# (c) 2017 Kevin Hilman # License GPLv2 # # Setup LAVA API authentication tokens for various LAVA labs # # Uses user/token pairs from Jenkins secrets # declare -A labs labs=( [agl]="https://porter.automotivelinux.org/;$LAB_AGL_USER;$LAB_AGL_TOKEN" [baylibre]="http://lava.baylibre.com:10080/;$LAB_BAYLIBRE_USER;$LAB_BAYLIBRE_TOKEN" [baylibre_seattle]="http://lava.ished.com/;$LAB_BAYLIBRE_SEATTLE_USER;$LAB_BAYLIBRE_SEATTLE_TOKEN" ) # # Ensure python_keyring is set to plaintext. Required for # non-interactive use # echo "default keyring config" mkdir -p ~/.local/share/python_keyring/ cat < ~/.local/share/python_keyring/keyringrc.cfg [backend] default-keyring=keyring.backends.file.PlaintextKeyring EOF for lab in "${!labs[@]}"; do val=${labs[$lab]} OFS=${IFS} IFS=';' arr=(${labs[$lab]}) IFS=${OFS} url=${arr[0]} user=${arr[1]} token=${arr[2]} token_file=$HOME/.local/lab-$lab-token if [ -z ${user} ]; then echo "WARNING: Lab ${lab}: missing user. Ignoring." continue fi if [ -z ${token} ]; then echo "WARNING: Lab ${lab}: missing token. Ignoring." continue fi # LAVA URL with username full_url=${url/:\/\//:\/\/${user}\@} echo "LAVA auth-add for lab: $lab, URL: $full_url" # LAVA auth using token echo ${token} > $token_file lava-tool auth-add --token $token_file $full_url if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo "ERROR: Lab ${lab}: lava-tool auth-add failed." fi rm -f $token_file done