import QtQuick 2.0 //turn by turn board view Rectangle { id: tbt_board color: "#111111" // turn direction arrow board image Image { id: turnDirectionBoard visible: true width: sourceSize.width*1.5 height: sourceSize.height*1.5 anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter // anchors.verticalCenterOffset: 10 anchors.horizontalCenterOffset: 50 // z: 3 } // the cases of direction arrow board states: [ State { name: "0" // NoDirection PropertyChanges { target: turnDirectionBoard; source: "" } }, State { name: "1" // DirectionForward PropertyChanges { target: turnDirectionBoard; source: "qrc:tbt_B_centor.png" } }, State { name: "2" // DirectionBearRight PropertyChanges { target: turnDirectionBoard; source: "" } }, State { name: "3" // DirectionLightRight PropertyChanges { target: turnDirectionBoard; source: "qrc:tbt_B_R45.png" } }, State { name: "4" // DirectionRight PropertyChanges { target: turnDirectionBoard; source: "qrc:tbt_B_R90.png" } }, State { name: "5" // DirectionHardRight PropertyChanges { target: turnDirectionBoard; source: "qrc:tbt_B_R-45.png" } }, State { name: "6" // DirectionUTurnRight //TODO modify qtlocation U-Turn best.For test, change app source. PropertyChanges { target: turnDirectionBoard; source: "qrc:tbt_B_L-90.png" } }, State { name: "7" // DirectionUTurnLeft //TODO modify qtlocation U-Turn best.For test, change app source. PropertyChanges { target: turnDirectionBoard; source: "qrc:tbt_B_R-90.png" } }, State { name: "8" // DirectionHardLeft PropertyChanges { target: turnDirectionBoard; source: "qrc:tbt_B_L-45.png" } }, State { name: "9" // DirectionLeft PropertyChanges { target: turnDirectionBoard; source: "qrc:tbt_B_L90.png" } }, State { name: "10" // DirectionLightLeft PropertyChanges { target: turnDirectionBoard; source: "qrc:tbt_B_L45.png" } }, State { name: "11" // DirectionBearLeft PropertyChanges { target: turnDirectionBoard; source: "" } }, State { name: "12" //arrive the destination PropertyChanges { target: turnDirectionBoard; source: "qrc:tbt_dest.png" } }, State { name: "13" //park PropertyChanges { target: turnDirectionBoard; source: "qrc:tbt_park.png" } }, State { name: "invisible" PropertyChanges { target: turnDirectionBoard; source: "" } } ] }