# tbtnavi Navigation application with turn by turn (TBT) navigation support for cluster demo remote display. ## Reference The application is based on the QtLocation widget, documentation is available at: https://doc-snapshots.qt.io/qt5-5.9/qtlocation-index.html and example code used as a starting point at: https://doc-snapshots.qt.io/qt5-5.9/qtlocation-mapviewer-example.html ## Build ``` source ${SDK_PATH}/environment-setup-aarch64-agl-linux mkdir build cd build qmake ../ make ``` ## Configuration This is the same as the configuration file for the ondemandnavi navigation application. The same file will be used by both applications if present. Please set mapAccessToken, mapStyleUrl, speed, interval, latitude and longitude in JSON format in `/etc/naviconfig.ini`. - mapAccessToken sets Access token provided by Mapbox. - speed sets vehicle speed in km/h. - interval sets the screen update interval in milliseconds. - latitude, longitute sets the current position at application start. - mapStyleUrls sets Mapbox style URLs. ### Example /etc/naviconfig.ini ``` example { "mapAccessToken":"pk.***********", "speed":60, "interval":100, "latitude":36.1363, "longitute":-115.151, "mapStyleUrls":"mapbox://styles/mapbox/dark-v9" } ``` ## Licensing All files are Apache 2.0 licensed, except for those under include/mapbox. ### From https://github.com/mapbox/cheap-ruler-cpp - include/mapbox/cheap_ruler.hpp ISC license (see LICENSE.mapbox-cheap-ruler-cpp) ### From https://github.com/mapbox/geometry.hpp - feature.hpp - geometry.hpp - geometry_io.hpp - geometry/box.hpp - geometry/empty.hpp - geometry/envelope.hpp - geometry/for_each_point.hpp - geometry/geometry.hpp - geometry/line_string.hpp - geometry/multi_line_string.hpp - geometry/multi_point.hpp - geometry/multi_polygon.hpp - geometry/point_arithmetic.hpp - geometry/point.hpp - geometry/polygon.hpp ISC license (see LICENSE.mapbox-geometry.hpp) ### From https://github.com/mapbox/variant - optional.hpp - variant_cast.hpp - variant.hpp - variant_io.hpp - variant_visitor.hpp BSD 3 Clause license (see LICENSE.mapbox-variant) - recursive_wrapper.hpp Boost 1.0 license per header comment (see LICENSE_1.0.txt)