#!/bin/bash # (c) 2017 Jan-Simon Moeller dl9pf(at)gmx.de # License GPLv2 # # debugging purposes set -e set -x SDKHOSTDIR="~/agl-sdk" ################################################################################ ## apps-fetch-install-sdk.sh ################################################################################ # should probably switch to release ... or multiple (release/snapshot) fwiw if test x"" = x"$AGLBRANCH"; then echo "AGLBRANCH not set, quitting" ; exit 1 ; fi # default to release SDKBASEURL="http://download.automotivelinux.org/AGL/release/${AGLBRANCH}/latest/${TARGETSDKMACHINE}/deploy/sdk/" # but master uses snapshot if test x"master" = x"$AGLBRANCH" ; then SDKBASEURL="http://download.automotivelinux.org/AGL/snapshots/master/latest/${TARGETSDKMACHINE}/deploy/sdk/" fi # special case for dab if test x"dab" = x"$AGLBRANCH" ; then if test x"dragonboard-410c" = x"$TARGETSDKMACHINE"; then echo "Skipping dragonboard-410c/aarch64 .... " exit 0 fi SDKBASEURL="http://download.automotivelinux.org/AGL/release/dab/latest/${TARGETSDKMACHINE}/deploy/sdk/" fi export TARGETSDKNAME=$(curl -s "$SDKBASEURL" | grep -e "crosssdk.*\.sh<" | sed -e "s#.*<a href=\"##g" -e "s#\">poky-agl.*##g") if test x"" = x"${TARGETSDKNAME}" ; then echo "Could not retrieve TARGETSDKNAME from download.automotivelinux.org" echo "Abort gracefully." exit 0 #exit 1 fi if test ! -f ${TARGETSDKNAME} ; then echo "Downloading $TARGETSDKNAME for $MACHINE" wget -nd -c "${SDKBASEURL}/${TARGETSDKNAME}" fi chmod a+x ${TARGETSDKNAME} if test x"" = x"$(eval ls ${SDKHOSTDIR}/environment-setup* | grep "agl-" | grep ${TARGETSDKARCH} 2>/dev/null)" ; then bash ${TARGETSDKNAME} -d ${SDKHOSTDIR}/ -y fi # find out the env setup script export TARGETSDKENVSCRIPT="$(eval ls ${SDKHOSTDIR}/environment-setup* | grep "agl-" | grep ${TARGETSDKARCH} 2>/dev/null)" if test ! -f ${TARGETSDKENVSCRIPT} ; then echo "Script not there after extracting sdk ?!" echo "Abort." exit 1 fi echo "About to source ${TARGETSDKENVSCRIPT}" source "${TARGETSDKENVSCRIPT}"