/* * Copyright (C) 2016 "IoT.bzh" * Author Fulup Ar Foll <fulup@iot.bzh> * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * AfbCallBack (snd_ctl_hal_t *handle, int numid, void **response); * AlsaHookInit is mandatory and called with numid=0 * * Syntax in .asoundrc file * CrlLabel { cb MyFunctionName name "My_Second_Control" } * * Testing: * aplay -DAlsaHook /usr/share/sounds/alsa/test.wav * * References: * https://www.spinics.net/lists/alsa-devel/msg54235.html * https://github.com/shivdasgujare/utilities/blob/master/nexuss/alsa-scenario-hook/src/alsa-wrapper.c */ #define _GNU_SOURCE #include <stdio.h> #include <alloca.h> #include <alsa/asoundlib.h> #include <alsa/conf.h> #include <alsa/pcm.h> #include <systemd/sd-event.h> #include <json-c/json.h> #include "afb/afb-wsj1.h" #include "afb/afb-ws-client.h" #include "afb/afb-proto-ws.h" #include <pthread.h> #include <semaphore.h> #define PLUGIN_ENTRY_POINT AlsaInstallHook // Fulup Note: What ever you may find on Internet you should use // SND_CONFIG_DLSYM_VERSION_HOOK and not SND_CONFIG_DLSYM_VERSION_HOOK SND_DLSYM_BUILD_VERSION(PLUGIN_ENTRY_POINT, SND_PCM_DLSYM_VERSION) // this should be more than enough #define MAX_API_CALL 10 #define MAX_EVT_CALL 10 // timeout in ms #define REQUEST_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT 500 #ifndef MAINLOOP_WATCHDOG #define MAINLOOP_WATCHDOG 100000 #endif // closing message is added to query when PCM is closed #define CLOSING_MSG ",\"source\":-1}" // Currently not implemented #define UNUSED_ARG(x) UNUSED_ ## x __attribute__((__unused__)) typedef struct { const char *apiverb; json_object *queryJ; sd_event_source *evtSource; char *callIdTag; void *afbClient; } afbRequestT; typedef struct { const char *search; const char *value; long ivalue; int signal; } afbEventT; typedef struct { char *name; char *uid; snd_pcm_t *pcm; const char *uri; struct afb_proto_ws *pws; sd_event *sdLoop; int verbose; int synchronous; sem_t semaphore; long timeout; int count; int errcount; afbRequestT **request; afbRequestT **release; afbEventT **event; pthread_t tid; } afbClientT; static void *LoopInThread(void *handle) { afbClientT *afbClient = (afbClientT*) handle; int count=0; int watchdog= MAINLOOP_WATCHDOG *1000; /* loop until end */ for (;;) { if (afbClient->verbose) printf("ON-MAINLOOP Session=%s ping=%d\n", afbClient->uid, count++); int res = sd_event_run(afbClient->sdLoop, watchdog); if ( res < 0 ) { printf("ERROR in LoopInThread \"%i\" Break ON-MAINLOOP errno=%s.\n", res, strerror(errno)); break; } } pthread_exit(0); } // lost connect with the AudioDaemon static void OnHangupCB(void *handle) { afbClientT *afbClient = (afbClientT*) handle; SNDERR("(Hoops) Lost Connection to %s", afbClient->uri); // try to close PCM when impossible terminate client int err = snd_pcm_close (afbClient->pcm); if (err) exit(1); } typedef enum { HOOK_INSTALL, HOOK_CLOSE, } hookActionT; void OnEventCB(void *handle, const char *event, int evtid, struct json_object *dataJ) { afbClientT *afbClient = (afbClientT*) handle; afbEventT **afbEvent = afbClient->event; json_object *tmpJ; int signal=0, index; // if no event handler just ignore events if (!afbEvent) goto OnErrorExit; if (afbClient->verbose) printf("ON-EVENT processing signal event=%s search=%s session=%s\n", event, json_object_get_string(dataJ), afbClient->uid); // loop on event/signal mapping table for (index=0; afbEvent[index]!= NULL; index++) { int done; done = json_object_object_get_ex(dataJ,afbEvent[index]->search, &tmpJ); if (done) { if (afbEvent[index]->value) { // search value is a string if (json_object_get_type(tmpJ) != json_type_string) goto OnErrorExit; const char *value=json_object_get_string(tmpJ); if (!strcmp(afbEvent[index]->value, value)) signal=afbEvent[index]->signal; } else { // search value is an integer if (json_object_get_type(tmpJ) != json_type_int) goto OnErrorExit; int ivalue=json_object_get_int(tmpJ); if (ivalue == afbEvent[index]->ivalue) signal=afbEvent[index]->signal; } break; } } if (signal) { if (afbClient->verbose) printf("ON-EVENT self-signal search=%s signal=%d\n", afbEvent[index]->search, afbEvent[index]->signal); if (afbEvent[index]->signal) kill (getpid(), afbEvent[index]->signal); } return; OnErrorExit: if (afbClient->verbose) SNDERR("ON-EVENT Fail/Ignored %s(%s)\n", event, json_object_get_string(dataJ)); return; } static void OnSuccessCB(void* UNUSED_ARG(ctx) , void* handle, json_object* responseJ, const char* info) { afbRequestT *afbRequest= (afbRequestT*)handle; afbClientT *afbClient=(afbClientT*)afbRequest->afbClient; if (afbClient->verbose) printf("OnSuccessCB callid='%s' response='%s' info='%s'\n", afbRequest->callIdTag, json_object_get_string(responseJ), info); // Cancel timeout for this request sd_event_source_unref(afbRequest->evtSource); free(afbRequest->callIdTag); // When not more waiting call release semaphore afbClient->count--; if (afbClient->synchronous) { if (afbClient->verbose) printf("OnSuccessCB One Request Done\n"); sem_post (&afbClient->semaphore); } else if (afbClient->count == 0) { if (afbClient->verbose) printf("OnSuccessCB No More Waiting Request\n"); sem_post (&afbClient->semaphore); } } static void OnFailureCB(void* UNUSED_ARG(ctx), void* handle, const char *status, const char *info) { afbRequestT *afbRequest= (afbRequestT*)handle; afbClientT *afbClient=(afbClientT*)afbRequest->afbClient; if (afbClient->verbose) printf("OnFailureCB callid='%s' status='%s' info='%s'\n", afbRequest->callIdTag, status, info); // Cancel timeout for this request sd_event_source_unref(afbRequest->evtSource); free(afbRequest->callIdTag); afbClient->errcount++; sem_post (&afbClient->semaphore); } /* the callback interface for pws */ static struct afb_proto_ws_client_itf itf = { .on_reply_success = OnSuccessCB, .on_reply_fail = OnFailureCB, .on_event_create = NULL, .on_event_remove = NULL, .on_event_subscribe = NULL, .on_event_unsubscribe = NULL, .on_event_push = OnEventCB, .on_event_broadcast = NULL, .on_subcall = NULL, }; int OnTimeoutCB (sd_event_source* source, uint64_t timer, void* handle) { afbClientT *afbClient= (afbClientT*)handle; SNDERR("\nON-TIMEOUT Call Request Fail session=%s\n", afbClient->uid ); // Close PCM and release waiting client afbClient->errcount=1; sem_post (&afbClient->semaphore); return 0; } // Call AGL binder asynchronously by with a timeout static int CallWithTimeout(afbClientT *afbClient, afbRequestT *afbRequest, int count) { uint64_t usec; int err; // create a unique tag for request int res= asprintf(&afbRequest->callIdTag, "%d:%s", count, afbRequest->apiverb); // create a timer with ~250us accuracy sd_event_now(afbClient->sdLoop, CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &usec); sd_event_add_time(afbClient->sdLoop, &afbRequest->evtSource, CLOCK_MONOTONIC, usec+afbClient->timeout*1000, 250, OnTimeoutCB, afbClient); // release action is optional if (afbRequest->apiverb) { err = afb_proto_ws_client_call(afbClient->pws, afbRequest->apiverb, afbRequest->queryJ, afbClient->uid, afbRequest); if (afbClient->verbose) printf("CALL-REQUEST verb=%s query=%s tag=%s session=%s err=%d\n", afbRequest->apiverb, json_object_get_string(afbRequest->queryJ), afbRequest->callIdTag, afbClient->uid, err); if (err < 0 ) goto OnErrorExit; } // save client handle in request afbRequest->afbClient = afbClient; afbClient->count ++; // in synchronous mode we wait for CB to return if (afbClient->synchronous) { sem_wait(&afbClient->semaphore); if (afbClient->errcount) { printf("CALL-REQUEST FAILED afbClient->errcount=%d session=%s \n", afbClient->errcount,afbClient->uid); goto OnErrorExit; } } return 0; OnErrorExit: fprintf(stderr, "LaunchCallRequest: Fail ws-client=%s query=%s&%s\n", afbClient->uri, afbRequest->apiverb, json_object_get_string(afbRequest->queryJ)); return 1; } static int LaunchCallRequest(afbClientT *afbClient, hookActionT action) { int err, idx; // each callback on error add one to error count. afbClient->errcount = 0; switch (action) { case HOOK_INSTALL: { if (afbClient->verbose) printf("HOOK_INSTALL Session=%s\n", afbClient->uid); // init waiting counting semaphore if (sem_init(&afbClient->semaphore, 1, 0) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "LaunchCallRequest: Fail Semaphore Init: %s\n", afbClient->uri); } // Create a main loop err = sd_event_new(&afbClient->sdLoop); if (err < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "LaunchCallRequest: Connection to default event loop failed: %s\n", strerror(-err)); goto OnErrorExit; } // start a thread with a mainloop to monitor Audio-Agent err = pthread_create(&afbClient->tid, NULL, &LoopInThread, afbClient); if (err) goto OnErrorExit; afbClient->pws = afb_ws_client_connect_api(afbClient->sdLoop, afbClient->uri, &itf, afbClient); if (afbClient->pws == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "LaunchCallRequest: Connection to %s failed\n", afbClient->uri); goto OnErrorExit; } if (afbClient->verbose) printf ("LaunchCallRequest:optional HOOK_OPEN uri=%s\n", afbClient->uri); // register hanghup callback afb_proto_ws_on_hangup(afbClient->pws, OnHangupCB); // If no request exit now if (!afbClient->release) { fprintf(stderr, "LaunchCallRequest: HOOK_INSTALL:fatal mandatory request call missing in asoundrc\n"); goto OnErrorExit;; } // send call request to audio-agent asynchronously (respond with thread mainloop context) for (idx = 0; afbClient->request[idx] != NULL; idx++) { err = CallWithTimeout(afbClient, afbClient->request[idx], idx); if (err) goto OnErrorExit; } // launch counter to keep track of waiting request call afbClient->count=idx; break; } case HOOK_CLOSE: { if (afbClient->verbose) printf("HOOK_CLOSE Session=%s\n", afbClient->uid); // If no request exit now if (!afbClient->release) { if (afbClient->verbose) printf("LaunchCallRequest:optional HOOK_CLOSE no release control call\n"); break; } // send call request to audio-agent asynchronously (respond with thread mainloop context) for (idx = 0; afbClient->release[idx] != NULL; idx++) { err = CallWithTimeout(afbClient, afbClient->release[idx], idx); if (err) goto OnErrorExit; } // launch counter to keep track of waiting request call afbClient->count=idx; break; } default: fprintf(stderr, "LaunchCallRequest (hoops): Unknown action"); goto OnErrorExit; } return 0; OnErrorExit: return -1; } static void AlsaHookClean (afbClientT *afbClient) { free(afbClient->uid); free(afbClient->name); free(afbClient->uri); if (afbClient->event) { afbEventT **afbEvent=afbClient->event; for (int index=0; afbEvent[index]!= NULL; index++) { free(afbEvent[index]->search); free(afbEvent[index]->value); } free(afbEvent); } if (afbClient->request) { afbRequestT **afbRequest=afbClient->request; for (int index=0; afbRequest[index]!= NULL; index++) { free(afbRequest[index]->apiverb); json_object_put(afbRequest[index]->queryJ); } free(afbRequest); } if (afbClient->release) { afbRequestT **afbRelease=afbClient->release; for (int index=0; afbRelease[index]!= NULL; index++) { free(afbRelease[index]->apiverb); json_object_put(afbRelease[index]->queryJ); } free(afbRelease); } free(afbClient); } static int AlsaCloseHook(snd_pcm_hook_t *hook) { afbClientT *afbClient = (afbClientT*) snd_pcm_hook_get_private (hook); // launch call request and create a waiting mainloop thread int err = LaunchCallRequest(afbClient, HOOK_CLOSE); if (err < 0) { fprintf (stderr, "Error on PCM Release Call\n"); goto OnErrorExit; } // wait for all call request to return if (afbClient->errcount) { fprintf (stderr, "AlsaCloseHook: Notice exit before audio-4a response\n"); goto OnErrorExit; } // request main loop to terminate without signal if (afbClient->verbose) printf("AlsaCloseHook: Start pthread_cancel request\n"); int s = pthread_cancel(afbClient->tid); if (s != 0) printf("AlsaCloseHook: ERROR on pthread_cancel err %d\n",s); /* Join with thread to see what its exit status was */ void *res; s = pthread_join(afbClient->tid, &res); if (s != 0) printf("AlsaCloseHook: ERROR on pthread_join err %d\n",s); if (res == PTHREAD_CANCELED) if (afbClient->verbose) fprintf(stdout, "\nAlsaHook Close Success PCM=%s URI=%s\n", snd_pcm_name(afbClient->pcm), afbClient->uri); else printf("AlsaCloseHook: EventLoop thread failed to canceled (shouldn't happen!)\n"); AlsaHookClean(afbClient); return 0; OnErrorExit: fprintf(stderr, "\nAlsaPcmHook Plugin Close Fail PCM=%s\n", snd_pcm_name(afbClient->pcm)); return 0; } // Get an asoundrc compound and return it as a JSON object static json_object* AlsaGetJson (snd_config_t *ctlconfig, const char *id, const char*label) { json_object *queryJ; snd_config_type_t ctype; char* query; // each control is a sting that contain a json object ctype = snd_config_get_type(ctlconfig); snd_config_get_string(ctlconfig, (const char**) &query); if (ctype != SND_CONFIG_TYPE_STRING) { SNDERR("Invalid signal number for %s value=%s", label, query); goto OnErrorExit; } // cleanup string for json_tokener for (int idx = 0; query[idx] != '\0'; idx++) { if (query[idx] == '\'') query[idx] = '"'; } queryJ = json_tokener_parse(query); if (!queryJ) { SNDERR("Not a valid Json object control='%s' query='%s'", id, query); goto OnErrorExit; } return queryJ; OnErrorExit: return NULL; } static int AlsaGetActions (snd_config_t *node, afbRequestT **afbRequest, const char*id) { const char *callConf, *apiverb; snd_config_type_t ctype; snd_config_iterator_t currentCall, follow; int callCount=0; ctype = snd_config_get_type(node); if (ctype != SND_CONFIG_TYPE_COMPOUND) { snd_config_get_string(node, &callConf); SNDERR("Invalid compound type for %s", callConf); goto OnErrorExit; } // loop on each call snd_config_for_each(currentCall, follow, node) { snd_config_t *ctlconfig = snd_config_iterator_entry(currentCall); // ignore empty line if (snd_config_get_id(ctlconfig, &apiverb) < 0) continue; // allocate an empty call request afbRequest[callCount] = calloc(1, sizeof (afbRequestT)); afbRequest[callCount]->apiverb=strdup(apiverb); afbRequest[callCount]->queryJ= AlsaGetJson(ctlconfig, id, apiverb); if (!afbRequest[callCount]->queryJ) goto OnErrorExit; // move to next call if any callCount ++; if (callCount == MAX_EVT_CALL) { SNDERR("Too Many call MAX_EVT_CALL=%d", MAX_EVT_CALL); goto OnErrorExit; } afbRequest[callCount]=NULL; // afbEvent array is NULL terminated } return 0; OnErrorExit: return 1; } static int AlsaGetEvents (snd_config_t *node, afbEventT **afbEvent, const char*id) { const char *confEvents, *evtpattern; snd_config_type_t ctype; snd_config_iterator_t currentEvt, follow; snd_config_t *itemConf; int callCount=0; int err; ctype = snd_config_get_type(node); if (ctype != SND_CONFIG_TYPE_COMPOUND) { snd_config_get_string(node, &confEvents); SNDERR("Invalid compound type for %s", confEvents); goto OnErrorExit; } // loop on each call snd_config_for_each(currentEvt, follow, node) { snd_config_t *ctlconfig = snd_config_iterator_entry(currentEvt); // ignore empty line if (snd_config_get_id(ctlconfig, &evtpattern) < 0) continue; // allocate an empty call request afbEvent[callCount] = calloc(1, sizeof (afbEventT)); // extract signal num from config label for (int idx=0; evtpattern[idx] != '\0'; idx++) { if (evtpattern[idx]=='-' && evtpattern[idx+1] != '\0') { int done= sscanf (&evtpattern[idx+1], "%d",&afbEvent[callCount]->signal); if (done != 1) { SNDERR("Invalid Signal '%s' definition should be something like Sig-xx", evtpattern); goto OnErrorExit; } break; } } // extract signal key value search pattern ctype = snd_config_get_type(ctlconfig); if (ctype != SND_CONFIG_TYPE_COMPOUND) { snd_config_get_string(ctlconfig, &confEvents); SNDERR("Invalid event search pattern for %s value=%s", evtpattern, confEvents); goto OnErrorExit; } // pattern should have a search err = snd_config_search(ctlconfig, "search", &itemConf); if (!err) { const char *search; if (snd_config_get_string(itemConf, &search) < 0) { SNDERR("Invalid event/signal 'search' should be a string %s", confEvents); goto OnErrorExit; } afbEvent[callCount]->search=strdup(search); } else { SNDERR("Missing 'search' from event/signal 'search' from signal definition %s", confEvents); goto OnErrorExit; } // pattern should have a value err = snd_config_search(ctlconfig, "value", &itemConf); if (!err) { const char *value; switch (snd_config_get_type(itemConf)) { case SND_CONFIG_TYPE_INTEGER: snd_config_get_integer(itemConf, &afbEvent[callCount]->ivalue); break; case SND_CONFIG_TYPE_STRING: snd_config_get_string(itemConf, &value); afbEvent[callCount]->value=strdup(value); break; default: SNDERR("Invalid event/signal 'value' should be a string %s", confEvents); goto OnErrorExit; } } else { SNDERR("Missing 'value' from event/signal 'value' from signal definition %s", confEvents); goto OnErrorExit; } // move to next call if any callCount ++; if (callCount == MAX_EVT_CALL) { SNDERR("Too Many call MAX_EVT_CALL=%d", MAX_EVT_CALL); goto OnErrorExit; } afbEvent[callCount]=NULL; // afbEvent array is NULL terminated } return 0; OnErrorExit: return 1; } // Function call when Plugin PCM is OPEN int PLUGIN_ENTRY_POINT (snd_pcm_t *pcm, snd_config_t *conf) { snd_pcm_hook_t *h_close = NULL; snd_config_iterator_t it, next; afbClientT *afbClient = calloc(1,sizeof (afbClientT)); int err; // start populating client handle afbClient->pcm = pcm; afbClient->name= strdup(snd_pcm_name(pcm)); afbClient->verbose = 0; (void) asprintf(&afbClient->uid, "hook:%s:%d", afbClient->name, getpid()); // Get PCM arguments from asoundrc snd_config_for_each(it, next, conf) { snd_config_t *node = snd_config_iterator_entry(it); const char *id; // ignore comment en empty lines if (snd_config_get_id(node, &id) < 0) continue; if (strcmp(id, "comment") == 0 || strcmp(id, "hint") == 0) continue; if (strcmp(id, "uri") == 0) { const char *uri; if (snd_config_get_string(node, &uri) < 0) { SNDERR("Invalid String for %s", id); goto OnErrorExit; } afbClient->uri=strdup(uri); continue; } if (strcmp(id, "verbose") == 0) { afbClient->verbose= snd_config_get_bool(node); if (afbClient->verbose < 0) { SNDERR("Invalid Boolean for %s", id); goto OnErrorExit; } continue; } if (strcmp(id, "synchronous") == 0) { afbClient->synchronous= snd_config_get_bool(node); if (afbClient->synchronous < 0) { SNDERR("Invalid Boolean for %s", id); goto OnErrorExit; } continue; } if (strcmp(id, "timeout") == 0) { if (snd_config_get_integer(node, &afbClient->timeout) < 0) { SNDERR("Invalid timeout Integer %s", id); goto OnErrorExit; } continue; } if (strcmp(id, "request") == 0) { afbClient->request = malloc(MAX_API_CALL * sizeof(afbRequestT*));; int err= AlsaGetActions(node, afbClient->request , id); if (err) goto OnErrorExit; continue; } if (strcmp(id, "release") == 0) { afbClient->release = malloc(MAX_API_CALL * sizeof(afbRequestT*));; int err= AlsaGetActions(node, afbClient->release, id); if (err) goto OnErrorExit; continue; } if (strcmp(id, "events") == 0) { afbClient->event= malloc(MAX_API_CALL * sizeof(afbRequestT*));; int err= AlsaGetEvents(node, afbClient->event, id); if (err) goto OnErrorExit; continue; } } if (afbClient->verbose) fprintf(stdout, "\nAlsaHook Install Start PCM=%s URI=%s\n", snd_pcm_name(afbClient->pcm), afbClient->uri); err = snd_pcm_hook_add(&h_close, afbClient->pcm, SND_PCM_HOOK_TYPE_CLOSE, AlsaCloseHook, afbClient); if (err < 0) goto OnErrorExit; // launch call request and create a waiting mainloop thread err = LaunchCallRequest(afbClient, HOOK_INSTALL); if (err < 0) { fprintf (stderr, "PCM Fail to Get Authorisation\n"); goto OnErrorExit; } // wait for all call request to return if (!afbClient->synchronous) sem_wait(&afbClient->semaphore); if (afbClient->errcount) { fprintf (stderr, "PCM Authorisation Deny from AAAA Controller (AGL Advanced Audio Agent)\n"); goto OnErrorExit; } if (afbClient->verbose) fprintf(stdout, "\nAlsaHook Install Success PCM=%s URI=%s\n", afbClient->name, afbClient->uri); return 0; OnErrorExit: fprintf(stderr, "\nAlsaPcmHook Plugin Policy Control Fail PCM=%s\n", afbClient->name); if (h_close) snd_pcm_hook_remove(h_close); return -EINVAL; }