path: root/site/static/js/lib/flowchart-latest.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'site/static/js/lib/flowchart-latest.js')
1 files changed, 990 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/site/static/js/lib/flowchart-latest.js b/site/static/js/lib/flowchart-latest.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca620cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/site/static/js/lib/flowchart-latest.js
@@ -0,0 +1,990 @@
+// flowchart.js, v1.6.3
+// Copyright (c)yyyy Adriano Raiano (adrai).
+// Distributed under MIT license
+// http://adrai.github.io/flowchart.js
+!function(root, factory) {
+ if ("object" == typeof exports && "object" == typeof module) module.exports = factory(require("Raphael")); else if ("function" == typeof define && define.amd) define([ "Raphael" ], factory); else {
+ var a = factory("object" == typeof exports ? require("Raphael") : root.Raphael);
+ for (var i in a) ("object" == typeof exports ? exports : root)[i] = a[i];
+ }
+}(this, function(__WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE_15__) {
+ /******/
+ return function(modules) {
+ /******/
+ /******/
+ // The require function
+ /******/
+ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) {
+ /******/
+ /******/
+ // Check if module is in cache
+ /******/
+ if (installedModules[moduleId]) /******/
+ return installedModules[moduleId].exports;
+ /******/
+ /******/
+ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache)
+ /******/
+ var module = installedModules[moduleId] = {
+ /******/
+ exports: {},
+ /******/
+ id: moduleId,
+ /******/
+ loaded: !1
+ };
+ /******/
+ /******/
+ // Return the exports of the module
+ /******/
+ /******/
+ /******/
+ // Execute the module function
+ /******/
+ /******/
+ /******/
+ // Flag the module as loaded
+ /******/
+ return modules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__),
+ module.loaded = !0, module.exports;
+ }
+ // webpackBootstrap
+ /******/
+ // The module cache
+ /******/
+ var installedModules = {};
+ /******/
+ /******/
+ // Load entry module and return exports
+ /******/
+ /******/
+ /******/
+ /******/
+ // expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__)
+ /******/
+ /******/
+ /******/
+ // expose the module cache
+ /******/
+ /******/
+ /******/
+ // __webpack_public_path__
+ /******/
+ return __webpack_require__.m = modules, __webpack_require__.c = installedModules,
+ __webpack_require__.p = "", __webpack_require__(0);
+ }([ /* 0 */
+ /*!******************!*\
+ !*** ./index.js ***!
+ \******************/
+ /***/
+ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
+ __webpack_require__(/*! ./src/flowchart.shim */ 8);
+ var parse = __webpack_require__(/*! ./src/flowchart.parse */ 4);
+ __webpack_require__(/*! ./src/jquery-plugin */ 14);
+ var FlowChart = {
+ parse: parse
+ };
+ "undefined" != typeof window && (window.flowchart = FlowChart), module.exports = FlowChart;
+ }, /* 1 */
+ /*!**********************************!*\
+ !*** ./src/flowchart.helpers.js ***!
+ \**********************************/
+ /***/
+ function(module, exports) {
+ function _defaults(options, defaultOptions) {
+ if (!options || "function" == typeof options) return defaultOptions;
+ var merged = {};
+ for (var attrname in defaultOptions) merged[attrname] = defaultOptions[attrname];
+ for (attrname in options) options[attrname] && ("object" == typeof merged[attrname] ? merged[attrname] = _defaults(merged[attrname], options[attrname]) : merged[attrname] = options[attrname]);
+ return merged;
+ }
+ function _inherits(ctor, superCtor) {
+ if ("function" == typeof Object.create) // implementation from standard node.js 'util' module
+ ctor.super_ = superCtor, ctor.prototype = Object.create(superCtor.prototype, {
+ constructor: {
+ value: ctor,
+ enumerable: !1,
+ writable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ }
+ }); else {
+ // old school shim for old browsers
+ ctor.super_ = superCtor;
+ var TempCtor = function() {};
+ TempCtor.prototype = superCtor.prototype, ctor.prototype = new TempCtor(), ctor.prototype.constructor = ctor;
+ }
+ }
+ // move dependent functions to a container so that
+ // they can be overriden easier in no jquery environment (node.js)
+ module.exports = {
+ defaults: _defaults,
+ inherits: _inherits
+ };
+ }, /* 2 */
+ /*!*********************************!*\
+ !*** ./src/flowchart.symbol.js ***!
+ \*********************************/
+ /***/
+ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
+ function Symbol(chart, options, symbol) {
+ this.chart = chart, this.group = this.chart.paper.set(), this.symbol = symbol, this.connectedTo = [],
+ this.symbolType = options.symbolType, this.flowstate = options.flowstate || "future",
+ this.next_direction = options.next && options.direction_next ? options.direction_next : void 0,
+ this.text = this.chart.paper.text(0, 0, options.text), //Raphael does not support the svg group tag so setting the text node id to the symbol node id plus t
+ options.key && (this.text.node.id = options.key + "t"), this.text.node.setAttribute("class", this.getAttr("class") + "t"),
+ this.text.attr({
+ "text-anchor": "start",
+ x: this.getAttr("text-margin"),
+ fill: this.getAttr("font-color"),
+ "font-size": this.getAttr("font-size")
+ });
+ var font = this.getAttr("font"), fontF = this.getAttr("font-family"), fontW = this.getAttr("font-weight");
+ font && this.text.attr({
+ font: font
+ }), fontF && this.text.attr({
+ "font-family": fontF
+ }), fontW && this.text.attr({
+ "font-weight": fontW
+ }), options.link && this.text.attr("href", options.link), options.target && this.text.attr("target", options.target);
+ var maxWidth = this.getAttr("maxWidth");
+ if (maxWidth) {
+ for (var words = options.text.split(" "), tempText = "", i = 0, ii = words.length; ii > i; i++) {
+ var word = words[i];
+ this.text.attr("text", tempText + " " + word), tempText += this.text.getBBox().width > maxWidth ? "\n" + word : " " + word;
+ }
+ this.text.attr("text", tempText.substring(1));
+ }
+ if (this.group.push(this.text), symbol) {
+ var tmpMargin = this.getAttr("text-margin");
+ symbol.attr({
+ fill: this.getAttr("fill"),
+ stroke: this.getAttr("element-color"),
+ "stroke-width": this.getAttr("line-width"),
+ width: this.text.getBBox().width + 2 * tmpMargin,
+ height: this.text.getBBox().height + 2 * tmpMargin
+ }), symbol.node.setAttribute("class", this.getAttr("class")), options.link && symbol.attr("href", options.link),
+ options.target && symbol.attr("target", options.target), options.key && (symbol.node.id = options.key),
+ this.group.push(symbol), symbol.insertBefore(this.text), this.text.attr({
+ y: symbol.getBBox().height / 2
+ }), this.initialize();
+ }
+ }
+ var drawAPI = __webpack_require__(/*! ./flowchart.functions */ 3), drawLine = drawAPI.drawLine, checkLineIntersection = drawAPI.checkLineIntersection;
+ /* Gets the attribute based on Flowstate, Symbol-Name and default, first found wins */
+ Symbol.prototype.getAttr = function(attName) {
+ if (this.chart) {
+ var opt1, opt3 = this.chart.options ? this.chart.options[attName] : void 0, opt2 = this.chart.options.symbols ? this.chart.options.symbols[this.symbolType][attName] : void 0;
+ return this.chart.options.flowstate && this.chart.options.flowstate[this.flowstate] && (opt1 = this.chart.options.flowstate[this.flowstate][attName]),
+ opt1 || opt2 || opt3;
+ }
+ }, Symbol.prototype.initialize = function() {
+ this.group.transform("t" + this.getAttr("line-width") + "," + this.getAttr("line-width")),
+ this.width = this.group.getBBox().width, this.height = this.group.getBBox().height;
+ }, Symbol.prototype.getCenter = function() {
+ return {
+ x: this.getX() + this.width / 2,
+ y: this.getY() + this.height / 2
+ };
+ }, Symbol.prototype.getX = function() {
+ return this.group.getBBox().x;
+ }, Symbol.prototype.getY = function() {
+ return this.group.getBBox().y;
+ }, Symbol.prototype.shiftX = function(x) {
+ this.group.transform("t" + (this.getX() + x) + "," + this.getY());
+ }, Symbol.prototype.setX = function(x) {
+ this.group.transform("t" + x + "," + this.getY());
+ }, Symbol.prototype.shiftY = function(y) {
+ this.group.transform("t" + this.getX() + "," + (this.getY() + y));
+ }, Symbol.prototype.setY = function(y) {
+ this.group.transform("t" + this.getX() + "," + y);
+ }, Symbol.prototype.getTop = function() {
+ var y = this.getY(), x = this.getX() + this.width / 2;
+ return {
+ x: x,
+ y: y
+ };
+ }, Symbol.prototype.getBottom = function() {
+ var y = this.getY() + this.height, x = this.getX() + this.width / 2;
+ return {
+ x: x,
+ y: y
+ };
+ }, Symbol.prototype.getLeft = function() {
+ var y = this.getY() + this.group.getBBox().height / 2, x = this.getX();
+ return {
+ x: x,
+ y: y
+ };
+ }, Symbol.prototype.getRight = function() {
+ var y = this.getY() + this.group.getBBox().height / 2, x = this.getX() + this.group.getBBox().width;
+ return {
+ x: x,
+ y: y
+ };
+ }, Symbol.prototype.render = function() {
+ if (this.next) {
+ var lineLength = this.getAttr("line-length");
+ if ("right" === this.next_direction) {
+ var rightPoint = this.getRight();
+ if (!this.next.isPositioned) {
+ this.next.setY(rightPoint.y - this.next.height / 2), this.next.shiftX(this.group.getBBox().x + this.width + lineLength);
+ var self = this;
+ !function shift() {
+ for (var symb, hasSymbolUnder = !1, i = 0, len = self.chart.symbols.length; len > i; i++) {
+ symb = self.chart.symbols[i];
+ var diff = Math.abs(symb.getCenter().x - self.next.getCenter().x);
+ if (symb.getCenter().y > self.next.getCenter().y && diff <= self.next.width / 2) {
+ hasSymbolUnder = !0;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ hasSymbolUnder && (self.next.setX(symb.getX() + symb.width + lineLength), shift());
+ }(), this.next.isPositioned = !0, this.next.render();
+ }
+ } else {
+ var bottomPoint = this.getBottom();
+ this.next.isPositioned || (this.next.shiftY(this.getY() + this.height + lineLength),
+ this.next.setX(bottomPoint.x - this.next.width / 2), this.next.isPositioned = !0,
+ this.next.render());
+ }
+ }
+ }, Symbol.prototype.renderLines = function() {
+ this.next && (this.next_direction ? this.drawLineTo(this.next, "", this.next_direction) : this.drawLineTo(this.next));
+ }, Symbol.prototype.drawLineTo = function(symbol, text, origin) {
+ this.connectedTo.indexOf(symbol) < 0 && this.connectedTo.push(symbol);
+ var line, x = this.getCenter().x, y = this.getCenter().y, right = this.getRight(), bottom = this.getBottom(), left = this.getLeft(), symbolX = symbol.getCenter().x, symbolY = symbol.getCenter().y, symbolTop = symbol.getTop(), symbolRight = symbol.getRight(), symbolLeft = symbol.getLeft(), isOnSameColumn = x === symbolX, isOnSameLine = y === symbolY, isUnder = symbolY > y, isUpper = y > symbolY || this === symbol, isLeft = x > symbolX, isRight = symbolX > x, maxX = 0, lineLength = this.getAttr("line-length"), lineWith = this.getAttr("line-width");
+ if (origin && "bottom" !== origin || !isOnSameColumn || !isUnder) if (origin && "right" !== origin || !isOnSameLine || !isRight) if (origin && "left" !== origin || !isOnSameLine || !isLeft) if (origin && "right" !== origin || !isOnSameColumn || !isUpper) if (origin && "right" !== origin || !isOnSameColumn || !isUnder) if (origin && "bottom" !== origin || !isLeft) if (origin && "bottom" !== origin || !isRight) if (origin && "right" === origin && isLeft) line = drawLine(this.chart, right, [ {
+ x: right.x + lineLength / 2,
+ y: right.y
+ }, {
+ x: right.x + lineLength / 2,
+ y: symbolTop.y - lineLength / 2
+ }, {
+ x: symbolTop.x,
+ y: symbolTop.y - lineLength / 2
+ }, {
+ x: symbolTop.x,
+ y: symbolTop.y
+ } ], text), this.rightStart = !0, symbol.topEnd = !0, maxX = right.x + lineLength / 2; else if (origin && "right" === origin && isRight) line = drawLine(this.chart, right, [ {
+ x: symbolTop.x,
+ y: right.y
+ }, {
+ x: symbolTop.x,
+ y: symbolTop.y
+ } ], text), this.rightStart = !0, symbol.topEnd = !0, maxX = right.x + lineLength / 2; else if (origin && "bottom" === origin && isOnSameColumn && isUpper) line = drawLine(this.chart, bottom, [ {
+ x: bottom.x,
+ y: bottom.y + lineLength / 2
+ }, {
+ x: right.x + lineLength / 2,
+ y: bottom.y + lineLength / 2
+ }, {
+ x: right.x + lineLength / 2,
+ y: symbolTop.y - lineLength / 2
+ }, {
+ x: symbolTop.x,
+ y: symbolTop.y - lineLength / 2
+ }, {
+ x: symbolTop.x,
+ y: symbolTop.y
+ } ], text), this.bottomStart = !0, symbol.topEnd = !0, maxX = bottom.x + lineLength / 2; else if ("left" === origin && isOnSameColumn && isUpper) {
+ var diffX = left.x - lineLength / 2;
+ symbolLeft.x < left.x && (diffX = symbolLeft.x - lineLength / 2), line = drawLine(this.chart, left, [ {
+ x: diffX,
+ y: left.y
+ }, {
+ x: diffX,
+ y: symbolTop.y - lineLength / 2
+ }, {
+ x: symbolTop.x,
+ y: symbolTop.y - lineLength / 2
+ }, {
+ x: symbolTop.x,
+ y: symbolTop.y
+ } ], text), this.leftStart = !0, symbol.topEnd = !0, maxX = left.x;
+ } else "left" === origin && (line = drawLine(this.chart, left, [ {
+ x: symbolTop.x + (left.x - symbolTop.x) / 2,
+ y: left.y
+ }, {
+ x: symbolTop.x + (left.x - symbolTop.x) / 2,
+ y: symbolTop.y - lineLength / 2
+ }, {
+ x: symbolTop.x,
+ y: symbolTop.y - lineLength / 2
+ }, {
+ x: symbolTop.x,
+ y: symbolTop.y
+ } ], text), this.leftStart = !0, symbol.topEnd = !0, maxX = left.x); else line = drawLine(this.chart, bottom, [ {
+ x: bottom.x,
+ y: bottom.y + lineLength / 2
+ }, {
+ x: bottom.x + (bottom.x - symbolTop.x) / 2,
+ y: bottom.y + lineLength / 2
+ }, {
+ x: bottom.x + (bottom.x - symbolTop.x) / 2,
+ y: symbolTop.y - lineLength / 2
+ }, {
+ x: symbolTop.x,
+ y: symbolTop.y - lineLength / 2
+ }, {
+ x: symbolTop.x,
+ y: symbolTop.y
+ } ], text), this.bottomStart = !0, symbol.topEnd = !0, maxX = bottom.x + (bottom.x - symbolTop.x) / 2; else line = this.leftEnd && isUpper ? drawLine(this.chart, bottom, [ {
+ x: bottom.x,
+ y: bottom.y + lineLength / 2
+ }, {
+ x: bottom.x + (bottom.x - symbolTop.x) / 2,
+ y: bottom.y + lineLength / 2
+ }, {
+ x: bottom.x + (bottom.x - symbolTop.x) / 2,
+ y: symbolTop.y - lineLength / 2
+ }, {
+ x: symbolTop.x,
+ y: symbolTop.y - lineLength / 2
+ }, {
+ x: symbolTop.x,
+ y: symbolTop.y
+ } ], text) : drawLine(this.chart, bottom, [ {
+ x: bottom.x,
+ y: symbolTop.y - lineLength / 2
+ }, {
+ x: symbolTop.x,
+ y: symbolTop.y - lineLength / 2
+ }, {
+ x: symbolTop.x,
+ y: symbolTop.y
+ } ], text), this.bottomStart = !0, symbol.topEnd = !0, maxX = bottom.x + (bottom.x - symbolTop.x) / 2; else line = drawLine(this.chart, right, [ {
+ x: right.x + lineLength / 2,
+ y: right.y
+ }, {
+ x: right.x + lineLength / 2,
+ y: symbolTop.y - lineLength / 2
+ }, {
+ x: symbolTop.x,
+ y: symbolTop.y - lineLength / 2
+ }, {
+ x: symbolTop.x,
+ y: symbolTop.y
+ } ], text), this.rightStart = !0, symbol.topEnd = !0, maxX = right.x + lineLength / 2; else line = drawLine(this.chart, right, [ {
+ x: right.x + lineLength / 2,
+ y: right.y
+ }, {
+ x: right.x + lineLength / 2,
+ y: symbolTop.y - lineLength / 2
+ }, {
+ x: symbolTop.x,
+ y: symbolTop.y - lineLength / 2
+ }, {
+ x: symbolTop.x,
+ y: symbolTop.y
+ } ], text), this.rightStart = !0, symbol.topEnd = !0, maxX = right.x + lineLength / 2; else line = drawLine(this.chart, left, symbolRight, text),
+ this.leftStart = !0, symbol.rightEnd = !0, maxX = symbolRight.x; else line = drawLine(this.chart, right, symbolLeft, text),
+ this.rightStart = !0, symbol.leftEnd = !0, maxX = symbolLeft.x; else line = drawLine(this.chart, bottom, symbolTop, text),
+ this.bottomStart = !0, symbol.topEnd = !0, maxX = bottom.x;
+ if (line) {
+ for (var l = 0, llen = this.chart.lines.length; llen > l; l++) for (var len, otherLine = this.chart.lines[l], ePath = otherLine.attr("path"), lPath = line.attr("path"), iP = 0, lenP = ePath.length - 1; lenP > iP; iP++) {
+ var newPath = [];
+ newPath.push([ "M", ePath[iP][1], ePath[iP][2] ]), newPath.push([ "L", ePath[iP + 1][1], ePath[iP + 1][2] ]);
+ for (var line1_from_x = newPath[0][1], line1_from_y = newPath[0][2], line1_to_x = newPath[1][1], line1_to_y = newPath[1][2], lP = 0, lenlP = lPath.length - 1; lenlP > lP; lP++) {
+ var newLinePath = [];
+ newLinePath.push([ "M", lPath[lP][1], lPath[lP][2] ]), newLinePath.push([ "L", lPath[lP + 1][1], lPath[lP + 1][2] ]);
+ var line2_from_x = newLinePath[0][1], line2_from_y = newLinePath[0][2], line2_to_x = newLinePath[1][1], line2_to_y = newLinePath[1][2], res = checkLineIntersection(line1_from_x, line1_from_y, line1_to_x, line1_to_y, line2_from_x, line2_from_y, line2_to_x, line2_to_y);
+ if (res.onLine1 && res.onLine2) {
+ var newSegment;
+ line2_from_y === line2_to_y ? line2_from_x > line2_to_x ? (newSegment = [ "L", res.x + 2 * lineWith, line2_from_y ],
+ lPath.splice(lP + 1, 0, newSegment), newSegment = [ "C", res.x + 2 * lineWith, line2_from_y, res.x, line2_from_y - 4 * lineWith, res.x - 2 * lineWith, line2_from_y ],
+ lPath.splice(lP + 2, 0, newSegment), line.attr("path", lPath)) : (newSegment = [ "L", res.x - 2 * lineWith, line2_from_y ],
+ lPath.splice(lP + 1, 0, newSegment), newSegment = [ "C", res.x - 2 * lineWith, line2_from_y, res.x, line2_from_y - 4 * lineWith, res.x + 2 * lineWith, line2_from_y ],
+ lPath.splice(lP + 2, 0, newSegment), line.attr("path", lPath)) : line2_from_y > line2_to_y ? (newSegment = [ "L", line2_from_x, res.y + 2 * lineWith ],
+ lPath.splice(lP + 1, 0, newSegment), newSegment = [ "C", line2_from_x, res.y + 2 * lineWith, line2_from_x + 4 * lineWith, res.y, line2_from_x, res.y - 2 * lineWith ],
+ lPath.splice(lP + 2, 0, newSegment), line.attr("path", lPath)) : (newSegment = [ "L", line2_from_x, res.y - 2 * lineWith ],
+ lPath.splice(lP + 1, 0, newSegment), newSegment = [ "C", line2_from_x, res.y - 2 * lineWith, line2_from_x + 4 * lineWith, res.y, line2_from_x, res.y + 2 * lineWith ],
+ lPath.splice(lP + 2, 0, newSegment), line.attr("path", lPath)), lP += 2, len += 2;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ this.chart.lines.push(line);
+ }
+ (!this.chart.maxXFromLine || this.chart.maxXFromLine && maxX > this.chart.maxXFromLine) && (this.chart.maxXFromLine = maxX);
+ }, module.exports = Symbol;
+ }, /* 3 */
+ /*!************************************!*\
+ !*** ./src/flowchart.functions.js ***!
+ \************************************/
+ /***/
+ function(module, exports) {
+ function drawPath(chart, location, points) {
+ var i, len, path = "M{0},{1}";
+ for (i = 2, len = 2 * points.length + 2; len > i; i += 2) path += " L{" + i + "},{" + (i + 1) + "}";
+ var pathValues = [ location.x, location.y ];
+ for (i = 0, len = points.length; len > i; i++) pathValues.push(points[i].x), pathValues.push(points[i].y);
+ var symbol = chart.paper.path(path, pathValues);
+ symbol.attr("stroke", chart.options["element-color"]), symbol.attr("stroke-width", chart.options["line-width"]);
+ var font = chart.options.font, fontF = chart.options["font-family"], fontW = chart.options["font-weight"];
+ return font && symbol.attr({
+ font: font
+ }), fontF && symbol.attr({
+ "font-family": fontF
+ }), fontW && symbol.attr({
+ "font-weight": fontW
+ }), symbol;
+ }
+ function drawLine(chart, from, to, text) {
+ var i, len;
+ "[object Array]" !== Object.prototype.toString.call(to) && (to = [ to ]);
+ var path = "M{0},{1}";
+ for (i = 2, len = 2 * to.length + 2; len > i; i += 2) path += " L{" + i + "},{" + (i + 1) + "}";
+ var pathValues = [ from.x, from.y ];
+ for (i = 0, len = to.length; len > i; i++) pathValues.push(to[i].x), pathValues.push(to[i].y);
+ var line = chart.paper.path(path, pathValues);
+ line.attr({
+ stroke: chart.options["line-color"],
+ "stroke-width": chart.options["line-width"],
+ "arrow-end": chart.options["arrow-end"]
+ });
+ var font = chart.options.font, fontF = chart.options["font-family"], fontW = chart.options["font-weight"];
+ if (font && line.attr({
+ font: font
+ }), fontF && line.attr({
+ "font-family": fontF
+ }), fontW && line.attr({
+ "font-weight": fontW
+ }), text) {
+ var centerText = !1, textPath = chart.paper.text(0, 0, text), isHorizontal = !1, firstTo = to[0];
+ from.y === firstTo.y && (isHorizontal = !0);
+ var x = 0, y = 0;
+ centerText ? (x = from.x > firstTo.x ? from.x - (from.x - firstTo.x) / 2 : firstTo.x - (firstTo.x - from.x) / 2,
+ y = from.y > firstTo.y ? from.y - (from.y - firstTo.y) / 2 : firstTo.y - (firstTo.y - from.y) / 2,
+ isHorizontal ? (x -= textPath.getBBox().width / 2, y -= chart.options["text-margin"]) : (x += chart.options["text-margin"],
+ y -= textPath.getBBox().height / 2)) : (x = from.x, y = from.y, isHorizontal ? (x += chart.options["text-margin"] / 2,
+ y -= chart.options["text-margin"]) : (x += chart.options["text-margin"] / 2, y += chart.options["text-margin"])),
+ textPath.attr({
+ "text-anchor": "start",
+ "font-size": chart.options["font-size"],
+ fill: chart.options["font-color"],
+ x: x,
+ y: y
+ }), font && textPath.attr({
+ font: font
+ }), fontF && textPath.attr({
+ "font-family": fontF
+ }), fontW && textPath.attr({
+ "font-weight": fontW
+ });
+ }
+ return line;
+ }
+ function checkLineIntersection(line1StartX, line1StartY, line1EndX, line1EndY, line2StartX, line2StartY, line2EndX, line2EndY) {
+ // if the lines intersect, the result contains the x and y of the intersection (treating the lines as infinite) and booleans for whether line segment 1 or line segment 2 contain the point
+ var denominator, a, b, numerator1, numerator2, result = {
+ x: null,
+ y: null,
+ onLine1: !1,
+ onLine2: !1
+ };
+ // if we cast these lines infinitely in both directions, they intersect here:
+ /*
+ // it is worth noting that this should be the same as:
+ x = line2StartX + (b * (line2EndX - line2StartX));
+ y = line2StartX + (b * (line2EndY - line2StartY));
+ */
+ // if line1 is a segment and line2 is infinite, they intersect if:
+ // if line2 is a segment and line1 is infinite, they intersect if:
+ return denominator = (line2EndY - line2StartY) * (line1EndX - line1StartX) - (line2EndX - line2StartX) * (line1EndY - line1StartY),
+ 0 === denominator ? result : (a = line1StartY - line2StartY, b = line1StartX - line2StartX,
+ numerator1 = (line2EndX - line2StartX) * a - (line2EndY - line2StartY) * b, numerator2 = (line1EndX - line1StartX) * a - (line1EndY - line1StartY) * b,
+ a = numerator1 / denominator, b = numerator2 / denominator, result.x = line1StartX + a * (line1EndX - line1StartX),
+ result.y = line1StartY + a * (line1EndY - line1StartY), a > 0 && 1 > a && (result.onLine1 = !0),
+ b > 0 && 1 > b && (result.onLine2 = !0), result);
+ }
+ module.exports = {
+ drawPath: drawPath,
+ drawLine: drawLine,
+ checkLineIntersection: checkLineIntersection
+ };
+ }, /* 4 */
+ /*!********************************!*\
+ !*** ./src/flowchart.parse.js ***!
+ \********************************/
+ /***/
+ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
+ function parse(input) {
+ function getSymbol(s) {
+ var startIndex = s.indexOf("(") + 1, endIndex = s.indexOf(")");
+ return startIndex >= 0 && endIndex >= 0 ? chart.symbols[s.substring(0, startIndex - 1)] : chart.symbols[s];
+ }
+ function getNextPath(s) {
+ var next = "next", startIndex = s.indexOf("(") + 1, endIndex = s.indexOf(")");
+ return startIndex >= 0 && endIndex >= 0 && (next = flowSymb.substring(startIndex, endIndex),
+ next.indexOf(",") < 0 && "yes" !== next && "no" !== next && (next = "next, " + next)),
+ next;
+ }
+ input = input || "", input = input.trim();
+ for (var chart = {
+ symbols: {},
+ start: null,
+ drawSVG: function(container, options) {
+ function getDisplaySymbol(s) {
+ if (dispSymbols[s.key]) return dispSymbols[s.key];
+ switch (s.symbolType) {
+ case "start":
+ dispSymbols[s.key] = new Start(diagram, s);
+ break;
+ case "end":
+ dispSymbols[s.key] = new End(diagram, s);
+ break;
+ case "operation":
+ dispSymbols[s.key] = new Operation(diagram, s);
+ break;
+ case "inputoutput":
+ dispSymbols[s.key] = new InputOutput(diagram, s);
+ break;
+ case "subroutine":
+ dispSymbols[s.key] = new Subroutine(diagram, s);
+ break;
+ case "condition":
+ dispSymbols[s.key] = new Condition(diagram, s);
+ break;
+ default:
+ return new Error("Wrong symbol type!");
+ }
+ return dispSymbols[s.key];
+ }
+ var self = this;
+ this.diagram && this.diagram.clean();
+ var diagram = new FlowChart(container, options);
+ this.diagram = diagram;
+ var dispSymbols = {};
+ !function constructChart(s, prevDisp, prev) {
+ var dispSymb = getDisplaySymbol(s);
+ return self.start === s ? diagram.startWith(dispSymb) : prevDisp && prev && !prevDisp.pathOk && (prevDisp instanceof Condition ? (prev.yes === s && prevDisp.yes(dispSymb),
+ prev.no === s && prevDisp.no(dispSymb)) : prevDisp.then(dispSymb)), dispSymb.pathOk ? dispSymb : (dispSymb instanceof Condition ? (s.yes && constructChart(s.yes, dispSymb, s),
+ s.no && constructChart(s.no, dispSymb, s)) : s.next && constructChart(s.next, dispSymb, s),
+ dispSymb);
+ }(this.start), diagram.render();
+ },
+ clean: function() {
+ this.diagram.clean();
+ }
+ }, lines = [], prevBreak = 0, i0 = 1, i0len = input.length; i0len > i0; i0++) if ("\n" === input[i0] && "\\" !== input[i0 - 1]) {
+ var line0 = input.substring(prevBreak, i0);
+ prevBreak = i0 + 1, lines.push(line0.replace(/\\\n/g, "\n"));
+ }
+ prevBreak < input.length && lines.push(input.substr(prevBreak));
+ for (var l = 1, len = lines.length; len > l; ) {
+ var currentLine = lines[l];
+ currentLine.indexOf("->") < 0 && currentLine.indexOf("=>") < 0 ? (lines[l - 1] += "\n" + currentLine,
+ lines.splice(l, 1), len--) : l++;
+ }
+ for (;lines.length > 0; ) {
+ var line = lines.splice(0, 1)[0];
+ if (line.indexOf("=>") >= 0) {
+ // definition
+ var sub, parts = line.split("=>"), symbol = {
+ key: parts[0],
+ symbolType: parts[1],
+ text: null,
+ link: null,
+ target: null,
+ flowstate: null
+ };
+ /* adding support for links */
+ if (symbol.symbolType.indexOf(": ") >= 0 && (sub = symbol.symbolType.split(": "),
+ symbol.symbolType = sub.shift(), symbol.text = sub.join(": ")), symbol.text && symbol.text.indexOf(":>") >= 0 ? (sub = symbol.text.split(":>"),
+ symbol.text = sub.shift(), symbol.link = sub.join(":>")) : symbol.symbolType.indexOf(":>") >= 0 && (sub = symbol.symbolType.split(":>"),
+ symbol.symbolType = sub.shift(), symbol.link = sub.join(":>")), symbol.symbolType.indexOf("\n") >= 0 && (symbol.symbolType = symbol.symbolType.split("\n")[0]),
+ symbol.link) {
+ var startIndex = symbol.link.indexOf("[") + 1, endIndex = symbol.link.indexOf("]");
+ startIndex >= 0 && endIndex >= 0 && (symbol.target = symbol.link.substring(startIndex, endIndex),
+ symbol.link = symbol.link.substring(0, startIndex - 1));
+ }
+ /* end of link support */
+ /* adding support for flowstates */
+ if (symbol.text && symbol.text.indexOf("|") >= 0) {
+ var txtAndState = symbol.text.split("|");
+ symbol.flowstate = txtAndState.pop().trim(), symbol.text = txtAndState.join("|");
+ }
+ /* end of flowstate support */
+ chart.symbols[symbol.key] = symbol;
+ } else if (line.indexOf("->") >= 0) for (var flowSymbols = line.split("->"), i = 0, lenS = flowSymbols.length; lenS > i; i++) {
+ var flowSymb = flowSymbols[i], realSymb = getSymbol(flowSymb), next = getNextPath(flowSymb), direction = null;
+ if (next.indexOf(",") >= 0) {
+ var condOpt = next.split(",");
+ next = condOpt[0], direction = condOpt[1].trim();
+ }
+ if (chart.start || (chart.start = realSymb), lenS > i + 1) {
+ var nextSymb = flowSymbols[i + 1];
+ realSymb[next] = getSymbol(nextSymb), realSymb["direction_" + next] = direction,
+ direction = null;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return chart;
+ }
+ var FlowChart = __webpack_require__(/*! ./flowchart.chart */ 6), Start = __webpack_require__(/*! ./flowchart.symbol.start */ 12), End = __webpack_require__(/*! ./flowchart.symbol.end */ 9), Operation = __webpack_require__(/*! ./flowchart.symbol.operation */ 11), InputOutput = __webpack_require__(/*! ./flowchart.symbol.inputoutput */ 10), Subroutine = __webpack_require__(/*! ./flowchart.symbol.subroutine */ 13), Condition = __webpack_require__(/*! ./flowchart.symbol.condition */ 5);
+ module.exports = parse;
+ }, /* 5 */
+ /*!*******************************************!*\
+ !*** ./src/flowchart.symbol.condition.js ***!
+ \*******************************************/
+ /***/
+ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
+ function Condition(chart, options) {
+ options = options || {}, Symbol.call(this, chart, options), this.textMargin = this.getAttr("text-margin"),
+ this.yes_direction = "bottom", this.no_direction = "right", options.yes && options.direction_yes && options.no && !options.direction_no ? "right" === options.direction_yes ? (this.no_direction = "bottom",
+ this.yes_direction = "right") : (this.no_direction = "right", this.yes_direction = "bottom") : options.yes && !options.direction_yes && options.no && options.direction_no ? "right" === options.direction_no ? (this.yes_direction = "bottom",
+ this.no_direction = "right") : (this.yes_direction = "right", this.no_direction = "bottom") : (this.yes_direction = "bottom",
+ this.no_direction = "right"), this.yes_direction = this.yes_direction || "bottom",
+ this.no_direction = this.no_direction || "right", this.text.attr({
+ x: 2 * this.textMargin
+ });
+ var width = this.text.getBBox().width + 3 * this.textMargin;
+ width += width / 2;
+ var height = this.text.getBBox().height + 2 * this.textMargin;
+ height += height / 2, height = Math.max(.5 * width, height);
+ var startX = width / 4, startY = height / 4;
+ this.text.attr({
+ x: startX + this.textMargin / 2
+ });
+ var start = {
+ x: startX,
+ y: startY
+ }, points = [ {
+ x: startX - width / 4,
+ y: startY + height / 4
+ }, {
+ x: startX - width / 4 + width / 2,
+ y: startY + height / 4 + height / 2
+ }, {
+ x: startX - width / 4 + width,
+ y: startY + height / 4
+ }, {
+ x: startX - width / 4 + width / 2,
+ y: startY + height / 4 - height / 2
+ }, {
+ x: startX - width / 4,
+ y: startY + height / 4
+ } ], symbol = drawPath(chart, start, points);
+ symbol.attr({
+ stroke: this.getAttr("element-color"),
+ "stroke-width": this.getAttr("line-width"),
+ fill: this.getAttr("fill")
+ }), options.link && symbol.attr("href", options.link), options.target && symbol.attr("target", options.target),
+ options.key && (symbol.node.id = options.key), symbol.node.setAttribute("class", this.getAttr("class")),
+ this.text.attr({
+ y: symbol.getBBox().height / 2
+ }), this.group.push(symbol), symbol.insertBefore(this.text), this.initialize();
+ }
+ var Symbol = __webpack_require__(/*! ./flowchart.symbol */ 2), inherits = __webpack_require__(/*! ./flowchart.helpers */ 1).inherits, drawAPI = __webpack_require__(/*! ./flowchart.functions */ 3), drawPath = drawAPI.drawPath;
+ inherits(Condition, Symbol), Condition.prototype.render = function() {
+ this.yes_direction && (this[this.yes_direction + "_symbol"] = this.yes_symbol),
+ this.no_direction && (this[this.no_direction + "_symbol"] = this.no_symbol);
+ var lineLength = this.getAttr("line-length");
+ if (this.bottom_symbol) {
+ var bottomPoint = this.getBottom();
+ this.bottom_symbol.isPositioned || (this.bottom_symbol.shiftY(this.getY() + this.height + lineLength),
+ this.bottom_symbol.setX(bottomPoint.x - this.bottom_symbol.width / 2), this.bottom_symbol.isPositioned = !0,
+ this.bottom_symbol.render());
+ }
+ if (this.right_symbol) {
+ var rightPoint = this.getRight();
+ if (!this.right_symbol.isPositioned) {
+ this.right_symbol.setY(rightPoint.y - this.right_symbol.height / 2), this.right_symbol.shiftX(this.group.getBBox().x + this.width + lineLength);
+ var self = this;
+ !function shift() {
+ for (var symb, hasSymbolUnder = !1, i = 0, len = self.chart.symbols.length; len > i; i++) {
+ symb = self.chart.symbols[i];
+ var diff = Math.abs(symb.getCenter().x - self.right_symbol.getCenter().x);
+ if (symb.getCenter().y > self.right_symbol.getCenter().y && diff <= self.right_symbol.width / 2) {
+ hasSymbolUnder = !0;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ hasSymbolUnder && (self.right_symbol.setX(symb.getX() + symb.width + lineLength),
+ shift());
+ }(), this.right_symbol.isPositioned = !0, this.right_symbol.render();
+ }
+ }
+ }, Condition.prototype.renderLines = function() {
+ this.yes_symbol && this.drawLineTo(this.yes_symbol, this.getAttr("yes-text"), this.yes_direction),
+ this.no_symbol && this.drawLineTo(this.no_symbol, this.getAttr("no-text"), this.no_direction);
+ }, module.exports = Condition;
+ }, /* 6 */
+ /*!********************************!*\
+ !*** ./src/flowchart.chart.js ***!
+ \********************************/
+ /***/
+ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
+ function FlowChart(container, options) {
+ options = options || {}, this.paper = new Raphael(container), this.options = defaults(options, defaultOptions),
+ this.symbols = [], this.lines = [], this.start = null;
+ }
+ var Raphael = __webpack_require__(/*! raphael */ 15), defaults = __webpack_require__(/*! ./flowchart.helpers */ 1).defaults, defaultOptions = __webpack_require__(/*! ./flowchart.defaults */ 7), Condition = __webpack_require__(/*! ./flowchart.symbol.condition */ 5);
+ FlowChart.prototype.handle = function(symbol) {
+ this.symbols.indexOf(symbol) <= -1 && this.symbols.push(symbol);
+ var flowChart = this;
+ return symbol instanceof Condition ? (symbol.yes = function(nextSymbol) {
+ return symbol.yes_symbol = nextSymbol, symbol.no_symbol && (symbol.pathOk = !0),
+ flowChart.handle(nextSymbol);
+ }, symbol.no = function(nextSymbol) {
+ return symbol.no_symbol = nextSymbol, symbol.yes_symbol && (symbol.pathOk = !0),
+ flowChart.handle(nextSymbol);
+ }) : symbol.then = function(nextSymbol) {
+ return symbol.next = nextSymbol, symbol.pathOk = !0, flowChart.handle(nextSymbol);
+ }, symbol;
+ }, FlowChart.prototype.startWith = function(symbol) {
+ return this.start = symbol, this.handle(symbol);
+ }, FlowChart.prototype.render = function() {
+ var symbol, line, maxWidth = 0, maxHeight = 0, i = 0, len = 0, maxX = 0, maxY = 0, minX = 0, minY = 0;
+ for (i = 0, len = this.symbols.length; len > i; i++) symbol = this.symbols[i], symbol.width > maxWidth && (maxWidth = symbol.width),
+ symbol.height > maxHeight && (maxHeight = symbol.height);
+ for (i = 0, len = this.symbols.length; len > i; i++) symbol = this.symbols[i], symbol.shiftX(this.options.x + (maxWidth - symbol.width) / 2 + this.options["line-width"]),
+ symbol.shiftY(this.options.y + (maxHeight - symbol.height) / 2 + this.options["line-width"]);
+ // for (i = 0, len = this.symbols.length; i < len; i++) {
+ // symbol = this.symbols[i];
+ // symbol.render();
+ // }
+ for (this.start.render(), i = 0, len = this.symbols.length; len > i; i++) symbol = this.symbols[i],
+ symbol.renderLines();
+ for (maxX = this.maxXFromLine, i = 0, len = this.symbols.length; len > i; i++) {
+ symbol = this.symbols[i];
+ var x = symbol.getX() + symbol.width, y = symbol.getY() + symbol.height;
+ x > maxX && (maxX = x), y > maxY && (maxY = y);
+ }
+ for (i = 0, len = this.lines.length; len > i; i++) {
+ line = this.lines[i].getBBox();
+ var x = line.x, y = line.y, x2 = line.x2, y2 = line.y2;
+ minX > x && (minX = x), minY > y && (minY = y), x2 > maxX && (maxX = x2), y2 > maxY && (maxY = y2);
+ }
+ var scale = this.options.scale, lineWidth = this.options["line-width"];
+ 0 > minX && (minX -= lineWidth), 0 > minY && (minY -= lineWidth);
+ var width = maxX + lineWidth - minX, height = maxY + lineWidth - minY;
+ this.paper.setSize(width * scale, height * scale), this.paper.setViewBox(minX, minY, width, height, !0);
+ }, FlowChart.prototype.clean = function() {
+ if (this.paper) {
+ var paperDom = this.paper.canvas;
+ paperDom.parentNode.removeChild(paperDom);
+ }
+ }, module.exports = FlowChart;
+ }, /* 7 */
+ /*!***********************************!*\
+ !*** ./src/flowchart.defaults.js ***!
+ \***********************************/
+ /***/
+ function(module, exports) {
+ // defaults
+ module.exports = {
+ x: 0,
+ y: 0,
+ "line-width": 3,
+ "line-length": 50,
+ "text-margin": 10,
+ "font-size": 14,
+ "font-color": "black",
+ // 'font': 'normal',
+ // 'font-family': 'calibri',
+ // 'font-weight': 'normal',
+ "line-color": "black",
+ "element-color": "black",
+ fill: "white",
+ "yes-text": "yes",
+ "no-text": "no",
+ "arrow-end": "block",
+ "class": "flowchart",
+ scale: 1,
+ symbols: {
+ start: {},
+ end: {},
+ condition: {},
+ inputoutput: {},
+ operation: {},
+ subroutine: {}
+ }
+ };
+ }, /* 8 */
+ /*!*******************************!*\
+ !*** ./src/flowchart.shim.js ***!
+ \*******************************/
+ /***/
+ function(module, exports) {
+ // add indexOf to non ECMA-262 standard compliant browsers
+ Array.prototype.indexOf || (Array.prototype.indexOf = function(searchElement) {
+ "use strict";
+ if (null === this) throw new TypeError();
+ var t = Object(this), len = t.length >>> 0;
+ if (0 === len) return -1;
+ var n = 0;
+ if (arguments.length > 0 && (n = Number(arguments[1]), n != n ? n = 0 : 0 !== n && n != 1 / 0 && n != -(1 / 0) && (n = (n > 0 || -1) * Math.floor(Math.abs(n)))),
+ n >= len) return -1;
+ for (var k = n >= 0 ? n : Math.max(len - Math.abs(n), 0); len > k; k++) if (k in t && t[k] === searchElement) return k;
+ return -1;
+ }), // add lastIndexOf to non ECMA-262 standard compliant browsers
+ Array.prototype.lastIndexOf || (Array.prototype.lastIndexOf = function(searchElement) {
+ "use strict";
+ if (null === this) throw new TypeError();
+ var t = Object(this), len = t.length >>> 0;
+ if (0 === len) return -1;
+ var n = len;
+ arguments.length > 1 && (n = Number(arguments[1]), n != n ? n = 0 : 0 !== n && n != 1 / 0 && n != -(1 / 0) && (n = (n > 0 || -1) * Math.floor(Math.abs(n))));
+ for (var k = n >= 0 ? Math.min(n, len - 1) : len - Math.abs(n); k >= 0; k--) if (k in t && t[k] === searchElement) return k;
+ return -1;
+ }), String.prototype.trim || (String.prototype.trim = function() {
+ return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");
+ });
+ }, /* 9 */
+ /*!*************************************!*\
+ !*** ./src/flowchart.symbol.end.js ***!
+ \*************************************/
+ /***/
+ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
+ function End(chart, options) {
+ var symbol = chart.paper.rect(0, 0, 0, 0, 20);
+ options = options || {}, options.text = options.text || "End", Symbol.call(this, chart, options, symbol);
+ }
+ var Symbol = __webpack_require__(/*! ./flowchart.symbol */ 2), inherits = __webpack_require__(/*! ./flowchart.helpers */ 1).inherits;
+ inherits(End, Symbol), module.exports = End;
+ }, /* 10 */
+ /*!*********************************************!*\
+ !*** ./src/flowchart.symbol.inputoutput.js ***!
+ \*********************************************/
+ /***/
+ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
+ function InputOutput(chart, options) {
+ options = options || {}, Symbol.call(this, chart, options), this.textMargin = this.getAttr("text-margin"),
+ this.text.attr({
+ x: 3 * this.textMargin
+ });
+ var width = this.text.getBBox().width + 4 * this.textMargin, height = this.text.getBBox().height + 2 * this.textMargin, startX = this.textMargin, startY = height / 2, start = {
+ x: startX,
+ y: startY
+ }, points = [ {
+ x: startX - this.textMargin,
+ y: height
+ }, {
+ x: startX - this.textMargin + width,
+ y: height
+ }, {
+ x: startX - this.textMargin + width + 2 * this.textMargin,
+ y: 0
+ }, {
+ x: startX - this.textMargin + 2 * this.textMargin,
+ y: 0
+ }, {
+ x: startX,
+ y: startY
+ } ], symbol = drawPath(chart, start, points);
+ symbol.attr({
+ stroke: this.getAttr("element-color"),
+ "stroke-width": this.getAttr("line-width"),
+ fill: this.getAttr("fill")
+ }), options.link && symbol.attr("href", options.link), options.target && symbol.attr("target", options.target),
+ options.key && (symbol.node.id = options.key), symbol.node.setAttribute("class", this.getAttr("class")),
+ this.text.attr({
+ y: symbol.getBBox().height / 2
+ }), this.group.push(symbol), symbol.insertBefore(this.text), this.initialize();
+ }
+ var Symbol = __webpack_require__(/*! ./flowchart.symbol */ 2), inherits = __webpack_require__(/*! ./flowchart.helpers */ 1).inherits, drawAPI = __webpack_require__(/*! ./flowchart.functions */ 3), drawPath = drawAPI.drawPath;
+ inherits(InputOutput, Symbol), InputOutput.prototype.getLeft = function() {
+ var y = this.getY() + this.group.getBBox().height / 2, x = this.getX() + this.textMargin;
+ return {
+ x: x,
+ y: y
+ };
+ }, InputOutput.prototype.getRight = function() {
+ var y = this.getY() + this.group.getBBox().height / 2, x = this.getX() + this.group.getBBox().width - this.textMargin;
+ return {
+ x: x,
+ y: y
+ };
+ }, module.exports = InputOutput;
+ }, /* 11 */
+ /*!*******************************************!*\
+ !*** ./src/flowchart.symbol.operation.js ***!
+ \*******************************************/
+ /***/
+ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
+ function Operation(chart, options) {
+ var symbol = chart.paper.rect(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ options = options || {}, Symbol.call(this, chart, options, symbol);
+ }
+ var Symbol = __webpack_require__(/*! ./flowchart.symbol */ 2), inherits = __webpack_require__(/*! ./flowchart.helpers */ 1).inherits;
+ inherits(Operation, Symbol), module.exports = Operation;
+ }, /* 12 */
+ /*!***************************************!*\
+ !*** ./src/flowchart.symbol.start.js ***!
+ \***************************************/
+ /***/
+ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
+ function Start(chart, options) {
+ var symbol = chart.paper.rect(0, 0, 0, 0, 20);
+ options = options || {}, options.text = options.text || "Start", Symbol.call(this, chart, options, symbol);
+ }
+ var Symbol = __webpack_require__(/*! ./flowchart.symbol */ 2), inherits = __webpack_require__(/*! ./flowchart.helpers */ 1).inherits;
+ inherits(Start, Symbol), module.exports = Start;
+ }, /* 13 */
+ /*!********************************************!*\
+ !*** ./src/flowchart.symbol.subroutine.js ***!
+ \********************************************/
+ /***/
+ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
+ function Subroutine(chart, options) {
+ var symbol = chart.paper.rect(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ options = options || {}, Symbol.call(this, chart, options, symbol), symbol.attr({
+ width: this.text.getBBox().width + 4 * this.getAttr("text-margin")
+ }), this.text.attr({
+ x: 2 * this.getAttr("text-margin")
+ });
+ var innerWrap = chart.paper.rect(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ innerWrap.attr({
+ x: this.getAttr("text-margin"),
+ stroke: this.getAttr("element-color"),
+ "stroke-width": this.getAttr("line-width"),
+ width: this.text.getBBox().width + 2 * this.getAttr("text-margin"),
+ height: this.text.getBBox().height + 2 * this.getAttr("text-margin"),
+ fill: this.getAttr("fill")
+ }), options.key && (innerWrap.node.id = options.key + "i");
+ var font = this.getAttr("font"), fontF = this.getAttr("font-family"), fontW = this.getAttr("font-weight");
+ font && innerWrap.attr({
+ font: font
+ }), fontF && innerWrap.attr({
+ "font-family": fontF
+ }), fontW && innerWrap.attr({
+ "font-weight": fontW
+ }), options.link && innerWrap.attr("href", options.link), options.target && innerWrap.attr("target", options.target),
+ this.group.push(innerWrap), innerWrap.insertBefore(this.text), this.initialize();
+ }
+ var Symbol = __webpack_require__(/*! ./flowchart.symbol */ 2), inherits = __webpack_require__(/*! ./flowchart.helpers */ 1).inherits;
+ inherits(Subroutine, Symbol), module.exports = Subroutine;
+ }, /* 14 */
+ /*!******************************!*\
+ !*** ./src/jquery-plugin.js ***!
+ \******************************/
+ /***/
+ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
+ if ("undefined" != typeof jQuery) {
+ var parse = __webpack_require__(/*! ./flowchart.parse */ 4);
+ !function($) {
+ $.fn.flowChart = function(options) {
+ return this.each(function() {
+ var $this = $(this), chart = parse($this.text());
+ $this.html(""), chart.drawSVG(this, options);
+ });
+ };
+ }(jQuery);
+ }
+ }, /* 15 */
+ /*!**************************!*\
+ !*** external "Raphael" ***!
+ \**************************/
+ /***/
+ function(module, exports) {
+ module.exports = __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE_15__;
+ } ]);
+//# sourceMappingURL=flowchart.js.map \ No newline at end of file