import QtLocation 5.9 import QtPositioning 5.0 import QtQuick 2.0 import com.mapbox.cheap_ruler 1.0 Item { id: mapWindow // Km/h property int carSpeed: 180 property bool navigating: false property real rotateAngle: 0 property var startPoint: QtPositioning.coordinate(36.12549, -115.173498) property var endPoint: QtPositioning.coordinate(36.0659063, -115.1800443) states: [ State { name: "" PropertyChanges { target: map; tilt: 0; bearing: 0; zoomLevel: map.zoomLevel } }, State { name: "navigating" PropertyChanges { target: map; tilt: 60; zoomLevel: 20 } } ] transitions: [ Transition { to: "*" RotationAnimation { target: map; property: "bearing"; duration: 100; direction: RotationAnimation.Shortest } NumberAnimation { target: map; property: "zoomLevel"; duration: 100 } NumberAnimation { target: map; property: "tilt"; duration: 100 } } ] state: navigating ? "navigating" : "" Image { id: backgroud anchors.left: parent.left width: parent.width height: 100 source: "qrc:simple-bottom-background-white.png" z: 1 } Image { id: carCurrent anchors.left: parent.left z: 3 visible: !mapWindow.navigating source: "qrc:car-focus.png" MouseArea { id: area anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { mapWindow.navigating = true currentDistanceAnimation.start(); } } scale: area.pressed ? 0.85 : 1.0 Behavior on scale { NumberAnimation {} } } Image { id: turnDirection anchors.left: carCurrent.right anchors.leftMargin: 20 z: 3 } CustomLabel { id: distance anchors.left: carCurrent.right anchors.bottom: backgroud.bottom z: 3 font.pixelSize: 38 } CustomLabel { id: turnInstructions anchors.left: turnDirection.right anchors.leftMargin: 30 anchors.topMargin: (backgroud.height-turnInstructions.height)/2 z: 3 font.pixelSize: 38 } Map { id: map anchors.fill: parent plugin: Plugin { name: "mapboxgl" PluginParameter { name: "mapboxgl.mapping.items.insert_before" value: "road-label-small" } PluginParameter { name: "mapboxgl.mapping.additional_style_urls" value: "mapbox://styles/mapbox/streets-v9" } PluginParameter { name: "mapboxgl.access_token" value: "pk.eyJ1IjoidG1wc2FudG9zIiwiYSI6ImNqMWVzZWthbDAwMGIyd3M3ZDR0aXl3cnkifQ.FNxMeWCZgmujeiHjl44G9Q" } PluginParameter { name: "" value: "/home/0/app-data/navigation/" } } center: mapWindow.navigating ? ruler.currentPosition : startPoint zoomLevel: 5 minimumZoomLevel: 0 maximumZoomLevel: 20 tilt: 0 copyrightsVisible: false MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onWheel: { mapWindow.navigating = false wheel.accepted = false } } gesture.onPanStarted: { mapWindow.navigating = false } gesture.onPinchStarted: { mapWindow.navigating = false } RotationAnimation on bearing { id: bearingAnimation duration: 250 alwaysRunToEnd: false direction: RotationAnimation.Shortest running: mapWindow.navigating } Location { id: previousLocation coordinate: QtPositioning.coordinate(0, 0); } onCenterChanged: { if (previousLocation.coordinate === center || !mapWindow.navigating) return; = previousLocation.coordinate.azimuthTo(center); bearingAnimation.start(); previousLocation.coordinate = center; } function updateRoute() { routeQuery.clearWaypoints(); routeQuery.addWaypoint(startMarker.coordinate); routeQuery.addWaypoint(endMarker.coordinate); } MapQuickItem { id: startMarker sourceItem: Image { id: greenMarker source: "qrc:///marker-green.png" } coordinate : startPoint anchorPoint.x: greenMarker.width / 2 anchorPoint.y: greenMarker.height / 2 MouseArea { parent anchors.fill: parent onReleased: { map.updateRoute(); } } } MapQuickItem { id: endMarker sourceItem: Image { id: redMarker source: "qrc:///marker-end.png" } coordinate : endPoint anchorPoint.x: redMarker.width / 2 anchorPoint.y: redMarker.height / 2 MouseArea { parent anchors.fill: parent onReleased: { map.updateRoute(); } } } MapItemView { model: routeModel delegate: MapRoute { route: routeData line.color: "#6b43a1" line.width: map.zoomLevel - 5 opacity: (index == 0) ? 1.0 : 0.3 onRouteChanged: { ruler.path = routeData.path; ruler.currentDistance = 0; currentDistanceAnimation.stop(); = ruler.distance; } } } MapQuickItem { zoomLevel: map.zoomLevel sourceItem: Image { id: carMarker source: "qrc:///car-marker2.png" transform: Rotation { origin.x: carMarker.width / 2; origin.y: carMarker.height / 2; angle: rotateAngle } } coordinate: ruler.currentPosition anchorPoint.x: carMarker.width / 2 anchorPoint.y: carMarker.height / 2 Location { id: previousCarLocation coordinate: QtPositioning.coordinate(0, 0); } onCoordinateChanged: { if(coordinate === mapWindow.startPoint) return; rotateAngle = previousCarLocation.coordinate.azimuthTo(coordinate); previousCarLocation.coordinate = coordinate; } } CheapRuler { id: ruler PropertyAnimation on currentDistance { id: currentDistanceAnimation duration: ruler.distance / mapWindow.carSpeed * 60 * 60 * 1000 alwaysRunToEnd: false } onCurrentDistanceChanged: { var total = 0; var total2 = 0; var i = 0; var j = 0; var alltime = routeModel.get(0).travelTime; var alldistance = routeModel.get(0).distance; // XXX: Use car speed in meters to pre-warn the turn instruction while (total - mapWindow.carSpeed < ruler.currentDistance * 1000 && i < routeModel.get(0).segments.length) { total += routeModel.get(0).segments[i++].maneuver.distanceToNextInstruction; } while (total2 < ruler.currentDistance * 1000 && j < routeModel.get(0).segments.length) { total2 += routeModel.get(0).segments[j++].maneuver.distanceToNextInstruction; } var dis = (total2 - ruler.currentDistance * 1000).toFixed(1); if(dis > 1000) { distance.text = (dis / 1000).toFixed(1) + " km"; } else { distance.text = dis + " m"; } var travaltimesec=((1 - (ruler.currentDistance * 1000)/alldistance)*alltime).toFixed(0); if((travaltimesec/3600)>=1) { travaltime.text = (travaltimesec/3600).toFixed(0) + "h" + ((travaltimesec%3600)/60).toFixed(0) + "min"; } else { travaltime.text = (travaltimesec/60).toFixed(0) + "min"; } turnInstructions.text = routeModel.get(0).segments[i - 1].maneuver.instructionText; if(routeModel.get(0).segments[i - 1].maneuver.direction === RouteManeuver.DirectionForward) { turnDirection.source = "qrc:arrow-0.png"; } else if(routeModel.get(0).segments[i - 1].maneuver.direction === RouteManeuver.DirectionLightRight) { turnDirection.source = "qrc:arrow-r-30.png"; } else if(routeModel.get(0).segments[i - 1].maneuver.direction === RouteManeuver.DirectionRight) { turnDirection.source = "qrc:arrow-r-45.png"; } else if(routeModel.get(0).segments[i - 1].maneuver.direction === RouteManeuver.DirectionHardRight) { turnDirection.source = "qrc:arrow-r-75.png"; } else if(routeModel.get(0).segments[i - 1].maneuver.direction === RouteManeuver.DirectionUTurnRight) { turnDirection.source = "qrc:arrow-r-180.png"; } else if(routeModel.get(0).segments[i - 1].maneuver.direction === RouteManeuver.DirectionLightLeft) { turnDirection.source = "qrc:arrow-l-30.png"; } else if(routeModel.get(0).segments[i - 1].maneuver.direction === RouteManeuver.DirectionLeft) { turnDirection.source = "qrc:arrow-l-45.png"; } else if(routeModel.get(0).segments[i - 1].maneuver.direction === RouteManeuver.DirectionHardLeft) { turnDirection.source = "qrc:arrow-l-75.png"; } else if(routeModel.get(0).segments[i - 1].maneuver.direction === RouteManeuver.DirectionUTurnLeft) { turnDirection.source = "qrc:arrow-l-180.png"; } else { turnDirection.source = "qrc:arrow-0.png"; } } } } RouteModel { id: routeModel autoUpdate: true query: routeQuery plugin: Plugin { name: "mapbox" // Development access token, do not use in production. PluginParameter { name: "mapbox.access_token" value: "pk.eyJ1IjoicXRzZGsiLCJhIjoiY2l5azV5MHh5MDAwdTMybzBybjUzZnhxYSJ9.9rfbeqPjX2BusLRDXHCOBA" } } Component.onCompleted: { if (map) { map.updateRoute(); } } } RouteQuery { id: routeQuery } Image { id: bottombackgroud anchors.left: parent.left anchors.bottom: parent.bottom width: parent.width height: 100 source: "qrc:simple-bottom-background-white.png" z: 1 } CustomLabel { id: travaltime anchors.left: bottombackgroud.left anchors.verticalCenter: bottombackgroud.verticalCenter visible: mapWindow.navigating z: 3 font.pixelSize: 38 } Row { anchors.horizontalCenter: bottombackgroud.horizontalCenter anchors.verticalCenter: bottombackgroud.verticalCenter width: bottombackgroud.width / 4 spacing: 10 z:3 DateAndTime {} } }