From ee0db5e1d151af9fc4cb84de1d7cd7b87a7d1040 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Matt Ranostay <>
Date: Fri, 12 May 2017 22:19:59 -0700
Subject: qml: bluetooth: remove Windows/DOS end-of-lines

Recent merge of websocket changes introducted MSDOS/Windows
end of lines, this patchset removes them with dos2unix.

Bug-AGL: SPEC-592
Change-Id: Id16cae4e3cab1da8ed789b0924410c0e4ac7937b
Signed-off-by: Matt Ranostay <>
 app/bluetooth/Bluetooth.qml | 1042 +++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 1 file changed, 521 insertions(+), 521 deletions(-)

diff --git a/app/bluetooth/Bluetooth.qml b/app/bluetooth/Bluetooth.qml
index a99d8a0..a1cc5ae 100644
--- a/app/bluetooth/Bluetooth.qml
+++ b/app/bluetooth/Bluetooth.qml
@@ -1,521 +1,521 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-import QtQuick 2.6
-import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1
-import QtQuick.Controls 2.0
-import QtWebSockets 1.0
-import '..'
-SettingPage {
-    id: root
-    icon: '/bluetooth/images/HMI_Settings_BluetoothIcon.svg'
-    title: 'Bluetooth'
-    checkable: true
-    property string btAPIpath: bindingAddress + '/Bluetooth-manager/'
-    property var jsonObjectBT: []
-    property string currentState: 'idle'
-    property string btState: 'off' //add property to indicate the bt status
-    property string initDevice: 'N'
-    property string address_str: bindingAddressWS
-    property string token_str: ""
-    property string api_str: "Bluetooth-Manager"
-    property string verb_str: ""
-    property var parameterJson: 'None'
-    property string payloadLength: "9999"
-    property var msgid_enu: {
-         "call": 2,
-         "retok": 3,
-         "reterr": 4,
-         "event": 5
-    }
-    property string request_str: ""
-    property string status_str: ""
-    WebSocket {
-        id: websocket
-        url: address_str
-        onTextMessageReceived: {
-            var message_json = JSON.parse(message);
-            //console.log("Raw response: " + message)
-            //console.log("JSON response: " + message_json)
-            if (message_json[0] === msgid_enu.reterr) {
-                console.log("Return value is not OK!")
-                return
-            }
-            else if ((message_json[0] === msgid_enu.event)){
-                var eventContent = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(message_json[2]))
-                if (eventContent.event === "Bluetooth-Manager/device_added"){
-                    //jsonObjectBT.add(
-                    //btDeviceList.clear()
-                    console.log("BT list refreshed")
-                    initDevice = 'Y'
-                    btDeviceList.append({
-                                        deviceAddress:,
-                                        deviceName:,
-                              ,
-                                        deviceConnect:,
-                                        connectAVP:,
-                                        connectHFP:,
-                                        textToShow: ""
-                                    })
-                } else if(eventContent.event === "Bluetooth-Manager/device_removed"){
-                  if (findDevice( >= 0){
-                      btDeviceList.remove(findDevice(
-                  }
-                } else if(eventContent.event === "Bluetooth-Manager/device_updated"){
-                  updateDeviceAttribute(
-                } else if(eventContent.event === "Bluetooth-Manager/request_confirmation"){
-                    request(btAPIpath + "send_confirmation?value=yes", function (o) {
-                    console.log(o.responseText)
-                  })
-                }
-            }
-            if ((verb_str == "connect") || (verb_str == "refresh")) {
-                token_str = message_json[3]
-            } else if (verb_str == "logout") {
-                token_str = ""
-       = false
-                console.log("close socket")
-            }
-        }
-        onStatusChanged: {
-            if (websocket.status == WebSocket.Error) {
-                status_str = "Error: " + websocket.errorString
-            } else if (websocket.status == WebSocket.Open) {
-                status_str = "Socket opened; sending message..."
-                if (verb_str == "connect"){
-                    WebSocket.sendTextMessage (request_str)
-                }
-                verb_str = "eventadd"
-                parameterJson = {
-                    tag: 'device_updated',
-                    name: 'device_updated'
-                }
-                sendSocketMesage(verb_str, parameterJson)
-                verb_str = "eventsub"
-                parameterJson = {
-                    tag: 'device_updated'
-                }
-                sendSocketMesage(verb_str, parameterJson)
-                verb_str = "eventadd"
-                parameterJson = {
-                    tag: 'device_added',
-                    name: 'device_added'
-                }
-                sendSocketMesage(verb_str, parameterJson)
-                verb_str = "eventsub"
-                parameterJson = {
-                    tag: 'device_added'
-                }
-                sendSocketMesage(verb_str, parameterJson)
-                verb_str = "eventadd"
-                parameterJson = {
-                    tag: 'device_removed',
-                    name: 'device_removed'
-                }
-                sendSocketMesage(verb_str, parameterJson)
-                verb_str = "eventsub"
-                parameterJson = {
-                    tag: 'device_removed'
-                }
-                sendSocketMesage(verb_str, parameterJson)
-                verb_str = "eventadd"
-                parameterJson = {
-                    tag: 'request_confirmation',
-                    name: 'request_confirmation'
-                }
-                sendSocketMesage(verb_str, parameterJson)
-                verb_str = "eventsub"
-                parameterJson = {
-                    tag: 'request_confirmation'
-                }
-                sendSocketMesage(verb_str, parameterJson)
-            } else if (websocket.status == WebSocket.Closed) {
-                status_str = "Socket closed"
-            }
-        }
-        active: false
-    }
-    Text {
-        id: log
-        anchors.fill: parent
-        anchors.margins: 10
-        horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
-        verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
-    }
-    onCheckedChanged: {
-        console.log("Bluetooth set to", checked)
-        if (checked == true) {
-            initBTlist()
-            request(btAPIpath + 'power?value=1', function (o) {
-                // log the json response
-                console.log(o.responseText)
-       = true
-            })
-            request(btAPIpath + 'set_property?Property=Discoverable\&value=true', function (o) {
-               console.log(o.responseText)
-            })
-            request(btAPIpath + 'set_property?Property=Pairable\&value=true', function (o) {
-               console.log(o.responseText)
-            })
-            request(btAPIpath + 'start_discovery', function (o) {
-               console.log(o.responseText)
-            })
-            buttonScan.text = "STOP"		//when power on and after send the discovery command, button set to STOP
-            currentState = 'discovering'
-            btState = 'on'	//bt is on
-        } else {
-            btDeviceList.clear()
-            request(btAPIpath + 'stop_discovery', function (o) {
-               // log the json response
-               console.log(o.responseText)
-            })
-            request(btAPIpath + 'power?value=0', function (o) {
-                // log the json response
-                console.log(o.responseText)
-            })
-            buttonScan.text = "SEARCH"	//when power off the button should be set to SEARCH
-            currentState = 'idle'
-            btState = 'off'	//bt off
-   = false
-        }
-    }
-    function sendSocketMesage(verb, parameter) {
-        var requestJson = [, payloadLength, api_str + '/'
-                           + verb, parameter]
-        websocket.sendTextMessage(JSON.stringify(requestJson))
-    }
-    ListModel {
-      id: btDeviceList
-    }
-    Rectangle {
-      anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
-      anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
-      anchors.margins: 80
-      width: buttonScan.width + 10
-      height: buttonScan.height + 10
-      color: "#222"
-      border.color: "white"
-                Button {
-                    id: buttonScan
-                    anchors.centerIn: parent
-                    width: 100
-                    text: "SEARCH"	//default value is SEARCH
-                    MouseArea {
-                        //id: mouseArea
-                        anchors.fill: parent
-                        onClicked: {
-                            if (buttonScan.text == "SEARCH"){
-                                if (btState == 'on'){	//only response to the requirement when bt is on
-                                    request(btAPIpath + 'start_discovery', function (o) {
-                                    // log the json response
-                                    console.log(o.responseText)
-                                })
-                                    buttonScan.text = "STOP"
-                                    currentState = 'discovering'
-                                }
-                            }else{
-                                request(btAPIpath + 'stop_discovery', function (o) {
-                                    // log the json response
-                                    console.log(o.responseText)
-                                })
-                                buttonScan.text = "SEARCH"
-                                currentState = 'idle'
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-      }
-      function request(url, callback) {
-            var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest()
-            xhr.onreadystatechange = (function (myxhr) {
-            return function () {
-                     if (xhr.readyState == 4 && xhr.status == 200){
-                         callback(myxhr)
-                     }
-                 }
-             })(xhr)
-   'GET', url, false)
-             xhr.send('')
-       }
-      Component {
-         id:blueToothDevice
-         Rectangle {
-         height: 120
-         width: parent.width
-         color: "transparent"
-             MouseArea {
-               anchors.fill: parent
-                 Column {
-                     anchors.left: parent.left
-                     anchors.leftMargin: 80
-                     Text {
-                        id: btName
-                        text: deviceName
-                        color: '#66FF99'
-                        font.pixelSize: 48
-                     }
-                     Text {
-                        id: btStatus
-                        property string connectionState:""
-                        text: {
-                          if ((devicePairable === "True")
-                                 && (deviceConnect === "False"))
-                                 text = ", paired"
-                          else if ((devicePairable === "True")
-                                   && (deviceConnect === "True")
-                                   && (connectAVP === "True")
-                                   && (connectHFP === "False"))
-                                   text = " AV Connection, "
-                          else if ((devicePairable === "True")
-                                    && (deviceConnect === "True")
-                                    && (connectHFP === "True")
-                                    && (connectAVP === "False"))
-                                    text = " Handsfree Connection, "
-                          else if ((devicePairable === "True")
-                                   && (deviceConnect === "True")
-                                   && (connectHFP === "True")
-                                   && (connectAVP === "True"))
-                                   text = " Handsfree & AV Connection, "
-                          else
-                             text = connectionState
-                          if (initDevice === "Y")
-                          {
-                             textToShow = text
-                             text = deviceAddress + text
-                             initDevice = 'N'
-                          }
-                          else
-                          {
-                             text = deviceAddress + textToShow
-                          }
-                        }
-                        font.pixelSize: 18
-                        color: "#ffffff"
-                        font.italic: true
-                     }
-                     Text {
-                       id: btPairable
-                       text: devicePairable
-                       visible: false
-                     }
-                     Text {
-                       id: btConnectstatus
-                       text: deviceConnect
-                       visible: false
-                     }
-                 }
-                 Button {
-                     id: removeButton
-                     anchors.topMargin: 15
-                     //anchors.horizontalCenter: btName.horizontalCenter
-                     anchors.right: parent.right
-                     anchors.rightMargin: 100
-                     text: "Unpair"
-                     MouseArea {
-                         anchors.fill: parent
-                         onClicked: {
-                             request(btAPIpath + 'remove_device?value=' + deviceAddress, function (o) {
-                                 console.log(o.responseText)
-                             })
-                             if (findDevice(deviceAddress) >= 0){
-                                btDeviceList.remove(findDevice(deviceAddress))
-                             }
-                         }
-                     }
-                 }
-                 Button {
-                  id: connectButton
-                  anchors.topMargin: 15
-                  anchors.right: removeButton.left
-                  anchors.rightMargin: 10
-                  text:(deviceConnect == "True")? "Disconnect":((btPairable.text == "True")? "Connect":"Pair")
-                  // only when HFP or AVP is connected, button will be shown as Disconnect
-		  MouseArea {
-                     anchors.fill: parent
-                     onClicked: {
-                        if (currentState == 'discovering'){
-                             request(btAPIpath + 'stop_discovery', function (o) {
-                               currentState = "idle"
-                               console.log(o.responseText)
-                             })
-                           }
-                        if (connectButton.text == "Pair"){
-                             connectButton.text = "Connect"
-                             request(btAPIpath + 'pair?value=' + deviceAddress, function (o) {
-                             btPairable.text = "True"
-                                console.log(o.responseText)
-                             })
-                             request(btAPIpath + 'set_device_property?Address=' + deviceAddress + '\&Property=Trusted\&value=true', function (o) {
-                                console.log(o.responseText)
-                             })
-                         }
-                         else if (connectButton.text == "Connect"){
-                                  connectButton.text = "Disconnect"
-                                  request(btAPIpath + 'connect?value=' + deviceAddress, function (o) {
-                                    console.log(o.responseText)
-                                  })
-                         }
-                         else if (connectButton.text == "Disconnect"){
-                                  request(btAPIpath + 'disconnect?value=' + deviceAddress, function (o) {
-                                    console.log(o.responseText)
-                                  })
-                                  connectButton.text = "Connect"
-                          }
-                      }
-                    }
-                }
-             }
-             Image {
-                 source: '../images/HMI_Settings_DividingLine.svg'
-                 anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
-                 anchors.topMargin: -15
-                 visible: model.index > 0
-             }
-          }
-      }
-      ListView {
-          width: parent.width
-          anchors.topMargin: 70
-          anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
-          anchors.bottomMargin: 150
-          model: btDeviceList
-          delegate: blueToothDevice
-          clip: true
-      }
-      function findDevice(address){
-          for (var i = 0; i < btDeviceList.count; i++) {
-              if (address === btDeviceList.get(i).deviceAddress){
-                  return i
-                  }
-              }
-          return -1
-      }
-      function updateDeviceAttribute(data){
-            var text = ""
-            for (var i = 0; i < btDeviceList.count; i++) {
-                if (data.Address === btDeviceList.get(i).deviceAddress){
-                    btDeviceList.get(i).devicePairable = data.Paired
-                    if (data.Paired == "True")
-                    {
-                        console.log("connectButton  " + btDeviceList.get(i).btStatus)
-                        //ALCZbtDeviceList.get(i).connectButton.text = "Connect"
-                    }
-                    if ((data.Paired === "True")
-                               && (data.Connected === "False"))
-                        text = ", paired"
-                    else if ((data.Paired === "True")
-                               && (data.Connected === "True")
-                               && (data.AVPConnected === "True")
-                               && (data.HFPConnected === "False"))
-                        text = "AV Connection, "
-                    else if ((data.Paired === "True")
-                                && (data.Connected === "True")
-                                && (data.HFPConnected === "True")
-                                && (data.AVPConnected === "False"))
-                        text = "Handsfree Connection, "
-                    else if ((data.Paired === "True")
-                                && (data.Connected === "True")
-                                && (data.HFPConnected === "True")
-                                && (data.AVPConnected === "True")) {
-                        console.log("all connected!!")
-                        text = ", Handsfree & AV Connection"}
-                    else
-                        text = ""
-                    btDeviceList.set(i, {
-                                            textToShow: " " + text
-                                        })
-                    console.log("iamhere" + btDeviceList.get(i).deviceAddress + data.Paired)
-                    //btDeviceList.get(i).btStatus = text + btDeviceList.get(i).deviceAddress //btDeviceList.get(i).textToShow
-                    btDeviceList.layoutChanged()
-                    btDeviceList.get(i).deviceConnect = data.Connected
-                    console.log(data.Connected)
-              }
-          }
-        }
-      function initBTlist(){
-          request(btAPIpath + 'discovery_result', function (o) {
-              // log the json response
-              console.log(o.responseText)
-              // translate response into object
-              var jsonObject = eval('(' + o.responseText + ')')
-              jsonObjectBT = eval('(' + JSON.stringify(
-                                                jsonObject.response) + ')')
-              console.log("BT list refreshed")
-              //console.log(jsonObject.response)
-              for (var i = 0; i < jsonObjectBT.length; i++) {
-              initDevice = 'Y'
-              console.log(jsonObjectBT[i].Paired)
-              btDeviceList.append({
-                                      deviceAddress: jsonObjectBT[i].Address,
-                                      deviceName: jsonObjectBT[i].Name,
-                                      devicePairable:jsonObjectBT[i].Paired,
-                                      deviceConnect: jsonObjectBT[i].Connected,
-                                      connectAVP: jsonObjectBT[i].AVPConnected,
-                                      connectHFP: jsonObjectBT[i].HFPConnected,
-                                      textToShow: ""
-                                  })
-             }
-          })
-      }
- }
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+import QtQuick 2.6
+import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1
+import QtQuick.Controls 2.0
+import QtWebSockets 1.0
+import '..'
+SettingPage {
+    id: root
+    icon: '/bluetooth/images/HMI_Settings_BluetoothIcon.svg'
+    title: 'Bluetooth'
+    checkable: true
+    property string btAPIpath: bindingAddress + '/Bluetooth-manager/'
+    property var jsonObjectBT: []
+    property string currentState: 'idle'
+    property string btState: 'off' //add property to indicate the bt status
+    property string initDevice: 'N'
+    property string address_str: bindingAddressWS
+    property string token_str: ""
+    property string api_str: "Bluetooth-Manager"
+    property string verb_str: ""
+    property var parameterJson: 'None'
+    property string payloadLength: "9999"
+    property var msgid_enu: {
+         "call": 2,
+         "retok": 3,
+         "reterr": 4,
+         "event": 5
+    }
+    property string request_str: ""
+    property string status_str: ""
+    WebSocket {
+        id: websocket
+        url: address_str
+        onTextMessageReceived: {
+            var message_json = JSON.parse(message);
+            //console.log("Raw response: " + message)
+            //console.log("JSON response: " + message_json)
+            if (message_json[0] === msgid_enu.reterr) {
+                console.log("Return value is not OK!")
+                return
+            }
+            else if ((message_json[0] === msgid_enu.event)){
+                var eventContent = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(message_json[2]))
+                if (eventContent.event === "Bluetooth-Manager/device_added"){
+                    //jsonObjectBT.add(
+                    //btDeviceList.clear()
+                    console.log("BT list refreshed")
+                    initDevice = 'Y'
+                    btDeviceList.append({
+                                        deviceAddress:,
+                                        deviceName:,
+                              ,
+                                        deviceConnect:,
+                                        connectAVP:,
+                                        connectHFP:,
+                                        textToShow: ""
+                                    })
+                } else if(eventContent.event === "Bluetooth-Manager/device_removed"){
+                  if (findDevice( >= 0){
+                      btDeviceList.remove(findDevice(
+                  }
+                } else if(eventContent.event === "Bluetooth-Manager/device_updated"){
+                  updateDeviceAttribute(
+                } else if(eventContent.event === "Bluetooth-Manager/request_confirmation"){
+                    request(btAPIpath + "send_confirmation?value=yes", function (o) {
+                    console.log(o.responseText)
+                  })
+                }
+            }
+            if ((verb_str == "connect") || (verb_str == "refresh")) {
+                token_str = message_json[3]
+            } else if (verb_str == "logout") {
+                token_str = ""
+       = false
+                console.log("close socket")
+            }
+        }
+        onStatusChanged: {
+            if (websocket.status == WebSocket.Error) {
+                status_str = "Error: " + websocket.errorString
+            } else if (websocket.status == WebSocket.Open) {
+                status_str = "Socket opened; sending message..."
+                if (verb_str == "connect"){
+                    WebSocket.sendTextMessage (request_str)
+                }
+                verb_str = "eventadd"
+                parameterJson = {
+                    tag: 'device_updated',
+                    name: 'device_updated'
+                }
+                sendSocketMesage(verb_str, parameterJson)
+                verb_str = "eventsub"
+                parameterJson = {
+                    tag: 'device_updated'
+                }
+                sendSocketMesage(verb_str, parameterJson)
+                verb_str = "eventadd"
+                parameterJson = {
+                    tag: 'device_added',
+                    name: 'device_added'
+                }
+                sendSocketMesage(verb_str, parameterJson)
+                verb_str = "eventsub"
+                parameterJson = {
+                    tag: 'device_added'
+                }
+                sendSocketMesage(verb_str, parameterJson)
+                verb_str = "eventadd"
+                parameterJson = {
+                    tag: 'device_removed',
+                    name: 'device_removed'
+                }
+                sendSocketMesage(verb_str, parameterJson)
+                verb_str = "eventsub"
+                parameterJson = {
+                    tag: 'device_removed'
+                }
+                sendSocketMesage(verb_str, parameterJson)
+                verb_str = "eventadd"
+                parameterJson = {
+                    tag: 'request_confirmation',
+                    name: 'request_confirmation'
+                }
+                sendSocketMesage(verb_str, parameterJson)
+                verb_str = "eventsub"
+                parameterJson = {
+                    tag: 'request_confirmation'
+                }
+                sendSocketMesage(verb_str, parameterJson)
+            } else if (websocket.status == WebSocket.Closed) {
+                status_str = "Socket closed"
+            }
+        }
+        active: false
+    }
+    Text {
+        id: log
+        anchors.fill: parent
+        anchors.margins: 10
+        horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
+        verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
+    }
+    onCheckedChanged: {
+        console.log("Bluetooth set to", checked)
+        if (checked == true) {
+            initBTlist()
+            request(btAPIpath + 'power?value=1', function (o) {
+                // log the json response
+                console.log(o.responseText)
+       = true
+            })
+            request(btAPIpath + 'set_property?Property=Discoverable\&value=true', function (o) {
+               console.log(o.responseText)
+            })
+            request(btAPIpath + 'set_property?Property=Pairable\&value=true', function (o) {
+               console.log(o.responseText)
+            })
+            request(btAPIpath + 'start_discovery', function (o) {
+               console.log(o.responseText)
+            })
+            buttonScan.text = "STOP"		//when power on and after send the discovery command, button set to STOP
+            currentState = 'discovering'
+            btState = 'on'	//bt is on
+        } else {
+            btDeviceList.clear()
+            request(btAPIpath + 'stop_discovery', function (o) {
+               // log the json response
+               console.log(o.responseText)
+            })
+            request(btAPIpath + 'power?value=0', function (o) {
+                // log the json response
+                console.log(o.responseText)
+            })
+            buttonScan.text = "SEARCH"	//when power off the button should be set to SEARCH
+            currentState = 'idle'
+            btState = 'off'	//bt off
+   = false
+        }
+    }
+    function sendSocketMesage(verb, parameter) {
+        var requestJson = [, payloadLength, api_str + '/'
+                           + verb, parameter]
+        websocket.sendTextMessage(JSON.stringify(requestJson))
+    }
+    ListModel {
+      id: btDeviceList
+    }
+    Rectangle {
+      anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
+      anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
+      anchors.margins: 80
+      width: buttonScan.width + 10
+      height: buttonScan.height + 10
+      color: "#222"
+      border.color: "white"
+                Button {
+                    id: buttonScan
+                    anchors.centerIn: parent
+                    width: 100
+                    text: "SEARCH"	//default value is SEARCH
+                    MouseArea {
+                        //id: mouseArea
+                        anchors.fill: parent
+                        onClicked: {
+                            if (buttonScan.text == "SEARCH"){
+                                if (btState == 'on'){	//only response to the requirement when bt is on
+                                    request(btAPIpath + 'start_discovery', function (o) {
+                                    // log the json response
+                                    console.log(o.responseText)
+                                })
+                                    buttonScan.text = "STOP"
+                                    currentState = 'discovering'
+                                }
+                            }else{
+                                request(btAPIpath + 'stop_discovery', function (o) {
+                                    // log the json response
+                                    console.log(o.responseText)
+                                })
+                                buttonScan.text = "SEARCH"
+                                currentState = 'idle'
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+      }
+      function request(url, callback) {
+            var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest()
+            xhr.onreadystatechange = (function (myxhr) {
+            return function () {
+                     if (xhr.readyState == 4 && xhr.status == 200){
+                         callback(myxhr)
+                     }
+                 }
+             })(xhr)
+   'GET', url, false)
+             xhr.send('')
+       }
+      Component {
+         id:blueToothDevice
+         Rectangle {
+         height: 120
+         width: parent.width
+         color: "transparent"
+             MouseArea {
+               anchors.fill: parent
+                 Column {
+                     anchors.left: parent.left
+                     anchors.leftMargin: 80
+                     Text {
+                        id: btName
+                        text: deviceName
+                        color: '#66FF99'
+                        font.pixelSize: 48
+                     }
+                     Text {
+                        id: btStatus
+                        property string connectionState:""
+                        text: {
+                          if ((devicePairable === "True")
+                                 && (deviceConnect === "False"))
+                                 text = ", paired"
+                          else if ((devicePairable === "True")
+                                   && (deviceConnect === "True")
+                                   && (connectAVP === "True")
+                                   && (connectHFP === "False"))
+                                   text = " AV Connection, "
+                          else if ((devicePairable === "True")
+                                    && (deviceConnect === "True")
+                                    && (connectHFP === "True")
+                                    && (connectAVP === "False"))
+                                    text = " Handsfree Connection, "
+                          else if ((devicePairable === "True")
+                                   && (deviceConnect === "True")
+                                   && (connectHFP === "True")
+                                   && (connectAVP === "True"))
+                                   text = " Handsfree & AV Connection, "
+                          else
+                             text = connectionState
+                          if (initDevice === "Y")
+                          {
+                             textToShow = text
+                             text = deviceAddress + text
+                             initDevice = 'N'
+                          }
+                          else
+                          {
+                             text = deviceAddress + textToShow
+                          }
+                        }
+                        font.pixelSize: 18
+                        color: "#ffffff"
+                        font.italic: true
+                     }
+                     Text {
+                       id: btPairable
+                       text: devicePairable
+                       visible: false
+                     }
+                     Text {
+                       id: btConnectstatus
+                       text: deviceConnect
+                       visible: false
+                     }
+                 }
+                 Button {
+                     id: removeButton
+                     anchors.topMargin: 15
+                     //anchors.horizontalCenter: btName.horizontalCenter
+                     anchors.right: parent.right
+                     anchors.rightMargin: 100
+                     text: "Unpair"
+                     MouseArea {
+                         anchors.fill: parent
+                         onClicked: {
+                             request(btAPIpath + 'remove_device?value=' + deviceAddress, function (o) {
+                                 console.log(o.responseText)
+                             })
+                             if (findDevice(deviceAddress) >= 0){
+                                btDeviceList.remove(findDevice(deviceAddress))
+                             }
+                         }
+                     }
+                 }
+                 Button {
+                  id: connectButton
+                  anchors.topMargin: 15
+                  anchors.right: removeButton.left
+                  anchors.rightMargin: 10
+                  text:(deviceConnect == "True")? "Disconnect":((btPairable.text == "True")? "Connect":"Pair")
+                  // only when HFP or AVP is connected, button will be shown as Disconnect
+		  MouseArea {
+                     anchors.fill: parent
+                     onClicked: {
+                        if (currentState == 'discovering'){
+                             request(btAPIpath + 'stop_discovery', function (o) {
+                               currentState = "idle"
+                               console.log(o.responseText)
+                             })
+                           }
+                        if (connectButton.text == "Pair"){
+                             connectButton.text = "Connect"
+                             request(btAPIpath + 'pair?value=' + deviceAddress, function (o) {
+                             btPairable.text = "True"
+                                console.log(o.responseText)
+                             })
+                             request(btAPIpath + 'set_device_property?Address=' + deviceAddress + '\&Property=Trusted\&value=true', function (o) {
+                                console.log(o.responseText)
+                             })
+                         }
+                         else if (connectButton.text == "Connect"){
+                                  connectButton.text = "Disconnect"
+                                  request(btAPIpath + 'connect?value=' + deviceAddress, function (o) {
+                                    console.log(o.responseText)
+                                  })
+                         }
+                         else if (connectButton.text == "Disconnect"){
+                                  request(btAPIpath + 'disconnect?value=' + deviceAddress, function (o) {
+                                    console.log(o.responseText)
+                                  })
+                                  connectButton.text = "Connect"
+                          }
+                      }
+                    }
+                }
+             }
+             Image {
+                 source: '../images/HMI_Settings_DividingLine.svg'
+                 anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
+                 anchors.topMargin: -15
+                 visible: model.index > 0
+             }
+          }
+      }
+      ListView {
+          width: parent.width
+          anchors.topMargin: 70
+          anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
+          anchors.bottomMargin: 150
+          model: btDeviceList
+          delegate: blueToothDevice
+          clip: true
+      }
+      function findDevice(address){
+          for (var i = 0; i < btDeviceList.count; i++) {
+              if (address === btDeviceList.get(i).deviceAddress){
+                  return i
+                  }
+              }
+          return -1
+      }
+      function updateDeviceAttribute(data){
+            var text = ""
+            for (var i = 0; i < btDeviceList.count; i++) {
+                if (data.Address === btDeviceList.get(i).deviceAddress){
+                    btDeviceList.get(i).devicePairable = data.Paired
+                    if (data.Paired == "True")
+                    {
+                        console.log("connectButton  " + btDeviceList.get(i).btStatus)
+                        //ALCZbtDeviceList.get(i).connectButton.text = "Connect"
+                    }
+                    if ((data.Paired === "True")
+                               && (data.Connected === "False"))
+                        text = ", paired"
+                    else if ((data.Paired === "True")
+                               && (data.Connected === "True")
+                               && (data.AVPConnected === "True")
+                               && (data.HFPConnected === "False"))
+                        text = "AV Connection, "
+                    else if ((data.Paired === "True")
+                                && (data.Connected === "True")
+                                && (data.HFPConnected === "True")
+                                && (data.AVPConnected === "False"))
+                        text = "Handsfree Connection, "
+                    else if ((data.Paired === "True")
+                                && (data.Connected === "True")
+                                && (data.HFPConnected === "True")
+                                && (data.AVPConnected === "True")) {
+                        console.log("all connected!!")
+                        text = ", Handsfree & AV Connection"}
+                    else
+                        text = ""
+                    btDeviceList.set(i, {
+                                            textToShow: " " + text
+                                        })
+                    console.log("iamhere" + btDeviceList.get(i).deviceAddress + data.Paired)
+                    //btDeviceList.get(i).btStatus = text + btDeviceList.get(i).deviceAddress //btDeviceList.get(i).textToShow
+                    btDeviceList.layoutChanged()
+                    btDeviceList.get(i).deviceConnect = data.Connected
+                    console.log(data.Connected)
+              }
+          }
+        }
+      function initBTlist(){
+          request(btAPIpath + 'discovery_result', function (o) {
+              // log the json response
+              console.log(o.responseText)
+              // translate response into object
+              var jsonObject = eval('(' + o.responseText + ')')
+              jsonObjectBT = eval('(' + JSON.stringify(
+                                                jsonObject.response) + ')')
+              console.log("BT list refreshed")
+              //console.log(jsonObject.response)
+              for (var i = 0; i < jsonObjectBT.length; i++) {
+              initDevice = 'Y'
+              console.log(jsonObjectBT[i].Paired)
+              btDeviceList.append({
+                                      deviceAddress: jsonObjectBT[i].Address,
+                                      deviceName: jsonObjectBT[i].Name,
+                                      devicePairable:jsonObjectBT[i].Paired,
+                                      deviceConnect: jsonObjectBT[i].Connected,
+                                      connectAVP: jsonObjectBT[i].AVPConnected,
+                                      connectHFP: jsonObjectBT[i].HFPConnected,
+                                      textToShow: ""
+                                  })
+             }
+          })
+      }
+ }