/* Copyright 2016 ALPS ELECTRIC CO., LTD. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ //#include <dlog.h> #include <glib.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <gio/gio.h> #include <glib-object.h> #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /** Maximum Profile Count */ #define CONNMAN_MAX_BUFLEN 512 #define CONNMAN_STATE_STRLEN 16 #define CONNMAN_SERVICE "net.connman" #define CONNMAN_MANAGER_INTERFACE CONNMAN_SERVICE ".Manager" #define CONNMAN_TECHNOLOGY_INTERFACE CONNMAN_SERVICE ".Technology" #define CONNMAN_SERVICE_INTERFACE CONNMAN_SERVICE ".Service" #define CONNMAN_PROFILE_INTERFACE CONNMAN_SERVICE ".Profile" #define CONNMAN_COUNTER_INTERFACE CONNMAN_SERVICE ".Counter" #define CONNMAN_ERROR_INTERFACE CONNMAN_SERVICE ".Error" #define CONNMAN_AGENT_INTERFACE CONNMAN_SERVICE ".Agent" #define CONNMAN_MANAGER_PATH "/" #define CONNMAN_PATH "/net/connman" #define CONNMAN_TECHNOLOGY_PATH "/net/connman/technology/wifi" /** ConnMan technology and profile prefixes for ConnMan 0.78 */ #define CONNMAN_WIFI_TECHNOLOGY_PREFIX CONNMAN_PATH "/technology/wifi" #define CONNMAN_WIFI_SERVICE_PROFILE_PREFIX CONNMAN_PATH "/service/wifi_" #define WIFI_ESSID_LEN 128 #define WIFI_MAX_WPSPIN_LEN 8 #define WIFI_BSSID_LEN 17 #define WIFI_MAX_PSK_PASSPHRASE_LEN 65 #define WIFI_MAX_WEP_KEY_LEN 26 #define HOMESCREEN_SERVICE "org.agl.homescreen" #define HOMESCREEN_ICON_INTERFACE "org.agl.statusbar" #define HOMESCREEN_ICON_PATH "/StatusBar" #define HOMESCREEN_WIFI_ICON_POSITION 0 #define AGENT_PATH "/net/connman/Agent" #define AGENT_SERVICE "org.agent" #define DBUS_REPLY_TIMEOUT (120 * 1000) #define DBUS_REPLY_TIMEOUT_SHORT (10 * 1000) struct gdbus_connection_data_s{ GDBusConnection *connection; int conn_ref_count; GCancellable *cancellable; void *handle_libnetwork; }; struct wifiStatus { unsigned int state; unsigned int connected; }; struct security_profile{ char *sec_type; char *enc_type; char *wepKey; char *pskKey; unsigned int PassphraseRequired; unsigned int wps_support; }; struct wifi_net{ char *method; char *IPaddress; char *netmask; }; struct wifi_profile_info{ char *ESSID; char *NetworkPath; char *state; unsigned int Strength; struct security_profile Security; struct wifi_net wifiNetwork; }; enum wifiStates {BAR_NO, BAR_1, BAR_2, BAR_3, BAR_FULL}; //typedef void(*callback)(void); typedef void(*callback)(int password_rejected_flag); void register_callback(callback ptr); int extract_values(GVariantIter *content, struct wifi_profile_info* wifiProfile); int wifi_state(struct wifiStatus *status); GError* do_wifiActivate(); GError* do_wifiDeactivate(); GError* do_wifiScan(); GError* do_displayScan(GSList **wifi_list); GError* do_connectNetwork(gchar *object); GError* do_disconnectNetwork(gchar *object); GError* create_agent(GDBusConnection *connection); GError* stop_agent(GDBusConnection *connection); GError* setHMIStatus(enum wifiStates); void registerPasskey(gchar *object); GError* sendPasskey(gchar *object); GError* do_initialize(); GError* do_initialize();