#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" pushd $DIR/.. # TODO this is kind of a hacky way of determining if root is required - # ideally we wouuld set up a little virtualenv in the dependencies folder SUDO_CMD= if command -v sudo >/dev/null 2>&1; then SUDO_CMD="sudo -E" echo "The bootstrap script needs to install a few packages to your system as an admin, and we will use the 'sudo' command - enter your password to continue" $SUDO_CMD ls > /dev/null fi KERNEL=`uname` if [ ${KERNEL:0:7} == "MINGW32" ]; then OS="windows" elif [ ${KERNEL:0:6} == "CYGWIN" ]; then OS="cygwin" elif [ $KERNEL == "Darwin" ]; then OS="mac" else OS="linux" if ! command -v lsb_release >/dev/null 2>&1; then # Arch Linux if command -v pacman>/dev/null 2>&1; then $SUDO_CMD pacman -S lsb-release fi fi DISTRO=`lsb_release -si` fi die() { echo >&2 "${bldred}$@${txtrst}" exit 1 } _cygwin_error() { echo echo "${bldred}Missing \"$1\"${txtrst} - run the Cygwin installer again and select the base package set:" echo " $CYGWIN_PACKAGES" echo "After installing the packages, re-run this bootstrap script." die } if ! command -v tput >/dev/null 2>&1; then if [ $OS == "cygwin" ]; then echo "OPTIONAL: Install the \"ncurses\" package in Cygwin to get colored shell output" fi else txtrst=$(tput sgr0) # reset bldred=${txtbld}$(tput setaf 1) bldgreen=${txtbld}$(tput setaf 2) fi _pushd() { pushd $1 > /dev/null } _popd() { popd > /dev/null } _wait() { if [ -z $CI ]; then echo "Press Enter when done" read fi } _install() { if [ $OS == "cygwin" ]; then _cygwin_error $1 elif [ $OS == "mac" ]; then # brew exists with 1 if it's already installed set +e brew install $1 set -e else if [ -z $DISTRO ]; then echo echo "Missing $1 - install it using your distro's package manager or build from source" _wait else if [ $DISTRO == "arch" ]; then $SUDO_CMD pacman -S $1 elif [ $DISTRO == "Ubuntu" ]; then $SUDO_CMD apt-get update -qq $SUDO_CMD apt-get install $1 -y else echo echo "Missing $1 - install it using your distro's package manager or build from source" _wait fi fi fi } CYGWIN_PACKAGES="make curl, libsasl2, ca-certificates, ncurses, python-setuptools" download() { url=$1 filename=$2 curl $url -L --O $filename } if [ `id -u` == 0 ]; then die "Error: running as root - don't use 'sudo' with this script" fi if ! command -v curl >/dev/null 2>&1; then if [ $OS == "cygwin" ]; then _cygwin_error "curl" else _install curl fi fi if [ $OS == "windows" ]; then die "Sorry, the bootstrap script for compiling from source doesn't support the Windows console - try Cygwin." fi if [ $OS == "mac" ] && ! command -v brew >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "Installing Homebrew..." ruby -e "$(curl -fsSkL raw.github.com/mxcl/homebrew/go)" fi if ! command -v make >/dev/null 2>&1; then if [ $OS == "cygwin" ]; then _cygwin_error "make" elif [ $OS == "mac" ]; then die "Missing 'make' - install the Xcode CLI tools" else if [ $DISTRO == "arch" ]; then $SUDO_CMD pacman -S base-devel elif [ $DISTRO == "Ubuntu" ]; then $SUDO_CMD apt-get update -qq $SUDO_CMD apt-get install build-essential -y fi fi fi if ! command -v python >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "Installing Python..." _install "python" fi if ! command -v pip >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "Installing Pip..." if ! command -v easy_install >/dev/null 2>&1; then die "easy_install not available, can't install pip" fi $SUDO_CMD easy_install pip fi $SUDO_CMD pip install -U pip $SUDO_CMD pip install --pre -Ur pip-requirements.txt if ! command -v protoc >/dev/null 2>&1; then if [ $OS == "cygwin" ]; then _cygwin_error "protobuf" elif [ $OS == "mac" ] || [ $OS == "linux" ]; then if [ $DISTRO == "Ubuntu" ]; then _install protobuf-compiler else _install protobuf fi fi fi popd echo echo "${bldgreen}All developer dependencies installed, ready to compile.$txtrst"