- project: name: test-lava jobs: - test-lava - job-template: name: 'test-lava' project-type: matrix concurrent: false node: master parameters: - string: name: GERRIT_PROJECT default: AGL/AGL-repo description: "Project to build" - string: name: GERRIT_BRANCH default: master description: "branch to build" - string: name: GERRIT_REFSPEC default: refs/heads/master description: "refspec to build" axes: - axis: type: user-defined name: MACHINE values: - raspberrypi3 - axis: type: slave name: label values: - agl-test-slave build-discarder: days-to-keep: 30 num-to-keep: 40 artifact-days-to-keep: -1 artifact-num-to-keep: 5 # triggers: # - gerrit-trigger-patch-submitted-silent: # name: 'AGL/AGL-repo' # branch: 'refs/tags/chinook/**' wrappers: - agl-infra-wrappers: build-timeout: '{build-timeout}' - credentials-binding: - username-password-separated: credential-id: agl_main_lava_instance username: AGLLAVAUSER password: AGLLAVATOKEN builders: - shell: !include-raw-escape: - ../common/include-agl-run-test-snapshot.sh