layout: blog

<h1 class="blogHeader">
    <span class="rss">
        <img src="{{ site.baseurl }}/static/img/subscribe.png"><a href="{{ site.baseurl }}{{ site.rss_path }}">RSS Feed</a>

<div class="post">
        <div class="title">{{ page.title }}</div>
        <div class="author">By:
            {% if page.author.url %}
              <a href="{{ page.author.url }}">{{ page.author.name }}</a>
            {% else %}
              {{ page.author.name }}
            {% endif %}
        <div class="date">{{ page.date | date_to_string }}</div>
            {{ content }}
        <div class="row">
            <div class="col-sm-6">
                {% if page.previous %}
                    <a href="{{ site.baseurl }}{{ page.previous.url }}">Previous</a>
                    <a class="title" href="{{ site.baseurl }}{{ page.previous.url }}">{{ page.previous.title }}</a>
                    <div class="date"> {{ page.previous.date | date_to_string }} - By {{ page.previous.author.name }} </div>
                    <p class="content">
                        {{ page.previous.excerpt | strip_html | truncatewords:12 }}
                {% endif %}
            <div class="col-sm-6">
                {% if page.next %}
                    <a href="{{ site.baseurl }}{{ page.next.url }}">Next</a>
                    <a class="title" href="{{ site.baseurl }}{{ page.next.url }}">{{ page.next.title }}</a>
                    <div class="date"> {{ page.next.date | date_to_string }} - By {{ page.next.author.name}} </div>
                    <p class="content">
                                the markdownify filter is used here
                                because posts are rendered in sequence;
                                that is, the next post's content isn't
                                yet rendered at the time that this post
                                is being rendered, so page.next.excerpt
                                is still in Markdown and not HTML

                            Reference: https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll/issues/2860
                        {{ page.next.excerpt | markdownify | strip_html | truncatewords:12 }}
                {% endif %}
    <!--<div class="disqus">
        {% include disqus.html %}