#pragma once #include <QGeoCoordinate> #include <QJSValue> #include <QObject> #include <QtCore> #include <mapbox/cheap_ruler.hpp> /* BSD3 LICENSE */ namespace cr = mapbox::cheap_ruler; class QCheapRuler : public QObject{ Q_OBJECT //registy the read write¬ify function for qml //the distance from start point to end point(read only) Q_PROPERTY(double distance READ distance) //the distance from start point to current postion along the route(read notify) Q_PROPERTY(double currentDistance READ currentDistance NOTIFY currentDistanceChanged) //the coordinate info of current postion(read) Q_PROPERTY(QGeoCoordinate currentPosition READ currentPosition NOTIFY currentPositionChanged) //the route path info postion(read write¬ify) Q_PROPERTY(QJSValue path READ path WRITE setPath NOTIFY pathChanged) public: QCheapRuler(); ~QCheapRuler(); //read write¬ify function for qml double distance() const; double currentDistance() const; QGeoCoordinate currentPosition() const; QJSValue path() const; void setPath(const QJSValue &value); //functions that can called by qml(Q_INVOKABLE) Q_INVOKABLE void initRouteInfo(); Q_INVOKABLE void setCurrentPosition(double, double); Q_INVOKABLE void setCurrentDistance(double); signals: //notify signals to qml //notify signal when the distance from start point to current postion changed void currentDistanceChanged(); //notify signal when currentPosition changed void currentPositionChanged(); //notify signal when the distance from start point to current postion changed void pathChanged(); private: cr::CheapRuler ruler() const; double m_distance = 0.; double m_currentDistance = 0.; QGeoCoordinate m_currentPosition; cr::line_string m_path; };