/* * Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. * Copyright (C) 2017 Konsulko Group * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import QtQuick 2.6 import QtWebSockets 1.0 WebSocket { id: root active: true url: bindingAddress property string statusString: "waiting..." property string apiString: "mediaplayer" property var verbs: [] property string payloadLength: "9999" property string cover_art: "" property string title: "" property string artist: "" property int duration: 0 property int position: 0 property int old_index: -1 property bool loop_state: false property bool running: false readonly property var msgid: { "call": 2, "retok": 3, "reterr": 4, "event": 5 } onTextMessageReceived: { var json = JSON.parse(message) console.debug("Raw response: " + message) var request = json[2].request var response = json[2].response //console.debug("response: " + JSON.stringify(response)) switch (json[0]) { case msgid.call: break case msgid.retok: root.statusString = request.status var verb = verbs.shift() if (verb == "playlist") { console.debug("Media result returned") var media = response.list for (var i = 0; i < media.length; i++) { var item = media[i] playlist.append({ "index": item.index, "artist": item.artist ? item.artist : '', "title": item.title ? item.title : '' }) if (item.selected) { playlistview.currentIndex = i } } } else if (verb == "controls") { if (response) { root.running = response.playing } } else if (verb == "metadata") { root.title = response.title ? response.title : '' root.artist = response.artist ? response.artist : '' root.cover_art = response.image ? response.image : '' } break case msgid.reterr: root.statusString = "Bad return value, binding probably not installed" var verb = verbs.shift() break case msgid.event: var payload = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(json[2])) var event = payload.event if (event == "mediaplayer/playlist") { console.debug("Media playlist is updated") var media = json[2].data.list if (!root.running) { root.clearPlaylist() } playlist.clear() for (var i = 0; i < media.length; i++) { var item = media[i] playlist.append({ "index": item.index, "artist": item.artist ? item.artist : '', "title": item.title ? item.title : '' }) if (item.selected) { playlistview.currentIndex = i } } } else if (event == "mediaplayer/metadata") { var data = json[2].data if (data.status == "stopped") { root.running = false root.clearPlaylist() break } root.running = true root.position = data.position root.duration = data.duration playlistview.currentIndex = data.index if (playlistview.currentIndex != root.old_index) { sendSocketMessage("metadata", 'None') root.old_index = data.index } root.title = data.title ? data.title : '' root.artist = data.artist ? data.artist : '' } break } } onStatusChanged: { switch (status) { case WebSocket.Open: console.debug("onStatusChanged: Open") sendSocketMessage("subscribe", { value: "metadata" }) sendSocketMessage("playlist", 'None') sendSocketMessage("subscribe", { value: "playlist" }) sendSocketMessage("metadata", 'None') break case WebSocket.Error: root.statusString = "WebSocket error: " + root.errorString break } } function sendSocketMessage(verb, parameter) { var requestJson = [ msgid.call, payloadLength, apiString + '/' + verb, parameter ] console.debug("sendSocketMessage: " + JSON.stringify(requestJson)) verbs.push(verb) sendTextMessage(JSON.stringify(requestJson)) } function loop(value) { sendSocketMessage("controls", { "value": "loop", "state": value }) root.loop_state = value } function next() { sendSocketMessage("controls", { "value": "next" }) } function previous() { sendSocketMessage("controls", { "value": "previous" }) } function play() { sendSocketMessage("controls", { "value": "play" }) } function pause() { sendSocketMessage("controls", { "value": "pause" }) } function pick_track(index) { sendSocketMessage("controls", { "value": "pick-track", "index": index }) } function seek(milliseconds) { sendSocketMessage("controls", { "value": "seek", "position": milliseconds }) } function stop() { sendSocketMessage("controls", { "value": "stop" }) } function clearPlaylist() { root.position = '' root.duration = '' root.title = '' root.artist = '' root.cover_art = '' root.old_index = -1 playlistview.currentIndex = -1 } function time2str(value) { return Qt.formatTime(new Date(value), 'mm:ss') } }