# How to add markdown files to AGL documentation This documentation helps you to add new markdown files to AGL documentation. They are two steps to add new markdown files to AGL documentation: - Add a book yaml file to the repository where the markdown files are. - Add an entry into the section yaml file that point to your book file. The section yaml file is in docs-webtemplate repository (git@github.com:automotive-grade-linux/docs-webtemplate.git) named ```section_.yml```. --- **Note**: To generate a local documentation please refer to the README of the docs-webtemplate (https://github.com/automotive-grade-linux/docs-webtemplate) and use the script ```setupdocs.sh```. --- ## Add a book yaml file into repository The book file is needed to describe your documentation. There are several types of book: - book - api ### Book Type The book type describes documentation chapters. Below the generic way to include a book file: ```yaml type: books books: - id: order: x #optional: between 0 in 100 default is 50, it allows to define order in final #documentation, more the order number is low more the documentation is first title: title of your chapter #default title title_: title in description: description of your book keywords: some keywords author: author of the documentation version: version of the documentation chapters: - name: Name of your subchapter name_: Name of your subchapter in url: "%lang%/softlink/to/your/mardown.md" #%lang% will be replaced by the #available languages, #default language can be in the root directory - name: Name of your subchapter name_: Name of your subchapter in url: "%lang%/softlink/to/your/mardown.md" - name: Name of your subchapter name_: Name of your subchapter in - name: Name of your subsubchapter name_: Name of your subsubchapter in url: "%lang%/softlink/to/your/mardown.md" - name: Name of your subsubchapter name_: Name of your subsubchapter in children: - ... - ... - ... - id: ... ``` Here a simple yaml file, you can start from : ```bash wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/automotive-grade-linux/docs-sources/master/docs/handle-docs/simple-book.yml ``` ### Api Type In progress ## Add an entry in section file There are 4 sections in docs: getting_started, architecture_guides, developer_guides, apis_services. They are located in content/docs in docs-webtemplate repository. In addition, each directory contains several section yaml file, one a version. For master version, it is ```section_master.yml```. Below the structure of section yaml file. ```yaml url_fetch : DEFAULT_URL_FETCH #this the default url_fetch that can be overload further, there already are some default variables defined in docs-webtemplate/docs-tools git_commit : DEFAULT_VERSION #this is the default git_commit that can be overload further, there already are some default variables defined in docs-webtemplate/docs-tools name: Name of the section template: generated_index.html books: - id: url_fetch: #optional, overload the default one git_commit: #optional, overload the default one path: "softpath/from/root/repository/to/the/book/yaml/file" books: #optional: subbooks, will be a child of the above book - id: url_fetch: #optional, overload the default one git_commit: #optional, overload the default one path: "softpath/from/root/repository/to/the/book/yaml/file" - ... - id: ... ```