rawValue); - if (value == null) { - unknownFields.mergeVarintField(2, rawValue); - } else { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; - networkType_ = value; - } - break; - } + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor parsedMessage = null; + try { + parsedMessage = PARSER.parsePartialFrom(input, extensionRegistry); + } catch ( e) { + parsedMessage = (com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor) e.getUnfinishedMessage(); + throw e; + } finally { + if (parsedMessage != null) { + mergeFrom(parsedMessage); } } + return this; } - private int bitField0_; - + // optional uint32 PLMN = 1; private int pLMN_ ; + /** + * optional uint32 PLMN = 1; + */ public boolean hasPLMN() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } + /** + * optional uint32 PLMN = 1; + */ public int getPLMN() { return pLMN_; } + /** + * optional uint32 PLMN = 1; + */ public Builder setPLMN(int value) { bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; pLMN_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } + /** + * optional uint32 PLMN = 1; + */ public Builder clearPLMN() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); pLMN_ = 0; onChanged(); return this; } - + // optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.NetworkType networkType = 2; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.NetworkType networkType_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.NetworkType.GSM; + /** + * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.NetworkType networkType = 2; + */ public boolean hasNetworkType() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002); } + /** + * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.NetworkType networkType = 2; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.NetworkType getNetworkType() { return networkType_; } + /** + * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.NetworkType networkType = 2; + */ public Builder setNetworkType(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.NetworkType value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); @@ -5919,58 +7536,82 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { onChanged(); return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.NetworkType networkType = 2; + */ public Builder clearNetworkType() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); networkType_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.NetworkType.GSM; onChanged(); return this; } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(builder_scope:openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor) } - + static { defaultInstance = new NetworkDescriptor(true); defaultInstance.initFields(); } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor) } - + private int bitField0_; // optional bool allowDataRoaming = 1; public static final int ALLOWDATAROAMING_FIELD_NUMBER = 1; private boolean allowDataRoaming_; + /** + * optional bool allowDataRoaming = 1; + */ public boolean hasAllowDataRoaming() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } + /** + * optional bool allowDataRoaming = 1; + */ public boolean getAllowDataRoaming() { return allowDataRoaming_; } - + // optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.OperatorSelectMode operatorSelectMode = 2; public static final int OPERATORSELECTMODE_FIELD_NUMBER = 2; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.OperatorSelectMode operatorSelectMode_; + /** + * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.OperatorSelectMode operatorSelectMode = 2; + */ public boolean hasOperatorSelectMode() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002); } + /** + * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.OperatorSelectMode operatorSelectMode = 2; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.OperatorSelectMode getOperatorSelectMode() { return operatorSelectMode_; } - + // optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor networkDescriptor = 3; public static final int NETWORKDESCRIPTOR_FIELD_NUMBER = 3; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor networkDescriptor_; + /** + * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor networkDescriptor = 3; + */ public boolean hasNetworkDescriptor() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004); } + /** + * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor networkDescriptor = 3; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor getNetworkDescriptor() { return networkDescriptor_; } + /** + * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor networkDescriptor = 3; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptorOrBuilder getNetworkDescriptorOrBuilder() { return networkDescriptor_; } - + private void initFields() { allowDataRoaming_ = false; operatorSelectMode_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.OperatorSelectMode.AUTOMATIC; @@ -5980,11 +7621,11 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { public final boolean isInitialized() { byte isInitialized = memoizedIsInitialized; if (isInitialized != -1) return isInitialized == 1; - + memoizedIsInitialized = 1; return true; } - + public void writeTo( output) throws { getSerializedSize(); @@ -5999,12 +7640,12 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } getUnknownFields().writeTo(output); } - + private int memoizedSerializedSize = -1; public int getSerializedSize() { int size = memoizedSerializedSize; if (size != -1) return size; - + size = 0; if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { size += @@ -6022,94 +7663,83 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { memoizedSerializedSize = size; return size; } - + private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L; @java.lang.Override protected java.lang.Object writeReplace() throws { return super.writeReplace(); } - + public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings parseFrom( data) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data).buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings parseFrom( data, extensionRegistry) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry) - .buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings parseFrom(byte[] data) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data).buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings parseFrom( byte[] data, extensionRegistry) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry) - .buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings parseFrom( input) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input).buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(input); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry) - .buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings parseDelimitedFrom( input) throws { - Builder builder = newBuilder(); - if (builder.mergeDelimitedFrom(input)) { - return builder.buildParsed(); - } else { - return null; - } + return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings parseDelimitedFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - Builder builder = newBuilder(); - if (builder.mergeDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry)) { - return builder.buildParsed(); - } else { - return null; - } + return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings parseFrom( input) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input).buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(input); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry) - .buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry); } - + public static Builder newBuilder() { return Builder.create(); } public Builder newBuilderForType() { return newBuilder(); } public static Builder newBuilder(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings prototype) { return newBuilder().mergeFrom(prototype); } public Builder toBuilder() { return newBuilder(this); } - + @java.lang.Override protected Builder newBuilderForType( parent) { Builder builder = new Builder(parent); return builder; } + /** + * Protobuf type {@code openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings} + */ public static final class Builder extends implements com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettingsOrBuilder { @@ -6117,18 +7747,21 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_NetworkOperatorSettings_descriptor; } - + protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_NetworkOperatorSettings_fieldAccessorTable; + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_NetworkOperatorSettings_fieldAccessorTable + .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.class, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.Builder.class); } - + // Construct using com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.newBuilder() private Builder() { maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } - - private Builder(BuilderParent parent) { + + private Builder( + parent) { super(parent); maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } @@ -6140,7 +7773,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { private static Builder create() { return new Builder(); } - + public Builder clear() { super.clear(); allowDataRoaming_ = false; @@ -6155,20 +7788,20 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000004); return this; } - + public Builder clone() { return create().mergeFrom(buildPartial()); } - + public getDescriptorForType() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.getDescriptor(); + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_NetworkOperatorSettings_descriptor; } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings getDefaultInstanceForType() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.getDefaultInstance(); } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings build() { com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings result = buildPartial(); if (!result.isInitialized()) { @@ -6176,17 +7809,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return result; } - - private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings buildParsed() - throws { - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings result = buildPartial(); - if (!result.isInitialized()) { - throw newUninitializedMessageException( - result).asInvalidProtocolBufferException(); - } - return result; - } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings buildPartial() { com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings result = new com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings(this); int from_bitField0_ = bitField0_; @@ -6211,7 +7834,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { onBuilt(); return result; } - + public Builder mergeFrom( other) { if (other instanceof com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings) { return mergeFrom((com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings)other); @@ -6220,7 +7843,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return this; } } - + public Builder mergeFrom(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings other) { if (other == com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.getDefaultInstance()) return this; if (other.hasAllowDataRoaming()) { @@ -6235,94 +7858,80 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { this.mergeUnknownFields(other.getUnknownFields()); return this; } - + public final boolean isInitialized() { return true; } - + public Builder mergeFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - unknownFields = - - this.getUnknownFields()); - while (true) { - int tag = input.readTag(); - switch (tag) { - case 0: - this.setUnknownFields(; - onChanged(); - return this; - default: { - if (!parseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, - extensionRegistry, tag)) { - this.setUnknownFields(; - onChanged(); - return this; - } - break; - } - case 8: { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; - allowDataRoaming_ = input.readBool(); - break; - } - case 16: { - int rawValue = input.readEnum(); - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.OperatorSelectMode value = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.OperatorSelectMode.valueOf(rawValue); - if (value == null) { - unknownFields.mergeVarintField(2, rawValue); - } else { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; - operatorSelectMode_ = value; - } - break; - } - case 26: { - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.Builder subBuilder = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.newBuilder(); - if (hasNetworkDescriptor()) { - subBuilder.mergeFrom(getNetworkDescriptor()); - } - input.readMessage(subBuilder, extensionRegistry); - setNetworkDescriptor(subBuilder.buildPartial()); - break; - } + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings parsedMessage = null; + try { + parsedMessage = PARSER.parsePartialFrom(input, extensionRegistry); + } catch ( e) { + parsedMessage = (com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings) e.getUnfinishedMessage(); + throw e; + } finally { + if (parsedMessage != null) { + mergeFrom(parsedMessage); } } + return this; } - private int bitField0_; - + // optional bool allowDataRoaming = 1; private boolean allowDataRoaming_ ; + /** + * optional bool allowDataRoaming = 1; + */ public boolean hasAllowDataRoaming() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } + /** + * optional bool allowDataRoaming = 1; + */ public boolean getAllowDataRoaming() { return allowDataRoaming_; } + /** + * optional bool allowDataRoaming = 1; + */ public Builder setAllowDataRoaming(boolean value) { bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; allowDataRoaming_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } + /** + * optional bool allowDataRoaming = 1; + */ public Builder clearAllowDataRoaming() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); allowDataRoaming_ = false; onChanged(); return this; } - + // optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.OperatorSelectMode operatorSelectMode = 2; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.OperatorSelectMode operatorSelectMode_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.OperatorSelectMode.AUTOMATIC; + /** + * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.OperatorSelectMode operatorSelectMode = 2; + */ public boolean hasOperatorSelectMode() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002); } + /** + * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.OperatorSelectMode operatorSelectMode = 2; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.OperatorSelectMode getOperatorSelectMode() { return operatorSelectMode_; } + /** + * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.OperatorSelectMode operatorSelectMode = 2; + */ public Builder setOperatorSelectMode(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.OperatorSelectMode value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); @@ -6332,20 +7941,29 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { onChanged(); return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.OperatorSelectMode operatorSelectMode = 2; + */ public Builder clearOperatorSelectMode() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); operatorSelectMode_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.OperatorSelectMode.AUTOMATIC; onChanged(); return this; } - + // optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor networkDescriptor = 3; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor networkDescriptor_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.getDefaultInstance(); private< com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.Builder, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptorOrBuilder> networkDescriptorBuilder_; + /** + * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor networkDescriptor = 3; + */ public boolean hasNetworkDescriptor() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004); } + /** + * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor networkDescriptor = 3; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor getNetworkDescriptor() { if (networkDescriptorBuilder_ == null) { return networkDescriptor_; @@ -6353,6 +7971,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return networkDescriptorBuilder_.getMessage(); } } + /** + * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor networkDescriptor = 3; + */ public Builder setNetworkDescriptor(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor value) { if (networkDescriptorBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { @@ -6366,6 +7987,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor networkDescriptor = 3; + */ public Builder setNetworkDescriptor( com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.Builder builderForValue) { if (networkDescriptorBuilder_ == null) { @@ -6377,6 +8001,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor networkDescriptor = 3; + */ public Builder mergeNetworkDescriptor(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor value) { if (networkDescriptorBuilder_ == null) { if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004) && @@ -6393,6 +8020,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor networkDescriptor = 3; + */ public Builder clearNetworkDescriptor() { if (networkDescriptorBuilder_ == null) { networkDescriptor_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.getDefaultInstance(); @@ -6403,11 +8033,17 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000004); return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor networkDescriptor = 3; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.Builder getNetworkDescriptorBuilder() { bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; onChanged(); return getNetworkDescriptorFieldBuilder().getBuilder(); } + /** + * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor networkDescriptor = 3; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptorOrBuilder getNetworkDescriptorOrBuilder() { if (networkDescriptorBuilder_ != null) { return networkDescriptorBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder(); @@ -6415,6 +8051,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return networkDescriptor_; } } + /** + * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor networkDescriptor = 3; + */ private< com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.Builder, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptorOrBuilder> getNetworkDescriptorFieldBuilder() { @@ -6428,86 +8067,175 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return networkDescriptorBuilder_; } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(builder_scope:openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings) } - + static { defaultInstance = new NetworkOperatorSettings(true); defaultInstance.initFields(); } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings) } - + public interface NetworkDataSettingsOrBuilder extends { - + // optional string APN = 1; + /** + * optional string APN = 1; + */ boolean hasAPN(); - String getAPN(); + /** + * optional string APN = 1; + */ + java.lang.String getAPN(); + /** + * optional string APN = 1; + */ + + getAPNBytes(); } + /** + * Protobuf type {@code openxc.NetworkDataSettings} + */ public static final class NetworkDataSettings extends implements NetworkDataSettingsOrBuilder { // Use NetworkDataSettings.newBuilder() to construct. - private NetworkDataSettings(Builder builder) { + private NetworkDataSettings( builder) { super(builder); + this.unknownFields = builder.getUnknownFields(); } - private NetworkDataSettings(boolean noInit) {} - + private NetworkDataSettings(boolean noInit) { this.unknownFields =; } + private static final NetworkDataSettings defaultInstance; public static NetworkDataSettings getDefaultInstance() { return defaultInstance; } - + public NetworkDataSettings getDefaultInstanceForType() { return defaultInstance; } - + + private final unknownFields; + @java.lang.Override + public final + getUnknownFields() { + return this.unknownFields; + } + private NetworkDataSettings( + input, + extensionRegistry) + throws { + initFields(); + int mutable_bitField0_ = 0; + unknownFields = +; + try { + boolean done = false; + while (!done) { + int tag = input.readTag(); + switch (tag) { + case 0: + done = true; + break; + default: { + if (!parseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, + extensionRegistry, tag)) { + done = true; + } + break; + } + case 10: { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; + aPN_ = input.readBytes(); + break; + } + } + } + } catch ( e) { + throw e.setUnfinishedMessage(this); + } catch ( e) { + throw new + e.getMessage()).setUnfinishedMessage(this); + } finally { + this.unknownFields =; + makeExtensionsImmutable(); + } + } public static final getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_NetworkDataSettings_descriptor; } - + protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_NetworkDataSettings_fieldAccessorTable; + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_NetworkDataSettings_fieldAccessorTable + .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings.class, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings.Builder.class); + } + + public static PARSER = + new { + public NetworkDataSettings parsePartialFrom( + input, + extensionRegistry) + throws { + return new NetworkDataSettings(input, extensionRegistry); + } + }; + + @java.lang.Override + public getParserForType() { + return PARSER; } - + private int bitField0_; // optional string APN = 1; public static final int APN_FIELD_NUMBER = 1; private java.lang.Object aPN_; + /** + * optional string APN = 1; + */ public boolean hasAPN() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } - public String getAPN() { + /** + * optional string APN = 1; + */ + public java.lang.String getAPN() { java.lang.Object ref = aPN_; - if (ref instanceof String) { - return (String) ref; + if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { + return (java.lang.String) ref; } else { bs = ( ref; - String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); - if ( { + java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); + if (bs.isValidUtf8()) { aPN_ = s; } return s; } } - private getAPNBytes() { + /** + * optional string APN = 1; + */ + public + getAPNBytes() { java.lang.Object ref = aPN_; - if (ref instanceof String) { + if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { b = - ref); + + (java.lang.String) ref); aPN_ = b; return b; } else { return ( ref; } } - + private void initFields() { aPN_ = ""; } @@ -6515,11 +8243,11 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { public final boolean isInitialized() { byte isInitialized = memoizedIsInitialized; if (isInitialized != -1) return isInitialized == 1; - + memoizedIsInitialized = 1; return true; } - + public void writeTo( output) throws { getSerializedSize(); @@ -6528,12 +8256,12 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } getUnknownFields().writeTo(output); } - + private int memoizedSerializedSize = -1; public int getSerializedSize() { int size = memoizedSerializedSize; if (size != -1) return size; - + size = 0; if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { size += @@ -6543,94 +8271,83 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { memoizedSerializedSize = size; return size; } - + private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L; @java.lang.Override protected java.lang.Object writeReplace() throws { return super.writeReplace(); } - + public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings parseFrom( data) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data).buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings parseFrom( data, extensionRegistry) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry) - .buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings parseFrom(byte[] data) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data).buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings parseFrom( byte[] data, extensionRegistry) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry) - .buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings parseFrom( input) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input).buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(input); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry) - .buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings parseDelimitedFrom( input) throws { - Builder builder = newBuilder(); - if (builder.mergeDelimitedFrom(input)) { - return builder.buildParsed(); - } else { - return null; - } + return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings parseDelimitedFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - Builder builder = newBuilder(); - if (builder.mergeDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry)) { - return builder.buildParsed(); - } else { - return null; - } + return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings parseFrom( input) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input).buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(input); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry) - .buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry); } - + public static Builder newBuilder() { return Builder.create(); } public Builder newBuilderForType() { return newBuilder(); } public static Builder newBuilder(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings prototype) { return newBuilder().mergeFrom(prototype); } public Builder toBuilder() { return newBuilder(this); } - + @java.lang.Override protected Builder newBuilderForType( parent) { Builder builder = new Builder(parent); return builder; } + /** + * Protobuf type {@code openxc.NetworkDataSettings} + */ public static final class Builder extends implements com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettingsOrBuilder { @@ -6638,18 +8355,21 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_NetworkDataSettings_descriptor; } - + protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_NetworkDataSettings_fieldAccessorTable; + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_NetworkDataSettings_fieldAccessorTable + .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings.class, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings.Builder.class); } - + // Construct using com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings.newBuilder() private Builder() { maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } - - private Builder(BuilderParent parent) { + + private Builder( + parent) { super(parent); maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } @@ -6660,27 +8380,27 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { private static Builder create() { return new Builder(); } - + public Builder clear() { super.clear(); aPN_ = ""; bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); return this; } - + public Builder clone() { return create().mergeFrom(buildPartial()); } - + public getDescriptorForType() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings.getDescriptor(); + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_NetworkDataSettings_descriptor; } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings getDefaultInstanceForType() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings.getDefaultInstance(); } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings build() { com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings result = buildPartial(); if (!result.isInitialized()) { @@ -6688,17 +8408,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return result; } - - private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings buildParsed() - throws { - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings result = buildPartial(); - if (!result.isInitialized()) { - throw newUninitializedMessageException( - result).asInvalidProtocolBufferException(); - } - return result; - } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings buildPartial() { com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings result = new com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings(this); int from_bitField0_ = bitField0_; @@ -6711,7 +8421,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { onBuilt(); return result; } - + public Builder mergeFrom( other) { if (other instanceof com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings) { return mergeFrom((com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings)other); @@ -6720,70 +8430,84 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return this; } } - + public Builder mergeFrom(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings other) { if (other == com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings.getDefaultInstance()) return this; if (other.hasAPN()) { - setAPN(other.getAPN()); + bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; + aPN_ = other.aPN_; + onChanged(); } this.mergeUnknownFields(other.getUnknownFields()); return this; } - + public final boolean isInitialized() { return true; } - + public Builder mergeFrom( input, - extensionRegistry) - throws { - unknownFields = - - this.getUnknownFields()); - while (true) { - int tag = input.readTag(); - switch (tag) { - case 0: - this.setUnknownFields(; - onChanged(); - return this; - default: { - if (!parseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, - extensionRegistry, tag)) { - this.setUnknownFields(; - onChanged(); - return this; - } - break; - } - case 10: { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; - aPN_ = input.readBytes(); - break; - } + extensionRegistry) + throws { + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings parsedMessage = null; + try { + parsedMessage = PARSER.parsePartialFrom(input, extensionRegistry); + } catch ( e) { + parsedMessage = (com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings) e.getUnfinishedMessage(); + throw e; + } finally { + if (parsedMessage != null) { + mergeFrom(parsedMessage); } } + return this; } - private int bitField0_; - + // optional string APN = 1; private java.lang.Object aPN_ = ""; + /** + * optional string APN = 1; + */ public boolean hasAPN() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } - public String getAPN() { + /** + * optional string APN = 1; + */ + public java.lang.String getAPN() { java.lang.Object ref = aPN_; - if (!(ref instanceof String)) { - String s = (( ref).toStringUtf8(); + if (!(ref instanceof java.lang.String)) { + java.lang.String s = (( ref) + .toStringUtf8(); aPN_ = s; return s; } else { - return (String) ref; + return (java.lang.String) ref; + } + } + /** + * optional string APN = 1; + */ + public + getAPNBytes() { + java.lang.Object ref = aPN_; + if (ref instanceof String) { + b = + + (java.lang.String) ref); + aPN_ = b; + return b; + } else { + return ( ref; } } - public Builder setAPN(String value) { + /** + * optional string APN = 1; + */ + public Builder setAPN( + java.lang.String value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } @@ -6792,111 +8516,228 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { onChanged(); return this; } + /** + * optional string APN = 1; + */ public Builder clearAPN() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); aPN_ = getDefaultInstance().getAPN(); onChanged(); return this; } - void setAPN( value) { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; + /** + * optional string APN = 1; + */ + public Builder setAPNBytes( + value) { + if (value == null) { + throw new NullPointerException(); + } + bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; aPN_ = value; onChanged(); + return this; } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(builder_scope:openxc.NetworkDataSettings) } - + static { defaultInstance = new NetworkDataSettings(true); defaultInstance.initFields(); } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:openxc.NetworkDataSettings) } - + public interface ServerConnectSettingsOrBuilder extends { - + // optional string host = 1; + /** + * optional string host = 1; + */ boolean hasHost(); - String getHost(); - + /** + * optional string host = 1; + */ + java.lang.String getHost(); + /** + * optional string host = 1; + */ + + getHostBytes(); + // optional uint32 port = 2; + /** + * optional uint32 port = 2; + */ boolean hasPort(); + /** + * optional uint32 port = 2; + */ int getPort(); } + /** + * Protobuf type {@code openxc.ServerConnectSettings} + */ public static final class ServerConnectSettings extends implements ServerConnectSettingsOrBuilder { // Use ServerConnectSettings.newBuilder() to construct. - private ServerConnectSettings(Builder builder) { + private ServerConnectSettings( builder) { super(builder); + this.unknownFields = builder.getUnknownFields(); } - private ServerConnectSettings(boolean noInit) {} - + private ServerConnectSettings(boolean noInit) { this.unknownFields =; } + private static final ServerConnectSettings defaultInstance; public static ServerConnectSettings getDefaultInstance() { return defaultInstance; } - + public ServerConnectSettings getDefaultInstanceForType() { return defaultInstance; } - + + private final unknownFields; + @java.lang.Override + public final + getUnknownFields() { + return this.unknownFields; + } + private ServerConnectSettings( + input, + extensionRegistry) + throws { + initFields(); + int mutable_bitField0_ = 0; + unknownFields = +; + try { + boolean done = false; + while (!done) { + int tag = input.readTag(); + switch (tag) { + case 0: + done = true; + break; + default: { + if (!parseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, + extensionRegistry, tag)) { + done = true; + } + break; + } + case 10: { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; + host_ = input.readBytes(); + break; + } + case 16: { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; + port_ = input.readUInt32(); + break; + } + } + } + } catch ( e) { + throw e.setUnfinishedMessage(this); + } catch ( e) { + throw new + e.getMessage()).setUnfinishedMessage(this); + } finally { + this.unknownFields =; + makeExtensionsImmutable(); + } + } public static final getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_ServerConnectSettings_descriptor; } - + protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_ServerConnectSettings_fieldAccessorTable; + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_ServerConnectSettings_fieldAccessorTable + .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings.class, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings.Builder.class); + } + + public static PARSER = + new { + public ServerConnectSettings parsePartialFrom( + input, + extensionRegistry) + throws { + return new ServerConnectSettings(input, extensionRegistry); + } + }; + + @java.lang.Override + public getParserForType() { + return PARSER; } - + private int bitField0_; // optional string host = 1; public static final int HOST_FIELD_NUMBER = 1; private java.lang.Object host_; + /** + * optional string host = 1; + */ public boolean hasHost() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } - public String getHost() { + /** + * optional string host = 1; + */ + public java.lang.String getHost() { java.lang.Object ref = host_; - if (ref instanceof String) { - return (String) ref; + if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { + return (java.lang.String) ref; } else { bs = ( ref; - String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); - if ( { + java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); + if (bs.isValidUtf8()) { host_ = s; } return s; } } - private getHostBytes() { + /** + * optional string host = 1; + */ + public + getHostBytes() { java.lang.Object ref = host_; - if (ref instanceof String) { + if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { b = - ref); + + (java.lang.String) ref); host_ = b; return b; } else { return ( ref; } } - + // optional uint32 port = 2; public static final int PORT_FIELD_NUMBER = 2; private int port_; + /** + * optional uint32 port = 2; + */ public boolean hasPort() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002); } + /** + * optional uint32 port = 2; + */ public int getPort() { return port_; } - + private void initFields() { host_ = ""; port_ = 0; @@ -6905,11 +8746,11 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { public final boolean isInitialized() { byte isInitialized = memoizedIsInitialized; if (isInitialized != -1) return isInitialized == 1; - + memoizedIsInitialized = 1; return true; } - + public void writeTo( output) throws { getSerializedSize(); @@ -6921,12 +8762,12 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } getUnknownFields().writeTo(output); } - + private int memoizedSerializedSize = -1; public int getSerializedSize() { int size = memoizedSerializedSize; if (size != -1) return size; - + size = 0; if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { size += @@ -6940,94 +8781,83 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { memoizedSerializedSize = size; return size; } - + private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L; @java.lang.Override protected java.lang.Object writeReplace() throws { return super.writeReplace(); } - + public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings parseFrom( data) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data).buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings parseFrom( data, extensionRegistry) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry) - .buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings parseFrom(byte[] data) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data).buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings parseFrom( byte[] data, extensionRegistry) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry) - .buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings parseFrom( input) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input).buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(input); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry) - .buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings parseDelimitedFrom( input) throws { - Builder builder = newBuilder(); - if (builder.mergeDelimitedFrom(input)) { - return builder.buildParsed(); - } else { - return null; - } + return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings parseDelimitedFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - Builder builder = newBuilder(); - if (builder.mergeDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry)) { - return builder.buildParsed(); - } else { - return null; - } + return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings parseFrom( input) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input).buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(input); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry) - .buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry); } - + public static Builder newBuilder() { return Builder.create(); } public Builder newBuilderForType() { return newBuilder(); } public static Builder newBuilder(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings prototype) { return newBuilder().mergeFrom(prototype); } public Builder toBuilder() { return newBuilder(this); } - + @java.lang.Override protected Builder newBuilderForType( parent) { Builder builder = new Builder(parent); return builder; } + /** + * Protobuf type {@code openxc.ServerConnectSettings} + */ public static final class Builder extends implements com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettingsOrBuilder { @@ -7035,18 +8865,21 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_ServerConnectSettings_descriptor; } - + protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_ServerConnectSettings_fieldAccessorTable; + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_ServerConnectSettings_fieldAccessorTable + .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings.class, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings.Builder.class); } - + // Construct using com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings.newBuilder() private Builder() { maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } - - private Builder(BuilderParent parent) { + + private Builder( + parent) { super(parent); maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } @@ -7057,7 +8890,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { private static Builder create() { return new Builder(); } - + public Builder clear() { super.clear(); host_ = ""; @@ -7066,20 +8899,20 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); return this; } - + public Builder clone() { return create().mergeFrom(buildPartial()); } - + public getDescriptorForType() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings.getDescriptor(); + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_ServerConnectSettings_descriptor; } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings getDefaultInstanceForType() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings.getDefaultInstance(); } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings build() { com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings result = buildPartial(); if (!result.isInitialized()) { @@ -7087,17 +8920,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return result; } - - private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings buildParsed() - throws { - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings result = buildPartial(); - if (!result.isInitialized()) { - throw newUninitializedMessageException( - result).asInvalidProtocolBufferException(); - } - return result; - } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings buildPartial() { com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings result = new com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings(this); int from_bitField0_ = bitField0_; @@ -7114,7 +8937,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { onBuilt(); return result; } - + public Builder mergeFrom( other) { if (other instanceof com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings) { return mergeFrom((com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings)other); @@ -7123,11 +8946,13 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return this; } } - + public Builder mergeFrom(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings other) { if (other == com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings.getDefaultInstance()) return this; if (other.hasHost()) { - setHost(other.getHost()); + bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; + host_ = other.host_; + onChanged(); } if (other.hasPort()) { setPort(other.getPort()); @@ -7135,66 +8960,73 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { this.mergeUnknownFields(other.getUnknownFields()); return this; } - + public final boolean isInitialized() { return true; } - + public Builder mergeFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - unknownFields = - - this.getUnknownFields()); - while (true) { - int tag = input.readTag(); - switch (tag) { - case 0: - this.setUnknownFields(; - onChanged(); - return this; - default: { - if (!parseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, - extensionRegistry, tag)) { - this.setUnknownFields(; - onChanged(); - return this; - } - break; - } - case 10: { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; - host_ = input.readBytes(); - break; - } - case 16: { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; - port_ = input.readUInt32(); - break; - } + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings parsedMessage = null; + try { + parsedMessage = PARSER.parsePartialFrom(input, extensionRegistry); + } catch ( e) { + parsedMessage = (com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings) e.getUnfinishedMessage(); + throw e; + } finally { + if (parsedMessage != null) { + mergeFrom(parsedMessage); } } + return this; } - private int bitField0_; - + // optional string host = 1; private java.lang.Object host_ = ""; + /** + * optional string host = 1; + */ public boolean hasHost() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } - public String getHost() { + /** + * optional string host = 1; + */ + public java.lang.String getHost() { java.lang.Object ref = host_; - if (!(ref instanceof String)) { - String s = (( ref).toStringUtf8(); + if (!(ref instanceof java.lang.String)) { + java.lang.String s = (( ref) + .toStringUtf8(); host_ = s; return s; } else { - return (String) ref; + return (java.lang.String) ref; + } + } + /** + * optional string host = 1; + */ + public + getHostBytes() { + java.lang.Object ref = host_; + if (ref instanceof String) { + b = + + (java.lang.String) ref); + host_ = b; + return b; + } else { + return ( ref; } } - public Builder setHost(String value) { + /** + * optional string host = 1; + */ + public Builder setHost( + java.lang.String value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } @@ -7203,136 +9035,314 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { onChanged(); return this; } + /** + * optional string host = 1; + */ public Builder clearHost() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); host_ = getDefaultInstance().getHost(); onChanged(); return this; } - void setHost( value) { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; + /** + * optional string host = 1; + */ + public Builder setHostBytes( + value) { + if (value == null) { + throw new NullPointerException(); + } + bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; host_ = value; onChanged(); + return this; } - + // optional uint32 port = 2; private int port_ ; + /** + * optional uint32 port = 2; + */ public boolean hasPort() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002); } + /** + * optional uint32 port = 2; + */ public int getPort() { return port_; } + /** + * optional uint32 port = 2; + */ public Builder setPort(int value) { bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; port_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } + /** + * optional uint32 port = 2; + */ public Builder clearPort() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); port_ = 0; onChanged(); return this; } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(builder_scope:openxc.ServerConnectSettings) } - + static { defaultInstance = new ServerConnectSettings(true); defaultInstance.initFields(); } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:openxc.ServerConnectSettings) } - + public interface ModemConfigurationCommandOrBuilder extends { - + // optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings networkOperatorSettings = 1; + /** + * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings networkOperatorSettings = 1; + */ boolean hasNetworkOperatorSettings(); + /** + * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings networkOperatorSettings = 1; + */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings getNetworkOperatorSettings(); + /** + * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings networkOperatorSettings = 1; + */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettingsOrBuilder getNetworkOperatorSettingsOrBuilder(); - + // optional .openxc.NetworkDataSettings networkDataSettings = 2; + /** + * optional .openxc.NetworkDataSettings networkDataSettings = 2; + */ boolean hasNetworkDataSettings(); + /** + * optional .openxc.NetworkDataSettings networkDataSettings = 2; + */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings getNetworkDataSettings(); + /** + * optional .openxc.NetworkDataSettings networkDataSettings = 2; + */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettingsOrBuilder getNetworkDataSettingsOrBuilder(); - + // optional .openxc.ServerConnectSettings serverConnectSettings = 3; + /** + * optional .openxc.ServerConnectSettings serverConnectSettings = 3; + */ boolean hasServerConnectSettings(); + /** + * optional .openxc.ServerConnectSettings serverConnectSettings = 3; + */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings getServerConnectSettings(); + /** + * optional .openxc.ServerConnectSettings serverConnectSettings = 3; + */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettingsOrBuilder getServerConnectSettingsOrBuilder(); } + /** + * Protobuf type {@code openxc.ModemConfigurationCommand} + */ public static final class ModemConfigurationCommand extends implements ModemConfigurationCommandOrBuilder { // Use ModemConfigurationCommand.newBuilder() to construct. - private ModemConfigurationCommand(Builder builder) { + private ModemConfigurationCommand( builder) { super(builder); + this.unknownFields = builder.getUnknownFields(); } - private ModemConfigurationCommand(boolean noInit) {} - + private ModemConfigurationCommand(boolean noInit) { this.unknownFields =; } + private static final ModemConfigurationCommand defaultInstance; public static ModemConfigurationCommand getDefaultInstance() { return defaultInstance; } - + public ModemConfigurationCommand getDefaultInstanceForType() { return defaultInstance; } - + + private final unknownFields; + @java.lang.Override + public final + getUnknownFields() { + return this.unknownFields; + } + private ModemConfigurationCommand( + input, + extensionRegistry) + throws { + initFields(); + int mutable_bitField0_ = 0; + unknownFields = +; + try { + boolean done = false; + while (!done) { + int tag = input.readTag(); + switch (tag) { + case 0: + done = true; + break; + default: { + if (!parseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, + extensionRegistry, tag)) { + done = true; + } + break; + } + case 10: { + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.Builder subBuilder = null; + if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { + subBuilder = networkOperatorSettings_.toBuilder(); + } + networkOperatorSettings_ = input.readMessage(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.PARSER, extensionRegistry); + if (subBuilder != null) { + subBuilder.mergeFrom(networkOperatorSettings_); + networkOperatorSettings_ = subBuilder.buildPartial(); + } + bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; + break; + } + case 18: { + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings.Builder subBuilder = null; + if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002)) { + subBuilder = networkDataSettings_.toBuilder(); + } + networkDataSettings_ = input.readMessage(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings.PARSER, extensionRegistry); + if (subBuilder != null) { + subBuilder.mergeFrom(networkDataSettings_); + networkDataSettings_ = subBuilder.buildPartial(); + } + bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; + break; + } + case 26: { + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings.Builder subBuilder = null; + if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004)) { + subBuilder = serverConnectSettings_.toBuilder(); + } + serverConnectSettings_ = input.readMessage(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings.PARSER, extensionRegistry); + if (subBuilder != null) { + subBuilder.mergeFrom(serverConnectSettings_); + serverConnectSettings_ = subBuilder.buildPartial(); + } + bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; + break; + } + } + } + } catch ( e) { + throw e.setUnfinishedMessage(this); + } catch ( e) { + throw new + e.getMessage()).setUnfinishedMessage(this); + } finally { + this.unknownFields =; + makeExtensionsImmutable(); + } + } public static final getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_ModemConfigurationCommand_descriptor; } - + protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_ModemConfigurationCommand_fieldAccessorTable; + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_ModemConfigurationCommand_fieldAccessorTable + .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand.class, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand.Builder.class); + } + + public static PARSER = + new { + public ModemConfigurationCommand parsePartialFrom( + input, + extensionRegistry) + throws { + return new ModemConfigurationCommand(input, extensionRegistry); + } + }; + + @java.lang.Override + public getParserForType() { + return PARSER; } - + private int bitField0_; // optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings networkOperatorSettings = 1; public static final int NETWORKOPERATORSETTINGS_FIELD_NUMBER = 1; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings networkOperatorSettings_; + /** + * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings networkOperatorSettings = 1; + */ public boolean hasNetworkOperatorSettings() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } + /** + * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings networkOperatorSettings = 1; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings getNetworkOperatorSettings() { return networkOperatorSettings_; } + /** + * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings networkOperatorSettings = 1; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettingsOrBuilder getNetworkOperatorSettingsOrBuilder() { return networkOperatorSettings_; } - + // optional .openxc.NetworkDataSettings networkDataSettings = 2; public static final int NETWORKDATASETTINGS_FIELD_NUMBER = 2; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings networkDataSettings_; + /** + * optional .openxc.NetworkDataSettings networkDataSettings = 2; + */ public boolean hasNetworkDataSettings() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002); } + /** + * optional .openxc.NetworkDataSettings networkDataSettings = 2; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings getNetworkDataSettings() { return networkDataSettings_; } + /** + * optional .openxc.NetworkDataSettings networkDataSettings = 2; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettingsOrBuilder getNetworkDataSettingsOrBuilder() { return networkDataSettings_; } - + // optional .openxc.ServerConnectSettings serverConnectSettings = 3; public static final int SERVERCONNECTSETTINGS_FIELD_NUMBER = 3; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings serverConnectSettings_; + /** + * optional .openxc.ServerConnectSettings serverConnectSettings = 3; + */ public boolean hasServerConnectSettings() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004); } + /** + * optional .openxc.ServerConnectSettings serverConnectSettings = 3; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings getServerConnectSettings() { return serverConnectSettings_; } + /** + * optional .openxc.ServerConnectSettings serverConnectSettings = 3; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettingsOrBuilder getServerConnectSettingsOrBuilder() { return serverConnectSettings_; } - + private void initFields() { networkOperatorSettings_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.getDefaultInstance(); networkDataSettings_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings.getDefaultInstance(); @@ -7342,11 +9352,11 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { public final boolean isInitialized() { byte isInitialized = memoizedIsInitialized; if (isInitialized != -1) return isInitialized == 1; - + memoizedIsInitialized = 1; return true; } - + public void writeTo( output) throws { getSerializedSize(); @@ -7361,12 +9371,12 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } getUnknownFields().writeTo(output); } - + private int memoizedSerializedSize = -1; public int getSerializedSize() { int size = memoizedSerializedSize; if (size != -1) return size; - + size = 0; if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { size += @@ -7384,94 +9394,83 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { memoizedSerializedSize = size; return size; } - + private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L; @java.lang.Override protected java.lang.Object writeReplace() throws { return super.writeReplace(); } - + public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand parseFrom( data) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data).buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand parseFrom( data, extensionRegistry) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry) - .buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand parseFrom(byte[] data) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data).buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand parseFrom( byte[] data, extensionRegistry) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry) - .buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand parseFrom( input) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input).buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(input); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry) - .buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand parseDelimitedFrom( input) throws { - Builder builder = newBuilder(); - if (builder.mergeDelimitedFrom(input)) { - return builder.buildParsed(); - } else { - return null; - } + return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand parseDelimitedFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - Builder builder = newBuilder(); - if (builder.mergeDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry)) { - return builder.buildParsed(); - } else { - return null; - } + return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand parseFrom( input) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input).buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(input); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry) - .buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry); } - + public static Builder newBuilder() { return Builder.create(); } public Builder newBuilderForType() { return newBuilder(); } public static Builder newBuilder(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand prototype) { return newBuilder().mergeFrom(prototype); } public Builder toBuilder() { return newBuilder(this); } - + @java.lang.Override protected Builder newBuilderForType( parent) { Builder builder = new Builder(parent); return builder; } + /** + * Protobuf type {@code openxc.ModemConfigurationCommand} + */ public static final class Builder extends implements com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommandOrBuilder { @@ -7479,18 +9478,21 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_ModemConfigurationCommand_descriptor; } - + protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_ModemConfigurationCommand_fieldAccessorTable; + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_ModemConfigurationCommand_fieldAccessorTable + .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand.class, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand.Builder.class); } - + // Construct using com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand.newBuilder() private Builder() { maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } - - private Builder(BuilderParent parent) { + + private Builder( + parent) { super(parent); maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } @@ -7504,7 +9506,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { private static Builder create() { return new Builder(); } - + public Builder clear() { super.clear(); if (networkOperatorSettingsBuilder_ == null) { @@ -7527,20 +9529,20 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000004); return this; } - + public Builder clone() { return create().mergeFrom(buildPartial()); } - + public getDescriptorForType() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand.getDescriptor(); + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_ModemConfigurationCommand_descriptor; } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand getDefaultInstanceForType() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand.getDefaultInstance(); } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand build() { com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand result = buildPartial(); if (!result.isInitialized()) { @@ -7548,17 +9550,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return result; } - - private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand buildParsed() - throws { - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand result = buildPartial(); - if (!result.isInitialized()) { - throw newUninitializedMessageException( - result).asInvalidProtocolBufferException(); - } - return result; - } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand buildPartial() { com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand result = new com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand(this); int from_bitField0_ = bitField0_; @@ -7591,7 +9583,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { onBuilt(); return result; } - + public Builder mergeFrom( other) { if (other instanceof com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand) { return mergeFrom((com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand)other); @@ -7600,7 +9592,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return this; } } - + public Builder mergeFrom(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand other) { if (other == com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand.getDefaultInstance()) return this; if (other.hasNetworkOperatorSettings()) { @@ -7613,76 +9605,45 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { mergeServerConnectSettings(other.getServerConnectSettings()); } this.mergeUnknownFields(other.getUnknownFields()); - return this; - } - - public final boolean isInitialized() { - return true; - } - - public Builder mergeFrom( - input, - extensionRegistry) - throws { - unknownFields = - - this.getUnknownFields()); - while (true) { - int tag = input.readTag(); - switch (tag) { - case 0: - this.setUnknownFields(; - onChanged(); - return this; - default: { - if (!parseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, - extensionRegistry, tag)) { - this.setUnknownFields(; - onChanged(); - return this; - } - break; - } - case 10: { - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.Builder subBuilder = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.newBuilder(); - if (hasNetworkOperatorSettings()) { - subBuilder.mergeFrom(getNetworkOperatorSettings()); - } - input.readMessage(subBuilder, extensionRegistry); - setNetworkOperatorSettings(subBuilder.buildPartial()); - break; - } - case 18: { - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings.Builder subBuilder = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings.newBuilder(); - if (hasNetworkDataSettings()) { - subBuilder.mergeFrom(getNetworkDataSettings()); - } - input.readMessage(subBuilder, extensionRegistry); - setNetworkDataSettings(subBuilder.buildPartial()); - break; - } - case 26: { - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings.Builder subBuilder = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings.newBuilder(); - if (hasServerConnectSettings()) { - subBuilder.mergeFrom(getServerConnectSettings()); - } - input.readMessage(subBuilder, extensionRegistry); - setServerConnectSettings(subBuilder.buildPartial()); - break; - } + return this; + } + + public final boolean isInitialized() { + return true; + } + + public Builder mergeFrom( + input, + extensionRegistry) + throws { + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand parsedMessage = null; + try { + parsedMessage = PARSER.parsePartialFrom(input, extensionRegistry); + } catch ( e) { + parsedMessage = (com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand) e.getUnfinishedMessage(); + throw e; + } finally { + if (parsedMessage != null) { + mergeFrom(parsedMessage); } } + return this; } - private int bitField0_; - + // optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings networkOperatorSettings = 1; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings networkOperatorSettings_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.getDefaultInstance(); private< com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.Builder, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettingsOrBuilder> networkOperatorSettingsBuilder_; + /** + * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings networkOperatorSettings = 1; + */ public boolean hasNetworkOperatorSettings() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } + /** + * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings networkOperatorSettings = 1; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings getNetworkOperatorSettings() { if (networkOperatorSettingsBuilder_ == null) { return networkOperatorSettings_; @@ -7690,6 +9651,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return networkOperatorSettingsBuilder_.getMessage(); } } + /** + * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings networkOperatorSettings = 1; + */ public Builder setNetworkOperatorSettings(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings value) { if (networkOperatorSettingsBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { @@ -7703,6 +9667,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings networkOperatorSettings = 1; + */ public Builder setNetworkOperatorSettings( com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.Builder builderForValue) { if (networkOperatorSettingsBuilder_ == null) { @@ -7714,6 +9681,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings networkOperatorSettings = 1; + */ public Builder mergeNetworkOperatorSettings(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings value) { if (networkOperatorSettingsBuilder_ == null) { if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001) && @@ -7730,6 +9700,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings networkOperatorSettings = 1; + */ public Builder clearNetworkOperatorSettings() { if (networkOperatorSettingsBuilder_ == null) { networkOperatorSettings_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.getDefaultInstance(); @@ -7740,11 +9713,17 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings networkOperatorSettings = 1; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.Builder getNetworkOperatorSettingsBuilder() { bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; onChanged(); return getNetworkOperatorSettingsFieldBuilder().getBuilder(); } + /** + * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings networkOperatorSettings = 1; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettingsOrBuilder getNetworkOperatorSettingsOrBuilder() { if (networkOperatorSettingsBuilder_ != null) { return networkOperatorSettingsBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder(); @@ -7752,6 +9731,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return networkOperatorSettings_; } } + /** + * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings networkOperatorSettings = 1; + */ private< com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.Builder, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettingsOrBuilder> getNetworkOperatorSettingsFieldBuilder() { @@ -7765,14 +9747,20 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return networkOperatorSettingsBuilder_; } - + // optional .openxc.NetworkDataSettings networkDataSettings = 2; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings networkDataSettings_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings.getDefaultInstance(); private< com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings.Builder, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettingsOrBuilder> networkDataSettingsBuilder_; + /** + * optional .openxc.NetworkDataSettings networkDataSettings = 2; + */ public boolean hasNetworkDataSettings() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002); } + /** + * optional .openxc.NetworkDataSettings networkDataSettings = 2; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings getNetworkDataSettings() { if (networkDataSettingsBuilder_ == null) { return networkDataSettings_; @@ -7780,6 +9768,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return networkDataSettingsBuilder_.getMessage(); } } + /** + * optional .openxc.NetworkDataSettings networkDataSettings = 2; + */ public Builder setNetworkDataSettings(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings value) { if (networkDataSettingsBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { @@ -7793,6 +9784,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.NetworkDataSettings networkDataSettings = 2; + */ public Builder setNetworkDataSettings( com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings.Builder builderForValue) { if (networkDataSettingsBuilder_ == null) { @@ -7804,6 +9798,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.NetworkDataSettings networkDataSettings = 2; + */ public Builder mergeNetworkDataSettings(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings value) { if (networkDataSettingsBuilder_ == null) { if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002) && @@ -7820,6 +9817,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.NetworkDataSettings networkDataSettings = 2; + */ public Builder clearNetworkDataSettings() { if (networkDataSettingsBuilder_ == null) { networkDataSettings_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings.getDefaultInstance(); @@ -7830,11 +9830,17 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.NetworkDataSettings networkDataSettings = 2; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings.Builder getNetworkDataSettingsBuilder() { bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; onChanged(); return getNetworkDataSettingsFieldBuilder().getBuilder(); } + /** + * optional .openxc.NetworkDataSettings networkDataSettings = 2; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettingsOrBuilder getNetworkDataSettingsOrBuilder() { if (networkDataSettingsBuilder_ != null) { return networkDataSettingsBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder(); @@ -7842,6 +9848,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return networkDataSettings_; } } + /** + * optional .openxc.NetworkDataSettings networkDataSettings = 2; + */ private< com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings.Builder, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettingsOrBuilder> getNetworkDataSettingsFieldBuilder() { @@ -7855,14 +9864,20 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return networkDataSettingsBuilder_; } - + // optional .openxc.ServerConnectSettings serverConnectSettings = 3; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings serverConnectSettings_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings.getDefaultInstance(); private< com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings.Builder, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettingsOrBuilder> serverConnectSettingsBuilder_; + /** + * optional .openxc.ServerConnectSettings serverConnectSettings = 3; + */ public boolean hasServerConnectSettings() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004); } + /** + * optional .openxc.ServerConnectSettings serverConnectSettings = 3; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings getServerConnectSettings() { if (serverConnectSettingsBuilder_ == null) { return serverConnectSettings_; @@ -7870,6 +9885,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return serverConnectSettingsBuilder_.getMessage(); } } + /** + * optional .openxc.ServerConnectSettings serverConnectSettings = 3; + */ public Builder setServerConnectSettings(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings value) { if (serverConnectSettingsBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { @@ -7883,6 +9901,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.ServerConnectSettings serverConnectSettings = 3; + */ public Builder setServerConnectSettings( com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings.Builder builderForValue) { if (serverConnectSettingsBuilder_ == null) { @@ -7894,6 +9915,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.ServerConnectSettings serverConnectSettings = 3; + */ public Builder mergeServerConnectSettings(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings value) { if (serverConnectSettingsBuilder_ == null) { if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004) && @@ -7910,6 +9934,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.ServerConnectSettings serverConnectSettings = 3; + */ public Builder clearServerConnectSettings() { if (serverConnectSettingsBuilder_ == null) { serverConnectSettings_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings.getDefaultInstance(); @@ -7920,11 +9947,17 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000004); return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.ServerConnectSettings serverConnectSettings = 3; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings.Builder getServerConnectSettingsBuilder() { bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; onChanged(); return getServerConnectSettingsFieldBuilder().getBuilder(); } + /** + * optional .openxc.ServerConnectSettings serverConnectSettings = 3; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettingsOrBuilder getServerConnectSettingsOrBuilder() { if (serverConnectSettingsBuilder_ != null) { return serverConnectSettingsBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder(); @@ -7932,6 +9965,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return serverConnectSettings_; } } + /** + * optional .openxc.ServerConnectSettings serverConnectSettings = 3; + */ private< com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings.Builder, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettingsOrBuilder> getServerConnectSettingsFieldBuilder() { @@ -7945,64 +9981,143 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return serverConnectSettingsBuilder_; } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(builder_scope:openxc.ModemConfigurationCommand) } - + static { defaultInstance = new ModemConfigurationCommand(true); defaultInstance.initFields(); } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:openxc.ModemConfigurationCommand) } - + public interface RTCConfigurationCommandOrBuilder extends { - + // optional uint32 unix_time = 1; + /** + * optional uint32 unix_time = 1; + */ boolean hasUnixTime(); + /** + * optional uint32 unix_time = 1; + */ int getUnixTime(); } + /** + * Protobuf type {@code openxc.RTCConfigurationCommand} + */ public static final class RTCConfigurationCommand extends implements RTCConfigurationCommandOrBuilder { // Use RTCConfigurationCommand.newBuilder() to construct. - private RTCConfigurationCommand(Builder builder) { + private RTCConfigurationCommand( builder) { super(builder); + this.unknownFields = builder.getUnknownFields(); } - private RTCConfigurationCommand(boolean noInit) {} - + private RTCConfigurationCommand(boolean noInit) { this.unknownFields =; } + private static final RTCConfigurationCommand defaultInstance; public static RTCConfigurationCommand getDefaultInstance() { return defaultInstance; } - + public RTCConfigurationCommand getDefaultInstanceForType() { return defaultInstance; } - + + private final unknownFields; + @java.lang.Override + public final + getUnknownFields() { + return this.unknownFields; + } + private RTCConfigurationCommand( + input, + extensionRegistry) + throws { + initFields(); + int mutable_bitField0_ = 0; + unknownFields = +; + try { + boolean done = false; + while (!done) { + int tag = input.readTag(); + switch (tag) { + case 0: + done = true; + break; + default: { + if (!parseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, + extensionRegistry, tag)) { + done = true; + } + break; + } + case 8: { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; + unixTime_ = input.readUInt32(); + break; + } + } + } + } catch ( e) { + throw e.setUnfinishedMessage(this); + } catch ( e) { + throw new + e.getMessage()).setUnfinishedMessage(this); + } finally { + this.unknownFields =; + makeExtensionsImmutable(); + } + } public static final getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_RTCConfigurationCommand_descriptor; } - + protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_RTCConfigurationCommand_fieldAccessorTable; + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_RTCConfigurationCommand_fieldAccessorTable + .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand.class, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand.Builder.class); } - + + public static PARSER = + new { + public RTCConfigurationCommand parsePartialFrom( + input, + extensionRegistry) + throws { + return new RTCConfigurationCommand(input, extensionRegistry); + } + }; + + @java.lang.Override + public getParserForType() { + return PARSER; + } + private int bitField0_; // optional uint32 unix_time = 1; public static final int UNIX_TIME_FIELD_NUMBER = 1; private int unixTime_; + /** + * optional uint32 unix_time = 1; + */ public boolean hasUnixTime() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } + /** + * optional uint32 unix_time = 1; + */ public int getUnixTime() { return unixTime_; } - + private void initFields() { unixTime_ = 0; } @@ -8010,11 +10125,11 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { public final boolean isInitialized() { byte isInitialized = memoizedIsInitialized; if (isInitialized != -1) return isInitialized == 1; - + memoizedIsInitialized = 1; return true; } - + public void writeTo( output) throws { getSerializedSize(); @@ -8023,12 +10138,12 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } getUnknownFields().writeTo(output); } - + private int memoizedSerializedSize = -1; public int getSerializedSize() { int size = memoizedSerializedSize; if (size != -1) return size; - + size = 0; if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { size += @@ -8038,94 +10153,83 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { memoizedSerializedSize = size; return size; } - + private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L; @java.lang.Override protected java.lang.Object writeReplace() throws { return super.writeReplace(); } - + public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand parseFrom( data) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data).buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand parseFrom( data, extensionRegistry) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry) - .buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand parseFrom(byte[] data) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data).buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand parseFrom( byte[] data, extensionRegistry) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry) - .buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand parseFrom( input) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input).buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(input); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry) - .buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand parseDelimitedFrom( input) throws { - Builder builder = newBuilder(); - if (builder.mergeDelimitedFrom(input)) { - return builder.buildParsed(); - } else { - return null; - } + return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand parseDelimitedFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - Builder builder = newBuilder(); - if (builder.mergeDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry)) { - return builder.buildParsed(); - } else { - return null; - } + return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand parseFrom( input) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input).buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(input); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry) - .buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry); } - + public static Builder newBuilder() { return Builder.create(); } public Builder newBuilderForType() { return newBuilder(); } public static Builder newBuilder(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand prototype) { return newBuilder().mergeFrom(prototype); } public Builder toBuilder() { return newBuilder(this); } - + @java.lang.Override protected Builder newBuilderForType( parent) { Builder builder = new Builder(parent); return builder; } + /** + * Protobuf type {@code openxc.RTCConfigurationCommand} + */ public static final class Builder extends implements com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommandOrBuilder { @@ -8133,18 +10237,21 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_RTCConfigurationCommand_descriptor; } - + protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_RTCConfigurationCommand_fieldAccessorTable; + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_RTCConfigurationCommand_fieldAccessorTable + .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand.class, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand.Builder.class); } - + // Construct using com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand.newBuilder() private Builder() { maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } - - private Builder(BuilderParent parent) { + + private Builder( + parent) { super(parent); maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } @@ -8155,27 +10262,27 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { private static Builder create() { return new Builder(); } - + public Builder clear() { super.clear(); unixTime_ = 0; bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); return this; } - + public Builder clone() { return create().mergeFrom(buildPartial()); } - + public getDescriptorForType() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand.getDescriptor(); + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_RTCConfigurationCommand_descriptor; } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand getDefaultInstanceForType() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand.getDefaultInstance(); } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand build() { com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand result = buildPartial(); if (!result.isInitialized()) { @@ -8183,17 +10290,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return result; } - - private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand buildParsed() - throws { - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand result = buildPartial(); - if (!result.isInitialized()) { - throw newUninitializedMessageException( - result).asInvalidProtocolBufferException(); - } - return result; - } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand buildPartial() { com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand result = new com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand(this); int from_bitField0_ = bitField0_; @@ -8206,7 +10303,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { onBuilt(); return result; } - + public Builder mergeFrom( other) { if (other instanceof com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand) { return mergeFrom((com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand)other); @@ -8215,7 +10312,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return this; } } - + public Builder mergeFrom(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand other) { if (other == com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand.getDefaultInstance()) return this; if (other.hasUnixTime()) { @@ -8224,173 +10321,299 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { this.mergeUnknownFields(other.getUnknownFields()); return this; } - + public final boolean isInitialized() { return true; } - + public Builder mergeFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - unknownFields = - - this.getUnknownFields()); - while (true) { - int tag = input.readTag(); - switch (tag) { - case 0: - this.setUnknownFields(; - onChanged(); - return this; - default: { - if (!parseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, - extensionRegistry, tag)) { - this.setUnknownFields(; - onChanged(); - return this; - } - break; - } - case 8: { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; - unixTime_ = input.readUInt32(); - break; - } + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand parsedMessage = null; + try { + parsedMessage = PARSER.parsePartialFrom(input, extensionRegistry); + } catch ( e) { + parsedMessage = (com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand) e.getUnfinishedMessage(); + throw e; + } finally { + if (parsedMessage != null) { + mergeFrom(parsedMessage); } } + return this; } - private int bitField0_; - + // optional uint32 unix_time = 1; private int unixTime_ ; + /** + * optional uint32 unix_time = 1; + */ public boolean hasUnixTime() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } + /** + * optional uint32 unix_time = 1; + */ public int getUnixTime() { return unixTime_; } + /** + * optional uint32 unix_time = 1; + */ public Builder setUnixTime(int value) { bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; unixTime_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } + /** + * optional uint32 unix_time = 1; + */ public Builder clearUnixTime() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); unixTime_ = 0; onChanged(); return this; } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(builder_scope:openxc.RTCConfigurationCommand) } - + static { defaultInstance = new RTCConfigurationCommand(true); defaultInstance.initFields(); } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:openxc.RTCConfigurationCommand) } - + public interface CommandResponseOrBuilder extends { - + // optional .openxc.ControlCommand.Type type = 1; + /** + * optional .openxc.ControlCommand.Type type = 1; + */ boolean hasType(); + /** + * optional .openxc.ControlCommand.Type type = 1; + */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.Type getType(); - + // optional string message = 2; + /** + * optional string message = 2; + */ boolean hasMessage(); - String getMessage(); - + /** + * optional string message = 2; + */ + java.lang.String getMessage(); + /** + * optional string message = 2; + */ + + getMessageBytes(); + // optional bool status = 3; + /** + * optional bool status = 3; + */ boolean hasStatus(); + /** + * optional bool status = 3; + */ boolean getStatus(); } + /** + * Protobuf type {@code openxc.CommandResponse} + */ public static final class CommandResponse extends implements CommandResponseOrBuilder { // Use CommandResponse.newBuilder() to construct. - private CommandResponse(Builder builder) { + private CommandResponse( builder) { super(builder); + this.unknownFields = builder.getUnknownFields(); } - private CommandResponse(boolean noInit) {} - + private CommandResponse(boolean noInit) { this.unknownFields =; } + private static final CommandResponse defaultInstance; public static CommandResponse getDefaultInstance() { return defaultInstance; } - + public CommandResponse getDefaultInstanceForType() { return defaultInstance; } - + + private final unknownFields; + @java.lang.Override + public final + getUnknownFields() { + return this.unknownFields; + } + private CommandResponse( + input, + extensionRegistry) + throws { + initFields(); + int mutable_bitField0_ = 0; + unknownFields = +; + try { + boolean done = false; + while (!done) { + int tag = input.readTag(); + switch (tag) { + case 0: + done = true; + break; + default: { + if (!parseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, + extensionRegistry, tag)) { + done = true; + } + break; + } + case 8: { + int rawValue = input.readEnum(); + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.Type value = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.Type.valueOf(rawValue); + if (value == null) { + unknownFields.mergeVarintField(1, rawValue); + } else { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; + type_ = value; + } + break; + } + case 18: { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; + message_ = input.readBytes(); + break; + } + case 24: { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; + status_ = input.readBool(); + break; + } + } + } + } catch ( e) { + throw e.setUnfinishedMessage(this); + } catch ( e) { + throw new + e.getMessage()).setUnfinishedMessage(this); + } finally { + this.unknownFields =; + makeExtensionsImmutable(); + } + } public static final getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_CommandResponse_descriptor; } - + protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_CommandResponse_fieldAccessorTable; + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_CommandResponse_fieldAccessorTable + .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse.class, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse.Builder.class); } - + + public static PARSER = + new { + public CommandResponse parsePartialFrom( + input, + extensionRegistry) + throws { + return new CommandResponse(input, extensionRegistry); + } + }; + + @java.lang.Override + public getParserForType() { + return PARSER; + } + private int bitField0_; // optional .openxc.ControlCommand.Type type = 1; public static final int TYPE_FIELD_NUMBER = 1; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.Type type_; + /** + * optional .openxc.ControlCommand.Type type = 1; + */ public boolean hasType() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } + /** + * optional .openxc.ControlCommand.Type type = 1; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.Type getType() { return type_; } - + // optional string message = 2; public static final int MESSAGE_FIELD_NUMBER = 2; private java.lang.Object message_; + /** + * optional string message = 2; + */ public boolean hasMessage() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002); } - public String getMessage() { + /** + * optional string message = 2; + */ + public java.lang.String getMessage() { java.lang.Object ref = message_; - if (ref instanceof String) { - return (String) ref; + if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { + return (java.lang.String) ref; } else { bs = ( ref; - String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); - if ( { + java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); + if (bs.isValidUtf8()) { message_ = s; } return s; } } - private getMessageBytes() { + /** + * optional string message = 2; + */ + public + getMessageBytes() { java.lang.Object ref = message_; - if (ref instanceof String) { + if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { b = - ref); + + (java.lang.String) ref); message_ = b; return b; } else { return ( ref; } } - + // optional bool status = 3; public static final int STATUS_FIELD_NUMBER = 3; private boolean status_; + /** + * optional bool status = 3; + */ public boolean hasStatus() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004); } + /** + * optional bool status = 3; + */ public boolean getStatus() { return status_; } - + private void initFields() { type_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.Type.VERSION; message_ = ""; @@ -8400,11 +10623,11 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { public final boolean isInitialized() { byte isInitialized = memoizedIsInitialized; if (isInitialized != -1) return isInitialized == 1; - + memoizedIsInitialized = 1; return true; } - + public void writeTo( output) throws { getSerializedSize(); @@ -8419,12 +10642,12 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } getUnknownFields().writeTo(output); } - + private int memoizedSerializedSize = -1; public int getSerializedSize() { int size = memoizedSerializedSize; if (size != -1) return size; - + size = 0; if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { size += @@ -8442,94 +10665,83 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { memoizedSerializedSize = size; return size; } - + private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L; @java.lang.Override protected java.lang.Object writeReplace() throws { return super.writeReplace(); } - + public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse parseFrom( data) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data).buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse parseFrom( data, extensionRegistry) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry) - .buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse parseFrom(byte[] data) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data).buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse parseFrom( byte[] data, extensionRegistry) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry) - .buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse parseFrom( input) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input).buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(input); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry) - .buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse parseDelimitedFrom( input) throws { - Builder builder = newBuilder(); - if (builder.mergeDelimitedFrom(input)) { - return builder.buildParsed(); - } else { - return null; - } + return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse parseDelimitedFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - Builder builder = newBuilder(); - if (builder.mergeDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry)) { - return builder.buildParsed(); - } else { - return null; - } + return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse parseFrom( input) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input).buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(input); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry) - .buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry); } - + public static Builder newBuilder() { return Builder.create(); } public Builder newBuilderForType() { return newBuilder(); } public static Builder newBuilder(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse prototype) { return newBuilder().mergeFrom(prototype); } public Builder toBuilder() { return newBuilder(this); } - + @java.lang.Override protected Builder newBuilderForType( parent) { Builder builder = new Builder(parent); return builder; } + /** + * Protobuf type {@code openxc.CommandResponse} + */ public static final class Builder extends implements com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponseOrBuilder { @@ -8537,18 +10749,21 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_CommandResponse_descriptor; } - + protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_CommandResponse_fieldAccessorTable; + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_CommandResponse_fieldAccessorTable + .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse.class, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse.Builder.class); } - + // Construct using com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse.newBuilder() private Builder() { maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } - - private Builder(BuilderParent parent) { + + private Builder( + parent) { super(parent); maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } @@ -8559,7 +10774,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { private static Builder create() { return new Builder(); } - + public Builder clear() { super.clear(); type_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.Type.VERSION; @@ -8570,20 +10785,20 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000004); return this; } - + public Builder clone() { return create().mergeFrom(buildPartial()); } - + public getDescriptorForType() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse.getDescriptor(); + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_CommandResponse_descriptor; } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse getDefaultInstanceForType() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse.getDefaultInstance(); } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse build() { com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse result = buildPartial(); if (!result.isInitialized()) { @@ -8591,17 +10806,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return result; } - - private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse buildParsed() - throws { - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse result = buildPartial(); - if (!result.isInitialized()) { - throw newUninitializedMessageException( - result).asInvalidProtocolBufferException(); - } - return result; - } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse buildPartial() { com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse result = new com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse(this); int from_bitField0_ = bitField0_; @@ -8622,93 +10827,73 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { onBuilt(); return result; } - + public Builder mergeFrom( other) { if (other instanceof com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse) { return mergeFrom((com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse)other); } else { super.mergeFrom(other); return this; - } - } - - public Builder mergeFrom(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse other) { - if (other == com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse.getDefaultInstance()) return this; - if (other.hasType()) { - setType(other.getType()); - } - if (other.hasMessage()) { - setMessage(other.getMessage()); - } - if (other.hasStatus()) { - setStatus(other.getStatus()); - } - this.mergeUnknownFields(other.getUnknownFields()); - return this; - } - - public final boolean isInitialized() { - return true; - } - - public Builder mergeFrom( - input, - extensionRegistry) - throws { - unknownFields = - - this.getUnknownFields()); - while (true) { - int tag = input.readTag(); - switch (tag) { - case 0: - this.setUnknownFields(; - onChanged(); - return this; - default: { - if (!parseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, - extensionRegistry, tag)) { - this.setUnknownFields(; - onChanged(); - return this; - } - break; - } - case 8: { - int rawValue = input.readEnum(); - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.Type value = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.Type.valueOf(rawValue); - if (value == null) { - unknownFields.mergeVarintField(1, rawValue); - } else { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; - type_ = value; - } - break; - } - case 18: { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; - message_ = input.readBytes(); - break; - } - case 24: { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; - status_ = input.readBool(); - break; - } + } + } + + public Builder mergeFrom(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse other) { + if (other == com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse.getDefaultInstance()) return this; + if (other.hasType()) { + setType(other.getType()); + } + if (other.hasMessage()) { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; + message_ = other.message_; + onChanged(); + } + if (other.hasStatus()) { + setStatus(other.getStatus()); + } + this.mergeUnknownFields(other.getUnknownFields()); + return this; + } + + public final boolean isInitialized() { + return true; + } + + public Builder mergeFrom( + input, + extensionRegistry) + throws { + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse parsedMessage = null; + try { + parsedMessage = PARSER.parsePartialFrom(input, extensionRegistry); + } catch ( e) { + parsedMessage = (com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse) e.getUnfinishedMessage(); + throw e; + } finally { + if (parsedMessage != null) { + mergeFrom(parsedMessage); } } + return this; } - private int bitField0_; - + // optional .openxc.ControlCommand.Type type = 1; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.Type type_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.Type.VERSION; + /** + * optional .openxc.ControlCommand.Type type = 1; + */ public boolean hasType() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } + /** + * optional .openxc.ControlCommand.Type type = 1; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.Type getType() { return type_; } + /** + * optional .openxc.ControlCommand.Type type = 1; + */ public Builder setType(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.Type value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); @@ -8718,29 +10903,59 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { onChanged(); return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.ControlCommand.Type type = 1; + */ public Builder clearType() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); type_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.Type.VERSION; onChanged(); return this; } - + // optional string message = 2; private java.lang.Object message_ = ""; + /** + * optional string message = 2; + */ public boolean hasMessage() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002); } - public String getMessage() { + /** + * optional string message = 2; + */ + public java.lang.String getMessage() { java.lang.Object ref = message_; - if (!(ref instanceof String)) { - String s = (( ref).toStringUtf8(); + if (!(ref instanceof java.lang.String)) { + java.lang.String s = (( ref) + .toStringUtf8(); message_ = s; return s; } else { - return (String) ref; + return (java.lang.String) ref; + } + } + /** + * optional string message = 2; + */ + public + getMessageBytes() { + java.lang.Object ref = message_; + if (ref instanceof String) { + b = + + (java.lang.String) ref); + message_ = b; + return b; + } else { + return ( ref; } } - public Builder setMessage(String value) { + /** + * optional string message = 2; + */ + public Builder setMessage( + java.lang.String value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } @@ -8749,129 +10964,349 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { onChanged(); return this; } + /** + * optional string message = 2; + */ public Builder clearMessage() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); message_ = getDefaultInstance().getMessage(); onChanged(); return this; } - void setMessage( value) { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; + /** + * optional string message = 2; + */ + public Builder setMessageBytes( + value) { + if (value == null) { + throw new NullPointerException(); + } + bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; message_ = value; onChanged(); + return this; } - + // optional bool status = 3; private boolean status_ ; + /** + * optional bool status = 3; + */ public boolean hasStatus() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004); } + /** + * optional bool status = 3; + */ public boolean getStatus() { return status_; } + /** + * optional bool status = 3; + */ public Builder setStatus(boolean value) { bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; status_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } + /** + * optional bool status = 3; + */ public Builder clearStatus() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000004); status_ = false; onChanged(); return this; } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(builder_scope:openxc.CommandResponse) } - + static { defaultInstance = new CommandResponse(true); defaultInstance.initFields(); } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:openxc.CommandResponse) } - + public interface DiagnosticRequestOrBuilder extends { - + // optional int32 bus = 1; + /** + * optional int32 bus = 1; + */ boolean hasBus(); + /** + * optional int32 bus = 1; + */ int getBus(); - + // optional uint32 message_id = 2; + /** + * optional uint32 message_id = 2; + */ boolean hasMessageId(); + /** + * optional uint32 message_id = 2; + */ int getMessageId(); - + // optional uint32 mode = 3; + /** + * optional uint32 mode = 3; + */ boolean hasMode(); + /** + * optional uint32 mode = 3; + */ int getMode(); - + // optional uint32 pid = 4; + /** + * optional uint32 pid = 4; + */ boolean hasPid(); + /** + * optional uint32 pid = 4; + */ int getPid(); - + // optional bytes payload = 5; + /** + * optional bytes payload = 5; + * + *
+     * TODO we are capping this at 8 bytes for now - need to change when we
+     * support multi-frame responses
+     * 
+ */ boolean hasPayload(); + /** + * optional bytes payload = 5; + * + *
+     * TODO we are capping this at 8 bytes for now - need to change when we
+     * support multi-frame responses
+     * 
+ */ getPayload(); - + // optional bool multiple_responses = 6; + /** + * optional bool multiple_responses = 6; + */ boolean hasMultipleResponses(); + /** + * optional bool multiple_responses = 6; + */ boolean getMultipleResponses(); - + // optional double frequency = 7; + /** + * optional double frequency = 7; + */ boolean hasFrequency(); + /** + * optional double frequency = 7; + */ double getFrequency(); - + // optional string name = 8; + /** + * optional string name = 8; + */ boolean hasName(); - String getName(); - + /** + * optional string name = 8; + */ + java.lang.String getName(); + /** + * optional string name = 8; + */ + + getNameBytes(); + // optional .openxc.DiagnosticRequest.DecodedType decoded_type = 9; + /** + * optional .openxc.DiagnosticRequest.DecodedType decoded_type = 9; + */ boolean hasDecodedType(); + /** + * optional .openxc.DiagnosticRequest.DecodedType decoded_type = 9; + */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest.DecodedType getDecodedType(); } + /** + * Protobuf type {@code openxc.DiagnosticRequest} + */ public static final class DiagnosticRequest extends implements DiagnosticRequestOrBuilder { // Use DiagnosticRequest.newBuilder() to construct. - private DiagnosticRequest(Builder builder) { + private DiagnosticRequest( builder) { super(builder); + this.unknownFields = builder.getUnknownFields(); } - private DiagnosticRequest(boolean noInit) {} - + private DiagnosticRequest(boolean noInit) { this.unknownFields =; } + private static final DiagnosticRequest defaultInstance; public static DiagnosticRequest getDefaultInstance() { return defaultInstance; } - + public DiagnosticRequest getDefaultInstanceForType() { return defaultInstance; } - + + private final unknownFields; + @java.lang.Override + public final + getUnknownFields() { + return this.unknownFields; + } + private DiagnosticRequest( + input, + extensionRegistry) + throws { + initFields(); + int mutable_bitField0_ = 0; + unknownFields = +; + try { + boolean done = false; + while (!done) { + int tag = input.readTag(); + switch (tag) { + case 0: + done = true; + break; + default: { + if (!parseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, + extensionRegistry, tag)) { + done = true; + } + break; + } + case 8: { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; + bus_ = input.readInt32(); + break; + } + case 16: { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; + messageId_ = input.readUInt32(); + break; + } + case 24: { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; + mode_ = input.readUInt32(); + break; + } + case 32: { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000008; + pid_ = input.readUInt32(); + break; + } + case 42: { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000010; + payload_ = input.readBytes(); + break; + } + case 48: { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000020; + multipleResponses_ = input.readBool(); + break; + } + case 57: { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000040; + frequency_ = input.readDouble(); + break; + } + case 66: { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000080; + name_ = input.readBytes(); + break; + } + case 72: { + int rawValue = input.readEnum(); + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest.DecodedType value = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest.DecodedType.valueOf(rawValue); + if (value == null) { + unknownFields.mergeVarintField(9, rawValue); + } else { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000100; + decodedType_ = value; + } + break; + } + } + } + } catch ( e) { + throw e.setUnfinishedMessage(this); + } catch ( e) { + throw new + e.getMessage()).setUnfinishedMessage(this); + } finally { + this.unknownFields =; + makeExtensionsImmutable(); + } + } public static final getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_DiagnosticRequest_descriptor; } - + protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_DiagnosticRequest_fieldAccessorTable; + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_DiagnosticRequest_fieldAccessorTable + .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest.class, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest.Builder.class); } - + + public static PARSER = + new { + public DiagnosticRequest parsePartialFrom( + input, + extensionRegistry) + throws { + return new DiagnosticRequest(input, extensionRegistry); + } + }; + + @java.lang.Override + public getParserForType() { + return PARSER; + } + + /** + * Protobuf enum {@code openxc.DiagnosticRequest.DecodedType} + */ public enum DecodedType implements { + /** + * NONE = 1; + */ NONE(0, 1), + /** + * OBD2 = 2; + */ OBD2(1, 2), ; - + + /** + * NONE = 1; + */ public static final int NONE_VALUE = 1; + /** + * OBD2 = 2; + */ public static final int OBD2_VALUE = 2; - - + + public final int getNumber() { return value; } - + public static DecodedType valueOf(int value) { switch (value) { case 1: return NONE; @@ -8879,7 +11314,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { default: return null; } } - + public static internalGetValueMap() { return internalValueMap; @@ -8891,7 +11326,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return DecodedType.valueOf(number); } }; - + public final getValueDescriptor() { return getDescriptor().getValues().get(index); @@ -8904,11 +11339,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest.getDescriptor().getEnumTypes().get(0); } - - private static final DecodedType[] VALUES = { - NONE, OBD2, - }; - + + private static final DecodedType[] VALUES = values(); + public static DecodedType valueOf( desc) { if (desc.getType() != getDescriptor()) { @@ -8917,131 +11350,200 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return VALUES[desc.getIndex()]; } - + private final int index; private final int value; - + private DecodedType(int index, int value) { this.index = index; this.value = value; } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(enum_scope:openxc.DiagnosticRequest.DecodedType) } - + private int bitField0_; // optional int32 bus = 1; public static final int BUS_FIELD_NUMBER = 1; private int bus_; + /** + * optional int32 bus = 1; + */ public boolean hasBus() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } + /** + * optional int32 bus = 1; + */ public int getBus() { return bus_; } - + // optional uint32 message_id = 2; public static final int MESSAGE_ID_FIELD_NUMBER = 2; private int messageId_; + /** + * optional uint32 message_id = 2; + */ public boolean hasMessageId() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002); } + /** + * optional uint32 message_id = 2; + */ public int getMessageId() { return messageId_; } - + // optional uint32 mode = 3; public static final int MODE_FIELD_NUMBER = 3; private int mode_; + /** + * optional uint32 mode = 3; + */ public boolean hasMode() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004); } + /** + * optional uint32 mode = 3; + */ public int getMode() { return mode_; } - + // optional uint32 pid = 4; public static final int PID_FIELD_NUMBER = 4; private int pid_; + /** + * optional uint32 pid = 4; + */ public boolean hasPid() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000008) == 0x00000008); } + /** + * optional uint32 pid = 4; + */ public int getPid() { return pid_; } - + // optional bytes payload = 5; public static final int PAYLOAD_FIELD_NUMBER = 5; private payload_; + /** + * optional bytes payload = 5; + * + *
+     * TODO we are capping this at 8 bytes for now - need to change when we
+     * support multi-frame responses
+     * 
+ */ public boolean hasPayload() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000010) == 0x00000010); } + /** + * optional bytes payload = 5; + * + *
+     * TODO we are capping this at 8 bytes for now - need to change when we
+     * support multi-frame responses
+     * 
+ */ public getPayload() { return payload_; } - + // optional bool multiple_responses = 6; public static final int MULTIPLE_RESPONSES_FIELD_NUMBER = 6; private boolean multipleResponses_; + /** + * optional bool multiple_responses = 6; + */ public boolean hasMultipleResponses() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000020) == 0x00000020); } + /** + * optional bool multiple_responses = 6; + */ public boolean getMultipleResponses() { return multipleResponses_; } - + // optional double frequency = 7; public static final int FREQUENCY_FIELD_NUMBER = 7; private double frequency_; + /** + * optional double frequency = 7; + */ public boolean hasFrequency() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000040) == 0x00000040); } + /** + * optional double frequency = 7; + */ public double getFrequency() { return frequency_; } - + // optional string name = 8; public static final int NAME_FIELD_NUMBER = 8; private java.lang.Object name_; + /** + * optional string name = 8; + */ public boolean hasName() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000080) == 0x00000080); } - public String getName() { + /** + * optional string name = 8; + */ + public java.lang.String getName() { java.lang.Object ref = name_; - if (ref instanceof String) { - return (String) ref; + if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { + return (java.lang.String) ref; } else { bs = ( ref; - String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); - if ( { + java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); + if (bs.isValidUtf8()) { name_ = s; } return s; } } - private getNameBytes() { + /** + * optional string name = 8; + */ + public + getNameBytes() { java.lang.Object ref = name_; - if (ref instanceof String) { + if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { b = - ref); + + (java.lang.String) ref); name_ = b; return b; } else { return ( ref; } } - + // optional .openxc.DiagnosticRequest.DecodedType decoded_type = 9; public static final int DECODED_TYPE_FIELD_NUMBER = 9; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest.DecodedType decodedType_; + /** + * optional .openxc.DiagnosticRequest.DecodedType decoded_type = 9; + */ public boolean hasDecodedType() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000100) == 0x00000100); } + /** + * optional .openxc.DiagnosticRequest.DecodedType decoded_type = 9; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest.DecodedType getDecodedType() { return decodedType_; } - + private void initFields() { bus_ = 0; messageId_ = 0; @@ -9057,11 +11559,11 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { public final boolean isInitialized() { byte isInitialized = memoizedIsInitialized; if (isInitialized != -1) return isInitialized == 1; - + memoizedIsInitialized = 1; return true; } - + public void writeTo( output) throws { getSerializedSize(); @@ -9094,12 +11596,12 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } getUnknownFields().writeTo(output); } - + private int memoizedSerializedSize = -1; public int getSerializedSize() { int size = memoizedSerializedSize; if (size != -1) return size; - + size = 0; if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { size += @@ -9141,94 +11643,83 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { memoizedSerializedSize = size; return size; } - + private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L; @java.lang.Override protected java.lang.Object writeReplace() throws { return super.writeReplace(); } - + public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest parseFrom( data) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data).buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest parseFrom( data, extensionRegistry) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry) - .buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest parseFrom(byte[] data) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data).buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest parseFrom( byte[] data, extensionRegistry) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry) - .buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest parseFrom( input) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input).buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(input); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry) - .buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest parseDelimitedFrom( input) throws { - Builder builder = newBuilder(); - if (builder.mergeDelimitedFrom(input)) { - return builder.buildParsed(); - } else { - return null; - } + return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest parseDelimitedFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - Builder builder = newBuilder(); - if (builder.mergeDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry)) { - return builder.buildParsed(); - } else { - return null; - } + return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest parseFrom( input) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input).buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(input); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry) - .buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry); } - + public static Builder newBuilder() { return Builder.create(); } public Builder newBuilderForType() { return newBuilder(); } public static Builder newBuilder(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest prototype) { return newBuilder().mergeFrom(prototype); } public Builder toBuilder() { return newBuilder(this); } - + @java.lang.Override protected Builder newBuilderForType( parent) { Builder builder = new Builder(parent); return builder; } + /** + * Protobuf type {@code openxc.DiagnosticRequest} + */ public static final class Builder extends implements com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequestOrBuilder { @@ -9236,18 +11727,21 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_DiagnosticRequest_descriptor; } - + protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_DiagnosticRequest_fieldAccessorTable; + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_DiagnosticRequest_fieldAccessorTable + .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest.class, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest.Builder.class); } - + // Construct using com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest.newBuilder() private Builder() { maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } - - private Builder(BuilderParent parent) { + + private Builder( + parent) { super(parent); maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } @@ -9258,7 +11752,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { private static Builder create() { return new Builder(); } - + public Builder clear() { super.clear(); bus_ = 0; @@ -9281,20 +11775,20 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000100); return this; } - + public Builder clone() { return create().mergeFrom(buildPartial()); } - + public getDescriptorForType() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest.getDescriptor(); + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_DiagnosticRequest_descriptor; } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest getDefaultInstanceForType() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest.getDefaultInstance(); } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest build() { com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest result = buildPartial(); if (!result.isInitialized()) { @@ -9302,17 +11796,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return result; } - - private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest buildParsed() - throws { - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest result = buildPartial(); - if (!result.isInitialized()) { - throw newUninitializedMessageException( - result).asInvalidProtocolBufferException(); - } - return result; - } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest buildPartial() { com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest result = new com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest(this); int from_bitField0_ = bitField0_; @@ -9357,7 +11841,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { onBuilt(); return result; } - + public Builder mergeFrom( other) { if (other instanceof com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest) { return mergeFrom((com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest)other); @@ -9366,7 +11850,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return this; } } - + public Builder mergeFrom(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest other) { if (other == com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest.getDefaultInstance()) return this; if (other.hasBus()) { @@ -9391,7 +11875,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { setFrequency(other.getFrequency()); } if (other.hasName()) { - setName(other.getName()); + bitField0_ |= 0x00000080; + name_ = other.name_; + onChanged(); } if (other.hasDecodedType()) { setDecodedType(other.getDecodedType()); @@ -9399,183 +11885,194 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { this.mergeUnknownFields(other.getUnknownFields()); return this; } - + public final boolean isInitialized() { return true; } - + public Builder mergeFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - unknownFields = - - this.getUnknownFields()); - while (true) { - int tag = input.readTag(); - switch (tag) { - case 0: - this.setUnknownFields(; - onChanged(); - return this; - default: { - if (!parseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, - extensionRegistry, tag)) { - this.setUnknownFields(; - onChanged(); - return this; - } - break; - } - case 8: { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; - bus_ = input.readInt32(); - break; - } - case 16: { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; - messageId_ = input.readUInt32(); - break; - } - case 24: { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; - mode_ = input.readUInt32(); - break; - } - case 32: { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000008; - pid_ = input.readUInt32(); - break; - } - case 42: { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000010; - payload_ = input.readBytes(); - break; - } - case 48: { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000020; - multipleResponses_ = input.readBool(); - break; - } - case 57: { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000040; - frequency_ = input.readDouble(); - break; - } - case 66: { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000080; - name_ = input.readBytes(); - break; - } - case 72: { - int rawValue = input.readEnum(); - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest.DecodedType value = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest.DecodedType.valueOf(rawValue); - if (value == null) { - unknownFields.mergeVarintField(9, rawValue); - } else { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000100; - decodedType_ = value; - } - break; - } + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest parsedMessage = null; + try { + parsedMessage = PARSER.parsePartialFrom(input, extensionRegistry); + } catch ( e) { + parsedMessage = (com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest) e.getUnfinishedMessage(); + throw e; + } finally { + if (parsedMessage != null) { + mergeFrom(parsedMessage); } } + return this; } - private int bitField0_; - + // optional int32 bus = 1; private int bus_ ; + /** + * optional int32 bus = 1; + */ public boolean hasBus() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } + /** + * optional int32 bus = 1; + */ public int getBus() { return bus_; } + /** + * optional int32 bus = 1; + */ public Builder setBus(int value) { bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; bus_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } + /** + * optional int32 bus = 1; + */ public Builder clearBus() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); bus_ = 0; onChanged(); return this; } - + // optional uint32 message_id = 2; private int messageId_ ; + /** + * optional uint32 message_id = 2; + */ public boolean hasMessageId() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002); } + /** + * optional uint32 message_id = 2; + */ public int getMessageId() { return messageId_; } + /** + * optional uint32 message_id = 2; + */ public Builder setMessageId(int value) { bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; messageId_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } + /** + * optional uint32 message_id = 2; + */ public Builder clearMessageId() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); messageId_ = 0; onChanged(); return this; } - + // optional uint32 mode = 3; private int mode_ ; + /** + * optional uint32 mode = 3; + */ public boolean hasMode() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004); } + /** + * optional uint32 mode = 3; + */ public int getMode() { return mode_; } + /** + * optional uint32 mode = 3; + */ public Builder setMode(int value) { bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; mode_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } + /** + * optional uint32 mode = 3; + */ public Builder clearMode() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000004); mode_ = 0; onChanged(); return this; } - + // optional uint32 pid = 4; private int pid_ ; + /** + * optional uint32 pid = 4; + */ public boolean hasPid() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000008) == 0x00000008); } + /** + * optional uint32 pid = 4; + */ public int getPid() { return pid_; } + /** + * optional uint32 pid = 4; + */ public Builder setPid(int value) { bitField0_ |= 0x00000008; pid_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } + /** + * optional uint32 pid = 4; + */ public Builder clearPid() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000008); pid_ = 0; onChanged(); return this; } - + // optional bytes payload = 5; private payload_ =; + /** + * optional bytes payload = 5; + * + *
+       * TODO we are capping this at 8 bytes for now - need to change when we
+       * support multi-frame responses
+       * 
+ */ public boolean hasPayload() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000010) == 0x00000010); } + /** + * optional bytes payload = 5; + * + *
+       * TODO we are capping this at 8 bytes for now - need to change when we
+       * support multi-frame responses
+       * 
+ */ public getPayload() { return payload_; } + /** + * optional bytes payload = 5; + * + *
+       * TODO we are capping this at 8 bytes for now - need to change when we
+       * support multi-frame responses
+       * 
+ */ public Builder setPayload( value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); @@ -9585,71 +12082,130 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { onChanged(); return this; } + /** + * optional bytes payload = 5; + * + *
+       * TODO we are capping this at 8 bytes for now - need to change when we
+       * support multi-frame responses
+       * 
+ */ public Builder clearPayload() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000010); payload_ = getDefaultInstance().getPayload(); onChanged(); return this; } - + // optional bool multiple_responses = 6; private boolean multipleResponses_ ; + /** + * optional bool multiple_responses = 6; + */ public boolean hasMultipleResponses() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000020) == 0x00000020); } + /** + * optional bool multiple_responses = 6; + */ public boolean getMultipleResponses() { return multipleResponses_; } + /** + * optional bool multiple_responses = 6; + */ public Builder setMultipleResponses(boolean value) { bitField0_ |= 0x00000020; multipleResponses_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } + /** + * optional bool multiple_responses = 6; + */ public Builder clearMultipleResponses() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000020); multipleResponses_ = false; onChanged(); return this; } - + // optional double frequency = 7; private double frequency_ ; + /** + * optional double frequency = 7; + */ public boolean hasFrequency() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000040) == 0x00000040); } + /** + * optional double frequency = 7; + */ public double getFrequency() { return frequency_; } + /** + * optional double frequency = 7; + */ public Builder setFrequency(double value) { bitField0_ |= 0x00000040; frequency_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } + /** + * optional double frequency = 7; + */ public Builder clearFrequency() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000040); frequency_ = 0D; onChanged(); return this; } - + // optional string name = 8; private java.lang.Object name_ = ""; + /** + * optional string name = 8; + */ public boolean hasName() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000080) == 0x00000080); } - public String getName() { + /** + * optional string name = 8; + */ + public java.lang.String getName() { java.lang.Object ref = name_; - if (!(ref instanceof String)) { - String s = (( ref).toStringUtf8(); + if (!(ref instanceof java.lang.String)) { + java.lang.String s = (( ref) + .toStringUtf8(); name_ = s; return s; } else { - return (String) ref; + return (java.lang.String) ref; } } - public Builder setName(String value) { + /** + * optional string name = 8; + */ + public + getNameBytes() { + java.lang.Object ref = name_; + if (ref instanceof String) { + b = + + (java.lang.String) ref); + name_ = b; + return b; + } else { + return ( ref; + } + } + /** + * optional string name = 8; + */ + public Builder setName( + java.lang.String value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } @@ -9658,26 +12214,46 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { onChanged(); return this; } + /** + * optional string name = 8; + */ public Builder clearName() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000080); name_ = getDefaultInstance().getName(); onChanged(); return this; } - void setName( value) { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000080; + /** + * optional string name = 8; + */ + public Builder setNameBytes( + value) { + if (value == null) { + throw new NullPointerException(); + } + bitField0_ |= 0x00000080; name_ = value; onChanged(); + return this; } - + // optional .openxc.DiagnosticRequest.DecodedType decoded_type = 9; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest.DecodedType decodedType_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest.DecodedType.NONE; + /** + * optional .openxc.DiagnosticRequest.DecodedType decoded_type = 9; + */ public boolean hasDecodedType() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000100) == 0x00000100); } + /** + * optional .openxc.DiagnosticRequest.DecodedType decoded_type = 9; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest.DecodedType getDecodedType() { return decodedType_; } + /** + * optional .openxc.DiagnosticRequest.DecodedType decoded_type = 9; + */ public Builder setDecodedType(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest.DecodedType value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); @@ -9687,168 +12263,389 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { onChanged(); return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.DiagnosticRequest.DecodedType decoded_type = 9; + */ public Builder clearDecodedType() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000100); decodedType_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest.DecodedType.NONE; onChanged(); return this; } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(builder_scope:openxc.DiagnosticRequest) } - + static { defaultInstance = new DiagnosticRequest(true); defaultInstance.initFields(); } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:openxc.DiagnosticRequest) } - + public interface DiagnosticResponseOrBuilder extends { - + // optional int32 bus = 1; + /** + * optional int32 bus = 1; + */ boolean hasBus(); + /** + * optional int32 bus = 1; + */ int getBus(); - + // optional uint32 message_id = 2; + /** + * optional uint32 message_id = 2; + */ boolean hasMessageId(); + /** + * optional uint32 message_id = 2; + */ int getMessageId(); - + // optional uint32 mode = 3; + /** + * optional uint32 mode = 3; + */ boolean hasMode(); + /** + * optional uint32 mode = 3; + */ int getMode(); - + // optional uint32 pid = 4; + /** + * optional uint32 pid = 4; + */ boolean hasPid(); + /** + * optional uint32 pid = 4; + */ int getPid(); - + // optional bool success = 5; + /** + * optional bool success = 5; + */ boolean hasSuccess(); + /** + * optional bool success = 5; + */ boolean getSuccess(); - + // optional uint32 negative_response_code = 6; + /** + * optional uint32 negative_response_code = 6; + */ boolean hasNegativeResponseCode(); + /** + * optional uint32 negative_response_code = 6; + */ int getNegativeResponseCode(); - + // optional bytes payload = 7; + /** + * optional bytes payload = 7; + * + *
+     * TODO we are capping this at 8 bytes for now - need to change when we
+     * support multi-frame responses
+     * 
+ */ boolean hasPayload(); + /** + * optional bytes payload = 7; + * + *
+     * TODO we are capping this at 8 bytes for now - need to change when we
+     * support multi-frame responses
+     * 
+ */ getPayload(); - + // optional double value = 8; + /** + * optional double value = 8; + */ boolean hasValue(); + /** + * optional double value = 8; + */ double getValue(); } + /** + * Protobuf type {@code openxc.DiagnosticResponse} + */ public static final class DiagnosticResponse extends implements DiagnosticResponseOrBuilder { // Use DiagnosticResponse.newBuilder() to construct. - private DiagnosticResponse(Builder builder) { + private DiagnosticResponse( builder) { super(builder); + this.unknownFields = builder.getUnknownFields(); } - private DiagnosticResponse(boolean noInit) {} - + private DiagnosticResponse(boolean noInit) { this.unknownFields =; } + private static final DiagnosticResponse defaultInstance; public static DiagnosticResponse getDefaultInstance() { return defaultInstance; } - + public DiagnosticResponse getDefaultInstanceForType() { return defaultInstance; } - + + private final unknownFields; + @java.lang.Override + public final + getUnknownFields() { + return this.unknownFields; + } + private DiagnosticResponse( + input, + extensionRegistry) + throws { + initFields(); + int mutable_bitField0_ = 0; + unknownFields = +; + try { + boolean done = false; + while (!done) { + int tag = input.readTag(); + switch (tag) { + case 0: + done = true; + break; + default: { + if (!parseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, + extensionRegistry, tag)) { + done = true; + } + break; + } + case 8: { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; + bus_ = input.readInt32(); + break; + } + case 16: { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; + messageId_ = input.readUInt32(); + break; + } + case 24: { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; + mode_ = input.readUInt32(); + break; + } + case 32: { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000008; + pid_ = input.readUInt32(); + break; + } + case 40: { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000010; + success_ = input.readBool(); + break; + } + case 48: { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000020; + negativeResponseCode_ = input.readUInt32(); + break; + } + case 58: { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000040; + payload_ = input.readBytes(); + break; + } + case 65: { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000080; + value_ = input.readDouble(); + break; + } + } + } + } catch ( e) { + throw e.setUnfinishedMessage(this); + } catch ( e) { + throw new + e.getMessage()).setUnfinishedMessage(this); + } finally { + this.unknownFields =; + makeExtensionsImmutable(); + } + } public static final getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_DiagnosticResponse_descriptor; } - + protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_DiagnosticResponse_fieldAccessorTable; + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_DiagnosticResponse_fieldAccessorTable + .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse.class, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse.Builder.class); + } + + public static PARSER = + new { + public DiagnosticResponse parsePartialFrom( + input, + extensionRegistry) + throws { + return new DiagnosticResponse(input, extensionRegistry); + } + }; + + @java.lang.Override + public getParserForType() { + return PARSER; } - + private int bitField0_; // optional int32 bus = 1; public static final int BUS_FIELD_NUMBER = 1; private int bus_; + /** + * optional int32 bus = 1; + */ public boolean hasBus() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } + /** + * optional int32 bus = 1; + */ public int getBus() { return bus_; } - + // optional uint32 message_id = 2; public static final int MESSAGE_ID_FIELD_NUMBER = 2; private int messageId_; + /** + * optional uint32 message_id = 2; + */ public boolean hasMessageId() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002); } + /** + * optional uint32 message_id = 2; + */ public int getMessageId() { return messageId_; } - + // optional uint32 mode = 3; public static final int MODE_FIELD_NUMBER = 3; private int mode_; + /** + * optional uint32 mode = 3; + */ public boolean hasMode() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004); } + /** + * optional uint32 mode = 3; + */ public int getMode() { return mode_; } - + // optional uint32 pid = 4; public static final int PID_FIELD_NUMBER = 4; private int pid_; + /** + * optional uint32 pid = 4; + */ public boolean hasPid() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000008) == 0x00000008); } + /** + * optional uint32 pid = 4; + */ public int getPid() { return pid_; } - + // optional bool success = 5; public static final int SUCCESS_FIELD_NUMBER = 5; private boolean success_; + /** + * optional bool success = 5; + */ public boolean hasSuccess() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000010) == 0x00000010); } + /** + * optional bool success = 5; + */ public boolean getSuccess() { return success_; } - + // optional uint32 negative_response_code = 6; public static final int NEGATIVE_RESPONSE_CODE_FIELD_NUMBER = 6; private int negativeResponseCode_; + /** + * optional uint32 negative_response_code = 6; + */ public boolean hasNegativeResponseCode() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000020) == 0x00000020); } + /** + * optional uint32 negative_response_code = 6; + */ public int getNegativeResponseCode() { return negativeResponseCode_; } - + // optional bytes payload = 7; public static final int PAYLOAD_FIELD_NUMBER = 7; private payload_; + /** + * optional bytes payload = 7; + * + *
+     * TODO we are capping this at 8 bytes for now - need to change when we
+     * support multi-frame responses
+     * 
+ */ public boolean hasPayload() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000040) == 0x00000040); } + /** + * optional bytes payload = 7; + * + *
+     * TODO we are capping this at 8 bytes for now - need to change when we
+     * support multi-frame responses
+     * 
+ */ public getPayload() { return payload_; } - + // optional double value = 8; public static final int VALUE_FIELD_NUMBER = 8; private double value_; + /** + * optional double value = 8; + */ public boolean hasValue() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000080) == 0x00000080); } + /** + * optional double value = 8; + */ public double getValue() { return value_; } - + private void initFields() { bus_ = 0; messageId_ = 0; @@ -9863,11 +12660,11 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { public final boolean isInitialized() { byte isInitialized = memoizedIsInitialized; if (isInitialized != -1) return isInitialized == 1; - + memoizedIsInitialized = 1; return true; } - + public void writeTo( output) throws { getSerializedSize(); @@ -9897,12 +12694,12 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } getUnknownFields().writeTo(output); } - + private int memoizedSerializedSize = -1; public int getSerializedSize() { int size = memoizedSerializedSize; if (size != -1) return size; - + size = 0; if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { size += @@ -9940,94 +12737,83 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { memoizedSerializedSize = size; return size; } - + private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L; @java.lang.Override protected java.lang.Object writeReplace() throws { return super.writeReplace(); } - + public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse parseFrom( data) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data).buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse parseFrom( data, extensionRegistry) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry) - .buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse parseFrom(byte[] data) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data).buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse parseFrom( byte[] data, extensionRegistry) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry) - .buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse parseFrom( input) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input).buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(input); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry) - .buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse parseDelimitedFrom( input) throws { - Builder builder = newBuilder(); - if (builder.mergeDelimitedFrom(input)) { - return builder.buildParsed(); - } else { - return null; - } + return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse parseDelimitedFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - Builder builder = newBuilder(); - if (builder.mergeDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry)) { - return builder.buildParsed(); - } else { - return null; - } + return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse parseFrom( input) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input).buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(input); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry) - .buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry); } - + public static Builder newBuilder() { return Builder.create(); } public Builder newBuilderForType() { return newBuilder(); } public static Builder newBuilder(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse prototype) { return newBuilder().mergeFrom(prototype); } public Builder toBuilder() { return newBuilder(this); } - + @java.lang.Override protected Builder newBuilderForType( parent) { Builder builder = new Builder(parent); return builder; } + /** + * Protobuf type {@code openxc.DiagnosticResponse} + */ public static final class Builder extends implements com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponseOrBuilder { @@ -10035,18 +12821,21 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_DiagnosticResponse_descriptor; } - + protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_DiagnosticResponse_fieldAccessorTable; + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_DiagnosticResponse_fieldAccessorTable + .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse.class, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse.Builder.class); } - + // Construct using com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse.newBuilder() private Builder() { maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } - - private Builder(BuilderParent parent) { + + private Builder( + parent) { super(parent); maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } @@ -10057,7 +12846,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { private static Builder create() { return new Builder(); } - + public Builder clear() { super.clear(); bus_ = 0; @@ -10078,20 +12867,20 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000080); return this; } - + public Builder clone() { return create().mergeFrom(buildPartial()); } - + public getDescriptorForType() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse.getDescriptor(); + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_DiagnosticResponse_descriptor; } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse getDefaultInstanceForType() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse.getDefaultInstance(); } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse build() { com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse result = buildPartial(); if (!result.isInitialized()) { @@ -10099,17 +12888,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return result; } - - private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse buildParsed() - throws { - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse result = buildPartial(); - if (!result.isInitialized()) { - throw newUninitializedMessageException( - result).asInvalidProtocolBufferException(); - } - return result; - } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse buildPartial() { com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse result = new com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse(this); int from_bitField0_ = bitField0_; @@ -10150,7 +12929,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { onBuilt(); return result; } - + public Builder mergeFrom( other) { if (other instanceof com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse) { return mergeFrom((com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse)other); @@ -10159,7 +12938,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return this; } } - + public Builder mergeFrom(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse other) { if (other == com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse.getDefaultInstance()) return this; if (other.hasBus()) { @@ -10189,214 +12968,260 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { this.mergeUnknownFields(other.getUnknownFields()); return this; } - + public final boolean isInitialized() { return true; } - + public Builder mergeFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - unknownFields = - - this.getUnknownFields()); - while (true) { - int tag = input.readTag(); - switch (tag) { - case 0: - this.setUnknownFields(; - onChanged(); - return this; - default: { - if (!parseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, - extensionRegistry, tag)) { - this.setUnknownFields(; - onChanged(); - return this; - } - break; - } - case 8: { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; - bus_ = input.readInt32(); - break; - } - case 16: { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; - messageId_ = input.readUInt32(); - break; - } - case 24: { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; - mode_ = input.readUInt32(); - break; - } - case 32: { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000008; - pid_ = input.readUInt32(); - break; - } - case 40: { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000010; - success_ = input.readBool(); - break; - } - case 48: { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000020; - negativeResponseCode_ = input.readUInt32(); - break; - } - case 58: { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000040; - payload_ = input.readBytes(); - break; - } - case 65: { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000080; - value_ = input.readDouble(); - break; - } + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse parsedMessage = null; + try { + parsedMessage = PARSER.parsePartialFrom(input, extensionRegistry); + } catch ( e) { + parsedMessage = (com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse) e.getUnfinishedMessage(); + throw e; + } finally { + if (parsedMessage != null) { + mergeFrom(parsedMessage); } } + return this; } - private int bitField0_; - + // optional int32 bus = 1; private int bus_ ; + /** + * optional int32 bus = 1; + */ public boolean hasBus() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } + /** + * optional int32 bus = 1; + */ public int getBus() { return bus_; } + /** + * optional int32 bus = 1; + */ public Builder setBus(int value) { bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; bus_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } + /** + * optional int32 bus = 1; + */ public Builder clearBus() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); bus_ = 0; onChanged(); return this; } - + // optional uint32 message_id = 2; private int messageId_ ; + /** + * optional uint32 message_id = 2; + */ public boolean hasMessageId() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002); } + /** + * optional uint32 message_id = 2; + */ public int getMessageId() { return messageId_; } + /** + * optional uint32 message_id = 2; + */ public Builder setMessageId(int value) { bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; messageId_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } + /** + * optional uint32 message_id = 2; + */ public Builder clearMessageId() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); messageId_ = 0; onChanged(); return this; } - + // optional uint32 mode = 3; private int mode_ ; + /** + * optional uint32 mode = 3; + */ public boolean hasMode() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004); } + /** + * optional uint32 mode = 3; + */ public int getMode() { return mode_; } + /** + * optional uint32 mode = 3; + */ public Builder setMode(int value) { bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; mode_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } + /** + * optional uint32 mode = 3; + */ public Builder clearMode() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000004); mode_ = 0; onChanged(); return this; } - + // optional uint32 pid = 4; private int pid_ ; + /** + * optional uint32 pid = 4; + */ public boolean hasPid() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000008) == 0x00000008); } + /** + * optional uint32 pid = 4; + */ public int getPid() { return pid_; } + /** + * optional uint32 pid = 4; + */ public Builder setPid(int value) { bitField0_ |= 0x00000008; pid_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } + /** + * optional uint32 pid = 4; + */ public Builder clearPid() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000008); pid_ = 0; onChanged(); return this; } - + // optional bool success = 5; private boolean success_ ; + /** + * optional bool success = 5; + */ public boolean hasSuccess() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000010) == 0x00000010); } + /** + * optional bool success = 5; + */ public boolean getSuccess() { return success_; } + /** + * optional bool success = 5; + */ public Builder setSuccess(boolean value) { bitField0_ |= 0x00000010; success_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } + /** + * optional bool success = 5; + */ public Builder clearSuccess() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000010); success_ = false; onChanged(); return this; } - + // optional uint32 negative_response_code = 6; private int negativeResponseCode_ ; + /** + * optional uint32 negative_response_code = 6; + */ public boolean hasNegativeResponseCode() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000020) == 0x00000020); } + /** + * optional uint32 negative_response_code = 6; + */ public int getNegativeResponseCode() { return negativeResponseCode_; } + /** + * optional uint32 negative_response_code = 6; + */ public Builder setNegativeResponseCode(int value) { bitField0_ |= 0x00000020; negativeResponseCode_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } + /** + * optional uint32 negative_response_code = 6; + */ public Builder clearNegativeResponseCode() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000020); negativeResponseCode_ = 0; onChanged(); return this; } - + // optional bytes payload = 7; private payload_ =; + /** + * optional bytes payload = 7; + * + *
+       * TODO we are capping this at 8 bytes for now - need to change when we
+       * support multi-frame responses
+       * 
+ */ public boolean hasPayload() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000040) == 0x00000040); } + /** + * optional bytes payload = 7; + * + *
+       * TODO we are capping this at 8 bytes for now - need to change when we
+       * support multi-frame responses
+       * 
+ */ public getPayload() { return payload_; } + /** + * optional bytes payload = 7; + * + *
+       * TODO we are capping this at 8 bytes for now - need to change when we
+       * support multi-frame responses
+       * 
+ */ public Builder setPayload( value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); @@ -10406,106 +13231,264 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { onChanged(); return this; } + /** + * optional bytes payload = 7; + * + *
+       * TODO we are capping this at 8 bytes for now - need to change when we
+       * support multi-frame responses
+       * 
+ */ public Builder clearPayload() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000040); payload_ = getDefaultInstance().getPayload(); onChanged(); return this; } - + // optional double value = 8; private double value_ ; + /** + * optional double value = 8; + */ public boolean hasValue() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000080) == 0x00000080); } + /** + * optional double value = 8; + */ public double getValue() { return value_; } + /** + * optional double value = 8; + */ public Builder setValue(double value) { bitField0_ |= 0x00000080; value_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } + /** + * optional double value = 8; + */ public Builder clearValue() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000080); value_ = 0D; onChanged(); return this; } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(builder_scope:openxc.DiagnosticResponse) } - + static { defaultInstance = new DiagnosticResponse(true); defaultInstance.initFields(); } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:openxc.DiagnosticResponse) } - + public interface DynamicFieldOrBuilder extends { - + // optional .openxc.DynamicField.Type type = 1; + /** + * optional .openxc.DynamicField.Type type = 1; + */ boolean hasType(); + /** + * optional .openxc.DynamicField.Type type = 1; + */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.Type getType(); - + // optional string string_value = 2; + /** + * optional string string_value = 2; + */ boolean hasStringValue(); - String getStringValue(); - + /** + * optional string string_value = 2; + */ + java.lang.String getStringValue(); + /** + * optional string string_value = 2; + */ + + getStringValueBytes(); + // optional double numeric_value = 3; + /** + * optional double numeric_value = 3; + */ boolean hasNumericValue(); + /** + * optional double numeric_value = 3; + */ double getNumericValue(); - + // optional bool boolean_value = 4; + /** + * optional bool boolean_value = 4; + */ boolean hasBooleanValue(); + /** + * optional bool boolean_value = 4; + */ boolean getBooleanValue(); } + /** + * Protobuf type {@code openxc.DynamicField} + */ public static final class DynamicField extends implements DynamicFieldOrBuilder { // Use DynamicField.newBuilder() to construct. - private DynamicField(Builder builder) { + private DynamicField( builder) { super(builder); + this.unknownFields = builder.getUnknownFields(); } - private DynamicField(boolean noInit) {} - + private DynamicField(boolean noInit) { this.unknownFields =; } + private static final DynamicField defaultInstance; public static DynamicField getDefaultInstance() { return defaultInstance; } - + public DynamicField getDefaultInstanceForType() { return defaultInstance; } - + + private final unknownFields; + @java.lang.Override + public final + getUnknownFields() { + return this.unknownFields; + } + private DynamicField( + input, + extensionRegistry) + throws { + initFields(); + int mutable_bitField0_ = 0; + unknownFields = +; + try { + boolean done = false; + while (!done) { + int tag = input.readTag(); + switch (tag) { + case 0: + done = true; + break; + default: { + if (!parseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, + extensionRegistry, tag)) { + done = true; + } + break; + } + case 8: { + int rawValue = input.readEnum(); + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.Type value = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.Type.valueOf(rawValue); + if (value == null) { + unknownFields.mergeVarintField(1, rawValue); + } else { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; + type_ = value; + } + break; + } + case 18: { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; + stringValue_ = input.readBytes(); + break; + } + case 25: { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; + numericValue_ = input.readDouble(); + break; + } + case 32: { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000008; + booleanValue_ = input.readBool(); + break; + } + } + } + } catch ( e) { + throw e.setUnfinishedMessage(this); + } catch ( e) { + throw new + e.getMessage()).setUnfinishedMessage(this); + } finally { + this.unknownFields =; + makeExtensionsImmutable(); + } + } public static final getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_DynamicField_descriptor; } - + protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_DynamicField_fieldAccessorTable; + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_DynamicField_fieldAccessorTable + .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.class, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.Builder.class); + } + + public static PARSER = + new { + public DynamicField parsePartialFrom( + input, + extensionRegistry) + throws { + return new DynamicField(input, extensionRegistry); + } + }; + + @java.lang.Override + public getParserForType() { + return PARSER; } - + + /** + * Protobuf enum {@code openxc.DynamicField.Type} + */ public enum Type implements { + /** + * STRING = 1; + */ STRING(0, 1), + /** + * NUM = 2; + */ NUM(1, 2), + /** + * BOOL = 3; + */ BOOL(2, 3), ; - + + /** + * STRING = 1; + */ public static final int STRING_VALUE = 1; + /** + * NUM = 2; + */ public static final int NUM_VALUE = 2; + /** + * BOOL = 3; + */ public static final int BOOL_VALUE = 3; - - + + public final int getNumber() { return value; } - + public static Type valueOf(int value) { switch (value) { case 1: return STRING; @@ -10514,7 +13497,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { default: return null; } } - + public static internalGetValueMap() { return internalValueMap; @@ -10526,7 +13509,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return Type.valueOf(number); } }; - + public final getValueDescriptor() { return getDescriptor().getValues().get(index); @@ -10539,11 +13522,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.getDescriptor().getEnumTypes().get(0); } - - private static final Type[] VALUES = { - STRING, NUM, BOOL, - }; - + + private static final Type[] VALUES = values(); + public static Type valueOf( desc) { if (desc.getType() != getDescriptor()) { @@ -10552,81 +13533,110 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return VALUES[desc.getIndex()]; } - + private final int index; private final int value; - + private Type(int index, int value) { this.index = index; this.value = value; } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(enum_scope:openxc.DynamicField.Type) } - + private int bitField0_; // optional .openxc.DynamicField.Type type = 1; public static final int TYPE_FIELD_NUMBER = 1; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.Type type_; + /** + * optional .openxc.DynamicField.Type type = 1; + */ public boolean hasType() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } + /** + * optional .openxc.DynamicField.Type type = 1; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.Type getType() { return type_; } - + // optional string string_value = 2; public static final int STRING_VALUE_FIELD_NUMBER = 2; private java.lang.Object stringValue_; + /** + * optional string string_value = 2; + */ public boolean hasStringValue() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002); } - public String getStringValue() { + /** + * optional string string_value = 2; + */ + public java.lang.String getStringValue() { java.lang.Object ref = stringValue_; - if (ref instanceof String) { - return (String) ref; + if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { + return (java.lang.String) ref; } else { bs = ( ref; - String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); - if ( { + java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); + if (bs.isValidUtf8()) { stringValue_ = s; } return s; } } - private getStringValueBytes() { + /** + * optional string string_value = 2; + */ + public + getStringValueBytes() { java.lang.Object ref = stringValue_; - if (ref instanceof String) { + if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { b = - ref); + + (java.lang.String) ref); stringValue_ = b; return b; } else { return ( ref; } } - + // optional double numeric_value = 3; public static final int NUMERIC_VALUE_FIELD_NUMBER = 3; private double numericValue_; + /** + * optional double numeric_value = 3; + */ public boolean hasNumericValue() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004); } + /** + * optional double numeric_value = 3; + */ public double getNumericValue() { return numericValue_; } - + // optional bool boolean_value = 4; public static final int BOOLEAN_VALUE_FIELD_NUMBER = 4; private boolean booleanValue_; + /** + * optional bool boolean_value = 4; + */ public boolean hasBooleanValue() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000008) == 0x00000008); } + /** + * optional bool boolean_value = 4; + */ public boolean getBooleanValue() { return booleanValue_; } - + private void initFields() { type_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.Type.STRING; stringValue_ = ""; @@ -10637,11 +13647,11 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { public final boolean isInitialized() { byte isInitialized = memoizedIsInitialized; if (isInitialized != -1) return isInitialized == 1; - + memoizedIsInitialized = 1; return true; } - + public void writeTo( output) throws { getSerializedSize(); @@ -10659,12 +13669,12 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } getUnknownFields().writeTo(output); } - + private int memoizedSerializedSize = -1; public int getSerializedSize() { int size = memoizedSerializedSize; if (size != -1) return size; - + size = 0; if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { size += @@ -10686,94 +13696,83 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { memoizedSerializedSize = size; return size; } - + private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L; @java.lang.Override protected java.lang.Object writeReplace() throws { return super.writeReplace(); } - + public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField parseFrom( data) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data).buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField parseFrom( data, extensionRegistry) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry) - .buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField parseFrom(byte[] data) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data).buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField parseFrom( byte[] data, extensionRegistry) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry) - .buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField parseFrom( input) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input).buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(input); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry) - .buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField parseDelimitedFrom( input) throws { - Builder builder = newBuilder(); - if (builder.mergeDelimitedFrom(input)) { - return builder.buildParsed(); - } else { - return null; - } + return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField parseDelimitedFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - Builder builder = newBuilder(); - if (builder.mergeDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry)) { - return builder.buildParsed(); - } else { - return null; - } + return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField parseFrom( input) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input).buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(input); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry) - .buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry); } - + public static Builder newBuilder() { return Builder.create(); } public Builder newBuilderForType() { return newBuilder(); } public static Builder newBuilder(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField prototype) { return newBuilder().mergeFrom(prototype); } public Builder toBuilder() { return newBuilder(this); } - + @java.lang.Override protected Builder newBuilderForType( parent) { Builder builder = new Builder(parent); return builder; } + /** + * Protobuf type {@code openxc.DynamicField} + */ public static final class Builder extends implements com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicFieldOrBuilder { @@ -10781,18 +13780,21 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_DynamicField_descriptor; } - + protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_DynamicField_fieldAccessorTable; + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_DynamicField_fieldAccessorTable + .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.class, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.Builder.class); } - + // Construct using com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.newBuilder() private Builder() { maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } - - private Builder(BuilderParent parent) { + + private Builder( + parent) { super(parent); maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } @@ -10803,7 +13805,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { private static Builder create() { return new Builder(); } - + public Builder clear() { super.clear(); type_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.Type.STRING; @@ -10816,20 +13818,20 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000008); return this; } - + public Builder clone() { return create().mergeFrom(buildPartial()); } - + public getDescriptorForType() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.getDescriptor(); + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_DynamicField_descriptor; } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField getDefaultInstanceForType() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.getDefaultInstance(); } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField build() { com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField result = buildPartial(); if (!result.isInitialized()) { @@ -10837,17 +13839,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return result; } - - private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField buildParsed() - throws { - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField result = buildPartial(); - if (!result.isInitialized()) { - throw newUninitializedMessageException( - result).asInvalidProtocolBufferException(); - } - return result; - } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField buildPartial() { com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField result = new com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField(this); int from_bitField0_ = bitField0_; @@ -10872,7 +13864,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { onBuilt(); return result; } - + public Builder mergeFrom( other) { if (other instanceof com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField) { return mergeFrom((com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField)other); @@ -10881,14 +13873,16 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return this; } } - + public Builder mergeFrom(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField other) { if (other == com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.getDefaultInstance()) return this; if (other.hasType()) { setType(other.getType()); } if (other.hasStringValue()) { - setStringValue(other.getStringValue()); + bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; + stringValue_ = other.stringValue_; + onChanged(); } if (other.hasNumericValue()) { setNumericValue(other.getNumericValue()); @@ -10899,74 +13893,47 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { this.mergeUnknownFields(other.getUnknownFields()); return this; } - + public final boolean isInitialized() { return true; } - + public Builder mergeFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - unknownFields = - - this.getUnknownFields()); - while (true) { - int tag = input.readTag(); - switch (tag) { - case 0: - this.setUnknownFields(; - onChanged(); - return this; - default: { - if (!parseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, - extensionRegistry, tag)) { - this.setUnknownFields(; - onChanged(); - return this; - } - break; - } - case 8: { - int rawValue = input.readEnum(); - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.Type value = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.Type.valueOf(rawValue); - if (value == null) { - unknownFields.mergeVarintField(1, rawValue); - } else { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; - type_ = value; - } - break; - } - case 18: { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; - stringValue_ = input.readBytes(); - break; - } - case 25: { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; - numericValue_ = input.readDouble(); - break; - } - case 32: { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000008; - booleanValue_ = input.readBool(); - break; - } + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField parsedMessage = null; + try { + parsedMessage = PARSER.parsePartialFrom(input, extensionRegistry); + } catch ( e) { + parsedMessage = (com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField) e.getUnfinishedMessage(); + throw e; + } finally { + if (parsedMessage != null) { + mergeFrom(parsedMessage); } } + return this; } - private int bitField0_; - + // optional .openxc.DynamicField.Type type = 1; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.Type type_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.Type.STRING; + /** + * optional .openxc.DynamicField.Type type = 1; + */ public boolean hasType() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } + /** + * optional .openxc.DynamicField.Type type = 1; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.Type getType() { return type_; } + /** + * optional .openxc.DynamicField.Type type = 1; + */ public Builder setType(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.Type value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); @@ -10976,29 +13943,59 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { onChanged(); return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.DynamicField.Type type = 1; + */ public Builder clearType() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); type_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.Type.STRING; onChanged(); return this; } - + // optional string string_value = 2; private java.lang.Object stringValue_ = ""; + /** + * optional string string_value = 2; + */ public boolean hasStringValue() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002); } - public String getStringValue() { + /** + * optional string string_value = 2; + */ + public java.lang.String getStringValue() { java.lang.Object ref = stringValue_; - if (!(ref instanceof String)) { - String s = (( ref).toStringUtf8(); + if (!(ref instanceof java.lang.String)) { + java.lang.String s = (( ref) + .toStringUtf8(); stringValue_ = s; return s; } else { - return (String) ref; + return (java.lang.String) ref; + } + } + /** + * optional string string_value = 2; + */ + public + getStringValueBytes() { + java.lang.Object ref = stringValue_; + if (ref instanceof String) { + b = + + (java.lang.String) ref); + stringValue_ = b; + return b; + } else { + return ( ref; } } - public Builder setStringValue(String value) { + /** + * optional string string_value = 2; + */ + public Builder setStringValue( + java.lang.String value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } @@ -11007,175 +14004,361 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { onChanged(); return this; } + /** + * optional string string_value = 2; + */ public Builder clearStringValue() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); stringValue_ = getDefaultInstance().getStringValue(); onChanged(); return this; } - void setStringValue( value) { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; + /** + * optional string string_value = 2; + */ + public Builder setStringValueBytes( + value) { + if (value == null) { + throw new NullPointerException(); + } + bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; stringValue_ = value; onChanged(); + return this; } - + // optional double numeric_value = 3; private double numericValue_ ; + /** + * optional double numeric_value = 3; + */ public boolean hasNumericValue() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004); } + /** + * optional double numeric_value = 3; + */ public double getNumericValue() { return numericValue_; } + /** + * optional double numeric_value = 3; + */ public Builder setNumericValue(double value) { bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; numericValue_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } + /** + * optional double numeric_value = 3; + */ public Builder clearNumericValue() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000004); numericValue_ = 0D; onChanged(); return this; } - + // optional bool boolean_value = 4; private boolean booleanValue_ ; + /** + * optional bool boolean_value = 4; + */ public boolean hasBooleanValue() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000008) == 0x00000008); } + /** + * optional bool boolean_value = 4; + */ public boolean getBooleanValue() { return booleanValue_; } + /** + * optional bool boolean_value = 4; + */ public Builder setBooleanValue(boolean value) { bitField0_ |= 0x00000008; booleanValue_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } + /** + * optional bool boolean_value = 4; + */ public Builder clearBooleanValue() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000008); booleanValue_ = false; onChanged(); return this; } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(builder_scope:openxc.DynamicField) } - + static { defaultInstance = new DynamicField(true); defaultInstance.initFields(); } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:openxc.DynamicField) } - + public interface SimpleMessageOrBuilder extends { - + // optional string name = 1; + /** + * optional string name = 1; + */ boolean hasName(); - String getName(); - + /** + * optional string name = 1; + */ + java.lang.String getName(); + /** + * optional string name = 1; + */ + + getNameBytes(); + // optional .openxc.DynamicField value = 2; + /** + * optional .openxc.DynamicField value = 2; + */ boolean hasValue(); + /** + * optional .openxc.DynamicField value = 2; + */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField getValue(); + /** + * optional .openxc.DynamicField value = 2; + */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicFieldOrBuilder getValueOrBuilder(); - + // optional .openxc.DynamicField event = 3; + /** + * optional .openxc.DynamicField event = 3; + */ boolean hasEvent(); + /** + * optional .openxc.DynamicField event = 3; + */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField getEvent(); + /** + * optional .openxc.DynamicField event = 3; + */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicFieldOrBuilder getEventOrBuilder(); } + /** + * Protobuf type {@code openxc.SimpleMessage} + */ public static final class SimpleMessage extends implements SimpleMessageOrBuilder { // Use SimpleMessage.newBuilder() to construct. - private SimpleMessage(Builder builder) { + private SimpleMessage( builder) { super(builder); + this.unknownFields = builder.getUnknownFields(); } - private SimpleMessage(boolean noInit) {} - + private SimpleMessage(boolean noInit) { this.unknownFields =; } + private static final SimpleMessage defaultInstance; public static SimpleMessage getDefaultInstance() { return defaultInstance; } - + public SimpleMessage getDefaultInstanceForType() { return defaultInstance; } - + + private final unknownFields; + @java.lang.Override + public final + getUnknownFields() { + return this.unknownFields; + } + private SimpleMessage( + input, + extensionRegistry) + throws { + initFields(); + int mutable_bitField0_ = 0; + unknownFields = +; + try { + boolean done = false; + while (!done) { + int tag = input.readTag(); + switch (tag) { + case 0: + done = true; + break; + default: { + if (!parseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, + extensionRegistry, tag)) { + done = true; + } + break; + } + case 10: { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; + name_ = input.readBytes(); + break; + } + case 18: { + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.Builder subBuilder = null; + if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002)) { + subBuilder = value_.toBuilder(); + } + value_ = input.readMessage(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.PARSER, extensionRegistry); + if (subBuilder != null) { + subBuilder.mergeFrom(value_); + value_ = subBuilder.buildPartial(); + } + bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; + break; + } + case 26: { + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.Builder subBuilder = null; + if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004)) { + subBuilder = event_.toBuilder(); + } + event_ = input.readMessage(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.PARSER, extensionRegistry); + if (subBuilder != null) { + subBuilder.mergeFrom(event_); + event_ = subBuilder.buildPartial(); + } + bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; + break; + } + } + } + } catch ( e) { + throw e.setUnfinishedMessage(this); + } catch ( e) { + throw new + e.getMessage()).setUnfinishedMessage(this); + } finally { + this.unknownFields =; + makeExtensionsImmutable(); + } + } public static final getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_SimpleMessage_descriptor; } - + protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_SimpleMessage_fieldAccessorTable; + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_SimpleMessage_fieldAccessorTable + .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage.class, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage.Builder.class); + } + + public static PARSER = + new { + public SimpleMessage parsePartialFrom( + input, + extensionRegistry) + throws { + return new SimpleMessage(input, extensionRegistry); + } + }; + + @java.lang.Override + public getParserForType() { + return PARSER; } - + private int bitField0_; // optional string name = 1; public static final int NAME_FIELD_NUMBER = 1; private java.lang.Object name_; + /** + * optional string name = 1; + */ public boolean hasName() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } - public String getName() { + /** + * optional string name = 1; + */ + public java.lang.String getName() { java.lang.Object ref = name_; - if (ref instanceof String) { - return (String) ref; + if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { + return (java.lang.String) ref; } else { bs = ( ref; - String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); - if ( { + java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); + if (bs.isValidUtf8()) { name_ = s; } return s; } } - private getNameBytes() { + /** + * optional string name = 1; + */ + public + getNameBytes() { java.lang.Object ref = name_; - if (ref instanceof String) { + if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { b = - ref); + + (java.lang.String) ref); name_ = b; return b; } else { return ( ref; } } - + // optional .openxc.DynamicField value = 2; public static final int VALUE_FIELD_NUMBER = 2; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField value_; + /** + * optional .openxc.DynamicField value = 2; + */ public boolean hasValue() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002); } + /** + * optional .openxc.DynamicField value = 2; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField getValue() { return value_; } + /** + * optional .openxc.DynamicField value = 2; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicFieldOrBuilder getValueOrBuilder() { return value_; } - + // optional .openxc.DynamicField event = 3; public static final int EVENT_FIELD_NUMBER = 3; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField event_; + /** + * optional .openxc.DynamicField event = 3; + */ public boolean hasEvent() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004); } + /** + * optional .openxc.DynamicField event = 3; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField getEvent() { return event_; } + /** + * optional .openxc.DynamicField event = 3; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicFieldOrBuilder getEventOrBuilder() { return event_; } - + private void initFields() { name_ = ""; value_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.getDefaultInstance(); @@ -11185,11 +14368,11 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { public final boolean isInitialized() { byte isInitialized = memoizedIsInitialized; if (isInitialized != -1) return isInitialized == 1; - + memoizedIsInitialized = 1; return true; } - + public void writeTo( output) throws { getSerializedSize(); @@ -11204,12 +14387,12 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } getUnknownFields().writeTo(output); } - + private int memoizedSerializedSize = -1; public int getSerializedSize() { int size = memoizedSerializedSize; if (size != -1) return size; - + size = 0; if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { size += @@ -11227,94 +14410,83 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { memoizedSerializedSize = size; return size; } - + private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L; @java.lang.Override protected java.lang.Object writeReplace() throws { return super.writeReplace(); } - + public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage parseFrom( data) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data).buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage parseFrom( data, extensionRegistry) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry) - .buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage parseFrom(byte[] data) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data).buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage parseFrom( byte[] data, extensionRegistry) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry) - .buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage parseFrom( input) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input).buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(input); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry) - .buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage parseDelimitedFrom( input) throws { - Builder builder = newBuilder(); - if (builder.mergeDelimitedFrom(input)) { - return builder.buildParsed(); - } else { - return null; - } + return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage parseDelimitedFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - Builder builder = newBuilder(); - if (builder.mergeDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry)) { - return builder.buildParsed(); - } else { - return null; - } + return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage parseFrom( input) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input).buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(input); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry) - .buildParsed(); + return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry); } - + public static Builder newBuilder() { return Builder.create(); } public Builder newBuilderForType() { return newBuilder(); } public static Builder newBuilder(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage prototype) { return newBuilder().mergeFrom(prototype); } public Builder toBuilder() { return newBuilder(this); } - + @java.lang.Override protected Builder newBuilderForType( parent) { Builder builder = new Builder(parent); return builder; } + /** + * Protobuf type {@code openxc.SimpleMessage} + */ public static final class Builder extends implements com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessageOrBuilder { @@ -11322,18 +14494,21 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_SimpleMessage_descriptor; } - + protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_SimpleMessage_fieldAccessorTable; + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_SimpleMessage_fieldAccessorTable + .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage.class, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage.Builder.class); } - + // Construct using com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage.newBuilder() private Builder() { maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } - - private Builder(BuilderParent parent) { + + private Builder( + parent) { super(parent); maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } @@ -11346,7 +14521,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { private static Builder create() { return new Builder(); } - + public Builder clear() { super.clear(); name_ = ""; @@ -11365,20 +14540,20 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000004); return this; } - + public Builder clone() { return create().mergeFrom(buildPartial()); } - + public getDescriptorForType() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage.getDescriptor(); + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_SimpleMessage_descriptor; } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage getDefaultInstanceForType() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage.getDefaultInstance(); } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage build() { com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage result = buildPartial(); if (!result.isInitialized()) { @@ -11386,17 +14561,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return result; } - - private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage buildParsed() - throws { - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage result = buildPartial(); - if (!result.isInitialized()) { - throw newUninitializedMessageException( - result).asInvalidProtocolBufferException(); - } - return result; - } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage buildPartial() { com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage result = new com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage(this); int from_bitField0_ = bitField0_; @@ -11425,7 +14590,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { onBuilt(); return result; } - + public Builder mergeFrom( other) { if (other instanceof com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage) { return mergeFrom((com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage)other); @@ -11434,11 +14599,13 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return this; } } - + public Builder mergeFrom(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage other) { if (other == com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage.getDefaultInstance()) return this; if (other.hasName()) { - setName(other.getName()); + bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; + name_ = other.name_; + onChanged(); } if (other.hasValue()) { mergeValue(other.getValue()); @@ -11449,79 +14616,73 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { this.mergeUnknownFields(other.getUnknownFields()); return this; } - + public final boolean isInitialized() { return true; } - + public Builder mergeFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - unknownFields = - - this.getUnknownFields()); - while (true) { - int tag = input.readTag(); - switch (tag) { - case 0: - this.setUnknownFields(; - onChanged(); - return this; - default: { - if (!parseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, - extensionRegistry, tag)) { - this.setUnknownFields(; - onChanged(); - return this; - } - break; - } - case 10: { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; - name_ = input.readBytes(); - break; - } - case 18: { - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.Builder subBuilder = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.newBuilder(); - if (hasValue()) { - subBuilder.mergeFrom(getValue()); - } - input.readMessage(subBuilder, extensionRegistry); - setValue(subBuilder.buildPartial()); - break; - } - case 26: { - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.Builder subBuilder = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.newBuilder(); - if (hasEvent()) { - subBuilder.mergeFrom(getEvent()); - } - input.readMessage(subBuilder, extensionRegistry); - setEvent(subBuilder.buildPartial()); - break; - } + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage parsedMessage = null; + try { + parsedMessage = PARSER.parsePartialFrom(input, extensionRegistry); + } catch ( e) { + parsedMessage = (com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage) e.getUnfinishedMessage(); + throw e; + } finally { + if (parsedMessage != null) { + mergeFrom(parsedMessage); } } + return this; } - private int bitField0_; - + // optional string name = 1; private java.lang.Object name_ = ""; + /** + * optional string name = 1; + */ public boolean hasName() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } - public String getName() { + /** + * optional string name = 1; + */ + public java.lang.String getName() { java.lang.Object ref = name_; - if (!(ref instanceof String)) { - String s = (( ref).toStringUtf8(); + if (!(ref instanceof java.lang.String)) { + java.lang.String s = (( ref) + .toStringUtf8(); name_ = s; return s; } else { - return (String) ref; + return (java.lang.String) ref; + } + } + /** + * optional string name = 1; + */ + public + getNameBytes() { + java.lang.Object ref = name_; + if (ref instanceof String) { + b = + + (java.lang.String) ref); + name_ = b; + return b; + } else { + return ( ref; } } - public Builder setName(String value) { + /** + * optional string name = 1; + */ + public Builder setName( + java.lang.String value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } @@ -11530,25 +14691,42 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { onChanged(); return this; } + /** + * optional string name = 1; + */ public Builder clearName() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); name_ = getDefaultInstance().getName(); onChanged(); return this; } - void setName( value) { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; + /** + * optional string name = 1; + */ + public Builder setNameBytes( + value) { + if (value == null) { + throw new NullPointerException(); + } + bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; name_ = value; onChanged(); + return this; } - + // optional .openxc.DynamicField value = 2; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField value_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.getDefaultInstance(); private< com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.Builder, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicFieldOrBuilder> valueBuilder_; + /** + * optional .openxc.DynamicField value = 2; + */ public boolean hasValue() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002); } + /** + * optional .openxc.DynamicField value = 2; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField getValue() { if (valueBuilder_ == null) { return value_; @@ -11556,6 +14734,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return valueBuilder_.getMessage(); } } + /** + * optional .openxc.DynamicField value = 2; + */ public Builder setValue(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField value) { if (valueBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { @@ -11569,6 +14750,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.DynamicField value = 2; + */ public Builder setValue( com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.Builder builderForValue) { if (valueBuilder_ == null) { @@ -11580,6 +14764,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.DynamicField value = 2; + */ public Builder mergeValue(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField value) { if (valueBuilder_ == null) { if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002) && @@ -11596,6 +14783,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.DynamicField value = 2; + */ public Builder clearValue() { if (valueBuilder_ == null) { value_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.getDefaultInstance(); @@ -11606,11 +14796,17 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.DynamicField value = 2; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.Builder getValueBuilder() { bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; onChanged(); return getValueFieldBuilder().getBuilder(); } + /** + * optional .openxc.DynamicField value = 2; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicFieldOrBuilder getValueOrBuilder() { if (valueBuilder_ != null) { return valueBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder(); @@ -11618,6 +14814,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return value_; } } + /** + * optional .openxc.DynamicField value = 2; + */ private< com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.Builder, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicFieldOrBuilder> getValueFieldBuilder() { @@ -11631,14 +14830,20 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return valueBuilder_; } - + // optional .openxc.DynamicField event = 3; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField event_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.getDefaultInstance(); private< com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.Builder, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicFieldOrBuilder> eventBuilder_; + /** + * optional .openxc.DynamicField event = 3; + */ public boolean hasEvent() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004); } + /** + * optional .openxc.DynamicField event = 3; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField getEvent() { if (eventBuilder_ == null) { return event_; @@ -11646,6 +14851,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return eventBuilder_.getMessage(); } } + /** + * optional .openxc.DynamicField event = 3; + */ public Builder setEvent(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField value) { if (eventBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { @@ -11659,6 +14867,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.DynamicField event = 3; + */ public Builder setEvent( com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.Builder builderForValue) { if (eventBuilder_ == null) { @@ -11670,6 +14881,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.DynamicField event = 3; + */ public Builder mergeEvent(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField value) { if (eventBuilder_ == null) { if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004) && @@ -11686,6 +14900,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.DynamicField event = 3; + */ public Builder clearEvent() { if (eventBuilder_ == null) { event_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.getDefaultInstance(); @@ -11696,11 +14913,17 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000004); return this; } + /** + * optional .openxc.DynamicField event = 3; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.Builder getEventBuilder() { bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; onChanged(); return getEventFieldBuilder().getBuilder(); } + /** + * optional .openxc.DynamicField event = 3; + */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicFieldOrBuilder getEventOrBuilder() { if (eventBuilder_ != null) { return eventBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder(); @@ -11708,6 +14931,9 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return event_; } } + /** + * optional .openxc.DynamicField event = 3; + */ private< com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.Builder, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicFieldOrBuilder> getEventFieldBuilder() { @@ -11721,18 +14947,18 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return eventBuilder_; } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(builder_scope:openxc.SimpleMessage) } - + static { defaultInstance = new SimpleMessage(true); defaultInstance.initFields(); } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:openxc.SimpleMessage) } - + private static internal_static_openxc_VehicleMessage_descriptor; private static @@ -11828,7 +15054,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { private static internal_static_openxc_SimpleMessage_fieldAccessorTable; - + public static getDescriptor() { return descriptor; @@ -11837,7 +15063,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { descriptor; static { java.lang.String[] descriptorData = { - "\n\014openxc.proto\022\006openxc\"\230\003\n\016VehicleMessag" + + "\n\014openxc.proto\022\006openxc\"\233\003\n\016VehicleMessag" + "e\022)\n\004type\030\001 \001(\0162\033.openxc.VehicleMessage." + "Type\022\'\n\013can_message\030\002 \001(\0132\022.openxc.CanMe" + "ssage\022-\n\016simple_message\030\003 \001(\0132\025.openxc.S" + @@ -11845,85 +15071,85 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { "\0132\032.openxc.DiagnosticResponse\022/\n\017control" + "_command\030\005 \001(\0132\026.openxc.ControlCommand\0221" + "\n\020command_response\030\006 \001(\0132\027.openxc.Comman" + - "dResponse\022\016\n\006uptime\030\007 \001(\r\"V\n\004Type\022\007\n\003CAN" + - "\020\001\022\n\n\006SIMPLE\020\002\022\016\n\nDIAGNOSTIC\020\003\022\023\n\017CONTRO", - "L_COMMAND\020\004\022\024\n\020COMMAND_RESPONSE\020\005\"\224\001\n\nCa" + - "nMessage\022\013\n\003bus\030\001 \001(\005\022\n\n\002id\030\002 \001(\r\022\014\n\004dat" + - "a\030\003 \001(\014\0224\n\014frame_format\030\004 \001(\0162\036.openxc.C" + - "anMessage.FrameFormat\")\n\013FrameFormat\022\014\n\010" + - "STANDARD\020\001\022\014\n\010EXTENDED\020\002\"\211\006\n\016ControlComm" + - "and\022)\n\004type\030\001 \001(\0162\033.openxc.ControlComman" + - "d.Type\022<\n\022diagnostic_request\030\002 \001(\0132 .ope" + - "nxc.DiagnosticControlCommand\022G\n\030passthro" + - "ugh_mode_request\030\003 \001(\0132%.openxc.Passthro" + - "ughModeControlCommand\022O\n acceptance_filt", - "er_bypass_command\030\004 \001(\0132%.openxc.Accepta" + - "nceFilterBypassCommand\022<\n\026payload_format" + - "_command\030\005 \001(\0132\034.openxc.PayloadFormatCom" + - "mand\022O\n predefined_obd2_requests_command" + - "\030\006 \001(\0132%.openxc.PredefinedObd2RequestsCo" + - "mmand\022F\n\033modem_configuration_command\030\007 \001" + - "(\0132!.openxc.ModemConfigurationCommand\022B\n" + - "\031rtc_configuration_command\030\010 \001(\0132\037.openx" + - "c.RTCConfigurationCommand\"\330\001\n\004Type\022\013\n\007VE" + - "RSION\020\001\022\r\n\tDEVICE_ID\020\002\022\016\n\nDIAGNOSTIC\020\003\022\017", - "\n\013PASSTHROUGH\020\004\022\034\n\030ACCEPTANCE_FILTER_BYP" + - "ASS\020\005\022\022\n\016PAYLOAD_FORMAT\020\006\022\034\n\030PREDEFINED_" + - "OBD2_REQUESTS\020\007\022\027\n\023MODEM_CONFIGURATION\020\010" + - "\022\025\n\021RTC_CONFIGURATION\020\t\022\023\n\017SD_MOUNT_STAT" + - "US\020\n\"\236\001\n\030DiagnosticControlCommand\022*\n\007req" + - "uest\030\001 \001(\0132\031.openxc.DiagnosticRequest\0227\n" + - "\006action\030\002 \001(\0162\'.openxc.DiagnosticControl" + - "Command.Action\"\035\n\006Action\022\007\n\003ADD\020\001\022\n\n\006CAN" + - "CEL\020\002\"=\n\035PassthroughModeControlCommand\022\013" + - "\n\003bus\030\001 \001(\005\022\017\n\007enabled\030\002 \001(\010\"<\n\035Acceptan", - "ceFilterBypassCommand\022\013\n\003bus\030\001 \001(\005\022\016\n\006by" + - "pass\030\002 \001(\010\"\214\001\n\024PayloadFormatCommand\022:\n\006f" + - "ormat\030\001 \001(\0162*.openxc.PayloadFormatComman" + - "d.PayloadFormat\"8\n\rPayloadFormat\022\010\n\004JSON" + - "\020\001\022\014\n\010PROTOBUF\020\002\022\017\n\013MESSAGEPACK\020\003\"0\n\035Pre" + - "definedObd2RequestsCommand\022\017\n\007enabled\030\001 " + - "\001(\010\"\321\003\n\027NetworkOperatorSettings\022\030\n\020allow" + - "DataRoaming\030\001 \001(\010\022N\n\022operatorSelectMode\030" + - "\002 \001(\01622.openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.O" + - "peratorSelectMode\022L\n\021networkDescriptor\030\003", - " \001(\01321.openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.Ne" + - "tworkDescriptor\032\230\001\n\021NetworkDescriptor\022\014\n" + - "\004PLMN\030\001 \001(\r\022R\n\013networkType\030\002 \001(\0162=.openx" + - "c.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescrip" + - "tor.NetworkType\"!\n\013NetworkType\022\007\n\003GSM\020\000\022" + - "\t\n\005UTRAN\020\002\"c\n\022OperatorSelectMode\022\r\n\tAUTO" + - "MATIC\020\000\022\n\n\006MANUAL\020\001\022\016\n\nDEREGISTER\020\002\022\014\n\010S" + - "ET_ONLY\020\003\022\024\n\020MANUAL_AUTOMATIC\020\004\"\"\n\023Netwo" + - "rkDataSettings\022\013\n\003APN\030\001 \001(\t\"3\n\025ServerCon" + - "nectSettings\022\014\n\004host\030\001 \001(\t\022\014\n\004port\030\002 \001(\r", - "\"\325\001\n\031ModemConfigurationCommand\022@\n\027networ" + - "kOperatorSettings\030\001 \001(\0132\037.openxc.Network" + - "OperatorSettings\0228\n\023networkDataSettings\030" + - "\002 \001(\0132\033.openxc.NetworkDataSettings\022<\n\025se" + - "rverConnectSettings\030\003 \001(\0132\035.openxc.Serve" + - "rConnectSettings\",\n\027RTCConfigurationComm" + - "and\022\021\n\tunix_time\030\001 \001(\r\"]\n\017CommandRespons" + - "e\022)\n\004type\030\001 \001(\0162\033.openxc.ControlCommand." + - "Type\022\017\n\007message\030\002 \001(\t\022\016\n\006status\030\003 \001(\010\"\375\001" + - "\n\021DiagnosticRequest\022\013\n\003bus\030\001 \001(\005\022\022\n\nmess", - "age_id\030\002 \001(\r\022\014\n\004mode\030\003 \001(\r\022\013\n\003pid\030\004 \001(\r\022" + - "\017\n\007payload\030\005 \001(\014\022\032\n\022multiple_responses\030\006" + - " \001(\010\022\021\n\tfrequency\030\007 \001(\001\022\014\n\004name\030\010 \001(\t\022;\n" + - "\014decoded_type\030\t \001(\0162%.openxc.DiagnosticR" + - "equest.DecodedType\"!\n\013DecodedType\022\010\n\004NON" + - "E\020\001\022\010\n\004OBD2\020\002\"\241\001\n\022DiagnosticResponse\022\013\n\003" + - "bus\030\001 \001(\005\022\022\n\nmessage_id\030\002 \001(\r\022\014\n\004mode\030\003 " + - "\001(\r\022\013\n\003pid\030\004 \001(\r\022\017\n\007success\030\005 \001(\010\022\036\n\026neg" + - "ative_response_code\030\006 \001(\r\022\017\n\007payload\030\007 \001" + - "(\014\022\r\n\005value\030\010 \001(\001\"\242\001\n\014DynamicField\022\'\n\004ty", - "pe\030\001 \001(\0162\031.openxc.DynamicField.Type\022\024\n\014s" + - "tring_value\030\002 \001(\t\022\025\n\rnumeric_value\030\003 \001(\001" + - "\022\025\n\rboolean_value\030\004 \001(\010\"%\n\004Type\022\n\n\006STRIN" + - "G\020\001\022\007\n\003NUM\020\002\022\010\n\004BOOL\020\003\"g\n\rSimpleMessage\022" + - "\014\n\004name\030\001 \001(\t\022#\n\005value\030\002 \001(\0132\024.openxc.Dy" + - "namicField\022#\n\005event\030\003 \001(\0132\024.openxc.Dynam" + - "icFieldB\034\n\ncom.openxcB\016BinaryMessages" + "dResponse\022\021\n\ttimestamp\030\007 \001(\004\"V\n\004Type\022\007\n\003" + + "CAN\020\001\022\n\n\006SIMPLE\020\002\022\016\n\nDIAGNOSTIC\020\003\022\023\n\017CON", + "TROL_COMMAND\020\004\022\024\n\020COMMAND_RESPONSE\020\005\"\224\001\n" + + "\nCanMessage\022\013\n\003bus\030\001 \001(\005\022\n\n\002id\030\002 \001(\r\022\014\n\004" + + "data\030\003 \001(\014\0224\n\014frame_format\030\004 \001(\0162\036.openx" + + "c.CanMessage.FrameFormat\")\n\013FrameFormat\022" + + "\014\n\010STANDARD\020\001\022\014\n\010EXTENDED\020\002\"\211\006\n\016ControlC" + + "ommand\022)\n\004type\030\001 \001(\0162\033.openxc.ControlCom" + + "mand.Type\022<\n\022diagnostic_request\030\002 \001(\0132 ." + + "openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand\022G\n\030passt" + + "hrough_mode_request\030\003 \001(\0132%.openxc.Passt" + + "hroughModeControlCommand\022O\n acceptance_f", + "ilter_bypass_command\030\004 \001(\0132%.openxc.Acce" + + "ptanceFilterBypassCommand\022<\n\026payload_for" + + "mat_command\030\005 \001(\0132\034.openxc.PayloadFormat" + + "Command\022O\n predefined_obd2_requests_comm" + + "and\030\006 \001(\0132%.openxc.PredefinedObd2Request" + + "sCommand\022F\n\033modem_configuration_command\030" + + "\007 \001(\0132!.openxc.ModemConfigurationCommand" + + "\022B\n\031rtc_configuration_command\030\010 \001(\0132\037.op" + + "enxc.RTCConfigurationCommand\"\330\001\n\004Type\022\013\n" + + "\007VERSION\020\001\022\r\n\tDEVICE_ID\020\002\022\016\n\nDIAGNOSTIC\020", + "\003\022\017\n\013PASSTHROUGH\020\004\022\034\n\030ACCEPTANCE_FILTER_" + + "BYPASS\020\005\022\022\n\016PAYLOAD_FORMAT\020\006\022\034\n\030PREDEFIN" + + "ED_OBD2_REQUESTS\020\007\022\027\n\023MODEM_CONFIGURATIO" + + "N\020\010\022\025\n\021RTC_CONFIGURATION\020\t\022\023\n\017SD_MOUNT_S" + + "TATUS\020\n\"\236\001\n\030DiagnosticControlCommand\022*\n\007" + + "request\030\001 \001(\0132\031.openxc.DiagnosticRequest" + + "\0227\n\006action\030\002 \001(\0162\'.openxc.DiagnosticCont" + + "rolCommand.Action\"\035\n\006Action\022\007\n\003ADD\020\001\022\n\n\006" + + "CANCEL\020\002\"=\n\035PassthroughModeControlComman" + + "d\022\013\n\003bus\030\001 \001(\005\022\017\n\007enabled\030\002 \001(\010\"<\n\035Accep", + "tanceFilterBypassCommand\022\013\n\003bus\030\001 \001(\005\022\016\n" + + "\006bypass\030\002 \001(\010\"\214\001\n\024PayloadFormatCommand\022:" + + "\n\006format\030\001 \001(\0162*.openxc.PayloadFormatCom" + + "mand.PayloadFormat\"8\n\rPayloadFormat\022\010\n\004J" + + "SON\020\001\022\014\n\010PROTOBUF\020\002\022\017\n\013MESSAGEPACK\020\003\"0\n\035" + + "PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand\022\017\n\007enabled" + + "\030\001 \001(\010\"\321\003\n\027NetworkOperatorSettings\022\030\n\020al" + + "lowDataRoaming\030\001 \001(\010\022N\n\022operatorSelectMo" + + "de\030\002 \001(\01622.openxc.NetworkOperatorSetting" + + "s.OperatorSelectMode\022L\n\021networkDescripto", + "r\030\003 \001(\01321.openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings" + + ".NetworkDescriptor\032\230\001\n\021NetworkDescriptor" + + "\022\014\n\004PLMN\030\001 \001(\r\022R\n\013networkType\030\002 \001(\0162=.op" + + "enxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDesc" + + "riptor.NetworkType\"!\n\013NetworkType\022\007\n\003GSM" + + "\020\000\022\t\n\005UTRAN\020\002\"c\n\022OperatorSelectMode\022\r\n\tA" + + "UTOMATIC\020\000\022\n\n\006MANUAL\020\001\022\016\n\nDEREGISTER\020\002\022\014" + + "\n\010SET_ONLY\020\003\022\024\n\020MANUAL_AUTOMATIC\020\004\"\"\n\023Ne" + + "tworkDataSettings\022\013\n\003APN\030\001 \001(\t\"3\n\025Server" + + "ConnectSettings\022\014\n\004host\030\001 \001(\t\022\014\n\004port\030\002 ", + "\001(\r\"\325\001\n\031ModemConfigurationCommand\022@\n\027net" + + "workOperatorSettings\030\001 \001(\0132\037.openxc.Netw" + + "orkOperatorSettings\0228\n\023networkDataSettin" + + "gs\030\002 \001(\0132\033.openxc.NetworkDataSettings\022<\n" + + "\025serverConnectSettings\030\003 \001(\0132\035.openxc.Se" + + "rverConnectSettings\",\n\027RTCConfigurationC" + + "ommand\022\021\n\tunix_time\030\001 \001(\r\"]\n\017CommandResp" + + "onse\022)\n\004type\030\001 \001(\0162\033.openxc.ControlComma" + + "nd.Type\022\017\n\007message\030\002 \001(\t\022\016\n\006status\030\003 \001(\010" + + "\"\375\001\n\021DiagnosticRequest\022\013\n\003bus\030\001 \001(\005\022\022\n\nm", + "essage_id\030\002 \001(\r\022\014\n\004mode\030\003 \001(\r\022\013\n\003pid\030\004 \001" + + "(\r\022\017\n\007payload\030\005 \001(\014\022\032\n\022multiple_response" + + "s\030\006 \001(\010\022\021\n\tfrequency\030\007 \001(\001\022\014\n\004name\030\010 \001(\t" + + "\022;\n\014decoded_type\030\t \001(\0162%.openxc.Diagnost" + + "icRequest.DecodedType\"!\n\013DecodedType\022\010\n\004" + + "NONE\020\001\022\010\n\004OBD2\020\002\"\241\001\n\022DiagnosticResponse\022" + + "\013\n\003bus\030\001 \001(\005\022\022\n\nmessage_id\030\002 \001(\r\022\014\n\004mode" + + "\030\003 \001(\r\022\013\n\003pid\030\004 \001(\r\022\017\n\007success\030\005 \001(\010\022\036\n\026" + + "negative_response_code\030\006 \001(\r\022\017\n\007payload\030" + + "\007 \001(\014\022\r\n\005value\030\010 \001(\001\"\242\001\n\014DynamicField\022\'\n", + "\004type\030\001 \001(\0162\031.openxc.DynamicField.Type\022\024" + + "\n\014string_value\030\002 \001(\t\022\025\n\rnumeric_value\030\003 " + + "\001(\001\022\025\n\rboolean_value\030\004 \001(\010\"%\n\004Type\022\n\n\006ST" + + "RING\020\001\022\007\n\003NUM\020\002\022\010\n\004BOOL\020\003\"g\n\rSimpleMessa" + + "ge\022\014\n\004name\030\001 \001(\t\022#\n\005value\030\002 \001(\0132\024.openxc" + + ".DynamicField\022#\n\005event\030\003 \001(\0132\024.openxc.Dy" + + "namicFieldB\034\n\ncom.openxcB\016BinaryMessages" }; assigner = new { @@ -11935,153 +15161,115 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { internal_static_openxc_VehicleMessage_fieldAccessorTable = new internal_static_openxc_VehicleMessage_descriptor, - new java.lang.String[] { "Type", "CanMessage", "SimpleMessage", "DiagnosticResponse", "ControlCommand", "CommandResponse", "Uptime", }, - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage.class, - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage.Builder.class); + new java.lang.String[] { "Type", "CanMessage", "SimpleMessage", "DiagnosticResponse", "ControlCommand", "CommandResponse", "Timestamp", }); internal_static_openxc_CanMessage_descriptor = getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(1); internal_static_openxc_CanMessage_fieldAccessorTable = new internal_static_openxc_CanMessage_descriptor, - new java.lang.String[] { "Bus", "Id", "Data", "FrameFormat", }, - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage.class, - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage.Builder.class); + new java.lang.String[] { "Bus", "Id", "Data", "FrameFormat", }); internal_static_openxc_ControlCommand_descriptor = getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(2); internal_static_openxc_ControlCommand_fieldAccessorTable = new internal_static_openxc_ControlCommand_descriptor, - new java.lang.String[] { "Type", "DiagnosticRequest", "PassthroughModeRequest", "AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand", "PayloadFormatCommand", "PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand", "ModemConfigurationCommand", "RtcConfigurationCommand", }, - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.class, - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.Builder.class); + new java.lang.String[] { "Type", "DiagnosticRequest", "PassthroughModeRequest", "AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand", "PayloadFormatCommand", "PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand", "ModemConfigurationCommand", "RtcConfigurationCommand", }); internal_static_openxc_DiagnosticControlCommand_descriptor = getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(3); internal_static_openxc_DiagnosticControlCommand_fieldAccessorTable = new internal_static_openxc_DiagnosticControlCommand_descriptor, - new java.lang.String[] { "Request", "Action", }, - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand.class, - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand.Builder.class); + new java.lang.String[] { "Request", "Action", }); internal_static_openxc_PassthroughModeControlCommand_descriptor = getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(4); internal_static_openxc_PassthroughModeControlCommand_fieldAccessorTable = new internal_static_openxc_PassthroughModeControlCommand_descriptor, - new java.lang.String[] { "Bus", "Enabled", }, - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand.class, - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand.Builder.class); + new java.lang.String[] { "Bus", "Enabled", }); internal_static_openxc_AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand_descriptor = getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(5); internal_static_openxc_AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand_fieldAccessorTable = new internal_static_openxc_AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand_descriptor, - new java.lang.String[] { "Bus", "Bypass", }, - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand.class, - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand.Builder.class); + new java.lang.String[] { "Bus", "Bypass", }); internal_static_openxc_PayloadFormatCommand_descriptor = getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(6); internal_static_openxc_PayloadFormatCommand_fieldAccessorTable = new internal_static_openxc_PayloadFormatCommand_descriptor, - new java.lang.String[] { "Format", }, - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand.class, - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand.Builder.class); + new java.lang.String[] { "Format", }); internal_static_openxc_PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand_descriptor = getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(7); internal_static_openxc_PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand_fieldAccessorTable = new internal_static_openxc_PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand_descriptor, - new java.lang.String[] { "Enabled", }, - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand.class, - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand.Builder.class); + new java.lang.String[] { "Enabled", }); internal_static_openxc_NetworkOperatorSettings_descriptor = getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(8); internal_static_openxc_NetworkOperatorSettings_fieldAccessorTable = new internal_static_openxc_NetworkOperatorSettings_descriptor, - new java.lang.String[] { "AllowDataRoaming", "OperatorSelectMode", "NetworkDescriptor", }, - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.class, - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.Builder.class); + new java.lang.String[] { "AllowDataRoaming", "OperatorSelectMode", "NetworkDescriptor", }); internal_static_openxc_NetworkOperatorSettings_NetworkDescriptor_descriptor = internal_static_openxc_NetworkOperatorSettings_descriptor.getNestedTypes().get(0); internal_static_openxc_NetworkOperatorSettings_NetworkDescriptor_fieldAccessorTable = new internal_static_openxc_NetworkOperatorSettings_NetworkDescriptor_descriptor, - new java.lang.String[] { "PLMN", "NetworkType", }, - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.class, - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.Builder.class); + new java.lang.String[] { "PLMN", "NetworkType", }); internal_static_openxc_NetworkDataSettings_descriptor = getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(9); internal_static_openxc_NetworkDataSettings_fieldAccessorTable = new internal_static_openxc_NetworkDataSettings_descriptor, - new java.lang.String[] { "APN", }, - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings.class, - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings.Builder.class); + new java.lang.String[] { "APN", }); internal_static_openxc_ServerConnectSettings_descriptor = getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(10); internal_static_openxc_ServerConnectSettings_fieldAccessorTable = new internal_static_openxc_ServerConnectSettings_descriptor, - new java.lang.String[] { "Host", "Port", }, - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings.class, - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings.Builder.class); + new java.lang.String[] { "Host", "Port", }); internal_static_openxc_ModemConfigurationCommand_descriptor = getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(11); internal_static_openxc_ModemConfigurationCommand_fieldAccessorTable = new internal_static_openxc_ModemConfigurationCommand_descriptor, - new java.lang.String[] { "NetworkOperatorSettings", "NetworkDataSettings", "ServerConnectSettings", }, - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand.class, - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand.Builder.class); + new java.lang.String[] { "NetworkOperatorSettings", "NetworkDataSettings", "ServerConnectSettings", }); internal_static_openxc_RTCConfigurationCommand_descriptor = getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(12); internal_static_openxc_RTCConfigurationCommand_fieldAccessorTable = new internal_static_openxc_RTCConfigurationCommand_descriptor, - new java.lang.String[] { "UnixTime", }, - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand.class, - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand.Builder.class); + new java.lang.String[] { "UnixTime", }); internal_static_openxc_CommandResponse_descriptor = getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(13); internal_static_openxc_CommandResponse_fieldAccessorTable = new internal_static_openxc_CommandResponse_descriptor, - new java.lang.String[] { "Type", "Message", "Status", }, - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse.class, - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse.Builder.class); + new java.lang.String[] { "Type", "Message", "Status", }); internal_static_openxc_DiagnosticRequest_descriptor = getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(14); internal_static_openxc_DiagnosticRequest_fieldAccessorTable = new internal_static_openxc_DiagnosticRequest_descriptor, - new java.lang.String[] { "Bus", "MessageId", "Mode", "Pid", "Payload", "MultipleResponses", "Frequency", "Name", "DecodedType", }, - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest.class, - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest.Builder.class); + new java.lang.String[] { "Bus", "MessageId", "Mode", "Pid", "Payload", "MultipleResponses", "Frequency", "Name", "DecodedType", }); internal_static_openxc_DiagnosticResponse_descriptor = getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(15); internal_static_openxc_DiagnosticResponse_fieldAccessorTable = new internal_static_openxc_DiagnosticResponse_descriptor, - new java.lang.String[] { "Bus", "MessageId", "Mode", "Pid", "Success", "NegativeResponseCode", "Payload", "Value", }, - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse.class, - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse.Builder.class); + new java.lang.String[] { "Bus", "MessageId", "Mode", "Pid", "Success", "NegativeResponseCode", "Payload", "Value", }); internal_static_openxc_DynamicField_descriptor = getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(16); internal_static_openxc_DynamicField_fieldAccessorTable = new internal_static_openxc_DynamicField_descriptor, - new java.lang.String[] { "Type", "StringValue", "NumericValue", "BooleanValue", }, - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.class, - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.Builder.class); + new java.lang.String[] { "Type", "StringValue", "NumericValue", "BooleanValue", }); internal_static_openxc_SimpleMessage_descriptor = getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(17); internal_static_openxc_SimpleMessage_fieldAccessorTable = new internal_static_openxc_SimpleMessage_descriptor, - new java.lang.String[] { "Name", "Value", "Event", }, - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage.class, - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage.Builder.class); + new java.lang.String[] { "Name", "Value", "Event", }); return null; } }; @@ -12090,6 +15278,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { new[] { }, assigner); } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(outer_class_scope) } diff --git a/gen/python/ b/gen/python/ index ceacf25..023379d 100644 --- a/gen/python/ +++ b/gen/python/ @@ -1,326 +1,328 @@ # Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT! +# source: openxc.proto -from google.protobuf import descriptor -from google.protobuf import message -from google.protobuf import reflection +from google.protobuf import descriptor as _descriptor +from google.protobuf import message as _message +from google.protobuf import reflection as _reflection from google.protobuf import descriptor_pb2 # @@protoc_insertion_point(imports) -DESCRIPTOR = descriptor.FileDescriptor( + +DESCRIPTOR = _descriptor.FileDescriptor( name='openxc.proto', package='openxc', - serialized_pb='\n\x0copenxc.proto\x12\x06openxc\"\x98\x03\n\x0eVehicleMessage\x12)\n\x04type\x18\x01 \x01(\x0e\x32\x1b.openxc.VehicleMessage.Type\x12\'\n\x0b\x63\x61n_message\x18\x02 \x01(\x0b\x32\x12.openxc.CanMessage\x12-\n\x0esimple_message\x18\x03 \x01(\x0b\x32\x15.openxc.SimpleMessage\x12\x37\n\x13\x64iagnostic_response\x18\x04 \x01(\x0b\x32\x1a.openxc.DiagnosticResponse\x12/\n\x0f\x63ontrol_command\x18\x05 \x01(\x0b\x32\x16.openxc.ControlCommand\x12\x31\n\x10\x63ommand_response\x18\x06 \x01(\x0b\x32\x17.openxc.CommandResponse\x12\x0e\n\x06uptime\x18\x07 \x01(\r\"V\n\x04Type\x12\x07\n\x03\x43\x41N\x10\x01\x12\n\n\x06SIMPLE\x10\x02\x12\x0e\n\nDIAGNOSTIC\x10\x03\x12\x13\n\x0f\x43ONTROL_COMMAND\x10\x04\x12\x14\n\x10\x43OMMAND_RESPONSE\x10\x05\"\x94\x01\n\nCanMessage\x12\x0b\n\x03\x62us\x18\x01 \x01(\x05\x12\n\n\x02id\x18\x02 \x01(\r\x12\x0c\n\x04\x64\x61ta\x18\x03 \x01(\x0c\x12\x34\n\x0c\x66rame_format\x18\x04 \x01(\x0e\x32\x1e.openxc.CanMessage.FrameFormat\")\n\x0b\x46rameFormat\x12\x0c\n\x08STANDARD\x10\x01\x12\x0c\n\x08\x45XTENDED\x10\x02\"\x89\x06\n\x0e\x43ontrolCommand\x12)\n\x04type\x18\x01 \x01(\x0e\x32\x1b.openxc.ControlCommand.Type\x12<\n\x12\x64iagnostic_request\x18\x02 \x01(\x0b\x32 .openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand\x12G\n\x18passthrough_mode_request\x18\x03 \x01(\x0b\x32%.openxc.PassthroughModeControlCommand\x12O\n acceptance_filter_bypass_command\x18\x04 \x01(\x0b\x32%.openxc.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand\x12<\n\x16payload_format_command\x18\x05 \x01(\x0b\x32\x1c.openxc.PayloadFormatCommand\x12O\n predefined_obd2_requests_command\x18\x06 \x01(\x0b\x32%.openxc.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand\x12\x46\n\x1bmodem_configuration_command\x18\x07 \x01(\x0b\x32!.openxc.ModemConfigurationCommand\x12\x42\n\x19rtc_configuration_command\x18\x08 \x01(\x0b\x32\x1f.openxc.RTCConfigurationCommand\"\xd8\x01\n\x04Type\x12\x0b\n\x07VERSION\x10\x01\x12\r\n\tDEVICE_ID\x10\x02\x12\x0e\n\nDIAGNOSTIC\x10\x03\x12\x0f\n\x0bPASSTHROUGH\x10\x04\x12\x1c\n\x18\x41\x43\x43\x45PTANCE_FILTER_BYPASS\x10\x05\x12\x12\n\x0ePAYLOAD_FORMAT\x10\x06\x12\x1c\n\x18PREDEFINED_OBD2_REQUESTS\x10\x07\x12\x17\n\x13MODEM_CONFIGURATION\x10\x08\x12\x15\n\x11RTC_CONFIGURATION\x10\t\x12\x13\n\x0fSD_MOUNT_STATUS\x10\n\"\x9e\x01\n\x18\x44iagnosticControlCommand\x12*\n\x07request\x18\x01 \x01(\x0b\x32\x19.openxc.DiagnosticRequest\x12\x37\n\x06\x61\x63tion\x18\x02 \x01(\x0e\x32\'.openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand.Action\"\x1d\n\x06\x41\x63tion\x12\x07\n\x03\x41\x44\x44\x10\x01\x12\n\n\x06\x43\x41NCEL\x10\x02\"=\n\x1dPassthroughModeControlCommand\x12\x0b\n\x03\x62us\x18\x01 \x01(\x05\x12\x0f\n\x07\x65nabled\x18\x02 \x01(\x08\"<\n\x1d\x41\x63\x63\x65ptanceFilterBypassCommand\x12\x0b\n\x03\x62us\x18\x01 \x01(\x05\x12\x0e\n\x06\x62ypass\x18\x02 \x01(\x08\"\x8c\x01\n\x14PayloadFormatCommand\x12:\n\x06\x66ormat\x18\x01 \x01(\x0e\x32*.openxc.PayloadFormatCommand.PayloadFormat\"8\n\rPayloadFormat\x12\x08\n\x04JSON\x10\x01\x12\x0c\n\x08PROTOBUF\x10\x02\x12\x0f\n\x0bMESSAGEPACK\x10\x03\"0\n\x1dPredefinedObd2RequestsCommand\x12\x0f\n\x07\x65nabled\x18\x01 \x01(\x08\"\xd1\x03\n\x17NetworkOperatorSettings\x12\x18\n\x10\x61llowDataRoaming\x18\x01 \x01(\x08\x12N\n\x12operatorSelectMode\x18\x02 \x01(\x0e\x32\x32.openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.OperatorSelectMode\x12L\n\x11networkDescriptor\x18\x03 \x01(\x0b\x32\x31.openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor\x1a\x98\x01\n\x11NetworkDescriptor\x12\x0c\n\x04PLMN\x18\x01 \x01(\r\x12R\n\x0bnetworkType\x18\x02 \x01(\x0e\x32=.openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.NetworkType\"!\n\x0bNetworkType\x12\x07\n\x03GSM\x10\x00\x12\t\n\x05UTRAN\x10\x02\"c\n\x12OperatorSelectMode\x12\r\n\tAUTOMATIC\x10\x00\x12\n\n\x06MANUAL\x10\x01\x12\x0e\n\nDEREGISTER\x10\x02\x12\x0c\n\x08SET_ONLY\x10\x03\x12\x14\n\x10MANUAL_AUTOMATIC\x10\x04\"\"\n\x13NetworkDataSettings\x12\x0b\n\x03\x41PN\x18\x01 \x01(\t\"3\n\x15ServerConnectSettings\x12\x0c\n\x04host\x18\x01 \x01(\t\x12\x0c\n\x04port\x18\x02 \x01(\r\"\xd5\x01\n\x19ModemConfigurationCommand\x12@\n\x17networkOperatorSettings\x18\x01 \x01(\x0b\x32\x1f.openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings\x12\x38\n\x13networkDataSettings\x18\x02 \x01(\x0b\x32\x1b.openxc.NetworkDataSettings\x12<\n\x15serverConnectSettings\x18\x03 \x01(\x0b\x32\x1d.openxc.ServerConnectSettings\",\n\x17RTCConfigurationCommand\x12\x11\n\tunix_time\x18\x01 \x01(\r\"]\n\x0f\x43ommandResponse\x12)\n\x04type\x18\x01 \x01(\x0e\x32\x1b.openxc.ControlCommand.Type\x12\x0f\n\x07message\x18\x02 \x01(\t\x12\x0e\n\x06status\x18\x03 \x01(\x08\"\xfd\x01\n\x11\x44iagnosticRequest\x12\x0b\n\x03\x62us\x18\x01 \x01(\x05\x12\x12\n\nmessage_id\x18\x02 \x01(\r\x12\x0c\n\x04mode\x18\x03 \x01(\r\x12\x0b\n\x03pid\x18\x04 \x01(\r\x12\x0f\n\x07payload\x18\x05 \x01(\x0c\x12\x1a\n\x12multiple_responses\x18\x06 \x01(\x08\x12\x11\n\tfrequency\x18\x07 \x01(\x01\x12\x0c\n\x04name\x18\x08 \x01(\t\x12;\n\x0c\x64\x65\x63oded_type\x18\t \x01(\x0e\x32%.openxc.DiagnosticRequest.DecodedType\"!\n\x0b\x44\x65\x63odedType\x12\x08\n\x04NONE\x10\x01\x12\x08\n\x04OBD2\x10\x02\"\xa1\x01\n\x12\x44iagnosticResponse\x12\x0b\n\x03\x62us\x18\x01 \x01(\x05\x12\x12\n\nmessage_id\x18\x02 \x01(\r\x12\x0c\n\x04mode\x18\x03 \x01(\r\x12\x0b\n\x03pid\x18\x04 \x01(\r\x12\x0f\n\x07success\x18\x05 \x01(\x08\x12\x1e\n\x16negative_response_code\x18\x06 \x01(\r\x12\x0f\n\x07payload\x18\x07 \x01(\x0c\x12\r\n\x05value\x18\x08 \x01(\x01\"\xa2\x01\n\x0c\x44ynamicField\x12\'\n\x04type\x18\x01 \x01(\x0e\x32\x19.openxc.DynamicField.Type\x12\x14\n\x0cstring_value\x18\x02 \x01(\t\x12\x15\n\rnumeric_value\x18\x03 \x01(\x01\x12\x15\n\rboolean_value\x18\x04 \x01(\x08\"%\n\x04Type\x12\n\n\x06STRING\x10\x01\x12\x07\n\x03NUM\x10\x02\x12\x08\n\x04\x42OOL\x10\x03\"g\n\rSimpleMessage\x12\x0c\n\x04name\x18\x01 \x01(\t\x12#\n\x05value\x18\x02 \x01(\x0b\x32\x14.openxc.DynamicField\x12#\n\x05\x65vent\x18\x03 \x01(\x0b\x32\x14.openxc.DynamicFieldB\x1c\n\ncom.openxcB\x0e\x42inaryMessages') + serialized_pb='\n\x0copenxc.proto\x12\x06openxc\"\x9b\x03\n\x0eVehicleMessage\x12)\n\x04type\x18\x01 \x01(\x0e\x32\x1b.openxc.VehicleMessage.Type\x12\'\n\x0b\x63\x61n_message\x18\x02 \x01(\x0b\x32\x12.openxc.CanMessage\x12-\n\x0esimple_message\x18\x03 \x01(\x0b\x32\x15.openxc.SimpleMessage\x12\x37\n\x13\x64iagnostic_response\x18\x04 \x01(\x0b\x32\x1a.openxc.DiagnosticResponse\x12/\n\x0f\x63ontrol_command\x18\x05 \x01(\x0b\x32\x16.openxc.ControlCommand\x12\x31\n\x10\x63ommand_response\x18\x06 \x01(\x0b\x32\x17.openxc.CommandResponse\x12\x11\n\ttimestamp\x18\x07 \x01(\x04\"V\n\x04Type\x12\x07\n\x03\x43\x41N\x10\x01\x12\n\n\x06SIMPLE\x10\x02\x12\x0e\n\nDIAGNOSTIC\x10\x03\x12\x13\n\x0f\x43ONTROL_COMMAND\x10\x04\x12\x14\n\x10\x43OMMAND_RESPONSE\x10\x05\"\x94\x01\n\nCanMessage\x12\x0b\n\x03\x62us\x18\x01 \x01(\x05\x12\n\n\x02id\x18\x02 \x01(\r\x12\x0c\n\x04\x64\x61ta\x18\x03 \x01(\x0c\x12\x34\n\x0c\x66rame_format\x18\x04 \x01(\x0e\x32\x1e.openxc.CanMessage.FrameFormat\")\n\x0b\x46rameFormat\x12\x0c\n\x08STANDARD\x10\x01\x12\x0c\n\x08\x45XTENDED\x10\x02\"\x89\x06\n\x0e\x43ontrolCommand\x12)\n\x04type\x18\x01 \x01(\x0e\x32\x1b.openxc.ControlCommand.Type\x12<\n\x12\x64iagnostic_request\x18\x02 \x01(\x0b\x32 .openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand\x12G\n\x18passthrough_mode_request\x18\x03 \x01(\x0b\x32%.openxc.PassthroughModeControlCommand\x12O\n acceptance_filter_bypass_command\x18\x04 \x01(\x0b\x32%.openxc.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand\x12<\n\x16payload_format_command\x18\x05 \x01(\x0b\x32\x1c.openxc.PayloadFormatCommand\x12O\n predefined_obd2_requests_command\x18\x06 \x01(\x0b\x32%.openxc.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand\x12\x46\n\x1bmodem_configuration_command\x18\x07 \x01(\x0b\x32!.openxc.ModemConfigurationCommand\x12\x42\n\x19rtc_configuration_command\x18\x08 \x01(\x0b\x32\x1f.openxc.RTCConfigurationCommand\"\xd8\x01\n\x04Type\x12\x0b\n\x07VERSION\x10\x01\x12\r\n\tDEVICE_ID\x10\x02\x12\x0e\n\nDIAGNOSTIC\x10\x03\x12\x0f\n\x0bPASSTHROUGH\x10\x04\x12\x1c\n\x18\x41\x43\x43\x45PTANCE_FILTER_BYPASS\x10\x05\x12\x12\n\x0ePAYLOAD_FORMAT\x10\x06\x12\x1c\n\x18PREDEFINED_OBD2_REQUESTS\x10\x07\x12\x17\n\x13MODEM_CONFIGURATION\x10\x08\x12\x15\n\x11RTC_CONFIGURATION\x10\t\x12\x13\n\x0fSD_MOUNT_STATUS\x10\n\"\x9e\x01\n\x18\x44iagnosticControlCommand\x12*\n\x07request\x18\x01 \x01(\x0b\x32\x19.openxc.DiagnosticRequest\x12\x37\n\x06\x61\x63tion\x18\x02 \x01(\x0e\x32\'.openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand.Action\"\x1d\n\x06\x41\x63tion\x12\x07\n\x03\x41\x44\x44\x10\x01\x12\n\n\x06\x43\x41NCEL\x10\x02\"=\n\x1dPassthroughModeControlCommand\x12\x0b\n\x03\x62us\x18\x01 \x01(\x05\x12\x0f\n\x07\x65nabled\x18\x02 \x01(\x08\"<\n\x1d\x41\x63\x63\x65ptanceFilterBypassCommand\x12\x0b\n\x03\x62us\x18\x01 \x01(\x05\x12\x0e\n\x06\x62ypass\x18\x02 \x01(\x08\"\x8c\x01\n\x14PayloadFormatCommand\x12:\n\x06\x66ormat\x18\x01 \x01(\x0e\x32*.openxc.PayloadFormatCommand.PayloadFormat\"8\n\rPayloadFormat\x12\x08\n\x04JSON\x10\x01\x12\x0c\n\x08PROTOBUF\x10\x02\x12\x0f\n\x0bMESSAGEPACK\x10\x03\"0\n\x1dPredefinedObd2RequestsCommand\x12\x0f\n\x07\x65nabled\x18\x01 \x01(\x08\"\xd1\x03\n\x17NetworkOperatorSettings\x12\x18\n\x10\x61llowDataRoaming\x18\x01 \x01(\x08\x12N\n\x12operatorSelectMode\x18\x02 \x01(\x0e\x32\x32.openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.OperatorSelectMode\x12L\n\x11networkDescriptor\x18\x03 \x01(\x0b\x32\x31.openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor\x1a\x98\x01\n\x11NetworkDescriptor\x12\x0c\n\x04PLMN\x18\x01 \x01(\r\x12R\n\x0bnetworkType\x18\x02 \x01(\x0e\x32=.openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.NetworkType\"!\n\x0bNetworkType\x12\x07\n\x03GSM\x10\x00\x12\t\n\x05UTRAN\x10\x02\"c\n\x12OperatorSelectMode\x12\r\n\tAUTOMATIC\x10\x00\x12\n\n\x06MANUAL\x10\x01\x12\x0e\n\nDEREGISTER\x10\x02\x12\x0c\n\x08SET_ONLY\x10\x03\x12\x14\n\x10MANUAL_AUTOMATIC\x10\x04\"\"\n\x13NetworkDataSettings\x12\x0b\n\x03\x41PN\x18\x01 \x01(\t\"3\n\x15ServerConnectSettings\x12\x0c\n\x04host\x18\x01 \x01(\t\x12\x0c\n\x04port\x18\x02 \x01(\r\"\xd5\x01\n\x19ModemConfigurationCommand\x12@\n\x17networkOperatorSettings\x18\x01 \x01(\x0b\x32\x1f.openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings\x12\x38\n\x13networkDataSettings\x18\x02 \x01(\x0b\x32\x1b.openxc.NetworkDataSettings\x12<\n\x15serverConnectSettings\x18\x03 \x01(\x0b\x32\x1d.openxc.ServerConnectSettings\",\n\x17RTCConfigurationCommand\x12\x11\n\tunix_time\x18\x01 \x01(\r\"]\n\x0f\x43ommandResponse\x12)\n\x04type\x18\x01 \x01(\x0e\x32\x1b.openxc.ControlCommand.Type\x12\x0f\n\x07message\x18\x02 \x01(\t\x12\x0e\n\x06status\x18\x03 \x01(\x08\"\xfd\x01\n\x11\x44iagnosticRequest\x12\x0b\n\x03\x62us\x18\x01 \x01(\x05\x12\x12\n\nmessage_id\x18\x02 \x01(\r\x12\x0c\n\x04mode\x18\x03 \x01(\r\x12\x0b\n\x03pid\x18\x04 \x01(\r\x12\x0f\n\x07payload\x18\x05 \x01(\x0c\x12\x1a\n\x12multiple_responses\x18\x06 \x01(\x08\x12\x11\n\tfrequency\x18\x07 \x01(\x01\x12\x0c\n\x04name\x18\x08 \x01(\t\x12;\n\x0c\x64\x65\x63oded_type\x18\t \x01(\x0e\x32%.openxc.DiagnosticRequest.DecodedType\"!\n\x0b\x44\x65\x63odedType\x12\x08\n\x04NONE\x10\x01\x12\x08\n\x04OBD2\x10\x02\"\xa1\x01\n\x12\x44iagnosticResponse\x12\x0b\n\x03\x62us\x18\x01 \x01(\x05\x12\x12\n\nmessage_id\x18\x02 \x01(\r\x12\x0c\n\x04mode\x18\x03 \x01(\r\x12\x0b\n\x03pid\x18\x04 \x01(\r\x12\x0f\n\x07success\x18\x05 \x01(\x08\x12\x1e\n\x16negative_response_code\x18\x06 \x01(\r\x12\x0f\n\x07payload\x18\x07 \x01(\x0c\x12\r\n\x05value\x18\x08 \x01(\x01\"\xa2\x01\n\x0c\x44ynamicField\x12\'\n\x04type\x18\x01 \x01(\x0e\x32\x19.openxc.DynamicField.Type\x12\x14\n\x0cstring_value\x18\x02 \x01(\t\x12\x15\n\rnumeric_value\x18\x03 \x01(\x01\x12\x15\n\rboolean_value\x18\x04 \x01(\x08\"%\n\x04Type\x12\n\n\x06STRING\x10\x01\x12\x07\n\x03NUM\x10\x02\x12\x08\n\x04\x42OOL\x10\x03\"g\n\rSimpleMessage\x12\x0c\n\x04name\x18\x01 \x01(\t\x12#\n\x05value\x18\x02 \x01(\x0b\x32\x14.openxc.DynamicField\x12#\n\x05\x65vent\x18\x03 \x01(\x0b\x32\x14.openxc.DynamicFieldB\x1c\n\ncom.openxcB\x0e\x42inaryMessages') -_VEHICLEMESSAGE_TYPE = descriptor.EnumDescriptor( +_VEHICLEMESSAGE_TYPE = _descriptor.EnumDescriptor( name='Type', full_name='openxc.VehicleMessage.Type', filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, values=[ - descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( + _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='CAN', index=0, number=1, options=None, type=None), - descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( + _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='SIMPLE', index=1, number=2, options=None, type=None), - descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( + _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='DIAGNOSTIC', index=2, number=3, options=None, type=None), - descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( + _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='CONTROL_COMMAND', index=3, number=4, options=None, type=None), - descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( + _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='COMMAND_RESPONSE', index=4, number=5, options=None, type=None), ], containing_type=None, options=None, - serialized_start=347, - serialized_end=433, + serialized_start=350, + serialized_end=436, ) -_CANMESSAGE_FRAMEFORMAT = descriptor.EnumDescriptor( +_CANMESSAGE_FRAMEFORMAT = _descriptor.EnumDescriptor( name='FrameFormat', full_name='openxc.CanMessage.FrameFormat', filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, values=[ - descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( + _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='STANDARD', index=0, number=1, options=None, type=None), - descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( + _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='EXTENDED', index=1, number=2, options=None, type=None), ], containing_type=None, options=None, - serialized_start=543, - serialized_end=584, + serialized_start=546, + serialized_end=587, ) -_CONTROLCOMMAND_TYPE = descriptor.EnumDescriptor( +_CONTROLCOMMAND_TYPE = _descriptor.EnumDescriptor( name='Type', full_name='openxc.ControlCommand.Type', filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, values=[ - descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( + _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='VERSION', index=0, number=1, options=None, type=None), - descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( + _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='DEVICE_ID', index=1, number=2, options=None, type=None), - descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( + _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='DIAGNOSTIC', index=2, number=3, options=None, type=None), - descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( + _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='PASSTHROUGH', index=3, number=4, options=None, type=None), - descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( + _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='ACCEPTANCE_FILTER_BYPASS', index=4, number=5, options=None, type=None), - descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( + _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='PAYLOAD_FORMAT', index=5, number=6, options=None, type=None), - descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( + _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='PREDEFINED_OBD2_REQUESTS', index=6, number=7, options=None, type=None), - descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( + _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='MODEM_CONFIGURATION', index=7, number=8, options=None, type=None), - descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( + _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='RTC_CONFIGURATION', index=8, number=9, options=None, type=None), - descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( + _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='SD_MOUNT_STATUS', index=9, number=10, options=None, type=None), ], containing_type=None, options=None, - serialized_start=1148, - serialized_end=1364, + serialized_start=1151, + serialized_end=1367, ) -_DIAGNOSTICCONTROLCOMMAND_ACTION = descriptor.EnumDescriptor( +_DIAGNOSTICCONTROLCOMMAND_ACTION = _descriptor.EnumDescriptor( name='Action', full_name='openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand.Action', filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, values=[ - descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( + _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='ADD', index=0, number=1, options=None, type=None), - descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( + _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='CANCEL', index=1, number=2, options=None, type=None), ], containing_type=None, options=None, - serialized_start=1496, - serialized_end=1525, + serialized_start=1499, + serialized_end=1528, ) -_PAYLOADFORMATCOMMAND_PAYLOADFORMAT = descriptor.EnumDescriptor( +_PAYLOADFORMATCOMMAND_PAYLOADFORMAT = _descriptor.EnumDescriptor( name='PayloadFormat', full_name='openxc.PayloadFormatCommand.PayloadFormat', filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, values=[ - descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( + _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='JSON', index=0, number=1, options=None, type=None), - descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( + _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='PROTOBUF', index=1, number=2, options=None, type=None), - descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( + _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='MESSAGEPACK', index=2, number=3, options=None, type=None), ], containing_type=None, options=None, - serialized_start=1737, - serialized_end=1793, + serialized_start=1740, + serialized_end=1796, ) -_NETWORKOPERATORSETTINGS_NETWORKDESCRIPTOR_NETWORKTYPE = descriptor.EnumDescriptor( +_NETWORKOPERATORSETTINGS_NETWORKDESCRIPTOR_NETWORKTYPE = _descriptor.EnumDescriptor( name='NetworkType', full_name='openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.NetworkType', filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, values=[ - descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( + _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='GSM', index=0, number=0, options=None, type=None), - descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( + _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='UTRAN', index=1, number=2, options=None, type=None), ], containing_type=None, options=None, - serialized_start=2177, - serialized_end=2210, + serialized_start=2180, + serialized_end=2213, ) -_NETWORKOPERATORSETTINGS_OPERATORSELECTMODE = descriptor.EnumDescriptor( +_NETWORKOPERATORSETTINGS_OPERATORSELECTMODE = _descriptor.EnumDescriptor( name='OperatorSelectMode', full_name='openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.OperatorSelectMode', filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, values=[ - descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( + _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='AUTOMATIC', index=0, number=0, options=None, type=None), - descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( + _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='MANUAL', index=1, number=1, options=None, type=None), - descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( + _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='DEREGISTER', index=2, number=2, options=None, type=None), - descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( + _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='SET_ONLY', index=3, number=3, options=None, type=None), - descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( + _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='MANUAL_AUTOMATIC', index=4, number=4, options=None, type=None), ], containing_type=None, options=None, - serialized_start=2212, - serialized_end=2311, + serialized_start=2215, + serialized_end=2314, ) -_DIAGNOSTICREQUEST_DECODEDTYPE = descriptor.EnumDescriptor( +_DIAGNOSTICREQUEST_DECODEDTYPE = _descriptor.EnumDescriptor( name='DecodedType', full_name='openxc.DiagnosticRequest.DecodedType', filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, values=[ - descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( + _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='NONE', index=0, number=1, options=None, type=None), - descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( + _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='OBD2', index=1, number=2, options=None, type=None), ], containing_type=None, options=None, - serialized_start=2980, - serialized_end=3013, + serialized_start=2983, + serialized_end=3016, ) -_DYNAMICFIELD_TYPE = descriptor.EnumDescriptor( +_DYNAMICFIELD_TYPE = _descriptor.EnumDescriptor( name='Type', full_name='openxc.DynamicField.Type', filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, values=[ - descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( + _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='STRING', index=0, number=1, options=None, type=None), - descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( + _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='NUM', index=1, number=2, options=None, type=None), - descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( + _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='BOOL', index=2, number=3, options=None, type=None), ], containing_type=None, options=None, - serialized_start=3305, - serialized_end=3342, + serialized_start=3308, + serialized_end=3345, ) -_VEHICLEMESSAGE = descriptor.Descriptor( +_VEHICLEMESSAGE = _descriptor.Descriptor( name='VehicleMessage', full_name='openxc.VehicleMessage', filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, containing_type=None, fields=[ - descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='type', full_name='openxc.VehicleMessage.type', index=0, number=1, type=14, cpp_type=8, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=1, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='can_message', full_name='openxc.VehicleMessage.can_message', index=1, number=2, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=None, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='simple_message', full_name='openxc.VehicleMessage.simple_message', index=2, number=3, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=None, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='diagnostic_response', full_name='openxc.VehicleMessage.diagnostic_response', index=3, number=4, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=None, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='control_command', full_name='openxc.VehicleMessage.control_command', index=4, number=5, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=None, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='command_response', full_name='openxc.VehicleMessage.command_response', index=5, number=6, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=None, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - descriptor.FieldDescriptor( - name='uptime', full_name='openxc.VehicleMessage.uptime', index=6, - number=7, type=13, cpp_type=3, label=1, + _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + name='timestamp', full_name='openxc.VehicleMessage.timestamp', index=6, + number=7, type=4, cpp_type=4, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=0, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, @@ -336,39 +338,39 @@ _VEHICLEMESSAGE = descriptor.Descriptor( is_extendable=False, extension_ranges=[], serialized_start=25, - serialized_end=433, + serialized_end=436, ) -_CANMESSAGE = descriptor.Descriptor( +_CANMESSAGE = _descriptor.Descriptor( name='CanMessage', full_name='openxc.CanMessage', filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, containing_type=None, fields=[ - descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='bus', full_name='openxc.CanMessage.bus', index=0, number=1, type=5, cpp_type=1, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=0, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='id', full_name='', index=1, number=2, type=13, cpp_type=3, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=0, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='data', full_name='', index=2, number=3, type=12, cpp_type=9, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value="", message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='frame_format', full_name='openxc.CanMessage.frame_format', index=3, number=4, type=14, cpp_type=8, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=1, @@ -385,68 +387,68 @@ _CANMESSAGE = descriptor.Descriptor( options=None, is_extendable=False, extension_ranges=[], - serialized_start=436, - serialized_end=584, + serialized_start=439, + serialized_end=587, ) -_CONTROLCOMMAND = descriptor.Descriptor( +_CONTROLCOMMAND = _descriptor.Descriptor( name='ControlCommand', full_name='openxc.ControlCommand', filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, containing_type=None, fields=[ - descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='type', full_name='openxc.ControlCommand.type', index=0, number=1, type=14, cpp_type=8, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=1, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='diagnostic_request', full_name='openxc.ControlCommand.diagnostic_request', index=1, number=2, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=None, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='passthrough_mode_request', full_name='openxc.ControlCommand.passthrough_mode_request', index=2, number=3, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=None, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='acceptance_filter_bypass_command', full_name='openxc.ControlCommand.acceptance_filter_bypass_command', index=3, number=4, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=None, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='payload_format_command', full_name='openxc.ControlCommand.payload_format_command', index=4, number=5, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=None, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='predefined_obd2_requests_command', full_name='openxc.ControlCommand.predefined_obd2_requests_command', index=5, number=6, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=None, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='modem_configuration_command', full_name='openxc.ControlCommand.modem_configuration_command', index=6, number=7, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=None, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='rtc_configuration_command', full_name='openxc.ControlCommand.rtc_configuration_command', index=7, number=8, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=None, @@ -463,26 +465,26 @@ _CONTROLCOMMAND = descriptor.Descriptor( options=None, is_extendable=False, extension_ranges=[], - serialized_start=587, - serialized_end=1364, + serialized_start=590, + serialized_end=1367, ) -_DIAGNOSTICCONTROLCOMMAND = descriptor.Descriptor( +_DIAGNOSTICCONTROLCOMMAND = _descriptor.Descriptor( name='DiagnosticControlCommand', full_name='openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand', filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, containing_type=None, fields=[ - descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='request', full_name='openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand.request', index=0, number=1, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=None, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='action', full_name='openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand.action', index=1, number=2, type=14, cpp_type=8, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=1, @@ -499,26 +501,26 @@ _DIAGNOSTICCONTROLCOMMAND = descriptor.Descriptor( options=None, is_extendable=False, extension_ranges=[], - serialized_start=1367, - serialized_end=1525, + serialized_start=1370, + serialized_end=1528, ) -_PASSTHROUGHMODECONTROLCOMMAND = descriptor.Descriptor( +_PASSTHROUGHMODECONTROLCOMMAND = _descriptor.Descriptor( name='PassthroughModeControlCommand', full_name='openxc.PassthroughModeControlCommand', filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, containing_type=None, fields=[ - descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='bus', full_name='openxc.PassthroughModeControlCommand.bus', index=0, number=1, type=5, cpp_type=1, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=0, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='enabled', full_name='openxc.PassthroughModeControlCommand.enabled', index=1, number=2, type=8, cpp_type=7, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=False, @@ -534,26 +536,26 @@ _PASSTHROUGHMODECONTROLCOMMAND = descriptor.Descriptor( options=None, is_extendable=False, extension_ranges=[], - serialized_start=1527, - serialized_end=1588, + serialized_start=1530, + serialized_end=1591, ) -_ACCEPTANCEFILTERBYPASSCOMMAND = descriptor.Descriptor( +_ACCEPTANCEFILTERBYPASSCOMMAND = _descriptor.Descriptor( name='AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand', full_name='openxc.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand', filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, containing_type=None, fields=[ - descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='bus', full_name='openxc.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand.bus', index=0, number=1, type=5, cpp_type=1, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=0, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='bypass', full_name='openxc.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand.bypass', index=1, number=2, type=8, cpp_type=7, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=False, @@ -569,19 +571,19 @@ _ACCEPTANCEFILTERBYPASSCOMMAND = descriptor.Descriptor( options=None, is_extendable=False, extension_ranges=[], - serialized_start=1590, - serialized_end=1650, + serialized_start=1593, + serialized_end=1653, ) -_PAYLOADFORMATCOMMAND = descriptor.Descriptor( +_PAYLOADFORMATCOMMAND = _descriptor.Descriptor( name='PayloadFormatCommand', full_name='openxc.PayloadFormatCommand', filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, containing_type=None, fields=[ - descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='format', full_name='openxc.PayloadFormatCommand.format', index=0, number=1, type=14, cpp_type=8, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=1, @@ -598,19 +600,19 @@ _PAYLOADFORMATCOMMAND = descriptor.Descriptor( options=None, is_extendable=False, extension_ranges=[], - serialized_start=1653, - serialized_end=1793, + serialized_start=1656, + serialized_end=1796, ) -_PREDEFINEDOBD2REQUESTSCOMMAND = descriptor.Descriptor( +_PREDEFINEDOBD2REQUESTSCOMMAND = _descriptor.Descriptor( name='PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand', full_name='openxc.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand', filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, containing_type=None, fields=[ - descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='enabled', full_name='openxc.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand.enabled', index=0, number=1, type=8, cpp_type=7, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=False, @@ -626,26 +628,26 @@ _PREDEFINEDOBD2REQUESTSCOMMAND = descriptor.Descriptor( options=None, is_extendable=False, extension_ranges=[], - serialized_start=1795, - serialized_end=1843, + serialized_start=1798, + serialized_end=1846, ) -_NETWORKOPERATORSETTINGS_NETWORKDESCRIPTOR = descriptor.Descriptor( +_NETWORKOPERATORSETTINGS_NETWORKDESCRIPTOR = _descriptor.Descriptor( name='NetworkDescriptor', full_name='openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor', filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, containing_type=None, fields=[ - descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='PLMN', full_name='openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.PLMN', index=0, number=1, type=13, cpp_type=3, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=0, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='networkType', full_name='openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.networkType', index=1, number=2, type=14, cpp_type=8, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=0, @@ -662,32 +664,32 @@ _NETWORKOPERATORSETTINGS_NETWORKDESCRIPTOR = descriptor.Descriptor( options=None, is_extendable=False, extension_ranges=[], - serialized_start=2058, - serialized_end=2210, + serialized_start=2061, + serialized_end=2213, ) -_NETWORKOPERATORSETTINGS = descriptor.Descriptor( +_NETWORKOPERATORSETTINGS = _descriptor.Descriptor( name='NetworkOperatorSettings', full_name='openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings', filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, containing_type=None, fields=[ - descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='allowDataRoaming', full_name='openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.allowDataRoaming', index=0, number=1, type=8, cpp_type=7, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=False, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='operatorSelectMode', full_name='openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.operatorSelectMode', index=1, number=2, type=14, cpp_type=8, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=0, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='networkDescriptor', full_name='openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.networkDescriptor', index=2, number=3, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=None, @@ -704,19 +706,19 @@ _NETWORKOPERATORSETTINGS = descriptor.Descriptor( options=None, is_extendable=False, extension_ranges=[], - serialized_start=1846, - serialized_end=2311, + serialized_start=1849, + serialized_end=2314, ) -_NETWORKDATASETTINGS = descriptor.Descriptor( +_NETWORKDATASETTINGS = _descriptor.Descriptor( name='NetworkDataSettings', full_name='openxc.NetworkDataSettings', filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, containing_type=None, fields=[ - descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='APN', full_name='openxc.NetworkDataSettings.APN', index=0, number=1, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=unicode("", "utf-8"), @@ -732,26 +734,26 @@ _NETWORKDATASETTINGS = descriptor.Descriptor( options=None, is_extendable=False, extension_ranges=[], - serialized_start=2313, - serialized_end=2347, + serialized_start=2316, + serialized_end=2350, ) -_SERVERCONNECTSETTINGS = descriptor.Descriptor( +_SERVERCONNECTSETTINGS = _descriptor.Descriptor( name='ServerConnectSettings', full_name='openxc.ServerConnectSettings', filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, containing_type=None, fields=[ - descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='host', full_name='', index=0, number=1, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=unicode("", "utf-8"), message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='port', full_name='openxc.ServerConnectSettings.port', index=1, number=2, type=13, cpp_type=3, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=0, @@ -767,33 +769,33 @@ _SERVERCONNECTSETTINGS = descriptor.Descriptor( options=None, is_extendable=False, extension_ranges=[], - serialized_start=2349, - serialized_end=2400, + serialized_start=2352, + serialized_end=2403, ) -_MODEMCONFIGURATIONCOMMAND = descriptor.Descriptor( +_MODEMCONFIGURATIONCOMMAND = _descriptor.Descriptor( name='ModemConfigurationCommand', full_name='openxc.ModemConfigurationCommand', filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, containing_type=None, fields=[ - descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='networkOperatorSettings', full_name='openxc.ModemConfigurationCommand.networkOperatorSettings', index=0, number=1, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=None, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='networkDataSettings', full_name='openxc.ModemConfigurationCommand.networkDataSettings', index=1, number=2, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=None, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='serverConnectSettings', full_name='openxc.ModemConfigurationCommand.serverConnectSettings', index=2, number=3, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=None, @@ -809,19 +811,19 @@ _MODEMCONFIGURATIONCOMMAND = descriptor.Descriptor( options=None, is_extendable=False, extension_ranges=[], - serialized_start=2403, - serialized_end=2616, + serialized_start=2406, + serialized_end=2619, ) -_RTCCONFIGURATIONCOMMAND = descriptor.Descriptor( +_RTCCONFIGURATIONCOMMAND = _descriptor.Descriptor( name='RTCConfigurationCommand', full_name='openxc.RTCConfigurationCommand', filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, containing_type=None, fields=[ - descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='unix_time', full_name='openxc.RTCConfigurationCommand.unix_time', index=0, number=1, type=13, cpp_type=3, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=0, @@ -837,33 +839,33 @@ _RTCCONFIGURATIONCOMMAND = descriptor.Descriptor( options=None, is_extendable=False, extension_ranges=[], - serialized_start=2618, - serialized_end=2662, + serialized_start=2621, + serialized_end=2665, ) -_COMMANDRESPONSE = descriptor.Descriptor( +_COMMANDRESPONSE = _descriptor.Descriptor( name='CommandResponse', full_name='openxc.CommandResponse', filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, containing_type=None, fields=[ - descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='type', full_name='openxc.CommandResponse.type', index=0, number=1, type=14, cpp_type=8, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=1, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='message', full_name='openxc.CommandResponse.message', index=1, number=2, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=unicode("", "utf-8"), message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='status', full_name='openxc.CommandResponse.status', index=2, number=3, type=8, cpp_type=7, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=False, @@ -879,75 +881,75 @@ _COMMANDRESPONSE = descriptor.Descriptor( options=None, is_extendable=False, extension_ranges=[], - serialized_start=2664, - serialized_end=2757, + serialized_start=2667, + serialized_end=2760, ) -_DIAGNOSTICREQUEST = descriptor.Descriptor( +_DIAGNOSTICREQUEST = _descriptor.Descriptor( name='DiagnosticRequest', full_name='openxc.DiagnosticRequest', filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, containing_type=None, fields=[ - descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='bus', full_name='openxc.DiagnosticRequest.bus', index=0, number=1, type=5, cpp_type=1, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=0, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='message_id', full_name='openxc.DiagnosticRequest.message_id', index=1, number=2, type=13, cpp_type=3, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=0, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='mode', full_name='openxc.DiagnosticRequest.mode', index=2, number=3, type=13, cpp_type=3, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=0, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='pid', full_name='', index=3, number=4, type=13, cpp_type=3, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=0, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='payload', full_name='openxc.DiagnosticRequest.payload', index=4, number=5, type=12, cpp_type=9, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value="", message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='multiple_responses', full_name='openxc.DiagnosticRequest.multiple_responses', index=5, number=6, type=8, cpp_type=7, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=False, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='frequency', full_name='openxc.DiagnosticRequest.frequency', index=6, number=7, type=1, cpp_type=5, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=0, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='name', full_name='', index=7, number=8, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=unicode("", "utf-8"), message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='decoded_type', full_name='openxc.DiagnosticRequest.decoded_type', index=8, number=9, type=14, cpp_type=8, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=1, @@ -964,68 +966,68 @@ _DIAGNOSTICREQUEST = descriptor.Descriptor( options=None, is_extendable=False, extension_ranges=[], - serialized_start=2760, - serialized_end=3013, + serialized_start=2763, + serialized_end=3016, ) -_DIAGNOSTICRESPONSE = descriptor.Descriptor( +_DIAGNOSTICRESPONSE = _descriptor.Descriptor( name='DiagnosticResponse', full_name='openxc.DiagnosticResponse', filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, containing_type=None, fields=[ - descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='bus', full_name='openxc.DiagnosticResponse.bus', index=0, number=1, type=5, cpp_type=1, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=0, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='message_id', full_name='openxc.DiagnosticResponse.message_id', index=1, number=2, type=13, cpp_type=3, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=0, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='mode', full_name='openxc.DiagnosticResponse.mode', index=2, number=3, type=13, cpp_type=3, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=0, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='pid', full_name='', index=3, number=4, type=13, cpp_type=3, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=0, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='success', full_name='openxc.DiagnosticResponse.success', index=4, number=5, type=8, cpp_type=7, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=False, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='negative_response_code', full_name='openxc.DiagnosticResponse.negative_response_code', index=5, number=6, type=13, cpp_type=3, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=0, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='payload', full_name='openxc.DiagnosticResponse.payload', index=6, number=7, type=12, cpp_type=9, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value="", message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='value', full_name='openxc.DiagnosticResponse.value', index=7, number=8, type=1, cpp_type=5, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=0, @@ -1041,40 +1043,40 @@ _DIAGNOSTICRESPONSE = descriptor.Descriptor( options=None, is_extendable=False, extension_ranges=[], - serialized_start=3016, - serialized_end=3177, + serialized_start=3019, + serialized_end=3180, ) -_DYNAMICFIELD = descriptor.Descriptor( +_DYNAMICFIELD = _descriptor.Descriptor( name='DynamicField', full_name='openxc.DynamicField', filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, containing_type=None, fields=[ - descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='type', full_name='openxc.DynamicField.type', index=0, number=1, type=14, cpp_type=8, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=1, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='string_value', full_name='openxc.DynamicField.string_value', index=1, number=2, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=unicode("", "utf-8"), message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='numeric_value', full_name='openxc.DynamicField.numeric_value', index=2, number=3, type=1, cpp_type=5, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=0, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='boolean_value', full_name='openxc.DynamicField.boolean_value', index=3, number=4, type=8, cpp_type=7, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=False, @@ -1091,33 +1093,33 @@ _DYNAMICFIELD = descriptor.Descriptor( options=None, is_extendable=False, extension_ranges=[], - serialized_start=3180, - serialized_end=3342, + serialized_start=3183, + serialized_end=3345, ) -_SIMPLEMESSAGE = descriptor.Descriptor( +_SIMPLEMESSAGE = _descriptor.Descriptor( name='SimpleMessage', full_name='openxc.SimpleMessage', filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, containing_type=None, fields=[ - descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='name', full_name='', index=0, number=1, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=unicode("", "utf-8"), message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='value', full_name='openxc.SimpleMessage.value', index=1, number=2, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=None, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='event', full_name='openxc.SimpleMessage.event', index=2, number=3, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=None, @@ -1133,8 +1135,8 @@ _SIMPLEMESSAGE = descriptor.Descriptor( options=None, is_extendable=False, extension_ranges=[], - serialized_start=3344, - serialized_end=3447, + serialized_start=3347, + serialized_end=3450, ) _VEHICLEMESSAGE.fields_by_name['type'].enum_type = _VEHICLEMESSAGE_TYPE @@ -1195,118 +1197,121 @@ DESCRIPTOR.message_types_by_name['DiagnosticResponse'] = _DIAGNOSTICRESPONSE DESCRIPTOR.message_types_by_name['DynamicField'] = _DYNAMICFIELD DESCRIPTOR.message_types_by_name['SimpleMessage'] = _SIMPLEMESSAGE -class VehicleMessage(message.Message): - __metaclass__ = reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType +class VehicleMessage(_message.Message): + __metaclass__ = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType DESCRIPTOR = _VEHICLEMESSAGE - + # @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:openxc.VehicleMessage) -class CanMessage(message.Message): - __metaclass__ = reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType +class CanMessage(_message.Message): + __metaclass__ = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType DESCRIPTOR = _CANMESSAGE - + # @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:openxc.CanMessage) -class ControlCommand(message.Message): - __metaclass__ = reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType +class ControlCommand(_message.Message): + __metaclass__ = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType DESCRIPTOR = _CONTROLCOMMAND - + # @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:openxc.ControlCommand) -class DiagnosticControlCommand(message.Message): - __metaclass__ = reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType +class DiagnosticControlCommand(_message.Message): + __metaclass__ = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType DESCRIPTOR = _DIAGNOSTICCONTROLCOMMAND - + # @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand) -class PassthroughModeControlCommand(message.Message): - __metaclass__ = reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType +class PassthroughModeControlCommand(_message.Message): + __metaclass__ = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType DESCRIPTOR = _PASSTHROUGHMODECONTROLCOMMAND - + # @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:openxc.PassthroughModeControlCommand) -class AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand(message.Message): - __metaclass__ = reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType +class AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand(_message.Message): + __metaclass__ = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType DESCRIPTOR = _ACCEPTANCEFILTERBYPASSCOMMAND - + # @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:openxc.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand) -class PayloadFormatCommand(message.Message): - __metaclass__ = reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType +class PayloadFormatCommand(_message.Message): + __metaclass__ = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType DESCRIPTOR = _PAYLOADFORMATCOMMAND - + # @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:openxc.PayloadFormatCommand) -class PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand(message.Message): - __metaclass__ = reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType +class PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand(_message.Message): + __metaclass__ = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType DESCRIPTOR = _PREDEFINEDOBD2REQUESTSCOMMAND - + # @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:openxc.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand) -class NetworkOperatorSettings(message.Message): - __metaclass__ = reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType - - class NetworkDescriptor(message.Message): - __metaclass__ = reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType +class NetworkOperatorSettings(_message.Message): + __metaclass__ = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType + + class NetworkDescriptor(_message.Message): + __metaclass__ = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType DESCRIPTOR = _NETWORKOPERATORSETTINGS_NETWORKDESCRIPTOR - + # @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor) DESCRIPTOR = _NETWORKOPERATORSETTINGS - + # @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings) -class NetworkDataSettings(message.Message): - __metaclass__ = reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType +class NetworkDataSettings(_message.Message): + __metaclass__ = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType DESCRIPTOR = _NETWORKDATASETTINGS - + # @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:openxc.NetworkDataSettings) -class ServerConnectSettings(message.Message): - __metaclass__ = reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType +class ServerConnectSettings(_message.Message): + __metaclass__ = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType DESCRIPTOR = _SERVERCONNECTSETTINGS - + # @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:openxc.ServerConnectSettings) -class ModemConfigurationCommand(message.Message): - __metaclass__ = reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType +class ModemConfigurationCommand(_message.Message): + __metaclass__ = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType DESCRIPTOR = _MODEMCONFIGURATIONCOMMAND - + # @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:openxc.ModemConfigurationCommand) -class RTCConfigurationCommand(message.Message): - __metaclass__ = reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType +class RTCConfigurationCommand(_message.Message): + __metaclass__ = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType DESCRIPTOR = _RTCCONFIGURATIONCOMMAND - + # @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:openxc.RTCConfigurationCommand) -class CommandResponse(message.Message): - __metaclass__ = reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType +class CommandResponse(_message.Message): + __metaclass__ = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType DESCRIPTOR = _COMMANDRESPONSE - + # @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:openxc.CommandResponse) -class DiagnosticRequest(message.Message): - __metaclass__ = reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType +class DiagnosticRequest(_message.Message): + __metaclass__ = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType DESCRIPTOR = _DIAGNOSTICREQUEST - + # @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:openxc.DiagnosticRequest) -class DiagnosticResponse(message.Message): - __metaclass__ = reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType +class DiagnosticResponse(_message.Message): + __metaclass__ = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType DESCRIPTOR = _DIAGNOSTICRESPONSE - + # @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:openxc.DiagnosticResponse) -class DynamicField(message.Message): - __metaclass__ = reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType +class DynamicField(_message.Message): + __metaclass__ = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType DESCRIPTOR = _DYNAMICFIELD - + # @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:openxc.DynamicField) -class SimpleMessage(message.Message): - __metaclass__ = reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType +class SimpleMessage(_message.Message): + __metaclass__ = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType DESCRIPTOR = _SIMPLEMESSAGE - + # @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:openxc.SimpleMessage) + +DESCRIPTOR.has_options = True +DESCRIPTOR._options = _descriptor._ParseOptions(descriptor_pb2.FileOptions(), '\n\ncom.openxcB\016BinaryMessages') # @@protoc_insertion_point(module_scope) diff --git a/openxc.proto b/openxc.proto index 7653212..6d41325 100644 --- a/openxc.proto +++ b/openxc.proto @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ message VehicleMessage { optional DiagnosticResponse diagnostic_response = 4; optional ControlCommand control_command = 5; optional CommandResponse command_response = 6; - optional uint32 uptime = 7; + optional uint64 timestamp = 7; } message CanMessage { -- cgit 1.2.3-korg From 22594be77c28613e9b71bdf3202e435463f758ed Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Eric Marsman Date: Mon, 29 Feb 2016 20:02:59 +0000 Subject: re-compiled with libprotoc 2.4.1 - should be no changes --- gen/cpp/openxc.pb.c | 2 +- gen/cpp/openxc.pb.h | 2 +- gen/java/com/openxc/ | 8568 ++++++++++--------------------- gen/python/ | 385 +- 4 files changed, 2882 insertions(+), 6075 deletions(-) (limited to 'gen/python/') diff --git a/gen/cpp/openxc.pb.c b/gen/cpp/openxc.pb.c index c15a218..f834836 100644 --- a/gen/cpp/openxc.pb.c +++ b/gen/cpp/openxc.pb.c @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* Automatically generated nanopb constant definitions */ -/* Generated by nanopb-0.3.1 at Wed Dec 9 21:31:24 2015. */ +/* Generated by nanopb-0.3.1 at Mon Feb 29 19:42:01 2016. */ #include "openxc.pb.h" diff --git a/gen/cpp/openxc.pb.h b/gen/cpp/openxc.pb.h index 17bb77d..11386e3 100644 --- a/gen/cpp/openxc.pb.h +++ b/gen/cpp/openxc.pb.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* Automatically generated nanopb header */ -/* Generated by nanopb-0.3.1 at Wed Dec 9 21:31:24 2015. */ +/* Generated by nanopb-0.3.1 at Mon Feb 29 19:42:01 2016. */ #ifndef PB_OPENXC_PB_H_INCLUDED #define PB_OPENXC_PB_H_INCLUDED diff --git a/gen/java/com/openxc/ b/gen/java/com/openxc/ index bd84bd1..534b223 100644 --- a/gen/java/com/openxc/ +++ b/gen/java/com/openxc/ @@ -10,319 +10,86 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } public interface VehicleMessageOrBuilder extends { - + // optional .openxc.VehicleMessage.Type type = 1; - /** - * optional .openxc.VehicleMessage.Type type = 1; - */ boolean hasType(); - /** - * optional .openxc.VehicleMessage.Type type = 1; - */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage.Type getType(); - + // optional .openxc.CanMessage can_message = 2; - /** - * optional .openxc.CanMessage can_message = 2; - */ boolean hasCanMessage(); - /** - * optional .openxc.CanMessage can_message = 2; - */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage getCanMessage(); - /** - * optional .openxc.CanMessage can_message = 2; - */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessageOrBuilder getCanMessageOrBuilder(); - + // optional .openxc.SimpleMessage simple_message = 3; - /** - * optional .openxc.SimpleMessage simple_message = 3; - */ boolean hasSimpleMessage(); - /** - * optional .openxc.SimpleMessage simple_message = 3; - */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage getSimpleMessage(); - /** - * optional .openxc.SimpleMessage simple_message = 3; - */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessageOrBuilder getSimpleMessageOrBuilder(); - + // optional .openxc.DiagnosticResponse diagnostic_response = 4; - /** - * optional .openxc.DiagnosticResponse diagnostic_response = 4; - */ boolean hasDiagnosticResponse(); - /** - * optional .openxc.DiagnosticResponse diagnostic_response = 4; - */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse getDiagnosticResponse(); - /** - * optional .openxc.DiagnosticResponse diagnostic_response = 4; - */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponseOrBuilder getDiagnosticResponseOrBuilder(); - + // optional .openxc.ControlCommand control_command = 5; - /** - * optional .openxc.ControlCommand control_command = 5; - */ boolean hasControlCommand(); - /** - * optional .openxc.ControlCommand control_command = 5; - */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand getControlCommand(); - /** - * optional .openxc.ControlCommand control_command = 5; - */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommandOrBuilder getControlCommandOrBuilder(); - + // optional .openxc.CommandResponse command_response = 6; - /** - * optional .openxc.CommandResponse command_response = 6; - */ boolean hasCommandResponse(); - /** - * optional .openxc.CommandResponse command_response = 6; - */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse getCommandResponse(); - /** - * optional .openxc.CommandResponse command_response = 6; - */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponseOrBuilder getCommandResponseOrBuilder(); - + // optional uint64 timestamp = 7; - /** - * optional uint64 timestamp = 7; - */ boolean hasTimestamp(); - /** - * optional uint64 timestamp = 7; - */ long getTimestamp(); } - /** - * Protobuf type {@code openxc.VehicleMessage} - */ public static final class VehicleMessage extends implements VehicleMessageOrBuilder { // Use VehicleMessage.newBuilder() to construct. - private VehicleMessage( builder) { + private VehicleMessage(Builder builder) { super(builder); - this.unknownFields = builder.getUnknownFields(); } - private VehicleMessage(boolean noInit) { this.unknownFields =; } - + private VehicleMessage(boolean noInit) {} + private static final VehicleMessage defaultInstance; public static VehicleMessage getDefaultInstance() { return defaultInstance; } - + public VehicleMessage getDefaultInstanceForType() { return defaultInstance; } - - private final unknownFields; - @java.lang.Override - public final - getUnknownFields() { - return this.unknownFields; - } - private VehicleMessage( - input, - extensionRegistry) - throws { - initFields(); - int mutable_bitField0_ = 0; - unknownFields = -; - try { - boolean done = false; - while (!done) { - int tag = input.readTag(); - switch (tag) { - case 0: - done = true; - break; - default: { - if (!parseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, - extensionRegistry, tag)) { - done = true; - } - break; - } - case 8: { - int rawValue = input.readEnum(); - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage.Type value = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage.Type.valueOf(rawValue); - if (value == null) { - unknownFields.mergeVarintField(1, rawValue); - } else { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; - type_ = value; - } - break; - } - case 18: { - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage.Builder subBuilder = null; - if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002)) { - subBuilder = canMessage_.toBuilder(); - } - canMessage_ = input.readMessage(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage.PARSER, extensionRegistry); - if (subBuilder != null) { - subBuilder.mergeFrom(canMessage_); - canMessage_ = subBuilder.buildPartial(); - } - bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; - break; - } - case 26: { - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage.Builder subBuilder = null; - if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004)) { - subBuilder = simpleMessage_.toBuilder(); - } - simpleMessage_ = input.readMessage(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage.PARSER, extensionRegistry); - if (subBuilder != null) { - subBuilder.mergeFrom(simpleMessage_); - simpleMessage_ = subBuilder.buildPartial(); - } - bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; - break; - } - case 34: { - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse.Builder subBuilder = null; - if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000008) == 0x00000008)) { - subBuilder = diagnosticResponse_.toBuilder(); - } - diagnosticResponse_ = input.readMessage(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse.PARSER, extensionRegistry); - if (subBuilder != null) { - subBuilder.mergeFrom(diagnosticResponse_); - diagnosticResponse_ = subBuilder.buildPartial(); - } - bitField0_ |= 0x00000008; - break; - } - case 42: { - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.Builder subBuilder = null; - if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000010) == 0x00000010)) { - subBuilder = controlCommand_.toBuilder(); - } - controlCommand_ = input.readMessage(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.PARSER, extensionRegistry); - if (subBuilder != null) { - subBuilder.mergeFrom(controlCommand_); - controlCommand_ = subBuilder.buildPartial(); - } - bitField0_ |= 0x00000010; - break; - } - case 50: { - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse.Builder subBuilder = null; - if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000020) == 0x00000020)) { - subBuilder = commandResponse_.toBuilder(); - } - commandResponse_ = input.readMessage(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse.PARSER, extensionRegistry); - if (subBuilder != null) { - subBuilder.mergeFrom(commandResponse_); - commandResponse_ = subBuilder.buildPartial(); - } - bitField0_ |= 0x00000020; - break; - } - case 56: { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000040; - timestamp_ = input.readUInt64(); - break; - } - } - } - } catch ( e) { - throw e.setUnfinishedMessage(this); - } catch ( e) { - throw new - e.getMessage()).setUnfinishedMessage(this); - } finally { - this.unknownFields =; - makeExtensionsImmutable(); - } - } + public static final getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_VehicleMessage_descriptor; } - + protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_VehicleMessage_fieldAccessorTable - .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage.class, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage.Builder.class); - } - - public static PARSER = - new { - public VehicleMessage parsePartialFrom( - input, - extensionRegistry) - throws { - return new VehicleMessage(input, extensionRegistry); - } - }; - - @java.lang.Override - public getParserForType() { - return PARSER; + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_VehicleMessage_fieldAccessorTable; } - - /** - * Protobuf enum {@code openxc.VehicleMessage.Type} - */ + public enum Type implements { - /** - * CAN = 1; - */ CAN(0, 1), - /** - * SIMPLE = 2; - */ SIMPLE(1, 2), - /** - * DIAGNOSTIC = 3; - */ DIAGNOSTIC(2, 3), - /** - * CONTROL_COMMAND = 4; - */ CONTROL_COMMAND(3, 4), - /** - * COMMAND_RESPONSE = 5; - */ COMMAND_RESPONSE(4, 5), ; - - /** - * CAN = 1; - */ + public static final int CAN_VALUE = 1; - /** - * SIMPLE = 2; - */ public static final int SIMPLE_VALUE = 2; - /** - * DIAGNOSTIC = 3; - */ public static final int DIAGNOSTIC_VALUE = 3; - /** - * CONTROL_COMMAND = 4; - */ public static final int CONTROL_COMMAND_VALUE = 4; - /** - * COMMAND_RESPONSE = 5; - */ public static final int COMMAND_RESPONSE_VALUE = 5; - - + + public final int getNumber() { return value; } - + public static Type valueOf(int value) { switch (value) { case 1: return CAN; @@ -333,7 +100,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { default: return null; } } - + public static internalGetValueMap() { return internalValueMap; @@ -345,7 +112,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return Type.valueOf(number); } }; - + public final getValueDescriptor() { return getDescriptor().getValues().get(index); @@ -358,9 +125,11 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage.getDescriptor().getEnumTypes().get(0); } - - private static final Type[] VALUES = values(); - + + private static final Type[] VALUES = { + CAN, SIMPLE, DIAGNOSTIC, CONTROL_COMMAND, COMMAND_RESPONSE, + }; + public static Type valueOf( desc) { if (desc.getType() != getDescriptor()) { @@ -369,161 +138,104 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return VALUES[desc.getIndex()]; } - + private final int index; private final int value; - + private Type(int index, int value) { this.index = index; this.value = value; } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(enum_scope:openxc.VehicleMessage.Type) } - + private int bitField0_; // optional .openxc.VehicleMessage.Type type = 1; public static final int TYPE_FIELD_NUMBER = 1; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage.Type type_; - /** - * optional .openxc.VehicleMessage.Type type = 1; - */ public boolean hasType() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } - /** - * optional .openxc.VehicleMessage.Type type = 1; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage.Type getType() { return type_; } - + // optional .openxc.CanMessage can_message = 2; public static final int CAN_MESSAGE_FIELD_NUMBER = 2; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage canMessage_; - /** - * optional .openxc.CanMessage can_message = 2; - */ public boolean hasCanMessage() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002); } - /** - * optional .openxc.CanMessage can_message = 2; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage getCanMessage() { return canMessage_; } - /** - * optional .openxc.CanMessage can_message = 2; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessageOrBuilder getCanMessageOrBuilder() { return canMessage_; } - + // optional .openxc.SimpleMessage simple_message = 3; public static final int SIMPLE_MESSAGE_FIELD_NUMBER = 3; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage simpleMessage_; - /** - * optional .openxc.SimpleMessage simple_message = 3; - */ public boolean hasSimpleMessage() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004); } - /** - * optional .openxc.SimpleMessage simple_message = 3; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage getSimpleMessage() { return simpleMessage_; } - /** - * optional .openxc.SimpleMessage simple_message = 3; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessageOrBuilder getSimpleMessageOrBuilder() { return simpleMessage_; } - + // optional .openxc.DiagnosticResponse diagnostic_response = 4; public static final int DIAGNOSTIC_RESPONSE_FIELD_NUMBER = 4; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse diagnosticResponse_; - /** - * optional .openxc.DiagnosticResponse diagnostic_response = 4; - */ public boolean hasDiagnosticResponse() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000008) == 0x00000008); } - /** - * optional .openxc.DiagnosticResponse diagnostic_response = 4; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse getDiagnosticResponse() { return diagnosticResponse_; } - /** - * optional .openxc.DiagnosticResponse diagnostic_response = 4; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponseOrBuilder getDiagnosticResponseOrBuilder() { return diagnosticResponse_; } - + // optional .openxc.ControlCommand control_command = 5; public static final int CONTROL_COMMAND_FIELD_NUMBER = 5; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand controlCommand_; - /** - * optional .openxc.ControlCommand control_command = 5; - */ public boolean hasControlCommand() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000010) == 0x00000010); } - /** - * optional .openxc.ControlCommand control_command = 5; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand getControlCommand() { return controlCommand_; } - /** - * optional .openxc.ControlCommand control_command = 5; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommandOrBuilder getControlCommandOrBuilder() { return controlCommand_; } - + // optional .openxc.CommandResponse command_response = 6; public static final int COMMAND_RESPONSE_FIELD_NUMBER = 6; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse commandResponse_; - /** - * optional .openxc.CommandResponse command_response = 6; - */ public boolean hasCommandResponse() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000020) == 0x00000020); } - /** - * optional .openxc.CommandResponse command_response = 6; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse getCommandResponse() { return commandResponse_; } - /** - * optional .openxc.CommandResponse command_response = 6; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponseOrBuilder getCommandResponseOrBuilder() { return commandResponse_; } - + // optional uint64 timestamp = 7; public static final int TIMESTAMP_FIELD_NUMBER = 7; private long timestamp_; - /** - * optional uint64 timestamp = 7; - */ public boolean hasTimestamp() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000040) == 0x00000040); } - /** - * optional uint64 timestamp = 7; - */ public long getTimestamp() { return timestamp_; } - + private void initFields() { type_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage.Type.CAN; canMessage_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage.getDefaultInstance(); @@ -537,11 +249,11 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { public final boolean isInitialized() { byte isInitialized = memoizedIsInitialized; if (isInitialized != -1) return isInitialized == 1; - + memoizedIsInitialized = 1; return true; } - + public void writeTo( output) throws { getSerializedSize(); @@ -568,12 +280,12 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } getUnknownFields().writeTo(output); } - + private int memoizedSerializedSize = -1; public int getSerializedSize() { int size = memoizedSerializedSize; if (size != -1) return size; - + size = 0; if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { size += @@ -607,83 +319,94 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { memoizedSerializedSize = size; return size; } - + private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L; @java.lang.Override protected java.lang.Object writeReplace() throws { return super.writeReplace(); } - + public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage parseFrom( data) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(data); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data).buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage parseFrom( data, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry) + .buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage parseFrom(byte[] data) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(data); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data).buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage parseFrom( byte[] data, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry) + .buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage parseFrom( input) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(input); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input).buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry) + .buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage parseDelimitedFrom( input) throws { - return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input); + Builder builder = newBuilder(); + if (builder.mergeDelimitedFrom(input)) { + return builder.buildParsed(); + } else { + return null; + } } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage parseDelimitedFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry); + Builder builder = newBuilder(); + if (builder.mergeDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry)) { + return builder.buildParsed(); + } else { + return null; + } } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage parseFrom( input) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(input); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input).buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry) + .buildParsed(); } - + public static Builder newBuilder() { return Builder.create(); } public Builder newBuilderForType() { return newBuilder(); } public static Builder newBuilder(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage prototype) { return newBuilder().mergeFrom(prototype); } public Builder toBuilder() { return newBuilder(this); } - + @java.lang.Override protected Builder newBuilderForType( parent) { Builder builder = new Builder(parent); return builder; } - /** - * Protobuf type {@code openxc.VehicleMessage} - */ public static final class Builder extends implements com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessageOrBuilder { @@ -691,21 +414,18 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_VehicleMessage_descriptor; } - + protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_VehicleMessage_fieldAccessorTable - .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage.class, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage.Builder.class); + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_VehicleMessage_fieldAccessorTable; } - + // Construct using com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage.newBuilder() private Builder() { maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } - - private Builder( - parent) { + + private Builder(BuilderParent parent) { super(parent); maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } @@ -721,7 +441,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { private static Builder create() { return new Builder(); } - + public Builder clear() { super.clear(); type_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage.Type.CAN; @@ -760,20 +480,20 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000040); return this; } - + public Builder clone() { return create().mergeFrom(buildPartial()); } - + public getDescriptorForType() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_VehicleMessage_descriptor; + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage.getDescriptor(); } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage getDefaultInstanceForType() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage.getDefaultInstance(); } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage build() { com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage result = buildPartial(); if (!result.isInitialized()) { @@ -781,7 +501,17 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return result; } - + + private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage buildParsed() + throws { + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage result = buildPartial(); + if (!result.isInitialized()) { + throw newUninitializedMessageException( + result).asInvalidProtocolBufferException(); + } + return result; + } + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage buildPartial() { com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage result = new com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage(this); int from_bitField0_ = bitField0_; @@ -838,7 +568,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { onBuilt(); return result; } - + public Builder mergeFrom( other) { if (other instanceof com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage) { return mergeFrom((com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage)other); @@ -847,7 +577,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return this; } } - + public Builder mergeFrom(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage other) { if (other == com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage.getDefaultInstance()) return this; if (other.hasType()) { @@ -874,47 +604,109 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { this.mergeUnknownFields(other.getUnknownFields()); return this; } - + public final boolean isInitialized() { return true; } - + public Builder mergeFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage parsedMessage = null; - try { - parsedMessage = PARSER.parsePartialFrom(input, extensionRegistry); - } catch ( e) { - parsedMessage = (com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage) e.getUnfinishedMessage(); - throw e; - } finally { - if (parsedMessage != null) { - mergeFrom(parsedMessage); + unknownFields = + + this.getUnknownFields()); + while (true) { + int tag = input.readTag(); + switch (tag) { + case 0: + this.setUnknownFields(; + onChanged(); + return this; + default: { + if (!parseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, + extensionRegistry, tag)) { + this.setUnknownFields(; + onChanged(); + return this; + } + break; + } + case 8: { + int rawValue = input.readEnum(); + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage.Type value = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage.Type.valueOf(rawValue); + if (value == null) { + unknownFields.mergeVarintField(1, rawValue); + } else { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; + type_ = value; + } + break; + } + case 18: { + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage.Builder subBuilder = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage.newBuilder(); + if (hasCanMessage()) { + subBuilder.mergeFrom(getCanMessage()); + } + input.readMessage(subBuilder, extensionRegistry); + setCanMessage(subBuilder.buildPartial()); + break; + } + case 26: { + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage.Builder subBuilder = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage.newBuilder(); + if (hasSimpleMessage()) { + subBuilder.mergeFrom(getSimpleMessage()); + } + input.readMessage(subBuilder, extensionRegistry); + setSimpleMessage(subBuilder.buildPartial()); + break; + } + case 34: { + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse.Builder subBuilder = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse.newBuilder(); + if (hasDiagnosticResponse()) { + subBuilder.mergeFrom(getDiagnosticResponse()); + } + input.readMessage(subBuilder, extensionRegistry); + setDiagnosticResponse(subBuilder.buildPartial()); + break; + } + case 42: { + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.Builder subBuilder = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.newBuilder(); + if (hasControlCommand()) { + subBuilder.mergeFrom(getControlCommand()); + } + input.readMessage(subBuilder, extensionRegistry); + setControlCommand(subBuilder.buildPartial()); + break; + } + case 50: { + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse.Builder subBuilder = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse.newBuilder(); + if (hasCommandResponse()) { + subBuilder.mergeFrom(getCommandResponse()); + } + input.readMessage(subBuilder, extensionRegistry); + setCommandResponse(subBuilder.buildPartial()); + break; + } + case 56: { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000040; + timestamp_ = input.readUInt64(); + break; + } } } - return this; } + private int bitField0_; - + // optional .openxc.VehicleMessage.Type type = 1; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage.Type type_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage.Type.CAN; - /** - * optional .openxc.VehicleMessage.Type type = 1; - */ public boolean hasType() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } - /** - * optional .openxc.VehicleMessage.Type type = 1; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage.Type getType() { return type_; } - /** - * optional .openxc.VehicleMessage.Type type = 1; - */ public Builder setType(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage.Type value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); @@ -924,29 +716,20 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { onChanged(); return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.VehicleMessage.Type type = 1; - */ public Builder clearType() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); type_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage.Type.CAN; onChanged(); return this; } - + // optional .openxc.CanMessage can_message = 2; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage canMessage_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage.getDefaultInstance(); private< com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage.Builder, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessageOrBuilder> canMessageBuilder_; - /** - * optional .openxc.CanMessage can_message = 2; - */ public boolean hasCanMessage() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002); } - /** - * optional .openxc.CanMessage can_message = 2; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage getCanMessage() { if (canMessageBuilder_ == null) { return canMessage_; @@ -954,9 +737,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return canMessageBuilder_.getMessage(); } } - /** - * optional .openxc.CanMessage can_message = 2; - */ public Builder setCanMessage(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage value) { if (canMessageBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { @@ -970,9 +750,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.CanMessage can_message = 2; - */ public Builder setCanMessage( com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage.Builder builderForValue) { if (canMessageBuilder_ == null) { @@ -984,9 +761,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.CanMessage can_message = 2; - */ public Builder mergeCanMessage(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage value) { if (canMessageBuilder_ == null) { if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002) && @@ -1003,9 +777,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.CanMessage can_message = 2; - */ public Builder clearCanMessage() { if (canMessageBuilder_ == null) { canMessage_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage.getDefaultInstance(); @@ -1016,17 +787,11 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.CanMessage can_message = 2; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage.Builder getCanMessageBuilder() { bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; onChanged(); return getCanMessageFieldBuilder().getBuilder(); } - /** - * optional .openxc.CanMessage can_message = 2; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessageOrBuilder getCanMessageOrBuilder() { if (canMessageBuilder_ != null) { return canMessageBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder(); @@ -1034,9 +799,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return canMessage_; } } - /** - * optional .openxc.CanMessage can_message = 2; - */ private< com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage.Builder, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessageOrBuilder> getCanMessageFieldBuilder() { @@ -1050,20 +812,14 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return canMessageBuilder_; } - + // optional .openxc.SimpleMessage simple_message = 3; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage simpleMessage_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage.getDefaultInstance(); private< com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage.Builder, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessageOrBuilder> simpleMessageBuilder_; - /** - * optional .openxc.SimpleMessage simple_message = 3; - */ public boolean hasSimpleMessage() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004); } - /** - * optional .openxc.SimpleMessage simple_message = 3; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage getSimpleMessage() { if (simpleMessageBuilder_ == null) { return simpleMessage_; @@ -1071,9 +827,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return simpleMessageBuilder_.getMessage(); } } - /** - * optional .openxc.SimpleMessage simple_message = 3; - */ public Builder setSimpleMessage(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage value) { if (simpleMessageBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { @@ -1087,9 +840,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.SimpleMessage simple_message = 3; - */ public Builder setSimpleMessage( com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage.Builder builderForValue) { if (simpleMessageBuilder_ == null) { @@ -1101,9 +851,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.SimpleMessage simple_message = 3; - */ public Builder mergeSimpleMessage(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage value) { if (simpleMessageBuilder_ == null) { if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004) && @@ -1120,9 +867,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.SimpleMessage simple_message = 3; - */ public Builder clearSimpleMessage() { if (simpleMessageBuilder_ == null) { simpleMessage_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage.getDefaultInstance(); @@ -1133,17 +877,11 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000004); return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.SimpleMessage simple_message = 3; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage.Builder getSimpleMessageBuilder() { bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; onChanged(); return getSimpleMessageFieldBuilder().getBuilder(); } - /** - * optional .openxc.SimpleMessage simple_message = 3; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessageOrBuilder getSimpleMessageOrBuilder() { if (simpleMessageBuilder_ != null) { return simpleMessageBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder(); @@ -1151,9 +889,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return simpleMessage_; } } - /** - * optional .openxc.SimpleMessage simple_message = 3; - */ private< com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage.Builder, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessageOrBuilder> getSimpleMessageFieldBuilder() { @@ -1167,20 +902,14 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return simpleMessageBuilder_; } - + // optional .openxc.DiagnosticResponse diagnostic_response = 4; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse diagnosticResponse_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse.getDefaultInstance(); private< com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse.Builder, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponseOrBuilder> diagnosticResponseBuilder_; - /** - * optional .openxc.DiagnosticResponse diagnostic_response = 4; - */ public boolean hasDiagnosticResponse() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000008) == 0x00000008); } - /** - * optional .openxc.DiagnosticResponse diagnostic_response = 4; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse getDiagnosticResponse() { if (diagnosticResponseBuilder_ == null) { return diagnosticResponse_; @@ -1188,9 +917,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return diagnosticResponseBuilder_.getMessage(); } } - /** - * optional .openxc.DiagnosticResponse diagnostic_response = 4; - */ public Builder setDiagnosticResponse(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse value) { if (diagnosticResponseBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { @@ -1204,9 +930,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000008; return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.DiagnosticResponse diagnostic_response = 4; - */ public Builder setDiagnosticResponse( com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse.Builder builderForValue) { if (diagnosticResponseBuilder_ == null) { @@ -1218,9 +941,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000008; return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.DiagnosticResponse diagnostic_response = 4; - */ public Builder mergeDiagnosticResponse(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse value) { if (diagnosticResponseBuilder_ == null) { if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000008) == 0x00000008) && @@ -1237,9 +957,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000008; return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.DiagnosticResponse diagnostic_response = 4; - */ public Builder clearDiagnosticResponse() { if (diagnosticResponseBuilder_ == null) { diagnosticResponse_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse.getDefaultInstance(); @@ -1250,17 +967,11 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000008); return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.DiagnosticResponse diagnostic_response = 4; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse.Builder getDiagnosticResponseBuilder() { bitField0_ |= 0x00000008; onChanged(); return getDiagnosticResponseFieldBuilder().getBuilder(); } - /** - * optional .openxc.DiagnosticResponse diagnostic_response = 4; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponseOrBuilder getDiagnosticResponseOrBuilder() { if (diagnosticResponseBuilder_ != null) { return diagnosticResponseBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder(); @@ -1268,9 +979,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return diagnosticResponse_; } } - /** - * optional .openxc.DiagnosticResponse diagnostic_response = 4; - */ private< com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse.Builder, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponseOrBuilder> getDiagnosticResponseFieldBuilder() { @@ -1284,20 +992,14 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return diagnosticResponseBuilder_; } - + // optional .openxc.ControlCommand control_command = 5; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand controlCommand_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.getDefaultInstance(); private< com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.Builder, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommandOrBuilder> controlCommandBuilder_; - /** - * optional .openxc.ControlCommand control_command = 5; - */ public boolean hasControlCommand() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000010) == 0x00000010); } - /** - * optional .openxc.ControlCommand control_command = 5; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand getControlCommand() { if (controlCommandBuilder_ == null) { return controlCommand_; @@ -1305,9 +1007,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return controlCommandBuilder_.getMessage(); } } - /** - * optional .openxc.ControlCommand control_command = 5; - */ public Builder setControlCommand(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand value) { if (controlCommandBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { @@ -1321,9 +1020,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000010; return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.ControlCommand control_command = 5; - */ public Builder setControlCommand( com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.Builder builderForValue) { if (controlCommandBuilder_ == null) { @@ -1335,9 +1031,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000010; return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.ControlCommand control_command = 5; - */ public Builder mergeControlCommand(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand value) { if (controlCommandBuilder_ == null) { if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000010) == 0x00000010) && @@ -1354,9 +1047,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000010; return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.ControlCommand control_command = 5; - */ public Builder clearControlCommand() { if (controlCommandBuilder_ == null) { controlCommand_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.getDefaultInstance(); @@ -1367,17 +1057,11 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000010); return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.ControlCommand control_command = 5; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.Builder getControlCommandBuilder() { bitField0_ |= 0x00000010; onChanged(); return getControlCommandFieldBuilder().getBuilder(); } - /** - * optional .openxc.ControlCommand control_command = 5; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommandOrBuilder getControlCommandOrBuilder() { if (controlCommandBuilder_ != null) { return controlCommandBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder(); @@ -1385,9 +1069,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return controlCommand_; } } - /** - * optional .openxc.ControlCommand control_command = 5; - */ private< com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.Builder, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommandOrBuilder> getControlCommandFieldBuilder() { @@ -1401,20 +1082,14 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return controlCommandBuilder_; } - + // optional .openxc.CommandResponse command_response = 6; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse commandResponse_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse.getDefaultInstance(); private< com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse.Builder, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponseOrBuilder> commandResponseBuilder_; - /** - * optional .openxc.CommandResponse command_response = 6; - */ public boolean hasCommandResponse() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000020) == 0x00000020); } - /** - * optional .openxc.CommandResponse command_response = 6; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse getCommandResponse() { if (commandResponseBuilder_ == null) { return commandResponse_; @@ -1422,9 +1097,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return commandResponseBuilder_.getMessage(); } } - /** - * optional .openxc.CommandResponse command_response = 6; - */ public Builder setCommandResponse(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse value) { if (commandResponseBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { @@ -1438,9 +1110,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000020; return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.CommandResponse command_response = 6; - */ public Builder setCommandResponse( com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse.Builder builderForValue) { if (commandResponseBuilder_ == null) { @@ -1452,9 +1121,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000020; return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.CommandResponse command_response = 6; - */ public Builder mergeCommandResponse(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse value) { if (commandResponseBuilder_ == null) { if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000020) == 0x00000020) && @@ -1471,9 +1137,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000020; return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.CommandResponse command_response = 6; - */ public Builder clearCommandResponse() { if (commandResponseBuilder_ == null) { commandResponse_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse.getDefaultInstance(); @@ -1484,17 +1147,11 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000020); return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.CommandResponse command_response = 6; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse.Builder getCommandResponseBuilder() { bitField0_ |= 0x00000020; onChanged(); return getCommandResponseFieldBuilder().getBuilder(); } - /** - * optional .openxc.CommandResponse command_response = 6; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponseOrBuilder getCommandResponseOrBuilder() { if (commandResponseBuilder_ != null) { return commandResponseBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder(); @@ -1502,9 +1159,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return commandResponse_; } } - /** - * optional .openxc.CommandResponse command_response = 6; - */ private< com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse.Builder, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponseOrBuilder> getCommandResponseFieldBuilder() { @@ -1518,237 +1172,98 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return commandResponseBuilder_; } - + // optional uint64 timestamp = 7; private long timestamp_ ; - /** - * optional uint64 timestamp = 7; - */ public boolean hasTimestamp() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000040) == 0x00000040); } - /** - * optional uint64 timestamp = 7; - */ public long getTimestamp() { return timestamp_; } - /** - * optional uint64 timestamp = 7; - */ public Builder setTimestamp(long value) { bitField0_ |= 0x00000040; timestamp_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } - /** - * optional uint64 timestamp = 7; - */ public Builder clearTimestamp() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000040); timestamp_ = 0L; onChanged(); return this; } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(builder_scope:openxc.VehicleMessage) } - + static { defaultInstance = new VehicleMessage(true); defaultInstance.initFields(); } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:openxc.VehicleMessage) } - + public interface CanMessageOrBuilder extends { - + // optional int32 bus = 1; - /** - * optional int32 bus = 1; - */ boolean hasBus(); - /** - * optional int32 bus = 1; - */ int getBus(); - + // optional uint32 id = 2; - /** - * optional uint32 id = 2; - */ boolean hasId(); - /** - * optional uint32 id = 2; - */ int getId(); - + // optional bytes data = 3; - /** - * optional bytes data = 3; - */ boolean hasData(); - /** - * optional bytes data = 3; - */ getData(); - + // optional .openxc.CanMessage.FrameFormat frame_format = 4; - /** - * optional .openxc.CanMessage.FrameFormat frame_format = 4; - */ boolean hasFrameFormat(); - /** - * optional .openxc.CanMessage.FrameFormat frame_format = 4; - */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage.FrameFormat getFrameFormat(); } - /** - * Protobuf type {@code openxc.CanMessage} - */ public static final class CanMessage extends implements CanMessageOrBuilder { // Use CanMessage.newBuilder() to construct. - private CanMessage( builder) { + private CanMessage(Builder builder) { super(builder); - this.unknownFields = builder.getUnknownFields(); } - private CanMessage(boolean noInit) { this.unknownFields =; } - + private CanMessage(boolean noInit) {} + private static final CanMessage defaultInstance; public static CanMessage getDefaultInstance() { return defaultInstance; } - + public CanMessage getDefaultInstanceForType() { return defaultInstance; } - - private final unknownFields; - @java.lang.Override - public final - getUnknownFields() { - return this.unknownFields; - } - private CanMessage( - input, - extensionRegistry) - throws { - initFields(); - int mutable_bitField0_ = 0; - unknownFields = -; - try { - boolean done = false; - while (!done) { - int tag = input.readTag(); - switch (tag) { - case 0: - done = true; - break; - default: { - if (!parseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, - extensionRegistry, tag)) { - done = true; - } - break; - } - case 8: { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; - bus_ = input.readInt32(); - break; - } - case 16: { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; - id_ = input.readUInt32(); - break; - } - case 26: { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; - data_ = input.readBytes(); - break; - } - case 32: { - int rawValue = input.readEnum(); - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage.FrameFormat value = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage.FrameFormat.valueOf(rawValue); - if (value == null) { - unknownFields.mergeVarintField(4, rawValue); - } else { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000008; - frameFormat_ = value; - } - break; - } - } - } - } catch ( e) { - throw e.setUnfinishedMessage(this); - } catch ( e) { - throw new - e.getMessage()).setUnfinishedMessage(this); - } finally { - this.unknownFields =; - makeExtensionsImmutable(); - } - } + public static final getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_CanMessage_descriptor; } - + protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_CanMessage_fieldAccessorTable - .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage.class, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage.Builder.class); + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_CanMessage_fieldAccessorTable; } - - public static PARSER = - new { - public CanMessage parsePartialFrom( - input, - extensionRegistry) - throws { - return new CanMessage(input, extensionRegistry); - } - }; - - @java.lang.Override - public getParserForType() { - return PARSER; - } - - /** - * Protobuf enum {@code openxc.CanMessage.FrameFormat} - */ + public enum FrameFormat implements { - /** - * STANDARD = 1; - */ STANDARD(0, 1), - /** - * EXTENDED = 2; - */ EXTENDED(1, 2), ; - - /** - * STANDARD = 1; - */ + public static final int STANDARD_VALUE = 1; - /** - * EXTENDED = 2; - */ public static final int EXTENDED_VALUE = 2; - - + + public final int getNumber() { return value; } - + public static FrameFormat valueOf(int value) { switch (value) { case 1: return STANDARD; @@ -1756,7 +1271,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { default: return null; } } - + public static internalGetValueMap() { return internalValueMap; @@ -1768,7 +1283,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return FrameFormat.valueOf(number); } }; - + public final getValueDescriptor() { return getDescriptor().getValues().get(index); @@ -1781,9 +1296,11 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage.getDescriptor().getEnumTypes().get(0); } - - private static final FrameFormat[] VALUES = values(); - + + private static final FrameFormat[] VALUES = { + STANDARD, EXTENDED, + }; + public static FrameFormat valueOf( desc) { if (desc.getType() != getDescriptor()) { @@ -1792,83 +1309,59 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return VALUES[desc.getIndex()]; } - + private final int index; private final int value; - + private FrameFormat(int index, int value) { this.index = index; this.value = value; } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(enum_scope:openxc.CanMessage.FrameFormat) } - + private int bitField0_; // optional int32 bus = 1; public static final int BUS_FIELD_NUMBER = 1; private int bus_; - /** - * optional int32 bus = 1; - */ public boolean hasBus() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } - /** - * optional int32 bus = 1; - */ public int getBus() { return bus_; } - + // optional uint32 id = 2; public static final int ID_FIELD_NUMBER = 2; private int id_; - /** - * optional uint32 id = 2; - */ public boolean hasId() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002); } - /** - * optional uint32 id = 2; - */ public int getId() { return id_; } - + // optional bytes data = 3; public static final int DATA_FIELD_NUMBER = 3; private data_; - /** - * optional bytes data = 3; - */ public boolean hasData() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004); } - /** - * optional bytes data = 3; - */ public getData() { return data_; } - + // optional .openxc.CanMessage.FrameFormat frame_format = 4; public static final int FRAME_FORMAT_FIELD_NUMBER = 4; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage.FrameFormat frameFormat_; - /** - * optional .openxc.CanMessage.FrameFormat frame_format = 4; - */ public boolean hasFrameFormat() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000008) == 0x00000008); } - /** - * optional .openxc.CanMessage.FrameFormat frame_format = 4; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage.FrameFormat getFrameFormat() { return frameFormat_; } - + private void initFields() { bus_ = 0; id_ = 0; @@ -1879,11 +1372,11 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { public final boolean isInitialized() { byte isInitialized = memoizedIsInitialized; if (isInitialized != -1) return isInitialized == 1; - + memoizedIsInitialized = 1; return true; } - + public void writeTo( output) throws { getSerializedSize(); @@ -1901,12 +1394,12 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } getUnknownFields().writeTo(output); } - + private int memoizedSerializedSize = -1; public int getSerializedSize() { int size = memoizedSerializedSize; if (size != -1) return size; - + size = 0; if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { size += @@ -1928,83 +1421,94 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { memoizedSerializedSize = size; return size; } - + private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L; @java.lang.Override protected java.lang.Object writeReplace() throws { return super.writeReplace(); } - + public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage parseFrom( data) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(data); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data).buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage parseFrom( data, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry) + .buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage parseFrom(byte[] data) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(data); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data).buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage parseFrom( byte[] data, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry) + .buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage parseFrom( input) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(input); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input).buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry) + .buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage parseDelimitedFrom( input) throws { - return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input); + Builder builder = newBuilder(); + if (builder.mergeDelimitedFrom(input)) { + return builder.buildParsed(); + } else { + return null; + } } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage parseDelimitedFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry); + Builder builder = newBuilder(); + if (builder.mergeDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry)) { + return builder.buildParsed(); + } else { + return null; + } } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage parseFrom( input) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(input); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input).buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry) + .buildParsed(); } - + public static Builder newBuilder() { return Builder.create(); } public Builder newBuilderForType() { return newBuilder(); } public static Builder newBuilder(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage prototype) { return newBuilder().mergeFrom(prototype); } public Builder toBuilder() { return newBuilder(this); } - + @java.lang.Override protected Builder newBuilderForType( parent) { Builder builder = new Builder(parent); return builder; } - /** - * Protobuf type {@code openxc.CanMessage} - */ public static final class Builder extends implements com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessageOrBuilder { @@ -2012,21 +1516,18 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_CanMessage_descriptor; } - + protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_CanMessage_fieldAccessorTable - .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage.class, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage.Builder.class); + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_CanMessage_fieldAccessorTable; } - + // Construct using com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage.newBuilder() private Builder() { maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } - - private Builder( - parent) { + + private Builder(BuilderParent parent) { super(parent); maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } @@ -2037,7 +1538,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { private static Builder create() { return new Builder(); } - + public Builder clear() { super.clear(); bus_ = 0; @@ -2050,20 +1551,20 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000008); return this; } - + public Builder clone() { return create().mergeFrom(buildPartial()); } - + public getDescriptorForType() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_CanMessage_descriptor; + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage.getDescriptor(); } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage getDefaultInstanceForType() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage.getDefaultInstance(); } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage build() { com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage result = buildPartial(); if (!result.isInitialized()) { @@ -2071,7 +1572,17 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return result; } - + + private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage buildParsed() + throws { + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage result = buildPartial(); + if (!result.isInitialized()) { + throw newUninitializedMessageException( + result).asInvalidProtocolBufferException(); + } + return result; + } + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage buildPartial() { com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage result = new com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage(this); int from_bitField0_ = bitField0_; @@ -2096,7 +1607,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { onBuilt(); return result; } - + public Builder mergeFrom( other) { if (other instanceof com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage) { return mergeFrom((com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage)other); @@ -2105,7 +1616,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return this; } } - + public Builder mergeFrom(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage other) { if (other == com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage.getDefaultInstance()) return this; if (other.hasBus()) { @@ -2123,113 +1634,116 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { this.mergeUnknownFields(other.getUnknownFields()); return this; } - + public final boolean isInitialized() { return true; } - + public Builder mergeFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage parsedMessage = null; - try { - parsedMessage = PARSER.parsePartialFrom(input, extensionRegistry); - } catch ( e) { - parsedMessage = (com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage) e.getUnfinishedMessage(); - throw e; - } finally { - if (parsedMessage != null) { - mergeFrom(parsedMessage); + unknownFields = + + this.getUnknownFields()); + while (true) { + int tag = input.readTag(); + switch (tag) { + case 0: + this.setUnknownFields(; + onChanged(); + return this; + default: { + if (!parseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, + extensionRegistry, tag)) { + this.setUnknownFields(; + onChanged(); + return this; + } + break; + } + case 8: { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; + bus_ = input.readInt32(); + break; + } + case 16: { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; + id_ = input.readUInt32(); + break; + } + case 26: { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; + data_ = input.readBytes(); + break; + } + case 32: { + int rawValue = input.readEnum(); + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage.FrameFormat value = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage.FrameFormat.valueOf(rawValue); + if (value == null) { + unknownFields.mergeVarintField(4, rawValue); + } else { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000008; + frameFormat_ = value; + } + break; + } } } - return this; } + private int bitField0_; - + // optional int32 bus = 1; private int bus_ ; - /** - * optional int32 bus = 1; - */ public boolean hasBus() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } - /** - * optional int32 bus = 1; - */ public int getBus() { return bus_; } - /** - * optional int32 bus = 1; - */ public Builder setBus(int value) { bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; bus_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } - /** - * optional int32 bus = 1; - */ public Builder clearBus() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); bus_ = 0; onChanged(); return this; } - + // optional uint32 id = 2; private int id_ ; - /** - * optional uint32 id = 2; - */ public boolean hasId() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002); } - /** - * optional uint32 id = 2; - */ public int getId() { return id_; } - /** - * optional uint32 id = 2; - */ public Builder setId(int value) { bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; id_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } - /** - * optional uint32 id = 2; - */ public Builder clearId() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); id_ = 0; onChanged(); return this; } - + // optional bytes data = 3; private data_ =; - /** - * optional bytes data = 3; - */ public boolean hasData() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004); } - /** - * optional bytes data = 3; - */ public getData() { return data_; } - /** - * optional bytes data = 3; - */ public Builder setData( value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); @@ -2239,33 +1753,21 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { onChanged(); return this; } - /** - * optional bytes data = 3; - */ public Builder clearData() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000004); data_ = getDefaultInstance().getData(); onChanged(); return this; } - + // optional .openxc.CanMessage.FrameFormat frame_format = 4; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage.FrameFormat frameFormat_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage.FrameFormat.STANDARD; - /** - * optional .openxc.CanMessage.FrameFormat frame_format = 4; - */ public boolean hasFrameFormat() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000008) == 0x00000008); } - /** - * optional .openxc.CanMessage.FrameFormat frame_format = 4; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage.FrameFormat getFrameFormat() { return frameFormat_; } - /** - * optional .openxc.CanMessage.FrameFormat frame_format = 4; - */ public Builder setFrameFormat(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage.FrameFormat value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); @@ -2275,421 +1777,122 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { onChanged(); return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.CanMessage.FrameFormat frame_format = 4; - */ public Builder clearFrameFormat() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000008); frameFormat_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage.FrameFormat.STANDARD; onChanged(); return this; } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(builder_scope:openxc.CanMessage) } - + static { defaultInstance = new CanMessage(true); defaultInstance.initFields(); } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:openxc.CanMessage) } - + public interface ControlCommandOrBuilder extends { - + // optional .openxc.ControlCommand.Type type = 1; - /** - * optional .openxc.ControlCommand.Type type = 1; - */ boolean hasType(); - /** - * optional .openxc.ControlCommand.Type type = 1; - */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.Type getType(); - + // optional .openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand diagnostic_request = 2; - /** - * optional .openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand diagnostic_request = 2; - */ boolean hasDiagnosticRequest(); - /** - * optional .openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand diagnostic_request = 2; - */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand getDiagnosticRequest(); - /** - * optional .openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand diagnostic_request = 2; - */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommandOrBuilder getDiagnosticRequestOrBuilder(); - + // optional .openxc.PassthroughModeControlCommand passthrough_mode_request = 3; - /** - * optional .openxc.PassthroughModeControlCommand passthrough_mode_request = 3; - */ boolean hasPassthroughModeRequest(); - /** - * optional .openxc.PassthroughModeControlCommand passthrough_mode_request = 3; - */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand getPassthroughModeRequest(); - /** - * optional .openxc.PassthroughModeControlCommand passthrough_mode_request = 3; - */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommandOrBuilder getPassthroughModeRequestOrBuilder(); - + // optional .openxc.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand acceptance_filter_bypass_command = 4; - /** - * optional .openxc.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand acceptance_filter_bypass_command = 4; - */ boolean hasAcceptanceFilterBypassCommand(); - /** - * optional .openxc.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand acceptance_filter_bypass_command = 4; - */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand getAcceptanceFilterBypassCommand(); - /** - * optional .openxc.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand acceptance_filter_bypass_command = 4; - */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommandOrBuilder getAcceptanceFilterBypassCommandOrBuilder(); - + // optional .openxc.PayloadFormatCommand payload_format_command = 5; - /** - * optional .openxc.PayloadFormatCommand payload_format_command = 5; - */ boolean hasPayloadFormatCommand(); - /** - * optional .openxc.PayloadFormatCommand payload_format_command = 5; - */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand getPayloadFormatCommand(); - /** - * optional .openxc.PayloadFormatCommand payload_format_command = 5; - */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommandOrBuilder getPayloadFormatCommandOrBuilder(); - + // optional .openxc.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand predefined_obd2_requests_command = 6; - /** - * optional .openxc.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand predefined_obd2_requests_command = 6; - */ boolean hasPredefinedObd2RequestsCommand(); - /** - * optional .openxc.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand predefined_obd2_requests_command = 6; - */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand getPredefinedObd2RequestsCommand(); - /** - * optional .openxc.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand predefined_obd2_requests_command = 6; - */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommandOrBuilder getPredefinedObd2RequestsCommandOrBuilder(); - + // optional .openxc.ModemConfigurationCommand modem_configuration_command = 7; - /** - * optional .openxc.ModemConfigurationCommand modem_configuration_command = 7; - */ boolean hasModemConfigurationCommand(); - /** - * optional .openxc.ModemConfigurationCommand modem_configuration_command = 7; - */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand getModemConfigurationCommand(); - /** - * optional .openxc.ModemConfigurationCommand modem_configuration_command = 7; - */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommandOrBuilder getModemConfigurationCommandOrBuilder(); - + // optional .openxc.RTCConfigurationCommand rtc_configuration_command = 8; - /** - * optional .openxc.RTCConfigurationCommand rtc_configuration_command = 8; - */ boolean hasRtcConfigurationCommand(); - /** - * optional .openxc.RTCConfigurationCommand rtc_configuration_command = 8; - */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand getRtcConfigurationCommand(); - /** - * optional .openxc.RTCConfigurationCommand rtc_configuration_command = 8; - */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommandOrBuilder getRtcConfigurationCommandOrBuilder(); } - /** - * Protobuf type {@code openxc.ControlCommand} - */ public static final class ControlCommand extends implements ControlCommandOrBuilder { // Use ControlCommand.newBuilder() to construct. - private ControlCommand( builder) { + private ControlCommand(Builder builder) { super(builder); - this.unknownFields = builder.getUnknownFields(); } - private ControlCommand(boolean noInit) { this.unknownFields =; } - + private ControlCommand(boolean noInit) {} + private static final ControlCommand defaultInstance; public static ControlCommand getDefaultInstance() { return defaultInstance; } - + public ControlCommand getDefaultInstanceForType() { return defaultInstance; } - - private final unknownFields; - @java.lang.Override - public final - getUnknownFields() { - return this.unknownFields; - } - private ControlCommand( - input, - extensionRegistry) - throws { - initFields(); - int mutable_bitField0_ = 0; - unknownFields = -; - try { - boolean done = false; - while (!done) { - int tag = input.readTag(); - switch (tag) { - case 0: - done = true; - break; - default: { - if (!parseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, - extensionRegistry, tag)) { - done = true; - } - break; - } - case 8: { - int rawValue = input.readEnum(); - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.Type value = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.Type.valueOf(rawValue); - if (value == null) { - unknownFields.mergeVarintField(1, rawValue); - } else { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; - type_ = value; - } - break; - } - case 18: { - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand.Builder subBuilder = null; - if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002)) { - subBuilder = diagnosticRequest_.toBuilder(); - } - diagnosticRequest_ = input.readMessage(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand.PARSER, extensionRegistry); - if (subBuilder != null) { - subBuilder.mergeFrom(diagnosticRequest_); - diagnosticRequest_ = subBuilder.buildPartial(); - } - bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; - break; - } - case 26: { - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand.Builder subBuilder = null; - if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004)) { - subBuilder = passthroughModeRequest_.toBuilder(); - } - passthroughModeRequest_ = input.readMessage(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand.PARSER, extensionRegistry); - if (subBuilder != null) { - subBuilder.mergeFrom(passthroughModeRequest_); - passthroughModeRequest_ = subBuilder.buildPartial(); - } - bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; - break; - } - case 34: { - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand.Builder subBuilder = null; - if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000008) == 0x00000008)) { - subBuilder = acceptanceFilterBypassCommand_.toBuilder(); - } - acceptanceFilterBypassCommand_ = input.readMessage(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand.PARSER, extensionRegistry); - if (subBuilder != null) { - subBuilder.mergeFrom(acceptanceFilterBypassCommand_); - acceptanceFilterBypassCommand_ = subBuilder.buildPartial(); - } - bitField0_ |= 0x00000008; - break; - } - case 42: { - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand.Builder subBuilder = null; - if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000010) == 0x00000010)) { - subBuilder = payloadFormatCommand_.toBuilder(); - } - payloadFormatCommand_ = input.readMessage(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand.PARSER, extensionRegistry); - if (subBuilder != null) { - subBuilder.mergeFrom(payloadFormatCommand_); - payloadFormatCommand_ = subBuilder.buildPartial(); - } - bitField0_ |= 0x00000010; - break; - } - case 50: { - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand.Builder subBuilder = null; - if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000020) == 0x00000020)) { - subBuilder = predefinedObd2RequestsCommand_.toBuilder(); - } - predefinedObd2RequestsCommand_ = input.readMessage(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand.PARSER, extensionRegistry); - if (subBuilder != null) { - subBuilder.mergeFrom(predefinedObd2RequestsCommand_); - predefinedObd2RequestsCommand_ = subBuilder.buildPartial(); - } - bitField0_ |= 0x00000020; - break; - } - case 58: { - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand.Builder subBuilder = null; - if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000040) == 0x00000040)) { - subBuilder = modemConfigurationCommand_.toBuilder(); - } - modemConfigurationCommand_ = input.readMessage(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand.PARSER, extensionRegistry); - if (subBuilder != null) { - subBuilder.mergeFrom(modemConfigurationCommand_); - modemConfigurationCommand_ = subBuilder.buildPartial(); - } - bitField0_ |= 0x00000040; - break; - } - case 66: { - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand.Builder subBuilder = null; - if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000080) == 0x00000080)) { - subBuilder = rtcConfigurationCommand_.toBuilder(); - } - rtcConfigurationCommand_ = input.readMessage(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand.PARSER, extensionRegistry); - if (subBuilder != null) { - subBuilder.mergeFrom(rtcConfigurationCommand_); - rtcConfigurationCommand_ = subBuilder.buildPartial(); - } - bitField0_ |= 0x00000080; - break; - } - } - } - } catch ( e) { - throw e.setUnfinishedMessage(this); - } catch ( e) { - throw new - e.getMessage()).setUnfinishedMessage(this); - } finally { - this.unknownFields =; - makeExtensionsImmutable(); - } - } + public static final getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_ControlCommand_descriptor; } - + protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_ControlCommand_fieldAccessorTable - .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.class, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.Builder.class); - } - - public static PARSER = - new { - public ControlCommand parsePartialFrom( - input, - extensionRegistry) - throws { - return new ControlCommand(input, extensionRegistry); - } - }; - - @java.lang.Override - public getParserForType() { - return PARSER; + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_ControlCommand_fieldAccessorTable; } - - /** - * Protobuf enum {@code openxc.ControlCommand.Type} - */ + public enum Type implements { - /** - * VERSION = 1; - */ VERSION(0, 1), - /** - * DEVICE_ID = 2; - */ DEVICE_ID(1, 2), - /** - * DIAGNOSTIC = 3; - */ DIAGNOSTIC(2, 3), - /** - * PASSTHROUGH = 4; - */ PASSTHROUGH(3, 4), - /** - * ACCEPTANCE_FILTER_BYPASS = 5; - */ ACCEPTANCE_FILTER_BYPASS(4, 5), - /** - * PAYLOAD_FORMAT = 6; - */ PAYLOAD_FORMAT(5, 6), - /** - * PREDEFINED_OBD2_REQUESTS = 7; - */ PREDEFINED_OBD2_REQUESTS(6, 7), - /** - * MODEM_CONFIGURATION = 8; - */ MODEM_CONFIGURATION(7, 8), - /** - * RTC_CONFIGURATION = 9; - */ RTC_CONFIGURATION(8, 9), - /** - * SD_MOUNT_STATUS = 10; - */ SD_MOUNT_STATUS(9, 10), ; - - /** - * VERSION = 1; - */ + public static final int VERSION_VALUE = 1; - /** - * DEVICE_ID = 2; - */ public static final int DEVICE_ID_VALUE = 2; - /** - * DIAGNOSTIC = 3; - */ public static final int DIAGNOSTIC_VALUE = 3; - /** - * PASSTHROUGH = 4; - */ public static final int PASSTHROUGH_VALUE = 4; - /** - * ACCEPTANCE_FILTER_BYPASS = 5; - */ public static final int ACCEPTANCE_FILTER_BYPASS_VALUE = 5; - /** - * PAYLOAD_FORMAT = 6; - */ public static final int PAYLOAD_FORMAT_VALUE = 6; - /** - * PREDEFINED_OBD2_REQUESTS = 7; - */ public static final int PREDEFINED_OBD2_REQUESTS_VALUE = 7; - /** - * MODEM_CONFIGURATION = 8; - */ public static final int MODEM_CONFIGURATION_VALUE = 8; - /** - * RTC_CONFIGURATION = 9; - */ public static final int RTC_CONFIGURATION_VALUE = 9; - /** - * SD_MOUNT_STATUS = 10; - */ public static final int SD_MOUNT_STATUS_VALUE = 10; - - + + public final int getNumber() { return value; } - + public static Type valueOf(int value) { switch (value) { case 1: return VERSION; @@ -2705,7 +1908,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { default: return null; } } - + public static internalGetValueMap() { return internalValueMap; @@ -2717,7 +1920,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return Type.valueOf(number); } }; - + public final getValueDescriptor() { return getDescriptor().getValues().get(index); @@ -2730,9 +1933,11 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.getDescriptor().getEnumTypes().get(0); } - - private static final Type[] VALUES = values(); - + + private static final Type[] VALUES = { + VERSION, DEVICE_ID, DIAGNOSTIC, PASSTHROUGH, ACCEPTANCE_FILTER_BYPASS, PAYLOAD_FORMAT, PREDEFINED_OBD2_REQUESTS, MODEM_CONFIGURATION, RTC_CONFIGURATION, SD_MOUNT_STATUS, + }; + public static Type valueOf( desc) { if (desc.getType() != getDescriptor()) { @@ -2741,189 +1946,120 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return VALUES[desc.getIndex()]; } - + private final int index; private final int value; - + private Type(int index, int value) { this.index = index; this.value = value; } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(enum_scope:openxc.ControlCommand.Type) } - + private int bitField0_; // optional .openxc.ControlCommand.Type type = 1; public static final int TYPE_FIELD_NUMBER = 1; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.Type type_; - /** - * optional .openxc.ControlCommand.Type type = 1; - */ public boolean hasType() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } - /** - * optional .openxc.ControlCommand.Type type = 1; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.Type getType() { return type_; } - + // optional .openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand diagnostic_request = 2; public static final int DIAGNOSTIC_REQUEST_FIELD_NUMBER = 2; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand diagnosticRequest_; - /** - * optional .openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand diagnostic_request = 2; - */ public boolean hasDiagnosticRequest() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002); } - /** - * optional .openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand diagnostic_request = 2; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand getDiagnosticRequest() { return diagnosticRequest_; } - /** - * optional .openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand diagnostic_request = 2; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommandOrBuilder getDiagnosticRequestOrBuilder() { return diagnosticRequest_; } - + // optional .openxc.PassthroughModeControlCommand passthrough_mode_request = 3; public static final int PASSTHROUGH_MODE_REQUEST_FIELD_NUMBER = 3; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand passthroughModeRequest_; - /** - * optional .openxc.PassthroughModeControlCommand passthrough_mode_request = 3; - */ public boolean hasPassthroughModeRequest() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004); } - /** - * optional .openxc.PassthroughModeControlCommand passthrough_mode_request = 3; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand getPassthroughModeRequest() { return passthroughModeRequest_; } - /** - * optional .openxc.PassthroughModeControlCommand passthrough_mode_request = 3; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommandOrBuilder getPassthroughModeRequestOrBuilder() { return passthroughModeRequest_; } - + // optional .openxc.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand acceptance_filter_bypass_command = 4; public static final int ACCEPTANCE_FILTER_BYPASS_COMMAND_FIELD_NUMBER = 4; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand acceptanceFilterBypassCommand_; - /** - * optional .openxc.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand acceptance_filter_bypass_command = 4; - */ public boolean hasAcceptanceFilterBypassCommand() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000008) == 0x00000008); } - /** - * optional .openxc.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand acceptance_filter_bypass_command = 4; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand getAcceptanceFilterBypassCommand() { return acceptanceFilterBypassCommand_; } - /** - * optional .openxc.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand acceptance_filter_bypass_command = 4; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommandOrBuilder getAcceptanceFilterBypassCommandOrBuilder() { return acceptanceFilterBypassCommand_; } - + // optional .openxc.PayloadFormatCommand payload_format_command = 5; public static final int PAYLOAD_FORMAT_COMMAND_FIELD_NUMBER = 5; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand payloadFormatCommand_; - /** - * optional .openxc.PayloadFormatCommand payload_format_command = 5; - */ public boolean hasPayloadFormatCommand() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000010) == 0x00000010); } - /** - * optional .openxc.PayloadFormatCommand payload_format_command = 5; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand getPayloadFormatCommand() { return payloadFormatCommand_; } - /** - * optional .openxc.PayloadFormatCommand payload_format_command = 5; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommandOrBuilder getPayloadFormatCommandOrBuilder() { return payloadFormatCommand_; } - + // optional .openxc.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand predefined_obd2_requests_command = 6; public static final int PREDEFINED_OBD2_REQUESTS_COMMAND_FIELD_NUMBER = 6; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand predefinedObd2RequestsCommand_; - /** - * optional .openxc.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand predefined_obd2_requests_command = 6; - */ public boolean hasPredefinedObd2RequestsCommand() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000020) == 0x00000020); } - /** - * optional .openxc.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand predefined_obd2_requests_command = 6; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand getPredefinedObd2RequestsCommand() { return predefinedObd2RequestsCommand_; } - /** - * optional .openxc.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand predefined_obd2_requests_command = 6; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommandOrBuilder getPredefinedObd2RequestsCommandOrBuilder() { return predefinedObd2RequestsCommand_; } - + // optional .openxc.ModemConfigurationCommand modem_configuration_command = 7; public static final int MODEM_CONFIGURATION_COMMAND_FIELD_NUMBER = 7; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand modemConfigurationCommand_; - /** - * optional .openxc.ModemConfigurationCommand modem_configuration_command = 7; - */ public boolean hasModemConfigurationCommand() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000040) == 0x00000040); } - /** - * optional .openxc.ModemConfigurationCommand modem_configuration_command = 7; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand getModemConfigurationCommand() { return modemConfigurationCommand_; } - /** - * optional .openxc.ModemConfigurationCommand modem_configuration_command = 7; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommandOrBuilder getModemConfigurationCommandOrBuilder() { return modemConfigurationCommand_; } - + // optional .openxc.RTCConfigurationCommand rtc_configuration_command = 8; public static final int RTC_CONFIGURATION_COMMAND_FIELD_NUMBER = 8; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand rtcConfigurationCommand_; - /** - * optional .openxc.RTCConfigurationCommand rtc_configuration_command = 8; - */ public boolean hasRtcConfigurationCommand() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000080) == 0x00000080); } - /** - * optional .openxc.RTCConfigurationCommand rtc_configuration_command = 8; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand getRtcConfigurationCommand() { return rtcConfigurationCommand_; } - /** - * optional .openxc.RTCConfigurationCommand rtc_configuration_command = 8; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommandOrBuilder getRtcConfigurationCommandOrBuilder() { return rtcConfigurationCommand_; } - + private void initFields() { type_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.Type.VERSION; diagnosticRequest_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand.getDefaultInstance(); @@ -2938,11 +2074,11 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { public final boolean isInitialized() { byte isInitialized = memoizedIsInitialized; if (isInitialized != -1) return isInitialized == 1; - + memoizedIsInitialized = 1; return true; } - + public void writeTo( output) throws { getSerializedSize(); @@ -2972,12 +2108,12 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } getUnknownFields().writeTo(output); } - + private int memoizedSerializedSize = -1; public int getSerializedSize() { int size = memoizedSerializedSize; if (size != -1) return size; - + size = 0; if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { size += @@ -3015,83 +2151,94 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { memoizedSerializedSize = size; return size; } - + private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L; @java.lang.Override protected java.lang.Object writeReplace() throws { return super.writeReplace(); } - + public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand parseFrom( data) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(data); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data).buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand parseFrom( data, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry) + .buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand parseFrom(byte[] data) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(data); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data).buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand parseFrom( byte[] data, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry) + .buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand parseFrom( input) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(input); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input).buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry) + .buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand parseDelimitedFrom( input) throws { - return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input); + Builder builder = newBuilder(); + if (builder.mergeDelimitedFrom(input)) { + return builder.buildParsed(); + } else { + return null; + } } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand parseDelimitedFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry); + Builder builder = newBuilder(); + if (builder.mergeDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry)) { + return builder.buildParsed(); + } else { + return null; + } } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand parseFrom( input) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(input); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input).buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry) + .buildParsed(); } - + public static Builder newBuilder() { return Builder.create(); } public Builder newBuilderForType() { return newBuilder(); } public static Builder newBuilder(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand prototype) { return newBuilder().mergeFrom(prototype); } public Builder toBuilder() { return newBuilder(this); } - + @java.lang.Override protected Builder newBuilderForType( parent) { Builder builder = new Builder(parent); return builder; } - /** - * Protobuf type {@code openxc.ControlCommand} - */ public static final class Builder extends implements com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommandOrBuilder { @@ -3099,21 +2246,18 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_ControlCommand_descriptor; } - + protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_ControlCommand_fieldAccessorTable - .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.class, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.Builder.class); + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_ControlCommand_fieldAccessorTable; } - + // Construct using com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.newBuilder() private Builder() { maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } - - private Builder( - parent) { + + private Builder(BuilderParent parent) { super(parent); maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } @@ -3131,7 +2275,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { private static Builder create() { return new Builder(); } - + public Builder clear() { super.clear(); type_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.Type.VERSION; @@ -3180,20 +2324,20 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000080); return this; } - + public Builder clone() { return create().mergeFrom(buildPartial()); } - + public getDescriptorForType() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_ControlCommand_descriptor; + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.getDescriptor(); } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand getDefaultInstanceForType() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.getDefaultInstance(); } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand build() { com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand result = buildPartial(); if (!result.isInitialized()) { @@ -3201,7 +2345,17 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return result; } - + + private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand buildParsed() + throws { + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand result = buildPartial(); + if (!result.isInitialized()) { + throw newUninitializedMessageException( + result).asInvalidProtocolBufferException(); + } + return result; + } + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand buildPartial() { com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand result = new com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand(this); int from_bitField0_ = bitField0_; @@ -3270,7 +2424,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { onBuilt(); return result; } - + public Builder mergeFrom( other) { if (other instanceof com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand) { return mergeFrom((com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand)other); @@ -3279,7 +2433,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return this; } } - + public Builder mergeFrom(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand other) { if (other == com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.getDefaultInstance()) return this; if (other.hasType()) { @@ -3309,47 +2463,122 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { this.mergeUnknownFields(other.getUnknownFields()); return this; } - + public final boolean isInitialized() { return true; } - + public Builder mergeFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand parsedMessage = null; - try { - parsedMessage = PARSER.parsePartialFrom(input, extensionRegistry); - } catch ( e) { - parsedMessage = (com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand) e.getUnfinishedMessage(); - throw e; - } finally { - if (parsedMessage != null) { - mergeFrom(parsedMessage); - } - } - return this; - } - private int bitField0_; - - // optional .openxc.ControlCommand.Type type = 1; - private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.Type type_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.Type.VERSION; - /** - * optional .openxc.ControlCommand.Type type = 1; - */ - public boolean hasType() { + unknownFields = + + this.getUnknownFields()); + while (true) { + int tag = input.readTag(); + switch (tag) { + case 0: + this.setUnknownFields(; + onChanged(); + return this; + default: { + if (!parseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, + extensionRegistry, tag)) { + this.setUnknownFields(; + onChanged(); + return this; + } + break; + } + case 8: { + int rawValue = input.readEnum(); + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.Type value = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.Type.valueOf(rawValue); + if (value == null) { + unknownFields.mergeVarintField(1, rawValue); + } else { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; + type_ = value; + } + break; + } + case 18: { + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand.Builder subBuilder = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand.newBuilder(); + if (hasDiagnosticRequest()) { + subBuilder.mergeFrom(getDiagnosticRequest()); + } + input.readMessage(subBuilder, extensionRegistry); + setDiagnosticRequest(subBuilder.buildPartial()); + break; + } + case 26: { + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand.Builder subBuilder = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand.newBuilder(); + if (hasPassthroughModeRequest()) { + subBuilder.mergeFrom(getPassthroughModeRequest()); + } + input.readMessage(subBuilder, extensionRegistry); + setPassthroughModeRequest(subBuilder.buildPartial()); + break; + } + case 34: { + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand.Builder subBuilder = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand.newBuilder(); + if (hasAcceptanceFilterBypassCommand()) { + subBuilder.mergeFrom(getAcceptanceFilterBypassCommand()); + } + input.readMessage(subBuilder, extensionRegistry); + setAcceptanceFilterBypassCommand(subBuilder.buildPartial()); + break; + } + case 42: { + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand.Builder subBuilder = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand.newBuilder(); + if (hasPayloadFormatCommand()) { + subBuilder.mergeFrom(getPayloadFormatCommand()); + } + input.readMessage(subBuilder, extensionRegistry); + setPayloadFormatCommand(subBuilder.buildPartial()); + break; + } + case 50: { + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand.Builder subBuilder = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand.newBuilder(); + if (hasPredefinedObd2RequestsCommand()) { + subBuilder.mergeFrom(getPredefinedObd2RequestsCommand()); + } + input.readMessage(subBuilder, extensionRegistry); + setPredefinedObd2RequestsCommand(subBuilder.buildPartial()); + break; + } + case 58: { + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand.Builder subBuilder = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand.newBuilder(); + if (hasModemConfigurationCommand()) { + subBuilder.mergeFrom(getModemConfigurationCommand()); + } + input.readMessage(subBuilder, extensionRegistry); + setModemConfigurationCommand(subBuilder.buildPartial()); + break; + } + case 66: { + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand.Builder subBuilder = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand.newBuilder(); + if (hasRtcConfigurationCommand()) { + subBuilder.mergeFrom(getRtcConfigurationCommand()); + } + input.readMessage(subBuilder, extensionRegistry); + setRtcConfigurationCommand(subBuilder.buildPartial()); + break; + } + } + } + } + + private int bitField0_; + + // optional .openxc.ControlCommand.Type type = 1; + private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.Type type_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.Type.VERSION; + public boolean hasType() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } - /** - * optional .openxc.ControlCommand.Type type = 1; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.Type getType() { return type_; } - /** - * optional .openxc.ControlCommand.Type type = 1; - */ public Builder setType(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.Type value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); @@ -3359,29 +2588,20 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { onChanged(); return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.ControlCommand.Type type = 1; - */ public Builder clearType() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); type_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.Type.VERSION; onChanged(); return this; } - + // optional .openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand diagnostic_request = 2; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand diagnosticRequest_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand.getDefaultInstance(); private< com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand.Builder, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommandOrBuilder> diagnosticRequestBuilder_; - /** - * optional .openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand diagnostic_request = 2; - */ public boolean hasDiagnosticRequest() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002); } - /** - * optional .openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand diagnostic_request = 2; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand getDiagnosticRequest() { if (diagnosticRequestBuilder_ == null) { return diagnosticRequest_; @@ -3389,9 +2609,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return diagnosticRequestBuilder_.getMessage(); } } - /** - * optional .openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand diagnostic_request = 2; - */ public Builder setDiagnosticRequest(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand value) { if (diagnosticRequestBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { @@ -3405,9 +2622,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand diagnostic_request = 2; - */ public Builder setDiagnosticRequest( com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand.Builder builderForValue) { if (diagnosticRequestBuilder_ == null) { @@ -3419,9 +2633,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand diagnostic_request = 2; - */ public Builder mergeDiagnosticRequest(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand value) { if (diagnosticRequestBuilder_ == null) { if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002) && @@ -3438,9 +2649,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand diagnostic_request = 2; - */ public Builder clearDiagnosticRequest() { if (diagnosticRequestBuilder_ == null) { diagnosticRequest_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand.getDefaultInstance(); @@ -3451,17 +2659,11 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand diagnostic_request = 2; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand.Builder getDiagnosticRequestBuilder() { bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; onChanged(); return getDiagnosticRequestFieldBuilder().getBuilder(); } - /** - * optional .openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand diagnostic_request = 2; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommandOrBuilder getDiagnosticRequestOrBuilder() { if (diagnosticRequestBuilder_ != null) { return diagnosticRequestBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder(); @@ -3469,9 +2671,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return diagnosticRequest_; } } - /** - * optional .openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand diagnostic_request = 2; - */ private< com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand.Builder, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommandOrBuilder> getDiagnosticRequestFieldBuilder() { @@ -3485,20 +2684,14 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return diagnosticRequestBuilder_; } - + // optional .openxc.PassthroughModeControlCommand passthrough_mode_request = 3; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand passthroughModeRequest_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand.getDefaultInstance(); private< com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand.Builder, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommandOrBuilder> passthroughModeRequestBuilder_; - /** - * optional .openxc.PassthroughModeControlCommand passthrough_mode_request = 3; - */ public boolean hasPassthroughModeRequest() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004); } - /** - * optional .openxc.PassthroughModeControlCommand passthrough_mode_request = 3; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand getPassthroughModeRequest() { if (passthroughModeRequestBuilder_ == null) { return passthroughModeRequest_; @@ -3506,9 +2699,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return passthroughModeRequestBuilder_.getMessage(); } } - /** - * optional .openxc.PassthroughModeControlCommand passthrough_mode_request = 3; - */ public Builder setPassthroughModeRequest(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand value) { if (passthroughModeRequestBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { @@ -3522,9 +2712,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.PassthroughModeControlCommand passthrough_mode_request = 3; - */ public Builder setPassthroughModeRequest( com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand.Builder builderForValue) { if (passthroughModeRequestBuilder_ == null) { @@ -3536,9 +2723,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.PassthroughModeControlCommand passthrough_mode_request = 3; - */ public Builder mergePassthroughModeRequest(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand value) { if (passthroughModeRequestBuilder_ == null) { if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004) && @@ -3555,9 +2739,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.PassthroughModeControlCommand passthrough_mode_request = 3; - */ public Builder clearPassthroughModeRequest() { if (passthroughModeRequestBuilder_ == null) { passthroughModeRequest_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand.getDefaultInstance(); @@ -3568,17 +2749,11 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000004); return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.PassthroughModeControlCommand passthrough_mode_request = 3; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand.Builder getPassthroughModeRequestBuilder() { bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; onChanged(); return getPassthroughModeRequestFieldBuilder().getBuilder(); } - /** - * optional .openxc.PassthroughModeControlCommand passthrough_mode_request = 3; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommandOrBuilder getPassthroughModeRequestOrBuilder() { if (passthroughModeRequestBuilder_ != null) { return passthroughModeRequestBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder(); @@ -3586,9 +2761,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return passthroughModeRequest_; } } - /** - * optional .openxc.PassthroughModeControlCommand passthrough_mode_request = 3; - */ private< com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand.Builder, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommandOrBuilder> getPassthroughModeRequestFieldBuilder() { @@ -3602,20 +2774,14 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return passthroughModeRequestBuilder_; } - + // optional .openxc.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand acceptance_filter_bypass_command = 4; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand acceptanceFilterBypassCommand_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand.getDefaultInstance(); private< com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand.Builder, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommandOrBuilder> acceptanceFilterBypassCommandBuilder_; - /** - * optional .openxc.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand acceptance_filter_bypass_command = 4; - */ public boolean hasAcceptanceFilterBypassCommand() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000008) == 0x00000008); } - /** - * optional .openxc.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand acceptance_filter_bypass_command = 4; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand getAcceptanceFilterBypassCommand() { if (acceptanceFilterBypassCommandBuilder_ == null) { return acceptanceFilterBypassCommand_; @@ -3623,9 +2789,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return acceptanceFilterBypassCommandBuilder_.getMessage(); } } - /** - * optional .openxc.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand acceptance_filter_bypass_command = 4; - */ public Builder setAcceptanceFilterBypassCommand(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand value) { if (acceptanceFilterBypassCommandBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { @@ -3639,9 +2802,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000008; return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand acceptance_filter_bypass_command = 4; - */ public Builder setAcceptanceFilterBypassCommand( com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand.Builder builderForValue) { if (acceptanceFilterBypassCommandBuilder_ == null) { @@ -3653,9 +2813,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000008; return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand acceptance_filter_bypass_command = 4; - */ public Builder mergeAcceptanceFilterBypassCommand(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand value) { if (acceptanceFilterBypassCommandBuilder_ == null) { if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000008) == 0x00000008) && @@ -3672,9 +2829,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000008; return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand acceptance_filter_bypass_command = 4; - */ public Builder clearAcceptanceFilterBypassCommand() { if (acceptanceFilterBypassCommandBuilder_ == null) { acceptanceFilterBypassCommand_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand.getDefaultInstance(); @@ -3685,17 +2839,11 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000008); return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand acceptance_filter_bypass_command = 4; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand.Builder getAcceptanceFilterBypassCommandBuilder() { bitField0_ |= 0x00000008; onChanged(); return getAcceptanceFilterBypassCommandFieldBuilder().getBuilder(); } - /** - * optional .openxc.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand acceptance_filter_bypass_command = 4; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommandOrBuilder getAcceptanceFilterBypassCommandOrBuilder() { if (acceptanceFilterBypassCommandBuilder_ != null) { return acceptanceFilterBypassCommandBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder(); @@ -3703,9 +2851,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return acceptanceFilterBypassCommand_; } } - /** - * optional .openxc.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand acceptance_filter_bypass_command = 4; - */ private< com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand.Builder, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommandOrBuilder> getAcceptanceFilterBypassCommandFieldBuilder() { @@ -3719,20 +2864,14 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return acceptanceFilterBypassCommandBuilder_; } - + // optional .openxc.PayloadFormatCommand payload_format_command = 5; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand payloadFormatCommand_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand.getDefaultInstance(); private< com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand.Builder, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommandOrBuilder> payloadFormatCommandBuilder_; - /** - * optional .openxc.PayloadFormatCommand payload_format_command = 5; - */ public boolean hasPayloadFormatCommand() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000010) == 0x00000010); } - /** - * optional .openxc.PayloadFormatCommand payload_format_command = 5; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand getPayloadFormatCommand() { if (payloadFormatCommandBuilder_ == null) { return payloadFormatCommand_; @@ -3740,9 +2879,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return payloadFormatCommandBuilder_.getMessage(); } } - /** - * optional .openxc.PayloadFormatCommand payload_format_command = 5; - */ public Builder setPayloadFormatCommand(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand value) { if (payloadFormatCommandBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { @@ -3756,9 +2892,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000010; return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.PayloadFormatCommand payload_format_command = 5; - */ public Builder setPayloadFormatCommand( com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand.Builder builderForValue) { if (payloadFormatCommandBuilder_ == null) { @@ -3770,9 +2903,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000010; return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.PayloadFormatCommand payload_format_command = 5; - */ public Builder mergePayloadFormatCommand(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand value) { if (payloadFormatCommandBuilder_ == null) { if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000010) == 0x00000010) && @@ -3789,9 +2919,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000010; return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.PayloadFormatCommand payload_format_command = 5; - */ public Builder clearPayloadFormatCommand() { if (payloadFormatCommandBuilder_ == null) { payloadFormatCommand_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand.getDefaultInstance(); @@ -3802,17 +2929,11 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000010); return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.PayloadFormatCommand payload_format_command = 5; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand.Builder getPayloadFormatCommandBuilder() { bitField0_ |= 0x00000010; onChanged(); return getPayloadFormatCommandFieldBuilder().getBuilder(); } - /** - * optional .openxc.PayloadFormatCommand payload_format_command = 5; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommandOrBuilder getPayloadFormatCommandOrBuilder() { if (payloadFormatCommandBuilder_ != null) { return payloadFormatCommandBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder(); @@ -3820,9 +2941,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return payloadFormatCommand_; } } - /** - * optional .openxc.PayloadFormatCommand payload_format_command = 5; - */ private< com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand.Builder, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommandOrBuilder> getPayloadFormatCommandFieldBuilder() { @@ -3836,20 +2954,14 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return payloadFormatCommandBuilder_; } - + // optional .openxc.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand predefined_obd2_requests_command = 6; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand predefinedObd2RequestsCommand_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand.getDefaultInstance(); private< com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand.Builder, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommandOrBuilder> predefinedObd2RequestsCommandBuilder_; - /** - * optional .openxc.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand predefined_obd2_requests_command = 6; - */ public boolean hasPredefinedObd2RequestsCommand() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000020) == 0x00000020); } - /** - * optional .openxc.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand predefined_obd2_requests_command = 6; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand getPredefinedObd2RequestsCommand() { if (predefinedObd2RequestsCommandBuilder_ == null) { return predefinedObd2RequestsCommand_; @@ -3857,9 +2969,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return predefinedObd2RequestsCommandBuilder_.getMessage(); } } - /** - * optional .openxc.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand predefined_obd2_requests_command = 6; - */ public Builder setPredefinedObd2RequestsCommand(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand value) { if (predefinedObd2RequestsCommandBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { @@ -3873,9 +2982,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000020; return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand predefined_obd2_requests_command = 6; - */ public Builder setPredefinedObd2RequestsCommand( com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand.Builder builderForValue) { if (predefinedObd2RequestsCommandBuilder_ == null) { @@ -3887,9 +2993,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000020; return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand predefined_obd2_requests_command = 6; - */ public Builder mergePredefinedObd2RequestsCommand(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand value) { if (predefinedObd2RequestsCommandBuilder_ == null) { if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000020) == 0x00000020) && @@ -3906,9 +3009,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000020; return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand predefined_obd2_requests_command = 6; - */ public Builder clearPredefinedObd2RequestsCommand() { if (predefinedObd2RequestsCommandBuilder_ == null) { predefinedObd2RequestsCommand_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand.getDefaultInstance(); @@ -3919,17 +3019,11 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000020); return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand predefined_obd2_requests_command = 6; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand.Builder getPredefinedObd2RequestsCommandBuilder() { bitField0_ |= 0x00000020; onChanged(); return getPredefinedObd2RequestsCommandFieldBuilder().getBuilder(); } - /** - * optional .openxc.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand predefined_obd2_requests_command = 6; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommandOrBuilder getPredefinedObd2RequestsCommandOrBuilder() { if (predefinedObd2RequestsCommandBuilder_ != null) { return predefinedObd2RequestsCommandBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder(); @@ -3937,9 +3031,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return predefinedObd2RequestsCommand_; } } - /** - * optional .openxc.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand predefined_obd2_requests_command = 6; - */ private< com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand.Builder, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommandOrBuilder> getPredefinedObd2RequestsCommandFieldBuilder() { @@ -3953,20 +3044,14 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return predefinedObd2RequestsCommandBuilder_; } - + // optional .openxc.ModemConfigurationCommand modem_configuration_command = 7; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand modemConfigurationCommand_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand.getDefaultInstance(); private< com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand.Builder, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommandOrBuilder> modemConfigurationCommandBuilder_; - /** - * optional .openxc.ModemConfigurationCommand modem_configuration_command = 7; - */ public boolean hasModemConfigurationCommand() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000040) == 0x00000040); } - /** - * optional .openxc.ModemConfigurationCommand modem_configuration_command = 7; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand getModemConfigurationCommand() { if (modemConfigurationCommandBuilder_ == null) { return modemConfigurationCommand_; @@ -3974,9 +3059,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return modemConfigurationCommandBuilder_.getMessage(); } } - /** - * optional .openxc.ModemConfigurationCommand modem_configuration_command = 7; - */ public Builder setModemConfigurationCommand(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand value) { if (modemConfigurationCommandBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { @@ -3990,9 +3072,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000040; return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.ModemConfigurationCommand modem_configuration_command = 7; - */ public Builder setModemConfigurationCommand( com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand.Builder builderForValue) { if (modemConfigurationCommandBuilder_ == null) { @@ -4004,9 +3083,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000040; return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.ModemConfigurationCommand modem_configuration_command = 7; - */ public Builder mergeModemConfigurationCommand(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand value) { if (modemConfigurationCommandBuilder_ == null) { if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000040) == 0x00000040) && @@ -4023,9 +3099,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000040; return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.ModemConfigurationCommand modem_configuration_command = 7; - */ public Builder clearModemConfigurationCommand() { if (modemConfigurationCommandBuilder_ == null) { modemConfigurationCommand_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand.getDefaultInstance(); @@ -4036,17 +3109,11 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000040); return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.ModemConfigurationCommand modem_configuration_command = 7; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand.Builder getModemConfigurationCommandBuilder() { bitField0_ |= 0x00000040; onChanged(); return getModemConfigurationCommandFieldBuilder().getBuilder(); } - /** - * optional .openxc.ModemConfigurationCommand modem_configuration_command = 7; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommandOrBuilder getModemConfigurationCommandOrBuilder() { if (modemConfigurationCommandBuilder_ != null) { return modemConfigurationCommandBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder(); @@ -4054,9 +3121,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return modemConfigurationCommand_; } } - /** - * optional .openxc.ModemConfigurationCommand modem_configuration_command = 7; - */ private< com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand.Builder, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommandOrBuilder> getModemConfigurationCommandFieldBuilder() { @@ -4070,20 +3134,14 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return modemConfigurationCommandBuilder_; } - + // optional .openxc.RTCConfigurationCommand rtc_configuration_command = 8; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand rtcConfigurationCommand_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand.getDefaultInstance(); private< com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand.Builder, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommandOrBuilder> rtcConfigurationCommandBuilder_; - /** - * optional .openxc.RTCConfigurationCommand rtc_configuration_command = 8; - */ public boolean hasRtcConfigurationCommand() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000080) == 0x00000080); } - /** - * optional .openxc.RTCConfigurationCommand rtc_configuration_command = 8; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand getRtcConfigurationCommand() { if (rtcConfigurationCommandBuilder_ == null) { return rtcConfigurationCommand_; @@ -4091,9 +3149,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return rtcConfigurationCommandBuilder_.getMessage(); } } - /** - * optional .openxc.RTCConfigurationCommand rtc_configuration_command = 8; - */ public Builder setRtcConfigurationCommand(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand value) { if (rtcConfigurationCommandBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { @@ -4107,9 +3162,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000080; return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.RTCConfigurationCommand rtc_configuration_command = 8; - */ public Builder setRtcConfigurationCommand( com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand.Builder builderForValue) { if (rtcConfigurationCommandBuilder_ == null) { @@ -4121,9 +3173,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000080; return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.RTCConfigurationCommand rtc_configuration_command = 8; - */ public Builder mergeRtcConfigurationCommand(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand value) { if (rtcConfigurationCommandBuilder_ == null) { if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000080) == 0x00000080) && @@ -4140,9 +3189,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000080; return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.RTCConfigurationCommand rtc_configuration_command = 8; - */ public Builder clearRtcConfigurationCommand() { if (rtcConfigurationCommandBuilder_ == null) { rtcConfigurationCommand_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand.getDefaultInstance(); @@ -4153,17 +3199,11 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000080); return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.RTCConfigurationCommand rtc_configuration_command = 8; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand.Builder getRtcConfigurationCommandBuilder() { bitField0_ |= 0x00000080; onChanged(); return getRtcConfigurationCommandFieldBuilder().getBuilder(); } - /** - * optional .openxc.RTCConfigurationCommand rtc_configuration_command = 8; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommandOrBuilder getRtcConfigurationCommandOrBuilder() { if (rtcConfigurationCommandBuilder_ != null) { return rtcConfigurationCommandBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder(); @@ -4171,9 +3211,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return rtcConfigurationCommand_; } } - /** - * optional .openxc.RTCConfigurationCommand rtc_configuration_command = 8; - */ private< com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand.Builder, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommandOrBuilder> getRtcConfigurationCommandFieldBuilder() { @@ -4187,186 +3224,70 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return rtcConfigurationCommandBuilder_; } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(builder_scope:openxc.ControlCommand) } - + static { defaultInstance = new ControlCommand(true); defaultInstance.initFields(); } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:openxc.ControlCommand) } - + public interface DiagnosticControlCommandOrBuilder extends { - + // optional .openxc.DiagnosticRequest request = 1; - /** - * optional .openxc.DiagnosticRequest request = 1; - */ boolean hasRequest(); - /** - * optional .openxc.DiagnosticRequest request = 1; - */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest getRequest(); - /** - * optional .openxc.DiagnosticRequest request = 1; - */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequestOrBuilder getRequestOrBuilder(); - + // optional .openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand.Action action = 2; - /** - * optional .openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand.Action action = 2; - */ boolean hasAction(); - /** - * optional .openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand.Action action = 2; - */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand.Action getAction(); } - /** - * Protobuf type {@code openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand} - */ public static final class DiagnosticControlCommand extends implements DiagnosticControlCommandOrBuilder { // Use DiagnosticControlCommand.newBuilder() to construct. - private DiagnosticControlCommand( builder) { + private DiagnosticControlCommand(Builder builder) { super(builder); - this.unknownFields = builder.getUnknownFields(); } - private DiagnosticControlCommand(boolean noInit) { this.unknownFields =; } - + private DiagnosticControlCommand(boolean noInit) {} + private static final DiagnosticControlCommand defaultInstance; public static DiagnosticControlCommand getDefaultInstance() { return defaultInstance; } - + public DiagnosticControlCommand getDefaultInstanceForType() { return defaultInstance; } - - private final unknownFields; - @java.lang.Override - public final - getUnknownFields() { - return this.unknownFields; - } - private DiagnosticControlCommand( - input, - extensionRegistry) - throws { - initFields(); - int mutable_bitField0_ = 0; - unknownFields = -; - try { - boolean done = false; - while (!done) { - int tag = input.readTag(); - switch (tag) { - case 0: - done = true; - break; - default: { - if (!parseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, - extensionRegistry, tag)) { - done = true; - } - break; - } - case 10: { - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest.Builder subBuilder = null; - if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { - subBuilder = request_.toBuilder(); - } - request_ = input.readMessage(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest.PARSER, extensionRegistry); - if (subBuilder != null) { - subBuilder.mergeFrom(request_); - request_ = subBuilder.buildPartial(); - } - bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; - break; - } - case 16: { - int rawValue = input.readEnum(); - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand.Action value = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand.Action.valueOf(rawValue); - if (value == null) { - unknownFields.mergeVarintField(2, rawValue); - } else { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; - action_ = value; - } - break; - } - } - } - } catch ( e) { - throw e.setUnfinishedMessage(this); - } catch ( e) { - throw new - e.getMessage()).setUnfinishedMessage(this); - } finally { - this.unknownFields =; - makeExtensionsImmutable(); - } - } + public static final getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_DiagnosticControlCommand_descriptor; } - + protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_DiagnosticControlCommand_fieldAccessorTable - .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand.class, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand.Builder.class); - } - - public static PARSER = - new { - public DiagnosticControlCommand parsePartialFrom( - input, - extensionRegistry) - throws { - return new DiagnosticControlCommand(input, extensionRegistry); - } - }; - - @java.lang.Override - public getParserForType() { - return PARSER; + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_DiagnosticControlCommand_fieldAccessorTable; } - - /** - * Protobuf enum {@code openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand.Action} - */ + public enum Action implements { - /** - * ADD = 1; - */ ADD(0, 1), - /** - * CANCEL = 2; - */ CANCEL(1, 2), ; - - /** - * ADD = 1; - */ + public static final int ADD_VALUE = 1; - /** - * CANCEL = 2; - */ public static final int CANCEL_VALUE = 2; - - + + public final int getNumber() { return value; } - + public static Action valueOf(int value) { switch (value) { case 1: return ADD; @@ -4374,7 +3295,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { default: return null; } } - + public static internalGetValueMap() { return internalValueMap; @@ -4386,7 +3307,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return Action.valueOf(number); } }; - + public final getValueDescriptor() { return getDescriptor().getValues().get(index); @@ -4399,9 +3320,11 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand.getDescriptor().getEnumTypes().get(0); } - - private static final Action[] VALUES = values(); - + + private static final Action[] VALUES = { + ADD, CANCEL, + }; + public static Action valueOf( desc) { if (desc.getType() != getDescriptor()) { @@ -4410,57 +3333,42 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return VALUES[desc.getIndex()]; } - + private final int index; private final int value; - + private Action(int index, int value) { this.index = index; this.value = value; } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(enum_scope:openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand.Action) } - + private int bitField0_; // optional .openxc.DiagnosticRequest request = 1; public static final int REQUEST_FIELD_NUMBER = 1; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest request_; - /** - * optional .openxc.DiagnosticRequest request = 1; - */ public boolean hasRequest() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } - /** - * optional .openxc.DiagnosticRequest request = 1; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest getRequest() { return request_; } - /** - * optional .openxc.DiagnosticRequest request = 1; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequestOrBuilder getRequestOrBuilder() { return request_; } - + // optional .openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand.Action action = 2; public static final int ACTION_FIELD_NUMBER = 2; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand.Action action_; - /** - * optional .openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand.Action action = 2; - */ public boolean hasAction() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002); } - /** - * optional .openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand.Action action = 2; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand.Action getAction() { return action_; } - + private void initFields() { request_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest.getDefaultInstance(); action_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand.Action.ADD; @@ -4469,11 +3377,11 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { public final boolean isInitialized() { byte isInitialized = memoizedIsInitialized; if (isInitialized != -1) return isInitialized == 1; - + memoizedIsInitialized = 1; return true; } - + public void writeTo( output) throws { getSerializedSize(); @@ -4485,12 +3393,12 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } getUnknownFields().writeTo(output); } - + private int memoizedSerializedSize = -1; public int getSerializedSize() { int size = memoizedSerializedSize; if (size != -1) return size; - + size = 0; if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { size += @@ -4504,83 +3412,94 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { memoizedSerializedSize = size; return size; } - + private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L; @java.lang.Override protected java.lang.Object writeReplace() throws { return super.writeReplace(); } - + public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand parseFrom( data) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(data); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data).buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand parseFrom( data, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry) + .buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand parseFrom(byte[] data) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(data); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data).buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand parseFrom( byte[] data, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry) + .buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand parseFrom( input) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(input); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input).buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry) + .buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand parseDelimitedFrom( input) throws { - return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input); + Builder builder = newBuilder(); + if (builder.mergeDelimitedFrom(input)) { + return builder.buildParsed(); + } else { + return null; + } } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand parseDelimitedFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry); + Builder builder = newBuilder(); + if (builder.mergeDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry)) { + return builder.buildParsed(); + } else { + return null; + } } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand parseFrom( input) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(input); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input).buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry) + .buildParsed(); } - + public static Builder newBuilder() { return Builder.create(); } public Builder newBuilderForType() { return newBuilder(); } public static Builder newBuilder(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand prototype) { return newBuilder().mergeFrom(prototype); } public Builder toBuilder() { return newBuilder(this); } - + @java.lang.Override protected Builder newBuilderForType( parent) { Builder builder = new Builder(parent); return builder; } - /** - * Protobuf type {@code openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand} - */ public static final class Builder extends implements com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommandOrBuilder { @@ -4588,21 +3507,18 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_DiagnosticControlCommand_descriptor; } - + protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_DiagnosticControlCommand_fieldAccessorTable - .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand.class, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand.Builder.class); + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_DiagnosticControlCommand_fieldAccessorTable; } - + // Construct using com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand.newBuilder() private Builder() { maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } - - private Builder( - parent) { + + private Builder(BuilderParent parent) { super(parent); maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } @@ -4614,7 +3530,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { private static Builder create() { return new Builder(); } - + public Builder clear() { super.clear(); if (requestBuilder_ == null) { @@ -4627,20 +3543,20 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); return this; } - + public Builder clone() { return create().mergeFrom(buildPartial()); } - + public getDescriptorForType() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_DiagnosticControlCommand_descriptor; + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand.getDescriptor(); } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand getDefaultInstanceForType() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand.getDefaultInstance(); } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand build() { com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand result = buildPartial(); if (!result.isInitialized()) { @@ -4648,7 +3564,17 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return result; } - + + private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand buildParsed() + throws { + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand result = buildPartial(); + if (!result.isInitialized()) { + throw newUninitializedMessageException( + result).asInvalidProtocolBufferException(); + } + return result; + } + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand buildPartial() { com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand result = new com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand(this); int from_bitField0_ = bitField0_; @@ -4669,7 +3595,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { onBuilt(); return result; } - + public Builder mergeFrom( other) { if (other instanceof com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand) { return mergeFrom((com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand)other); @@ -4678,7 +3604,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return this; } } - + public Builder mergeFrom(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand other) { if (other == com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand.getDefaultInstance()) return this; if (other.hasRequest()) { @@ -4690,43 +3616,67 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { this.mergeUnknownFields(other.getUnknownFields()); return this; } - + public final boolean isInitialized() { return true; } - + public Builder mergeFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand parsedMessage = null; - try { - parsedMessage = PARSER.parsePartialFrom(input, extensionRegistry); - } catch ( e) { - parsedMessage = (com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand) e.getUnfinishedMessage(); - throw e; - } finally { - if (parsedMessage != null) { - mergeFrom(parsedMessage); + unknownFields = + + this.getUnknownFields()); + while (true) { + int tag = input.readTag(); + switch (tag) { + case 0: + this.setUnknownFields(; + onChanged(); + return this; + default: { + if (!parseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, + extensionRegistry, tag)) { + this.setUnknownFields(; + onChanged(); + return this; + } + break; + } + case 10: { + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest.Builder subBuilder = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest.newBuilder(); + if (hasRequest()) { + subBuilder.mergeFrom(getRequest()); + } + input.readMessage(subBuilder, extensionRegistry); + setRequest(subBuilder.buildPartial()); + break; + } + case 16: { + int rawValue = input.readEnum(); + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand.Action value = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand.Action.valueOf(rawValue); + if (value == null) { + unknownFields.mergeVarintField(2, rawValue); + } else { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; + action_ = value; + } + break; + } } } - return this; } + private int bitField0_; - + // optional .openxc.DiagnosticRequest request = 1; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest request_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest.getDefaultInstance(); private< com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest.Builder, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequestOrBuilder> requestBuilder_; - /** - * optional .openxc.DiagnosticRequest request = 1; - */ public boolean hasRequest() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } - /** - * optional .openxc.DiagnosticRequest request = 1; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest getRequest() { if (requestBuilder_ == null) { return request_; @@ -4734,9 +3684,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return requestBuilder_.getMessage(); } } - /** - * optional .openxc.DiagnosticRequest request = 1; - */ public Builder setRequest(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest value) { if (requestBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { @@ -4750,9 +3697,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.DiagnosticRequest request = 1; - */ public Builder setRequest( com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest.Builder builderForValue) { if (requestBuilder_ == null) { @@ -4764,9 +3708,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.DiagnosticRequest request = 1; - */ public Builder mergeRequest(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest value) { if (requestBuilder_ == null) { if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001) && @@ -4783,9 +3724,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.DiagnosticRequest request = 1; - */ public Builder clearRequest() { if (requestBuilder_ == null) { request_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest.getDefaultInstance(); @@ -4796,17 +3734,11 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.DiagnosticRequest request = 1; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest.Builder getRequestBuilder() { bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; onChanged(); return getRequestFieldBuilder().getBuilder(); } - /** - * optional .openxc.DiagnosticRequest request = 1; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequestOrBuilder getRequestOrBuilder() { if (requestBuilder_ != null) { return requestBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder(); @@ -4814,9 +3746,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return request_; } } - /** - * optional .openxc.DiagnosticRequest request = 1; - */ private< com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest.Builder, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequestOrBuilder> getRequestFieldBuilder() { @@ -4830,24 +3759,15 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return requestBuilder_; } - + // optional .openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand.Action action = 2; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand.Action action_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand.Action.ADD; - /** - * optional .openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand.Action action = 2; - */ public boolean hasAction() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002); } - /** - * optional .openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand.Action action = 2; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand.Action getAction() { return action_; } - /** - * optional .openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand.Action action = 2; - */ public Builder setAction(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand.Action value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); @@ -4857,183 +3777,84 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { onChanged(); return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand.Action action = 2; - */ public Builder clearAction() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); action_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand.Action.ADD; onChanged(); return this; } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(builder_scope:openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand) } - + static { defaultInstance = new DiagnosticControlCommand(true); defaultInstance.initFields(); } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand) } - + public interface PassthroughModeControlCommandOrBuilder extends { - + // optional int32 bus = 1; - /** - * optional int32 bus = 1; - */ boolean hasBus(); - /** - * optional int32 bus = 1; - */ int getBus(); - + // optional bool enabled = 2; - /** - * optional bool enabled = 2; - */ boolean hasEnabled(); - /** - * optional bool enabled = 2; - */ boolean getEnabled(); } - /** - * Protobuf type {@code openxc.PassthroughModeControlCommand} - */ public static final class PassthroughModeControlCommand extends implements PassthroughModeControlCommandOrBuilder { // Use PassthroughModeControlCommand.newBuilder() to construct. - private PassthroughModeControlCommand( builder) { + private PassthroughModeControlCommand(Builder builder) { super(builder); - this.unknownFields = builder.getUnknownFields(); } - private PassthroughModeControlCommand(boolean noInit) { this.unknownFields =; } - + private PassthroughModeControlCommand(boolean noInit) {} + private static final PassthroughModeControlCommand defaultInstance; public static PassthroughModeControlCommand getDefaultInstance() { return defaultInstance; } - + public PassthroughModeControlCommand getDefaultInstanceForType() { return defaultInstance; } - - private final unknownFields; - @java.lang.Override - public final - getUnknownFields() { - return this.unknownFields; - } - private PassthroughModeControlCommand( - input, - extensionRegistry) - throws { - initFields(); - int mutable_bitField0_ = 0; - unknownFields = -; - try { - boolean done = false; - while (!done) { - int tag = input.readTag(); - switch (tag) { - case 0: - done = true; - break; - default: { - if (!parseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, - extensionRegistry, tag)) { - done = true; - } - break; - } - case 8: { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; - bus_ = input.readInt32(); - break; - } - case 16: { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; - enabled_ = input.readBool(); - break; - } - } - } - } catch ( e) { - throw e.setUnfinishedMessage(this); - } catch ( e) { - throw new - e.getMessage()).setUnfinishedMessage(this); - } finally { - this.unknownFields =; - makeExtensionsImmutable(); - } - } + public static final getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_PassthroughModeControlCommand_descriptor; } - + protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_PassthroughModeControlCommand_fieldAccessorTable - .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand.class, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand.Builder.class); - } - - public static PARSER = - new { - public PassthroughModeControlCommand parsePartialFrom( - input, - extensionRegistry) - throws { - return new PassthroughModeControlCommand(input, extensionRegistry); - } - }; - - @java.lang.Override - public getParserForType() { - return PARSER; + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_PassthroughModeControlCommand_fieldAccessorTable; } - + private int bitField0_; // optional int32 bus = 1; public static final int BUS_FIELD_NUMBER = 1; private int bus_; - /** - * optional int32 bus = 1; - */ public boolean hasBus() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } - /** - * optional int32 bus = 1; - */ public int getBus() { return bus_; } - + // optional bool enabled = 2; public static final int ENABLED_FIELD_NUMBER = 2; private boolean enabled_; - /** - * optional bool enabled = 2; - */ public boolean hasEnabled() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002); } - /** - * optional bool enabled = 2; - */ public boolean getEnabled() { return enabled_; } - + private void initFields() { bus_ = 0; enabled_ = false; @@ -5042,11 +3863,11 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { public final boolean isInitialized() { byte isInitialized = memoizedIsInitialized; if (isInitialized != -1) return isInitialized == 1; - + memoizedIsInitialized = 1; return true; } - + public void writeTo( output) throws { getSerializedSize(); @@ -5058,12 +3879,12 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } getUnknownFields().writeTo(output); } - + private int memoizedSerializedSize = -1; public int getSerializedSize() { int size = memoizedSerializedSize; if (size != -1) return size; - + size = 0; if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { size += @@ -5077,83 +3898,94 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { memoizedSerializedSize = size; return size; } - + private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L; @java.lang.Override protected java.lang.Object writeReplace() throws { return super.writeReplace(); } - + public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand parseFrom( data) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(data); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data).buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand parseFrom( data, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry) + .buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand parseFrom(byte[] data) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(data); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data).buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand parseFrom( byte[] data, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry) + .buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand parseFrom( input) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(input); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input).buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry) + .buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand parseDelimitedFrom( input) throws { - return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input); + Builder builder = newBuilder(); + if (builder.mergeDelimitedFrom(input)) { + return builder.buildParsed(); + } else { + return null; + } } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand parseDelimitedFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry); + Builder builder = newBuilder(); + if (builder.mergeDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry)) { + return builder.buildParsed(); + } else { + return null; + } } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand parseFrom( input) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(input); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input).buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry) + .buildParsed(); } - + public static Builder newBuilder() { return Builder.create(); } public Builder newBuilderForType() { return newBuilder(); } public static Builder newBuilder(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand prototype) { return newBuilder().mergeFrom(prototype); } public Builder toBuilder() { return newBuilder(this); } - + @java.lang.Override protected Builder newBuilderForType( parent) { Builder builder = new Builder(parent); return builder; } - /** - * Protobuf type {@code openxc.PassthroughModeControlCommand} - */ public static final class Builder extends implements com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommandOrBuilder { @@ -5161,21 +3993,18 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_PassthroughModeControlCommand_descriptor; } - + protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_PassthroughModeControlCommand_fieldAccessorTable - .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand.class, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand.Builder.class); + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_PassthroughModeControlCommand_fieldAccessorTable; } - + // Construct using com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand.newBuilder() private Builder() { maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } - - private Builder( - parent) { + + private Builder(BuilderParent parent) { super(parent); maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } @@ -5186,7 +4015,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { private static Builder create() { return new Builder(); } - + public Builder clear() { super.clear(); bus_ = 0; @@ -5195,20 +4024,20 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); return this; } - + public Builder clone() { return create().mergeFrom(buildPartial()); } - + public getDescriptorForType() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_PassthroughModeControlCommand_descriptor; + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand.getDescriptor(); } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand getDefaultInstanceForType() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand.getDefaultInstance(); } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand build() { com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand result = buildPartial(); if (!result.isInitialized()) { @@ -5216,7 +4045,17 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return result; } - + + private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand buildParsed() + throws { + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand result = buildPartial(); + if (!result.isInitialized()) { + throw newUninitializedMessageException( + result).asInvalidProtocolBufferException(); + } + return result; + } + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand buildPartial() { com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand result = new com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand(this); int from_bitField0_ = bitField0_; @@ -5233,7 +4072,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { onBuilt(); return result; } - + public Builder mergeFrom( other) { if (other instanceof com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand) { return mergeFrom((com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand)other); @@ -5242,7 +4081,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return this; } } - + public Builder mergeFrom(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand other) { if (other == com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand.getDefaultInstance()) return this; if (other.hasBus()) { @@ -5254,263 +4093,163 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { this.mergeUnknownFields(other.getUnknownFields()); return this; } - + public final boolean isInitialized() { return true; } - + public Builder mergeFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand parsedMessage = null; - try { - parsedMessage = PARSER.parsePartialFrom(input, extensionRegistry); - } catch ( e) { - parsedMessage = (com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand) e.getUnfinishedMessage(); - throw e; - } finally { - if (parsedMessage != null) { - mergeFrom(parsedMessage); + unknownFields = + + this.getUnknownFields()); + while (true) { + int tag = input.readTag(); + switch (tag) { + case 0: + this.setUnknownFields(; + onChanged(); + return this; + default: { + if (!parseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, + extensionRegistry, tag)) { + this.setUnknownFields(; + onChanged(); + return this; + } + break; + } + case 8: { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; + bus_ = input.readInt32(); + break; + } + case 16: { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; + enabled_ = input.readBool(); + break; + } } } - return this; } + private int bitField0_; - + // optional int32 bus = 1; private int bus_ ; - /** - * optional int32 bus = 1; - */ public boolean hasBus() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } - /** - * optional int32 bus = 1; - */ public int getBus() { return bus_; } - /** - * optional int32 bus = 1; - */ public Builder setBus(int value) { bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; bus_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } - /** - * optional int32 bus = 1; - */ public Builder clearBus() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); bus_ = 0; onChanged(); return this; } - + // optional bool enabled = 2; private boolean enabled_ ; - /** - * optional bool enabled = 2; - */ public boolean hasEnabled() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002); } - /** - * optional bool enabled = 2; - */ public boolean getEnabled() { return enabled_; } - /** - * optional bool enabled = 2; - */ public Builder setEnabled(boolean value) { bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; enabled_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } - /** - * optional bool enabled = 2; - */ public Builder clearEnabled() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); enabled_ = false; onChanged(); return this; } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(builder_scope:openxc.PassthroughModeControlCommand) } - + static { defaultInstance = new PassthroughModeControlCommand(true); defaultInstance.initFields(); } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:openxc.PassthroughModeControlCommand) } - + public interface AcceptanceFilterBypassCommandOrBuilder extends { - + // optional int32 bus = 1; - /** - * optional int32 bus = 1; - */ boolean hasBus(); - /** - * optional int32 bus = 1; - */ int getBus(); - + // optional bool bypass = 2; - /** - * optional bool bypass = 2; - */ boolean hasBypass(); - /** - * optional bool bypass = 2; - */ boolean getBypass(); } - /** - * Protobuf type {@code openxc.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand} - */ public static final class AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand extends implements AcceptanceFilterBypassCommandOrBuilder { // Use AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand.newBuilder() to construct. - private AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand( builder) { + private AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand(Builder builder) { super(builder); - this.unknownFields = builder.getUnknownFields(); } - private AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand(boolean noInit) { this.unknownFields =; } - + private AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand(boolean noInit) {} + private static final AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand defaultInstance; public static AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand getDefaultInstance() { return defaultInstance; } - + public AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand getDefaultInstanceForType() { return defaultInstance; } - - private final unknownFields; - @java.lang.Override - public final - getUnknownFields() { - return this.unknownFields; - } - private AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand( - input, - extensionRegistry) - throws { - initFields(); - int mutable_bitField0_ = 0; - unknownFields = -; - try { - boolean done = false; - while (!done) { - int tag = input.readTag(); - switch (tag) { - case 0: - done = true; - break; - default: { - if (!parseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, - extensionRegistry, tag)) { - done = true; - } - break; - } - case 8: { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; - bus_ = input.readInt32(); - break; - } - case 16: { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; - bypass_ = input.readBool(); - break; - } - } - } - } catch ( e) { - throw e.setUnfinishedMessage(this); - } catch ( e) { - throw new - e.getMessage()).setUnfinishedMessage(this); - } finally { - this.unknownFields =; - makeExtensionsImmutable(); - } - } + public static final getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand_descriptor; } - + protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand_fieldAccessorTable - .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand.class, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand.Builder.class); - } - - public static PARSER = - new { - public AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand parsePartialFrom( - input, - extensionRegistry) - throws { - return new AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand(input, extensionRegistry); - } - }; - - @java.lang.Override - public getParserForType() { - return PARSER; + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand_fieldAccessorTable; } - + private int bitField0_; // optional int32 bus = 1; public static final int BUS_FIELD_NUMBER = 1; private int bus_; - /** - * optional int32 bus = 1; - */ public boolean hasBus() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } - /** - * optional int32 bus = 1; - */ public int getBus() { return bus_; } - + // optional bool bypass = 2; public static final int BYPASS_FIELD_NUMBER = 2; private boolean bypass_; - /** - * optional bool bypass = 2; - */ public boolean hasBypass() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002); } - /** - * optional bool bypass = 2; - */ public boolean getBypass() { return bypass_; } - + private void initFields() { bus_ = 0; bypass_ = false; @@ -5519,11 +4258,11 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { public final boolean isInitialized() { byte isInitialized = memoizedIsInitialized; if (isInitialized != -1) return isInitialized == 1; - + memoizedIsInitialized = 1; return true; } - + public void writeTo( output) throws { getSerializedSize(); @@ -5535,12 +4274,12 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } getUnknownFields().writeTo(output); } - + private int memoizedSerializedSize = -1; public int getSerializedSize() { int size = memoizedSerializedSize; if (size != -1) return size; - + size = 0; if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { size += @@ -5554,83 +4293,94 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { memoizedSerializedSize = size; return size; } - + private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L; @java.lang.Override protected java.lang.Object writeReplace() throws { return super.writeReplace(); } - + public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand parseFrom( data) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(data); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data).buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand parseFrom( data, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry) + .buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand parseFrom(byte[] data) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(data); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data).buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand parseFrom( byte[] data, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry) + .buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand parseFrom( input) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(input); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input).buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry) + .buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand parseDelimitedFrom( input) throws { - return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input); + Builder builder = newBuilder(); + if (builder.mergeDelimitedFrom(input)) { + return builder.buildParsed(); + } else { + return null; + } } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand parseDelimitedFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry); + Builder builder = newBuilder(); + if (builder.mergeDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry)) { + return builder.buildParsed(); + } else { + return null; + } } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand parseFrom( input) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(input); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input).buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry) + .buildParsed(); } - + public static Builder newBuilder() { return Builder.create(); } public Builder newBuilderForType() { return newBuilder(); } public static Builder newBuilder(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand prototype) { return newBuilder().mergeFrom(prototype); } public Builder toBuilder() { return newBuilder(this); } - + @java.lang.Override protected Builder newBuilderForType( parent) { Builder builder = new Builder(parent); return builder; } - /** - * Protobuf type {@code openxc.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand} - */ public static final class Builder extends implements com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommandOrBuilder { @@ -5638,21 +4388,18 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand_descriptor; } - + protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand_fieldAccessorTable - .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand.class, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand.Builder.class); + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand_fieldAccessorTable; } - + // Construct using com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand.newBuilder() private Builder() { maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } - - private Builder( - parent) { + + private Builder(BuilderParent parent) { super(parent); maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } @@ -5663,7 +4410,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { private static Builder create() { return new Builder(); } - + public Builder clear() { super.clear(); bus_ = 0; @@ -5672,20 +4419,20 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); return this; } - + public Builder clone() { return create().mergeFrom(buildPartial()); } - + public getDescriptorForType() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand_descriptor; + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand.getDescriptor(); } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand getDefaultInstanceForType() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand.getDefaultInstance(); } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand build() { com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand result = buildPartial(); if (!result.isInitialized()) { @@ -5693,7 +4440,17 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return result; } - + + private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand buildParsed() + throws { + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand result = buildPartial(); + if (!result.isInitialized()) { + throw newUninitializedMessageException( + result).asInvalidProtocolBufferException(); + } + return result; + } + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand buildPartial() { com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand result = new com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand(this); int from_bitField0_ = bitField0_; @@ -5710,7 +4467,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { onBuilt(); return result; } - + public Builder mergeFrom( other) { if (other instanceof com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand) { return mergeFrom((com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand)other); @@ -5719,7 +4476,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return this; } } - + public Builder mergeFrom(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand other) { if (other == com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand.getDefaultInstance()) return this; if (other.hasBus()) { @@ -5731,256 +4488,152 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { this.mergeUnknownFields(other.getUnknownFields()); return this; } - + public final boolean isInitialized() { return true; } - + public Builder mergeFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand parsedMessage = null; - try { - parsedMessage = PARSER.parsePartialFrom(input, extensionRegistry); - } catch ( e) { - parsedMessage = (com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand) e.getUnfinishedMessage(); - throw e; - } finally { - if (parsedMessage != null) { - mergeFrom(parsedMessage); + unknownFields = + + this.getUnknownFields()); + while (true) { + int tag = input.readTag(); + switch (tag) { + case 0: + this.setUnknownFields(; + onChanged(); + return this; + default: { + if (!parseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, + extensionRegistry, tag)) { + this.setUnknownFields(; + onChanged(); + return this; + } + break; + } + case 8: { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; + bus_ = input.readInt32(); + break; + } + case 16: { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; + bypass_ = input.readBool(); + break; + } } } - return this; } + private int bitField0_; - + // optional int32 bus = 1; private int bus_ ; - /** - * optional int32 bus = 1; - */ public boolean hasBus() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } - /** - * optional int32 bus = 1; - */ public int getBus() { return bus_; } - /** - * optional int32 bus = 1; - */ public Builder setBus(int value) { bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; bus_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } - /** - * optional int32 bus = 1; - */ public Builder clearBus() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); bus_ = 0; onChanged(); return this; } - + // optional bool bypass = 2; private boolean bypass_ ; - /** - * optional bool bypass = 2; - */ public boolean hasBypass() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002); } - /** - * optional bool bypass = 2; - */ public boolean getBypass() { return bypass_; } - /** - * optional bool bypass = 2; - */ public Builder setBypass(boolean value) { bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; bypass_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } - /** - * optional bool bypass = 2; - */ public Builder clearBypass() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); bypass_ = false; onChanged(); return this; } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(builder_scope:openxc.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand) } - + static { defaultInstance = new AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand(true); defaultInstance.initFields(); } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:openxc.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand) } - + public interface PayloadFormatCommandOrBuilder extends { - + // optional .openxc.PayloadFormatCommand.PayloadFormat format = 1; - /** - * optional .openxc.PayloadFormatCommand.PayloadFormat format = 1; - */ boolean hasFormat(); - /** - * optional .openxc.PayloadFormatCommand.PayloadFormat format = 1; - */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand.PayloadFormat getFormat(); } - /** - * Protobuf type {@code openxc.PayloadFormatCommand} - */ public static final class PayloadFormatCommand extends implements PayloadFormatCommandOrBuilder { // Use PayloadFormatCommand.newBuilder() to construct. - private PayloadFormatCommand( builder) { + private PayloadFormatCommand(Builder builder) { super(builder); - this.unknownFields = builder.getUnknownFields(); } - private PayloadFormatCommand(boolean noInit) { this.unknownFields =; } - + private PayloadFormatCommand(boolean noInit) {} + private static final PayloadFormatCommand defaultInstance; public static PayloadFormatCommand getDefaultInstance() { return defaultInstance; } - + public PayloadFormatCommand getDefaultInstanceForType() { return defaultInstance; } - - private final unknownFields; - @java.lang.Override - public final - getUnknownFields() { - return this.unknownFields; - } - private PayloadFormatCommand( - input, - extensionRegistry) - throws { - initFields(); - int mutable_bitField0_ = 0; - unknownFields = -; - try { - boolean done = false; - while (!done) { - int tag = input.readTag(); - switch (tag) { - case 0: - done = true; - break; - default: { - if (!parseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, - extensionRegistry, tag)) { - done = true; - } - break; - } - case 8: { - int rawValue = input.readEnum(); - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand.PayloadFormat value = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand.PayloadFormat.valueOf(rawValue); - if (value == null) { - unknownFields.mergeVarintField(1, rawValue); - } else { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; - format_ = value; - } - break; - } - } - } - } catch ( e) { - throw e.setUnfinishedMessage(this); - } catch ( e) { - throw new - e.getMessage()).setUnfinishedMessage(this); - } finally { - this.unknownFields =; - makeExtensionsImmutable(); - } - } + public static final getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_PayloadFormatCommand_descriptor; } - + protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_PayloadFormatCommand_fieldAccessorTable - .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand.class, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand.Builder.class); + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_PayloadFormatCommand_fieldAccessorTable; } - - public static PARSER = - new { - public PayloadFormatCommand parsePartialFrom( - input, - extensionRegistry) - throws { - return new PayloadFormatCommand(input, extensionRegistry); - } - }; - - @java.lang.Override - public getParserForType() { - return PARSER; - } - - /** - * Protobuf enum {@code openxc.PayloadFormatCommand.PayloadFormat} - */ + public enum PayloadFormat implements { - /** - * JSON = 1; - */ JSON(0, 1), - /** - * PROTOBUF = 2; - */ PROTOBUF(1, 2), - /** - * MESSAGEPACK = 3; - */ MESSAGEPACK(2, 3), ; - - /** - * JSON = 1; - */ + public static final int JSON_VALUE = 1; - /** - * PROTOBUF = 2; - */ public static final int PROTOBUF_VALUE = 2; - /** - * MESSAGEPACK = 3; - */ public static final int MESSAGEPACK_VALUE = 3; - - + + public final int getNumber() { return value; } - + public static PayloadFormat valueOf(int value) { switch (value) { case 1: return JSON; @@ -5989,7 +4642,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { default: return null; } } - + public static internalGetValueMap() { return internalValueMap; @@ -6001,7 +4654,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return PayloadFormat.valueOf(number); } }; - + public final getValueDescriptor() { return getDescriptor().getValues().get(index); @@ -6014,9 +4667,11 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand.getDescriptor().getEnumTypes().get(0); } - - private static final PayloadFormat[] VALUES = values(); - + + private static final PayloadFormat[] VALUES = { + JSON, PROTOBUF, MESSAGEPACK, + }; + public static PayloadFormat valueOf( desc) { if (desc.getType() != getDescriptor()) { @@ -6025,35 +4680,29 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return VALUES[desc.getIndex()]; } - + private final int index; private final int value; - + private PayloadFormat(int index, int value) { this.index = index; this.value = value; } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(enum_scope:openxc.PayloadFormatCommand.PayloadFormat) } - + private int bitField0_; // optional .openxc.PayloadFormatCommand.PayloadFormat format = 1; public static final int FORMAT_FIELD_NUMBER = 1; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand.PayloadFormat format_; - /** - * optional .openxc.PayloadFormatCommand.PayloadFormat format = 1; - */ public boolean hasFormat() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } - /** - * optional .openxc.PayloadFormatCommand.PayloadFormat format = 1; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand.PayloadFormat getFormat() { return format_; } - + private void initFields() { format_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand.PayloadFormat.JSON; } @@ -6061,11 +4710,11 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { public final boolean isInitialized() { byte isInitialized = memoizedIsInitialized; if (isInitialized != -1) return isInitialized == 1; - + memoizedIsInitialized = 1; return true; } - + public void writeTo( output) throws { getSerializedSize(); @@ -6074,12 +4723,12 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } getUnknownFields().writeTo(output); } - + private int memoizedSerializedSize = -1; public int getSerializedSize() { int size = memoizedSerializedSize; if (size != -1) return size; - + size = 0; if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { size += @@ -6089,83 +4738,94 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { memoizedSerializedSize = size; return size; } - + private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L; @java.lang.Override protected java.lang.Object writeReplace() throws { return super.writeReplace(); } - + public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand parseFrom( data) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(data); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data).buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand parseFrom( data, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry) + .buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand parseFrom(byte[] data) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(data); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data).buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand parseFrom( byte[] data, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry) + .buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand parseFrom( input) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(input); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input).buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry) + .buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand parseDelimitedFrom( input) throws { - return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input); + Builder builder = newBuilder(); + if (builder.mergeDelimitedFrom(input)) { + return builder.buildParsed(); + } else { + return null; + } } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand parseDelimitedFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry); + Builder builder = newBuilder(); + if (builder.mergeDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry)) { + return builder.buildParsed(); + } else { + return null; + } } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand parseFrom( input) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(input); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input).buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry) + .buildParsed(); } - + public static Builder newBuilder() { return Builder.create(); } public Builder newBuilderForType() { return newBuilder(); } public static Builder newBuilder(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand prototype) { return newBuilder().mergeFrom(prototype); } public Builder toBuilder() { return newBuilder(this); } - + @java.lang.Override protected Builder newBuilderForType( parent) { Builder builder = new Builder(parent); return builder; } - /** - * Protobuf type {@code openxc.PayloadFormatCommand} - */ public static final class Builder extends implements com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommandOrBuilder { @@ -6173,21 +4833,18 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_PayloadFormatCommand_descriptor; } - + protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_PayloadFormatCommand_fieldAccessorTable - .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand.class, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand.Builder.class); + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_PayloadFormatCommand_fieldAccessorTable; } - + // Construct using com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand.newBuilder() private Builder() { maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } - - private Builder( - parent) { + + private Builder(BuilderParent parent) { super(parent); maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } @@ -6198,27 +4855,27 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { private static Builder create() { return new Builder(); } - + public Builder clear() { super.clear(); format_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand.PayloadFormat.JSON; bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); return this; } - + public Builder clone() { return create().mergeFrom(buildPartial()); } - + public getDescriptorForType() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_PayloadFormatCommand_descriptor; + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand.getDescriptor(); } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand getDefaultInstanceForType() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand.getDefaultInstance(); } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand build() { com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand result = buildPartial(); if (!result.isInitialized()) { @@ -6226,7 +4883,17 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return result; } - + + private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand buildParsed() + throws { + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand result = buildPartial(); + if (!result.isInitialized()) { + throw newUninitializedMessageException( + result).asInvalidProtocolBufferException(); + } + return result; + } + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand buildPartial() { com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand result = new com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand(this); int from_bitField0_ = bitField0_; @@ -6239,7 +4906,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { onBuilt(); return result; } - + public Builder mergeFrom( other) { if (other instanceof com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand) { return mergeFrom((com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand)other); @@ -6248,7 +4915,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return this; } } - + public Builder mergeFrom(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand other) { if (other == com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand.getDefaultInstance()) return this; if (other.hasFormat()) { @@ -6257,47 +4924,59 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { this.mergeUnknownFields(other.getUnknownFields()); return this; } - + public final boolean isInitialized() { return true; } - + public Builder mergeFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand parsedMessage = null; - try { - parsedMessage = PARSER.parsePartialFrom(input, extensionRegistry); - } catch ( e) { - parsedMessage = (com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand) e.getUnfinishedMessage(); - throw e; - } finally { - if (parsedMessage != null) { - mergeFrom(parsedMessage); - } - } - return this; - } - private int bitField0_; - - // optional .openxc.PayloadFormatCommand.PayloadFormat format = 1; + unknownFields = + + this.getUnknownFields()); + while (true) { + int tag = input.readTag(); + switch (tag) { + case 0: + this.setUnknownFields(; + onChanged(); + return this; + default: { + if (!parseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, + extensionRegistry, tag)) { + this.setUnknownFields(; + onChanged(); + return this; + } + break; + } + case 8: { + int rawValue = input.readEnum(); + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand.PayloadFormat value = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand.PayloadFormat.valueOf(rawValue); + if (value == null) { + unknownFields.mergeVarintField(1, rawValue); + } else { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; + format_ = value; + } + break; + } + } + } + } + + private int bitField0_; + + // optional .openxc.PayloadFormatCommand.PayloadFormat format = 1; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand.PayloadFormat format_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand.PayloadFormat.JSON; - /** - * optional .openxc.PayloadFormatCommand.PayloadFormat format = 1; - */ public boolean hasFormat() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } - /** - * optional .openxc.PayloadFormatCommand.PayloadFormat format = 1; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand.PayloadFormat getFormat() { return format_; } - /** - * optional .openxc.PayloadFormatCommand.PayloadFormat format = 1; - */ public Builder setFormat(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand.PayloadFormat value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); @@ -6307,152 +4986,70 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { onChanged(); return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.PayloadFormatCommand.PayloadFormat format = 1; - */ public Builder clearFormat() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); format_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand.PayloadFormat.JSON; onChanged(); return this; } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(builder_scope:openxc.PayloadFormatCommand) } - + static { defaultInstance = new PayloadFormatCommand(true); defaultInstance.initFields(); } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:openxc.PayloadFormatCommand) } - + public interface PredefinedObd2RequestsCommandOrBuilder extends { - + // optional bool enabled = 1; - /** - * optional bool enabled = 1; - */ boolean hasEnabled(); - /** - * optional bool enabled = 1; - */ boolean getEnabled(); } - /** - * Protobuf type {@code openxc.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand} - */ public static final class PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand extends implements PredefinedObd2RequestsCommandOrBuilder { // Use PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand.newBuilder() to construct. - private PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand( builder) { + private PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand(Builder builder) { super(builder); - this.unknownFields = builder.getUnknownFields(); } - private PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand(boolean noInit) { this.unknownFields =; } - + private PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand(boolean noInit) {} + private static final PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand defaultInstance; public static PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand getDefaultInstance() { return defaultInstance; } - + public PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand getDefaultInstanceForType() { return defaultInstance; } - - private final unknownFields; - @java.lang.Override - public final - getUnknownFields() { - return this.unknownFields; - } - private PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand( - input, - extensionRegistry) - throws { - initFields(); - int mutable_bitField0_ = 0; - unknownFields = -; - try { - boolean done = false; - while (!done) { - int tag = input.readTag(); - switch (tag) { - case 0: - done = true; - break; - default: { - if (!parseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, - extensionRegistry, tag)) { - done = true; - } - break; - } - case 8: { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; - enabled_ = input.readBool(); - break; - } - } - } - } catch ( e) { - throw e.setUnfinishedMessage(this); - } catch ( e) { - throw new - e.getMessage()).setUnfinishedMessage(this); - } finally { - this.unknownFields =; - makeExtensionsImmutable(); - } - } + public static final getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand_descriptor; } - + protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand_fieldAccessorTable - .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand.class, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand.Builder.class); - } - - public static PARSER = - new { - public PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand parsePartialFrom( - input, - extensionRegistry) - throws { - return new PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand(input, extensionRegistry); - } - }; - - @java.lang.Override - public getParserForType() { - return PARSER; + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand_fieldAccessorTable; } - + private int bitField0_; // optional bool enabled = 1; public static final int ENABLED_FIELD_NUMBER = 1; private boolean enabled_; - /** - * optional bool enabled = 1; - */ public boolean hasEnabled() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } - /** - * optional bool enabled = 1; - */ public boolean getEnabled() { return enabled_; } - + private void initFields() { enabled_ = false; } @@ -6460,11 +5057,11 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { public final boolean isInitialized() { byte isInitialized = memoizedIsInitialized; if (isInitialized != -1) return isInitialized == 1; - + memoizedIsInitialized = 1; return true; } - + public void writeTo( output) throws { getSerializedSize(); @@ -6473,12 +5070,12 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } getUnknownFields().writeTo(output); } - + private int memoizedSerializedSize = -1; public int getSerializedSize() { int size = memoizedSerializedSize; if (size != -1) return size; - + size = 0; if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { size += @@ -6488,83 +5085,94 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { memoizedSerializedSize = size; return size; } - + private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L; @java.lang.Override protected java.lang.Object writeReplace() throws { return super.writeReplace(); } - + public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand parseFrom( data) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(data); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data).buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand parseFrom( data, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry) + .buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand parseFrom(byte[] data) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(data); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data).buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand parseFrom( byte[] data, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry) + .buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand parseFrom( input) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(input); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input).buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry) + .buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand parseDelimitedFrom( input) throws { - return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input); + Builder builder = newBuilder(); + if (builder.mergeDelimitedFrom(input)) { + return builder.buildParsed(); + } else { + return null; + } } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand parseDelimitedFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry); + Builder builder = newBuilder(); + if (builder.mergeDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry)) { + return builder.buildParsed(); + } else { + return null; + } } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand parseFrom( input) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(input); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input).buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry) + .buildParsed(); } - + public static Builder newBuilder() { return Builder.create(); } public Builder newBuilderForType() { return newBuilder(); } public static Builder newBuilder(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand prototype) { return newBuilder().mergeFrom(prototype); } public Builder toBuilder() { return newBuilder(this); } - + @java.lang.Override protected Builder newBuilderForType( parent) { Builder builder = new Builder(parent); return builder; } - /** - * Protobuf type {@code openxc.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand} - */ public static final class Builder extends implements com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommandOrBuilder { @@ -6572,21 +5180,18 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand_descriptor; } - + protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand_fieldAccessorTable - .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand.class, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand.Builder.class); + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand_fieldAccessorTable; } - + // Construct using com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand.newBuilder() private Builder() { maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } - - private Builder( - parent) { + + private Builder(BuilderParent parent) { super(parent); maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } @@ -6597,27 +5202,27 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { private static Builder create() { return new Builder(); } - + public Builder clear() { super.clear(); enabled_ = false; bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); return this; } - + public Builder clone() { return create().mergeFrom(buildPartial()); } - + public getDescriptorForType() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand_descriptor; + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand.getDescriptor(); } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand getDefaultInstanceForType() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand.getDefaultInstance(); } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand build() { com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand result = buildPartial(); if (!result.isInitialized()) { @@ -6625,7 +5230,17 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return result; } - + + private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand buildParsed() + throws { + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand result = buildPartial(); + if (!result.isInitialized()) { + throw newUninitializedMessageException( + result).asInvalidProtocolBufferException(); + } + return result; + } + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand buildPartial() { com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand result = new com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand(this); int from_bitField0_ = bitField0_; @@ -6638,7 +5253,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { onBuilt(); return result; } - + public Builder mergeFrom( other) { if (other instanceof com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand) { return mergeFrom((com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand)other); @@ -6647,7 +5262,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return this; } } - + public Builder mergeFrom(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand other) { if (other == com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand.getDefaultInstance()) return this; if (other.hasEnabled()) { @@ -6656,281 +5271,139 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { this.mergeUnknownFields(other.getUnknownFields()); return this; } - + public final boolean isInitialized() { return true; } - + public Builder mergeFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand parsedMessage = null; - try { - parsedMessage = PARSER.parsePartialFrom(input, extensionRegistry); - } catch ( e) { - parsedMessage = (com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand) e.getUnfinishedMessage(); - throw e; - } finally { - if (parsedMessage != null) { - mergeFrom(parsedMessage); + unknownFields = + + this.getUnknownFields()); + while (true) { + int tag = input.readTag(); + switch (tag) { + case 0: + this.setUnknownFields(; + onChanged(); + return this; + default: { + if (!parseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, + extensionRegistry, tag)) { + this.setUnknownFields(; + onChanged(); + return this; + } + break; + } + case 8: { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; + enabled_ = input.readBool(); + break; + } } } - return this; } + private int bitField0_; - + // optional bool enabled = 1; private boolean enabled_ ; - /** - * optional bool enabled = 1; - */ public boolean hasEnabled() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } - /** - * optional bool enabled = 1; - */ public boolean getEnabled() { return enabled_; } - /** - * optional bool enabled = 1; - */ public Builder setEnabled(boolean value) { bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; enabled_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } - /** - * optional bool enabled = 1; - */ public Builder clearEnabled() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); enabled_ = false; onChanged(); return this; } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(builder_scope:openxc.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand) } - + static { defaultInstance = new PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand(true); defaultInstance.initFields(); } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:openxc.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand) } - + public interface NetworkOperatorSettingsOrBuilder extends { - + // optional bool allowDataRoaming = 1; - /** - * optional bool allowDataRoaming = 1; - */ boolean hasAllowDataRoaming(); - /** - * optional bool allowDataRoaming = 1; - */ boolean getAllowDataRoaming(); - + // optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.OperatorSelectMode operatorSelectMode = 2; - /** - * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.OperatorSelectMode operatorSelectMode = 2; - */ boolean hasOperatorSelectMode(); - /** - * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.OperatorSelectMode operatorSelectMode = 2; - */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.OperatorSelectMode getOperatorSelectMode(); - + // optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor networkDescriptor = 3; - /** - * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor networkDescriptor = 3; - */ boolean hasNetworkDescriptor(); - /** - * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor networkDescriptor = 3; - */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor getNetworkDescriptor(); - /** - * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor networkDescriptor = 3; - */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptorOrBuilder getNetworkDescriptorOrBuilder(); } - /** - * Protobuf type {@code openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings} - */ public static final class NetworkOperatorSettings extends implements NetworkOperatorSettingsOrBuilder { // Use NetworkOperatorSettings.newBuilder() to construct. - private NetworkOperatorSettings( builder) { + private NetworkOperatorSettings(Builder builder) { super(builder); - this.unknownFields = builder.getUnknownFields(); } - private NetworkOperatorSettings(boolean noInit) { this.unknownFields =; } - + private NetworkOperatorSettings(boolean noInit) {} + private static final NetworkOperatorSettings defaultInstance; public static NetworkOperatorSettings getDefaultInstance() { return defaultInstance; } - + public NetworkOperatorSettings getDefaultInstanceForType() { return defaultInstance; } - - private final unknownFields; - @java.lang.Override - public final - getUnknownFields() { - return this.unknownFields; - } - private NetworkOperatorSettings( - input, - extensionRegistry) - throws { - initFields(); - int mutable_bitField0_ = 0; - unknownFields = -; - try { - boolean done = false; - while (!done) { - int tag = input.readTag(); - switch (tag) { - case 0: - done = true; - break; - default: { - if (!parseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, - extensionRegistry, tag)) { - done = true; - } - break; - } - case 8: { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; - allowDataRoaming_ = input.readBool(); - break; - } - case 16: { - int rawValue = input.readEnum(); - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.OperatorSelectMode value = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.OperatorSelectMode.valueOf(rawValue); - if (value == null) { - unknownFields.mergeVarintField(2, rawValue); - } else { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; - operatorSelectMode_ = value; - } - break; - } - case 26: { - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.Builder subBuilder = null; - if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004)) { - subBuilder = networkDescriptor_.toBuilder(); - } - networkDescriptor_ = input.readMessage(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.PARSER, extensionRegistry); - if (subBuilder != null) { - subBuilder.mergeFrom(networkDescriptor_); - networkDescriptor_ = subBuilder.buildPartial(); - } - bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; - break; - } - } - } - } catch ( e) { - throw e.setUnfinishedMessage(this); - } catch ( e) { - throw new - e.getMessage()).setUnfinishedMessage(this); - } finally { - this.unknownFields =; - makeExtensionsImmutable(); - } - } + public static final getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_NetworkOperatorSettings_descriptor; } - + protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_NetworkOperatorSettings_fieldAccessorTable - .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.class, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.Builder.class); - } - - public static PARSER = - new { - public NetworkOperatorSettings parsePartialFrom( - input, - extensionRegistry) - throws { - return new NetworkOperatorSettings(input, extensionRegistry); - } - }; - - @java.lang.Override - public getParserForType() { - return PARSER; + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_NetworkOperatorSettings_fieldAccessorTable; } - - /** - * Protobuf enum {@code openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.OperatorSelectMode} - */ + public enum OperatorSelectMode implements { - /** - * AUTOMATIC = 0; - */ AUTOMATIC(0, 0), - /** - * MANUAL = 1; - */ MANUAL(1, 1), - /** - * DEREGISTER = 2; - */ DEREGISTER(2, 2), - /** - * SET_ONLY = 3; - */ SET_ONLY(3, 3), - /** - * MANUAL_AUTOMATIC = 4; - */ MANUAL_AUTOMATIC(4, 4), ; - - /** - * AUTOMATIC = 0; - */ + public static final int AUTOMATIC_VALUE = 0; - /** - * MANUAL = 1; - */ public static final int MANUAL_VALUE = 1; - /** - * DEREGISTER = 2; - */ public static final int DEREGISTER_VALUE = 2; - /** - * SET_ONLY = 3; - */ public static final int SET_ONLY_VALUE = 3; - /** - * MANUAL_AUTOMATIC = 4; - */ public static final int MANUAL_AUTOMATIC_VALUE = 4; - - + + public final int getNumber() { return value; } - + public static OperatorSelectMode valueOf(int value) { switch (value) { case 0: return AUTOMATIC; @@ -6941,7 +5414,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { default: return null; } } - + public static internalGetValueMap() { return internalValueMap; @@ -6953,7 +5426,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return OperatorSelectMode.valueOf(number); } }; - + public final getValueDescriptor() { return getDescriptor().getValues().get(index); @@ -6966,9 +5439,11 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.getDescriptor().getEnumTypes().get(0); } - - private static final OperatorSelectMode[] VALUES = values(); - + + private static final OperatorSelectMode[] VALUES = { + AUTOMATIC, MANUAL, DEREGISTER, SET_ONLY, MANUAL_AUTOMATIC, + }; + public static OperatorSelectMode valueOf( desc) { if (desc.getType() != getDescriptor()) { @@ -6977,174 +5452,69 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return VALUES[desc.getIndex()]; } - + private final int index; private final int value; - + private OperatorSelectMode(int index, int value) { this.index = index; this.value = value; } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(enum_scope:openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.OperatorSelectMode) } - + public interface NetworkDescriptorOrBuilder extends { - + // optional uint32 PLMN = 1; - /** - * optional uint32 PLMN = 1; - */ boolean hasPLMN(); - /** - * optional uint32 PLMN = 1; - */ int getPLMN(); - + // optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.NetworkType networkType = 2; - /** - * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.NetworkType networkType = 2; - */ boolean hasNetworkType(); - /** - * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.NetworkType networkType = 2; - */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.NetworkType getNetworkType(); } - /** - * Protobuf type {@code openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor} - */ public static final class NetworkDescriptor extends implements NetworkDescriptorOrBuilder { // Use NetworkDescriptor.newBuilder() to construct. - private NetworkDescriptor( builder) { + private NetworkDescriptor(Builder builder) { super(builder); - this.unknownFields = builder.getUnknownFields(); } - private NetworkDescriptor(boolean noInit) { this.unknownFields =; } - + private NetworkDescriptor(boolean noInit) {} + private static final NetworkDescriptor defaultInstance; public static NetworkDescriptor getDefaultInstance() { return defaultInstance; } - + public NetworkDescriptor getDefaultInstanceForType() { return defaultInstance; } - - private final unknownFields; - @java.lang.Override - public final - getUnknownFields() { - return this.unknownFields; - } - private NetworkDescriptor( - input, - extensionRegistry) - throws { - initFields(); - int mutable_bitField0_ = 0; - unknownFields = -; - try { - boolean done = false; - while (!done) { - int tag = input.readTag(); - switch (tag) { - case 0: - done = true; - break; - default: { - if (!parseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, - extensionRegistry, tag)) { - done = true; - } - break; - } - case 8: { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; - pLMN_ = input.readUInt32(); - break; - } - case 16: { - int rawValue = input.readEnum(); - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.NetworkType value = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.NetworkType.valueOf(rawValue); - if (value == null) { - unknownFields.mergeVarintField(2, rawValue); - } else { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; - networkType_ = value; - } - break; - } - } - } - } catch ( e) { - throw e.setUnfinishedMessage(this); - } catch ( e) { - throw new - e.getMessage()).setUnfinishedMessage(this); - } finally { - this.unknownFields =; - makeExtensionsImmutable(); - } - } + public static final getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_NetworkOperatorSettings_NetworkDescriptor_descriptor; } - + protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_NetworkOperatorSettings_NetworkDescriptor_fieldAccessorTable - .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.class, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.Builder.class); - } - - public static PARSER = - new { - public NetworkDescriptor parsePartialFrom( - input, - extensionRegistry) - throws { - return new NetworkDescriptor(input, extensionRegistry); - } - }; - - @java.lang.Override - public getParserForType() { - return PARSER; + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_NetworkOperatorSettings_NetworkDescriptor_fieldAccessorTable; } - - /** - * Protobuf enum {@code openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.NetworkType} - */ + public enum NetworkType implements { - /** - * GSM = 0; - */ GSM(0, 0), - /** - * UTRAN = 2; - */ UTRAN(1, 2), ; - - /** - * GSM = 0; - */ + public static final int GSM_VALUE = 0; - /** - * UTRAN = 2; - */ public static final int UTRAN_VALUE = 2; - - + + public final int getNumber() { return value; } - + public static NetworkType valueOf(int value) { switch (value) { case 0: return GSM; @@ -7152,7 +5522,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { default: return null; } } - + public static internalGetValueMap() { return internalValueMap; @@ -7164,7 +5534,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return NetworkType.valueOf(number); } }; - + public final getValueDescriptor() { return getDescriptor().getValues().get(index); @@ -7177,9 +5547,11 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.getDescriptor().getEnumTypes().get(0); } - - private static final NetworkType[] VALUES = values(); - + + private static final NetworkType[] VALUES = { + GSM, UTRAN, + }; + public static NetworkType valueOf( desc) { if (desc.getType() != getDescriptor()) { @@ -7188,51 +5560,39 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return VALUES[desc.getIndex()]; } - + private final int index; private final int value; - + private NetworkType(int index, int value) { this.index = index; this.value = value; } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(enum_scope:openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.NetworkType) } - + private int bitField0_; // optional uint32 PLMN = 1; public static final int PLMN_FIELD_NUMBER = 1; private int pLMN_; - /** - * optional uint32 PLMN = 1; - */ public boolean hasPLMN() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } - /** - * optional uint32 PLMN = 1; - */ public int getPLMN() { return pLMN_; } - + // optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.NetworkType networkType = 2; public static final int NETWORKTYPE_FIELD_NUMBER = 2; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.NetworkType networkType_; - /** - * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.NetworkType networkType = 2; - */ public boolean hasNetworkType() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002); } - /** - * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.NetworkType networkType = 2; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.NetworkType getNetworkType() { return networkType_; } - + private void initFields() { pLMN_ = 0; networkType_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.NetworkType.GSM; @@ -7241,11 +5601,11 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { public final boolean isInitialized() { byte isInitialized = memoizedIsInitialized; if (isInitialized != -1) return isInitialized == 1; - + memoizedIsInitialized = 1; return true; } - + public void writeTo( output) throws { getSerializedSize(); @@ -7257,12 +5617,12 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } getUnknownFields().writeTo(output); } - + private int memoizedSerializedSize = -1; public int getSerializedSize() { int size = memoizedSerializedSize; if (size != -1) return size; - + size = 0; if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { size += @@ -7276,83 +5636,94 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { memoizedSerializedSize = size; return size; } - + private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L; @java.lang.Override protected java.lang.Object writeReplace() throws { return super.writeReplace(); } - + public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor parseFrom( data) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(data); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data).buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor parseFrom( data, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry) + .buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor parseFrom(byte[] data) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(data); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data).buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor parseFrom( byte[] data, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry) + .buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor parseFrom( input) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(input); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input).buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry) + .buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor parseDelimitedFrom( input) throws { - return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input); + Builder builder = newBuilder(); + if (builder.mergeDelimitedFrom(input)) { + return builder.buildParsed(); + } else { + return null; + } } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor parseDelimitedFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry); + Builder builder = newBuilder(); + if (builder.mergeDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry)) { + return builder.buildParsed(); + } else { + return null; + } } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor parseFrom( input) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(input); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input).buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry) + .buildParsed(); } - + public static Builder newBuilder() { return Builder.create(); } public Builder newBuilderForType() { return newBuilder(); } public static Builder newBuilder(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor prototype) { return newBuilder().mergeFrom(prototype); } public Builder toBuilder() { return newBuilder(this); } - + @java.lang.Override protected Builder newBuilderForType( parent) { Builder builder = new Builder(parent); return builder; } - /** - * Protobuf type {@code openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor} - */ public static final class Builder extends implements com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptorOrBuilder { @@ -7360,21 +5731,18 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_NetworkOperatorSettings_NetworkDescriptor_descriptor; } - + protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_NetworkOperatorSettings_NetworkDescriptor_fieldAccessorTable - .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.class, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.Builder.class); + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_NetworkOperatorSettings_NetworkDescriptor_fieldAccessorTable; } - + // Construct using com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.newBuilder() private Builder() { maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } - - private Builder( - parent) { + + private Builder(BuilderParent parent) { super(parent); maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } @@ -7385,7 +5753,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { private static Builder create() { return new Builder(); } - + public Builder clear() { super.clear(); pLMN_ = 0; @@ -7394,20 +5762,20 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); return this; } - + public Builder clone() { return create().mergeFrom(buildPartial()); } - + public getDescriptorForType() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_NetworkOperatorSettings_NetworkDescriptor_descriptor; + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.getDescriptor(); } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor getDefaultInstanceForType() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.getDefaultInstance(); } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor build() { com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor result = buildPartial(); if (!result.isInitialized()) { @@ -7415,7 +5783,17 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return result; } - + + private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor buildParsed() + throws { + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor result = buildPartial(); + if (!result.isInitialized()) { + throw newUninitializedMessageException( + result).asInvalidProtocolBufferException(); + } + return result; + } + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor buildPartial() { com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor result = new com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor(this); int from_bitField0_ = bitField0_; @@ -7432,7 +5810,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { onBuilt(); return result; } - + public Builder mergeFrom( other) { if (other instanceof com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor) { return mergeFrom((com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor)other); @@ -7441,7 +5819,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return this; } } - + public Builder mergeFrom(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor other) { if (other == com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.getDefaultInstance()) return this; if (other.hasPLMN()) { @@ -7453,80 +5831,85 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { this.mergeUnknownFields(other.getUnknownFields()); return this; } - + public final boolean isInitialized() { return true; } - + public Builder mergeFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor parsedMessage = null; - try { - parsedMessage = PARSER.parsePartialFrom(input, extensionRegistry); - } catch ( e) { - parsedMessage = (com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor) e.getUnfinishedMessage(); - throw e; - } finally { - if (parsedMessage != null) { - mergeFrom(parsedMessage); + unknownFields = + + this.getUnknownFields()); + while (true) { + int tag = input.readTag(); + switch (tag) { + case 0: + this.setUnknownFields(; + onChanged(); + return this; + default: { + if (!parseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, + extensionRegistry, tag)) { + this.setUnknownFields(; + onChanged(); + return this; + } + break; + } + case 8: { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; + pLMN_ = input.readUInt32(); + break; + } + case 16: { + int rawValue = input.readEnum(); + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.NetworkType value = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.NetworkType.valueOf(rawValue); + if (value == null) { + unknownFields.mergeVarintField(2, rawValue); + } else { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; + networkType_ = value; + } + break; + } } } - return this; } + private int bitField0_; - + // optional uint32 PLMN = 1; private int pLMN_ ; - /** - * optional uint32 PLMN = 1; - */ public boolean hasPLMN() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } - /** - * optional uint32 PLMN = 1; - */ public int getPLMN() { return pLMN_; } - /** - * optional uint32 PLMN = 1; - */ public Builder setPLMN(int value) { bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; pLMN_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } - /** - * optional uint32 PLMN = 1; - */ public Builder clearPLMN() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); pLMN_ = 0; onChanged(); return this; } - + // optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.NetworkType networkType = 2; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.NetworkType networkType_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.NetworkType.GSM; - /** - * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.NetworkType networkType = 2; - */ public boolean hasNetworkType() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002); } - /** - * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.NetworkType networkType = 2; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.NetworkType getNetworkType() { return networkType_; } - /** - * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.NetworkType networkType = 2; - */ public Builder setNetworkType(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.NetworkType value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); @@ -7536,82 +5919,58 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { onChanged(); return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.NetworkType networkType = 2; - */ public Builder clearNetworkType() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); networkType_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.NetworkType.GSM; onChanged(); return this; } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(builder_scope:openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor) } - + static { defaultInstance = new NetworkDescriptor(true); defaultInstance.initFields(); } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor) } - + private int bitField0_; // optional bool allowDataRoaming = 1; public static final int ALLOWDATAROAMING_FIELD_NUMBER = 1; private boolean allowDataRoaming_; - /** - * optional bool allowDataRoaming = 1; - */ public boolean hasAllowDataRoaming() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } - /** - * optional bool allowDataRoaming = 1; - */ public boolean getAllowDataRoaming() { return allowDataRoaming_; } - + // optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.OperatorSelectMode operatorSelectMode = 2; public static final int OPERATORSELECTMODE_FIELD_NUMBER = 2; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.OperatorSelectMode operatorSelectMode_; - /** - * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.OperatorSelectMode operatorSelectMode = 2; - */ public boolean hasOperatorSelectMode() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002); } - /** - * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.OperatorSelectMode operatorSelectMode = 2; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.OperatorSelectMode getOperatorSelectMode() { return operatorSelectMode_; } - + // optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor networkDescriptor = 3; public static final int NETWORKDESCRIPTOR_FIELD_NUMBER = 3; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor networkDescriptor_; - /** - * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor networkDescriptor = 3; - */ public boolean hasNetworkDescriptor() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004); } - /** - * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor networkDescriptor = 3; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor getNetworkDescriptor() { return networkDescriptor_; } - /** - * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor networkDescriptor = 3; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptorOrBuilder getNetworkDescriptorOrBuilder() { return networkDescriptor_; } - + private void initFields() { allowDataRoaming_ = false; operatorSelectMode_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.OperatorSelectMode.AUTOMATIC; @@ -7621,11 +5980,11 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { public final boolean isInitialized() { byte isInitialized = memoizedIsInitialized; if (isInitialized != -1) return isInitialized == 1; - + memoizedIsInitialized = 1; return true; } - + public void writeTo( output) throws { getSerializedSize(); @@ -7640,12 +5999,12 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } getUnknownFields().writeTo(output); } - + private int memoizedSerializedSize = -1; public int getSerializedSize() { int size = memoizedSerializedSize; if (size != -1) return size; - + size = 0; if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { size += @@ -7663,83 +6022,94 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { memoizedSerializedSize = size; return size; } - + private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L; @java.lang.Override protected java.lang.Object writeReplace() throws { return super.writeReplace(); } - + public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings parseFrom( data) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(data); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data).buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings parseFrom( data, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry) + .buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings parseFrom(byte[] data) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(data); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data).buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings parseFrom( byte[] data, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry) + .buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings parseFrom( input) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(input); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input).buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry) + .buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings parseDelimitedFrom( input) throws { - return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input); + Builder builder = newBuilder(); + if (builder.mergeDelimitedFrom(input)) { + return builder.buildParsed(); + } else { + return null; + } } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings parseDelimitedFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry); + Builder builder = newBuilder(); + if (builder.mergeDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry)) { + return builder.buildParsed(); + } else { + return null; + } } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings parseFrom( input) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(input); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input).buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry) + .buildParsed(); } - + public static Builder newBuilder() { return Builder.create(); } public Builder newBuilderForType() { return newBuilder(); } public static Builder newBuilder(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings prototype) { return newBuilder().mergeFrom(prototype); } public Builder toBuilder() { return newBuilder(this); } - + @java.lang.Override protected Builder newBuilderForType( parent) { Builder builder = new Builder(parent); return builder; } - /** - * Protobuf type {@code openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings} - */ public static final class Builder extends implements com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettingsOrBuilder { @@ -7747,21 +6117,18 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_NetworkOperatorSettings_descriptor; } - + protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_NetworkOperatorSettings_fieldAccessorTable - .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.class, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.Builder.class); + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_NetworkOperatorSettings_fieldAccessorTable; } - + // Construct using com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.newBuilder() private Builder() { maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } - - private Builder( - parent) { + + private Builder(BuilderParent parent) { super(parent); maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } @@ -7773,7 +6140,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { private static Builder create() { return new Builder(); } - + public Builder clear() { super.clear(); allowDataRoaming_ = false; @@ -7788,20 +6155,20 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000004); return this; } - + public Builder clone() { return create().mergeFrom(buildPartial()); } - + public getDescriptorForType() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_NetworkOperatorSettings_descriptor; + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.getDescriptor(); } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings getDefaultInstanceForType() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.getDefaultInstance(); } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings build() { com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings result = buildPartial(); if (!result.isInitialized()) { @@ -7809,7 +6176,17 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return result; } - + + private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings buildParsed() + throws { + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings result = buildPartial(); + if (!result.isInitialized()) { + throw newUninitializedMessageException( + result).asInvalidProtocolBufferException(); + } + return result; + } + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings buildPartial() { com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings result = new com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings(this); int from_bitField0_ = bitField0_; @@ -7834,7 +6211,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { onBuilt(); return result; } - + public Builder mergeFrom( other) { if (other instanceof com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings) { return mergeFrom((com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings)other); @@ -7843,7 +6220,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return this; } } - + public Builder mergeFrom(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings other) { if (other == com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.getDefaultInstance()) return this; if (other.hasAllowDataRoaming()) { @@ -7858,80 +6235,94 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { this.mergeUnknownFields(other.getUnknownFields()); return this; } - + public final boolean isInitialized() { return true; } - + public Builder mergeFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings parsedMessage = null; - try { - parsedMessage = PARSER.parsePartialFrom(input, extensionRegistry); - } catch ( e) { - parsedMessage = (com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings) e.getUnfinishedMessage(); - throw e; - } finally { - if (parsedMessage != null) { - mergeFrom(parsedMessage); + unknownFields = + + this.getUnknownFields()); + while (true) { + int tag = input.readTag(); + switch (tag) { + case 0: + this.setUnknownFields(; + onChanged(); + return this; + default: { + if (!parseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, + extensionRegistry, tag)) { + this.setUnknownFields(; + onChanged(); + return this; + } + break; + } + case 8: { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; + allowDataRoaming_ = input.readBool(); + break; + } + case 16: { + int rawValue = input.readEnum(); + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.OperatorSelectMode value = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.OperatorSelectMode.valueOf(rawValue); + if (value == null) { + unknownFields.mergeVarintField(2, rawValue); + } else { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; + operatorSelectMode_ = value; + } + break; + } + case 26: { + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.Builder subBuilder = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.newBuilder(); + if (hasNetworkDescriptor()) { + subBuilder.mergeFrom(getNetworkDescriptor()); + } + input.readMessage(subBuilder, extensionRegistry); + setNetworkDescriptor(subBuilder.buildPartial()); + break; + } } } - return this; } + private int bitField0_; - + // optional bool allowDataRoaming = 1; private boolean allowDataRoaming_ ; - /** - * optional bool allowDataRoaming = 1; - */ public boolean hasAllowDataRoaming() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } - /** - * optional bool allowDataRoaming = 1; - */ public boolean getAllowDataRoaming() { return allowDataRoaming_; } - /** - * optional bool allowDataRoaming = 1; - */ public Builder setAllowDataRoaming(boolean value) { bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; allowDataRoaming_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } - /** - * optional bool allowDataRoaming = 1; - */ public Builder clearAllowDataRoaming() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); allowDataRoaming_ = false; onChanged(); return this; } - + // optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.OperatorSelectMode operatorSelectMode = 2; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.OperatorSelectMode operatorSelectMode_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.OperatorSelectMode.AUTOMATIC; - /** - * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.OperatorSelectMode operatorSelectMode = 2; - */ public boolean hasOperatorSelectMode() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002); } - /** - * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.OperatorSelectMode operatorSelectMode = 2; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.OperatorSelectMode getOperatorSelectMode() { return operatorSelectMode_; } - /** - * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.OperatorSelectMode operatorSelectMode = 2; - */ public Builder setOperatorSelectMode(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.OperatorSelectMode value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); @@ -7941,29 +6332,20 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { onChanged(); return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.OperatorSelectMode operatorSelectMode = 2; - */ public Builder clearOperatorSelectMode() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); operatorSelectMode_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.OperatorSelectMode.AUTOMATIC; onChanged(); return this; } - + // optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor networkDescriptor = 3; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor networkDescriptor_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.getDefaultInstance(); private< com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.Builder, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptorOrBuilder> networkDescriptorBuilder_; - /** - * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor networkDescriptor = 3; - */ public boolean hasNetworkDescriptor() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004); } - /** - * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor networkDescriptor = 3; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor getNetworkDescriptor() { if (networkDescriptorBuilder_ == null) { return networkDescriptor_; @@ -7971,9 +6353,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return networkDescriptorBuilder_.getMessage(); } } - /** - * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor networkDescriptor = 3; - */ public Builder setNetworkDescriptor(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor value) { if (networkDescriptorBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { @@ -7987,9 +6366,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor networkDescriptor = 3; - */ public Builder setNetworkDescriptor( com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.Builder builderForValue) { if (networkDescriptorBuilder_ == null) { @@ -8001,9 +6377,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor networkDescriptor = 3; - */ public Builder mergeNetworkDescriptor(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor value) { if (networkDescriptorBuilder_ == null) { if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004) && @@ -8020,9 +6393,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor networkDescriptor = 3; - */ public Builder clearNetworkDescriptor() { if (networkDescriptorBuilder_ == null) { networkDescriptor_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.getDefaultInstance(); @@ -8033,17 +6403,11 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000004); return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor networkDescriptor = 3; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.Builder getNetworkDescriptorBuilder() { bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; onChanged(); return getNetworkDescriptorFieldBuilder().getBuilder(); } - /** - * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor networkDescriptor = 3; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptorOrBuilder getNetworkDescriptorOrBuilder() { if (networkDescriptorBuilder_ != null) { return networkDescriptorBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder(); @@ -8051,9 +6415,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return networkDescriptor_; } } - /** - * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor networkDescriptor = 3; - */ private< com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.Builder, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptorOrBuilder> getNetworkDescriptorFieldBuilder() { @@ -8067,175 +6428,86 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return networkDescriptorBuilder_; } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(builder_scope:openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings) } - + static { defaultInstance = new NetworkOperatorSettings(true); defaultInstance.initFields(); } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings) } - + public interface NetworkDataSettingsOrBuilder extends { - + // optional string APN = 1; - /** - * optional string APN = 1; - */ boolean hasAPN(); - /** - * optional string APN = 1; - */ - java.lang.String getAPN(); - /** - * optional string APN = 1; - */ - - getAPNBytes(); + String getAPN(); } - /** - * Protobuf type {@code openxc.NetworkDataSettings} - */ public static final class NetworkDataSettings extends implements NetworkDataSettingsOrBuilder { // Use NetworkDataSettings.newBuilder() to construct. - private NetworkDataSettings( builder) { + private NetworkDataSettings(Builder builder) { super(builder); - this.unknownFields = builder.getUnknownFields(); } - private NetworkDataSettings(boolean noInit) { this.unknownFields =; } - + private NetworkDataSettings(boolean noInit) {} + private static final NetworkDataSettings defaultInstance; public static NetworkDataSettings getDefaultInstance() { return defaultInstance; } - + public NetworkDataSettings getDefaultInstanceForType() { return defaultInstance; } - - private final unknownFields; - @java.lang.Override - public final - getUnknownFields() { - return this.unknownFields; - } - private NetworkDataSettings( - input, - extensionRegistry) - throws { - initFields(); - int mutable_bitField0_ = 0; - unknownFields = -; - try { - boolean done = false; - while (!done) { - int tag = input.readTag(); - switch (tag) { - case 0: - done = true; - break; - default: { - if (!parseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, - extensionRegistry, tag)) { - done = true; - } - break; - } - case 10: { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; - aPN_ = input.readBytes(); - break; - } - } - } - } catch ( e) { - throw e.setUnfinishedMessage(this); - } catch ( e) { - throw new - e.getMessage()).setUnfinishedMessage(this); - } finally { - this.unknownFields =; - makeExtensionsImmutable(); - } - } + public static final getDescriptor() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_NetworkDataSettings_descriptor; - } - - protected - internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_NetworkDataSettings_fieldAccessorTable - .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings.class, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings.Builder.class); - } - - public static PARSER = - new { - public NetworkDataSettings parsePartialFrom( - input, - extensionRegistry) - throws { - return new NetworkDataSettings(input, extensionRegistry); - } - }; - - @java.lang.Override - public getParserForType() { - return PARSER; + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_NetworkDataSettings_descriptor; } - + + protected + internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_NetworkDataSettings_fieldAccessorTable; + } + private int bitField0_; // optional string APN = 1; public static final int APN_FIELD_NUMBER = 1; private java.lang.Object aPN_; - /** - * optional string APN = 1; - */ public boolean hasAPN() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } - /** - * optional string APN = 1; - */ - public java.lang.String getAPN() { + public String getAPN() { java.lang.Object ref = aPN_; - if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { - return (java.lang.String) ref; + if (ref instanceof String) { + return (String) ref; } else { bs = ( ref; - java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); - if (bs.isValidUtf8()) { + String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); + if ( { aPN_ = s; } return s; } } - /** - * optional string APN = 1; - */ - public - getAPNBytes() { + private getAPNBytes() { java.lang.Object ref = aPN_; - if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { + if (ref instanceof String) { b = - - (java.lang.String) ref); + ref); aPN_ = b; return b; } else { return ( ref; } } - + private void initFields() { aPN_ = ""; } @@ -8243,11 +6515,11 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { public final boolean isInitialized() { byte isInitialized = memoizedIsInitialized; if (isInitialized != -1) return isInitialized == 1; - + memoizedIsInitialized = 1; return true; } - + public void writeTo( output) throws { getSerializedSize(); @@ -8256,12 +6528,12 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } getUnknownFields().writeTo(output); } - + private int memoizedSerializedSize = -1; public int getSerializedSize() { int size = memoizedSerializedSize; if (size != -1) return size; - + size = 0; if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { size += @@ -8271,83 +6543,94 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { memoizedSerializedSize = size; return size; } - + private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L; @java.lang.Override protected java.lang.Object writeReplace() throws { return super.writeReplace(); } - + public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings parseFrom( data) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(data); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data).buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings parseFrom( data, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry) + .buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings parseFrom(byte[] data) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(data); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data).buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings parseFrom( byte[] data, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry) + .buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings parseFrom( input) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(input); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input).buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry) + .buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings parseDelimitedFrom( input) throws { - return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input); + Builder builder = newBuilder(); + if (builder.mergeDelimitedFrom(input)) { + return builder.buildParsed(); + } else { + return null; + } } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings parseDelimitedFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry); + Builder builder = newBuilder(); + if (builder.mergeDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry)) { + return builder.buildParsed(); + } else { + return null; + } } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings parseFrom( input) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(input); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input).buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry) + .buildParsed(); } - + public static Builder newBuilder() { return Builder.create(); } public Builder newBuilderForType() { return newBuilder(); } public static Builder newBuilder(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings prototype) { return newBuilder().mergeFrom(prototype); } public Builder toBuilder() { return newBuilder(this); } - + @java.lang.Override protected Builder newBuilderForType( parent) { Builder builder = new Builder(parent); return builder; } - /** - * Protobuf type {@code openxc.NetworkDataSettings} - */ public static final class Builder extends implements com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettingsOrBuilder { @@ -8355,21 +6638,18 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_NetworkDataSettings_descriptor; } - + protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_NetworkDataSettings_fieldAccessorTable - .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings.class, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings.Builder.class); + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_NetworkDataSettings_fieldAccessorTable; } - + // Construct using com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings.newBuilder() private Builder() { maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } - - private Builder( - parent) { + + private Builder(BuilderParent parent) { super(parent); maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } @@ -8380,27 +6660,27 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { private static Builder create() { return new Builder(); } - + public Builder clear() { super.clear(); aPN_ = ""; bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); return this; } - + public Builder clone() { return create().mergeFrom(buildPartial()); } - + public getDescriptorForType() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_NetworkDataSettings_descriptor; + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings.getDescriptor(); } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings getDefaultInstanceForType() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings.getDefaultInstance(); } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings build() { com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings result = buildPartial(); if (!result.isInitialized()) { @@ -8408,7 +6688,17 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return result; } - + + private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings buildParsed() + throws { + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings result = buildPartial(); + if (!result.isInitialized()) { + throw newUninitializedMessageException( + result).asInvalidProtocolBufferException(); + } + return result; + } + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings buildPartial() { com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings result = new com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings(this); int from_bitField0_ = bitField0_; @@ -8421,7 +6711,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { onBuilt(); return result; } - + public Builder mergeFrom( other) { if (other instanceof com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings) { return mergeFrom((com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings)other); @@ -8430,84 +6720,70 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return this; } } - + public Builder mergeFrom(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings other) { if (other == com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings.getDefaultInstance()) return this; if (other.hasAPN()) { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; - aPN_ = other.aPN_; - onChanged(); + setAPN(other.getAPN()); } this.mergeUnknownFields(other.getUnknownFields()); return this; } - + public final boolean isInitialized() { return true; } - + public Builder mergeFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings parsedMessage = null; - try { - parsedMessage = PARSER.parsePartialFrom(input, extensionRegistry); - } catch ( e) { - parsedMessage = (com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings) e.getUnfinishedMessage(); - throw e; - } finally { - if (parsedMessage != null) { - mergeFrom(parsedMessage); + unknownFields = + + this.getUnknownFields()); + while (true) { + int tag = input.readTag(); + switch (tag) { + case 0: + this.setUnknownFields(; + onChanged(); + return this; + default: { + if (!parseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, + extensionRegistry, tag)) { + this.setUnknownFields(; + onChanged(); + return this; + } + break; + } + case 10: { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; + aPN_ = input.readBytes(); + break; + } } } - return this; } + private int bitField0_; - + // optional string APN = 1; private java.lang.Object aPN_ = ""; - /** - * optional string APN = 1; - */ public boolean hasAPN() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } - /** - * optional string APN = 1; - */ - public java.lang.String getAPN() { + public String getAPN() { java.lang.Object ref = aPN_; - if (!(ref instanceof java.lang.String)) { - java.lang.String s = (( ref) - .toStringUtf8(); + if (!(ref instanceof String)) { + String s = (( ref).toStringUtf8(); aPN_ = s; return s; } else { - return (java.lang.String) ref; - } - } - /** - * optional string APN = 1; - */ - public - getAPNBytes() { - java.lang.Object ref = aPN_; - if (ref instanceof String) { - b = - - (java.lang.String) ref); - aPN_ = b; - return b; - } else { - return ( ref; + return (String) ref; } } - /** - * optional string APN = 1; - */ - public Builder setAPN( - java.lang.String value) { + public Builder setAPN(String value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } @@ -8516,228 +6792,111 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { onChanged(); return this; } - /** - * optional string APN = 1; - */ public Builder clearAPN() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); aPN_ = getDefaultInstance().getAPN(); onChanged(); return this; } - /** - * optional string APN = 1; - */ - public Builder setAPNBytes( - value) { - if (value == null) { - throw new NullPointerException(); - } - bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; + void setAPN( value) { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; aPN_ = value; onChanged(); - return this; } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(builder_scope:openxc.NetworkDataSettings) } - + static { defaultInstance = new NetworkDataSettings(true); defaultInstance.initFields(); } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:openxc.NetworkDataSettings) } - + public interface ServerConnectSettingsOrBuilder extends { - + // optional string host = 1; - /** - * optional string host = 1; - */ boolean hasHost(); - /** - * optional string host = 1; - */ - java.lang.String getHost(); - /** - * optional string host = 1; - */ - - getHostBytes(); - + String getHost(); + // optional uint32 port = 2; - /** - * optional uint32 port = 2; - */ boolean hasPort(); - /** - * optional uint32 port = 2; - */ int getPort(); } - /** - * Protobuf type {@code openxc.ServerConnectSettings} - */ public static final class ServerConnectSettings extends implements ServerConnectSettingsOrBuilder { // Use ServerConnectSettings.newBuilder() to construct. - private ServerConnectSettings( builder) { + private ServerConnectSettings(Builder builder) { super(builder); - this.unknownFields = builder.getUnknownFields(); } - private ServerConnectSettings(boolean noInit) { this.unknownFields =; } - + private ServerConnectSettings(boolean noInit) {} + private static final ServerConnectSettings defaultInstance; public static ServerConnectSettings getDefaultInstance() { return defaultInstance; } - + public ServerConnectSettings getDefaultInstanceForType() { return defaultInstance; } - - private final unknownFields; - @java.lang.Override - public final - getUnknownFields() { - return this.unknownFields; - } - private ServerConnectSettings( - input, - extensionRegistry) - throws { - initFields(); - int mutable_bitField0_ = 0; - unknownFields = -; - try { - boolean done = false; - while (!done) { - int tag = input.readTag(); - switch (tag) { - case 0: - done = true; - break; - default: { - if (!parseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, - extensionRegistry, tag)) { - done = true; - } - break; - } - case 10: { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; - host_ = input.readBytes(); - break; - } - case 16: { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; - port_ = input.readUInt32(); - break; - } - } - } - } catch ( e) { - throw e.setUnfinishedMessage(this); - } catch ( e) { - throw new - e.getMessage()).setUnfinishedMessage(this); - } finally { - this.unknownFields =; - makeExtensionsImmutable(); - } - } + public static final getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_ServerConnectSettings_descriptor; } - + protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_ServerConnectSettings_fieldAccessorTable - .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings.class, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings.Builder.class); - } - - public static PARSER = - new { - public ServerConnectSettings parsePartialFrom( - input, - extensionRegistry) - throws { - return new ServerConnectSettings(input, extensionRegistry); - } - }; - - @java.lang.Override - public getParserForType() { - return PARSER; + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_ServerConnectSettings_fieldAccessorTable; } - + private int bitField0_; // optional string host = 1; public static final int HOST_FIELD_NUMBER = 1; private java.lang.Object host_; - /** - * optional string host = 1; - */ public boolean hasHost() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } - /** - * optional string host = 1; - */ - public java.lang.String getHost() { + public String getHost() { java.lang.Object ref = host_; - if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { - return (java.lang.String) ref; + if (ref instanceof String) { + return (String) ref; } else { bs = ( ref; - java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); - if (bs.isValidUtf8()) { + String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); + if ( { host_ = s; } return s; } } - /** - * optional string host = 1; - */ - public - getHostBytes() { + private getHostBytes() { java.lang.Object ref = host_; - if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { + if (ref instanceof String) { b = - - (java.lang.String) ref); + ref); host_ = b; return b; } else { return ( ref; } } - + // optional uint32 port = 2; public static final int PORT_FIELD_NUMBER = 2; private int port_; - /** - * optional uint32 port = 2; - */ public boolean hasPort() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002); } - /** - * optional uint32 port = 2; - */ public int getPort() { return port_; } - + private void initFields() { host_ = ""; port_ = 0; @@ -8746,11 +6905,11 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { public final boolean isInitialized() { byte isInitialized = memoizedIsInitialized; if (isInitialized != -1) return isInitialized == 1; - + memoizedIsInitialized = 1; return true; } - + public void writeTo( output) throws { getSerializedSize(); @@ -8762,12 +6921,12 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } getUnknownFields().writeTo(output); } - + private int memoizedSerializedSize = -1; public int getSerializedSize() { int size = memoizedSerializedSize; if (size != -1) return size; - + size = 0; if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { size += @@ -8781,83 +6940,94 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { memoizedSerializedSize = size; return size; } - + private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L; @java.lang.Override protected java.lang.Object writeReplace() throws { return super.writeReplace(); } - + public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings parseFrom( data) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(data); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data).buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings parseFrom( data, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry) + .buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings parseFrom(byte[] data) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(data); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data).buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings parseFrom( byte[] data, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry) + .buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings parseFrom( input) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(input); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input).buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry) + .buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings parseDelimitedFrom( input) throws { - return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input); + Builder builder = newBuilder(); + if (builder.mergeDelimitedFrom(input)) { + return builder.buildParsed(); + } else { + return null; + } } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings parseDelimitedFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry); + Builder builder = newBuilder(); + if (builder.mergeDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry)) { + return builder.buildParsed(); + } else { + return null; + } } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings parseFrom( input) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(input); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input).buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry) + .buildParsed(); } - + public static Builder newBuilder() { return Builder.create(); } public Builder newBuilderForType() { return newBuilder(); } public static Builder newBuilder(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings prototype) { return newBuilder().mergeFrom(prototype); } public Builder toBuilder() { return newBuilder(this); } - + @java.lang.Override protected Builder newBuilderForType( parent) { Builder builder = new Builder(parent); return builder; } - /** - * Protobuf type {@code openxc.ServerConnectSettings} - */ public static final class Builder extends implements com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettingsOrBuilder { @@ -8865,21 +7035,18 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_ServerConnectSettings_descriptor; } - + protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_ServerConnectSettings_fieldAccessorTable - .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings.class, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings.Builder.class); + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_ServerConnectSettings_fieldAccessorTable; } - + // Construct using com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings.newBuilder() private Builder() { maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } - - private Builder( - parent) { + + private Builder(BuilderParent parent) { super(parent); maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } @@ -8890,7 +7057,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { private static Builder create() { return new Builder(); } - + public Builder clear() { super.clear(); host_ = ""; @@ -8899,20 +7066,20 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); return this; } - + public Builder clone() { return create().mergeFrom(buildPartial()); } - + public getDescriptorForType() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_ServerConnectSettings_descriptor; + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings.getDescriptor(); } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings getDefaultInstanceForType() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings.getDefaultInstance(); } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings build() { com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings result = buildPartial(); if (!result.isInitialized()) { @@ -8920,7 +7087,17 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return result; } - + + private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings buildParsed() + throws { + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings result = buildPartial(); + if (!result.isInitialized()) { + throw newUninitializedMessageException( + result).asInvalidProtocolBufferException(); + } + return result; + } + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings buildPartial() { com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings result = new com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings(this); int from_bitField0_ = bitField0_; @@ -8937,7 +7114,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { onBuilt(); return result; } - + public Builder mergeFrom( other) { if (other instanceof com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings) { return mergeFrom((com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings)other); @@ -8946,13 +7123,11 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return this; } } - + public Builder mergeFrom(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings other) { if (other == com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings.getDefaultInstance()) return this; if (other.hasHost()) { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; - host_ = other.host_; - onChanged(); + setHost(other.getHost()); } if (other.hasPort()) { setPort(other.getPort()); @@ -8960,73 +7135,66 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { this.mergeUnknownFields(other.getUnknownFields()); return this; } - + public final boolean isInitialized() { return true; } - + public Builder mergeFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings parsedMessage = null; - try { - parsedMessage = PARSER.parsePartialFrom(input, extensionRegistry); - } catch ( e) { - parsedMessage = (com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings) e.getUnfinishedMessage(); - throw e; - } finally { - if (parsedMessage != null) { - mergeFrom(parsedMessage); + unknownFields = + + this.getUnknownFields()); + while (true) { + int tag = input.readTag(); + switch (tag) { + case 0: + this.setUnknownFields(; + onChanged(); + return this; + default: { + if (!parseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, + extensionRegistry, tag)) { + this.setUnknownFields(; + onChanged(); + return this; + } + break; + } + case 10: { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; + host_ = input.readBytes(); + break; + } + case 16: { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; + port_ = input.readUInt32(); + break; + } } } - return this; } + private int bitField0_; - + // optional string host = 1; private java.lang.Object host_ = ""; - /** - * optional string host = 1; - */ public boolean hasHost() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } - /** - * optional string host = 1; - */ - public java.lang.String getHost() { + public String getHost() { java.lang.Object ref = host_; - if (!(ref instanceof java.lang.String)) { - java.lang.String s = (( ref) - .toStringUtf8(); + if (!(ref instanceof String)) { + String s = (( ref).toStringUtf8(); host_ = s; return s; } else { - return (java.lang.String) ref; + return (String) ref; } } - /** - * optional string host = 1; - */ - public - getHostBytes() { - java.lang.Object ref = host_; - if (ref instanceof String) { - b = - - (java.lang.String) ref); - host_ = b; - return b; - } else { - return ( ref; - } - } - /** - * optional string host = 1; - */ - public Builder setHost( - java.lang.String value) { + public Builder setHost(String value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } @@ -9035,314 +7203,136 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { onChanged(); return this; } - /** - * optional string host = 1; - */ public Builder clearHost() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); host_ = getDefaultInstance().getHost(); onChanged(); return this; } - /** - * optional string host = 1; - */ - public Builder setHostBytes( - value) { - if (value == null) { - throw new NullPointerException(); - } - bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; + void setHost( value) { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; host_ = value; onChanged(); - return this; } - + // optional uint32 port = 2; private int port_ ; - /** - * optional uint32 port = 2; - */ public boolean hasPort() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002); } - /** - * optional uint32 port = 2; - */ public int getPort() { return port_; } - /** - * optional uint32 port = 2; - */ public Builder setPort(int value) { bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; port_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } - /** - * optional uint32 port = 2; - */ public Builder clearPort() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); port_ = 0; onChanged(); return this; } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(builder_scope:openxc.ServerConnectSettings) } - + static { defaultInstance = new ServerConnectSettings(true); defaultInstance.initFields(); } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:openxc.ServerConnectSettings) } - + public interface ModemConfigurationCommandOrBuilder extends { - + // optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings networkOperatorSettings = 1; - /** - * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings networkOperatorSettings = 1; - */ boolean hasNetworkOperatorSettings(); - /** - * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings networkOperatorSettings = 1; - */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings getNetworkOperatorSettings(); - /** - * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings networkOperatorSettings = 1; - */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettingsOrBuilder getNetworkOperatorSettingsOrBuilder(); - + // optional .openxc.NetworkDataSettings networkDataSettings = 2; - /** - * optional .openxc.NetworkDataSettings networkDataSettings = 2; - */ boolean hasNetworkDataSettings(); - /** - * optional .openxc.NetworkDataSettings networkDataSettings = 2; - */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings getNetworkDataSettings(); - /** - * optional .openxc.NetworkDataSettings networkDataSettings = 2; - */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettingsOrBuilder getNetworkDataSettingsOrBuilder(); - + // optional .openxc.ServerConnectSettings serverConnectSettings = 3; - /** - * optional .openxc.ServerConnectSettings serverConnectSettings = 3; - */ boolean hasServerConnectSettings(); - /** - * optional .openxc.ServerConnectSettings serverConnectSettings = 3; - */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings getServerConnectSettings(); - /** - * optional .openxc.ServerConnectSettings serverConnectSettings = 3; - */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettingsOrBuilder getServerConnectSettingsOrBuilder(); } - /** - * Protobuf type {@code openxc.ModemConfigurationCommand} - */ public static final class ModemConfigurationCommand extends implements ModemConfigurationCommandOrBuilder { // Use ModemConfigurationCommand.newBuilder() to construct. - private ModemConfigurationCommand( builder) { + private ModemConfigurationCommand(Builder builder) { super(builder); - this.unknownFields = builder.getUnknownFields(); } - private ModemConfigurationCommand(boolean noInit) { this.unknownFields =; } - + private ModemConfigurationCommand(boolean noInit) {} + private static final ModemConfigurationCommand defaultInstance; public static ModemConfigurationCommand getDefaultInstance() { return defaultInstance; } - + public ModemConfigurationCommand getDefaultInstanceForType() { return defaultInstance; } - - private final unknownFields; - @java.lang.Override - public final - getUnknownFields() { - return this.unknownFields; - } - private ModemConfigurationCommand( - input, - extensionRegistry) - throws { - initFields(); - int mutable_bitField0_ = 0; - unknownFields = -; - try { - boolean done = false; - while (!done) { - int tag = input.readTag(); - switch (tag) { - case 0: - done = true; - break; - default: { - if (!parseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, - extensionRegistry, tag)) { - done = true; - } - break; - } - case 10: { - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.Builder subBuilder = null; - if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { - subBuilder = networkOperatorSettings_.toBuilder(); - } - networkOperatorSettings_ = input.readMessage(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.PARSER, extensionRegistry); - if (subBuilder != null) { - subBuilder.mergeFrom(networkOperatorSettings_); - networkOperatorSettings_ = subBuilder.buildPartial(); - } - bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; - break; - } - case 18: { - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings.Builder subBuilder = null; - if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002)) { - subBuilder = networkDataSettings_.toBuilder(); - } - networkDataSettings_ = input.readMessage(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings.PARSER, extensionRegistry); - if (subBuilder != null) { - subBuilder.mergeFrom(networkDataSettings_); - networkDataSettings_ = subBuilder.buildPartial(); - } - bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; - break; - } - case 26: { - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings.Builder subBuilder = null; - if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004)) { - subBuilder = serverConnectSettings_.toBuilder(); - } - serverConnectSettings_ = input.readMessage(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings.PARSER, extensionRegistry); - if (subBuilder != null) { - subBuilder.mergeFrom(serverConnectSettings_); - serverConnectSettings_ = subBuilder.buildPartial(); - } - bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; - break; - } - } - } - } catch ( e) { - throw e.setUnfinishedMessage(this); - } catch ( e) { - throw new - e.getMessage()).setUnfinishedMessage(this); - } finally { - this.unknownFields =; - makeExtensionsImmutable(); - } - } + public static final getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_ModemConfigurationCommand_descriptor; } - + protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_ModemConfigurationCommand_fieldAccessorTable - .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand.class, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand.Builder.class); - } - - public static PARSER = - new { - public ModemConfigurationCommand parsePartialFrom( - input, - extensionRegistry) - throws { - return new ModemConfigurationCommand(input, extensionRegistry); - } - }; - - @java.lang.Override - public getParserForType() { - return PARSER; + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_ModemConfigurationCommand_fieldAccessorTable; } - + private int bitField0_; // optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings networkOperatorSettings = 1; public static final int NETWORKOPERATORSETTINGS_FIELD_NUMBER = 1; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings networkOperatorSettings_; - /** - * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings networkOperatorSettings = 1; - */ public boolean hasNetworkOperatorSettings() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } - /** - * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings networkOperatorSettings = 1; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings getNetworkOperatorSettings() { return networkOperatorSettings_; } - /** - * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings networkOperatorSettings = 1; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettingsOrBuilder getNetworkOperatorSettingsOrBuilder() { return networkOperatorSettings_; } - + // optional .openxc.NetworkDataSettings networkDataSettings = 2; public static final int NETWORKDATASETTINGS_FIELD_NUMBER = 2; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings networkDataSettings_; - /** - * optional .openxc.NetworkDataSettings networkDataSettings = 2; - */ public boolean hasNetworkDataSettings() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002); } - /** - * optional .openxc.NetworkDataSettings networkDataSettings = 2; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings getNetworkDataSettings() { return networkDataSettings_; } - /** - * optional .openxc.NetworkDataSettings networkDataSettings = 2; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettingsOrBuilder getNetworkDataSettingsOrBuilder() { return networkDataSettings_; } - + // optional .openxc.ServerConnectSettings serverConnectSettings = 3; public static final int SERVERCONNECTSETTINGS_FIELD_NUMBER = 3; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings serverConnectSettings_; - /** - * optional .openxc.ServerConnectSettings serverConnectSettings = 3; - */ public boolean hasServerConnectSettings() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004); } - /** - * optional .openxc.ServerConnectSettings serverConnectSettings = 3; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings getServerConnectSettings() { return serverConnectSettings_; } - /** - * optional .openxc.ServerConnectSettings serverConnectSettings = 3; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettingsOrBuilder getServerConnectSettingsOrBuilder() { return serverConnectSettings_; } - + private void initFields() { networkOperatorSettings_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.getDefaultInstance(); networkDataSettings_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings.getDefaultInstance(); @@ -9352,11 +7342,11 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { public final boolean isInitialized() { byte isInitialized = memoizedIsInitialized; if (isInitialized != -1) return isInitialized == 1; - + memoizedIsInitialized = 1; return true; } - + public void writeTo( output) throws { getSerializedSize(); @@ -9371,12 +7361,12 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } getUnknownFields().writeTo(output); } - + private int memoizedSerializedSize = -1; public int getSerializedSize() { int size = memoizedSerializedSize; if (size != -1) return size; - + size = 0; if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { size += @@ -9394,83 +7384,94 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { memoizedSerializedSize = size; return size; } - + private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L; @java.lang.Override protected java.lang.Object writeReplace() throws { return super.writeReplace(); } - + public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand parseFrom( data) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(data); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data).buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand parseFrom( data, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry) + .buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand parseFrom(byte[] data) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(data); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data).buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand parseFrom( byte[] data, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry) + .buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand parseFrom( input) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(input); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input).buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry) + .buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand parseDelimitedFrom( input) throws { - return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input); + Builder builder = newBuilder(); + if (builder.mergeDelimitedFrom(input)) { + return builder.buildParsed(); + } else { + return null; + } } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand parseDelimitedFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry); + Builder builder = newBuilder(); + if (builder.mergeDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry)) { + return builder.buildParsed(); + } else { + return null; + } } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand parseFrom( input) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(input); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input).buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry) + .buildParsed(); } - + public static Builder newBuilder() { return Builder.create(); } public Builder newBuilderForType() { return newBuilder(); } public static Builder newBuilder(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand prototype) { return newBuilder().mergeFrom(prototype); } public Builder toBuilder() { return newBuilder(this); } - + @java.lang.Override protected Builder newBuilderForType( parent) { Builder builder = new Builder(parent); return builder; } - /** - * Protobuf type {@code openxc.ModemConfigurationCommand} - */ public static final class Builder extends implements com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommandOrBuilder { @@ -9478,21 +7479,18 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_ModemConfigurationCommand_descriptor; } - + protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_ModemConfigurationCommand_fieldAccessorTable - .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand.class, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand.Builder.class); + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_ModemConfigurationCommand_fieldAccessorTable; } - + // Construct using com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand.newBuilder() private Builder() { maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } - - private Builder( - parent) { + + private Builder(BuilderParent parent) { super(parent); maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } @@ -9506,7 +7504,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { private static Builder create() { return new Builder(); } - + public Builder clear() { super.clear(); if (networkOperatorSettingsBuilder_ == null) { @@ -9529,20 +7527,20 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000004); return this; } - + public Builder clone() { return create().mergeFrom(buildPartial()); } - + public getDescriptorForType() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_ModemConfigurationCommand_descriptor; + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand.getDescriptor(); } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand getDefaultInstanceForType() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand.getDefaultInstance(); } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand build() { com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand result = buildPartial(); if (!result.isInitialized()) { @@ -9550,7 +7548,17 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return result; } - + + private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand buildParsed() + throws { + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand result = buildPartial(); + if (!result.isInitialized()) { + throw newUninitializedMessageException( + result).asInvalidProtocolBufferException(); + } + return result; + } + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand buildPartial() { com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand result = new com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand(this); int from_bitField0_ = bitField0_; @@ -9583,7 +7591,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { onBuilt(); return result; } - + public Builder mergeFrom( other) { if (other instanceof com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand) { return mergeFrom((com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand)other); @@ -9592,7 +7600,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return this; } } - + public Builder mergeFrom(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand other) { if (other == com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand.getDefaultInstance()) return this; if (other.hasNetworkOperatorSettings()) { @@ -9607,43 +7615,74 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { this.mergeUnknownFields(other.getUnknownFields()); return this; } - + public final boolean isInitialized() { return true; } - + public Builder mergeFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand parsedMessage = null; - try { - parsedMessage = PARSER.parsePartialFrom(input, extensionRegistry); - } catch ( e) { - parsedMessage = (com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand) e.getUnfinishedMessage(); - throw e; - } finally { - if (parsedMessage != null) { - mergeFrom(parsedMessage); + unknownFields = + + this.getUnknownFields()); + while (true) { + int tag = input.readTag(); + switch (tag) { + case 0: + this.setUnknownFields(; + onChanged(); + return this; + default: { + if (!parseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, + extensionRegistry, tag)) { + this.setUnknownFields(; + onChanged(); + return this; + } + break; + } + case 10: { + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.Builder subBuilder = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.newBuilder(); + if (hasNetworkOperatorSettings()) { + subBuilder.mergeFrom(getNetworkOperatorSettings()); + } + input.readMessage(subBuilder, extensionRegistry); + setNetworkOperatorSettings(subBuilder.buildPartial()); + break; + } + case 18: { + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings.Builder subBuilder = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings.newBuilder(); + if (hasNetworkDataSettings()) { + subBuilder.mergeFrom(getNetworkDataSettings()); + } + input.readMessage(subBuilder, extensionRegistry); + setNetworkDataSettings(subBuilder.buildPartial()); + break; + } + case 26: { + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings.Builder subBuilder = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings.newBuilder(); + if (hasServerConnectSettings()) { + subBuilder.mergeFrom(getServerConnectSettings()); + } + input.readMessage(subBuilder, extensionRegistry); + setServerConnectSettings(subBuilder.buildPartial()); + break; + } } } - return this; } + private int bitField0_; - + // optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings networkOperatorSettings = 1; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings networkOperatorSettings_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.getDefaultInstance(); private< com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.Builder, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettingsOrBuilder> networkOperatorSettingsBuilder_; - /** - * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings networkOperatorSettings = 1; - */ public boolean hasNetworkOperatorSettings() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } - /** - * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings networkOperatorSettings = 1; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings getNetworkOperatorSettings() { if (networkOperatorSettingsBuilder_ == null) { return networkOperatorSettings_; @@ -9651,9 +7690,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return networkOperatorSettingsBuilder_.getMessage(); } } - /** - * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings networkOperatorSettings = 1; - */ public Builder setNetworkOperatorSettings(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings value) { if (networkOperatorSettingsBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { @@ -9667,9 +7703,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings networkOperatorSettings = 1; - */ public Builder setNetworkOperatorSettings( com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.Builder builderForValue) { if (networkOperatorSettingsBuilder_ == null) { @@ -9681,9 +7714,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings networkOperatorSettings = 1; - */ public Builder mergeNetworkOperatorSettings(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings value) { if (networkOperatorSettingsBuilder_ == null) { if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001) && @@ -9700,9 +7730,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings networkOperatorSettings = 1; - */ public Builder clearNetworkOperatorSettings() { if (networkOperatorSettingsBuilder_ == null) { networkOperatorSettings_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.getDefaultInstance(); @@ -9713,17 +7740,11 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings networkOperatorSettings = 1; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.Builder getNetworkOperatorSettingsBuilder() { bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; onChanged(); return getNetworkOperatorSettingsFieldBuilder().getBuilder(); } - /** - * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings networkOperatorSettings = 1; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettingsOrBuilder getNetworkOperatorSettingsOrBuilder() { if (networkOperatorSettingsBuilder_ != null) { return networkOperatorSettingsBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder(); @@ -9731,9 +7752,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return networkOperatorSettings_; } } - /** - * optional .openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings networkOperatorSettings = 1; - */ private< com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.Builder, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettingsOrBuilder> getNetworkOperatorSettingsFieldBuilder() { @@ -9747,20 +7765,14 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return networkOperatorSettingsBuilder_; } - + // optional .openxc.NetworkDataSettings networkDataSettings = 2; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings networkDataSettings_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings.getDefaultInstance(); private< com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings.Builder, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettingsOrBuilder> networkDataSettingsBuilder_; - /** - * optional .openxc.NetworkDataSettings networkDataSettings = 2; - */ public boolean hasNetworkDataSettings() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002); } - /** - * optional .openxc.NetworkDataSettings networkDataSettings = 2; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings getNetworkDataSettings() { if (networkDataSettingsBuilder_ == null) { return networkDataSettings_; @@ -9768,9 +7780,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return networkDataSettingsBuilder_.getMessage(); } } - /** - * optional .openxc.NetworkDataSettings networkDataSettings = 2; - */ public Builder setNetworkDataSettings(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings value) { if (networkDataSettingsBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { @@ -9784,9 +7793,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.NetworkDataSettings networkDataSettings = 2; - */ public Builder setNetworkDataSettings( com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings.Builder builderForValue) { if (networkDataSettingsBuilder_ == null) { @@ -9798,9 +7804,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.NetworkDataSettings networkDataSettings = 2; - */ public Builder mergeNetworkDataSettings(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings value) { if (networkDataSettingsBuilder_ == null) { if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002) && @@ -9817,9 +7820,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.NetworkDataSettings networkDataSettings = 2; - */ public Builder clearNetworkDataSettings() { if (networkDataSettingsBuilder_ == null) { networkDataSettings_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings.getDefaultInstance(); @@ -9830,17 +7830,11 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.NetworkDataSettings networkDataSettings = 2; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings.Builder getNetworkDataSettingsBuilder() { bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; onChanged(); return getNetworkDataSettingsFieldBuilder().getBuilder(); } - /** - * optional .openxc.NetworkDataSettings networkDataSettings = 2; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettingsOrBuilder getNetworkDataSettingsOrBuilder() { if (networkDataSettingsBuilder_ != null) { return networkDataSettingsBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder(); @@ -9848,9 +7842,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return networkDataSettings_; } } - /** - * optional .openxc.NetworkDataSettings networkDataSettings = 2; - */ private< com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings.Builder, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettingsOrBuilder> getNetworkDataSettingsFieldBuilder() { @@ -9864,20 +7855,14 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return networkDataSettingsBuilder_; } - + // optional .openxc.ServerConnectSettings serverConnectSettings = 3; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings serverConnectSettings_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings.getDefaultInstance(); private< com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings.Builder, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettingsOrBuilder> serverConnectSettingsBuilder_; - /** - * optional .openxc.ServerConnectSettings serverConnectSettings = 3; - */ public boolean hasServerConnectSettings() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004); } - /** - * optional .openxc.ServerConnectSettings serverConnectSettings = 3; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings getServerConnectSettings() { if (serverConnectSettingsBuilder_ == null) { return serverConnectSettings_; @@ -9885,9 +7870,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return serverConnectSettingsBuilder_.getMessage(); } } - /** - * optional .openxc.ServerConnectSettings serverConnectSettings = 3; - */ public Builder setServerConnectSettings(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings value) { if (serverConnectSettingsBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { @@ -9901,9 +7883,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.ServerConnectSettings serverConnectSettings = 3; - */ public Builder setServerConnectSettings( com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings.Builder builderForValue) { if (serverConnectSettingsBuilder_ == null) { @@ -9915,9 +7894,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.ServerConnectSettings serverConnectSettings = 3; - */ public Builder mergeServerConnectSettings(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings value) { if (serverConnectSettingsBuilder_ == null) { if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004) && @@ -9934,9 +7910,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.ServerConnectSettings serverConnectSettings = 3; - */ public Builder clearServerConnectSettings() { if (serverConnectSettingsBuilder_ == null) { serverConnectSettings_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings.getDefaultInstance(); @@ -9947,17 +7920,11 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000004); return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.ServerConnectSettings serverConnectSettings = 3; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings.Builder getServerConnectSettingsBuilder() { bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; onChanged(); return getServerConnectSettingsFieldBuilder().getBuilder(); } - /** - * optional .openxc.ServerConnectSettings serverConnectSettings = 3; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettingsOrBuilder getServerConnectSettingsOrBuilder() { if (serverConnectSettingsBuilder_ != null) { return serverConnectSettingsBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder(); @@ -9965,9 +7932,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return serverConnectSettings_; } } - /** - * optional .openxc.ServerConnectSettings serverConnectSettings = 3; - */ private< com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings.Builder, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettingsOrBuilder> getServerConnectSettingsFieldBuilder() { @@ -9981,143 +7945,64 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return serverConnectSettingsBuilder_; } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(builder_scope:openxc.ModemConfigurationCommand) } - + static { defaultInstance = new ModemConfigurationCommand(true); defaultInstance.initFields(); } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:openxc.ModemConfigurationCommand) } - + public interface RTCConfigurationCommandOrBuilder extends { - + // optional uint32 unix_time = 1; - /** - * optional uint32 unix_time = 1; - */ boolean hasUnixTime(); - /** - * optional uint32 unix_time = 1; - */ int getUnixTime(); } - /** - * Protobuf type {@code openxc.RTCConfigurationCommand} - */ public static final class RTCConfigurationCommand extends implements RTCConfigurationCommandOrBuilder { // Use RTCConfigurationCommand.newBuilder() to construct. - private RTCConfigurationCommand( builder) { + private RTCConfigurationCommand(Builder builder) { super(builder); - this.unknownFields = builder.getUnknownFields(); } - private RTCConfigurationCommand(boolean noInit) { this.unknownFields =; } - + private RTCConfigurationCommand(boolean noInit) {} + private static final RTCConfigurationCommand defaultInstance; public static RTCConfigurationCommand getDefaultInstance() { return defaultInstance; } - + public RTCConfigurationCommand getDefaultInstanceForType() { return defaultInstance; } - - private final unknownFields; - @java.lang.Override - public final - getUnknownFields() { - return this.unknownFields; - } - private RTCConfigurationCommand( - input, - extensionRegistry) - throws { - initFields(); - int mutable_bitField0_ = 0; - unknownFields = -; - try { - boolean done = false; - while (!done) { - int tag = input.readTag(); - switch (tag) { - case 0: - done = true; - break; - default: { - if (!parseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, - extensionRegistry, tag)) { - done = true; - } - break; - } - case 8: { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; - unixTime_ = input.readUInt32(); - break; - } - } - } - } catch ( e) { - throw e.setUnfinishedMessage(this); - } catch ( e) { - throw new - e.getMessage()).setUnfinishedMessage(this); - } finally { - this.unknownFields =; - makeExtensionsImmutable(); - } - } + public static final getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_RTCConfigurationCommand_descriptor; } - + protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_RTCConfigurationCommand_fieldAccessorTable - .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand.class, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand.Builder.class); - } - - public static PARSER = - new { - public RTCConfigurationCommand parsePartialFrom( - input, - extensionRegistry) - throws { - return new RTCConfigurationCommand(input, extensionRegistry); - } - }; - - @java.lang.Override - public getParserForType() { - return PARSER; + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_RTCConfigurationCommand_fieldAccessorTable; } - + private int bitField0_; // optional uint32 unix_time = 1; public static final int UNIX_TIME_FIELD_NUMBER = 1; private int unixTime_; - /** - * optional uint32 unix_time = 1; - */ public boolean hasUnixTime() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } - /** - * optional uint32 unix_time = 1; - */ public int getUnixTime() { return unixTime_; } - + private void initFields() { unixTime_ = 0; } @@ -10125,11 +8010,11 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { public final boolean isInitialized() { byte isInitialized = memoizedIsInitialized; if (isInitialized != -1) return isInitialized == 1; - + memoizedIsInitialized = 1; return true; } - + public void writeTo( output) throws { getSerializedSize(); @@ -10138,12 +8023,12 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } getUnknownFields().writeTo(output); } - + private int memoizedSerializedSize = -1; public int getSerializedSize() { int size = memoizedSerializedSize; if (size != -1) return size; - + size = 0; if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { size += @@ -10153,83 +8038,94 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { memoizedSerializedSize = size; return size; } - + private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L; @java.lang.Override protected java.lang.Object writeReplace() throws { return super.writeReplace(); } - + public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand parseFrom( data) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(data); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data).buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand parseFrom( data, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry) + .buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand parseFrom(byte[] data) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(data); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data).buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand parseFrom( byte[] data, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry) + .buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand parseFrom( input) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(input); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input).buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry) + .buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand parseDelimitedFrom( input) throws { - return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input); + Builder builder = newBuilder(); + if (builder.mergeDelimitedFrom(input)) { + return builder.buildParsed(); + } else { + return null; + } } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand parseDelimitedFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry); + Builder builder = newBuilder(); + if (builder.mergeDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry)) { + return builder.buildParsed(); + } else { + return null; + } } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand parseFrom( input) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(input); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input).buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry) + .buildParsed(); } - + public static Builder newBuilder() { return Builder.create(); } public Builder newBuilderForType() { return newBuilder(); } public static Builder newBuilder(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand prototype) { return newBuilder().mergeFrom(prototype); } public Builder toBuilder() { return newBuilder(this); } - + @java.lang.Override protected Builder newBuilderForType( parent) { Builder builder = new Builder(parent); return builder; } - /** - * Protobuf type {@code openxc.RTCConfigurationCommand} - */ public static final class Builder extends implements com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommandOrBuilder { @@ -10237,21 +8133,18 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_RTCConfigurationCommand_descriptor; } - + protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_RTCConfigurationCommand_fieldAccessorTable - .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand.class, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand.Builder.class); + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_RTCConfigurationCommand_fieldAccessorTable; } - + // Construct using com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand.newBuilder() private Builder() { maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } - - private Builder( - parent) { + + private Builder(BuilderParent parent) { super(parent); maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } @@ -10262,27 +8155,27 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { private static Builder create() { return new Builder(); } - + public Builder clear() { super.clear(); unixTime_ = 0; bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); return this; } - + public Builder clone() { return create().mergeFrom(buildPartial()); } - + public getDescriptorForType() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_RTCConfigurationCommand_descriptor; + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand.getDescriptor(); } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand getDefaultInstanceForType() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand.getDefaultInstance(); } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand build() { com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand result = buildPartial(); if (!result.isInitialized()) { @@ -10290,7 +8183,17 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return result; } - + + private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand buildParsed() + throws { + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand result = buildPartial(); + if (!result.isInitialized()) { + throw newUninitializedMessageException( + result).asInvalidProtocolBufferException(); + } + return result; + } + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand buildPartial() { com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand result = new com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand(this); int from_bitField0_ = bitField0_; @@ -10303,7 +8206,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { onBuilt(); return result; } - + public Builder mergeFrom( other) { if (other instanceof com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand) { return mergeFrom((com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand)other); @@ -10312,7 +8215,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return this; } } - + public Builder mergeFrom(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand other) { if (other == com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand.getDefaultInstance()) return this; if (other.hasUnixTime()) { @@ -10321,299 +8224,173 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { this.mergeUnknownFields(other.getUnknownFields()); return this; } - + public final boolean isInitialized() { return true; } - + public Builder mergeFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand parsedMessage = null; - try { - parsedMessage = PARSER.parsePartialFrom(input, extensionRegistry); - } catch ( e) { - parsedMessage = (com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand) e.getUnfinishedMessage(); - throw e; - } finally { - if (parsedMessage != null) { - mergeFrom(parsedMessage); + unknownFields = + + this.getUnknownFields()); + while (true) { + int tag = input.readTag(); + switch (tag) { + case 0: + this.setUnknownFields(; + onChanged(); + return this; + default: { + if (!parseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, + extensionRegistry, tag)) { + this.setUnknownFields(; + onChanged(); + return this; + } + break; + } + case 8: { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; + unixTime_ = input.readUInt32(); + break; + } } } - return this; } + private int bitField0_; - + // optional uint32 unix_time = 1; private int unixTime_ ; - /** - * optional uint32 unix_time = 1; - */ public boolean hasUnixTime() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } - /** - * optional uint32 unix_time = 1; - */ public int getUnixTime() { return unixTime_; } - /** - * optional uint32 unix_time = 1; - */ public Builder setUnixTime(int value) { bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; unixTime_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } - /** - * optional uint32 unix_time = 1; - */ public Builder clearUnixTime() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); unixTime_ = 0; onChanged(); return this; } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(builder_scope:openxc.RTCConfigurationCommand) } - + static { defaultInstance = new RTCConfigurationCommand(true); defaultInstance.initFields(); } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:openxc.RTCConfigurationCommand) } - + public interface CommandResponseOrBuilder extends { - + // optional .openxc.ControlCommand.Type type = 1; - /** - * optional .openxc.ControlCommand.Type type = 1; - */ boolean hasType(); - /** - * optional .openxc.ControlCommand.Type type = 1; - */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.Type getType(); - + // optional string message = 2; - /** - * optional string message = 2; - */ boolean hasMessage(); - /** - * optional string message = 2; - */ - java.lang.String getMessage(); - /** - * optional string message = 2; - */ - - getMessageBytes(); - + String getMessage(); + // optional bool status = 3; - /** - * optional bool status = 3; - */ boolean hasStatus(); - /** - * optional bool status = 3; - */ boolean getStatus(); } - /** - * Protobuf type {@code openxc.CommandResponse} - */ public static final class CommandResponse extends implements CommandResponseOrBuilder { // Use CommandResponse.newBuilder() to construct. - private CommandResponse( builder) { + private CommandResponse(Builder builder) { super(builder); - this.unknownFields = builder.getUnknownFields(); } - private CommandResponse(boolean noInit) { this.unknownFields =; } - + private CommandResponse(boolean noInit) {} + private static final CommandResponse defaultInstance; public static CommandResponse getDefaultInstance() { return defaultInstance; } - + public CommandResponse getDefaultInstanceForType() { return defaultInstance; } - - private final unknownFields; - @java.lang.Override - public final - getUnknownFields() { - return this.unknownFields; - } - private CommandResponse( - input, - extensionRegistry) - throws { - initFields(); - int mutable_bitField0_ = 0; - unknownFields = -; - try { - boolean done = false; - while (!done) { - int tag = input.readTag(); - switch (tag) { - case 0: - done = true; - break; - default: { - if (!parseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, - extensionRegistry, tag)) { - done = true; - } - break; - } - case 8: { - int rawValue = input.readEnum(); - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.Type value = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.Type.valueOf(rawValue); - if (value == null) { - unknownFields.mergeVarintField(1, rawValue); - } else { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; - type_ = value; - } - break; - } - case 18: { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; - message_ = input.readBytes(); - break; - } - case 24: { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; - status_ = input.readBool(); - break; - } - } - } - } catch ( e) { - throw e.setUnfinishedMessage(this); - } catch ( e) { - throw new - e.getMessage()).setUnfinishedMessage(this); - } finally { - this.unknownFields =; - makeExtensionsImmutable(); - } - } + public static final getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_CommandResponse_descriptor; } - + protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_CommandResponse_fieldAccessorTable - .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse.class, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse.Builder.class); - } - - public static PARSER = - new { - public CommandResponse parsePartialFrom( - input, - extensionRegistry) - throws { - return new CommandResponse(input, extensionRegistry); - } - }; - - @java.lang.Override - public getParserForType() { - return PARSER; + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_CommandResponse_fieldAccessorTable; } - + private int bitField0_; // optional .openxc.ControlCommand.Type type = 1; public static final int TYPE_FIELD_NUMBER = 1; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.Type type_; - /** - * optional .openxc.ControlCommand.Type type = 1; - */ public boolean hasType() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } - /** - * optional .openxc.ControlCommand.Type type = 1; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.Type getType() { return type_; } - + // optional string message = 2; public static final int MESSAGE_FIELD_NUMBER = 2; private java.lang.Object message_; - /** - * optional string message = 2; - */ public boolean hasMessage() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002); } - /** - * optional string message = 2; - */ - public java.lang.String getMessage() { + public String getMessage() { java.lang.Object ref = message_; - if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { - return (java.lang.String) ref; + if (ref instanceof String) { + return (String) ref; } else { bs = ( ref; - java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); - if (bs.isValidUtf8()) { + String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); + if ( { message_ = s; } return s; } } - /** - * optional string message = 2; - */ - public - getMessageBytes() { + private getMessageBytes() { java.lang.Object ref = message_; - if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { + if (ref instanceof String) { b = - - (java.lang.String) ref); + ref); message_ = b; return b; } else { return ( ref; } } - + // optional bool status = 3; public static final int STATUS_FIELD_NUMBER = 3; private boolean status_; - /** - * optional bool status = 3; - */ public boolean hasStatus() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004); } - /** - * optional bool status = 3; - */ public boolean getStatus() { return status_; } - + private void initFields() { type_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.Type.VERSION; message_ = ""; @@ -10623,11 +8400,11 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { public final boolean isInitialized() { byte isInitialized = memoizedIsInitialized; if (isInitialized != -1) return isInitialized == 1; - + memoizedIsInitialized = 1; return true; } - + public void writeTo( output) throws { getSerializedSize(); @@ -10642,12 +8419,12 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } getUnknownFields().writeTo(output); } - + private int memoizedSerializedSize = -1; public int getSerializedSize() { int size = memoizedSerializedSize; if (size != -1) return size; - + size = 0; if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { size += @@ -10665,83 +8442,94 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { memoizedSerializedSize = size; return size; } - + private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L; @java.lang.Override protected java.lang.Object writeReplace() throws { return super.writeReplace(); } - + public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse parseFrom( data) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(data); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data).buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse parseFrom( data, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry) + .buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse parseFrom(byte[] data) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(data); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data).buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse parseFrom( byte[] data, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry) + .buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse parseFrom( input) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(input); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input).buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry) + .buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse parseDelimitedFrom( input) throws { - return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input); + Builder builder = newBuilder(); + if (builder.mergeDelimitedFrom(input)) { + return builder.buildParsed(); + } else { + return null; + } } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse parseDelimitedFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry); + Builder builder = newBuilder(); + if (builder.mergeDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry)) { + return builder.buildParsed(); + } else { + return null; + } } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse parseFrom( input) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(input); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input).buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry) + .buildParsed(); } - + public static Builder newBuilder() { return Builder.create(); } public Builder newBuilderForType() { return newBuilder(); } public static Builder newBuilder(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse prototype) { return newBuilder().mergeFrom(prototype); } public Builder toBuilder() { return newBuilder(this); } - + @java.lang.Override protected Builder newBuilderForType( parent) { Builder builder = new Builder(parent); return builder; } - /** - * Protobuf type {@code openxc.CommandResponse} - */ public static final class Builder extends implements com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponseOrBuilder { @@ -10749,21 +8537,18 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_CommandResponse_descriptor; } - + protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_CommandResponse_fieldAccessorTable - .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse.class, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse.Builder.class); + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_CommandResponse_fieldAccessorTable; } - + // Construct using com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse.newBuilder() private Builder() { maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } - - private Builder( - parent) { + + private Builder(BuilderParent parent) { super(parent); maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } @@ -10774,7 +8559,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { private static Builder create() { return new Builder(); } - + public Builder clear() { super.clear(); type_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.Type.VERSION; @@ -10785,20 +8570,20 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000004); return this; } - + public Builder clone() { return create().mergeFrom(buildPartial()); } - + public getDescriptorForType() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_CommandResponse_descriptor; + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse.getDescriptor(); } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse getDefaultInstanceForType() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse.getDefaultInstance(); } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse build() { com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse result = buildPartial(); if (!result.isInitialized()) { @@ -10806,7 +8591,17 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return result; } - + + private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse buildParsed() + throws { + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse result = buildPartial(); + if (!result.isInitialized()) { + throw newUninitializedMessageException( + result).asInvalidProtocolBufferException(); + } + return result; + } + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse buildPartial() { com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse result = new com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse(this); int from_bitField0_ = bitField0_; @@ -10827,7 +8622,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { onBuilt(); return result; } - + public Builder mergeFrom( other) { if (other instanceof com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse) { return mergeFrom((com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse)other); @@ -10836,16 +8631,14 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return this; } } - + public Builder mergeFrom(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse other) { if (other == com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse.getDefaultInstance()) return this; if (other.hasType()) { setType(other.getType()); } if (other.hasMessage()) { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; - message_ = other.message_; - onChanged(); + setMessage(other.getMessage()); } if (other.hasStatus()) { setStatus(other.getStatus()); @@ -10853,47 +8646,69 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { this.mergeUnknownFields(other.getUnknownFields()); return this; } - + public final boolean isInitialized() { return true; } - + public Builder mergeFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse parsedMessage = null; - try { - parsedMessage = PARSER.parsePartialFrom(input, extensionRegistry); - } catch ( e) { - parsedMessage = (com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse) e.getUnfinishedMessage(); - throw e; - } finally { - if (parsedMessage != null) { - mergeFrom(parsedMessage); + unknownFields = + + this.getUnknownFields()); + while (true) { + int tag = input.readTag(); + switch (tag) { + case 0: + this.setUnknownFields(; + onChanged(); + return this; + default: { + if (!parseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, + extensionRegistry, tag)) { + this.setUnknownFields(; + onChanged(); + return this; + } + break; + } + case 8: { + int rawValue = input.readEnum(); + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.Type value = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.Type.valueOf(rawValue); + if (value == null) { + unknownFields.mergeVarintField(1, rawValue); + } else { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; + type_ = value; + } + break; + } + case 18: { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; + message_ = input.readBytes(); + break; + } + case 24: { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; + status_ = input.readBool(); + break; + } } } - return this; } + private int bitField0_; - + // optional .openxc.ControlCommand.Type type = 1; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.Type type_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.Type.VERSION; - /** - * optional .openxc.ControlCommand.Type type = 1; - */ public boolean hasType() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } - /** - * optional .openxc.ControlCommand.Type type = 1; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.Type getType() { return type_; } - /** - * optional .openxc.ControlCommand.Type type = 1; - */ public Builder setType(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.Type value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); @@ -10903,59 +8718,29 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { onChanged(); return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.ControlCommand.Type type = 1; - */ public Builder clearType() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); type_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.Type.VERSION; onChanged(); return this; } - + // optional string message = 2; private java.lang.Object message_ = ""; - /** - * optional string message = 2; - */ public boolean hasMessage() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002); } - /** - * optional string message = 2; - */ - public java.lang.String getMessage() { + public String getMessage() { java.lang.Object ref = message_; - if (!(ref instanceof java.lang.String)) { - java.lang.String s = (( ref) - .toStringUtf8(); + if (!(ref instanceof String)) { + String s = (( ref).toStringUtf8(); message_ = s; return s; } else { - return (java.lang.String) ref; - } - } - /** - * optional string message = 2; - */ - public - getMessageBytes() { - java.lang.Object ref = message_; - if (ref instanceof String) { - b = - - (java.lang.String) ref); - message_ = b; - return b; - } else { - return ( ref; + return (String) ref; } } - /** - * optional string message = 2; - */ - public Builder setMessage( - java.lang.String value) { + public Builder setMessage(String value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } @@ -10964,349 +8749,129 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { onChanged(); return this; } - /** - * optional string message = 2; - */ public Builder clearMessage() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); message_ = getDefaultInstance().getMessage(); onChanged(); return this; } - /** - * optional string message = 2; - */ - public Builder setMessageBytes( - value) { - if (value == null) { - throw new NullPointerException(); - } - bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; + void setMessage( value) { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; message_ = value; onChanged(); - return this; } - + // optional bool status = 3; private boolean status_ ; - /** - * optional bool status = 3; - */ public boolean hasStatus() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004); } - /** - * optional bool status = 3; - */ public boolean getStatus() { return status_; } - /** - * optional bool status = 3; - */ public Builder setStatus(boolean value) { bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; status_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } - /** - * optional bool status = 3; - */ public Builder clearStatus() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000004); status_ = false; onChanged(); return this; } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(builder_scope:openxc.CommandResponse) } - + static { defaultInstance = new CommandResponse(true); defaultInstance.initFields(); } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:openxc.CommandResponse) } - + public interface DiagnosticRequestOrBuilder extends { - + // optional int32 bus = 1; - /** - * optional int32 bus = 1; - */ boolean hasBus(); - /** - * optional int32 bus = 1; - */ int getBus(); - + // optional uint32 message_id = 2; - /** - * optional uint32 message_id = 2; - */ boolean hasMessageId(); - /** - * optional uint32 message_id = 2; - */ int getMessageId(); - + // optional uint32 mode = 3; - /** - * optional uint32 mode = 3; - */ boolean hasMode(); - /** - * optional uint32 mode = 3; - */ int getMode(); - + // optional uint32 pid = 4; - /** - * optional uint32 pid = 4; - */ boolean hasPid(); - /** - * optional uint32 pid = 4; - */ int getPid(); - + // optional bytes payload = 5; - /** - * optional bytes payload = 5; - * - *
-     * TODO we are capping this at 8 bytes for now - need to change when we
-     * support multi-frame responses
-     * 
- */ boolean hasPayload(); - /** - * optional bytes payload = 5; - * - *
-     * TODO we are capping this at 8 bytes for now - need to change when we
-     * support multi-frame responses
-     * 
- */ getPayload(); - + // optional bool multiple_responses = 6; - /** - * optional bool multiple_responses = 6; - */ boolean hasMultipleResponses(); - /** - * optional bool multiple_responses = 6; - */ boolean getMultipleResponses(); - + // optional double frequency = 7; - /** - * optional double frequency = 7; - */ boolean hasFrequency(); - /** - * optional double frequency = 7; - */ double getFrequency(); - + // optional string name = 8; - /** - * optional string name = 8; - */ boolean hasName(); - /** - * optional string name = 8; - */ - java.lang.String getName(); - /** - * optional string name = 8; - */ - - getNameBytes(); - + String getName(); + // optional .openxc.DiagnosticRequest.DecodedType decoded_type = 9; - /** - * optional .openxc.DiagnosticRequest.DecodedType decoded_type = 9; - */ boolean hasDecodedType(); - /** - * optional .openxc.DiagnosticRequest.DecodedType decoded_type = 9; - */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest.DecodedType getDecodedType(); } - /** - * Protobuf type {@code openxc.DiagnosticRequest} - */ public static final class DiagnosticRequest extends implements DiagnosticRequestOrBuilder { // Use DiagnosticRequest.newBuilder() to construct. - private DiagnosticRequest( builder) { + private DiagnosticRequest(Builder builder) { super(builder); - this.unknownFields = builder.getUnknownFields(); } - private DiagnosticRequest(boolean noInit) { this.unknownFields =; } - + private DiagnosticRequest(boolean noInit) {} + private static final DiagnosticRequest defaultInstance; public static DiagnosticRequest getDefaultInstance() { return defaultInstance; } - + public DiagnosticRequest getDefaultInstanceForType() { return defaultInstance; } - - private final unknownFields; - @java.lang.Override - public final - getUnknownFields() { - return this.unknownFields; - } - private DiagnosticRequest( - input, - extensionRegistry) - throws { - initFields(); - int mutable_bitField0_ = 0; - unknownFields = -; - try { - boolean done = false; - while (!done) { - int tag = input.readTag(); - switch (tag) { - case 0: - done = true; - break; - default: { - if (!parseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, - extensionRegistry, tag)) { - done = true; - } - break; - } - case 8: { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; - bus_ = input.readInt32(); - break; - } - case 16: { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; - messageId_ = input.readUInt32(); - break; - } - case 24: { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; - mode_ = input.readUInt32(); - break; - } - case 32: { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000008; - pid_ = input.readUInt32(); - break; - } - case 42: { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000010; - payload_ = input.readBytes(); - break; - } - case 48: { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000020; - multipleResponses_ = input.readBool(); - break; - } - case 57: { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000040; - frequency_ = input.readDouble(); - break; - } - case 66: { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000080; - name_ = input.readBytes(); - break; - } - case 72: { - int rawValue = input.readEnum(); - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest.DecodedType value = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest.DecodedType.valueOf(rawValue); - if (value == null) { - unknownFields.mergeVarintField(9, rawValue); - } else { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000100; - decodedType_ = value; - } - break; - } - } - } - } catch ( e) { - throw e.setUnfinishedMessage(this); - } catch ( e) { - throw new - e.getMessage()).setUnfinishedMessage(this); - } finally { - this.unknownFields =; - makeExtensionsImmutable(); - } - } + public static final getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_DiagnosticRequest_descriptor; } - + protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_DiagnosticRequest_fieldAccessorTable - .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest.class, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest.Builder.class); - } - - public static PARSER = - new { - public DiagnosticRequest parsePartialFrom( - input, - extensionRegistry) - throws { - return new DiagnosticRequest(input, extensionRegistry); - } - }; - - @java.lang.Override - public getParserForType() { - return PARSER; + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_DiagnosticRequest_fieldAccessorTable; } - - /** - * Protobuf enum {@code openxc.DiagnosticRequest.DecodedType} - */ + public enum DecodedType implements { - /** - * NONE = 1; - */ NONE(0, 1), - /** - * OBD2 = 2; - */ OBD2(1, 2), ; - - /** - * NONE = 1; - */ + public static final int NONE_VALUE = 1; - /** - * OBD2 = 2; - */ public static final int OBD2_VALUE = 2; - - + + public final int getNumber() { return value; } - + public static DecodedType valueOf(int value) { switch (value) { case 1: return NONE; @@ -11314,7 +8879,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { default: return null; } } - + public static internalGetValueMap() { return internalValueMap; @@ -11326,7 +8891,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return DecodedType.valueOf(number); } }; - + public final getValueDescriptor() { return getDescriptor().getValues().get(index); @@ -11339,9 +8904,11 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest.getDescriptor().getEnumTypes().get(0); } - - private static final DecodedType[] VALUES = values(); - + + private static final DecodedType[] VALUES = { + NONE, OBD2, + }; + public static DecodedType valueOf( desc) { if (desc.getType() != getDescriptor()) { @@ -11350,200 +8917,131 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return VALUES[desc.getIndex()]; } - + private final int index; private final int value; - + private DecodedType(int index, int value) { this.index = index; this.value = value; } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(enum_scope:openxc.DiagnosticRequest.DecodedType) } - + private int bitField0_; // optional int32 bus = 1; public static final int BUS_FIELD_NUMBER = 1; private int bus_; - /** - * optional int32 bus = 1; - */ public boolean hasBus() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } - /** - * optional int32 bus = 1; - */ public int getBus() { return bus_; } - + // optional uint32 message_id = 2; public static final int MESSAGE_ID_FIELD_NUMBER = 2; private int messageId_; - /** - * optional uint32 message_id = 2; - */ public boolean hasMessageId() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002); } - /** - * optional uint32 message_id = 2; - */ public int getMessageId() { return messageId_; } - + // optional uint32 mode = 3; public static final int MODE_FIELD_NUMBER = 3; private int mode_; - /** - * optional uint32 mode = 3; - */ public boolean hasMode() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004); } - /** - * optional uint32 mode = 3; - */ public int getMode() { return mode_; } - + // optional uint32 pid = 4; public static final int PID_FIELD_NUMBER = 4; private int pid_; - /** - * optional uint32 pid = 4; - */ public boolean hasPid() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000008) == 0x00000008); } - /** - * optional uint32 pid = 4; - */ public int getPid() { return pid_; } - + // optional bytes payload = 5; public static final int PAYLOAD_FIELD_NUMBER = 5; private payload_; - /** - * optional bytes payload = 5; - * - *
-     * TODO we are capping this at 8 bytes for now - need to change when we
-     * support multi-frame responses
-     * 
- */ public boolean hasPayload() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000010) == 0x00000010); } - /** - * optional bytes payload = 5; - * - *
-     * TODO we are capping this at 8 bytes for now - need to change when we
-     * support multi-frame responses
-     * 
- */ public getPayload() { return payload_; } - + // optional bool multiple_responses = 6; public static final int MULTIPLE_RESPONSES_FIELD_NUMBER = 6; private boolean multipleResponses_; - /** - * optional bool multiple_responses = 6; - */ public boolean hasMultipleResponses() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000020) == 0x00000020); } - /** - * optional bool multiple_responses = 6; - */ public boolean getMultipleResponses() { return multipleResponses_; } - + // optional double frequency = 7; public static final int FREQUENCY_FIELD_NUMBER = 7; private double frequency_; - /** - * optional double frequency = 7; - */ public boolean hasFrequency() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000040) == 0x00000040); } - /** - * optional double frequency = 7; - */ public double getFrequency() { return frequency_; } - + // optional string name = 8; public static final int NAME_FIELD_NUMBER = 8; private java.lang.Object name_; - /** - * optional string name = 8; - */ public boolean hasName() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000080) == 0x00000080); } - /** - * optional string name = 8; - */ - public java.lang.String getName() { + public String getName() { java.lang.Object ref = name_; - if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { - return (java.lang.String) ref; + if (ref instanceof String) { + return (String) ref; } else { bs = ( ref; - java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); - if (bs.isValidUtf8()) { + String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); + if ( { name_ = s; } return s; } } - /** - * optional string name = 8; - */ - public - getNameBytes() { + private getNameBytes() { java.lang.Object ref = name_; - if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { + if (ref instanceof String) { b = - - (java.lang.String) ref); + ref); name_ = b; return b; } else { return ( ref; } } - + // optional .openxc.DiagnosticRequest.DecodedType decoded_type = 9; public static final int DECODED_TYPE_FIELD_NUMBER = 9; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest.DecodedType decodedType_; - /** - * optional .openxc.DiagnosticRequest.DecodedType decoded_type = 9; - */ public boolean hasDecodedType() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000100) == 0x00000100); } - /** - * optional .openxc.DiagnosticRequest.DecodedType decoded_type = 9; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest.DecodedType getDecodedType() { return decodedType_; } - + private void initFields() { bus_ = 0; messageId_ = 0; @@ -11559,11 +9057,11 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { public final boolean isInitialized() { byte isInitialized = memoizedIsInitialized; if (isInitialized != -1) return isInitialized == 1; - + memoizedIsInitialized = 1; return true; } - + public void writeTo( output) throws { getSerializedSize(); @@ -11596,12 +9094,12 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } getUnknownFields().writeTo(output); } - + private int memoizedSerializedSize = -1; public int getSerializedSize() { int size = memoizedSerializedSize; if (size != -1) return size; - + size = 0; if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { size += @@ -11643,83 +9141,94 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { memoizedSerializedSize = size; return size; } - + private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L; @java.lang.Override protected java.lang.Object writeReplace() throws { return super.writeReplace(); } - + public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest parseFrom( data) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(data); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data).buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest parseFrom( data, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry) + .buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest parseFrom(byte[] data) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(data); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data).buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest parseFrom( byte[] data, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry) + .buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest parseFrom( input) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(input); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input).buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry) + .buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest parseDelimitedFrom( input) throws { - return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input); + Builder builder = newBuilder(); + if (builder.mergeDelimitedFrom(input)) { + return builder.buildParsed(); + } else { + return null; + } } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest parseDelimitedFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry); + Builder builder = newBuilder(); + if (builder.mergeDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry)) { + return builder.buildParsed(); + } else { + return null; + } } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest parseFrom( input) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(input); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input).buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry) + .buildParsed(); } - + public static Builder newBuilder() { return Builder.create(); } public Builder newBuilderForType() { return newBuilder(); } public static Builder newBuilder(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest prototype) { return newBuilder().mergeFrom(prototype); } public Builder toBuilder() { return newBuilder(this); } - + @java.lang.Override protected Builder newBuilderForType( parent) { Builder builder = new Builder(parent); return builder; } - /** - * Protobuf type {@code openxc.DiagnosticRequest} - */ public static final class Builder extends implements com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequestOrBuilder { @@ -11727,21 +9236,18 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_DiagnosticRequest_descriptor; } - + protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_DiagnosticRequest_fieldAccessorTable - .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest.class, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest.Builder.class); + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_DiagnosticRequest_fieldAccessorTable; } - + // Construct using com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest.newBuilder() private Builder() { maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } - - private Builder( - parent) { + + private Builder(BuilderParent parent) { super(parent); maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } @@ -11752,7 +9258,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { private static Builder create() { return new Builder(); } - + public Builder clear() { super.clear(); bus_ = 0; @@ -11775,20 +9281,20 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000100); return this; } - + public Builder clone() { return create().mergeFrom(buildPartial()); } - + public getDescriptorForType() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_DiagnosticRequest_descriptor; + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest.getDescriptor(); } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest getDefaultInstanceForType() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest.getDefaultInstance(); } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest build() { com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest result = buildPartial(); if (!result.isInitialized()) { @@ -11796,7 +9302,17 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return result; } - + + private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest buildParsed() + throws { + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest result = buildPartial(); + if (!result.isInitialized()) { + throw newUninitializedMessageException( + result).asInvalidProtocolBufferException(); + } + return result; + } + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest buildPartial() { com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest result = new com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest(this); int from_bitField0_ = bitField0_; @@ -11841,7 +9357,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { onBuilt(); return result; } - + public Builder mergeFrom( other) { if (other instanceof com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest) { return mergeFrom((com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest)other); @@ -11850,7 +9366,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return this; } } - + public Builder mergeFrom(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest other) { if (other == com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest.getDefaultInstance()) return this; if (other.hasBus()) { @@ -11875,9 +9391,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { setFrequency(other.getFrequency()); } if (other.hasName()) { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000080; - name_ = other.name_; - onChanged(); + setName(other.getName()); } if (other.hasDecodedType()) { setDecodedType(other.getDecodedType()); @@ -11885,194 +9399,183 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { this.mergeUnknownFields(other.getUnknownFields()); return this; } - + public final boolean isInitialized() { return true; } - + public Builder mergeFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest parsedMessage = null; - try { - parsedMessage = PARSER.parsePartialFrom(input, extensionRegistry); - } catch ( e) { - parsedMessage = (com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest) e.getUnfinishedMessage(); - throw e; - } finally { - if (parsedMessage != null) { - mergeFrom(parsedMessage); + unknownFields = + + this.getUnknownFields()); + while (true) { + int tag = input.readTag(); + switch (tag) { + case 0: + this.setUnknownFields(; + onChanged(); + return this; + default: { + if (!parseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, + extensionRegistry, tag)) { + this.setUnknownFields(; + onChanged(); + return this; + } + break; + } + case 8: { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; + bus_ = input.readInt32(); + break; + } + case 16: { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; + messageId_ = input.readUInt32(); + break; + } + case 24: { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; + mode_ = input.readUInt32(); + break; + } + case 32: { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000008; + pid_ = input.readUInt32(); + break; + } + case 42: { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000010; + payload_ = input.readBytes(); + break; + } + case 48: { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000020; + multipleResponses_ = input.readBool(); + break; + } + case 57: { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000040; + frequency_ = input.readDouble(); + break; + } + case 66: { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000080; + name_ = input.readBytes(); + break; + } + case 72: { + int rawValue = input.readEnum(); + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest.DecodedType value = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest.DecodedType.valueOf(rawValue); + if (value == null) { + unknownFields.mergeVarintField(9, rawValue); + } else { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000100; + decodedType_ = value; + } + break; + } } } - return this; } + private int bitField0_; - + // optional int32 bus = 1; private int bus_ ; - /** - * optional int32 bus = 1; - */ public boolean hasBus() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } - /** - * optional int32 bus = 1; - */ public int getBus() { return bus_; } - /** - * optional int32 bus = 1; - */ public Builder setBus(int value) { bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; bus_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } - /** - * optional int32 bus = 1; - */ public Builder clearBus() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); bus_ = 0; onChanged(); return this; } - + // optional uint32 message_id = 2; private int messageId_ ; - /** - * optional uint32 message_id = 2; - */ public boolean hasMessageId() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002); } - /** - * optional uint32 message_id = 2; - */ public int getMessageId() { return messageId_; } - /** - * optional uint32 message_id = 2; - */ public Builder setMessageId(int value) { bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; messageId_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } - /** - * optional uint32 message_id = 2; - */ public Builder clearMessageId() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); messageId_ = 0; onChanged(); return this; } - + // optional uint32 mode = 3; private int mode_ ; - /** - * optional uint32 mode = 3; - */ public boolean hasMode() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004); } - /** - * optional uint32 mode = 3; - */ public int getMode() { return mode_; } - /** - * optional uint32 mode = 3; - */ public Builder setMode(int value) { bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; mode_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } - /** - * optional uint32 mode = 3; - */ public Builder clearMode() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000004); mode_ = 0; onChanged(); return this; } - + // optional uint32 pid = 4; private int pid_ ; - /** - * optional uint32 pid = 4; - */ public boolean hasPid() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000008) == 0x00000008); } - /** - * optional uint32 pid = 4; - */ public int getPid() { return pid_; } - /** - * optional uint32 pid = 4; - */ public Builder setPid(int value) { bitField0_ |= 0x00000008; pid_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } - /** - * optional uint32 pid = 4; - */ public Builder clearPid() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000008); pid_ = 0; onChanged(); return this; } - + // optional bytes payload = 5; private payload_ =; - /** - * optional bytes payload = 5; - * - *
-       * TODO we are capping this at 8 bytes for now - need to change when we
-       * support multi-frame responses
-       * 
- */ public boolean hasPayload() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000010) == 0x00000010); } - /** - * optional bytes payload = 5; - * - *
-       * TODO we are capping this at 8 bytes for now - need to change when we
-       * support multi-frame responses
-       * 
- */ public getPayload() { return payload_; } - /** - * optional bytes payload = 5; - * - *
-       * TODO we are capping this at 8 bytes for now - need to change when we
-       * support multi-frame responses
-       * 
- */ public Builder setPayload( value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); @@ -12082,130 +9585,71 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { onChanged(); return this; } - /** - * optional bytes payload = 5; - * - *
-       * TODO we are capping this at 8 bytes for now - need to change when we
-       * support multi-frame responses
-       * 
- */ public Builder clearPayload() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000010); payload_ = getDefaultInstance().getPayload(); onChanged(); return this; } - + // optional bool multiple_responses = 6; private boolean multipleResponses_ ; - /** - * optional bool multiple_responses = 6; - */ public boolean hasMultipleResponses() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000020) == 0x00000020); } - /** - * optional bool multiple_responses = 6; - */ public boolean getMultipleResponses() { return multipleResponses_; } - /** - * optional bool multiple_responses = 6; - */ public Builder setMultipleResponses(boolean value) { bitField0_ |= 0x00000020; multipleResponses_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } - /** - * optional bool multiple_responses = 6; - */ public Builder clearMultipleResponses() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000020); multipleResponses_ = false; onChanged(); return this; } - + // optional double frequency = 7; private double frequency_ ; - /** - * optional double frequency = 7; - */ public boolean hasFrequency() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000040) == 0x00000040); } - /** - * optional double frequency = 7; - */ public double getFrequency() { return frequency_; } - /** - * optional double frequency = 7; - */ public Builder setFrequency(double value) { bitField0_ |= 0x00000040; frequency_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } - /** - * optional double frequency = 7; - */ public Builder clearFrequency() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000040); frequency_ = 0D; onChanged(); return this; } - + // optional string name = 8; private java.lang.Object name_ = ""; - /** - * optional string name = 8; - */ public boolean hasName() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000080) == 0x00000080); } - /** - * optional string name = 8; - */ - public java.lang.String getName() { + public String getName() { java.lang.Object ref = name_; - if (!(ref instanceof java.lang.String)) { - java.lang.String s = (( ref) - .toStringUtf8(); + if (!(ref instanceof String)) { + String s = (( ref).toStringUtf8(); name_ = s; return s; } else { - return (java.lang.String) ref; + return (String) ref; } } - /** - * optional string name = 8; - */ - public - getNameBytes() { - java.lang.Object ref = name_; - if (ref instanceof String) { - b = - - (java.lang.String) ref); - name_ = b; - return b; - } else { - return ( ref; - } - } - /** - * optional string name = 8; - */ - public Builder setName( - java.lang.String value) { + public Builder setName(String value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } @@ -12214,46 +9658,26 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { onChanged(); return this; } - /** - * optional string name = 8; - */ public Builder clearName() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000080); name_ = getDefaultInstance().getName(); onChanged(); return this; } - /** - * optional string name = 8; - */ - public Builder setNameBytes( - value) { - if (value == null) { - throw new NullPointerException(); - } - bitField0_ |= 0x00000080; + void setName( value) { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000080; name_ = value; onChanged(); - return this; } - + // optional .openxc.DiagnosticRequest.DecodedType decoded_type = 9; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest.DecodedType decodedType_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest.DecodedType.NONE; - /** - * optional .openxc.DiagnosticRequest.DecodedType decoded_type = 9; - */ public boolean hasDecodedType() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000100) == 0x00000100); } - /** - * optional .openxc.DiagnosticRequest.DecodedType decoded_type = 9; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest.DecodedType getDecodedType() { return decodedType_; } - /** - * optional .openxc.DiagnosticRequest.DecodedType decoded_type = 9; - */ public Builder setDecodedType(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest.DecodedType value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); @@ -12263,389 +9687,168 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { onChanged(); return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.DiagnosticRequest.DecodedType decoded_type = 9; - */ public Builder clearDecodedType() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000100); decodedType_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest.DecodedType.NONE; onChanged(); return this; } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(builder_scope:openxc.DiagnosticRequest) } - + static { defaultInstance = new DiagnosticRequest(true); defaultInstance.initFields(); } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:openxc.DiagnosticRequest) } - + public interface DiagnosticResponseOrBuilder extends { - + // optional int32 bus = 1; - /** - * optional int32 bus = 1; - */ boolean hasBus(); - /** - * optional int32 bus = 1; - */ int getBus(); - + // optional uint32 message_id = 2; - /** - * optional uint32 message_id = 2; - */ boolean hasMessageId(); - /** - * optional uint32 message_id = 2; - */ int getMessageId(); - + // optional uint32 mode = 3; - /** - * optional uint32 mode = 3; - */ boolean hasMode(); - /** - * optional uint32 mode = 3; - */ int getMode(); - + // optional uint32 pid = 4; - /** - * optional uint32 pid = 4; - */ boolean hasPid(); - /** - * optional uint32 pid = 4; - */ int getPid(); - + // optional bool success = 5; - /** - * optional bool success = 5; - */ boolean hasSuccess(); - /** - * optional bool success = 5; - */ boolean getSuccess(); - + // optional uint32 negative_response_code = 6; - /** - * optional uint32 negative_response_code = 6; - */ boolean hasNegativeResponseCode(); - /** - * optional uint32 negative_response_code = 6; - */ int getNegativeResponseCode(); - + // optional bytes payload = 7; - /** - * optional bytes payload = 7; - * - *
-     * TODO we are capping this at 8 bytes for now - need to change when we
-     * support multi-frame responses
-     * 
- */ boolean hasPayload(); - /** - * optional bytes payload = 7; - * - *
-     * TODO we are capping this at 8 bytes for now - need to change when we
-     * support multi-frame responses
-     * 
- */ getPayload(); - + // optional double value = 8; - /** - * optional double value = 8; - */ boolean hasValue(); - /** - * optional double value = 8; - */ double getValue(); } - /** - * Protobuf type {@code openxc.DiagnosticResponse} - */ public static final class DiagnosticResponse extends implements DiagnosticResponseOrBuilder { // Use DiagnosticResponse.newBuilder() to construct. - private DiagnosticResponse( builder) { + private DiagnosticResponse(Builder builder) { super(builder); - this.unknownFields = builder.getUnknownFields(); } - private DiagnosticResponse(boolean noInit) { this.unknownFields =; } - + private DiagnosticResponse(boolean noInit) {} + private static final DiagnosticResponse defaultInstance; public static DiagnosticResponse getDefaultInstance() { return defaultInstance; } - + public DiagnosticResponse getDefaultInstanceForType() { return defaultInstance; } - - private final unknownFields; - @java.lang.Override - public final - getUnknownFields() { - return this.unknownFields; - } - private DiagnosticResponse( - input, - extensionRegistry) - throws { - initFields(); - int mutable_bitField0_ = 0; - unknownFields = -; - try { - boolean done = false; - while (!done) { - int tag = input.readTag(); - switch (tag) { - case 0: - done = true; - break; - default: { - if (!parseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, - extensionRegistry, tag)) { - done = true; - } - break; - } - case 8: { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; - bus_ = input.readInt32(); - break; - } - case 16: { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; - messageId_ = input.readUInt32(); - break; - } - case 24: { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; - mode_ = input.readUInt32(); - break; - } - case 32: { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000008; - pid_ = input.readUInt32(); - break; - } - case 40: { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000010; - success_ = input.readBool(); - break; - } - case 48: { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000020; - negativeResponseCode_ = input.readUInt32(); - break; - } - case 58: { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000040; - payload_ = input.readBytes(); - break; - } - case 65: { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000080; - value_ = input.readDouble(); - break; - } - } - } - } catch ( e) { - throw e.setUnfinishedMessage(this); - } catch ( e) { - throw new - e.getMessage()).setUnfinishedMessage(this); - } finally { - this.unknownFields =; - makeExtensionsImmutable(); - } - } + public static final getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_DiagnosticResponse_descriptor; } - + protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_DiagnosticResponse_fieldAccessorTable - .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse.class, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse.Builder.class); - } - - public static PARSER = - new { - public DiagnosticResponse parsePartialFrom( - input, - extensionRegistry) - throws { - return new DiagnosticResponse(input, extensionRegistry); - } - }; - - @java.lang.Override - public getParserForType() { - return PARSER; + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_DiagnosticResponse_fieldAccessorTable; } - + private int bitField0_; // optional int32 bus = 1; public static final int BUS_FIELD_NUMBER = 1; private int bus_; - /** - * optional int32 bus = 1; - */ public boolean hasBus() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } - /** - * optional int32 bus = 1; - */ public int getBus() { return bus_; } - + // optional uint32 message_id = 2; public static final int MESSAGE_ID_FIELD_NUMBER = 2; private int messageId_; - /** - * optional uint32 message_id = 2; - */ public boolean hasMessageId() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002); } - /** - * optional uint32 message_id = 2; - */ public int getMessageId() { return messageId_; } - + // optional uint32 mode = 3; public static final int MODE_FIELD_NUMBER = 3; private int mode_; - /** - * optional uint32 mode = 3; - */ public boolean hasMode() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004); } - /** - * optional uint32 mode = 3; - */ public int getMode() { return mode_; } - + // optional uint32 pid = 4; public static final int PID_FIELD_NUMBER = 4; private int pid_; - /** - * optional uint32 pid = 4; - */ public boolean hasPid() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000008) == 0x00000008); } - /** - * optional uint32 pid = 4; - */ public int getPid() { return pid_; } - + // optional bool success = 5; public static final int SUCCESS_FIELD_NUMBER = 5; private boolean success_; - /** - * optional bool success = 5; - */ public boolean hasSuccess() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000010) == 0x00000010); } - /** - * optional bool success = 5; - */ public boolean getSuccess() { return success_; } - + // optional uint32 negative_response_code = 6; public static final int NEGATIVE_RESPONSE_CODE_FIELD_NUMBER = 6; private int negativeResponseCode_; - /** - * optional uint32 negative_response_code = 6; - */ public boolean hasNegativeResponseCode() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000020) == 0x00000020); } - /** - * optional uint32 negative_response_code = 6; - */ public int getNegativeResponseCode() { return negativeResponseCode_; } - + // optional bytes payload = 7; public static final int PAYLOAD_FIELD_NUMBER = 7; private payload_; - /** - * optional bytes payload = 7; - * - *
-     * TODO we are capping this at 8 bytes for now - need to change when we
-     * support multi-frame responses
-     * 
- */ public boolean hasPayload() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000040) == 0x00000040); } - /** - * optional bytes payload = 7; - * - *
-     * TODO we are capping this at 8 bytes for now - need to change when we
-     * support multi-frame responses
-     * 
- */ public getPayload() { return payload_; } - + // optional double value = 8; public static final int VALUE_FIELD_NUMBER = 8; private double value_; - /** - * optional double value = 8; - */ public boolean hasValue() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000080) == 0x00000080); } - /** - * optional double value = 8; - */ public double getValue() { return value_; } - + private void initFields() { bus_ = 0; messageId_ = 0; @@ -12660,11 +9863,11 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { public final boolean isInitialized() { byte isInitialized = memoizedIsInitialized; if (isInitialized != -1) return isInitialized == 1; - + memoizedIsInitialized = 1; return true; } - + public void writeTo( output) throws { getSerializedSize(); @@ -12694,12 +9897,12 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } getUnknownFields().writeTo(output); } - + private int memoizedSerializedSize = -1; public int getSerializedSize() { int size = memoizedSerializedSize; if (size != -1) return size; - + size = 0; if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { size += @@ -12737,83 +9940,94 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { memoizedSerializedSize = size; return size; } - + private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L; @java.lang.Override protected java.lang.Object writeReplace() throws { return super.writeReplace(); } - + public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse parseFrom( data) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(data); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data).buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse parseFrom( data, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry) + .buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse parseFrom(byte[] data) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(data); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data).buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse parseFrom( byte[] data, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry) + .buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse parseFrom( input) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(input); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input).buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry) + .buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse parseDelimitedFrom( input) throws { - return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input); + Builder builder = newBuilder(); + if (builder.mergeDelimitedFrom(input)) { + return builder.buildParsed(); + } else { + return null; + } } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse parseDelimitedFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry); + Builder builder = newBuilder(); + if (builder.mergeDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry)) { + return builder.buildParsed(); + } else { + return null; + } } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse parseFrom( input) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(input); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input).buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry) + .buildParsed(); } - + public static Builder newBuilder() { return Builder.create(); } public Builder newBuilderForType() { return newBuilder(); } public static Builder newBuilder(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse prototype) { return newBuilder().mergeFrom(prototype); } public Builder toBuilder() { return newBuilder(this); } - + @java.lang.Override protected Builder newBuilderForType( parent) { Builder builder = new Builder(parent); return builder; } - /** - * Protobuf type {@code openxc.DiagnosticResponse} - */ public static final class Builder extends implements com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponseOrBuilder { @@ -12821,21 +10035,18 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_DiagnosticResponse_descriptor; } - + protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_DiagnosticResponse_fieldAccessorTable - .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse.class, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse.Builder.class); + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_DiagnosticResponse_fieldAccessorTable; } - + // Construct using com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse.newBuilder() private Builder() { maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } - - private Builder( - parent) { + + private Builder(BuilderParent parent) { super(parent); maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } @@ -12846,7 +10057,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { private static Builder create() { return new Builder(); } - + public Builder clear() { super.clear(); bus_ = 0; @@ -12867,20 +10078,20 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000080); return this; } - + public Builder clone() { return create().mergeFrom(buildPartial()); } - + public getDescriptorForType() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_DiagnosticResponse_descriptor; + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse.getDescriptor(); } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse getDefaultInstanceForType() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse.getDefaultInstance(); } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse build() { com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse result = buildPartial(); if (!result.isInitialized()) { @@ -12888,7 +10099,17 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return result; } - + + private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse buildParsed() + throws { + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse result = buildPartial(); + if (!result.isInitialized()) { + throw newUninitializedMessageException( + result).asInvalidProtocolBufferException(); + } + return result; + } + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse buildPartial() { com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse result = new com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse(this); int from_bitField0_ = bitField0_; @@ -12929,7 +10150,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { onBuilt(); return result; } - + public Builder mergeFrom( other) { if (other instanceof com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse) { return mergeFrom((com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse)other); @@ -12938,7 +10159,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return this; } } - + public Builder mergeFrom(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse other) { if (other == com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse.getDefaultInstance()) return this; if (other.hasBus()) { @@ -12968,260 +10189,214 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { this.mergeUnknownFields(other.getUnknownFields()); return this; } - + public final boolean isInitialized() { return true; } - + public Builder mergeFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse parsedMessage = null; - try { - parsedMessage = PARSER.parsePartialFrom(input, extensionRegistry); - } catch ( e) { - parsedMessage = (com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse) e.getUnfinishedMessage(); - throw e; - } finally { - if (parsedMessage != null) { - mergeFrom(parsedMessage); + unknownFields = + + this.getUnknownFields()); + while (true) { + int tag = input.readTag(); + switch (tag) { + case 0: + this.setUnknownFields(; + onChanged(); + return this; + default: { + if (!parseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, + extensionRegistry, tag)) { + this.setUnknownFields(; + onChanged(); + return this; + } + break; + } + case 8: { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; + bus_ = input.readInt32(); + break; + } + case 16: { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; + messageId_ = input.readUInt32(); + break; + } + case 24: { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; + mode_ = input.readUInt32(); + break; + } + case 32: { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000008; + pid_ = input.readUInt32(); + break; + } + case 40: { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000010; + success_ = input.readBool(); + break; + } + case 48: { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000020; + negativeResponseCode_ = input.readUInt32(); + break; + } + case 58: { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000040; + payload_ = input.readBytes(); + break; + } + case 65: { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000080; + value_ = input.readDouble(); + break; + } } } - return this; } + private int bitField0_; - + // optional int32 bus = 1; private int bus_ ; - /** - * optional int32 bus = 1; - */ public boolean hasBus() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } - /** - * optional int32 bus = 1; - */ public int getBus() { return bus_; } - /** - * optional int32 bus = 1; - */ public Builder setBus(int value) { bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; bus_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } - /** - * optional int32 bus = 1; - */ public Builder clearBus() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); bus_ = 0; onChanged(); return this; } - + // optional uint32 message_id = 2; private int messageId_ ; - /** - * optional uint32 message_id = 2; - */ public boolean hasMessageId() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002); } - /** - * optional uint32 message_id = 2; - */ public int getMessageId() { return messageId_; } - /** - * optional uint32 message_id = 2; - */ public Builder setMessageId(int value) { bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; messageId_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } - /** - * optional uint32 message_id = 2; - */ public Builder clearMessageId() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); messageId_ = 0; onChanged(); return this; } - + // optional uint32 mode = 3; private int mode_ ; - /** - * optional uint32 mode = 3; - */ public boolean hasMode() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004); } - /** - * optional uint32 mode = 3; - */ public int getMode() { return mode_; } - /** - * optional uint32 mode = 3; - */ public Builder setMode(int value) { bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; mode_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } - /** - * optional uint32 mode = 3; - */ public Builder clearMode() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000004); mode_ = 0; onChanged(); return this; } - + // optional uint32 pid = 4; private int pid_ ; - /** - * optional uint32 pid = 4; - */ public boolean hasPid() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000008) == 0x00000008); } - /** - * optional uint32 pid = 4; - */ public int getPid() { return pid_; } - /** - * optional uint32 pid = 4; - */ public Builder setPid(int value) { bitField0_ |= 0x00000008; pid_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } - /** - * optional uint32 pid = 4; - */ public Builder clearPid() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000008); pid_ = 0; onChanged(); return this; } - + // optional bool success = 5; private boolean success_ ; - /** - * optional bool success = 5; - */ public boolean hasSuccess() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000010) == 0x00000010); } - /** - * optional bool success = 5; - */ public boolean getSuccess() { return success_; } - /** - * optional bool success = 5; - */ public Builder setSuccess(boolean value) { bitField0_ |= 0x00000010; success_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } - /** - * optional bool success = 5; - */ public Builder clearSuccess() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000010); success_ = false; onChanged(); return this; } - + // optional uint32 negative_response_code = 6; private int negativeResponseCode_ ; - /** - * optional uint32 negative_response_code = 6; - */ public boolean hasNegativeResponseCode() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000020) == 0x00000020); } - /** - * optional uint32 negative_response_code = 6; - */ public int getNegativeResponseCode() { return negativeResponseCode_; } - /** - * optional uint32 negative_response_code = 6; - */ public Builder setNegativeResponseCode(int value) { bitField0_ |= 0x00000020; negativeResponseCode_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } - /** - * optional uint32 negative_response_code = 6; - */ public Builder clearNegativeResponseCode() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000020); negativeResponseCode_ = 0; onChanged(); return this; } - + // optional bytes payload = 7; private payload_ =; - /** - * optional bytes payload = 7; - * - *
-       * TODO we are capping this at 8 bytes for now - need to change when we
-       * support multi-frame responses
-       * 
- */ public boolean hasPayload() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000040) == 0x00000040); } - /** - * optional bytes payload = 7; - * - *
-       * TODO we are capping this at 8 bytes for now - need to change when we
-       * support multi-frame responses
-       * 
- */ public getPayload() { return payload_; } - /** - * optional bytes payload = 7; - * - *
-       * TODO we are capping this at 8 bytes for now - need to change when we
-       * support multi-frame responses
-       * 
- */ public Builder setPayload( value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); @@ -13231,264 +10406,106 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { onChanged(); return this; } - /** - * optional bytes payload = 7; - * - *
-       * TODO we are capping this at 8 bytes for now - need to change when we
-       * support multi-frame responses
-       * 
- */ public Builder clearPayload() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000040); payload_ = getDefaultInstance().getPayload(); onChanged(); return this; } - + // optional double value = 8; private double value_ ; - /** - * optional double value = 8; - */ public boolean hasValue() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000080) == 0x00000080); } - /** - * optional double value = 8; - */ public double getValue() { return value_; } - /** - * optional double value = 8; - */ public Builder setValue(double value) { bitField0_ |= 0x00000080; value_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } - /** - * optional double value = 8; - */ public Builder clearValue() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000080); value_ = 0D; onChanged(); return this; } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(builder_scope:openxc.DiagnosticResponse) } - + static { defaultInstance = new DiagnosticResponse(true); defaultInstance.initFields(); } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:openxc.DiagnosticResponse) } - + public interface DynamicFieldOrBuilder extends { - + // optional .openxc.DynamicField.Type type = 1; - /** - * optional .openxc.DynamicField.Type type = 1; - */ boolean hasType(); - /** - * optional .openxc.DynamicField.Type type = 1; - */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.Type getType(); - + // optional string string_value = 2; - /** - * optional string string_value = 2; - */ boolean hasStringValue(); - /** - * optional string string_value = 2; - */ - java.lang.String getStringValue(); - /** - * optional string string_value = 2; - */ - - getStringValueBytes(); - + String getStringValue(); + // optional double numeric_value = 3; - /** - * optional double numeric_value = 3; - */ boolean hasNumericValue(); - /** - * optional double numeric_value = 3; - */ double getNumericValue(); - + // optional bool boolean_value = 4; - /** - * optional bool boolean_value = 4; - */ boolean hasBooleanValue(); - /** - * optional bool boolean_value = 4; - */ boolean getBooleanValue(); } - /** - * Protobuf type {@code openxc.DynamicField} - */ public static final class DynamicField extends implements DynamicFieldOrBuilder { // Use DynamicField.newBuilder() to construct. - private DynamicField( builder) { + private DynamicField(Builder builder) { super(builder); - this.unknownFields = builder.getUnknownFields(); } - private DynamicField(boolean noInit) { this.unknownFields =; } - + private DynamicField(boolean noInit) {} + private static final DynamicField defaultInstance; public static DynamicField getDefaultInstance() { - return defaultInstance; - } - - public DynamicField getDefaultInstanceForType() { - return defaultInstance; - } - - private final unknownFields; - @java.lang.Override - public final - getUnknownFields() { - return this.unknownFields; - } - private DynamicField( - input, - extensionRegistry) - throws { - initFields(); - int mutable_bitField0_ = 0; - unknownFields = -; - try { - boolean done = false; - while (!done) { - int tag = input.readTag(); - switch (tag) { - case 0: - done = true; - break; - default: { - if (!parseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, - extensionRegistry, tag)) { - done = true; - } - break; - } - case 8: { - int rawValue = input.readEnum(); - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.Type value = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.Type.valueOf(rawValue); - if (value == null) { - unknownFields.mergeVarintField(1, rawValue); - } else { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; - type_ = value; - } - break; - } - case 18: { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; - stringValue_ = input.readBytes(); - break; - } - case 25: { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; - numericValue_ = input.readDouble(); - break; - } - case 32: { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000008; - booleanValue_ = input.readBool(); - break; - } - } - } - } catch ( e) { - throw e.setUnfinishedMessage(this); - } catch ( e) { - throw new - e.getMessage()).setUnfinishedMessage(this); - } finally { - this.unknownFields =; - makeExtensionsImmutable(); - } + return defaultInstance; + } + + public DynamicField getDefaultInstanceForType() { + return defaultInstance; } + public static final getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_DynamicField_descriptor; } - + protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_DynamicField_fieldAccessorTable - .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.class, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.Builder.class); - } - - public static PARSER = - new { - public DynamicField parsePartialFrom( - input, - extensionRegistry) - throws { - return new DynamicField(input, extensionRegistry); - } - }; - - @java.lang.Override - public getParserForType() { - return PARSER; + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_DynamicField_fieldAccessorTable; } - - /** - * Protobuf enum {@code openxc.DynamicField.Type} - */ + public enum Type implements { - /** - * STRING = 1; - */ STRING(0, 1), - /** - * NUM = 2; - */ NUM(1, 2), - /** - * BOOL = 3; - */ BOOL(2, 3), ; - - /** - * STRING = 1; - */ + public static final int STRING_VALUE = 1; - /** - * NUM = 2; - */ public static final int NUM_VALUE = 2; - /** - * BOOL = 3; - */ public static final int BOOL_VALUE = 3; - - + + public final int getNumber() { return value; } - + public static Type valueOf(int value) { switch (value) { case 1: return STRING; @@ -13497,7 +10514,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { default: return null; } } - + public static internalGetValueMap() { return internalValueMap; @@ -13509,7 +10526,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return Type.valueOf(number); } }; - + public final getValueDescriptor() { return getDescriptor().getValues().get(index); @@ -13522,9 +10539,11 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.getDescriptor().getEnumTypes().get(0); } - - private static final Type[] VALUES = values(); - + + private static final Type[] VALUES = { + STRING, NUM, BOOL, + }; + public static Type valueOf( desc) { if (desc.getType() != getDescriptor()) { @@ -13533,110 +10552,81 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return VALUES[desc.getIndex()]; } - + private final int index; private final int value; - + private Type(int index, int value) { this.index = index; this.value = value; } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(enum_scope:openxc.DynamicField.Type) } - + private int bitField0_; // optional .openxc.DynamicField.Type type = 1; public static final int TYPE_FIELD_NUMBER = 1; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.Type type_; - /** - * optional .openxc.DynamicField.Type type = 1; - */ public boolean hasType() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } - /** - * optional .openxc.DynamicField.Type type = 1; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.Type getType() { return type_; } - + // optional string string_value = 2; public static final int STRING_VALUE_FIELD_NUMBER = 2; private java.lang.Object stringValue_; - /** - * optional string string_value = 2; - */ public boolean hasStringValue() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002); } - /** - * optional string string_value = 2; - */ - public java.lang.String getStringValue() { + public String getStringValue() { java.lang.Object ref = stringValue_; - if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { - return (java.lang.String) ref; + if (ref instanceof String) { + return (String) ref; } else { bs = ( ref; - java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); - if (bs.isValidUtf8()) { + String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); + if ( { stringValue_ = s; } return s; } } - /** - * optional string string_value = 2; - */ - public - getStringValueBytes() { + private getStringValueBytes() { java.lang.Object ref = stringValue_; - if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { + if (ref instanceof String) { b = - - (java.lang.String) ref); + ref); stringValue_ = b; return b; } else { return ( ref; } } - + // optional double numeric_value = 3; public static final int NUMERIC_VALUE_FIELD_NUMBER = 3; private double numericValue_; - /** - * optional double numeric_value = 3; - */ public boolean hasNumericValue() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004); } - /** - * optional double numeric_value = 3; - */ public double getNumericValue() { return numericValue_; } - + // optional bool boolean_value = 4; public static final int BOOLEAN_VALUE_FIELD_NUMBER = 4; private boolean booleanValue_; - /** - * optional bool boolean_value = 4; - */ public boolean hasBooleanValue() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000008) == 0x00000008); } - /** - * optional bool boolean_value = 4; - */ public boolean getBooleanValue() { return booleanValue_; } - + private void initFields() { type_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.Type.STRING; stringValue_ = ""; @@ -13647,11 +10637,11 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { public final boolean isInitialized() { byte isInitialized = memoizedIsInitialized; if (isInitialized != -1) return isInitialized == 1; - + memoizedIsInitialized = 1; return true; } - + public void writeTo( output) throws { getSerializedSize(); @@ -13669,12 +10659,12 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } getUnknownFields().writeTo(output); } - + private int memoizedSerializedSize = -1; public int getSerializedSize() { int size = memoizedSerializedSize; if (size != -1) return size; - + size = 0; if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { size += @@ -13696,83 +10686,94 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { memoizedSerializedSize = size; return size; } - + private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L; @java.lang.Override protected java.lang.Object writeReplace() throws { return super.writeReplace(); } - + public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField parseFrom( data) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(data); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data).buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField parseFrom( data, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry) + .buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField parseFrom(byte[] data) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(data); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data).buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField parseFrom( byte[] data, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry) + .buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField parseFrom( input) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(input); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input).buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry) + .buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField parseDelimitedFrom( input) throws { - return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input); + Builder builder = newBuilder(); + if (builder.mergeDelimitedFrom(input)) { + return builder.buildParsed(); + } else { + return null; + } } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField parseDelimitedFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry); + Builder builder = newBuilder(); + if (builder.mergeDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry)) { + return builder.buildParsed(); + } else { + return null; + } } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField parseFrom( input) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(input); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input).buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry) + .buildParsed(); } - + public static Builder newBuilder() { return Builder.create(); } public Builder newBuilderForType() { return newBuilder(); } public static Builder newBuilder(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField prototype) { return newBuilder().mergeFrom(prototype); } public Builder toBuilder() { return newBuilder(this); } - + @java.lang.Override protected Builder newBuilderForType( parent) { Builder builder = new Builder(parent); return builder; } - /** - * Protobuf type {@code openxc.DynamicField} - */ public static final class Builder extends implements com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicFieldOrBuilder { @@ -13780,21 +10781,18 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_DynamicField_descriptor; } - + protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_DynamicField_fieldAccessorTable - .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.class, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.Builder.class); + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_DynamicField_fieldAccessorTable; } - + // Construct using com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.newBuilder() private Builder() { maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } - - private Builder( - parent) { + + private Builder(BuilderParent parent) { super(parent); maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } @@ -13805,7 +10803,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { private static Builder create() { return new Builder(); } - + public Builder clear() { super.clear(); type_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.Type.STRING; @@ -13818,20 +10816,20 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000008); return this; } - + public Builder clone() { return create().mergeFrom(buildPartial()); } - + public getDescriptorForType() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_DynamicField_descriptor; + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.getDescriptor(); } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField getDefaultInstanceForType() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.getDefaultInstance(); } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField build() { com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField result = buildPartial(); if (!result.isInitialized()) { @@ -13839,7 +10837,17 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return result; } - + + private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField buildParsed() + throws { + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField result = buildPartial(); + if (!result.isInitialized()) { + throw newUninitializedMessageException( + result).asInvalidProtocolBufferException(); + } + return result; + } + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField buildPartial() { com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField result = new com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField(this); int from_bitField0_ = bitField0_; @@ -13864,7 +10872,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { onBuilt(); return result; } - + public Builder mergeFrom( other) { if (other instanceof com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField) { return mergeFrom((com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField)other); @@ -13873,16 +10881,14 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return this; } } - + public Builder mergeFrom(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField other) { if (other == com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.getDefaultInstance()) return this; if (other.hasType()) { setType(other.getType()); } if (other.hasStringValue()) { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; - stringValue_ = other.stringValue_; - onChanged(); + setStringValue(other.getStringValue()); } if (other.hasNumericValue()) { setNumericValue(other.getNumericValue()); @@ -13893,47 +10899,74 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { this.mergeUnknownFields(other.getUnknownFields()); return this; } - + public final boolean isInitialized() { return true; } - + public Builder mergeFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField parsedMessage = null; - try { - parsedMessage = PARSER.parsePartialFrom(input, extensionRegistry); - } catch ( e) { - parsedMessage = (com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField) e.getUnfinishedMessage(); - throw e; - } finally { - if (parsedMessage != null) { - mergeFrom(parsedMessage); + unknownFields = + + this.getUnknownFields()); + while (true) { + int tag = input.readTag(); + switch (tag) { + case 0: + this.setUnknownFields(; + onChanged(); + return this; + default: { + if (!parseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, + extensionRegistry, tag)) { + this.setUnknownFields(; + onChanged(); + return this; + } + break; + } + case 8: { + int rawValue = input.readEnum(); + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.Type value = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.Type.valueOf(rawValue); + if (value == null) { + unknownFields.mergeVarintField(1, rawValue); + } else { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; + type_ = value; + } + break; + } + case 18: { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; + stringValue_ = input.readBytes(); + break; + } + case 25: { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; + numericValue_ = input.readDouble(); + break; + } + case 32: { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000008; + booleanValue_ = input.readBool(); + break; + } } } - return this; } + private int bitField0_; - + // optional .openxc.DynamicField.Type type = 1; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.Type type_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.Type.STRING; - /** - * optional .openxc.DynamicField.Type type = 1; - */ public boolean hasType() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } - /** - * optional .openxc.DynamicField.Type type = 1; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.Type getType() { return type_; } - /** - * optional .openxc.DynamicField.Type type = 1; - */ public Builder setType(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.Type value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); @@ -13943,59 +10976,29 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { onChanged(); return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.DynamicField.Type type = 1; - */ public Builder clearType() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); type_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.Type.STRING; onChanged(); return this; } - + // optional string string_value = 2; private java.lang.Object stringValue_ = ""; - /** - * optional string string_value = 2; - */ public boolean hasStringValue() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002); } - /** - * optional string string_value = 2; - */ - public java.lang.String getStringValue() { + public String getStringValue() { java.lang.Object ref = stringValue_; - if (!(ref instanceof java.lang.String)) { - java.lang.String s = (( ref) - .toStringUtf8(); + if (!(ref instanceof String)) { + String s = (( ref).toStringUtf8(); stringValue_ = s; return s; } else { - return (java.lang.String) ref; - } - } - /** - * optional string string_value = 2; - */ - public - getStringValueBytes() { - java.lang.Object ref = stringValue_; - if (ref instanceof String) { - b = - - (java.lang.String) ref); - stringValue_ = b; - return b; - } else { - return ( ref; + return (String) ref; } } - /** - * optional string string_value = 2; - */ - public Builder setStringValue( - java.lang.String value) { + public Builder setStringValue(String value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } @@ -14004,361 +11007,175 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { onChanged(); return this; } - /** - * optional string string_value = 2; - */ public Builder clearStringValue() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); stringValue_ = getDefaultInstance().getStringValue(); onChanged(); return this; } - /** - * optional string string_value = 2; - */ - public Builder setStringValueBytes( - value) { - if (value == null) { - throw new NullPointerException(); - } - bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; + void setStringValue( value) { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; stringValue_ = value; onChanged(); - return this; } - + // optional double numeric_value = 3; private double numericValue_ ; - /** - * optional double numeric_value = 3; - */ public boolean hasNumericValue() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004); } - /** - * optional double numeric_value = 3; - */ public double getNumericValue() { return numericValue_; } - /** - * optional double numeric_value = 3; - */ public Builder setNumericValue(double value) { bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; numericValue_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } - /** - * optional double numeric_value = 3; - */ public Builder clearNumericValue() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000004); numericValue_ = 0D; onChanged(); return this; } - + // optional bool boolean_value = 4; private boolean booleanValue_ ; - /** - * optional bool boolean_value = 4; - */ public boolean hasBooleanValue() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000008) == 0x00000008); } - /** - * optional bool boolean_value = 4; - */ public boolean getBooleanValue() { return booleanValue_; } - /** - * optional bool boolean_value = 4; - */ public Builder setBooleanValue(boolean value) { bitField0_ |= 0x00000008; booleanValue_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } - /** - * optional bool boolean_value = 4; - */ public Builder clearBooleanValue() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000008); booleanValue_ = false; onChanged(); return this; } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(builder_scope:openxc.DynamicField) } - + static { defaultInstance = new DynamicField(true); defaultInstance.initFields(); } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:openxc.DynamicField) } - + public interface SimpleMessageOrBuilder extends { - + // optional string name = 1; - /** - * optional string name = 1; - */ boolean hasName(); - /** - * optional string name = 1; - */ - java.lang.String getName(); - /** - * optional string name = 1; - */ - - getNameBytes(); - + String getName(); + // optional .openxc.DynamicField value = 2; - /** - * optional .openxc.DynamicField value = 2; - */ boolean hasValue(); - /** - * optional .openxc.DynamicField value = 2; - */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField getValue(); - /** - * optional .openxc.DynamicField value = 2; - */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicFieldOrBuilder getValueOrBuilder(); - + // optional .openxc.DynamicField event = 3; - /** - * optional .openxc.DynamicField event = 3; - */ boolean hasEvent(); - /** - * optional .openxc.DynamicField event = 3; - */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField getEvent(); - /** - * optional .openxc.DynamicField event = 3; - */ com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicFieldOrBuilder getEventOrBuilder(); } - /** - * Protobuf type {@code openxc.SimpleMessage} - */ public static final class SimpleMessage extends implements SimpleMessageOrBuilder { // Use SimpleMessage.newBuilder() to construct. - private SimpleMessage( builder) { + private SimpleMessage(Builder builder) { super(builder); - this.unknownFields = builder.getUnknownFields(); } - private SimpleMessage(boolean noInit) { this.unknownFields =; } - + private SimpleMessage(boolean noInit) {} + private static final SimpleMessage defaultInstance; public static SimpleMessage getDefaultInstance() { return defaultInstance; } - + public SimpleMessage getDefaultInstanceForType() { return defaultInstance; } - - private final unknownFields; - @java.lang.Override - public final - getUnknownFields() { - return this.unknownFields; - } - private SimpleMessage( - input, - extensionRegistry) - throws { - initFields(); - int mutable_bitField0_ = 0; - unknownFields = -; - try { - boolean done = false; - while (!done) { - int tag = input.readTag(); - switch (tag) { - case 0: - done = true; - break; - default: { - if (!parseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, - extensionRegistry, tag)) { - done = true; - } - break; - } - case 10: { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; - name_ = input.readBytes(); - break; - } - case 18: { - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.Builder subBuilder = null; - if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002)) { - subBuilder = value_.toBuilder(); - } - value_ = input.readMessage(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.PARSER, extensionRegistry); - if (subBuilder != null) { - subBuilder.mergeFrom(value_); - value_ = subBuilder.buildPartial(); - } - bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; - break; - } - case 26: { - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.Builder subBuilder = null; - if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004)) { - subBuilder = event_.toBuilder(); - } - event_ = input.readMessage(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.PARSER, extensionRegistry); - if (subBuilder != null) { - subBuilder.mergeFrom(event_); - event_ = subBuilder.buildPartial(); - } - bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; - break; - } - } - } - } catch ( e) { - throw e.setUnfinishedMessage(this); - } catch ( e) { - throw new - e.getMessage()).setUnfinishedMessage(this); - } finally { - this.unknownFields =; - makeExtensionsImmutable(); - } - } + public static final getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_SimpleMessage_descriptor; } - + protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_SimpleMessage_fieldAccessorTable - .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage.class, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage.Builder.class); - } - - public static PARSER = - new { - public SimpleMessage parsePartialFrom( - input, - extensionRegistry) - throws { - return new SimpleMessage(input, extensionRegistry); - } - }; - - @java.lang.Override - public getParserForType() { - return PARSER; + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_SimpleMessage_fieldAccessorTable; } - + private int bitField0_; // optional string name = 1; public static final int NAME_FIELD_NUMBER = 1; private java.lang.Object name_; - /** - * optional string name = 1; - */ public boolean hasName() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } - /** - * optional string name = 1; - */ - public java.lang.String getName() { + public String getName() { java.lang.Object ref = name_; - if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { - return (java.lang.String) ref; + if (ref instanceof String) { + return (String) ref; } else { bs = ( ref; - java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); - if (bs.isValidUtf8()) { + String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); + if ( { name_ = s; } return s; } } - /** - * optional string name = 1; - */ - public - getNameBytes() { + private getNameBytes() { java.lang.Object ref = name_; - if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { + if (ref instanceof String) { b = - - (java.lang.String) ref); + ref); name_ = b; return b; } else { return ( ref; } } - + // optional .openxc.DynamicField value = 2; public static final int VALUE_FIELD_NUMBER = 2; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField value_; - /** - * optional .openxc.DynamicField value = 2; - */ public boolean hasValue() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002); } - /** - * optional .openxc.DynamicField value = 2; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField getValue() { return value_; } - /** - * optional .openxc.DynamicField value = 2; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicFieldOrBuilder getValueOrBuilder() { return value_; } - + // optional .openxc.DynamicField event = 3; public static final int EVENT_FIELD_NUMBER = 3; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField event_; - /** - * optional .openxc.DynamicField event = 3; - */ public boolean hasEvent() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004); } - /** - * optional .openxc.DynamicField event = 3; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField getEvent() { return event_; } - /** - * optional .openxc.DynamicField event = 3; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicFieldOrBuilder getEventOrBuilder() { return event_; } - + private void initFields() { name_ = ""; value_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.getDefaultInstance(); @@ -14368,11 +11185,11 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { public final boolean isInitialized() { byte isInitialized = memoizedIsInitialized; if (isInitialized != -1) return isInitialized == 1; - + memoizedIsInitialized = 1; return true; } - + public void writeTo( output) throws { getSerializedSize(); @@ -14387,12 +11204,12 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } getUnknownFields().writeTo(output); } - + private int memoizedSerializedSize = -1; public int getSerializedSize() { int size = memoizedSerializedSize; if (size != -1) return size; - + size = 0; if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { size += @@ -14410,83 +11227,94 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { memoizedSerializedSize = size; return size; } - + private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L; @java.lang.Override protected java.lang.Object writeReplace() throws { return super.writeReplace(); } - + public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage parseFrom( data) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(data); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data).buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage parseFrom( data, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry) + .buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage parseFrom(byte[] data) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(data); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data).buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage parseFrom( byte[] data, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry) + .buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage parseFrom( input) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(input); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input).buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry) + .buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage parseDelimitedFrom( input) throws { - return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input); + Builder builder = newBuilder(); + if (builder.mergeDelimitedFrom(input)) { + return builder.buildParsed(); + } else { + return null; + } } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage parseDelimitedFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry); + Builder builder = newBuilder(); + if (builder.mergeDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry)) { + return builder.buildParsed(); + } else { + return null; + } } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage parseFrom( input) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(input); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input).buildParsed(); } public static com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry); + return newBuilder().mergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry) + .buildParsed(); } - + public static Builder newBuilder() { return Builder.create(); } public Builder newBuilderForType() { return newBuilder(); } public static Builder newBuilder(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage prototype) { return newBuilder().mergeFrom(prototype); } public Builder toBuilder() { return newBuilder(this); } - + @java.lang.Override protected Builder newBuilderForType( parent) { Builder builder = new Builder(parent); return builder; } - /** - * Protobuf type {@code openxc.SimpleMessage} - */ public static final class Builder extends implements com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessageOrBuilder { @@ -14494,21 +11322,18 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { getDescriptor() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_SimpleMessage_descriptor; } - + protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_SimpleMessage_fieldAccessorTable - .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage.class, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage.Builder.class); + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_SimpleMessage_fieldAccessorTable; } - + // Construct using com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage.newBuilder() private Builder() { maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } - - private Builder( - parent) { + + private Builder(BuilderParent parent) { super(parent); maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } @@ -14521,7 +11346,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { private static Builder create() { return new Builder(); } - + public Builder clear() { super.clear(); name_ = ""; @@ -14540,20 +11365,20 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000004); return this; } - + public Builder clone() { return create().mergeFrom(buildPartial()); } - + public getDescriptorForType() { - return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.internal_static_openxc_SimpleMessage_descriptor; + return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage.getDescriptor(); } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage getDefaultInstanceForType() { return com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage.getDefaultInstance(); } - + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage build() { com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage result = buildPartial(); if (!result.isInitialized()) { @@ -14561,7 +11386,17 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return result; } - + + private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage buildParsed() + throws { + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage result = buildPartial(); + if (!result.isInitialized()) { + throw newUninitializedMessageException( + result).asInvalidProtocolBufferException(); + } + return result; + } + public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage buildPartial() { com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage result = new com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage(this); int from_bitField0_ = bitField0_; @@ -14590,7 +11425,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { onBuilt(); return result; } - + public Builder mergeFrom( other) { if (other instanceof com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage) { return mergeFrom((com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage)other); @@ -14599,13 +11434,11 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return this; } } - + public Builder mergeFrom(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage other) { if (other == com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage.getDefaultInstance()) return this; if (other.hasName()) { - bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; - name_ = other.name_; - onChanged(); + setName(other.getName()); } if (other.hasValue()) { mergeValue(other.getValue()); @@ -14616,73 +11449,79 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { this.mergeUnknownFields(other.getUnknownFields()); return this; } - + public final boolean isInitialized() { return true; } - + public Builder mergeFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { - com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage parsedMessage = null; - try { - parsedMessage = PARSER.parsePartialFrom(input, extensionRegistry); - } catch ( e) { - parsedMessage = (com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage) e.getUnfinishedMessage(); - throw e; - } finally { - if (parsedMessage != null) { - mergeFrom(parsedMessage); + unknownFields = + + this.getUnknownFields()); + while (true) { + int tag = input.readTag(); + switch (tag) { + case 0: + this.setUnknownFields(; + onChanged(); + return this; + default: { + if (!parseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, + extensionRegistry, tag)) { + this.setUnknownFields(; + onChanged(); + return this; + } + break; + } + case 10: { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; + name_ = input.readBytes(); + break; + } + case 18: { + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.Builder subBuilder = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.newBuilder(); + if (hasValue()) { + subBuilder.mergeFrom(getValue()); + } + input.readMessage(subBuilder, extensionRegistry); + setValue(subBuilder.buildPartial()); + break; + } + case 26: { + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.Builder subBuilder = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.newBuilder(); + if (hasEvent()) { + subBuilder.mergeFrom(getEvent()); + } + input.readMessage(subBuilder, extensionRegistry); + setEvent(subBuilder.buildPartial()); + break; + } } } - return this; } + private int bitField0_; - + // optional string name = 1; private java.lang.Object name_ = ""; - /** - * optional string name = 1; - */ public boolean hasName() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } - /** - * optional string name = 1; - */ - public java.lang.String getName() { + public String getName() { java.lang.Object ref = name_; - if (!(ref instanceof java.lang.String)) { - java.lang.String s = (( ref) - .toStringUtf8(); + if (!(ref instanceof String)) { + String s = (( ref).toStringUtf8(); name_ = s; return s; } else { - return (java.lang.String) ref; - } - } - /** - * optional string name = 1; - */ - public - getNameBytes() { - java.lang.Object ref = name_; - if (ref instanceof String) { - b = - - (java.lang.String) ref); - name_ = b; - return b; - } else { - return ( ref; + return (String) ref; } } - /** - * optional string name = 1; - */ - public Builder setName( - java.lang.String value) { + public Builder setName(String value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } @@ -14691,42 +11530,25 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { onChanged(); return this; } - /** - * optional string name = 1; - */ public Builder clearName() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); name_ = getDefaultInstance().getName(); onChanged(); return this; } - /** - * optional string name = 1; - */ - public Builder setNameBytes( - value) { - if (value == null) { - throw new NullPointerException(); - } - bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; + void setName( value) { + bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; name_ = value; onChanged(); - return this; } - + // optional .openxc.DynamicField value = 2; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField value_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.getDefaultInstance(); private< com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.Builder, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicFieldOrBuilder> valueBuilder_; - /** - * optional .openxc.DynamicField value = 2; - */ public boolean hasValue() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002); } - /** - * optional .openxc.DynamicField value = 2; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField getValue() { if (valueBuilder_ == null) { return value_; @@ -14734,9 +11556,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return valueBuilder_.getMessage(); } } - /** - * optional .openxc.DynamicField value = 2; - */ public Builder setValue(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField value) { if (valueBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { @@ -14750,9 +11569,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.DynamicField value = 2; - */ public Builder setValue( com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.Builder builderForValue) { if (valueBuilder_ == null) { @@ -14764,9 +11580,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.DynamicField value = 2; - */ public Builder mergeValue(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField value) { if (valueBuilder_ == null) { if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002) && @@ -14783,9 +11596,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.DynamicField value = 2; - */ public Builder clearValue() { if (valueBuilder_ == null) { value_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.getDefaultInstance(); @@ -14796,17 +11606,11 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.DynamicField value = 2; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.Builder getValueBuilder() { bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; onChanged(); return getValueFieldBuilder().getBuilder(); } - /** - * optional .openxc.DynamicField value = 2; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicFieldOrBuilder getValueOrBuilder() { if (valueBuilder_ != null) { return valueBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder(); @@ -14814,9 +11618,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return value_; } } - /** - * optional .openxc.DynamicField value = 2; - */ private< com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.Builder, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicFieldOrBuilder> getValueFieldBuilder() { @@ -14830,20 +11631,14 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return valueBuilder_; } - + // optional .openxc.DynamicField event = 3; private com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField event_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.getDefaultInstance(); private< com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.Builder, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicFieldOrBuilder> eventBuilder_; - /** - * optional .openxc.DynamicField event = 3; - */ public boolean hasEvent() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004); } - /** - * optional .openxc.DynamicField event = 3; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField getEvent() { if (eventBuilder_ == null) { return event_; @@ -14851,9 +11646,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return eventBuilder_.getMessage(); } } - /** - * optional .openxc.DynamicField event = 3; - */ public Builder setEvent(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField value) { if (eventBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { @@ -14867,9 +11659,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.DynamicField event = 3; - */ public Builder setEvent( com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.Builder builderForValue) { if (eventBuilder_ == null) { @@ -14881,9 +11670,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.DynamicField event = 3; - */ public Builder mergeEvent(com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField value) { if (eventBuilder_ == null) { if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004) && @@ -14900,9 +11686,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.DynamicField event = 3; - */ public Builder clearEvent() { if (eventBuilder_ == null) { event_ = com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.getDefaultInstance(); @@ -14913,17 +11696,11 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000004); return this; } - /** - * optional .openxc.DynamicField event = 3; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.Builder getEventBuilder() { bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; onChanged(); return getEventFieldBuilder().getBuilder(); } - /** - * optional .openxc.DynamicField event = 3; - */ public com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicFieldOrBuilder getEventOrBuilder() { if (eventBuilder_ != null) { return eventBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder(); @@ -14931,9 +11708,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { return event_; } } - /** - * optional .openxc.DynamicField event = 3; - */ private< com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.Builder, com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicFieldOrBuilder> getEventFieldBuilder() { @@ -14947,18 +11721,18 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { } return eventBuilder_; } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(builder_scope:openxc.SimpleMessage) } - + static { defaultInstance = new SimpleMessage(true); defaultInstance.initFields(); } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:openxc.SimpleMessage) } - + private static internal_static_openxc_VehicleMessage_descriptor; private static @@ -15054,7 +11828,7 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { private static internal_static_openxc_SimpleMessage_fieldAccessorTable; - + public static getDescriptor() { return descriptor; @@ -15161,115 +11935,153 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { internal_static_openxc_VehicleMessage_fieldAccessorTable = new internal_static_openxc_VehicleMessage_descriptor, - new java.lang.String[] { "Type", "CanMessage", "SimpleMessage", "DiagnosticResponse", "ControlCommand", "CommandResponse", "Timestamp", }); + new java.lang.String[] { "Type", "CanMessage", "SimpleMessage", "DiagnosticResponse", "ControlCommand", "CommandResponse", "Timestamp", }, + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage.class, + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.VehicleMessage.Builder.class); internal_static_openxc_CanMessage_descriptor = getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(1); internal_static_openxc_CanMessage_fieldAccessorTable = new internal_static_openxc_CanMessage_descriptor, - new java.lang.String[] { "Bus", "Id", "Data", "FrameFormat", }); + new java.lang.String[] { "Bus", "Id", "Data", "FrameFormat", }, + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage.class, + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CanMessage.Builder.class); internal_static_openxc_ControlCommand_descriptor = getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(2); internal_static_openxc_ControlCommand_fieldAccessorTable = new internal_static_openxc_ControlCommand_descriptor, - new java.lang.String[] { "Type", "DiagnosticRequest", "PassthroughModeRequest", "AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand", "PayloadFormatCommand", "PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand", "ModemConfigurationCommand", "RtcConfigurationCommand", }); + new java.lang.String[] { "Type", "DiagnosticRequest", "PassthroughModeRequest", "AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand", "PayloadFormatCommand", "PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand", "ModemConfigurationCommand", "RtcConfigurationCommand", }, + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.class, + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ControlCommand.Builder.class); internal_static_openxc_DiagnosticControlCommand_descriptor = getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(3); internal_static_openxc_DiagnosticControlCommand_fieldAccessorTable = new internal_static_openxc_DiagnosticControlCommand_descriptor, - new java.lang.String[] { "Request", "Action", }); + new java.lang.String[] { "Request", "Action", }, + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand.class, + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticControlCommand.Builder.class); internal_static_openxc_PassthroughModeControlCommand_descriptor = getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(4); internal_static_openxc_PassthroughModeControlCommand_fieldAccessorTable = new internal_static_openxc_PassthroughModeControlCommand_descriptor, - new java.lang.String[] { "Bus", "Enabled", }); + new java.lang.String[] { "Bus", "Enabled", }, + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand.class, + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PassthroughModeControlCommand.Builder.class); internal_static_openxc_AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand_descriptor = getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(5); internal_static_openxc_AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand_fieldAccessorTable = new internal_static_openxc_AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand_descriptor, - new java.lang.String[] { "Bus", "Bypass", }); + new java.lang.String[] { "Bus", "Bypass", }, + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand.class, + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand.Builder.class); internal_static_openxc_PayloadFormatCommand_descriptor = getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(6); internal_static_openxc_PayloadFormatCommand_fieldAccessorTable = new internal_static_openxc_PayloadFormatCommand_descriptor, - new java.lang.String[] { "Format", }); + new java.lang.String[] { "Format", }, + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand.class, + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PayloadFormatCommand.Builder.class); internal_static_openxc_PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand_descriptor = getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(7); internal_static_openxc_PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand_fieldAccessorTable = new internal_static_openxc_PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand_descriptor, - new java.lang.String[] { "Enabled", }); + new java.lang.String[] { "Enabled", }, + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand.class, + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand.Builder.class); internal_static_openxc_NetworkOperatorSettings_descriptor = getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(8); internal_static_openxc_NetworkOperatorSettings_fieldAccessorTable = new internal_static_openxc_NetworkOperatorSettings_descriptor, - new java.lang.String[] { "AllowDataRoaming", "OperatorSelectMode", "NetworkDescriptor", }); + new java.lang.String[] { "AllowDataRoaming", "OperatorSelectMode", "NetworkDescriptor", }, + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.class, + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.Builder.class); internal_static_openxc_NetworkOperatorSettings_NetworkDescriptor_descriptor = internal_static_openxc_NetworkOperatorSettings_descriptor.getNestedTypes().get(0); internal_static_openxc_NetworkOperatorSettings_NetworkDescriptor_fieldAccessorTable = new internal_static_openxc_NetworkOperatorSettings_NetworkDescriptor_descriptor, - new java.lang.String[] { "PLMN", "NetworkType", }); + new java.lang.String[] { "PLMN", "NetworkType", }, + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.class, + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.Builder.class); internal_static_openxc_NetworkDataSettings_descriptor = getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(9); internal_static_openxc_NetworkDataSettings_fieldAccessorTable = new internal_static_openxc_NetworkDataSettings_descriptor, - new java.lang.String[] { "APN", }); + new java.lang.String[] { "APN", }, + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings.class, + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.NetworkDataSettings.Builder.class); internal_static_openxc_ServerConnectSettings_descriptor = getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(10); internal_static_openxc_ServerConnectSettings_fieldAccessorTable = new internal_static_openxc_ServerConnectSettings_descriptor, - new java.lang.String[] { "Host", "Port", }); + new java.lang.String[] { "Host", "Port", }, + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings.class, + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ServerConnectSettings.Builder.class); internal_static_openxc_ModemConfigurationCommand_descriptor = getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(11); internal_static_openxc_ModemConfigurationCommand_fieldAccessorTable = new internal_static_openxc_ModemConfigurationCommand_descriptor, - new java.lang.String[] { "NetworkOperatorSettings", "NetworkDataSettings", "ServerConnectSettings", }); + new java.lang.String[] { "NetworkOperatorSettings", "NetworkDataSettings", "ServerConnectSettings", }, + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand.class, + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.ModemConfigurationCommand.Builder.class); internal_static_openxc_RTCConfigurationCommand_descriptor = getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(12); internal_static_openxc_RTCConfigurationCommand_fieldAccessorTable = new internal_static_openxc_RTCConfigurationCommand_descriptor, - new java.lang.String[] { "UnixTime", }); + new java.lang.String[] { "UnixTime", }, + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand.class, + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.RTCConfigurationCommand.Builder.class); internal_static_openxc_CommandResponse_descriptor = getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(13); internal_static_openxc_CommandResponse_fieldAccessorTable = new internal_static_openxc_CommandResponse_descriptor, - new java.lang.String[] { "Type", "Message", "Status", }); + new java.lang.String[] { "Type", "Message", "Status", }, + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse.class, + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.CommandResponse.Builder.class); internal_static_openxc_DiagnosticRequest_descriptor = getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(14); internal_static_openxc_DiagnosticRequest_fieldAccessorTable = new internal_static_openxc_DiagnosticRequest_descriptor, - new java.lang.String[] { "Bus", "MessageId", "Mode", "Pid", "Payload", "MultipleResponses", "Frequency", "Name", "DecodedType", }); + new java.lang.String[] { "Bus", "MessageId", "Mode", "Pid", "Payload", "MultipleResponses", "Frequency", "Name", "DecodedType", }, + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest.class, + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticRequest.Builder.class); internal_static_openxc_DiagnosticResponse_descriptor = getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(15); internal_static_openxc_DiagnosticResponse_fieldAccessorTable = new internal_static_openxc_DiagnosticResponse_descriptor, - new java.lang.String[] { "Bus", "MessageId", "Mode", "Pid", "Success", "NegativeResponseCode", "Payload", "Value", }); + new java.lang.String[] { "Bus", "MessageId", "Mode", "Pid", "Success", "NegativeResponseCode", "Payload", "Value", }, + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse.class, + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DiagnosticResponse.Builder.class); internal_static_openxc_DynamicField_descriptor = getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(16); internal_static_openxc_DynamicField_fieldAccessorTable = new internal_static_openxc_DynamicField_descriptor, - new java.lang.String[] { "Type", "StringValue", "NumericValue", "BooleanValue", }); + new java.lang.String[] { "Type", "StringValue", "NumericValue", "BooleanValue", }, + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.class, + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.DynamicField.Builder.class); internal_static_openxc_SimpleMessage_descriptor = getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(17); internal_static_openxc_SimpleMessage_fieldAccessorTable = new internal_static_openxc_SimpleMessage_descriptor, - new java.lang.String[] { "Name", "Value", "Event", }); + new java.lang.String[] { "Name", "Value", "Event", }, + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage.class, + com.openxc.BinaryMessages.SimpleMessage.Builder.class); return null; } }; @@ -15278,6 +12090,6 @@ public final class BinaryMessages { new[] { }, assigner); } - + // @@protoc_insertion_point(outer_class_scope) } diff --git a/gen/python/ b/gen/python/ index 023379d..718231b 100644 --- a/gen/python/ +++ b/gen/python/ @@ -1,45 +1,43 @@ # Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT! -# source: openxc.proto -from google.protobuf import descriptor as _descriptor -from google.protobuf import message as _message -from google.protobuf import reflection as _reflection +from google.protobuf import descriptor +from google.protobuf import message +from google.protobuf import reflection from google.protobuf import descriptor_pb2 # @@protoc_insertion_point(imports) - -DESCRIPTOR = _descriptor.FileDescriptor( +DESCRIPTOR = descriptor.FileDescriptor( name='openxc.proto', package='openxc', serialized_pb='\n\x0copenxc.proto\x12\x06openxc\"\x9b\x03\n\x0eVehicleMessage\x12)\n\x04type\x18\x01 \x01(\x0e\x32\x1b.openxc.VehicleMessage.Type\x12\'\n\x0b\x63\x61n_message\x18\x02 \x01(\x0b\x32\x12.openxc.CanMessage\x12-\n\x0esimple_message\x18\x03 \x01(\x0b\x32\x15.openxc.SimpleMessage\x12\x37\n\x13\x64iagnostic_response\x18\x04 \x01(\x0b\x32\x1a.openxc.DiagnosticResponse\x12/\n\x0f\x63ontrol_command\x18\x05 \x01(\x0b\x32\x16.openxc.ControlCommand\x12\x31\n\x10\x63ommand_response\x18\x06 \x01(\x0b\x32\x17.openxc.CommandResponse\x12\x11\n\ttimestamp\x18\x07 \x01(\x04\"V\n\x04Type\x12\x07\n\x03\x43\x41N\x10\x01\x12\n\n\x06SIMPLE\x10\x02\x12\x0e\n\nDIAGNOSTIC\x10\x03\x12\x13\n\x0f\x43ONTROL_COMMAND\x10\x04\x12\x14\n\x10\x43OMMAND_RESPONSE\x10\x05\"\x94\x01\n\nCanMessage\x12\x0b\n\x03\x62us\x18\x01 \x01(\x05\x12\n\n\x02id\x18\x02 \x01(\r\x12\x0c\n\x04\x64\x61ta\x18\x03 \x01(\x0c\x12\x34\n\x0c\x66rame_format\x18\x04 \x01(\x0e\x32\x1e.openxc.CanMessage.FrameFormat\")\n\x0b\x46rameFormat\x12\x0c\n\x08STANDARD\x10\x01\x12\x0c\n\x08\x45XTENDED\x10\x02\"\x89\x06\n\x0e\x43ontrolCommand\x12)\n\x04type\x18\x01 \x01(\x0e\x32\x1b.openxc.ControlCommand.Type\x12<\n\x12\x64iagnostic_request\x18\x02 \x01(\x0b\x32 .openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand\x12G\n\x18passthrough_mode_request\x18\x03 \x01(\x0b\x32%.openxc.PassthroughModeControlCommand\x12O\n acceptance_filter_bypass_command\x18\x04 \x01(\x0b\x32%.openxc.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand\x12<\n\x16payload_format_command\x18\x05 \x01(\x0b\x32\x1c.openxc.PayloadFormatCommand\x12O\n predefined_obd2_requests_command\x18\x06 \x01(\x0b\x32%.openxc.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand\x12\x46\n\x1bmodem_configuration_command\x18\x07 \x01(\x0b\x32!.openxc.ModemConfigurationCommand\x12\x42\n\x19rtc_configuration_command\x18\x08 \x01(\x0b\x32\x1f.openxc.RTCConfigurationCommand\"\xd8\x01\n\x04Type\x12\x0b\n\x07VERSION\x10\x01\x12\r\n\tDEVICE_ID\x10\x02\x12\x0e\n\nDIAGNOSTIC\x10\x03\x12\x0f\n\x0bPASSTHROUGH\x10\x04\x12\x1c\n\x18\x41\x43\x43\x45PTANCE_FILTER_BYPASS\x10\x05\x12\x12\n\x0ePAYLOAD_FORMAT\x10\x06\x12\x1c\n\x18PREDEFINED_OBD2_REQUESTS\x10\x07\x12\x17\n\x13MODEM_CONFIGURATION\x10\x08\x12\x15\n\x11RTC_CONFIGURATION\x10\t\x12\x13\n\x0fSD_MOUNT_STATUS\x10\n\"\x9e\x01\n\x18\x44iagnosticControlCommand\x12*\n\x07request\x18\x01 \x01(\x0b\x32\x19.openxc.DiagnosticRequest\x12\x37\n\x06\x61\x63tion\x18\x02 \x01(\x0e\x32\'.openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand.Action\"\x1d\n\x06\x41\x63tion\x12\x07\n\x03\x41\x44\x44\x10\x01\x12\n\n\x06\x43\x41NCEL\x10\x02\"=\n\x1dPassthroughModeControlCommand\x12\x0b\n\x03\x62us\x18\x01 \x01(\x05\x12\x0f\n\x07\x65nabled\x18\x02 \x01(\x08\"<\n\x1d\x41\x63\x63\x65ptanceFilterBypassCommand\x12\x0b\n\x03\x62us\x18\x01 \x01(\x05\x12\x0e\n\x06\x62ypass\x18\x02 \x01(\x08\"\x8c\x01\n\x14PayloadFormatCommand\x12:\n\x06\x66ormat\x18\x01 \x01(\x0e\x32*.openxc.PayloadFormatCommand.PayloadFormat\"8\n\rPayloadFormat\x12\x08\n\x04JSON\x10\x01\x12\x0c\n\x08PROTOBUF\x10\x02\x12\x0f\n\x0bMESSAGEPACK\x10\x03\"0\n\x1dPredefinedObd2RequestsCommand\x12\x0f\n\x07\x65nabled\x18\x01 \x01(\x08\"\xd1\x03\n\x17NetworkOperatorSettings\x12\x18\n\x10\x61llowDataRoaming\x18\x01 \x01(\x08\x12N\n\x12operatorSelectMode\x18\x02 \x01(\x0e\x32\x32.openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.OperatorSelectMode\x12L\n\x11networkDescriptor\x18\x03 \x01(\x0b\x32\x31.openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor\x1a\x98\x01\n\x11NetworkDescriptor\x12\x0c\n\x04PLMN\x18\x01 \x01(\r\x12R\n\x0bnetworkType\x18\x02 \x01(\x0e\x32=.openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.NetworkType\"!\n\x0bNetworkType\x12\x07\n\x03GSM\x10\x00\x12\t\n\x05UTRAN\x10\x02\"c\n\x12OperatorSelectMode\x12\r\n\tAUTOMATIC\x10\x00\x12\n\n\x06MANUAL\x10\x01\x12\x0e\n\nDEREGISTER\x10\x02\x12\x0c\n\x08SET_ONLY\x10\x03\x12\x14\n\x10MANUAL_AUTOMATIC\x10\x04\"\"\n\x13NetworkDataSettings\x12\x0b\n\x03\x41PN\x18\x01 \x01(\t\"3\n\x15ServerConnectSettings\x12\x0c\n\x04host\x18\x01 \x01(\t\x12\x0c\n\x04port\x18\x02 \x01(\r\"\xd5\x01\n\x19ModemConfigurationCommand\x12@\n\x17networkOperatorSettings\x18\x01 \x01(\x0b\x32\x1f.openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings\x12\x38\n\x13networkDataSettings\x18\x02 \x01(\x0b\x32\x1b.openxc.NetworkDataSettings\x12<\n\x15serverConnectSettings\x18\x03 \x01(\x0b\x32\x1d.openxc.ServerConnectSettings\",\n\x17RTCConfigurationCommand\x12\x11\n\tunix_time\x18\x01 \x01(\r\"]\n\x0f\x43ommandResponse\x12)\n\x04type\x18\x01 \x01(\x0e\x32\x1b.openxc.ControlCommand.Type\x12\x0f\n\x07message\x18\x02 \x01(\t\x12\x0e\n\x06status\x18\x03 \x01(\x08\"\xfd\x01\n\x11\x44iagnosticRequest\x12\x0b\n\x03\x62us\x18\x01 \x01(\x05\x12\x12\n\nmessage_id\x18\x02 \x01(\r\x12\x0c\n\x04mode\x18\x03 \x01(\r\x12\x0b\n\x03pid\x18\x04 \x01(\r\x12\x0f\n\x07payload\x18\x05 \x01(\x0c\x12\x1a\n\x12multiple_responses\x18\x06 \x01(\x08\x12\x11\n\tfrequency\x18\x07 \x01(\x01\x12\x0c\n\x04name\x18\x08 \x01(\t\x12;\n\x0c\x64\x65\x63oded_type\x18\t \x01(\x0e\x32%.openxc.DiagnosticRequest.DecodedType\"!\n\x0b\x44\x65\x63odedType\x12\x08\n\x04NONE\x10\x01\x12\x08\n\x04OBD2\x10\x02\"\xa1\x01\n\x12\x44iagnosticResponse\x12\x0b\n\x03\x62us\x18\x01 \x01(\x05\x12\x12\n\nmessage_id\x18\x02 \x01(\r\x12\x0c\n\x04mode\x18\x03 \x01(\r\x12\x0b\n\x03pid\x18\x04 \x01(\r\x12\x0f\n\x07success\x18\x05 \x01(\x08\x12\x1e\n\x16negative_response_code\x18\x06 \x01(\r\x12\x0f\n\x07payload\x18\x07 \x01(\x0c\x12\r\n\x05value\x18\x08 \x01(\x01\"\xa2\x01\n\x0c\x44ynamicField\x12\'\n\x04type\x18\x01 \x01(\x0e\x32\x19.openxc.DynamicField.Type\x12\x14\n\x0cstring_value\x18\x02 \x01(\t\x12\x15\n\rnumeric_value\x18\x03 \x01(\x01\x12\x15\n\rboolean_value\x18\x04 \x01(\x08\"%\n\x04Type\x12\n\n\x06STRING\x10\x01\x12\x07\n\x03NUM\x10\x02\x12\x08\n\x04\x42OOL\x10\x03\"g\n\rSimpleMessage\x12\x0c\n\x04name\x18\x01 \x01(\t\x12#\n\x05value\x18\x02 \x01(\x0b\x32\x14.openxc.DynamicField\x12#\n\x05\x65vent\x18\x03 \x01(\x0b\x32\x14.openxc.DynamicFieldB\x1c\n\ncom.openxcB\x0e\x42inaryMessages') -_VEHICLEMESSAGE_TYPE = _descriptor.EnumDescriptor( +_VEHICLEMESSAGE_TYPE = descriptor.EnumDescriptor( name='Type', full_name='openxc.VehicleMessage.Type', filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, values=[ - _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( + descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='CAN', index=0, number=1, options=None, type=None), - _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( + descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='SIMPLE', index=1, number=2, options=None, type=None), - _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( + descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='DIAGNOSTIC', index=2, number=3, options=None, type=None), - _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( + descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='CONTROL_COMMAND', index=3, number=4, options=None, type=None), - _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( + descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='COMMAND_RESPONSE', index=4, number=5, options=None, type=None), @@ -50,17 +48,17 @@ _VEHICLEMESSAGE_TYPE = _descriptor.EnumDescriptor( serialized_end=436, ) -_CANMESSAGE_FRAMEFORMAT = _descriptor.EnumDescriptor( +_CANMESSAGE_FRAMEFORMAT = descriptor.EnumDescriptor( name='FrameFormat', full_name='openxc.CanMessage.FrameFormat', filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, values=[ - _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( + descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='STANDARD', index=0, number=1, options=None, type=None), - _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( + descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='EXTENDED', index=1, number=2, options=None, type=None), @@ -71,49 +69,49 @@ _CANMESSAGE_FRAMEFORMAT = _descriptor.EnumDescriptor( serialized_end=587, ) -_CONTROLCOMMAND_TYPE = _descriptor.EnumDescriptor( +_CONTROLCOMMAND_TYPE = descriptor.EnumDescriptor( name='Type', full_name='openxc.ControlCommand.Type', filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, values=[ - _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( + descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='VERSION', index=0, number=1, options=None, type=None), - _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( + descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='DEVICE_ID', index=1, number=2, options=None, type=None), - _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( + descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='DIAGNOSTIC', index=2, number=3, options=None, type=None), - _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( + descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='PASSTHROUGH', index=3, number=4, options=None, type=None), - _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( + descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='ACCEPTANCE_FILTER_BYPASS', index=4, number=5, options=None, type=None), - _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( + descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='PAYLOAD_FORMAT', index=5, number=6, options=None, type=None), - _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( + descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='PREDEFINED_OBD2_REQUESTS', index=6, number=7, options=None, type=None), - _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( + descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='MODEM_CONFIGURATION', index=7, number=8, options=None, type=None), - _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( + descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='RTC_CONFIGURATION', index=8, number=9, options=None, type=None), - _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( + descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='SD_MOUNT_STATUS', index=9, number=10, options=None, type=None), @@ -124,17 +122,17 @@ _CONTROLCOMMAND_TYPE = _descriptor.EnumDescriptor( serialized_end=1367, ) -_DIAGNOSTICCONTROLCOMMAND_ACTION = _descriptor.EnumDescriptor( +_DIAGNOSTICCONTROLCOMMAND_ACTION = descriptor.EnumDescriptor( name='Action', full_name='openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand.Action', filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, values=[ - _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( + descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='ADD', index=0, number=1, options=None, type=None), - _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( + descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='CANCEL', index=1, number=2, options=None, type=None), @@ -145,21 +143,21 @@ _DIAGNOSTICCONTROLCOMMAND_ACTION = _descriptor.EnumDescriptor( serialized_end=1528, ) -_PAYLOADFORMATCOMMAND_PAYLOADFORMAT = _descriptor.EnumDescriptor( +_PAYLOADFORMATCOMMAND_PAYLOADFORMAT = descriptor.EnumDescriptor( name='PayloadFormat', full_name='openxc.PayloadFormatCommand.PayloadFormat', filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, values=[ - _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( + descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='JSON', index=0, number=1, options=None, type=None), - _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( + descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='PROTOBUF', index=1, number=2, options=None, type=None), - _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( + descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='MESSAGEPACK', index=2, number=3, options=None, type=None), @@ -170,17 +168,17 @@ _PAYLOADFORMATCOMMAND_PAYLOADFORMAT = _descriptor.EnumDescriptor( serialized_end=1796, ) -_NETWORKOPERATORSETTINGS_NETWORKDESCRIPTOR_NETWORKTYPE = _descriptor.EnumDescriptor( +_NETWORKOPERATORSETTINGS_NETWORKDESCRIPTOR_NETWORKTYPE = descriptor.EnumDescriptor( name='NetworkType', full_name='openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.NetworkType', filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, values=[ - _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( + descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='GSM', index=0, number=0, options=None, type=None), - _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( + descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='UTRAN', index=1, number=2, options=None, type=None), @@ -191,29 +189,29 @@ _NETWORKOPERATORSETTINGS_NETWORKDESCRIPTOR_NETWORKTYPE = _descriptor.EnumDescrip serialized_end=2213, ) -_NETWORKOPERATORSETTINGS_OPERATORSELECTMODE = _descriptor.EnumDescriptor( +_NETWORKOPERATORSETTINGS_OPERATORSELECTMODE = descriptor.EnumDescriptor( name='OperatorSelectMode', full_name='openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.OperatorSelectMode', filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, values=[ - _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( + descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='AUTOMATIC', index=0, number=0, options=None, type=None), - _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( + descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='MANUAL', index=1, number=1, options=None, type=None), - _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( + descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='DEREGISTER', index=2, number=2, options=None, type=None), - _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( + descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='SET_ONLY', index=3, number=3, options=None, type=None), - _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( + descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='MANUAL_AUTOMATIC', index=4, number=4, options=None, type=None), @@ -224,17 +222,17 @@ _NETWORKOPERATORSETTINGS_OPERATORSELECTMODE = _descriptor.EnumDescriptor( serialized_end=2314, ) -_DIAGNOSTICREQUEST_DECODEDTYPE = _descriptor.EnumDescriptor( +_DIAGNOSTICREQUEST_DECODEDTYPE = descriptor.EnumDescriptor( name='DecodedType', full_name='openxc.DiagnosticRequest.DecodedType', filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, values=[ - _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( + descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='NONE', index=0, number=1, options=None, type=None), - _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( + descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='OBD2', index=1, number=2, options=None, type=None), @@ -245,21 +243,21 @@ _DIAGNOSTICREQUEST_DECODEDTYPE = _descriptor.EnumDescriptor( serialized_end=3016, ) -_DYNAMICFIELD_TYPE = _descriptor.EnumDescriptor( +_DYNAMICFIELD_TYPE = descriptor.EnumDescriptor( name='Type', full_name='openxc.DynamicField.Type', filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, values=[ - _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( + descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='STRING', index=0, number=1, options=None, type=None), - _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( + descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='NUM', index=1, number=2, options=None, type=None), - _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( + descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='BOOL', index=2, number=3, options=None, type=None), @@ -271,56 +269,56 @@ _DYNAMICFIELD_TYPE = _descriptor.EnumDescriptor( ) -_VEHICLEMESSAGE = _descriptor.Descriptor( +_VEHICLEMESSAGE = descriptor.Descriptor( name='VehicleMessage', full_name='openxc.VehicleMessage', filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, containing_type=None, fields=[ - _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='type', full_name='openxc.VehicleMessage.type', index=0, number=1, type=14, cpp_type=8, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=1, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='can_message', full_name='openxc.VehicleMessage.can_message', index=1, number=2, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=None, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='simple_message', full_name='openxc.VehicleMessage.simple_message', index=2, number=3, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=None, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='diagnostic_response', full_name='openxc.VehicleMessage.diagnostic_response', index=3, number=4, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=None, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='control_command', full_name='openxc.VehicleMessage.control_command', index=4, number=5, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=None, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='command_response', full_name='openxc.VehicleMessage.command_response', index=5, number=6, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=None, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='timestamp', full_name='openxc.VehicleMessage.timestamp', index=6, number=7, type=4, cpp_type=4, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=0, @@ -342,35 +340,35 @@ _VEHICLEMESSAGE = _descriptor.Descriptor( ) -_CANMESSAGE = _descriptor.Descriptor( +_CANMESSAGE = descriptor.Descriptor( name='CanMessage', full_name='openxc.CanMessage', filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, containing_type=None, fields=[ - _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='bus', full_name='openxc.CanMessage.bus', index=0, number=1, type=5, cpp_type=1, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=0, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='id', full_name='', index=1, number=2, type=13, cpp_type=3, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=0, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='data', full_name='', index=2, number=3, type=12, cpp_type=9, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value="", message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='frame_format', full_name='openxc.CanMessage.frame_format', index=3, number=4, type=14, cpp_type=8, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=1, @@ -392,63 +390,63 @@ _CANMESSAGE = _descriptor.Descriptor( ) -_CONTROLCOMMAND = _descriptor.Descriptor( +_CONTROLCOMMAND = descriptor.Descriptor( name='ControlCommand', full_name='openxc.ControlCommand', filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, containing_type=None, fields=[ - _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='type', full_name='openxc.ControlCommand.type', index=0, number=1, type=14, cpp_type=8, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=1, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='diagnostic_request', full_name='openxc.ControlCommand.diagnostic_request', index=1, number=2, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=None, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='passthrough_mode_request', full_name='openxc.ControlCommand.passthrough_mode_request', index=2, number=3, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=None, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='acceptance_filter_bypass_command', full_name='openxc.ControlCommand.acceptance_filter_bypass_command', index=3, number=4, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=None, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='payload_format_command', full_name='openxc.ControlCommand.payload_format_command', index=4, number=5, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=None, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='predefined_obd2_requests_command', full_name='openxc.ControlCommand.predefined_obd2_requests_command', index=5, number=6, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=None, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='modem_configuration_command', full_name='openxc.ControlCommand.modem_configuration_command', index=6, number=7, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=None, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='rtc_configuration_command', full_name='openxc.ControlCommand.rtc_configuration_command', index=7, number=8, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=None, @@ -470,21 +468,21 @@ _CONTROLCOMMAND = _descriptor.Descriptor( ) -_DIAGNOSTICCONTROLCOMMAND = _descriptor.Descriptor( +_DIAGNOSTICCONTROLCOMMAND = descriptor.Descriptor( name='DiagnosticControlCommand', full_name='openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand', filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, containing_type=None, fields=[ - _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='request', full_name='openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand.request', index=0, number=1, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=None, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='action', full_name='openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand.action', index=1, number=2, type=14, cpp_type=8, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=1, @@ -506,21 +504,21 @@ _DIAGNOSTICCONTROLCOMMAND = _descriptor.Descriptor( ) -_PASSTHROUGHMODECONTROLCOMMAND = _descriptor.Descriptor( +_PASSTHROUGHMODECONTROLCOMMAND = descriptor.Descriptor( name='PassthroughModeControlCommand', full_name='openxc.PassthroughModeControlCommand', filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, containing_type=None, fields=[ - _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='bus', full_name='openxc.PassthroughModeControlCommand.bus', index=0, number=1, type=5, cpp_type=1, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=0, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='enabled', full_name='openxc.PassthroughModeControlCommand.enabled', index=1, number=2, type=8, cpp_type=7, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=False, @@ -541,21 +539,21 @@ _PASSTHROUGHMODECONTROLCOMMAND = _descriptor.Descriptor( ) -_ACCEPTANCEFILTERBYPASSCOMMAND = _descriptor.Descriptor( +_ACCEPTANCEFILTERBYPASSCOMMAND = descriptor.Descriptor( name='AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand', full_name='openxc.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand', filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, containing_type=None, fields=[ - _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='bus', full_name='openxc.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand.bus', index=0, number=1, type=5, cpp_type=1, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=0, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='bypass', full_name='openxc.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand.bypass', index=1, number=2, type=8, cpp_type=7, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=False, @@ -576,14 +574,14 @@ _ACCEPTANCEFILTERBYPASSCOMMAND = _descriptor.Descriptor( ) -_PAYLOADFORMATCOMMAND = _descriptor.Descriptor( +_PAYLOADFORMATCOMMAND = descriptor.Descriptor( name='PayloadFormatCommand', full_name='openxc.PayloadFormatCommand', filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, containing_type=None, fields=[ - _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='format', full_name='openxc.PayloadFormatCommand.format', index=0, number=1, type=14, cpp_type=8, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=1, @@ -605,14 +603,14 @@ _PAYLOADFORMATCOMMAND = _descriptor.Descriptor( ) -_PREDEFINEDOBD2REQUESTSCOMMAND = _descriptor.Descriptor( +_PREDEFINEDOBD2REQUESTSCOMMAND = descriptor.Descriptor( name='PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand', full_name='openxc.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand', filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, containing_type=None, fields=[ - _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='enabled', full_name='openxc.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand.enabled', index=0, number=1, type=8, cpp_type=7, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=False, @@ -633,21 +631,21 @@ _PREDEFINEDOBD2REQUESTSCOMMAND = _descriptor.Descriptor( ) -_NETWORKOPERATORSETTINGS_NETWORKDESCRIPTOR = _descriptor.Descriptor( +_NETWORKOPERATORSETTINGS_NETWORKDESCRIPTOR = descriptor.Descriptor( name='NetworkDescriptor', full_name='openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor', filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, containing_type=None, fields=[ - _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='PLMN', full_name='openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.PLMN', index=0, number=1, type=13, cpp_type=3, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=0, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='networkType', full_name='openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor.networkType', index=1, number=2, type=14, cpp_type=8, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=0, @@ -668,28 +666,28 @@ _NETWORKOPERATORSETTINGS_NETWORKDESCRIPTOR = _descriptor.Descriptor( serialized_end=2213, ) -_NETWORKOPERATORSETTINGS = _descriptor.Descriptor( +_NETWORKOPERATORSETTINGS = descriptor.Descriptor( name='NetworkOperatorSettings', full_name='openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings', filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, containing_type=None, fields=[ - _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='allowDataRoaming', full_name='openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.allowDataRoaming', index=0, number=1, type=8, cpp_type=7, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=False, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='operatorSelectMode', full_name='openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.operatorSelectMode', index=1, number=2, type=14, cpp_type=8, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=0, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='networkDescriptor', full_name='openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.networkDescriptor', index=2, number=3, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=None, @@ -711,14 +709,14 @@ _NETWORKOPERATORSETTINGS = _descriptor.Descriptor( ) -_NETWORKDATASETTINGS = _descriptor.Descriptor( +_NETWORKDATASETTINGS = descriptor.Descriptor( name='NetworkDataSettings', full_name='openxc.NetworkDataSettings', filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, containing_type=None, fields=[ - _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='APN', full_name='openxc.NetworkDataSettings.APN', index=0, number=1, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=unicode("", "utf-8"), @@ -739,21 +737,21 @@ _NETWORKDATASETTINGS = _descriptor.Descriptor( ) -_SERVERCONNECTSETTINGS = _descriptor.Descriptor( +_SERVERCONNECTSETTINGS = descriptor.Descriptor( name='ServerConnectSettings', full_name='openxc.ServerConnectSettings', filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, containing_type=None, fields=[ - _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='host', full_name='', index=0, number=1, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=unicode("", "utf-8"), message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='port', full_name='openxc.ServerConnectSettings.port', index=1, number=2, type=13, cpp_type=3, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=0, @@ -774,28 +772,28 @@ _SERVERCONNECTSETTINGS = _descriptor.Descriptor( ) -_MODEMCONFIGURATIONCOMMAND = _descriptor.Descriptor( +_MODEMCONFIGURATIONCOMMAND = descriptor.Descriptor( name='ModemConfigurationCommand', full_name='openxc.ModemConfigurationCommand', filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, containing_type=None, fields=[ - _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='networkOperatorSettings', full_name='openxc.ModemConfigurationCommand.networkOperatorSettings', index=0, number=1, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=None, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='networkDataSettings', full_name='openxc.ModemConfigurationCommand.networkDataSettings', index=1, number=2, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=None, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='serverConnectSettings', full_name='openxc.ModemConfigurationCommand.serverConnectSettings', index=2, number=3, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=None, @@ -816,14 +814,14 @@ _MODEMCONFIGURATIONCOMMAND = _descriptor.Descriptor( ) -_RTCCONFIGURATIONCOMMAND = _descriptor.Descriptor( +_RTCCONFIGURATIONCOMMAND = descriptor.Descriptor( name='RTCConfigurationCommand', full_name='openxc.RTCConfigurationCommand', filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, containing_type=None, fields=[ - _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='unix_time', full_name='openxc.RTCConfigurationCommand.unix_time', index=0, number=1, type=13, cpp_type=3, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=0, @@ -844,28 +842,28 @@ _RTCCONFIGURATIONCOMMAND = _descriptor.Descriptor( ) -_COMMANDRESPONSE = _descriptor.Descriptor( +_COMMANDRESPONSE = descriptor.Descriptor( name='CommandResponse', full_name='openxc.CommandResponse', filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, containing_type=None, fields=[ - _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='type', full_name='openxc.CommandResponse.type', index=0, number=1, type=14, cpp_type=8, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=1, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='message', full_name='openxc.CommandResponse.message', index=1, number=2, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=unicode("", "utf-8"), message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='status', full_name='openxc.CommandResponse.status', index=2, number=3, type=8, cpp_type=7, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=False, @@ -886,70 +884,70 @@ _COMMANDRESPONSE = _descriptor.Descriptor( ) -_DIAGNOSTICREQUEST = _descriptor.Descriptor( +_DIAGNOSTICREQUEST = descriptor.Descriptor( name='DiagnosticRequest', full_name='openxc.DiagnosticRequest', filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, containing_type=None, fields=[ - _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='bus', full_name='openxc.DiagnosticRequest.bus', index=0, number=1, type=5, cpp_type=1, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=0, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='message_id', full_name='openxc.DiagnosticRequest.message_id', index=1, number=2, type=13, cpp_type=3, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=0, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='mode', full_name='openxc.DiagnosticRequest.mode', index=2, number=3, type=13, cpp_type=3, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=0, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='pid', full_name='', index=3, number=4, type=13, cpp_type=3, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=0, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='payload', full_name='openxc.DiagnosticRequest.payload', index=4, number=5, type=12, cpp_type=9, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value="", message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='multiple_responses', full_name='openxc.DiagnosticRequest.multiple_responses', index=5, number=6, type=8, cpp_type=7, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=False, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='frequency', full_name='openxc.DiagnosticRequest.frequency', index=6, number=7, type=1, cpp_type=5, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=0, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='name', full_name='', index=7, number=8, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=unicode("", "utf-8"), message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='decoded_type', full_name='openxc.DiagnosticRequest.decoded_type', index=8, number=9, type=14, cpp_type=8, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=1, @@ -971,63 +969,63 @@ _DIAGNOSTICREQUEST = _descriptor.Descriptor( ) -_DIAGNOSTICRESPONSE = _descriptor.Descriptor( +_DIAGNOSTICRESPONSE = descriptor.Descriptor( name='DiagnosticResponse', full_name='openxc.DiagnosticResponse', filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, containing_type=None, fields=[ - _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='bus', full_name='openxc.DiagnosticResponse.bus', index=0, number=1, type=5, cpp_type=1, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=0, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='message_id', full_name='openxc.DiagnosticResponse.message_id', index=1, number=2, type=13, cpp_type=3, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=0, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='mode', full_name='openxc.DiagnosticResponse.mode', index=2, number=3, type=13, cpp_type=3, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=0, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='pid', full_name='', index=3, number=4, type=13, cpp_type=3, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=0, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='success', full_name='openxc.DiagnosticResponse.success', index=4, number=5, type=8, cpp_type=7, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=False, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='negative_response_code', full_name='openxc.DiagnosticResponse.negative_response_code', index=5, number=6, type=13, cpp_type=3, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=0, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='payload', full_name='openxc.DiagnosticResponse.payload', index=6, number=7, type=12, cpp_type=9, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value="", message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='value', full_name='openxc.DiagnosticResponse.value', index=7, number=8, type=1, cpp_type=5, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=0, @@ -1048,35 +1046,35 @@ _DIAGNOSTICRESPONSE = _descriptor.Descriptor( ) -_DYNAMICFIELD = _descriptor.Descriptor( +_DYNAMICFIELD = descriptor.Descriptor( name='DynamicField', full_name='openxc.DynamicField', filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, containing_type=None, fields=[ - _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='type', full_name='openxc.DynamicField.type', index=0, number=1, type=14, cpp_type=8, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=1, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='string_value', full_name='openxc.DynamicField.string_value', index=1, number=2, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=unicode("", "utf-8"), message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='numeric_value', full_name='openxc.DynamicField.numeric_value', index=2, number=3, type=1, cpp_type=5, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=0, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='boolean_value', full_name='openxc.DynamicField.boolean_value', index=3, number=4, type=8, cpp_type=7, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=False, @@ -1098,28 +1096,28 @@ _DYNAMICFIELD = _descriptor.Descriptor( ) -_SIMPLEMESSAGE = _descriptor.Descriptor( +_SIMPLEMESSAGE = descriptor.Descriptor( name='SimpleMessage', full_name='openxc.SimpleMessage', filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, containing_type=None, fields=[ - _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='name', full_name='', index=0, number=1, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=unicode("", "utf-8"), message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='value', full_name='openxc.SimpleMessage.value', index=1, number=2, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=None, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), - _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( + descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='event', full_name='openxc.SimpleMessage.event', index=2, number=3, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=None, @@ -1197,121 +1195,118 @@ DESCRIPTOR.message_types_by_name['DiagnosticResponse'] = _DIAGNOSTICRESPONSE DESCRIPTOR.message_types_by_name['DynamicField'] = _DYNAMICFIELD DESCRIPTOR.message_types_by_name['SimpleMessage'] = _SIMPLEMESSAGE -class VehicleMessage(_message.Message): - __metaclass__ = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType +class VehicleMessage(message.Message): + __metaclass__ = reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType DESCRIPTOR = _VEHICLEMESSAGE - + # @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:openxc.VehicleMessage) -class CanMessage(_message.Message): - __metaclass__ = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType +class CanMessage(message.Message): + __metaclass__ = reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType DESCRIPTOR = _CANMESSAGE - + # @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:openxc.CanMessage) -class ControlCommand(_message.Message): - __metaclass__ = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType +class ControlCommand(message.Message): + __metaclass__ = reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType DESCRIPTOR = _CONTROLCOMMAND - + # @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:openxc.ControlCommand) -class DiagnosticControlCommand(_message.Message): - __metaclass__ = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType +class DiagnosticControlCommand(message.Message): + __metaclass__ = reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType DESCRIPTOR = _DIAGNOSTICCONTROLCOMMAND - + # @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:openxc.DiagnosticControlCommand) -class PassthroughModeControlCommand(_message.Message): - __metaclass__ = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType +class PassthroughModeControlCommand(message.Message): + __metaclass__ = reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType DESCRIPTOR = _PASSTHROUGHMODECONTROLCOMMAND - + # @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:openxc.PassthroughModeControlCommand) -class AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand(_message.Message): - __metaclass__ = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType +class AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand(message.Message): + __metaclass__ = reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType DESCRIPTOR = _ACCEPTANCEFILTERBYPASSCOMMAND - + # @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:openxc.AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand) -class PayloadFormatCommand(_message.Message): - __metaclass__ = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType +class PayloadFormatCommand(message.Message): + __metaclass__ = reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType DESCRIPTOR = _PAYLOADFORMATCOMMAND - + # @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:openxc.PayloadFormatCommand) -class PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand(_message.Message): - __metaclass__ = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType +class PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand(message.Message): + __metaclass__ = reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType DESCRIPTOR = _PREDEFINEDOBD2REQUESTSCOMMAND - + # @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:openxc.PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand) -class NetworkOperatorSettings(_message.Message): - __metaclass__ = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType - - class NetworkDescriptor(_message.Message): - __metaclass__ = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType +class NetworkOperatorSettings(message.Message): + __metaclass__ = reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType + + class NetworkDescriptor(message.Message): + __metaclass__ = reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType DESCRIPTOR = _NETWORKOPERATORSETTINGS_NETWORKDESCRIPTOR - + # @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings.NetworkDescriptor) DESCRIPTOR = _NETWORKOPERATORSETTINGS - + # @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:openxc.NetworkOperatorSettings) -class NetworkDataSettings(_message.Message): - __metaclass__ = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType +class NetworkDataSettings(message.Message): + __metaclass__ = reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType DESCRIPTOR = _NETWORKDATASETTINGS - + # @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:openxc.NetworkDataSettings) -class ServerConnectSettings(_message.Message): - __metaclass__ = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType +class ServerConnectSettings(message.Message): + __metaclass__ = reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType DESCRIPTOR = _SERVERCONNECTSETTINGS - + # @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:openxc.ServerConnectSettings) -class ModemConfigurationCommand(_message.Message): - __metaclass__ = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType +class ModemConfigurationCommand(message.Message): + __metaclass__ = reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType DESCRIPTOR = _MODEMCONFIGURATIONCOMMAND - + # @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:openxc.ModemConfigurationCommand) -class RTCConfigurationCommand(_message.Message): - __metaclass__ = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType +class RTCConfigurationCommand(message.Message): + __metaclass__ = reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType DESCRIPTOR = _RTCCONFIGURATIONCOMMAND - + # @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:openxc.RTCConfigurationCommand) -class CommandResponse(_message.Message): - __metaclass__ = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType +class CommandResponse(message.Message): + __metaclass__ = reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType DESCRIPTOR = _COMMANDRESPONSE - + # @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:openxc.CommandResponse) -class DiagnosticRequest(_message.Message): - __metaclass__ = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType +class DiagnosticRequest(message.Message): + __metaclass__ = reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType DESCRIPTOR = _DIAGNOSTICREQUEST - + # @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:openxc.DiagnosticRequest) -class DiagnosticResponse(_message.Message): - __metaclass__ = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType +class DiagnosticResponse(message.Message): + __metaclass__ = reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType DESCRIPTOR = _DIAGNOSTICRESPONSE - + # @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:openxc.DiagnosticResponse) -class DynamicField(_message.Message): - __metaclass__ = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType +class DynamicField(message.Message): + __metaclass__ = reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType DESCRIPTOR = _DYNAMICFIELD - + # @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:openxc.DynamicField) -class SimpleMessage(_message.Message): - __metaclass__ = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType +class SimpleMessage(message.Message): + __metaclass__ = reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType DESCRIPTOR = _SIMPLEMESSAGE - + # @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:openxc.SimpleMessage) - -DESCRIPTOR.has_options = True -DESCRIPTOR._options = _descriptor._ParseOptions(descriptor_pb2.FileOptions(), '\n\ncom.openxcB\016BinaryMessages') # @@protoc_insertion_point(module_scope) -- cgit 1.2.3-korg